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Gloss analysis

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
183b24eII 532,6183b3book 10211 571 a sera obdita: (m.l.) .Máil(?) .gaimrid(?) . dicit/ A sera obdita/ .i. ondfescur/ maull fri/tobarthu/ dothaidbsin/ inna inne fil/ isind. sera/ doberr an ob/dita .i. dond/ fritobairt/ maill frit/ataibret/ nadorche/ donṡoilsi/ is diṡin/ asberr sé/ra. m/all/ reliqua.-
[‘Máil Gaimrid says A sera obdita, i.e. from the evening slow or opposed. To show forth the meaning which is in sera the obdita is put. From the slow opposition with which the darknesses oppose themselves to the light it is hence that sera ‘slow’ is said’]

Old Irish elements

Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
oó 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. +, source from which something comes or is obtained
ndin 1 [DIL] + ó 1with prep and substantive
fescurfescor [DIL]nounm,
maullmall [DIL]adjectiveo, ā
łnó 1 [DIL]conjunction (disjunct) and discourse markerdisjoins members within the clauseconjunction: or
fritobarthufritabarthae [DIL]adjectivei̯o, i̯ā
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat.agent of verbal noun
thaidbsintaidbsiu [DIL]nounf,, pointing out
innain 2 [DIL] subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun
inneinne [DIL]nounf, i̯ā
filat·tá [DIL]verbsubstantive verb3sg.pres.ind.rel.ActiveY
ii 2 [DIL]preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizingdat. + place where (abstract and concrete): in
ii 2 [DIL]preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizingdat. + state or condition in which: in, at
sindin 2 [DIL] + i 2with prep and Latin subst
dodo 4particlepreverb*to-ber-
do·berrdo·beir [DIL]verbBI3sg.pres.ind.pass.puts, bringsPassiveY
aa 8 [DIL] Latin subst
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. + from
ndin 2 [DIL] + do 1with prep and substantive and adj, dem pron, adv
fritobairtfritabart [DIL]nounf, ā
maillmall [DIL]adjectiveo, ā
frifrisparticlepreverb*fris-to-ber- (*fris-to-ro-ad-dā-)
ta-da- 3 [DIL]pronoun, infixed, class C3pl (geminating)with trans verb to express direct object
frita·taibretfris·tabair [DIL]verbBI3pl.pres.ind. + infix.pron. Class C 3pl.sets against, opposesActiveY
naa 8 [DIL] subst in genitive
dorchedorchae [DIL]adjectivei̯o, i̯ā, gloomy
dodo 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. + ad quem: to
nin 2 [DIL] + do 1with prep and substantive
ṡoilsisoilse [DIL]nounf, i̯ā, light
isis [DIL]verbcopula3sg.pres.ind.Active
dide 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat.cause, reason, motive
ṡinsin [DIL]pronoun, demonstrativethat, (stressed): that, those
as·berras·beir [DIL]verbBI3sg.pres.ind.pass.mentions, saysPassiveY
mallmall [DIL]adjectiveo, ā
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 15 February 2025]