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Gloss analysis

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
11a7bII 22,1511a1book 13227[?] 543 quod: aní-sin cumscugud .e. in .u. is cosmail són dano ⁊ in tan fo·ndaim .i. a cumscugud in .u. hi sechmadachtu tertchoibedna ⁊ quartae cobedna.
[‘this, the change of e to u, alike is this also and when i suffers its change into u in the preterite of the third and fourth conjugations’]

Old Irish elements

Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
aa 8 [DIL] by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í
íí 1 [DIL]pronoun, indeclinable, accented, article and followed by siu, sin, thall
sinsin [DIL]pronoun, demonstrativethat, (stressed) and with article: this, these
cumscugudcumscugud [DIL]nounm,, shift, mutation, transference
ini 2 [DIL]preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizingacc.Location: state or condition into which: into, at
isis [DIL]verbcopula3sg.pres.ind.Active
cosmailcosmail [DIL], similar
sónsón 2 [DIL]pronoun, anaphoricindeclinable neuter encliticas subject of the copula
danodano [DIL]particleconnectiveimmediately after nouns and pronouns (or emphasizing particles)
7ocus [DIL]conjunction (leniting)coordinatingjoining two sentences or clausesand
inin 2 [DIL] tan
tantan [DIL]nounf, ā
fofo 2particlepreverb*fo-dami-
fo·ndaimfo·daim [DIL]verbBII3sg.pres.ind.suffers, enduresActiveY
aa 2 [DIL]pronoun, possessive, unstressed3sg m, n (leniting)3sg.neut.possession, ownership, association
cumscugudcumscugud [DIL]nounm,, shift, mutation, transference
ini 2 [DIL]preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizingacc.Location: state or condition into which: into, at
hii 2 [DIL]preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizingdat.Location: state or condition in which: in, at
sechmadachtusechmadachte [DIL]adjectivei̯o, i̯ā, preterital, belonging to past time
tertteirt [DIL]Precedes and forms compd. with qualified nouncomposition formthird
choibednacoibedan [DIL]nounf, ā conjugation
7ocus [DIL]conjunction (leniting)coordinatingjoining two nouns with adjectivesand
cobednacoibedan [DIL]nounf, ā conjugation
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 19 February 2025]