4286 matching Old Irish forms found. (Click on a column heading to sort by that column.)
MS | Gloss | Thes. | Word form | Headword | Word class | Sub-class | Morph. | Meaning | Voice | Relative? |
1a14 | f | 1a2 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
1a14 | f | 1a2 | at·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
1a14 | f | 1a2 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | adverbial: even, too | | |
1a20 | k | 1a4 | tra | trá [DIL] | adverb | conjunctive | | followed by a clause: then, therefore, now | | |
1a20 | k | 1a4 | som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | 3sg.masc. | as subject of verb | | |
1a29 | n | 1a5 | n-dead | dead 1 [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | end, conclusion | | |
1a33 | o | 1a6 | neurt | nert [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | strength | | |
1a33 | o | 1a6 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
1b7 | e | 1b1 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | if | | |
2a2 | b | 2a2 | ceniul | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | In general sense of kind, sort, type | | |
2a2 | b | 2a2 | fis | fis [DIL] | noun | m, u and n, o | gen.sg. | the act of finding out or ascertaining | | |
2a2 | b | 2a2 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
2a2 | b | 2a2 | ecni | ecna(e) [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | wisdom | | |
2a13 | l | 2a7 | cid | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
2a13 | l | 2a7 | cid | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
2a16 | o | 2a8 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | neut. | possession, ownership, association | | |
2a16 | o | 2a8 | ar | ara [DIL] | conjunction | final (purpose), and explicative | | in negative (or virtually negative) sentences | | |
2a16 | o | 2a8 | na | ná 4 [DIL] | conjunction | negative subordinating | | after subordinating conj ara | | |
2a16 | o | 2a8 | arna·roib | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.subj. | | Active | Y |
2a27 | y | 2a10 | naib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl + do 1 | with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
2b8 | g | 2b1 | déainmmnichdechaib | dé-ainmnigthech [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.pl. | denominative | | |
2b13 | k | 2b2 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst or pronom followed by rel clause | | |
2b13 | k | 2b2 | cobás | cobás [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | connexion | | |
2b13 | k | 2b2 | ṁ-bís | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
2b31 | a | 2b3 | dligeth | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | law | | |
3a3 | d | 3a1 | cita·biat | cita·bí [DIL] | verb | substantive verb (compound) | 3pl.pres.ind. | feels, perceives | Active | Y |
3a5 | h | 3a2 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst or pronom followed by rel clause | | |
3a5 | h | 3a2 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
3a11 | m | 3a3 | bís | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
3a11 | m | 3a3 | menmain | menma [DIL] | noun | m, n | dat.sg. | the mind | | |
3a13 | q | 3a4 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
3a13 | q | 3a4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
3a13 | q | 3a4 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
3a13 | s | 3a6 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
3a21 | cc | 3a8 | neph | neph- [DIL] | particle | prefix, negative | | with adjective | | |
3a31 | nn | 3a10 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | nom.pl.masc. | as subject of the copula | | |
3a32 | qq | 3a11 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
3a32 | qq | 3a11 | a·ta | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
3a32 | qq | 3a11 | dechor | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | difference | | |
3a32 | qq | 3a11 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | objective genitive | | |
3b4 | d | 3b1 | coindei(u)lc | coindelg [DIL] | noun | n (?), o | dat.sg. | comparison, gramm. comparative degree | | |
3b6 | k | 3b3 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.pl. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
3b15 | u | 3b9 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | with adjective | | |
3b18 | aa | 3b11 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | | and | | |
3b19 | bb | 3b12 | cani | cani [DIL] | pronoun | negative interrogative | | negative interrogative expecting a positive answer | | |
3b21 | hh | 3b13 | dasian | dasian [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | acc.sg. | rough breathing | | |
3b21 | hh | 3b13 | lethit | leithet [DIL] | noun | n, t | acc.sg. | breadth, width | | |
3b22 | kk | 3b14 | nd | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + de 1 | with prep and substantive and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
3b22 | kk | 3b14 | trediu | tréide [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | dat.sg. | three things | | |
3b24 | oo | | dasian | dasian [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | dat.sg. | rough breathing | | |
3b26 | pp | 3b17 | chumachtai | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | power, strength | | |
3b26 | pp | 3b17 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns with articles | and | | |
3b27 | rr | 3b18 | tóraind | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | sign, figure | | |
3b27 | ss | 3b19 | bis | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
3b27 | ss | 3b19 | tórunt | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | figure, sign | | |
3b27 | ss | 3b19 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | with 3sg.pres.subj. of copula | with pres subj (in generalizing clauses) when condition is future or indefinite | | |
3b27 | ss | 3b19 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | with 3sg.pres.subj. of copula | with pres subj (in generalizing clauses) when condition is future or indefinite | | |
3b28 | tt | 3b20 | fuath | fúath [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.pl. | form, likeness | | |
3b28 | tt | 3b20 | caracter | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
3b29 | uu | 3b21 | cumachtai [leg. cumachtae] | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | acc.pl. | power | | |
3b29 | ww | 3b22 | carachtra | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.pl. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
3b30 | xx | 3b23 | aisṅdísin | aisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | nom.pl. | pronunciation, act of telling, explaining | | |
3b31 | yy | 3b24 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with adverbial form of the adjective | | |
3b32 | zz | 3b25 | aisṅdisen | aisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | pronunciation, act of telling, explaining | | |
3b32 | zz | 3b25 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
3b33 | ab | | tosug | tosach [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | beginning | | |
3b34 | ad | 3b27 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
3b34 | ad | 3b27 | chárachtraib | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.pl. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | ní·ruban | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | scríbind | scríbend [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | act of writing | | |
3b34 | ag | | uinse | uindim [DIL] | verb | unclear | 2sg.impv. | I see | Active | |
3b35 | ah | 3b30 | scríbund | scríbend [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | act of writing | | |
4a1 | a | 4a1 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.pl. | with subst alone | | |
4a1 | a | 4a1 | tóranda | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.pl. | figure, sign | | |
4a4 | e | 4a5 | cóica | cóica [DIL] | noun | m, nt | nom.sg. | fifty | | |
4a13 | g | 4a6 | ǽcath | áecath [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | (fish-)hook | | |
4a15 | i | 4a7 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with Latin subst | | |
4a15 | i | 4a7 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
4a16 | k | 4a8 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
4a22 | o | 4a10 | chiunn | cenn [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | with prep ar 1: in textual references | | |
4a32 | x | 4a12 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
4a32 | x | 4a12 | fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
4a32 | x | 4a12 | testimin | testimin [DIL] | noun | m and f | acc.sg. | text, scriptural quotation, passage | | |
4b1 | a | 4b1 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | | with pres subj (in generalizing clauses) when condition is future or indefinite | | |
4b1 | a | 4b1 | con·roib | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.subj. | | Active | |
4b1 | a | 4b1 | geniten | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
4b2 | d | 4b3 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | son | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | emphasising previous element | | |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | didiu | didiu [DIL] | particle | transitional | | in logical sequence, drawing a conclusion: therefore, then | | |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | | with impf | | |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | bís | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
4b8 | i | 4b6 | tinaid | tinaid [DIL] | verb | inflexion not clear | 3sg.pres.ind. | vanishes, melts | Active | |
4b8 | i | 4b6 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two verbs | and | | |
4b8 | i | 4b6 | a | -a- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class A | 3sg n (leniting) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
4b9 | k | 4b7 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
4b9 | k | 4b7 | n-anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
4b15 | r | 4b9 | airic | airec [DIL] | noun | o (gender uncertain) | gen.sg. | act of finding, invention, acquiring, obtaining | | |
4b15 | r | 4b9 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
4b16 | s | 4b10 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | emphasizing previous element | | |
4b28 | ff | 4b13 | s | -s- 1 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class A | 3sg f (sometimes nasalizing) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
4b28 | ff | 4b13 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | | | |
4b28 | ff | 4b13 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
4b35 | kk | 4b14 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | | | |
4b35 | kk | 4b14 | ade | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | nom.sg.fem. | as subject of verb | | |
4b35 | kk | 4b14 | didiu | didiu [DIL] | particle | transitional | | in logical sequence, drawing a conclusion: therefore, then | | |
4b35 | kk | 4b14 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
4b35 | kk | 4b14 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
5a9 | f | 5a1 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
5a16 | p | 5a4 | Ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
5a16 | p | 5a4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + ar 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
5a16 | p | 5a4 | leth | leth [DIL] | noun | n, s and n, o | nom.sg. | half | | |
5a22 | w | 5a6 | d | -d- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg n (leniting) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
5a25 | y | 5a7 | mi- | mí- [DIL] | particle | prefix and preverb | composition form | bad, false | | |
5a31 | bb | 5a9 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | ainmm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | with conjugated preposition | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | na | ná 3 [DIL] | particle | relative negative | | with copula | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | nád | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as object of verb | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | cumachte | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | power | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with demonstrative sin | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | tra | trá [DIL] | adverb | conjunctive | | followed by a clause: then, therefore, now | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | na | ná 3 [DIL] | particle | relative negative | | with copula | | |
5a33 | dd | 5a11 | n-airec | airec [DIL] | noun | o (gender uncertain) | dat.sg. | act of finding, invention, acquiring, obtaining | | |
5a33 | dd | 5a11 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
5a35 | ee | 5a12 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
5a35 | gg | 5a14 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
5a36 | ii | 5a15 | mbítis | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.imperf. | | Active | |
5a36 | ii | 5a15 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
5b1 | b | 5b1 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | nom.pl.fem. | as subject of verb (understood copula) | | |
5b16 | o | 5b3 | chiunn | cenn [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | with prep ar 1: in textual references | | |
5b18 | q | 5b4 | ṅi | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
5b18 | q | 5b4 | cí | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | although | | |
5b24 | u | 5b5 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | in clauses containing an inference, deduction or conclusion | | |
5b24 | u | 5b5 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
5b27 | y | 5b6 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
5b27 | y | 5b6 | ade | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | nom.sg.fem. | after a noun | | |
5b27 | z | 5b7 | carachtar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
5b27 | aa | | neutur | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | nom.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
6a1 | a | 6a1 | ṁ-bís | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
6a2 | c | 6a3 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
6a2 | c | 6a3 | línaib | lín 1 [DIL] | noun | n and m, u | dat.du. | number | | |
6a8 | g | 6a5 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
6a8 | g | 6a5 | cumachtae | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | power | | |
6a8 | g | 6a5 | ce | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
6a10 | k | 6a6 | anmmann | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
6a10 | l | 6a7 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | 3sg.neut. | possession, ownership, association | | |
6a10 | l | 6a7 | aimm [leg. ainmm] | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | acc.sg. | name | | |
6a18 | w | 6a9 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
6a18 | w | 6a9 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | in clauses containing an inference, deduction or conclusion | | |
6a18 | w | 6a9 | ṡodain | sodain, sodin [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | neuter, stressed | acc.sg. | with prep amail: in that case, then | | |
6a18 | w | 6a9 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
6a18 | w | 6a9 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | | since | | |
6a18 | w | 6a9 | nothath | nothath [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.pl. | loanword | | |
6a20 | x | 6a10 | leth | leth [DIL] | noun | n, s and n, o | composition form | half, semi | | |
6a22 | aa | 6a13 | na | ná 3 [DIL] | particle | relative negative | | as subject of relative verb | | |
6a22 | aa | 6a13 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | nom.pl.masc. | as subject of the copula | | |
6a23 | bb | 6a12 | tinphed | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
6a24 | cc | 6a14 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
6a26 | dd | 6a15 | tinphed | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
6a31 | kk | 6a19 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | dat.sg.fem | after a noun proceeded by possessive pronoun | | |
6a31 | kk | 6a19 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | | and | | |
6a31 | kk | 6a19 | da | -da- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg f (geminating) | | when rel is subj | | |
6a31 | kk | 6a19 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
6a31 | kk | 6a19 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | ní·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | dechor | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | difference | | |
6b8 | f | 6b3 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
6b9 | g | 6b4 | da | -da- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg f (geminating) | | when rel is subj | | |
6b9 | g | 6b4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
6b10 | k | 6b5 | thaidbsin | taidbsiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | acc.sg. | showing, pointing out | | |
6b11 | m | 6b7 | dass | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
6b13 | s | 6b11 | .m.bís | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
6b13 | s | 6b11 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
6b13 | s | 6b11 | bíth | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.impv. | | Active | |
6b13 | s | 6b11 | charactar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
6b13 | s | 6b11 | sodain | sodain, sodin [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | neuter, stressed | acc.sg. | with prep amail: in that case, then | | |
6b15 | x | 6b16 | lín | lín 1 [DIL] | noun | n and m, u | nom.sg. | number | | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | ar·cuirethar | | | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | lín | lín 1 [DIL] | noun | n and m, u | acc.sg. | number | | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | ·biat | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.cons.pres. | | Active | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | n-anmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
6b23 | cc | 6b20 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
6b23 | cc | 6b20 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst alone | | |
6b23 | cc | 6b20 | scribend | scríbend [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | act of writing | | |
6b27 | kk | 6b22 | bith [leg. bit] | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 2pl.impv. | | Active | |
6b28 | mm | 6b23 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
6b28 | mm | 6b23 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
6b28 | mm | 6b23 | cia | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although, even if | | |
6b30 | qq | 6b25 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
6b30 | qq | 6b25 | ní·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
6b30 | qq | 6b25 | sainred | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | acc.sg. | peculiarity | | |
6b30 | qq | 6b25 | cumachtae | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | power | | |
6b33 | ss | 6b27 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
6b33 | ss | 6b27 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | 3sg.neut. | possession, ownership, association | | |
6b33 | ss | 6b27 | ainm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | acc.sg. | name | | |
6b33 | ss | 6b27 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
6b33 | ss | 6b27 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
6b35 | tt | 6b28 | Ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
7a2 | a | 7a1 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
7a2 | a | 7a1 | ni·bía | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.fut. | | Active | |
7a3 | c | 7a3 | ṡosuth | sosad [DIL] | noun | m, o and u | dat.sg. | position | | |
7a9 | g | 7a5 | cumachti | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | power | | |
7a20 | r | 7a8 | cumachti | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | power | | |
7a30 | w | 7a11 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
7a36 | ee | 7a14 | tosach | tosach [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | beginning | | |
7b1 | a | 7b1 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
7b1 | a | 7b1 | n-a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | objective genitive | | |
7b2 | b | 7b2 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
7b4 | d | 7b3 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
7b4 | d | 7b3 | ní·rubai | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | with ro of possibility | Active | |
7b5 | e | 7b4 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
7b6 | g | 7b6 | n-a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | objective genitive | | |
7b16 | q | 7b9 | n-dliged | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | law | | |
7b16 | q | 7b9 | neph | neph- [DIL] | particle | prefix, negative | | with vn | | |
7b16 | q | 7b9 | accomoil | accomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | act of joining | | |
7b24 | bb | 7b14 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
7b24 | bb | 7b14 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
7b33 | ii | 7b17 | carachtar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
7b34 | mm | 7b18 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with Latin subst | | |
7b34 | mm | 7b18 | n | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + do 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
7b34 | mm | 7b18 | chumachtu | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | dat.sg. | power | | |
7b34 | nn | 7b19 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
7b34 | nn | 7b19 | n-ainm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
8a1 | a | 8a1 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
8a2 | c | 8a2 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with dat sg of adjective used as an adverb | | |
8a5 | i | 8a4 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | 3sg.neut. | possession, ownership, association | | |
8a14 | p | 8a6 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | 3sg.neut. | possession, ownership, association | | |
8a27 | ff | 8a9 | muir | muir [DIL] | noun | n, i | nom.sg. | sea | | |
8a30 | hh | 8a11 | dactilib | dactil [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | dat.du. | dactyl | | |
8a30 | hh | 8a11 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as subject of verb (understood copula) | | |
8a34 | ll | 8a13 | sa | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. + for 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
8a34 | ll | 8a13 | cenélae | cenélae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | acc.sg. | kind | | |
8b2 | b | 8b1 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as subject of verb (understood copula) | | |
8b3 | f | 8b2 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
8b22 | bb | 8b6 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with subst alone | | |
8b22 | bb | 8b6 | ṡainriuth | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | dat.sg. | peculiar or belonging to (an individual), characteristic of; particular, special, set apart | | |
8b25 | hh | 8b10 | og | og 2 [DIL] | noun | n, s | nom.sg. | an egg | | |
9a4 | b | 9a2 | nd | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + do 1 | with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
9a4 | b | 9a2 | nd | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + de 1 | with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
9a5 | g | 9a4 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | adverbial: also | | |
9a8 | o | 9a5 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.pl. | with subst alone | | |
9a8 | o | 9a5 | forcetal | forcetal [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.pl. | teaching, instructing, admonishing | | |
9a13" | y | 9a9 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as subject of verb (understood copula) | | |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | bis | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | tinfed | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a16" | bb | 9a10 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
9a16" | bb | 9a10 | a | a 4
[DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | objective genitive | | |
9a20" | gg | 9a11 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
9a23 | kk | 9a12 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns with articles | and | | |
9a23 | kk | 9a12 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | with subst or pronom followed by rel clause | | |
9a23 | kk | 9a12 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
9a24 | ll | 9a13 | tinfeth | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a24 | mm | 9a14 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
9a24 | mm | 9a14 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
9a26 | oo | 9a15 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a29 | qq | 9a17 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a29 | qq | 9a17 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
9a30 | rr | 9a18 | scríbunt | scríbend [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | act of writing | | |
9a30 | ss | 9a19 | cárachtra | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.pl. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
9a30 | ss | 9a19 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns with articles | and | | |
9a30 | ss | 9a19 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
9a30 | ss | 9a19 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a30 | tt | 9a20 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with dat sg of adjective used as an adverb | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | nd | -d- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg n (leniting) | | after relative adverbs amal, in tain, úaire, etc, the rel particle, and the interrogative particle | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | scríbiunt | scríbend [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | act of writing | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | carachtar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.du. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | carachtar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | carachtar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | tinfeth | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | cia | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although, even if | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | scríbunt | scríbend [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | act of writing | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.du. | with subst alone | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | caractar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.du. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | cháractar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
9b2 | e | 9b2 | torand | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | figure, sign | | |
9b4 | k | 9b4 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
9b4 | k | 9b4 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
9b6 | o | 9b5 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
9b6 | o | 9b5 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
9b6 | o | 9b5 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
9b6 | p | 9b6 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
9b6 | p | 9b6 | nt | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with dat sg of adjective used as an adverb | | |
9b7 | q | 9b7 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
9b9 | u | 9b9 | dligud | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | principle, rule, norm | | |
9b14 | bb | 9b10 | no·bíth | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.imperf. | | Active | |
9b23 | nn | 9b13 | genitiu | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | nom.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
9b23 | nn | 9b13 | tra | trá [DIL] | adverb | conjunctive | | followed by a clause: then, therefore, now | | |
9b23 | nn | 9b13 | atá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
9b23 | nn | 9b13 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
9b31 | xx | 9b18 | sainreth | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | nom.sg. | peculiarity | | |
9b31 | xx | 9b18 | thinfid | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9b32 | ab | 9b20 | ḟormúichdetad | formúichdetu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | gen.sg. | stifling, suffocation (of a sound) | | |
9b36 | ac | 9b21 | deud | dead 1 [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | end, conclusion | | |
10a1 | a | 10a1 | a·taat | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind. | | Active | |
10a1 | a | 10a1 | ceniul | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
10a4 | e | | cummmae | cummae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | the same as, like | | |
10a4 | e | | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
10a9 | m | | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
10a9 | o | 10a7 | tredib | tréide [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | dat.pl. | three things, triad | | |
10a9 | o | 10a7 | snaib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
10a11 | p | 10a8 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two adjectives | and | | |
10a11 | p | 10a8 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with other verbs | | |
10a11 | p | 10a8 | nád | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | | | |
10a11 | p | 10a8 | tinfeth | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
10a16 | t | 10a9 | naib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl + do 1 | with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
10a18 | w | 10a10 | ae | ai [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | pl. | used as partitive gen. | | |
10a19 | y | 10a11 | cummae | cummae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | the same as, like | | |
10a19 | y | 10a11 | sem | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | with conjugated preposition | | |
10a27 | cc | 10a12 | neph | neph- [DIL] | particle | prefix, negative | | with verbal of necessity | | |
10a32 | gg | 10a14 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
10a32 | gg | 10a14 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
10a32 | gg | 10a14 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
10a32 | gg | 10a14 | neph | neph- [DIL] | particle | prefix, negative | | with noun | | |
10b3 | b | 10b1 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
10b3 | b | 10b1 | indarpe | indarpe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | act of expelling, driving out | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | 3sg.neut. | possession, ownership, association | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns with adjectives | and | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as subject of the copula | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | immediately after nouns and pronouns (or emphasizing particles) | | |
11a11 | c | 11a2 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
11a11 | c | 11a2 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
11a19 | e | 11a3 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
11a21 | f | 11a4 | son | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as subject of verb (understood copula) | | |
11b2 | b | 11b2 | dliged | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | law | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | nn-a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | deud | dead 1 [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | end, conclusion | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | accomol | accomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | act of joining; combination | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | retrospective | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as subject of the copula | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | as subject of verb | | |
11b28 | u | 11b5 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
11b28 | u | 11b5 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
11b28 | u | 11b5 | bíid | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | |
11b28 | u | 11b5 | ae | ai [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | pl. | used as partitive gen. | | |
12b7 | c | 12b1 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with dat sg of adjective used as an adverb | | |
12b8 | d | 12b2 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with adverbial form of the adjective | | |
12b22 | k | 12b4 | erochair | erochuir
[DIL] | noun | unknown declension | composition form | in compound with cétlaid: fluteplayer | | |
12b30 | r | 12b7 | æscare | escarae [DIL] | noun | m, nt | nom.sg. | enemy, foe | | |
12b30 | r | 12b7 | im | in 3 [DIL] | particle | interrrogative | | as a correlative conjunction: whether | | |
12b30 | r | 12b7 | cara | carae [DIL] | noun | m, nt | nom.sg. | friend | | |
12b30 | r | 12b7 | fá | fa [DIL] | conjunction | disjunct (leniting) | | introduces the second of two alternatives in interrogative clauses: or | | |
13b12 | h | 13b1 | nemed | neimed [DIL] | noun | m, o orig. n, s (?) | nom.sg. | sanctuary | | |
13b22 | q | 13b4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | introducing sentence or clause | and | | |
13b22 | q | 13b4 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
14a9 | d | 14a1 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | in clauses containing an inference, deduction or conclusion | | |
14a13 | g | | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | immediately after nouns and pronouns (or emphasizing particles) | | |
14a15 | l | 14a5 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
14a15 | l | 14a5 | d | -d- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg n (leniting) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
14a15 | l | 14a5 | sem | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | 3sg.masc. | as subject of verb | | |
14a15 | l | 14a5 | ce | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
14a15 | m | 14a6 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | 3sg.neut. | possession, ownership, association | | |
14a15 | m | 14a6 | ainmm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
14a15 | m | 14a6 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | nom.sg.neut. | after a noun proceeded by possessive pronoun | | |
14a17 | n | 14a7 | tairmthecht | tairmthecht [DIL] | noun | f, ā and m, u | acc.sg. | passage, traversing | | |
14a32 | bb | 14a13 | g(r)uad | gruad [DIL] | noun | n, s | nom.sg. | cheek | | |
14a35 | gg | 14a16 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
14b2 | b | 14b1 | n | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with fo 1 | | |
14b2 | b | 14b1 | chummi | cummae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | dat.sg. | same way | | |
14b3 | c | 14b2 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | ocus | | |
14b19 | s | 14b5 | dlúth | dlúth [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | warp, thread | | |
14b34 | oo | | carectar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
15a1 | c | | im | in 3 [DIL] | particle | interrrogative | | as a correlative conjunction: whether | | |
15a1 | c | | bete | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.fut.rel. | | Active | Y |
15a1 | c | | ba | fa [DIL] | conjunction | disjunct (leniting) | | introduces the second of two alternatives in interrogative clauses: or | | |
15a16 | t | 15a4 | tairmthecht | tairmthecht [DIL] | noun | f, ā and m, u | dat.sg. | passage, traversing | | |
15a16 | t | 15a4 | da | -da- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg f (geminating) | | when rel is subj | | |
15b3 | a | 15b1 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
15b3 | a | 15b1 | thormuch | tormach [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | increase, addition | | |
15b3 | a | 15b1 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
15b7 | f | | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
15b8 | g | 15b4 | comaccomuil | comaccomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. conjunction | | |
15b9 | h | 15b5 | apostroiph | apostroiph [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | acc.sg. | apostrophe | | |
15b10 | k | 15b6 | in | in 3 [DIL] | particle | interrrogative | | with other verbs | | |
15b10 | l | 15b7 | in | in 3 [DIL] | particle | interrrogative | | with copula | | |
15b23 | ee | 15b11 | liȩ | lía [DIL] | noun | m, (n)k | nom.sg. | stone | | |
16a6 | k | 16a5 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
16a12 | s | 16a8 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
16a12 | s | 16a8 | s | -s- 1 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class A | 3sg f (sometimes nasalizing) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
16a12 | s | 16a8 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | acc.sg.fem. | with infixed pronominal object | | |
16a13 | u | 16a10 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
16a20 | y | 16a12 | intreb | intreb [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | furniture | | |
16a28 | ee | 16a13 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
16a30 | ff | 16a14 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
16a30 | ff | 16a14 | n-a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | objective genitive | | |
16b3 | d | 16b2 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | | with pres ind | | |
16b13 | f | 16b3 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
16b13 | f | 16b3 | comtherchomrac | comtherchomrac [DIL] | noun | n and m, o | nom.sg. | collection, assembly, congregation | | |
16b16 | i | 16b5 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
16b16 | i | 16b5 | tairmthechtae | tairmthecht [DIL] | noun | f, ā and m, u | gen.sg. | passage, traversing | | |
16b16 | i | 16b5 | nach | nach 4 [DIL] | conjunction | negative (geminating), before non-verbs; na before stressed words | | | | |
17a22 | k | 17a3 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
17a31 | r | 17a5 | ná | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | objective genitive | | |
17a32 | t | 17a6 | eclim | eclaimm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.sg. | investigation, examination | | |
17b2 | b | 17b1 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
17b3 | d | 17b2 | lleth | leth [DIL] | noun | n, s and n, o | nom.sg. | half | | |
17b16 | h | | dasien | dasian [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | rough breathing | | |
17b7 | i | | psilen | psilen [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | dat.sg. | smooth breathing | | |
17b11 | m | | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
17b11 | m | | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | ma + ní + copula | with past subj + negative part. | | |
17b21 | t | 17b9 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
17b21 | t | 17b9 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with adverbial form of the adjective | | |
17b27 | y | 17b11 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
17b32 | ee | 17b13 | ainm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
17b32 | ee | 17b13 | ṅ-etha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
18a7 | e | 18a1 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with copula | | |
18a7 | e | 18a1 | chumachtu | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | dat.sg. | power | | |
18a12 | i | 18a2 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
18a19 | o | 18a3 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
18a19 | o | 18a3 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
18a19 | o | 18a3 | bíte | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
18a20 | p | 18a4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
18a20 | p | 18a4 | didiu | didiu [DIL] | particle | transitional | | in logical sequence, drawing a conclusion: therefore, then | | |
18a20 | p | 18a4 | nn-a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | objective genitive | | |
18a20 | p | 18a4 | leith | leth [DIL] | noun | n, s and n, o | dat.sg. | half | | |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | indas | indas [DIL] | noun | n, u | nom.sg. | manner, kind, nature, appearance, condition | | |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | on | ón [DIL] | pronoun, demonstrative | neuter, indeclinable | | as subject of verb (understood copula) | | |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | ón | ón [DIL] | pronoun, demonstrative | neuter, indeclinable | | as subject with the copula | | |
18a29 | x | 18a6 | uaire | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with copula | | |
18a29 | y | 18a7 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
18b3 | a | 18b1 | foirciunn | forcenn [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | end, final limit | | |
18b3 | a | 18b1 | bis | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
18b4 | b | 18b2 | n-dead | dead 1 [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | end, conclusion | | |
18b4 | b | 18b2 | bis | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
18b11 | h | 18b3 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
18b26 | r | 18b5 | beith | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.subj. | | Active | |
18b30 | u | 18b7 | lieic | lía [DIL] | noun | m, (n)k | nom.pl. | whetstone | | |
19a18 | g | 19a3 | hairitiu | airitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | nom.sg. | assumption, act of receiving, accepting | | |
19a18 | g | 19a3 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
19a18 | g | 19a3 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
19a18 | g | 19a3 | indlach | indlach [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | gramm. diaeresis | | |
19a18 | g | 19a3 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
19a18 | g | 19a3 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
19a23 | k | 19a4 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.pl. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
19a23 | k | 19a4 | cenel | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.pl. | nation | | |
19b11 | e | 19b2 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
20a11 | e | 20a1 | naich | nach 2 [DIL] | conjunction | relative negative, with infixed pronouns Class C | | with copula | | |
20a11 | e | 20a1 | im·tha | imm·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb (compound) | 3sg.pres.ind. | is around, is about | Active | Y |
20a13 | f | 20a2 | hith | íth 2 [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | pottage | | |
20a22 | o | 20a4 | neph- | neph- [DIL] | particle | prefix, negative | | with adjective | | |
20a36 | ll | 20a9 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
20b3 | c | 20b2 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | ma + ní + copula | with pres subj + negative part. | | |
20b3 | c | 20b2 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
20b6 | d | 20b3 | biid | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | |
20b6 | d | 20b3 | tosuch | tosach [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | beginning | | |
20b10 | g | 20b4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns (letters of the alphabet) | and | | |
20b10 | g | 20b4 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
20b13 | k | 20b6 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
20b13 | k | 20b6 | nn-a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
20b13 | k | 20b6 | diad | dead 1 [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | end, conclusion | | |
20b19 | n | 20b8 | bis | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
20b19 | n | 20b8 | genitin | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
20b19 | n | 20b8 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with copula | | |
20b25 | q | 20b9 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns with articles | and | | |
20b25 | q | 20b9 | genitin | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | acc.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
20b25 | r | 20b10 | da | -da- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg f (geminating) | | when rel is subj | | |
21a7 | c | 21a1 | ce | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
21a13 | e | 21a2 | daas | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
21b13 | f | 21b3 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | adverbial: also | | |
21b15 | h | 21b4 | ta | -ta- 1 | pronoun, infixed, class B | 3sg f (geminating) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
21b15 | k | 21b6 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
21b15 | l | | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | formal pred, immediately after copula | retrospective | | |
21b15 | l | | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | | with indic in cond clauses when condition is past or present | | |
21b17 | n | 21b7 | tosach | tosach [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | beginning | | |
21b19 | r | 21b9 | Ara | ara [DIL] | conjunction | final (purpose), and explicative | | in negative (or virtually negative) sentences | | |
21b20 | s | 21b10 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.pl. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
21b20 | t | 21b11 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
21b26 | bb | 21b13 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
21b26 | bb | 21b13 | tinfed | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
21b26 | bb | 21b13 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
21b32 | gg | 21b14 | dliged | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | law | | |
21b32 | gg | 21b14 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with dat sg of adjective used as an adverb | | |
22a1 | d | 22a1 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
22a1 | d | 22a1 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
22a1 | d | 22a1 | adi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | nom.sg.masc. | with possessive pronoun, after a noun | | |
22a10 | i | 22a2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | fixed phrase indala n- | | |
22a10 | i | 22a2 | n-ai | ai [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | pl. | partitive | | |
22a12 | n | 22a4 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
22a22 | aa | 22a9 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
22a22 | aa | 22a9 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
22a22 | aa | 22a9 | ní·bí | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | |
22a22 | aa | 22a9 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with Latin subst | | |
22a23 | cc | 22a10 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | and | | |
22a28 | gg | 22a11 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | and | | |
22b7 | i | 22b2 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
22b9 | n | 22b3 | in | in 3 [DIL] | particle | interrrogative | | as a correlative conjunction: whether | | |
22b19 | u | 22b8 | oal | óal [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | cheek | | |
22b25 | aa | 22b10 | cenéla | cenélae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | kind | | |
22b25 | aa | 22b10 | liac | lía [DIL] | noun | m, (n)k | gen.sg. | stone | | |
22b25 | aa | 22b10 | -som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | 3sg.masc. | as subject of verb | | |
22b25 | aa | 22b10 | chiunn | cenn [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | with prep ar 1: in textual references | | |
22b36 | qq | 22b13 | nd | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + ó 1 | with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
23a9 | d | 23a1 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | objective genitive | | |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | dechor | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | difference | | |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | dechor | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | difference | | |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
23a12 | k | 23a4 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
23b18" | m | 23b3 | son | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
24a9 | k | 24a4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | and | | |
24a13 | u | 24a6 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | and | | |
24a16 | aa | 24a8 | dercc | derc [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | eye | | |
24a31" | xx | 24a16 | lochairnn | locharnn [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | acc.sg. | lamp, latern | | |
24b7 | d | 24b2 | lin | lín 2 [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | (fishing-) net | | |
24b7 | d | 24b2 | cenelae | cenélae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | kind, sort | | |
24b35 | bb | 24b4 | descad | descad [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | dregs, lee, sediment | | |
24b36 | cc | 24b5 | forcrach | forcrach [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | gullet | | |
25a4 | d | | ællug | ellach [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | combination, composition | | |
25a4 | d | | biid | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | |
25b15 | f | 25b2 | coindeulgg | coindelg [DIL] | noun | n (?), o | dat.sg. | comparison, gramm. comparative degree | | |
25b20 | m | 25b6 | leithe | leth [DIL] | noun | n, s and n, o | gen.du. | half | | |
25b20 | m | 25b6 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
25b24 | r | 25b10 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, signification | | |
25b25 | s | 25b11 | mud | mod [DIL] | noun | m and n, o | dat.sg. | manner, mode, way, fashion | | |
25b27 | t | 25b12 | mud | mod [DIL] | noun | m and n, o | dat.sg. | manner, mode, way, fashion | | |
25b27 | t | 25b12 | nád | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as subject of verb | | |
25b27 | t | 25b12 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | ellaig | ellach [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | combination, composition | | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | nad | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as subject of verb | | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
25b28 | x | 25b14 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | ma + ní + copula | with pres subj + negative part. | | |
25b28 | x | 25b14 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
25b28 | x | 25b14 | Ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative |
| with other verbs | | |
25b28 | x | 25b14 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | -sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | | | | |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | beid | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.subj. | | Active | |
25b32 | dd | 25b16 | bes | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.subj.rel. | | Active | Y |
25b33 | gg | 25b17 | ḟolad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
26a4 | d | 26a3 | ṁbís | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
26a4 | d | 26a3 | aisṅdís | aisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.sg. | pronunciation, act of telling, explaining | | |
26a4 | d | 26a3 | comaisṅdís | comaisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.sg. | apposition, juxtaposition | | |
26a5 | f | 26a4 | nád | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as subject of verb | | |
26a5 | f | 26a4 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | substance, material | | |
26a7 | h | 26a5 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with adverbial form of the adjective | | |
26a7 | l | 26a6 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
26a10 | m | 26a7 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.pl. | with subst in genitive | | |
26a10 | m | 26a7 | focul | focal [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.pl. | word | | |
26a11 | n | 26a8 | fubae | fuba(e) [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | acc.sg. | gramm. or prosody a defect, a fault | | |
26a14 | r | 26a10 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two adjectives | and | | |
26a14 | t | 26a11 | lagait | lagat [DIL] | noun | n, nt | dat.sg. | smallness, scantiness, fewness | | |
26a14 | t | 26a11 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
26a14 | t | 26a11 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
26a18 | x | 26a12 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.pl. | with subst alone | | |
26a18 | x | 26a12 | frecra | frecrae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.pl. | the act of answering or responding; an answer | | |
26a36 | pp | 26a14 | cárachtar | carachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
26a36 | pp | 26a14 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
26a36 | pp | 26a14 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
26b3 | c | 26b1 | os | os [DIL] | conjunction | disjunct | 1pl. | with forms of the personal pronoun | | |
26b3 | d | 26b2 | id | -d- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg n (leniting) | | after conjunction cía 2 | | |
26b3 | d | 26b2 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
26b3 | d | 26b2 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with other verbs | | |
26b3 | d | 26b2 | ná | ná 3 [DIL] | particle | relative negative | | with other verbs | | |
26b3 | d | 26b2 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
26b3 | d | 26b2 | carachtar | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
26b3 | d | 26b2 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
26b4 | e | 26b3 | nach | nach 3 [DIL] | conjunction | subordinate negative, with infixed pronouns Class C | | | | |
26b10 | n | 26b5 | ainm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
26b20 | s | 26b6 | nad | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as subject of verb | | |
26b20 | s | 26b6 | a | -a- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class A | 3sg n (leniting) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | dliguth | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | law | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | nád | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as object of verb | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | tra | trá [DIL] | adverb | conjunctive | | followed by a clause: then, therefore, now | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | mo | mo 1 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 1sg (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | toimdden | toimtiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.pl. | act of thinking; opinion | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | dligeth | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | law | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | i | -i [DIL] | pronoun, suffixed | 3sg m, n | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | ní·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | ní | ní 2 [DIL] | noun | n | acc.sg. | thing | | |
26b24 | y | 26b8 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
26b24 | y | 26b8 | n-dechur | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | difference | | |
26b25 | aa | 26b9 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
26b25 | aa | 26b9 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | signification | | |
26b25 | aa | 26b9 | Ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | | with pres subj + negative part. | | |
26b27 | bb | 26b10 | sainreth | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | nom.sg. | peculiarity | | |
26b27 | cc | 26b11 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
26b27 | cc | 26b11 | anmma | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, signification | | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | nd | -d- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg n (leniting) | | after relative adverbs amal, in tain, úaire, etc, the rel particle, and the interrogative particle | | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | ainmm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | torand | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | act of representing, denoting, signifying | | |
26b30 | ll | 26b14 | sainreth | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | nom.sg. | peculiarity | | |
26b32 | nn | 26b15 | torand | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | figure, sign | | |
26b33 | qq | 26b16 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with other verbs | | |
26b34 | ss | 26b17 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + ar 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | immediately after nouns and pronouns (or emphasizing particles) | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | sainreth | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | nom.sg. | peculiarity | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | nád | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | -som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | as subject of verb | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | Anmmaimm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | anmmaimm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
27a1 | a | 27a1 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
27a5 | f | 27a2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + ar 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
27a5 | f | 27a2 | frecrae | frecrae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | acc.sg. | the act of answering or responding; an answer | | |
27a5 | f | 27a2 | nd | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with prep and substantive | | |
27a5 | f | 27a2 | immchomurc | imchomarc [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | question, inquiry, interrogation | | |
27a5 | f | 27a2 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | with subst alone | | |
27a5 | f | 27a2 | n-immchomarc | imchomarc [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | question, inquiry, interrogation | | |
27a9 | i | 27a4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
27a9 | i | 27a4 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27a9 | i | 27a4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two adjectives | and | | |
27a9 | i | 27a4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | and | | |
27a10 | k | 27a5 | ái | aí [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | | its (characteristic) | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | torand | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | act of representing, denoting, signifying | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | sainreth | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | nom.sg. | peculiarity | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | n-anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
27a12 | m | 27a7 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | and | | |
27a12 | m | 27a7 | a·taat | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind. | | Active | |
27a12 | m | 27a7 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.pl. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
27a13 | n | 27a8 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
27a13 | n | 27a8 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns with articles | and | | |
27a13 | n | 27a8 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst alone | | |
27a14 | o | 27a9 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
27a14 | o | 27a9 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
27a14 | o | 27a9 | bí | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | |
27a14 | o | 27a9 | dechor | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | difference | | |
27a14 | o | 27a9 | n-anmann | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
27a15 | p | 27a10 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | adverbial: also | | |
27a19 | aa | 27a11 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | | with indic in cond clauses when condition is past or present | | |
27a19 | aa | 27a11 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
27a20 | cc | 27a12 | randdatu | randatu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | nom.sg. | used in Sg. to express the property of belonging to a certain part of speech | | |
27a20 | cc | 27a12 | bis | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
27a25 | hh | 27a15 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
27a26 | ii | 27a16 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
27a26 | ii | 27a16 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27a29 | kk | 27a17 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with adverbial form of the noun | | |
27a34 | ll | 27a18 | má | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | | with indic in cond clauses when condition is past or present | | |
27a34 | ll | 27a18 | d | -d- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg n (leniting) | | after ma + indicative | | |
27a34 | ll | 27a18 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | emphasising previous element | | |
27a34 | ll | 27a18 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
27a34 | ll | 27a18 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
27b6 | f | 27b2 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
27b6 | f | 27b2 | biid | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | |
27b7 | g | 27b3 | chomaisṅdeis | comaisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | acc.sg. | apposition, juxtaposition | | |
27b9 | m | 27b4 | sna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.pl. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
27b29 | w | 27b7 | comaisṅdís | comaisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.sg. | apposition, juxtaposition | | |
27b33 | y | 27b9 | folaith | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27b34 | bb | 27b10 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two adjectives | and | | |
27b35 | ee | 27b11 | neph- | neph- [DIL] | particle | prefix, negative | | with noun | | |
27b38 | hh | 27b15 | ethemlagas | ethemlagas [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | etymology | | |
27b38 | ii | 27b14 | tindnacul | tindnacol [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | act of bestowing, giving, handing over | | |
27b40 | ll | 27b17 | thindnacul | tindnacol [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | act of bestowing, giving, handing over | | |
27b40 | mm | | gerind | gerind [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | gerund | | |
27b40 | nn | 27b18 | gerind | gerind [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | gerund | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | dead | dead 1 [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | end, conclusion | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | ḟebtad | febtu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | gen.sg. | substance, essence | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | nn-a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
28a3 | b | 28a2 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
28a3 | b | 28a2 | dui/ne | duine [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o and i | nom.sg. | person, man(kind) | | |
28a5 | d | 28a3 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
28a5 | d | 28a3 | a·tá | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a10 | n | 28a4 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
28a10 | n | 28a4 | a·taat | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a10 | n | 28a4 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | immediately after nouns and pronouns (or emphasizing particles) | | |
28a10 | n | 28a4 | a·taat | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind. | | Active | |
28a12 | p | 28a5 | ainm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
28a12 | p | 28a5 | ceníuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
28a14 | u | 28a6 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
28a14 | u | 28a6 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
28a14 | u | 28a6 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with Latin subst | | |
28a15 | x | 28a7 | dechor | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | the act of distinguishing | | |
28a15 | x | 28a7 | ṅ-ainmm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | acc.du. | gramm. noun | | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | accomol | accomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | act of joining; combination | | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns with articles | and | | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | oentath | oentu [DIL] | noun | m, t and f, t | gen.sg. | unity, oneness | | |
28a19 | cc | 28a10 | a | -a- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class A | 3sg n (leniting) | | with trans verb to express direct object | | |
28a19 | cc | 28a10 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | immediately after nouns and pronouns (or emphasizing particles) | | |
28a19 | cc | 28a10 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
28a21 | ff | 28a12 | robu | robo | conjunction | disjunct (leniting) | | either | | |
28a29 | ii | 28a13 | dechor | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | the act of distinguishing | | |
28a32 | mm | 28a14 | nád | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as subject of verb | | |
28a32 | mm | 28a14 | nád·fail | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. | impersonal | Active | |
28a32 | mm | 28a14 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | neut. | objective genitive | | |
28a32 | mm | 28a14 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with substantive verb | | |
28a35 | nn | 28a15 | ci | cia 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although, even if | | |
28a35 | nn | 28a15 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with other verbs | | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | A | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | A | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | són | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as explanation | | |
28a36 | oo | 28a18 | sem | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | 3sg.masc. | with conjugated preposition | | |
28a36 | qq | 28a16 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
28a36 | rr | 28a17 | ṅ-ái | aí [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | pl. | own | | |
28a36 | rr | 28a17 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
28a37 | tt | 28a20 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
28a37 | tt | 28a20 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
28b3 | d | 28b1 | ae | aí [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | pl. | used as partitive gen. | | |
28b4 | e | 28b2 | personaib | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | gramm. person | | |
28b4 | f | 79 | persin | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | nom.pl. | gramm. person | | |
28b4 | g | 28b3 | etargnai | etargne [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | the faculty of understanding or cognition | | |
28b4 | g | 28b3 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.pl. | with subst in genitive | | |
28b4 | g | 28b3 | ṅ-anmann | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.pl. | name | | |
28b7 | i | 28b4 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.pl. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
28b7 | i | 28b4 | n-anmman | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
28b7 | i | 28b4 | ceníuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
28b14 | o | 28b5 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
28b14 | o | 28b5 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst alone | | |
28b14 | o | 28b5 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
28b15 | p | 28b6 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
28b15 | p | 28b6 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
28b15 | p | 28b6 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
28b15 | p | 28b6 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
28b15 | q | 28b7 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
28b15 | q | 28b7 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: whether (…or) | | |
28b15 | r | 28b8 | n-ae | aí [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | pl. | used as partitive gen. | | |
28b15 | r | 28b8 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
28b17 | w | 28b11 | neurt | nert [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | strength | | |
28b18 | y | 28b13 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
28b19 | z | 28b14 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
28b19 | bb | 28b15 | menmman | menma [DIL] | noun | m, n | gen.sg. | the thinking faculty, the understanding | | |
28b19 | bb | 28b15 | frecrae | frecrae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | the act of answering or responding; an answer | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | naib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. | with prep and substantive | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | anmmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | noun | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.pl. | with subst alone | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | anmmann | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | didiu | didiu [DIL] | particle | transitional | | in logical sequence, drawing a conclusion: therefore, then | | |
28b27 | gg | 28b17 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.pl. | with subst in genitive | | |
28b27 | gg | 28b17 | n-anman | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
28b29 | hh | 28b19 | forcenn | forcenn [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | end, final limit | | |
28b29 | hh | 28b19 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
28b29 | hh | 28b19 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | folad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | folud | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.sg. | substance, material | | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | duini | duine [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o and i | gen.sg. | person, man(kind) | | |
28b34 | mm | 28b22 | nad | nád 1 [DIL] | particle | negative dependent relative | | serves as subject of verb | | |
28b34 | mm | 28b22 | ḟolad | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.pl. | substance, material | | |
28b35 | nn | 28b23 | neph- | neph- [DIL] | particle | prefix, negative | | with noun | | |
29a1 | a | 29a1 | int | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with dat sg of adjective used as an adverb | | |
29a4 | b | 29a2 | anmman | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
29a4 | b | 29a2 | anmman | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | acc.pl. | name | | |
29a5 | c | 29a3 | ṅ-duine | duine [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o and i | nom.sg. | person, man(kind) | | |
29a5 | c | 29a3 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
29a15 | k | 29a6 | neurt | nert [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | strength, force | | |
29a22 | p | 29a11 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
29a22 | p | 29a11 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two adjectives | and | | |
29a28 | t | | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
29b5" | b | 29b1 | chiunn | cenn [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | with prep ar 1: in textual references | | |
29b6" | c | 29b2 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.sg. | with subst alone | | |
29b6" | c | 29b2 | n-déainmmneichtech | dé-ainmnigthech [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | denominative | | |
29b6" | c | 29b2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + ar 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
29b6" | c | 29b2 | som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | as subject of verb | | |
29b16 | k | 29b3 | sainreth | sainred [DIL] | noun | n, u or o | nom.sg. | peculiarity | | |
29b16 | k | 29b3 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
29b16 | k | 29b3 | n-ái | aí [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | | own | | |
29b18 | o | 29b6 | n-a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
29b18 | o | 29b6 | mrechtrud | mrechtrad [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | variety, diversity | | |
29b18 | o | 29b6 | a·taat | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind. | | Active | |
29b18 | o | 29b6 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | in principle clause repeating verb of preceding clause | | |
29b18 | o | 29b6 | a·taat | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind. | | Active | |
29b22 | u | 29b8 | inna | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | acc.pl. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
29b22 | u | 29b8 | anmmann | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | acc.pl. | name | | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | nicon | nícon [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two verbs | and | | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | nicon·biasom | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.fut. | | Active | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | as subject of the substantive verb | | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | with negative | with pres subj (in generalizing clauses) when condition is future or indefinite | | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | mani·bé | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.subj. | | Active | |
29b28 | cc | 29b10 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
29b30 | dd | 29b11 | lase | lase [DIL] | conjunction | temporal, adversative; (prep la + dem pron so 1 acc sg nt) | | when | | |
29b30 | ee | 29b12 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
29b31 | ff | 29b13 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
29b32 | hh | 29b14 | mani·bé | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.subj. | with negative | Active | |
29b32 | hh | 29b14 | ma | ma [DIL] | conjunction | conditional | with negative | with pres subj + negative part | | |
29b32 | hh | 29b14 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with substantive verb | | |
29b33 | pp | 29b16 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with substantive verb | | |
29b33 | pp | 29b16 | ro·mbí | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | Y |
29b34 | qq | 29b17 | ce | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
29b34 | qq | 29b17 | d | -d- 2 [DIL] | pronoun, infixed, class C | 3sg n (leniting) | | with cía 2 + indicative | | |
29b34 | qq | 29b17 | nod·fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3sg.neut. | impersonal | Active | |
29b35 | rr | 29b18 | huare | óre, úare [DIL] | conjunction | causal; coordinating and subordinating | | with substantive verb | | |
29b35 | rr | 29b18 | ro·mbí | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres. | | Active | Y |
29b35 | ss | | bís | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.cons.pres.rel. | | Active | Y |
30a1 | b | 30a1 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | anmma | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | sem | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | as subject of verb | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | possession, ownership, association | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | ḟortacht | fortacht [DIL] | noun | f, ā; also f, n | acc.sg. | act of aiding, helping | | |
30a3 | f | 30a3 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
30a3 | f | 30a3 | ci | cía 2 [DIL] | conjunction | concessive and explicative (leniting) | | concessive: although | | |
30a3 | f | 30a3 | t | -t- 3 | pronoun, infixed, class B | 3sg n (leniting) | | with some verbs: at·baill | | |
30a3 | f | 30a3 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | fixed phrase indala n- | | |
30a3 | f | 30a3 | n-ái | aí [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, stressed | 3sg and pl | pl. | used as partitive gen. | | |
30a3 | g | 30a4 | ni | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with other verbs | | |
30a8 | i | 30a5 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
30a8 | i | 30a5 | anmmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | name | | |
30a9 | l | 30a7 | ṡodain | sodain, sodin [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | neuter, stressed | dat.sg. | with prep ar 1: for this | | |
30a15 | w | 30a8 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | and | | |
30a15 | w | 30a8 | chircunflex | circunflex [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | circumflex (accented) | | |
30a15 | w | 30a8 | dóig | doich [DIL] | adjective | indeclinable (?) | nom.sg. | likely, probable, to be expected | | |
30a15 | w | 30a8 | n-acuit | acuit [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | nom.sg. | acute accent | | |
30a16 | y | 30a9 | immchomarc | imchomarc [DIL] | noun | n, o | acc.sg. | question, inquiry, interrogation | | |
30a17 | aa | 30a10 | id | -d | pronoun, suffixed | 3sg m, n (nasalizing) | | with copula | | |
30a17 | bb | | lín | lín 1 [DIL] | noun | n and m, u | nom.sg. | number | | |
30a17 | cc | 30a12 | legind | léigend [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | reading | | |
30a17 | cc | 30a12 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | | | |
30a19 | gg | 30a14 | heid | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
30a19 | gg | 30a14 | dano | dano [DIL] | particle | connective | | in clauses containing an inference, deduction or conclusion | | |
30a19 | hh | 30a15 | son | són 2 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | indeclinable neuter enclitic | | as subject of the copula | | |
30a22 | kk | 30a17 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | | | |
30a22 | kk | 30a17 | nd | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + do 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
30a22 | kk | 30a17 | ḟolud | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | substance, material | | |
30a24 | ll | | nd | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + do 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
30a24 | ll | | ḟolud | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | substance, material | | |
30a24 | ll | | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two Latin lemmata | | | |
30a33 | rr | 30a20 | a | a 4 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3pl (nasalizing) | | objective genitive | | |
30b4 | g | 30b1 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst alone | | |
30b5 | k | 30b3 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst alone | | |
30b12 | r | 30b4 | anmmaim | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
30b12 | r | 30b4 | thórmuch | tormach [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | increase, addition | | |
30b12 | r | 30b4 | a | a 2 [DIL] | pronoun, possessive, unstressed | 3sg m, n (leniting) | | objective genitive | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | sind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. | with prep and substantive | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | aitherrechtaigthu | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | dat.sg. | patronymic | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | n-acomol | accomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.sg. | act of joining; combination | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | fil | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3sg.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | ainmm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | cenéiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | retrospective | | |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | file | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind.rel. | | Active | Y |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | n-aitherrechtaichthe | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | gen.pl. | patronymic | | |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | and | | |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | aitherrechtaigthe | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | nom.sg.neut. | patronymic | | |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | Ní | ní 2 [DIL] | noun | n | nom.sg. | thing | | |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | dáta | at·tá [DIL] | verb | substantive verb | 3pl.pres.ind.rel. | in phrase: oldaas | Active | Y |
30b32 | mm | 30b12 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two nouns | | | |
30b33 | nn | 30b13 | óa | oäc [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | comparative | young | | |
30b36 | xx | 30b16 | anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
30b36 | xx | 30b16 | aitherrechtaigthi | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | gen.sg.neut. | patronymic | | |
31a2 | d | 31a3 | atreibthig | aittrebthach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | gen.sg. | possessive (pronoun) | | |
31a2 | d | 31a3 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | | | |
31a2 | d | 31a3 | n-aitherrechtaigthe | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | nom.sg. | patronymic | | |
31a2 | d | 31a3 | 7 | ocus [DIL] | conjunction (leniting) | coordinating | joining two sentences or clauses | | | |
31a4 | f | 31a5 | deainmmnichdecha | dé-ainmnigthech [DIL] | noun | n, o | nom.pl. | denominative | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.sg. + ar 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | a | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | nom.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | as subject of verb | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | n-ainmm | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | nom.sg. | name | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | ed | ed [DIL] | pronoun, personal | 3sg n | | proleptic | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | laithe | lae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | nom.sg. | day | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | som | -som 1 [DIL] | particle, emphatic pronominal | 3sg m, n | | as subject of verb | | |
31a5 | h | 31a6 | ní | ní 5 [DIL] | particle | negative | | with copula | | |
31a9 | r | 31a7 | i·mbiat | at·tá [DIL |