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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
1a10eII 1,31a1Praefatio211 *libralibus: .i. libardaib
[‘i.e. bookish (arts)’] [analysis]
1a17hII 1,71a3Praefatio211 34 tanto: in méit-so
[‘so much’] [analysis]
1a29nII 1,131a5Praefatio211 36 (post) illos: .i. i ndead innaní-sin
[‘i.e. after them’] [analysis]
1b7eII 2,91b1Praefatio211 35 (si ..) imitter: .i. ci insamlar
[‘i.e. if I imitate’] [analysis]
2a2bII 2,262a2Praefatio211 543 (in omni) studio: hi cach ceniul fis ⁊ ecni
[‘in every kind of knowledge and wisdom’] [analysis]
2a2cII 2,262a3Praefatio211 claritudo: .i. indt airdircus
[‘i.e. the conspicuousness’] [analysis]
2a6fII 2,282a4Praefatio211 uterque: .i. in dias-sin
[‘i.e. that pair’] [analysis]
2a7iII 2,292a5Praefatio211 543 tertium: .i. tris fer friu
[‘i.e. the third man (joined) to them’] [analysis]
2a27yII 3,92a10Praefatio211 336[?] accidentibus: .i. donaib-hí thecmoṅgat
[‘i.e. of the things that happen’] [analysis]
2b8gII 3,192b1Praefatio211 3116 denominativis: .i. dinaib déainmmnichdechaib
[‘i.e. about the denominatives’] [analysis]
2b31aII 4,92b3Praefatio211 543 (de) constructione: .i. dligeth n-immognama rann
[‘i.e. law of construction of parts’] [analysis]
3a13rII 5,83a5book 1211 affectu: .i. hua duthracht
[‘i.e. from volition’] [analysis]
3a13sII 5,83a6book 1211 (nullo ..) proficiscitur: .i. ní·aescomlai
[‘i.e. it proceeds not’] [analysis]
3a23ffII 5,3a9book 1211 321 de (quo): .i. cide
[‘i.e. from which’] [analysis]
3a31nnII 6,43a10book 1211 generaliter: .i. hit cenélcha sidi do guth
[‘i.e. these are general to voice’] [analysis]
3b6kII 6,93b3book 1211 3113 eorum: .i. innaní
[‘i.e. of those’] [analysis]
3b10mII 6,133b4book 1211 a lituris: .i. ua lenomnaib
[‘i.e. from the acts of adhering to’] [analysis]
3b14rII 6,153b7book 1211 ylementorum: inna ndule
[‘of the elements’] [analysis]
3b15uII 6,153b9book 1211 313 omne: in n-uile
[‘all’] [analysis]
3b16yII 6,163b10book 1211 4222 corpus: .i. corp suin
[‘i.e. the body of the word’] [analysis]
3b18aaII 6,173b11book 1211 541 (aer) corpus: 7 is corp
[‘and it is a body’] [analysis]
3b27ssII 6,243b19book 1211 541 quantitate: .i. o méit di flescaib bís hisin tórunt .i. mad óenflesc is .i. mad di ḟlisc is .n. reliqua
[‘i.e. from the quantity of strokes, which is in the figure, i.e. if it be one stroke it is an i, if two strokes it is an n, etc.’] [analysis]
3b29uuII 6,253b21book 1211 23 [yle]menta: .i. cumachtai
[‘i.e. powers’] [analysis]
3b29wwII 6,253b22book 1211 23 literas: carachtra
[‘characters’] [analysis]
3b31yyII 7,13b24book 1211 Abussive: .i. ind húadairberthach bith
[‘i.e. by an improper use’] [analysis]
3b34adII 7,33b27book 1211 non (de literis): ní di chárachtraib
[‘not about written shapes’] [analysis]
3b35ahII 7,43b30book 1211 quantum ad scripturam: .i. méit as ṅdo scríbund
[‘i.e. as far as writing’] [analysis]
4a1aII 7,64a1book 1211 figurae: .i. inna tóranda
[‘i.e. the written shapes’] [analysis]
4a2cII 7,74a3book 1211 pronuntiationes: .i. fogair
[‘i.e. sounds’] [analysis]
4a4dII 7,84a4book 1211 denos: .i. deichthi
[‘i.e. ten at a time’] [analysis]
4a13gII 7,144a6book 1211 hâmus: .i. áecath
[‘i.e. (fish-)hook’] [analysis]
4a23pII 7,214a11book 1211 336[?] positum: .i. a n-as suidigthe
[‘i.e. when it is placed’] [analysis]
4a35zII 8,34a13book 1211 543 formas: .i. do chruthugud inna liter foib
[‘i.e. to form the letters according to them’] [analysis]
4b8iII 8,94b6book 1211 541 evanescit: .i. tinaid ⁊ atbail .i. fa·cheirt in alios sonos.
[‘i.e. it vanishes and perishes, i.e. it puts itself into other sounds.’] [analysis]
4b12mII 8,124b8book 1211 (per) anostrophen: .i. tre impúth
[‘i.e. by anastrophe’] [analysis]
4b18wII 8,154b11book 1211 commento: .i. hisin tráctad {cf. E 5v10 in trac<ta<tu (ta add. B)}
[‘i.e. in the treatise’] [analysis]
4b36mmII 9,64b15book 1211 (sibi) defendunt: .i. ad·suidet
[‘i.e. they keep’] [analysis]
5a11hII 9,155a2book 1211 543 secundam: .i. in bindius tánaise i ndegaid ṅguttae .
[‘i.e. the euphony (which comes) next after (that of the) vowels’] [analysis]
5a12iII 9,165a3book 1211 sono[ritatem]: .i. bindius
[‘i.e. euphony’] [analysis]
5a25yII 9,255a7book 1211 [infor]mis: .i. mi-chruthaigthe
[‘i.e. misformed’] [analysis]
5a27zII 9,275a8book 1211 3113 caloris: .i. in tesa
[‘i.e. of the heat’] [analysis]
5a33ddII 9,325a11book 1211 221 (ante) inventionem [η et ω]: .i. re n-airec éta ⁊ οω.
[‘i.e. before the invention of η et ω’] [analysis]
5a35ffII 10,15a13book 1211 remanserunt: .i. do-r·uarthatar
[‘i.e. they have remained’] [analysis]
5a35ggII 10,15a14book 1211 4221 perpetuae (bre[ves)]: .i. bith-gairrdi són .i. e ⁊ o
[‘i.e. always short these i.e. e 7 o’] [analysis]
5b1bII 10,25b1book 1211 semper long*is (u): .i. bith-otai sidi
[‘i.e. always long these’] [analysis]
5b11fII 10,85b2book 1211 34 tam: .i. emith
[‘i.e. not only … but also’] [analysis]
5b11gII 10,95b2abook 1211 34 quam: emith
[‘i.e. not only … but also’] [analysis]
5b27bbII 11,55b8book 1211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
6a1bII 11,116a2book 1211 soni: foguir
[‘of the sound’] [analysis]
6a4fII 11,136a4book 1211 miror: admachdur-sa .i. is machdad limm
[‘I marvel i.e. I wonder’] [analysis]
6a23bbII 11,246a12book 1211 spiritus: tinphed
[‘aspiration’] [analysis]
6a24ccII 11,246a14book 1211 3231 quod: aní-sin
[‘that’] [analysis]
6a26ddII 11,266a15book 1211 spiritus: a tinphed
[‘its (lit. her) aspiration’] [analysis]
6a28eeII 11,276a16book 1211 aliae (fiunt): saini
[‘different’] [analysis]
6a28ffII 11,276a16abook 1211 (et) aliae: saini
[‘different’] [analysis]
6a29hhII 12,16a17book 1211 fixis: timmthastaib cumcaib
[‘compressed or constricted’] [analysis]
6a35rrII 12,66a20book 1211 36 cum c: la c.
[‘with c’] [analysis]
6b5bII 12,96b1book 1211 34 nec (in sono): emith i fogur
[‘not only in sound’] [analysis]
6b5cII 12,96b1abook 1211 34 nec (in potestate): emith
[‘but also’] [analysis]
6b10lII 12,126b6book 1211 alia (li<t>tera): liter ṡain
[‘a different letter’] [analysis]
6b11mII 12,136b7book 1211 35 543 quam: oldaas .c. sain. fri .c.
[‘than c: different to c’] [analysis]
6b12pII 12,146b10book 1211 ali[a (putari)]: sain
[‘different’] [analysis]
6b13qII 12,146b10abook 1211 alia (cum): sain
[‘different’] [analysis]
6b14tII 12,156b13book 1211 anguis: nathir
[‘snake’] [analysis]
6b14uII 12,156b14book 1211 augur: mathmarc
[‘a soothsayer’] [analysis]
6b21aaII 12,196b18book 1211 assscivimus: do-ro·chuirsemmar
[‘we have summoned’] [analysis]
6b25hhII 12,226b21book 1211 figurae: na nota áram
[‘the figures of numerals’] [analysis]
6b27kkII 13,16b22book 1211 336[?] (sunt) habenda: bith techtai
[‘they must be considered (lit. they must be had)’] [analysis]
6b28mmII 13,16b23book 1211 543 hoc (est adhibendum): ní tedparthi inso ar nibat litre nota aram cia scríbtair hi fers
[‘this is not to be applied, for the figures of numerals will not be letters, although they are written in verse’] [analysis]
6b29nnII 13,16b24book 1211 [(aliud)] aliquid: alaill ṡain
[‘another thing peculiar’] [analysis]
6b31rrII 13,36b26book 1211 3231 qua: is ó suidiu
[‘it is it (that it lacks)’] [analysis]
7a3bII 13,77a2book 1211 3114 *se: occi
[‘at it’] [analysis]
7a9gII 13,127a5book 1211 543 aliae: saini ar chuit cumachti
[‘diverse as regards power’] [analysis]
7a16mII 13,177a6book 1211 sonum: in fogur
[‘the sound’] [analysis]
7a19pII 13,197a7book 1211 34 quamvis: adas
[‘although’] [analysis]
7a22tII 13,227a9book 1211 34 tantum: in méit-se
[‘so much’] [analysis]
7a31xII 13,277a12book 1211 34 (quidem) modo: cach-la cein
[‘sometimes (.. sometimes)’] [analysis]
7a36ffII 14,47a15book 1211 *antepo[sitam]: remi-si
[‘before it (lit. before her)’] [analysis]
7b5eII 14,77b4book 1211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
7b8iII 14,87b7book 1211 35 quamvis: adas
[‘although’] [analysis]
7b11lII 14,107b8book 1211 333 proferri (debuit): do·furgabtais
[‘to be pronounced’] [analysis]
7b27ddII 14,207b15book 1211 212 hiul[cus]: huabéla. cicero dicit hiulcus vel apertus patens .- beda hiulcus insatiabilis {cf. E 8r3 .i. patens}
[‘open’] [analysis]
8a1aII 15,58a1book 1211 3231 quod: ani-sin
[‘that’] [analysis]
8a2cII 15,68a2book 1211 34 adeo: in már
[‘so much’] [analysis]
8a4gII 15,88a3book 1211 34 modo: cach-la céin
[‘sometimes’] [analysis]
8a11oII 15,148a5book 1211 35 ([quando]..)inveniuntur: in tan ara·n-ecatar
[‘when they are found’] [analysis]
8a25aaII 16,78a7book 1211 pro (consonante): tair hesi .u consone
[‘in place of the consonant u (v)’] [analysis]
8a32iiII 16,138a12book 1211 561 veronensis: veronenstae
[‘belonging to Verona’] [analysis]
8b3gII 16,188b3book 1211 fautor: fortachtid
[‘helper’] [analysis]
8b20zII 17,138b4book 1211 221 epigrammata: inna forliterdi
[‘the inscriptions’] [analysis]
8b21aaII 17,138b5book 1566[?] 211 (in) trepode: nomen artis isin trechostu
[‘[…] in the tripod’] [analysis]
8b25ddII 17,168b7book 1211 davus: dáne
[‘Dané’] [analysis]
8b25ggII 17,178b9book 1211 pavo: gésachtach
[‘peacock’] [analysis]
8b25hhII 17,178b10book 1211 ovum: og
[‘egg’] [analysis]
9a3aII 18,109a1book 1211 caelebs: óentaim
[‘an unmarried man’] [analysis]
9a4dII 18,109a3book 1211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
9a5gII 18,119a4book 1211 34 etiam: cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
9a8oII 18,139a5book 1211 institutionum: inna forcetal
[‘of the instruction(s)’] [analysis]
9a8pII 18,139a6book 1211 543 oratoriarum: inna sulbaire
[‘of the eloquence’] [analysis]
9a10rII 18,149a7book 1211 aufero: ar·celim
[‘I take away’] [analysis]
9a26ooII 19,49a15book 1211 penitus: conid hinunn folad dóib
[‘so that they have the same substance’] [analysis]
9a30rrII 19,69a18book 1211 543 singulas: oéndai oen-litre do dénom díb hi scríbunt
[‘single, that single letters should be made of them in writing’] [analysis]
9a30ttII 19,79a20book 1211 35 quippe: indemin
[‘indeed’] [analysis]
9a36adII 19,109a23book 1211 (in) pronuntiatione: hi fogur
[‘in sound’] [analysis]
9b1aII 19,119b1book 1211 (cum) sono: hi fogur
[‘in sound’] [analysis]
9b2fII 19,129b3book 1211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
9b6pII 19,159b6book 1211 34 (non) aliter: níntain
[‘not otherwise’] [analysis]
9b7qII 19,159b7book 1211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
9b16eeII 19,2062book 1211 34 quasi (consonanti): amal bith do chonsain amal as di
9b31yyII 20,49b19book 1211 abscondita: formúchthai
[‘smothered’] [analysis]
9b32abII 20,49b20book 1211 223 absconditae: ind ḟormúichdetad
[‘of the smothering’] [analysis]
9b36acII 20,69b21book 1211 in (fine): fo deud
[‘at the end’] [analysis]
10a9oII 20,1310a7book 1211 *internís: .i. isnaib tredib
[‘i.e. in the group of three’] [analysis]
10a16tII 20,1610a9book 1211 336[?] modolantibus: donaib-hí bindigeddar
[‘to those that modulate’] [analysis]
10a27ccII 21,410a12book 1211 immotabi[les]: .i. it neph-chumscaichti na teora litre-so
[‘i.e. these three letters are immutable’] [analysis]
10a29ffII 21,510a13book 14221 211 remanent: na litre cétni
[‘the same letters’] [analysis]
10b7kII 21,1410b2book 1211 34 motari: cach-la céin
[‘sometimes (.. sometimes)’] [analysis]
10b19qII 21,2210b3book 1211 lippio: fliuchaigim
[‘I become wet (?blear-eyed?)’] [analysis]
11a19eII 22,2211a3book 1211 572 23 pedo: braigim nam displosa sona quantum vesíca pepedi .. ⁊ fit pedo nomen animalis ut .isidorus dicit.
[‘I fart; ‘for as loud as the noise of a bursting bladder was the crack when my figwood buttock split’. And ‘pedo’ (one who has broad feet, a splay-foot) is the name of an animal, as Isidore says, etc.’] [analysis]
11b23qII 23,2311b3book 1211 affines: coibnestae
[‘akin’] [analysis]
11b36ccII 24,911b7book 1211 pa[trisso]: athrigimm
[‘I take after the father’] [analysis]
12a1cII 24,912a1book 1211 pytisso: .i. do·fuibnimm
[‘i.e. I cut’] [analysis]
12a8hII 24,1412a2book 1211 affines: coibnestai
[‘akin’] [analysis]
12b7cII 25,2012b1book 1211 paulatim: in biucc
[‘a little’] [analysis]
12b8dII 25,2112b2book 13113 211 fortis: .i. genitivus nominis quod est fors .i. in béstaid {= E 11r1 .i. in béstaid om. E, sed add. ut adverbio declaratur cf. K 7v4 a .i. fors}
[‘i.e. the genitive case of the noun ‘fors’ (chance), i.e. habitually’] [analysis]
12b9eII 25,2112b3book 1211 patronus: sruith athir
[‘a venerable father’] [analysis]
12b22kII 26,212b4book 1211 tibícen: erochair chétlaid
[‘a flute player’] [analysis]
12b30pII 26,612b5book 1211 par: cosmail
[‘equal’] [analysis]
12b30qII 26,712b6book 1211 25 parricida: cosmail-oircnid eter athir-oircnid tuistid-oircnid
13a3aII 26,1213a1book 1211 sororicida: sethar-oircnid
[‘a sister-slayer’] [analysis]
13a9fII 26,1613a2book 1211 aliquot (civitates): il-chathraig
[‘many cities’] [analysis]
13a12gII 26,1813a3book 1211 +tutor: inill
[‘safe’] [analysis]
13a17lII 26,2213a4book 1211 34 hoc: hille
[‘hither’] [analysis]
13b12hII 27,1713b1book 1211 sacellum: nemed
[‘sanctuary’] [analysis]
13b21pII 27,2313b2book 1211 571 55 fur: bruthach vel verius ignis reliqua icidorus dicit .
[‘furious, or etc.’] [analysis]
14a26sII 29,914a8book 1211 exilem: séim tana
[‘slender, thin’] [analysis]
14a30wII 29,1214a10book 1211 flavus: buide
[‘yellow’] [analysis]
14a32zII 29,1314a11book 1211 23 paulum: bec {= E 12r4 .i. becc}
[‘small’] [analysis]
14a32aaII 29,1314a12book 1211 23 pauxillum: becán
[‘a small quantity’] [analysis]
14a32bbII 29,1314a13book 1211 mala: gruad {cf. E 12r4 gláínninet}
[‘a cheek’] [analysis]
14a32ccII 29,1314a14book 1211 maxilla: glainethat {cf. E 12r5 vel gen.}
[‘small jaw’] [analysis]
14a33ddII 29,1314a15book 1211 velum: séol {= E 12r5 .i. seul.}
[‘a sail’] [analysis]
14b2bII 29,1814b1book 125 211 identi[dem]: .i. idem ⁊ idem fon óen-chummi {cf. E 12r8 .i. idem et idem.}
[‘i.e. ‘idem et idem,’ in one way ’] [analysis]
14b3cII 29,1814b2book 125 211 nuncubi: num ⁊ ubi .i. indosa {cf. E 12r8 .i. num et ubi.}
[‘‘num et ubi’ i.e. now’] [analysis]
14b4dII 29,1914b3book 1211 anceps: immchenda
[‘double-headed’] [analysis]
14b8fII 29,2114b4book 1211 4221 [inter]cipit (b): .i. m. eter·gaib .b. cucae
[‘i.e. m interposes b to it’] [analysis]
14b19sII 30,814b5book 1211 stamen: dlúth
[‘warp’] [analysis]
14b19tII 30,814b6book 1211 exilior: semiu {= E 12r16 .i. add. E}
[‘thinner’] [analysis]
14b30llII 30,1414b7book 1211 aggens: tachtad
[‘choking’] [analysis]
14b36qqII 30,1814b10book 1211 iggerunt: in·snadat
[‘they insert’] [analysis]
15a1bII 30,2015a1book 1211 35 quod: .i. ol
[‘i.e. because’] [analysis]
15a9oII 31,315a3book 125 211 immineo: .i. taortaim .i. in. ⁊ mineo vel mina {cf. E 12v1 .in. mineo}
[‘i.e. I fall (upon) i.e. ‘in’ (into) and ‘*mineo’ or ‘mina’ (menace)’] [analysis]
15a20uII 31,915a5book 1211 findo: in·dlung
[‘I separate’] [analysis]
15b4bII 31,2315b2book 1211 aeneus: .i. humide {= E 12v15 humid}
[‘i.e. bronze’] [analysis]
15b10kII 32,715b6book 1543 211 viden: .i. videsne .i. in n-aci
[‘i.e. ‘videsne’ (do you see [expanded form]), i.e. do you see?’] [analysis]
15b10lII 32,715b7book 1211 satin: .i. in lour
[‘i.e. is it enough?’] [analysis]
15b14wII 32,1015b8book 1211 sophista: .i. fisid
[‘i.e. learned man’] [analysis]
15b22ccII 32,1566book 1211 [pis]trix: .i. bled
15b23eeII 32,1615b11book 1211 214 +orniξ: buaid lie (m.d.) vel lapis victorie {cf. E 12v24 .i. lapis pretiosus victorie vel crepido. vel budicolma}
[‘a victory stone’] [analysis]
16a3cII 33,516a1book 1211 35 quamvis: adas {= E 13r3 .i. adass.}
[‘although’] [analysis]
16a4eII 33,516a2abook 1211 34 quoque: cid {= E 13r3 .i. cid}
[‘also’] [analysis]
16a5gII 33,616a3book 1211 molliorem: .i. moithiu {= E 13r4 .i. om. E}
[‘i.e. softer’] [analysis]
16a5hII 33,616a4book 1211 volubiliorem: .i. asoirbiu
[‘i.e. which is easier, (more pleasant)’] [analysis]
16a6kII 33,716a5book 1211 35 221 quam (ps): oldaas .πς.
[‘than πς’] [analysis]
16a10nII 33,916a6book 1211 [cae]lebs: oíntam {= E 13r6 oentam}
[‘an unmarried man’] [analysis]
16a10oII 33,1016a7book 1211 arabis: .i. de arabda
[‘i.e. de of the Arabian’] [analysis]
16a13tII 33,1116a9book 1211 4226 [expedi]tior: .i. soirthiu sonu
[‘i.e. easier, more fortunate’] [analysis]
16a13uII 33,1116a10book 1211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
16a18wII 33,1416a11book 1211 apex: .i. huasletu
[‘i.e. the highest point’] [analysis]
16a20yII 33,1616a12book 1211 3117[?] suppellex: .i. intreb suppellectilis nominativus vetustus {cf. E 13r11 .i. nominativus vetustus.}
[‘i.e. furniture. The old nominative is ‘supellectilis’’] [analysis]
16b3dII 34,316b2book 1211 35 333 *consequatur: ma do·coisgedar {= L 17v17 c ma du·coscedar cf. E 13r20 .s. sí}
[‘if it follows’] [analysis]
16b13fII 34,1016b3book 1313 211 glomus: sed tertiae declinationis ⁊ neutrum .i. comtherchomrac {cf. E 13r25 comtherchomrac (m.d.) tertie declinationis glomus .ris. haloiu aur.ruinn}
[‘but <’glomus’> is of the third declension and neuter i.e. a collection’] [analysis]
16b26oII 34,1816b8book 1211 ascisco: do·cuiriur {cf. E 13v4 .i. voco}
[‘I summon’] [analysis]
16b30sII 34,2116b9book 1211 ango: cumcigim
[‘I constrict’] [analysis]
17a13cII 35,917a1book 1211 attamino: as·lenaim
[‘I defile’] [analysis]
17a32tII 35,2117a6book 1211 (de ..) indagine: .i. dind eclim
[‘i.e. about the investigation’] [analysis]
17a35wII 35,2317a7book 1211 agor: cotom·erchloither
[‘I am driven’] [analysis]
17b3dII 35,2617b2book 1211 541 dexteram: a lleth o laim deiss ┤ {cf. E 14r4 ┤ }
[‘the right half (lit. with the half from the right hand)’] [analysis]
17b4gII 35,2717b4book 1211 exilem: séim
[‘smooth (non-aspirated)’] [analysis]
17b7lII 36,217b7book 1211 flatilem: tinfesti
[‘aspirated’] [analysis]
17b21tII 36,1317b9book 1211 542 et e contrario: .i. cid in chotarsnu ar is .c. tar hesi .q. thuas reliqua
[‘i.e. yet contrary-wise, for it is c instead of q above etc.’] [analysis]
18a20qII 37,1518a5book 1211 singulae (vocales): na gutae oíndae
[‘the single vowels’] [analysis]
18b26sII 39,618b6book 1431[?] 211 u redeunte: .i. a ndo·n-aithchuiredar .u. iterum
[‘i.e. when u returns again’] [analysis]
18b30uII 39,918b7book 1211 cotes: lieic {cf. E 14v21 .i. lia ocoloin}
[‘whetstones’] [analysis]
19a15fII 40,119a2book 1211 3114 *diptongo: arin deogur
[‘from the diphthong’] [analysis]
19a27mII 40,819a6book 1211 moenio: daiṅgnigim
[‘I fortify’] [analysis]
20a13fII 42,720a2book 1211 puls: .i. hith {cf. E 15v8 .i. soib ithi moet}
[‘i.e. pottage’] [analysis]
20a14gII 42,820a3book 1211 lanx: med thesc slice
[‘a balance or a dish or a shell’] [analysis]
20a22oII 42,1220a4book 1211 asbustes: (subs.) .i. neph-adnachte {= K 10r29 g .i. neph-athnachta}
[‘i.e. unburied’] [analysis]
20a23rII 42,1220a5book 1211 squalor: dóermamaigthetu
[‘dirtiness’] [analysis]
20a33hhII 42,1920a7book 1211 cre[ber]: dián {cf. K 10r35 q celer}
[‘swift’] [analysis]
20a35kkII 42,2020a8book 1211 pratum: sreith
[‘meadow’] [analysis]
20b1aII 42,2220b1book 1211 +agmen: .i. sluag
[‘i.e. host’] [analysis]
20b31wII 43,1720b11book 1211 superat: .i. for·huaislig
[‘i.e. (euphony) overcomes’] [analysis]
21a13eII 44,621a2book 2211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
21a23mII 44,1321a3book 2211 inveniuntur: .i. hi luc deoguir
[‘i.e. in place of a diphthong’] [analysis]
21a25nII 44,1421a4book 2211 plostrum: .i. fén
[‘i.e. cart’] [analysis]
21b12eII 45,721b2book 2211 [sono]riusque: .i. bindiu
[‘i.e. more melodious’] [analysis]
21b13fII 45,821b3book 2211 34 quoque: .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
21b15hII 45,921b4book 2211 obiicitur: .i. frista·cuirther
[‘i.e. this is objected’] [analysis]
21b15iII 45,921b5book 2211 huic: .i. do·berr hi cotarsne do
[‘i.e. it is adduced in contrary (to it)’] [analysis]
21b18qII 45,1121b8book 2211 333 [(oportet..)] habere: techtaite
[‘that they should have’] [analysis]
21b23xII 45,1421b12book 2211 perhibeo: .i. for·gellim
[‘i.e. I testify’] [analysis]
22a10iII 46,322a2book 2211 541 alterutrum: (m.l.) Alterutrum .i. ind alanai. lactantius dicit, Utrum anima patre an matre an ex utroque generatur neque ab utroque neque ex alterutro seruntur animae.,
[‘i one of two (Lat.), i.e. one of the two (Oi.e.) Lactantius says: ‘Whether the soul is procreated from the father, the mother, or both, souls are neither created by both of them nor by one of the two’.’] [analysis]
22a17qII 46,722a5book 2211 sabburra: .i. ingor {Cf. K 11r2 a .i. anchora}
[‘i.e. anchor’] [analysis]
22a17sII 46,722a6book 2211 gibbus: .i. túithlae {= K 11r2 b .i. tuthle}
[‘i.e. swelling’] [analysis]
22a17tII 46,722a7book 2211 gibber: .i. cnocc {= K 11r2 c, E 16v23}
[‘i.e. hunch’] [analysis]
22a18uII 46,722a8book 2211 [gibbe]rosus: .i. cnocach
[‘i.e. lumpy’] [analysis]
22a23ccII 46,1022a10book 225 211 succido: .i. sub ⁊ caedo .i. do·fuibnimm {= E 16v26 .i. sub &caedo}
[‘i.e. ‘sub’ (below) and ‘caedo’ (cut off), i.e. I cut off’] [analysis]
22a28ggII 46,1422a11book 225 211 obscenus: .i. ob ⁊ caenum .i. loth reliqua {cf. E 16v28 .i. caenum}
[‘i.e. ‘ob’ (on account of) and ‘caenum’ (dirt), i.e. mud, etc.’] [analysis]
22b3aII 46,2222b1book 2211 illusus: .i. cuitbedach
[‘i.e. ridiculous’] [analysis]
22b7iII 46,2522b2book 2211 abrogo: .i. do·aithbiuch ni·oirdnimm ualligim
[‘i.e. I break (a bargain), or I do not ordain, or I arrogate’] [analysis]
22b9nII 46,2722b3book 2211 35 sit: in·díxnaigedar
[‘whether it is’] [analysis]
22b12oII 46,2822b4book 2211 abdo: .i. fu·llugaimm
[‘i.e. I hide’] [analysis]
22b12qII 46,2822b5book 2211 abluo: do·fonug
[‘I wash away’] [analysis]
22b13rII 47,122b6book 2211 obnitor: fris·biur
[‘I oppose’] [analysis]
22b19tII 47,522b7book 2211 bacca: cáer {= E 17r13}
[‘berry’] [analysis]
22b19uII 47,522b8 book 2211 bucca: oal
[‘cheek’] [analysis]
22b20wII 47,522b9book 2211 soccus: assa {= E 17r13 .i. add. E}
[‘slipper’] [analysis]
22b28ddII 47,1222b11book 2211 3113 bo*um (v): .i. inna bao
[‘i.e. of the cows’] [analysis]
23a10eII 47,2923a2book 2211 542 sit: ci dechor .i. ar ni dechor ṁbindius file híc sed error scriptorum
[‘what is the difference, i.e. because there is no difference of euphony here, sed etc.’] [analysis]
23a11gII 47,2923a3book 2211 euphoniae: bindiusa
[‘of (= in) euphony’] [analysis]
23b17''eII 49,323b1book 2211 ulcus: cnocc {= E 17v14 .i. add. E}
[‘ulcer’] [analysis]
23b29''kII 49,423b2book 2211 mulxi: do·ommalgg
[‘I have milked’] [analysis]
23b29"tII 49,1223b6book 2211 25 mancus: .i. baclam .i. manu captus
[‘i.e. ‘maimed in a hand’, i.e. seized by hand’] [analysis]
24a2cII 49,1824a1abook 225 211 σιρρηγω: .i. a sin sicim (?)
[‘i.e. from ‘συν’ …’]
24a4fII 49,2024a2book 2211 irrito: to·dúrgim
[‘I provoke’] [analysis]
24a4hII 49,2024a3book 2211 irriguus: tursitnech .
[‘flooding’] [analysis]
24a9kII 49,2324a4book 2211 25 consitus: comchlante .i. con ⁊ sero {= E 17v27 comchlante om. E}
[‘sown together i.e. ‘con’ (together) and ‘sero’ (sow)’] [analysis]
24a13tII 49,2524a5book 2211 imbuo: con·secraimm
[‘I consecrate’] [analysis]
24a13uII 49,2624a6book 2211 25 competum: bélat .i. con ⁊ peto
[‘crossway, i.e. from ‘con’ (together) and ‘peto’ (h.l. come)’] [analysis]
24a14wII 49,2624a7book 2211 illudo: do·gáithaimm
[‘I deceive’] [analysis]
24a16aaII 49,2924a8book 2211 lippus: fliuchdercc
[‘wet-eyed’] [analysis]
24a26''hhII 50,324a12book 2211 interlita: etar-ḟuillechta
[‘smeared between’] [analysis]
24a31''llII 50,424a9book 2211 221 arquitenens: (m.l.) .i. huasal-gabáltaid. arcon enim grece excelsus dicitur
[‘i.e. high-holder, for arcon in Greek means excelsus’] [analysis]
24a22"ooII 50,624a11book 2211 pellicio: do·gaithaim
[‘I deceive’] [analysis]
24a27"ssII 50,824a13book 2211 singraphum: in comscribṅdaith
[‘the writer’] [analysis]
24a28"ttII 50,1024a14book 2211 pellige: airléch
[‘recite!’] [analysis]
24a30"wwII 50,1324a15book 2211 pel[lucet]: as·tóidi
[‘it shines’] [analysis]
24a31"xxII 50,1324a16book 2211 35 lanterna: amal in lochairnn ṅ-affracdai
[‘like the African lamp’] [analysis]
24b3bII 50,1724b1book 2211 luscus: .i. caech
[‘i.e. one-eyed’] [analysis]
24b35bbII 51,1424b4book 2211 faex: .i. descad
[‘i.e. dregs’] [analysis]
24b36ccII 51,1424b5book 2211 faux: forcrach
[‘gullet’] [analysis]
25b23pII 53,1325b8book 2211 35 pars: .i. ol as rann
[‘i.e. because it is a part’] [analysis]
25b24qII 53,1425b9book 2211 336[?] dicendum: .i. beth eperthi
[‘i.e. it should be to be said’] [analysis]
25b25sII 53,1525b11book 2211 (non) omni (modo): .i. o nach mud etir
[‘i.e. in any way at all’] [analysis]
25b35iiII 53,2025b18book 2211 23 ara: altóir {cf. E 18v21 .i. altor}
[‘altar’] [analysis]
26a1aII 53,2226a1book 2211 stabulum (porcorum): .i. muccḟoil
[‘i.e. pig-sty’] [analysis]
26a1bII 53,2226a2book 2211 23 eadem: .i. hára .i. muccḟoil
[‘i.e. ‘hara’ (sty), i.e. pig-sty’] [analysis]
26a7hII 53,2526a5book 2211 examosim: .i. ind immdae
[‘i.e. abundantly’] [analysis]
26a10mII 53,2826a7book 2211 dictio[num]: .i. inna focul
[‘i.e. of the words’] [analysis]
26a18xII 54,226a12book 2211 336[?] responsa: .i. inna frecra
[‘i.e. the answers’] [analysis]
26a20zII 54,426a13book 2211 hones[tas]: .i. féle
[‘i.e. modesty’] [analysis]
26b27bbII 55,626b10book 2211 proprium: .i. a sainreth
[‘i.e. its peculiarity’] [analysis]
26b27ccII 55,626b11book 2211 nominis: .i. ind anmma dilis
[‘i.e. of the proper name’] [analysis]
26b30llII 55,826b14book 2211 proprium: .i. a sainreth
[‘i.e. its peculiarity’] [analysis]
27a9iII 55,1927a4book 2211 541 generalem: cenelaich etir maith ⁊ olc
[‘i.e. general, both good and bad’] [analysis]
27a10kII 55,1927a5book 2212 211 suum: .i. proprium .i. ái {cf. E 19r31 .i. proprium}
[‘i.e. its peculiarity, i.e. its (characteristic)’] [analysis]
27a10lII 55,1927a6book 2211 541 suum (nominis): .i. sainreth n-anmmae torand folaid cen chinniuth persine .,
[‘i.e. the peculiarity of a noun, to denote substance without determining person’] [analysis]
27a13nII 55,2127a8book 2211 ([vis et]) significatio: .i. a folad ⁊ in chiall
[‘i.e. the substance and the sense’] [analysis]
27a15pII 55,2227a10 book 2211 34 et (nomina): cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
27a20ccII 55,2527a12book 2211 qualis (sit): .i. Cia randdatu bis indi
[‘i.e. what particularity resides in it’] [analysis]
27a25hhII 55,2827a15book 2211 336[?] (est) excutienda: .i. ní eclastai
[‘i.e. is not to be examined’] [analysis]
27a26iiII 55,2827a16book 2211 [sig]nificationis: ind ḟolaid
[‘of the meaning’] [analysis]
27a29kkII 56,127a17book 2211 212 summatim: ind áirmith vel breviter {cf. E 19v6 breviter}
[‘numerically or briefly’] [analysis]
27b7gII 56,1227b3book 2211 541 (per) appositionem: .i. tre chomaisṅdeis do inchosc óen-cheillae
[‘i.e. by apposition, to signify a single conception’] [analysis]
27b9mII 56,1427b4book 2211 35 tam: emith lasna-hí
[‘as much with those (that have)’] [analysis]
27b10nII 56,1427b5book 2211 35 quam: emith
[‘as’] [analysis]
27b31xII 56,2727b8book 2211 34 modo (preposita): .i. cach-la céin
[‘i.e. at one time’] [analysis]
27b37ffII 57,127b12book 2211 distribuit: .i. do·indnaich
[‘i.e. it bestows’] [analysis]
27b38iiII 57,127b14book 2211 55 nomen: .i. tindnacul
[‘i.e. a bestowing’] [analysis]
27b40llII 57,227b17book 2211 3116 [tri]buendo: .i. o thindnacul
[‘i.e. from bestowing’] [analysis]
28a15xII 57,1328a7book 2211 4226 differentiae (causa): .i. ar dechor etir da ṅ-ainmm cosmaili
[‘i.e. for distinguishing between two similar nouns’] [analysis]
28a21eeII 57,1728a11book 2211 331 notantur: .i. notaitir
[‘i.e. they are written’] [analysis]
28a21ffII 57,1728a12book 2211 35 (vel) singulis (literis): .i. robu óen-litrib
[‘i.e. either [lit. it can be] by single letters’] [analysis]
28a29iiII 57,2328a13book 2211 4226 differentiae (causa): .i. do dechor fri prenomna aili
[‘i.e. to distinguish from other praenomina’] [analysis]
28a36rrII 58,428a17book 2211 suum: .i. a ṅ-ái
[‘i.e. their characteristic’] [analysis]
28a37ssII 58,528a19book 2211 cognationis: .i. in choibnis
[‘i.e. of the (family-)relationship’] [analysis]
28a37ttII 58,528a20book 2211 541 commune: coitchen dia choibnius .i. do maccaib ⁊ avib .i. scipio .i. scipide .-
[‘i.e. common to his relatives, i.e. to sons and grandsons, i.e. Scipio, i.e. Scipian’] [analysis]
28a38wwII 58,628a21book 2211 eventu: .i. ua thecmungg gnímo
[‘i.e. by accident of fact’] [analysis]
28b4eII 58,828b2book 2211 543 (aliis) personis: .i. hi personaib sainib
[‘i.e. in different persons’] [analysis]
28b4gII 58,928b3book 2211 571 no[minum]: .i. inna ṅ-anmann etargnai
[‘i.e. (in place) of the names of cognition’] [analysis]
28b29hhII 58,2328b19book 2211 [substan]tiae: .i. cen forcenn ind ḟolaid chéthnai
[‘i.e. without end of the same substance’] [analysis]
28b32llII 58,2528b21book 2211 privatam: diuparthe
[‘deprived’] [analysis]
28b35nnII 58,2628b23book 2211 221 atoma: neph-ḟodlaidi
[‘indivisibles’] [analysis]
29a1aII 59,229a1book 2211 543 fortuitu: int tecmaiṅgthech .i. tecmaiṅg amin
[‘i.e. accidentally, i.e. it happens thus’] [analysis]
29a7dII 59,629a4book 2211 4222 (per) excellentiam: .i. tre derscugud fir chathrach reliqua
[‘i.e. through the preeminence of the man or the city etc.’] [analysis]
29a8hII 59,729a5book 2211 36 pro: .i. tar hési
[‘i.e. in place of’] [analysis]
29a17nII 59,1329a9book 2211 omonima: .i. cosmailainmmnechthecha reliqua
[‘i.e. homonyms, etc.’] [analysis]
29a20oII 59,1429a10book 2211 nepos: .i. haue
[‘i.e. grandson’] [analysis]
29a23sII 59,1729a12book 2211 sinoni[ma]: .i. comainmnichdecha reliqua
[‘i.e. synonyms etc.’] [analysis]
29b16kII 60,1029b3 book 2211 suum: .i. a n-ái .i. a sainreth
[‘i.e. its own, i.e. what is proper to it [lit. her]’] [analysis]
29b17lII 60,1029b4book 2211 corvus: fiach {= E 20v21}
[‘raven’] [analysis]
29b17mII 60,1029b5book 2211 altum: fudomain
[‘deep’] [analysis]
30a3gII 60,2630a4book 2211 221 interimit: .i. ni·airdben
[‘i.e. it does not destroy’] [analysis]
30a8kII 61,130a6book 2211 dionima: (subs.) .i. deainmmnichthi
[‘i.e. dionyma’] [analysis]
30a29ppII 61,1630a19book 2211 incongruum: écoir
[‘incongruous’] [analysis]
30a33rrII 61,1930a20book 2211 333 relinquere: cena sechim
[‘not to follow them’] [analysis]
30b4gII 61,2630b1book 2211 215 facticivum: .i. a forcmachte .i. nomen de sono factum. {= E 21r21 .i. a forcmachte om. E}
[‘i.e. the facticious, i.e. nomen etc.’] [analysis]
30b4hII 61,2630b2book 2211 3113 sonorum: .i. inna fogur
[‘i.e. of the sounds’] [analysis]
30b12rII 62,530b4book 2211 543 absolutum: húatuasailcthae hua anmmaim ailiu do thórmuch friss do aestóasc a cheille.
[‘i.e. absolved, from the addition of another noun to it to express its meaning’] [analysis]
30b29ggII 62,1930b9book 2211 marcelli: .i. in marcelldai
[‘i.e. the ,Marcellians’’] [analysis]
30b30hhII 62,1930b10book 2211 cornilii: .i. in chornaldai
[‘i.e. the ,Cornelians’’] [analysis]
30b33ooII 62,2130b14book 2211 3113 thesei: .i. indí ṫessei
[‘i.e. of Theseus’] [analysis]
30b36xxII 62,2330b16book 2211 loco: .i. i n-engraicc anmmae aitherrechtaigthi
[‘i.e. in place of a patronymic noun’] [analysis]
31a1cII 63,131a2book 2211 emilianus (scipio): .i. in scip emelendae .i. macc emelii
[‘i.e. the Aemilian Scipio i.e. son of Aemilius’] [analysis]
31a2dII 63,231a3book 2211 543 [octo]vianus (cesar): .i. in caesar octavienda .i. octaviani filius fuit caesar ⁊ non est filius octaviae a deilb atreibthig ar·berar a n-aitherrechtaigthe ⁊ pro patronomico híc est {cf. E 21v7 octaviae filius}
[‘i.e. the Octavian Caesar i.e. Caesar was son of Octavianus, etc. From the possessive form the patronymic is derived, and it is here for the patronymic’] [analysis]
31a4fII 63,331a5book 2543 211 denominativa: .i. de rét ailiu ro·ainmnichthe .i. deainmmnichdecha .i. ab aliis nominibus ⁊ non a nominibus patrum {cf. E 21v7 .i. dirivativa aliis nominibus non a nominibus propriis}
[‘i.e. from another thing they have been named, i.e. denominatives etc.’] [analysis]
31a11uII 63,831a9book 2211 541 magnus: .i. már .i. magnus civis {cf. E 21v13 .i. magnus cives}
[‘i.e. great, for instance ,great citizen’’] [analysis]
31b2cII 64,1031b1book 2211 572 thessidae: (m.d.) .i. in thesidedi a theseo rege atheniensium {= E 21v26 rege athiniensium}
[‘i.e. the Theseids etc.’] [analysis]
31b4eII 64,1131b3book 2211 421 aeneadae: .i. ind aeneedai
[‘i.e. the followers of Aeneas’] [analysis]
31b4gII 64,1131b4book 2211 421 romulidae: .i. romoldai
[‘i.e. the followers of Romulus’] [analysis]
31b8pII 64,1731b7book 2211 336[?] iussi: .i. amtar forṅgarti
[‘i.e. when they were ordered’] [analysis]
31b14ccII 65,731b10book 2211 543 phetontides: .i. in fetontide .i. frater fetontis .i. aitherrechtaigthe masculindae o brathir {= E 21v31 .i. in petontide frater poetontis}
[‘i.e. the Phetontid, i.e. the brother of Pheton, i.e. a masculine patronymic from (the name of) a brother.’] [analysis]
31b24qqII 65,1531b16book 2211 212 πελειων: .i. in pélecdae pelei filius
[‘i.e. the Pelidian etc.’] [analysis]
31b25ssII 65,1631b18book 2211 313 eolica: .i. eolensta
[‘i.e. Aeolic’] [analysis]
31b26ttII 65,1631b19book 2211 421 phirradios: in phirde
[‘i.e. the Phirdian’] [analysis]
32a19uII 66,1632a4book 2211 (per) sinerisin: .i. tre accomol
[‘i.e. by a combination’] [analysis]
32a24ccII 67,132a5book 2211 572 promethides: .i. in promithide .i. horminis {= E 22r21 promethide E}
[‘i.e. son of Prometheus, i.e. Horminis’] [analysis]
32a24ddII 67,132a6book 2211 3115 epimethida: .i. inní epimethida
[‘i.e. the Epimethis (in the accusative)’] [analysis]
32a31hhII 67,732a7book 2211 421 scipionides: .i. in scipdae
[‘i.e. the son of Scipio (lit. the one belonging to Scipio)’] [analysis]
32b27bbII 68,1032b6book 2211 543 colonis: (m.d.) .i. hunaib aitrebthidib acrisiondaib a mmuntar-sidi ad·ro-threbsi lee it he con rótgatar in cathraig.
[‘i.e. by the Acrisionian inhabitants: her folk whom she (Danae) had (lit. possessed) with her, it is they that built the city (of Ardea)’] [analysis]
32b30llII 68,1232b10book 2211 calchis: .i. in colchelda {cf. K 15v34 n in cholchedde}
[‘i.e. the Colchian’]
32b30nnII 68,1232b11book 2561 211 argo[lis]: .i. argi .i. in grecda {cf. K 15v34 o .i. in grecde}
[‘i.e. the Greek’] [analysis]
32b31ooII 68,1232b12book 2211 ciclasias: .i. in ciclasta {= K 15v34 p}
[‘i.e. the Cyclasian’] [analysis]
32b31ppII 68,1332b13book 2211 troias: .i. in troianda
[‘i.e. the Trojan’] [analysis]
32b33wwII 68,1532b15book 2211 543 principalis: .i. in chétnidi hua·mbí a n-aitrebthach
[‘i.e. of the primitive from which is the possessive’] [analysis]
33a12gII 69,133a2book 2211 25 caesar: .i. asoirc cách
[‘i.e. who destroys every one’] [analysis]
33a16lII 69,333a6book 2211 543 sacrarium: .i. sanctáir. arindí atreba rétu nóiba and.
[‘i.e. sanctuary: because it possesses holy things therein.’] [analysis]
33a16mII 69,433a7book 2211 543 armarium: .i. scrín airindí atreba arma and.
[‘i.e. an armoury [a shrine], because it possesses arms therein.’] [analysis]
33a22rII 69,733a11book 2211 543 romanus (ager): .i. a tir romanach arindí atrebat romáin and
[‘i.e. the Roman territory, because Romans dwell there’] [analysis]
33a29ccII 69,1133a18book 2211 541 ut (emilianus): .i. emiléndae .i. emelii filius .i. amal bid emelides no·bed and
[‘i.e. Aemilian, i.e. son of Aemilius as if Aemilides were there’] [analysis]
33a38qqII 69,1633a25book 2211 543 (a) professionibus: .i. hua ḟóisitnib inna ṅdáne fris·gniat ⁊ at·aimet
[‘i.e. from professions of the arts which they practise and profess’] [analysis]
33a38rrII 69,1633a26, 27book 2543 211 mechanicus: .i. arindí atreba in dán-sin. ind ḟiss as·berar michaníce .i. sechta.
[‘i.e. because he possesses that art, of the science called méchanicé i.e. simulation’] [analysis]
33a42zzII 69,1833a32book 2211 3115 significationem: .i. a folaid
[‘i.e. their substance’] [analysis]
33b25r II 70,733b3book 2563 211 mulio: .i. custos mulorum .i. echaire {cf. L 27r7 b, E 23r12 custos mulorumK 16r20 e .i. echaire icidorus in .X.}
[‘i.e. horsekeeper’] [analysis]
33b26tII 70,833b5book 2211 563 mulionicam paenolam: .i. in echlas múldae
[‘i.e. the mules’ horsecloth (?)’] [analysis]
33b32wII 70,1233b6book 2211 25 563 illigneus: .i. ilignide. de nomine fedo .i. illigum nomen arboris {cf. E 23r16 ligneus vel illignum nomen arboris}
[‘i.e. ilignian, from the name of a tree’] [analysis]
33b33xII 70,1233b7book 2211 25 563 iliceus: .i. ilecde. ilex nomen arboris {cf. E 23r16 .i. ilecde om. E; L 27r11 c ilex proprium ligni}
[‘i.e. Ilician, (from) ilex etc.’] [analysis]
33b33zII 70,1433b8book 23116 211 illigneis (pedibus): huanaib cosaib hilignidib
[‘from the ilignian feet’] [analysis]
33b35bbII 70,1633b9book 2211 iliceaeque (trabes): .i. inna trosta ilecdi
[‘i.e. the ilician beams’] [analysis]
33b36ccII 70,1633b10book 2211 336[?] metuendaque: .i. is aichthi
[‘i.e. it is to be feared’] [analysis]
33b40ggII 70,1933b13book 2211 25 quernus: dairde quia fit quercus reliqua
[‘oaken, as it comes from ‘quercus’ (oak)’] [analysis]
33b40hhII 70,2033b14book 2211 25 colurnus: .i. coldde quia fit colyrus coll {cf. E 23r19 .i. coll}
[‘i.e. made of hazel, as it comes from ‘corylus’ (sic leg.), hazel’] [analysis]
33b41llII 70,2033b15book 2211 25 faginus: fagde fagus {cf. E 23r20 .i. fagus}
[‘beechen, ‘fagus’ (beech-tree)’] [analysis]
33b42mmII 70,2133b16book 2211 25 spondeus: toxalde arindí atreba toxal n-and .i. fot
[‘drawn (?), because it possesses drawing (?) therein i.e. length’] [analysis]
34a42ssII 72,1334a7book 2211 nocens: erchoitech
[‘harmful’] [analysis]
34b4cII 72,1734b1book 2211 infaustos: mí-chlothchu
[‘ill-famed’] [analysis]
35a27zII 75,335a3book 2211 25 tabellarius: tablaire .i. tabella {cf. E 24r13 .i. tablor}
[‘letter-carrier, ‘tabella’ (letter)’] [analysis]
35a32qqII 75,635a5book 2211 215 [cen]sorius: .i. cístae qui censum prerogat
[‘tax-collector, i.e. who arrogates taxes’] [analysis]
35a35ttII 75,835a6book 2211 [col]larium: .i. muince slabrad
[‘i.e. a collar or necklace’]
35a35wwII 75,835a7book 2211 plantarium: acclantae
[‘belonging to a plant’] [analysis]
35a36xxII 75,835a8book 2211 3116 ([in]) planta: hi claidi
[‘in a digging’] [analysis]
35a36yyII 75,889book 2211 mensarium: ambuandae
[‘not belonging to reaping’] [analysis]
35a36zzII 75,989book 2211 mensa: buain
[‘reaping’] [analysis]
35a38aeII 75,1035a11book 2211 541 frumen[taria (lex)]: .i. recht frecoir chéill cruithnechtae
[‘i.e. the law of cultivating wheat’] [analysis]
35a41agII 75,1235a12book 2211 215 vinaria (cella): .i. cuile finda airindí con·gaib fín vel ubi vinum venditur ut b-. {cf. K 15a34 h (m.l.) b-. vinaria locus ubi vinum venditur}
[‘i.e. a wine-cellar, because it contains wine, vel etc.’] [analysis]
35b1aII 75,1335b1book 2211 25 violarium: .i. scotae .i. viola
[‘i.e. having flowers’] [analysis]
35b1bII 75,1335b2book 2211 25 563 rosarium: .i. bróinde rostae .i. de rosa dind luib fin .i. luib derc
[‘i.e. belonging to dew or belonging to a rose, i.e. de rosa from the white plant i.e. a red plant’] [analysis]
35b1cII 75,1435b3book 2211 25 viridarium: .i. húrda .i. viridis
[‘green, i.e. ‘viridis’ (green)’] [analysis]
35b9uII 75,1935b6book 2211 543 rubre[nus]: dercaide quia fit rubra
[‘reddish’] [analysis]
35b10wII 75,2035b7book 2211 561 anienus: aniendae di ainmmaim ind ṡrotho as·berr anien {cf. K 17r1 a anio nomen fluminis}
[‘of the Anio: from the name of the river called Anio’] [analysis]
35b10yII 75,2135b8book 2211 aniena: aniendai
[‘of the Anio’] [analysis]
35b14kkII 75,2435b9book 2211 oleaginus: olegende
[‘pertaining to the olive tree’] [analysis]
35b20uuII 76,235b10book 2211 563 25 colurnus: coldde quia fit corylus nomen arboris {= E 24r32 coldde] collguid; quia] et E}
[‘of the hazel, because it comes from ‘corylus’ (hazel), the name of a tree’] [analysis]
35b21xxII 76,235b11book 2211 25 ficulnus: ficuldae ficulnia
[‘of the fig-tree, ‘ficulnea’ (fig-tree)’] [analysis]
35b39aqII 76,1535b14book 225 211 +cor[vinus]: .i. fiach
[‘i.e. crow’] [analysis]
36a2dII 76,1836a1book 2211 matutinus: fuinide
[‘i.e. belonging to evening’] [analysis]
36a2fII 76,1836a2book 2211 ma[tuta]: fuin
[‘sunset’] [analysis]
36a5nII 76,2036a4book 2211 antelu[canus]: remdedólte
[‘preceding the dawn’] [analysis]
36a10uII 76,2336a5book 225 211 anse[rinus]: anser .i. gigrann {cf. E 24v15 .i. goirann .i. ansera}
[‘ ‘anser’ (goose), i.e. wild (/barnacle) goose’] [analysis]
36a12wII 76,2336a6book 2211 55 humanus: húrde
[‘earthy’] [analysis]
36a38kkII 77,1336a8book 2211 capsa: comrar
[‘box’] [analysis]
36a42qqII 77,1536a9 book 225 211 215 mustelino: mustélla .i. ness mús longa mustellinus {cf. E 24v30 a mustella mus}
[‘ ‘mustela’ (weasel), i.e. weasel, long mouse, ‘mustellinus’’] [analysis]
36b27rII 78,336b3book 2336[?] 211 factum: a n-as forcmide
[‘when it is made’] [analysis]
36b32xII 78,736b4book 2211 *tolletum: .i. esgal tenlach
[‘i.e. roar or hearth’] [analysis]
37a7aII 78,1837a1book 2211 55 lucina: taitnem
[‘splendor’] [analysis]
37a16hII 78,2437a2 book 2211 follis: bolc
[‘(smith’s) bellows’] [analysis]
37a25mII 79,437a3book 2211 macer: séim
[‘slender’] [analysis]
37a26oII 79,437a4book 2211 [liber]tus: sóermug
[‘an enfranchised slave’] [analysis]
37a27qII 79,537a5book 2566[?] 211 +rufus: proprium derc
[‘i.e. a proper name, or red’] [analysis]
37a37ffII 79,1137a9book 2211 gentilia: cenelcha
[‘belonging to race’] [analysis]
37b2bII 79,1537b1book 2211 aper: torc allid
[‘a wild boar’] [analysis]
37b2cII 79,1537b2book 2211 aprinus: torcde {= E 25v6 .i. add. E}
[‘boarlike’] [analysis]
37b2dII 79,1637b3book 2211 caper: gabor
[‘goat’] [analysis]
37b5''eII 79,1637b4book 2211 cervinus: damde
[‘deerlike’] [analysis]
37b9''fII 79,1637b5book 2211 taurinus: tarbde
[‘bull-like’] [analysis]
37b10''gII 79,1737b6book 2211 ferus: .i. best
[‘i.e. wild beast’] [analysis]
37b16''hII 79,1737b7book 2211 leporinus: patnide
[‘pertaining to a hare or hares’] [analysis]
37b31''iII 80,437b8book 2211 ovinus: cáirchuide
[‘sheeplike’] [analysis]
37b33''kII 80,437b9book 2211 suinus: mucde
[‘swine-like’] [analysis]
37b5"mII 80,637b10book 2211 ullus: óenán
[‘any’] [analysis]
37b7"nII 80,637b11book 2211 ulla: óennat
[‘any’] [analysis]
37b11"oII 80,737b12book 2211 bellus: sainemlan
[‘rather excellent’] [analysis]
37b11rII 80,1337b13book 2211 medi[astinus]: medón-tairismid gabaltaid
[‘standing in the middle or holding the middle (medóngabáltaid)’] [analysis]
37b16tII 80,1437b14book 2211 fiscina: ainches
[‘basket’] [analysis]
37b19wII 80,1537b15book 2211 fuscina: áel {cf. K 17v43 f (m.l.) beda fuscina tridens .i. áel}
[‘fleshfork’] [analysis]
37b26yII 80,1637b16book 2211 fiscus: cís
[‘tax’] [analysis]
37b27zII 80,1637b17book 2211 fiscina: .i. fá inna·díxnigedar cechtar de
[‘i.e. or whether it is not each of the two’] [analysis]
37b28aaII 80,1737b18book 2211 3116 (a) neutro: .i. o nechtar n-aí
[‘i.e. from either of the two’] [analysis]
37b28bbII 80,1737b19book 2211 543 neutrum a neutro: (m.d.) .i. fá innád·fail nechtar de hu alaliu
[‘i.e. or whether it is not that one of them is from the other’] [analysis]
37b33eeII 80,1837b21book 2211 (a) pago: o fích
[‘from a village’] [analysis]
37b36ggII 80,1837b22book 2211 (a) muto: o amlabar
[‘from a mute’] [analysis]
38a18kII 81,338a3book 2211 hesternus: .i. déthenachde
[‘i.e. recent’] [analysis]
38a19lII 81,438a4book 2211 336[?] disinentia: .i. inna-hí con·osnat in teria
[‘i.e. those that end in -tertia’] [analysis]
38a27sII 81,1138a9book 2211 quercus: daur
[‘oak’] [analysis]
38a27uII 81,1138a10book 2211 quernus: daurde {= E 26r4 darde}
[‘oaken’] [analysis]
38a28wII 81,1138a11book 2211 corylus: coll {= E 26r4 .i. add. E}
[‘hazel’] [analysis]
38a28xII 81,1138a12book 2211 colurnus: colde
[‘belonging to the hazel’] [analysis]
38a29yII 81,1238a13book 2211 mensurnus: místae
[‘monthly’] [analysis]
38b2bII 81,2038b2book 2211 dardanum: dardánde
[‘Dardanian’] [analysis]
38b13nII 82,438b4book 2211 221 tripolites: trechatharde
[‘of three cities’] [analysis]
38b21tII 82,938b6book 2211 25 privignus: .i. les macc .i. prius genitus {= L 30r11 a les mac; E 26r21 prius genitus}
[‘i.e. step-son, i.e. born earlier’] [analysis]
38b21uII 82,938b7book 2211 pelignus: .i. tudraichthid g reliqua {cf. L 30r11 b pelex; E 26r18 (m.d.) peligna cohors invenitur de nomine provinciae. est pelex}
[‘i.e. seducer (paelex), or (it is) Greek (Pelignus)’] [analysis]
38b36ccII 82,1938b9book 225 211 pedester: pedes traigthech
[‘ ‘pedes’ (feet), i.e. pedestrian’] [analysis]
39a5cII 83,239a1book 3211 541 [positi]vi (intellectu): .i. co n-intṡliucht posit ainmmdi
[‘i.e. with the signification of a nominal positive’] [analysis]
39a5dII 83,239a2book 3541 211 aliquo: .i. sono. co n-alailiu fogoir
[‘i.e. with some sound’] [analysis]
39a6eII 83,239a3book 3211 participe: ranngabáltaith ranngabáldu
[‘participator or participial’] [analysis]
39a10hII 83,439a6 book 3211 magis: (subs.) hire
[‘further’] [analysis]
39a10iII 83,439a7book 3211 (magis) ultra: .i. cian
[‘i.e. distant’] [analysis]
39a11lII 83,539a9book 3211 magis (intra): inmedónchu
[‘more inward’] [analysis]
39a12mII 83,539a10book 3211 comparationes: inna comchutrummaichthi-so
[‘these comparisons’] [analysis]
39a15qII 83,739a14book 3211 detero: olcc
[‘evil’] [analysis]
39a16rII 83,839a15book 3211 extra: immechtrach
[‘external’] [analysis]
39a16sII 83,839a16book 3211 intra: inmedónach
[‘inner’] [analysis]
39a17tII 83,839a17book 3211 ultra: cian
[‘far’] [analysis]
39a17uII 83,939a18book 3211 citra: centarach
[‘on this side’] [analysis]
39a17wII 83,939a19book 3211 citerior: centarchu
[‘more on this side’] [analysis]
39a21zII 83,1139a22book 3211 571 caelestibus: dé nemdai són
[‘that is, heavenly gods’] [analysis]
39a21aaII 83,1139a23book 3211 543 (sive) vivis: nó dé bithbí it é vivi. in dóini bí
[‘or ever-living gods, or they are the vivi, the living human beings’] [analysis]
39a21bbII 83,1239a24book 3211 571 (pro) manibus: Ar déib iffirnn {cf. E 26v9 infernalibus diis}
[‘for gods of hell’] [analysis]
39a22ccII 83,1239a25book 3211 542 adeo: in mar .i. ní arindí no·mbetis cid in biucc. as·beir-sem in már. acht is arindí nad·biat etir
[‘greatly, i.e. he says ‘greatly’, not that they are even in small measure, but because they do not exist at all’] [analysis]
39a31iiII 83,1839a31book 3211 (ex) accidentibus: .i. huanaib teṅcmaiṅgthechaib
[‘i.e. from the accidentals’] [analysis]
39a33llII 83,1939a32book 3211 4222 qualitate: .i. inne maith uilcc
[‘i.e. the quality of good or of evil’] [analysis]
39b17bII 84,1539b1book 3211 detero: de·mecimm
[‘I despise’] [analysis]
39b17cII 84,1539b2book 3211 23 potior: .i. cumachtaigim quando verbum cumachtach quando possitivum
[‘i.e. (it means) I make myself master, when it is a verb, and powerful when (it is an adjective in the) positive’] [analysis]
39b18eII 84,1539b3abook 3211 potior: cumachtchu.
[‘i.e. more powerful’] [analysis]
39b20fII 84,1639b4book 3211 potis: .i. sainsamail
[‘i.e. excellent’] [analysis]
39b21hII 84,1739b5book 3211 alia: sain
[‘different’] [analysis]
39b25iII 84,2139b6book 3211 [in]dulgens: dilgedach
[‘forgiving’] [analysis]
39b27lII 84,2239b8book 3211 3115 (in ..) significationem: isa foluth
[‘into the signification’] [analysis]
39b33rII 85,539b11book 3211 336[?] de (agna [pascenda]): din dínit bed ṡástai
[‘of the lamb which is to be full-fed’] [analysis]
39b34sII 85,539b12book 3211 citer (ager): .i. a tír centarach immechtrach.
[‘i.e. the country on this side or on the outside’] [analysis]
39b34tII 85,539b13book 3211 334 alligatus (.. [erit]): bid cuimrechta tecail dígen
[‘it will be tied or chosen forth or...’] [analysis]
39b39xII 85,939b15book 3211 exter: echtrann
[‘foreign’] [analysis]
40a1aII 85,1340a1book 325 211 penitus: .i. pene.intus .i. inmedónach {cf. E 27r9 .i. pene &intus E}
[‘i.e. ‘pene intus’ (almost on the inside), i.e. interior’] [analysis]
40a1bII 85,1340a2book 3211 penitior: inmedónchu
[‘more interior’] [analysis]
40a4eII 85,1540a3book 3211 penitiorem: ba inmedónchu
[‘it was more interior’] [analysis]
40a7fII 85,1740a4book 3211 543 honoris (causa): fo bíth soíre ceneiuil inna grec
[‘because of the nobility of the race of the Greeks’] [analysis]
40a8gII 85,1740a5book 3211 34 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
40a11lII 86,140a9book 3211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
40a18qII 86,440a14book 3211 maiusculus: máanu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
40a19sII 86,540a16book 3211 35 quod (ac[cidit]): ol do-n·ecmaiṅg.
[‘because it happens’] [analysis]
40a27ffII 86,1040a20book 3211 336[?] conferens: a con·ro-delgg
[‘when he has compared’] [analysis]
40a32ggII 86,1540a21book 3211 35 si (sint): adas ma beit
[‘although they are’] [analysis]
40b15fII 87,440b1book 3211 543 anomala: neph-riagoldai
[‘irregular’] [analysis]
40b24nII 87,940b5book 3211 nequior: andgidiu.
[‘more wicked’] [analysis]
40b30rII 87,1340b9book 3211 (non sunt) usi: ní·arrbartatar bith
[‘they have never used’] [analysis]
40b33tII 87,1540b10book 3211 magis (pius): goiriu
[‘more pious’] [analysis]
40b35uII 87,1640b11book 3211 *est: ata
[‘it is’] [analysis]
40b35wII 87,1640b12book 3211 *(sunt: ) quando (usi): in tan ara·ru-batar bith
[‘when they used’] [analysis]
41a5dII 88,641a2book 3211 [indus]triior: leriu
[‘more assiduous’] [analysis]
41a23lII 89,341a5book 3211 plus (quoque): cid plús
[‘even plus’] [analysis]
41a23nII 89,441a6book 3211 333 (esse) comparativum: .i. as comparit
[‘i.e. which is a comparative’] [analysis]
41a26qII 89,541a9book 3211 plures: lia {= E 27v31 .i. add. E}
[‘more’] [analysis]
41a40tII 89,1441a10book 3211 acer: tichair lainn
[‘sharp, eager’] [analysis]
41b11bII 89,2241b1book 3211 quod (solum): olsodain oín
[‘which alone’] [analysis]
41b30kII 90,1441b5book 3211 3112 quirites: a rómanu
[‘Romans!’] [analysis]
41b30lII 90,1541b6book 3211 (propter) foenus: ar luach
[‘for profit’] [analysis]
42a8eII 91,1142a3book 3211 primus: tóisigem
[‘first’] [analysis]
42b30lII 93,1942b6book 3211 34 tam: in meit-se {= E 29r1 in metro}
[‘so much’] [analysis]
43a11dII 94,1543a2book 3211 superponitur: do·roscaithaer
[‘it is surpassed’] [analysis]
44a11eII 97,1544a2book 3211 (pro) cognato: ar chobdelaichg
[‘for a relative’] [analysis]
44a12fII 97,1644a3book 3211 (a) legislatoribus: onaib rechttáircidib
[‘by the legislators’] [analysis]
45a1aII 100,445a1book 3211 per (genitivos): for genitne són
[‘that is, over genitives’] [analysis]
45a6eII 100,845a5book 3211 3115 comparativum: in comparit
[‘the comparative’] [analysis]
45a34rII 101,1145a12book 3211 maiuscu[lus]: máanu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
45a35sII 101,1145a13book 3211 minusculus: laigeniu
[‘a little smaller’] [analysis]
45a37yII 101,1445a15book 3211 543 parvo (maior): in bec máo .i. is bec as mao oldáu-sa .i. is bec in derscugud
[‘a little greater i.e. she is a little greater than I, i.e. the distinction is small’] [analysis]
45b2cII 101,1845b2book 3211 reguli: ind rígain
[‘the small kings’] [analysis]
45b3eII 101,1945b3book 3211 urbanitatis: hua accuiss sulbairichthe
[‘because of politeness’] [analysis]
45b5iII 101,2145b4book 3211 fraterculus: bráithrán
[‘small brother’] [analysis]
45b5lII 101,2245b5book 3211 adulationis: apelaigthe
[‘of adulation’] [analysis]
45b6pII 101,2245b8book 3211 antoniaster: (subs.) antonain {cf. E 30v12 antunan}
[‘of little Antonius’] [analysis]
45b7qII 101,2245b10book 3211 59 patriciolus: paträcáin .i. quasi füisset {cf. E 30v13 .i. patrican .i. quamvis sit magnus}
[‘of little Patrick; i.e. as if he had been !’] [analysis]
45b11uII 102,445b12book 3211 homuncio: duinén
[‘little person’] [analysis]
45b12xII 102,445b13book 3211 [homun]culus: duinenet
[‘very small person’] [analysis]
45b15"ccII 102,1045b15book 3211 parasitaster: fuirserán
[‘a little buffoon’] [analysis]
45b38"ggII 102,1445b17book 325 211 unciola: uncia ungae
[‘ ‘uncia’ (ounce), = ounce’] [analysis]
45b40"iiII 102,1445b18book 325 211 maxilla: mala glainine
[‘ ‘mala’ (cheek, jaw) = small jaw’] [analysis]
45b40uuII 103,245b20book 3211 furca: gabul
[‘fork’] [analysis]
46a6bII 103,746a1book 3211 mas[culus]: ferán
[‘little man’] [analysis]
46a8cII 103,846a2book 3211 osculum: ginán
[‘a little mouth’] [analysis]
46a8dII 103,846a2book 3211 +osculum: bóc
[‘or a kiss’]
46a10fII 103,946a4book 3211 aliud (deminutivum): digabthach n-aill
[‘another diminutive’] [analysis]
46a13iII 103,1246a6book 3211 pauperculus: boctán
[‘little poor person’] [analysis]
46a16lII 103,1846a8book 3211 (infra) ventriculum: hís bronnait {cf. E 31r7 (subs.) parvus venter}
[‘under a small belly’] [analysis]
46a17mII 103,1846a9book 3211 336[?] distantia: a ndechrigeddar
[‘when they stand apart’] [analysis]
46a17nII 103,1846a10book 3211 (tenui ..) rima: huan dlúithi séimo
[‘by the slender density’] [analysis]
46a18oII 103,1946a11book 3211 munusculum: danán
[‘small gift’] [analysis]
46a18pII 103,2046a12book 3211 crus: erochuir
[‘leg’] [analysis]
46a30uII 104,946a14book 3211 sepiuscule: in meincán
[‘fairly often’] [analysis]
46a37zII 104,1746a16book 3211 pluscula: huillénu
[‘a little greater’] [analysis]
46b5bII 105,546b1book 3211 rumor: clú
[‘rumour’] [analysis]
46b9dII 105,1146b2book 3211 543 sororcula: siurnat
[‘little sister’] [analysis]
46b29''fII 105,1646b3book 3211 retis: lín
[‘fishing-net’] [analysis]
46b35''gII 105,1746b4book 3211 pons: drochat
[‘bridge’] [analysis]
46b15"iII 105,1846b6book 3211 securis: biáil
[‘axe’] [analysis]
46b26"lII 105,2246b7book 3211 fidis: tét
[‘string of a musical instrument’] [analysis]
46b21pII 106,546b8book 3211 cuticula: tonnait
[‘small skin’] [analysis]
46b37uII 106,1046b11book 3211 lapillus: lecán
[‘small stone’] [analysis]
46b40wII 106,1046b12book 3211 [an]guilla: escung
[‘eel’] [analysis]
46b41xII 106,1146b13book 3211 ungula: cróa
[‘a hoof’] [analysis]
46b41yII 106,1146b13book 3211 +ungula: ingen
47a7aII 106,1647a1book 3211 curriculum: comṡreth són
[‘this is a formation’] [analysis]
47a9bII 106,1847a2book 3211 cornicu[lum]: adercéne
[‘little horn’] [analysis]
47a10cII 106,1847a3book 3211 geniculum: almne glunae
[‘knee-cap (?), knee’] [analysis]
47a11eII 106,1847a4book 3211 aculeus: snáthatath
[‘little needle’] [analysis]
47a32''fII 107,347a5book 3211 capitulum: centat iss ed a cennbart són linni
[‘a little head, that is, with us, the head-covering’] [analysis]
47a15"gII 107,647a6book 3211 volpecula: sinnchenae
[‘little fox’] [analysis]
47a21"hII 107,647a7book 3211 23 recula: .i. rétan regula immurgu quasi rectula
[‘i.e. little thing. But ‘regula’ (stick) as if ‘rectula’ (small straight line)’] [analysis]
47a28"iII 107,947a8book 3211 vepres: driss
[‘thorn-bush’] [analysis]
47a34"kII 107,947a9book 3563 211 nitedula: (m.l.) nitedula animal est quod in silvis invenitur. sicut ignis efulgens quod apud grecos dicitur. λαμπος .i. luacharnn., {= E 31v26-7 effulgens E; λαμπως E; lucarn. lampas E}
[‘‘nitedula’ (dormouse) is an animal that is found in the woods, shining like fire, and that is called ‘λαμπυίς’ (glow-worm), i.e. a lantern, with the Greeks’] [analysis]
47a15lII 107,1147a10book 3211 mercedula: fochricnet
[‘little reward’] [analysis]
47a22mII 107,1347a11book 3211 apes: bech
[‘bee’] [analysis]
47a25nII 107,1347a12book 3211 apicula: bechán
[‘little bee’] [analysis]
47a29oII 107,1547a13book 3211 (non) feram: ni·aisṅdius-a
[‘I will not proclaim’] [analysis]
47a37qII 107,1747a14book 3211 vetulus: arsidán
[‘little old (person)’] [analysis]
47b2aII 108,147b1book 3211 sus: mucc
[‘pig, sow’] [analysis]
47b12eII 108,947b3book 3211 carbo: richis
[‘live ember’] [analysis]
47b12fII 108,947b4book 3211 carbunculus: richísan
[‘small ember’] [analysis]
47b20lII 108,1947b7book 3211 214 (item) loligo: .i. bronnlog .i. soccsáil genus piscis ut isidorus dicit {cf. E 32r13 .i. morbrann. vel genus piscis.. isidorus dicit. }
[‘i.e. cuttlefish/squid, i.e. snout of the sea a kind of fish, as Isidore says’] [analysis]
47b24mII 109,347b8book 3211 homuncio: duinán
[‘little person’] [analysis]
47b26nII 109,447b9book 3211 fur: táid
[‘thief’] [analysis]
47b26oII 109,447b10book 3211 furunculus: táidán {cf. E 32r16 parvus latro.}
[‘little thief’] [analysis]
47b28sII 109,6101book 3211 leno: banleo-sin
[‘that lionness’] [analysis]
47b39yII 109,1647b11book 3211 23 agellus: tirthat
[‘a small piece of land’] [analysis]
47b39zII 109,1647b12book 3211 anellus: ánne
[‘a ring’] [analysis]
48a9eII 109,2348a2book 3211 paulus: bec
[‘small’] [analysis]
48a9fII 109,2448a3book 3211 paululus: becán
[‘rather small’] [analysis]
48a18iII 110,548a4book 3211 23 mala: glaine
[‘jaw’] [analysis]
48a19kII 110,648a5book 3211 talus: odbrann {= L 36v6 a, E 32v3 odbran}
[‘ankle’] [analysis]
48a22lII 110,1048a6book 3211 543 (iterum) deminutiva: dígabthacha hualailib
[‘diminutives from others’] [analysis]
48a28mII 110,1448a7book 3211 columnella: columnat
[‘little pillar’] [analysis]
48a36''pII 110,1648a10book 3211 capra: heirp
[‘she-goat’] [analysis]
48a36rII 110,1948a11book 3211 mi*sellus (s): trogán
[‘little miserable person’] [analysis]
48a36tII 110,2148a13book 3211 aru[la]: altóirnat
[‘small altar’] [analysis]
48a37uII 110,2148a14book 3211 terula: talamnat
[‘small piece of ground’] [analysis]
48b3bII 110,2548b1book 3211 tigillum: clethnat
[‘small beam’] [analysis]
48b16gII 111,1048b2book 3211 crebrum: .i. criathar
[‘i.e. sieve’] [analysis]
48b17hII 111,11102book 3211 flabrum: srogell
48b17iII 111,1148b3book 3211 +flagrum: .i. srogell
[‘scourge’] [analysis]
48b18kII 111,1148b4book 3211 sacellum: nemed
[‘sanctuary’] [analysis]
48b33oII 112,148b6book 3211 villum: fínan
[‘small wine (?)’] [analysis]
48b34qII 112,148b7book 3211 (?)[?] pannus: c..n
[‘? withered’] [analysis]
49a3bII 112,1049a1book 3211 agna: dínu
[‘lamb’] [analysis]
49a7''cII 112,1249a1abook 3211 urceus: cilornn {= E 33r9 chilorn.}
[‘vessel’] [analysis]
49a9''dII 112,1349a2book 3211 +alveus: lothor
[‘tub’] [analysis]
49a11''eII 112,1349a3book 3211 +luteus: .i. derg
[‘i.e. red’] [analysis]
49a13''fII 112,1349a4book 3211 malleus: ordd
[‘sledge-hammer’] [analysis]
49a19nII 112,2249a6book 3211 *(hic) noster (antoniaster): ar n-antonán-ni intí-siu
[‘this is our Tonykin’] [analysis]
49a22pII 113,249a7book 3211 +lutea: .i. derg
[‘i.e. red’] [analysis]
49a23rII 113,349a8book 3211 mollia: argi
[‘mild’] [analysis]
49a23sII 113,349a9book 3211 pinguit: con·suidigedar
[‘it compounds’] [analysis]
49a23tII 113,349a10book 3211 vaccinia: inna daercae fróich
[‘the berries of the heather’] [analysis]
49a23uII 113,349a10abook 3211 (luteola ..) calta: .i. ond scoid deirc
[‘i.e. with the red flower’] [analysis]
49a24wII 113,549a11book 3211 unciolam: in uṅgainet
[‘the little ounce’] [analysis]
49a28aaII 113,749a13book 3211 palliolum: bróitene
[‘little cloak’] [analysis]
49a40''ccII 113,1249a14book 3211 *(pauculus) et palculus: 7 óthatnat.
[‘and a very small number’] [analysis]
49a32"ddII 113,1249a15book 3211 tantus: mét
[‘so much’] [analysis]
49a41iiII 113,1849a17book 3211 dentatam: fiáclaich
[‘toothed’] [analysis]
49b1aII 113,1949b1book 3211 *serulam: glasán
[‘a little bar’] [analysis]
49b1bII 113,1949b2book 3211 aqula: usceán
[‘little water’] [analysis]
49b4cII 114,449b3book 3211 equa: láir
[‘mare’] [analysis]
49b4dII 114,449b4book 3211 equla: lárene
[‘small mare’] [analysis]
49b15gII 114,1649b5book 3211 parasitus: fuirsire
[‘buffoon’] [analysis]
49b16iII 114,1749b6book 3211 senex: sen
[‘old person’] [analysis]
49b17kII 114,1749b7book 3211 [se]nicio: senán
[‘little old man’] [analysis]
49b25oII 115,449b8book 3211 212 coniculus: aimmsid (m.d.) beda coniculus sulcus.
[‘an attempter’] [analysis]
49b25qII 115,449b9book 3211 anniculus: bliadnide
[‘yearling’] [analysis]
49b26uII 115,549b10book 3211 572 fribolus: cuitbide .i. fribolus fere obillo dignus .i. ní ferr leth-scripul {cf. E 33v15 fribolus. fere ovello. dignus.}
[‘ridiculous, i.e. frivolus fere obolo dignus, not better than a half-scruple’] [analysis]
49b30yII 115,849b11book 3211 canicula: cuán
[‘small dog’] [analysis]
49b30aaII 115,849b13book 3211 calus: cliab. {cf. K 23r22 a .i. gliab}
[‘basket’] [analysis]
49b33ccII 115,1249b14book 3211 [casil]lum: clebéne
[‘small basket’] [analysis]
49b33ddII 115,1249b15book 3211 pistrinum: cucann mulenn
[‘kitchen or mill’] [analysis]
49b35eeII 115,1349b16book 3211 571 nubilum: doinenn reliqua icidorus
[‘bad weather’] [analysis]
49b39hhII 115,1849b17book 3211 glandium: glaine airnne
[‘a jaw or a sloe’] [analysis]
49b40kkII 115,1849b18book 3211 intestinorum: inna coilchomae
[‘of the slender waist’] [analysis]
49b40llII 116,149b19book 3211 ensiculus: claidbene
[‘little sword’] [analysis]
49b41nnII 116,249b20book 3211 214 betacius: bethech braisech genus holeris ut icidorus dicit similiter malva
[‘belonging to the beet or kale (?). A kind of herb, as Isidore says. The same is true for ‘malva’ (mallows)’] [analysis]
49b41ooII 116,249b21book 3211 571 malvaceus: (subs.) lemnat
[‘mallow’] [analysis]
50a15pII 117,1150a6book 4211 543 significationem: .i. huare nád·forcmat in n-inni saindilis inna ṅdelb
[‘i.e. since they do not preserve the special meaning of the forms’] [analysis]
50a33xII 118,650a10book 4211 cervix: bráge
[‘a neck’] [analysis]
50a33yII 118,650a11book 455?[?] 211 tribunal: (m.l.) sochuide trebunṡuide rígṡuide
[‘a multitude or a tribunal or a throne’] [analysis]
50a34zII 118,650a12book 4211 pugil: cuanene
[‘handful’] [analysis]
50a35ccII 118,750a14book 4211 542 nequam: écmacht arindí nád·cumaiṅg maith do denom
[‘powerless, because he cannot do good’] [analysis]
50a36ddII 118,850a15book 4211 olivetum: olachaill
[‘olive-wood’] [analysis]
50a36eeII 118,850a16book 4211 rosetum: rosachaill
[‘rose-plantation’] [analysis]
50a37ffII 118,850a17book 4211 [ten]torium: pupall
[‘tent’] [analysis]
50a37ggII 118,850a18book 455 211 stabulum: tairissem
[‘stability’] [analysis]
50a38hhII 118,950a19book 4211 541 lacunar: druimmchlae .i. donaib clúasaib bíte isin druimmchlae ind ainmmnigud-sin
[‘ceiling, i.e. for the hollows which are in the ceiling (is) this denomination’] [analysis]
50a38kkII 118,950a20book 4211 calx: (subs.) sal lue
[‘heel or kick’] [analysis]
50a38llII 118,950a21book 4211 calcar: cinteir
[‘spur’] [analysis]
50a38mmII 118,1050a22book 4211 cae*sar (s): esartaid
[‘destroyer’] [analysis]
50a39nnII 118,1050a23book 4211 equester: marcach {cf. E 34r15 marcoc}
[‘horseman’] [analysis]
50a39ooII 118,1050a24book 4211 macer: cóil {cf. E 34r15 cul}
[‘slender’] [analysis]
50a40ppII 118,1050a25book 4211 senator: senátoir
[‘senator’] [analysis]
50a42qqII 118,1250a26book 4211 primas: airech thóisechaire
[‘prince or leader’] [analysis]
50a42rrII 118,1250a27book 4211 optimas: aire sainṡamail
[‘principal or conspicuous’] [analysis]
50b2aII 118,1350b1book 4211 pedes: traigthech
[‘pedestrian’] [analysis]
50b2bII 118,1350b2book 4211 eques: óinechaid
[‘rider’] [analysis]
50b3cII 118,1450b3book 4211 teges: dítiu
[‘covering’] [analysis]
50b4fII 118,1450b4book 4211 sepes: félmae
[‘fence’] [analysis]
50b4gII 118,1550b5book 4211 strues: sreth
[‘that which is laid out/strewn’] [analysis]
50b4hII 118,1550b6book 4211 strages: ár
[‘slaughter’] [analysis]
50b7iII 118,1750b7book 4211 lepos: sulbaire
[‘cheerfulness’] [analysis]
50b11nII 118,1950b8book 4211 vito: imm·imgabaim
[‘I evade’] [analysis]
50b11oII 118,1950b9book 4211 212 vitabun[dus]: teichthech .i. similis vitanti
[‘inclined to flight, i.e. similar to ‘vitans’ (avoiding)’] [analysis]
50b16rII 118,2350b10book 4211 audax: létenach
[‘daring’] [analysis]
50b17sII 118,2350b11book 4211 picenum: bíde {cf. E 34r25 pix pec}
[‘pitchy’] [analysis]
50b17tII 118,2350b12book 4211 picens: bíde
[‘pitchy’] [analysis]
50b20yII 119,150b15book 4211 acrimonia: lainne
[‘eagerness’] [analysis]
50b21aaII 119,250b16book 4211 armatura: armthatu
[‘armour’] [analysis]
50b27eeII 119,650b18book 4211 34 *et: cid
[‘even’] [analysis]
50b35''kkII 119,1150b21book 4211 +pudicitia: (m.l.) .i. féle
[‘i.e. modesty’] [analysis]
51a8''bII 119,1651a1book 4211 +violentia: écen
[‘violence’] [analysis]
51a8"eII 119,2151a2book 4211 572 teucrus: troiánde
[‘Trojan’] [analysis]
51a11"fII 119,2151a3book 4211 572 teucria: trói {cf. E 34v7 .i. troia.}
[‘Troy’] [analysis]
51a20iII 120,251a6book 4211 parsimonia: inmaisnige reliqua
[‘frugality, etc.’] [analysis]
51a22kII 120,251a7book 4211 qu*erimonia (a): airégem
[‘complaint’] [analysis]
51a38nII 120,751a8book 4211 cautus: faitech
[‘cautious’] [analysis]
51a10pII 120,951a9book 4211 cliens: cocéle
[‘client’] [analysis]
51a11qII 120,951a10book 4211 clientela: cocélsine
[‘companionship’] [analysis]
51b3aII 120,1251b1book 4211 candela: taitnem
[‘shine’] [analysis]
51b10cII 120,1851b3book 4211 officina: cerddchae
[‘a workshop’] [analysis]
51b22''dII 120,1951b4book 4211 cocina: cucann {cf. E 34v24 .i. cochin}
[‘kitchen’] [analysis]
51b23''eII 120,1951b5book 4211 colina: cucann cuilae
[‘kitchen or storeroom’] [analysis]
51b27''gII 120,2051b7book 4211 farina: men
[‘flour’] [analysis]
51b33''hII 120,2051b8book 4211 lanterna: cleth
[‘concealment’] [analysis]
51b39"wII 121,11105book 4211 +frugi: parcus
51b42"xII 121,1351b12book 4211 mancipi: (subs.) .i. doer
[‘i.e. serf’] [analysis]
52a1aII 121,1352a1book 4211 cordi: cridech
[‘cordial’] [analysis]
52a6''dII 121,1652a2book 4211 catus: fissith {cf. K 24r6 a ingeniosus}
[‘learned man’] [analysis]
52a9''fII 121,1652a3book 4566[?] 211 capito: proprium cennmar {= E 35r6 cenmar A cenma<u<r corr. B}
[‘a proper name, or greatheaded’] [analysis]
52a10''gII 121,1652a4book 4211 (a) labe: huá ṡail
[‘from dirt’] [analysis]
52a15''lII 121,1752a5book 4211 214 leno: slithid banbachlach (m.l.) icidorus Leno conciliator ⁊ conciliatrix stupri .- {ic- .. stupri: = E 35r6 ic- G cic- E; cf. K 24r7 b conc<i<liator stupri}
[‘procuress or female servant’] [analysis]
52a21''sII 121,1852a6book 4211 epulo: fledaichthith
[‘gormandizer’] [analysis]
52a25''tII 121,1952a7book 4211 epulones: fledaichthidi
[‘gormandizers’] [analysis]
52a23"xII 121,2552a8book 4211 abolitio: forbbart
[‘increase’] [analysis]
52a41"bbII 122,352a9book 4211 internecio: óg dílgend
[‘complete extinction’] [analysis]
52a18iiII 122,652a11book 4211 ferrugo: dubchorcur
[‘dark purple’] [analysis]
52a19mmII 122,652a12book 4211 erugo: meirc
[‘rust’] [analysis]
52a21nnII 122,752a13book 4211 margo: hirud
[‘margin’] [analysis]
52a23ppII 122,752a14book 4211 ligo: bacc {cf. E 35r16 bach vel percig}
[‘grub-hoe’] [analysis]
52a14uuII 122,1252a16book 4211 acredo: lainne
[‘eagerness’] [analysis]
52a m.d.wwII 122,1252a17book 4211 dulcedo: .i. somailse
[‘i.e. sweetness’] [analysis]
52a m.d.xxII 122,1252a18book 4211 intercapedo: etargabál
[‘interception’] [analysis]
52b17"fII 123,452b2book 4211 (a) testa: hua cheinn
[‘from covering’] [analysis]
52b22"iII 123,752b3book 458 211 *irudo (h): vel erudo .i. emblema airchellad {= K 24r34 nó airchellad om. K}
[‘[…] or a taking away’] [analysis]
52b23"lII 123,752b4book 4211 arundo: curchas
[‘reed’] [analysis]
52b23"mII 123,752b5book 4211 haerundo: fannall
[‘swallow’] [analysis]
52b25"nII 123,852b6book 4211 [spe]cus: huam
[‘cave’] [analysis]
52b26"pII 123,852b8book 4211 [tes]ta: ceinn
[‘covering’] [analysis]
52b38"rII 123,1452b9book 4211 +vectigal: cís rigdae
[‘the royal tax’] [analysis]
52b40"xII 123,1552b10book 4211 torus: lige {cf. E 35v8 lectus multorum una dormientium.}
[‘couch’] [analysis]
53a9dII 123,2553a2book 4211 olevetum: olachaill
[‘olive-wood’] [analysis]
53a9eII 123,2553a3book 4211 vinetum: fíntan
[‘vineyard’] [analysis]
53a10gII 123,2553a4book 425 211 rosetum: rosa rostan
[‘ ‘rosa’ (rose), = rose-plantation’] [analysis]
53a10hII 123,2553a5book 425 211 dumetum: duma dristenach
[‘ ‘*duma’ (thorn-bush), = thicket’] [analysis]
53a10iII 123,2653a6book 425 211 quercetum: quercus daurauth
[‘an oak-wood’] [analysis]
53a10kII 123,2653a7book 4211 563 escu[letum]: escalchaill .i. fid arddmár {cf. E 35v14 .oscaill.}
[‘a wood of Italian oak, i.e. a very tall tree’] [analysis]
53a11mII 123,2653a8book 425 211 mirtetum: mirtus mirtchaill
[‘a myrtle-wood’] [analysis]
53a13oII 124,253a9book 4211 321 quae (sunt): it hé-sidi
[‘it is they’] [analysis]
53a14qII 124,253a11book 4211 55 periectiva: .i. tórmachtai .i. do·fórmgat isin dírruidiguth reliqua
[‘i.e. increased i.e. they increase in the derivation etc.’] [analysis]
53a33''ffII 124,553a12book 425 211 municipium: municipo fích ut icidorus dicit {cf. E 35v18 .municipio}
[‘(as if from a verb) municipo, or village as Isidorus says’] [analysis]
53a20"llII 124,1053a13book 4211 58 +cunabulum: .i. cliab noiden (m.l.) o
[‘i.e. an infant’s cradle’] [analysis]
53a25"ppII 124,1153a16book 4211 turibulum: tuslestar
[‘censer’] [analysis]
53a33"rrII 124,1253a17book 4211 pabulum: geltboth
[‘a grazing-hut’] [analysis]
53a34"ttII 124,1253a18book 4211 prosto: cuiligim
[‘I commit incest’] [analysis]
53a35"uuII 124,1253a19book 4211 58 prostibulum: étradach cuilech (m.l.) ox
[‘lustful or incestuous’] [analysis]
53a38"xxII 124,1353a20book 4211 patibulum: icidorus riag gabul.
[‘gibbet or forkshaped gallows’] [analysis]
53b3bII 124,2453b2book 4211 statura: delb
[‘shape’] [analysis]
53b9dII 125,653b3book 4211 diverticulum: diall {= E 35v33}
[‘a turning aside (= declension)’] [analysis]
53b10fII 125,653b4book 4211 verriculum: tóxal
[‘act of drawing’] [analysis]
53b42"pII 125,2253b5book 4211 matrimonium: máthrathatu
[‘motherhood’] [analysis]
53b31tII 125,2553b6book 4211 +vadum: áth
[‘ford’] [analysis]
53b41uII 126,153b7book 4211 solor: do·donaimm
[‘I console’] [analysis]
54a1aII 126,154a1book 4211 foro: tris·gataim
[‘I pierce’] [analysis]
54a1bII 126,154a2book 4211 foramen: dorochol
[‘hole’] [analysis]
54a3dII 126,254a3book 4211 irrito: do·dúrgimm
[‘I incite’] [analysis]
54a3gII 126,354a4book 4211 irritamen: tudrach
[‘act of exciting’] [analysis]
54a9iII 126,654a6book 4211 [spe]cimen: immcaisiu
[‘act of looking around’] [analysis]
54a10kII 126,754a7book 4211 nuo: cumachtagimm
[‘I am powerful’] [analysis]
54a13pII 126,1054a8book 4211 luo: do·fonuch as·lenaimm
[‘I wash, or I pollute’] [analysis]
54a13sII 126,1054a8abook 4211 541 lumen: (m.d.) lumen glanad per contrarium sensum {= E 36r21 glanad om. E}
[‘lumen purification, per etc.’] [analysis]
54a17wII 126,1254a9book 4211 molimen: tóchrechad
[‘contrivance’] [analysis]
54a18yII 126,1354a10book 4211 pecten: slige reliqua
[‘a weaver’s slay (?)’] [analysis]
54a19zII 126,1354a11book 4211 572 a filo: (m.l.) húand ṡnáthiu .i. filum .i. snáthe no·bíth himm chenn na sacardd ocind edpairt. {cf. E 36r24 filum. notenn}
[‘from the thread, i.e. a thread that used to be round the head of the priests at the sacrifice’] [analysis]
54a19aaII 126,1454a12book 4211 flamen: sacart {cf. E 36r24 sacer<d<}
[‘priest’] [analysis]
54a24eeII 126,1754a13book 4211 sinarisis: accomol {cf. E 36r27 .i. conglutinatio.}
[‘combination’] [analysis]
54a32iiII 126,2354a15book 4211 bigae: dériad
[‘two-horsed chariot’] [analysis]
54a37ppII 127,354a17book 4333 211 suffire: fo·timmthiris
[‘that you should fumigate (lit. subminister)’] [analysis]
54a37qqII 127,354a18book 4211 timo: ó tím .i. flore
[‘with thyme, i.e. with a flower’] [analysis]
54a42ttII 127,754a19book 4211 laquear: druimmchlí (subs.) cuitech
[‘ceiling, or pit’] [analysis]
54b2aII 127,954b1book 4211 571 equester: marcachde .i. idem ⁊ eques síc pedes ⁊ pedester ut alde- dicit {cf. E 36v5 idem &eques. síc &pes}
[‘belonging to a horse-man, i.e. <’equester’ (belonging to a horseman) is> the same as ‘eques’ (horseman). Similarly ‘pedes’ (footsoldier) and ‘pedester’ (pedestrian; plur. foot-soldier) , as Alde- says’] [analysis]
54b2bII 127,954b2book 4211 pedester: traichthechdae
[‘pedestrian’] [analysis]
54b10gII 127,1554b5book 4211 paluster: góithlachde
[‘marshy’] [analysis]
54b42''lII 127,2454b7book 4211 331 furo: bruthnaigim (subs.) tertie coniugationis
[‘I am furious. to the third conjugation’] [analysis]
54b20"nII 127,2654b9book 4211 senator: senatóir
[‘senator’] [analysis]
54b21"oII 127,2654b10book 4211 [dic]tator: dictatóir
[‘dictator’] [analysis]
54b21pII 127,2654b11book 4211 tonsor: berrthaid
[‘barber’] [analysis]
55a10''aII 128,10108book 4211?[?] rapax: lapái
55b30qII 130,955b7book 4211 eques: óenechaid
[‘rider’] [analysis]
55b30rII 130,1055b8book 4211 teges: dítiu
[‘covering’] [analysis]
55b31sII 130,1055b9book 4211 merges: muirbran {cf. E 37r30 corvus marinus}
[‘cormorant’] [analysis]
55b33tII 130,1255b10book 4211 strues: sreth
[‘that which is strewn, laid out’] [analysis]
55b34wII 130,1355b11book 4211 illues: háellned
[‘pollution’] [analysis]
55b38xII 130,1655b12book 4211 25 curialis: dalta .i. curia {cf. E 37v1 .i. curia. .i. dadal.}
[‘belonging to court, i.e. ‘curia’ (court)’] [analysis]
56a29kII 131,1356a1book 4211 patrus: bráthir athar {cf. K 25v27 a, E 37v18 (B) frater patris}
[‘father’s brother’] [analysis]
56a30mII 131,1356a2book 4211 patruelis: macc bráthar athar {cf. K 25v27 b filius eius E 37v18 (C vel B) filius patrui vel filia}
[‘son of father’s brother’] [analysis]
56b14''fII 131,1956b2book 4211 212 scurra: daiscuir parasitus {cf. E 37v23 .i. parasitus}
[‘buffoon’] [analysis]
56b8"kII 131,2556b5book 4211 futio: baithaigim
[‘I am a fool’] [analysis]
56b9"lII 131,2556b6book 4211 effutio: adbolbaithigim
[‘I am a great fool’] [analysis]
56b12"oII 131,2756b9book 436 211 (a) pare: ó .pár
[‘from ‘par’ (equal)’] [analysis]
56b12"pII 131,2756b10book 4211 543 dirivatum: as ṅdirruidigthe a n-ainmm-sin
[‘that that noun is derived’] [analysis]
56b15"qII 132,156b11book 4211 [(possunt) com]parari: cosmailigeddar
[‘(can) be compared’] [analysis]
57a29fII 133,657a1book 4211 peculiaris: sainredach
[‘peculiar’] [analysis]
57a29gII 133,657a2book 4211 mo[lo]: melim
[‘I grind’] [analysis]
57a30hII 133,657a3book 4211 molaris: bróinidae
[‘belonging to a millstone’] [analysis]
57a32kII 133,757a5book 4211 velare: dítiu
[‘shelter’] [analysis]
57a38rII 133,1157a6book 4211 curta: cuirt borc {cf. E 38r24 .i. coirth}
[‘a court or town’] [analysis]
57a38sII 133,1157a7book 4211 curtensis: borggdae cuirtaide impdibthe ut in boetio
[‘belonging to a town, belonging to a court, or, as in Boetius, truncated’] [analysis]
57a40xII 133,12110book 4211 *catena: (subs.) slabrad
57a40yII 133,1257a9book 4211 *catinensis: slabrattae reliqua
[‘belonging to a chain’] [analysis]
57a41zII 133,1357a10book 4211 castrum: dún
[‘fort’] [analysis]
57a42aaII 133,1357a11book 4211 castrensis: dúnattae
[‘belonging to a fort’] [analysis]
57a42bbII 133,1357a12book 4211 forum: dálṡuidae
[‘judgement-seat’] [analysis]
57a42ccII 133,1357a13book 4211 forensis: dáldde {cf. E 38r27 dadalti}
[‘belonging to court’] [analysis]
57a42ddII 133,1357a14book 4211 572 ilium: trói {cf. E 38r27 troia}
[‘Troy’] [analysis]
57a42eeII 133,1357a15book 4211 iliensis: troiánda
[‘Trojan’] [analysis]
57b12"fII 134,157b3book 4211 543 laurentis: laurentide .i. aitribthid na cathrach as·berr laurentium laurens immurgu bís hodie
[‘a Laurentian i.e. an inhabitant of the city called Laurentium; however it is now Laurens’] [analysis]
57b12"gII 134,157b2book 4211 laurens: laurentide {= E 38v2}
[‘a Laurentian’] [analysis]
57b13"hII 134,157b4book 4211 561 tiburtis: tiburtide tiburtum nomen civitatis {cf. E 38v3 tiburtum nomen civitatis vel tibur}
[‘a Tirbutine. The name of the city is ‘Tiburtum’’] [analysis]
57b14"iII 134,257b5book 4211 572 quiritis: sabíṅdae .i. gaide {cf. E 38v3 quiris .civitas .i. hasta}
[‘Sabine i.e. having a spear (quiris=curis)’] [analysis]
57b16"mII 134,357b6book 4211 543 (qui) nominativi: ind ainmmnidi hísin
[‘those nominatives’] [analysis]
57b39"yII 134,14110book 4211 lepos: sulbair
[‘cheerfulness’] [analysis]
57b40"zII 134,1557b8book 4211 543 compes: comascnaidid. ba compes ba riagoldae do buith ní ed immurgu acht is compos fil
[‘competitor (competens): it would be regular that there should be compes: it is not so, however, but it is compos that there is.’] [analysis]
58b10bII 136,258b2book 4211 gallinacius: cercdae {cf. E 39r1 ċerċed}
[‘belonging to a hen’] [analysis]
58b11cII 136,258b3book 4211 membranacius: sreibnaide {cf. E 39r1 pargamina}
[‘membranaceous’] [analysis]
58b19hII 136,858b4book 4211 543 menstruus: místae mensis non mensuus facit {= E 39r6 .i. add. E místae om. E}
[‘monthly: ‘mensis’ (month) does not form ‘*mensuus’’] [analysis]
58b32"mII 136,1958b6book 4211 bobulcus: bóchaill
[‘a cowherd’] [analysis]
59a19rII 137,1059a9book 4211 35 ni*si (s): acht óen limm
[‘save one thing in my opinion’] [analysis]
59a29ddII 137,1659a12book 4211 vi[tabundus]: immgabthach
[‘avoiding’] [analysis]
59a30eeII 137,1659a13book 4543 211 [vi]tabundus: ní fír immgabail is cosmail indí imm·aimmgaib
[‘it is not a true avoidance: it is a likeness of one who avoids’] [analysis]
59a32ffII 137,1859a14book 4211 moribundus: bathach reliqua
[‘dying, etc.’] [analysis]
59a37ggII 137,2059a15book 4211 causor: ar·coimddim
[‘I excuse myself’] [analysis]
59a39kkII 137,2259a16book 4211 ludi[bundus]: cluichech
[‘playful’] [analysis]
59b6bII 137,2659b1book 4211 333 significat: do·foirṅde inrucus neich
[‘it signifies the worth of some one’] [analysis]
59b7cII 138,159b2book 4211 eo: indí reliqua
[‘that’] [analysis]
59b16lII 138,659b8abook 4211 anni[culus]: bliadnide
[‘one year old’] [analysis]
59b19mII 138,759b9book 4211 [extre]mas (partes syllabarum): rann di sillaib
[‘a part of a syllable’] [analysis]
59b22rII 138,959b13book 425 211 *(annulus) deminutivum: dígabthach óndí as ánus cuáirt .i. brefe. anulus bréfean. {cf. E 39v18 .i. a nomine a<n<nus}
[‘a diminutive from anus (a circle) i.e. a hole, anulus a small hole’] [analysis]
59b23sII 138,1059b14book 4211 novacula: núide [..líti]
[‘rather new’] [analysis]
59b23tII 138,1059b15book 4211 novacula: lui
[‘ of small value’] [analysis]
59b38"eeII 138,2059b18book 4543 211 aliquem: is lán di neuch thórṅther tresin n-aimmnigud-sin
[‘it is full of whatever is denoted by that appellation’] [analysis]
60a26oII 139,1060a1book 4211 manulatus: lámostae
[‘having a sleeve’] [analysis]
60a32qII 139,1460a2book 4211 avitus: .i. sen athardae
[‘i.e. belonging to a grandfather’] [analysis]
60a32rII 139,1460a3book 4211 25 maritus: céle más {cf. E 40r10 .i. mas}
[‘a husband, ‘mas’ (male)’] [analysis]
60a32sII 139,1460a4book 4211 572 cerritus: cruithnechtdae á cerere .i. ceres .i. bandea hetho
[‘relating to wheat: from Ceres, the goddess of corn’] [analysis]
60a37tII 139,1760a5book 4211 cornutus: bennach
[‘horned’] [analysis]
60a38uII 139,1760a6book 4211 [ve]rutus: berach birdae
[‘pointed or sharp’] [analysis]
60a38wII 139,1760a7book 4211 25 astutus: tuachil ab astu {cf. M 4ra8 a astu E 40r13 astu in textu princ.}
[‘cunning, from ‘astus’ (dexterity, cunning)’] [analysis]
60a38xII 139,1860a8book 4211 25 versutus: impáidach .i. versus {cf. M 4ra8 b versus}
[‘converted (turned)’] [analysis]
60a40yII 139,1960a9book 4211 25 53 amictus: attóitae a verbo quod est mico ut postea dicet reliqua {cf. E 40r14 a mico}
[‘resplendent, from the verb mico, as he says afterwards’] [analysis]
60b5bII 140,260b1book 4211 honestus: sochrud
[‘dignified’] [analysis]
60b9''cII 140,360b2book 4211 modestus: mesraigthe
[‘moderate’] [analysis]
60b15''dII 140,460b3book 4211 angustus: tachtae
[‘choked’] [analysis]
60b17''eII 140,460b4book 4211 augustus: mathmarcde
[‘augural’] [analysis]
60b20''fII 140,460b5book 4211 venustus: sochrud
[‘dignified’] [analysis]
60b15"mII 140,860b9book 4211 emax: críthid
[‘buyer’] [analysis]
60b20"nII 140,960b10book 4211 pellicio: do·túrgimm
[‘I provoke’] [analysis]
60b21"oII 140,960b11book 4211 pellax: tudrachtaid
[‘exciter’] [analysis]
60b22"rII 140,960b12book 4211 sagio: do·aurchanaim
[‘I foretell’] [analysis]
60b23"sII 140,1060b13book 4211 sagax: taircetlid
[‘prophet’] [analysis]
60b30"uII 140,1160b14abook 4211 latex: clithith
[‘hiding’] [analysis]
60b32"xII 140,1260b15abook 4211 vertex: impúth
[‘conversion’] [analysis]
60b40"zII 140,1360b16book 4211 lego: réchtaigim
[‘I legislate’] [analysis]
60b18aaII 140,1760b17book 4211 4226 [alter]nitatis: ailidetad fri anach
[‘of alternation to its legitimate (form)’] [analysis]
60b19bbII 140,1760b18book 4211 concidit: do·áerbai
[‘it cut off’] [analysis]
60b23ccII 140,1960b19book 4211 velox: díddith dián
[‘coverer (velans) or rapid (velox)’] [analysis]
60b26ddII 140,2160b20book 4211 coniunx: acomoltae
[‘joined’] [analysis]
60b26eeII 140,2160b21book 4211 arx: dún {= E 40r32}
[‘fortress’] [analysis]
61a12eII 141,861a3book 5211 significationem: in n-inni
[‘the meaning’] [analysis]
61a16hII 141,1061a5book 5211 543 articulare (pronomen): .i. a pronomen n-articoldae .i. a pronomen gaibes engracus ṅ-articuil {cf. E 40v10 .i. a pronomen articoldae}
[‘i.e. the articular pronoun, i.e. the pronoun that takes the place of an article’] [analysis]
61a20lII 141,1361a7book 5211 asciscit: do·cuirethar
[‘(the neuter) takes’] [analysis]
61a27sII 141,1761a10book 5211 silex: gainae
[‘flint’] [analysis]
61a27tII 141,1861a11book 5211 margo: bruach
[‘margin’] [analysis]
61a28uII 141,1861a12book 5211 bubo: .i. bonnán samnaiche {cf. K 27v17 a (m.l.) bubo nomen de sono factum beda nomen avis}
[‘i.e. bittern’] [analysis]
61a28wII 141,1861a13book 5211 dama: heirp
[‘she-goat’] [analysis]
61a29aaII 141,1961a15book 5211 333 *sint (prolata): do·r-urgabtha
[‘they had been uttered’] [analysis]
61a35ddII 142,161a17book 5211 3116 significatione: ó inni
[‘in meaning’] [analysis]
61a37ffII 142,261a19book 5211 [pa]truus: bráthair athar {cf. E 40v21 .i. frater patris}
[‘father’s brother’] [analysis]
61a37ggII 142,261a20book 5211 ámita: siur athar {cf. E 40v21 soror patris}
[‘father’s sister’] [analysis]
61a37hhII 142,261a21book 5211 avunculus: amnair bráthair máthar {cf. E 40v21 frater matris}
[‘a maternal uncle, mother’s brother’] [analysis]
61a37iiII 142,261a22book 5211 matertera: siur máthar {= K 27v21 c; cf. E 40v21 soror matris}
[‘mother’s sister’] [analysis]
61a38llII 142,361a23book 5211 (non ..) significati[one]: ní hua chéill
[‘not by sense’] [analysis]
61b3gII 142,761b1book 5211 566[?] liber: lebor vel proprium reliqua
[‘book etc.’] [analysis]
61b4kII 142,861b2book 5211 *ammotam: etarscarthe
[‘separated’] [analysis]
61b7nII 142,1061b4book 5211 pirus: draigen
[‘blackthorn’] [analysis]
61b8pII 142,1161b5book 5211 málus: aball {cf. E 40v29 aballon}
[‘apple-tree’] [analysis]
61b14aaII 142,1561b10book 5211 coerea: buidi donna
[‘yellow or brown’] [analysis]
61b14ccII 142,1661b12book 5211 volubile: fulumain
[‘fluttering’] [analysis]
61b24mmII 142,2361b14book 5211 543 gligerium (mea): mo gligernat-sa .i. mo ben-sa .i. nomina mulierum
[‘my Glycerium (sweetling), i.e. my wife’] [analysis]
61b33ppII 143,161b16book 5211 tuber: att {= E 41r10 .i. add. E}
[‘a tumour’] [analysis]
62a8iII 143,1462a1book 5211 catarec[ta]: senester {cf. E 41r20 .i. senist<r<a vel senisteir. (m.d.) chatarectta .i. fenestra caeli}
[‘window’] [analysis]
62a35aaII 144,1662a2abook 5211 (timidi) dammae: na herbind immomnacha
[‘the very timid deer’] [analysis]
62b20hII 145,1562b1book 5211 4226 figurate: in doilbthith apud poetas {cf. E 41v14 apud poetas}
[‘figuratively, with the poets’] [analysis]
62b26nII 145,2162b3book 5211 acredo: lainne
[‘eagerness’] [analysis]
62b27oII 145,2162b4book 5211 cupido: accobor
[‘desire’] [analysis]
62b30qII 145,2362b6book 5211 cardo: mimasclach
[‘hinge’] [analysis]
62b33rII 145,2662b7book 5211 solverat: imm·rerae
[‘he rowed’] [analysis]
62b39uII 146,462b8book 5211 milo: .i. echaire
[‘i.e. horse-groom’] [analysis]
62b40wII 146,462b9book 5211 predo: airchelad
[‘act of taking away’] [analysis]
63a9gII 146,1263a2book 5211 caupo: dalem {= E 41v32}
[‘waiter’] [analysis]
63a9hII 146,1263a3book 5211 caupona: bandálem cuchtar {cf. E 41v32 bandalem}
[‘waitress or tavern’] [analysis]
63a11iII 146,1363a4book 5211 strabo: cammderc {cf. E 41v34 camdirh}
[‘squinter’] [analysis]
63a12lII 146,1563a6book 5211 cornú: benn
[‘horn’] [analysis]
63a12mII 146,1563a7book 5211 genú: glún
[‘knee’] [analysis]
63a12nII 146,1563a8book 5211 gelú: réud
[‘hoar-frost’] [analysis]
63a19pII 147,263a10book 5211 sal: salann
[‘salt’] [analysis]
63a22rII 147,563a11book 5211 irritamenta: sercla {= M 4va38 n .i. add. M}
[‘relishes’] [analysis]
63a27xII 147,963a12book 5211 +sub[tel]: .i. mocoll lín {= K 28v10 a .i. mocol lín}
[‘i.e. a mesh of a net’] [analysis]
63a42ffII 147,2163a15book 5211 541 [appo]sita: (m.l.) .i. Dó·ṡuidigthi .i. cechtar n-ái fo leith cen béim foscdae i nn-alaill
[‘i.e. placed together i.e. each of the two of them apart without casting shadows on the other’] [analysis]
63a42hhII 147,2263a16book 5211 mons (ossa): sliab ṅ-ossa
[‘mount Ossa’] [analysis]
63b1aII 148,163b1book 5211 336[?] terminantia: a forcenntar
[‘when they are put to an end’] [analysis]
63b15hII 148,1463b4book 5211 (apud) comicos: lasna fileda sin
[‘with those poets’] [analysis]
63b17lII 148,1563b7book 5211 *(aut) amatoriae: sercaidechtae
[‘of amatoriness’] [analysis]
63b18mII 148,1663b8book 5211 gligerium: gligernat reliqua síc
[‘little Glycerium’] [analysis]
63b29pII 148,2363b9book 5211 seminum: síl {= E 42v4 sil-}
[‘seed’] [analysis]
63b33tII 149,463b12book 5211 pecten: cír slind
[‘comb or weaver’s slay’] [analysis]
63b36uII 149,763b13book 5211 lien: lue liad {= T 1v18 .i. lú liat .i. ***}
[‘spleen’] [analysis]
63b37wII 149,763b14book 5211 rien: féith
[‘sinew’] [analysis]
63b37yII 149,863b16book 5211 splen: .i. lue liath.
[‘i.e. spleen’] [analysis]
63b39aaII 149,9117book 5211 siren: tindrem
64a5dII 149,1364a2book 5211 [lar]te: lairt
[‘(king) Lar’] [analysis]
64a10kII 150,164a5book 5211 51 morantem: mall són {cf. E 42v18 .i. mall}
[‘that is ,slow’’] [analysis]
64a19qII 150,964a6book 5211 laquear: druimmchlí
[‘ceiling’] [analysis]
64a19rII 150,964abook 5211 lacunar: cuithe {= E 42v23 .i. add. E}
[‘pit’] [analysis]
64a19tII 150,964a7book 5211 lupanar: sotech {cf. K 28v44 g b- lupanar domus meritricum}
[‘bitch-house’] [analysis]
64a19uII 150,964a8book 5211 instar: int ṡamil {cf. K 28v44 h b- similitudo}
[‘the likeness’] [analysis]
64a27zII 150,1564a10book 5211 suber: snob {cf. E 42v28 nom vel lomcoll}
[‘bark (of a tree)’] [analysis]
64a33iiII 150,2064a13book 5211 572 [mul]ciber: bróinta talcdaid nomen do ulcáin
[‘‘showersoftener’, or a name of Vulcan’] [analysis]
64a36nnII 151,564a16book 5211 genialis: geinddae
[‘connected with birth’] [analysis]
64a39qqII 151,964a17book 5211 armil[lam]: foil
[‘bracelet’] [analysis]
64a41rrII 151,1064a18book 5211 333 [recon]cinarier: aslentae
[‘it would be polluted’] [analysis]
64b2abII 151,1664b1book 5211 anser: giugran
[‘wild goose’] [analysis]
64b4eII 151,1864b3book 5211 diffendit: ata·suidi
[‘it keeps them’] [analysis]
64b10hII 152,164b4book 5211 celer: dian
[‘swift’] [analysis]
64b20mII 152,1364b6book 5211 543 degener: dochenéiuil communia sunt
[‘of low birth: they (degener and uber) are common’] [analysis]
64b24rII 152,1864b7book 5211 acer: lainn
[‘eager’] [analysis]
64b35xII 153,664b9book 5211 (belli) punici: in chocda afracdai
[‘of the African war’] [analysis]
65a26iII 154,1265a6book 5211 [fe]tus: as máthir a ṡotho feissin ncach n-óen-chrann
[‘that every single tree is mother of its own fruit’] [analysis]
65a38tII 154,2165a12book 5211 indecor: dochrud
[‘indecorous’] [analysis]
65a38uII 154,2165a13book 5211 bicorpor: déchorpdae
[‘having two bodies’] [analysis]
65a39wII 154,2165a14book 5211 discolor: dédathaigthe
[‘two-coloured’] [analysis]
65a39xII 154,2165a15book 5211 concolor: comdathaigthe
[‘of the same colour’] [analysis]
65a39zII 154,2265a16book 5571 211 auctor: (m.l.) auctoritas. vetustas est in libro niciae autentica .i. arsata.,
[‘,authority’ is ,antiquity’ in the Book of Niceia (?). ,Authentic’ is ,ancient’’] [analysis]
65b3bII 155,165b1book 5211 vultur: séig
[‘hawk’] [analysis]
65b11hII 155,1165b2book 5211 iecur: óa tromchride
[‘liver or ‘heavy-heart’’] [analysis]
65b27mII 155,2265b3book 5211 (ut) antias: .i. amal ro·ngab antias
[‘i.e. as for instance Antias’] [analysis]
65b29oII 155,2265b5book 5211 23 vas: techt
[‘messenger’] [analysis]
65b30pII 155,2365b6book 5211 23 neutrum (vasis): .i. vás. lestur
[‘i.e. from ‘vas’, vessel’] [analysis]
65b38wII 156,565b10book 5211 cratera: airedech
[‘vessel’] [analysis]
66a1cII 156,1166a1book 5211 *trigena: .i. treceneli {cf. E 44r28 .i. trium generum}
[‘i.e. belonging to three genders’] [analysis]
66a4fII 156,1266a3book 5211 necne: fanacc
[‘or not’] [analysis]
66a6hII 156,1466a5book 5211 hebes: .i. mall baéth
[‘i.e. slow or stupid’] [analysis]
66a7iII 156,1466a6book 5211 *(de) mare: emid di fiur
[‘(as much of a woman) so much of a man’] [analysis]
66a7kII 156,1566a7book 5211 tardus: .i. mall doe
[‘i.e. slow or dull’] [analysis]
66a9mII 156,1766a8book 5543 211 miles: banmíl
[‘a female soldier’] [analysis]
66a12qII 156,1966a11book 5211 prepes: dian {cf. E 44v3 .i. velox}
[‘swift’] [analysis]
66a12rII 156,1966a12book 5211 teres: cruind
[‘round’] [analysis]
66a13tII 156,2066a13book 5211 comes: coimthechtid
[‘a companion’] [analysis]
66a16wII 156,2266a14book 5211 inquies: ecmailt
[‘unquiet’] [analysis]
66a17xII 157,166a15book 5543 211 hospes: banogi
[‘a female guest’] [analysis]
66a20bbII 157,466a16book 5211 portas: celini [analysis]
66a22ccII 157,8120book 5211 sospita: slán
[‘safe’] [analysis]
66a25ffII 157,1166a17book 5211 antesta: banairchinnech
[‘a female principal’] [analysis]
66a26hhII 157,1166a18book 5211 215 postridie: in tremdid. post III diem
[‘the next day, after the third day’] [analysis]
66a27iiII 157,1266a19book 5211 fani: ind idaltaigae
[‘of the heathen temple’] [analysis]
66a31ppII 157,1566a23book 5211 acly[des]: (m.d.) clethecháin
[‘small javelins’] [analysis]
66a32rrII 157,1666a24book 5211 aptare: commais- [analysis]
66a32ssII 157,1666a25book 5211 fla[gello]: (m.d.) ond srogod airid
[‘with the flexible lash (?)’] [analysis]
66a33ttII 157,1966a26book 5211 depositum: a n-aithne
[‘the deposit’] [analysis]
66a34uuII 157,1966a27book 5211 sospes: slán
[‘safe’] [analysis]
66a40xxII 158,466a29book 5211 significationis: inna inne
[‘of the meaning’] [analysis]
66b1aII 158,566b1book 5211 gurges: trethan
[‘(stormy) sea’] [analysis]
66b1bII 158,566b2book 5211 trames: lorc
[‘course’] [analysis]
66b1cII 158,666b3book 5211 stipes: eu
[‘stem’] [analysis]
66b1dII 158,666b4book 5211 limes: chrích
[‘boundary’] [analysis]
66b2eII 158,666b5book 5211 poples: sliassit .
[‘thigh’] [analysis]
66b2fII 158,666b6book 5211 cespes: fot .
[‘sod’] [analysis]
66b4gII 158,766b7book 5211 seges: gort .
[‘field’] [analysis]
66b4hII 158,866b8book 5211 teges: dítu
[‘shelter’] [analysis]
66b25ddII 159,466b19book 5211 promeriture: asrollfe
[‘you will deserve’] [analysis]
66b28hhII 159,766b22book 5211 sti[pulam]: connall
[‘stalk’] [analysis]
66b29iiII 159,766b23book 5211 336[?] colligendo: .i. lase con·ro-thinoll
[‘i.e. when he collected’] [analysis]
66b39mmII 159,1566b25book 5211 porcum: caullach
[‘boar’] [analysis]
67a4aII 159,2067a1book 5211 543 hostem: in bannámit
[‘the female foes’] [analysis]
67a30''fII 160,367a2book 5211 follis: bolcsithe
[‘bellows’] [analysis]
67a32''gII 160,367a3book 5211 curvis: cliab
[‘a basket’] [analysis]
67a37''hII 160,467a4book 5211 bipinnis: .i. deáith
[‘i.e. two-edged’] [analysis]
67a38''kII 160,467a5book 5211 221 πηληκυν: .i. biáilde .i. femininum inna grece tis
[‘i.e. belonging to an axe, i.e. the feminine of the Greek below’] [analysis]
67a17"lII 160,567a6book 5211 221 πηληκηος: biail
[‘axe’] [analysis]
67a17"mII 160,567a7book 5211 pinna: .i. ette benn múir pinna áith
[‘i.e. a wing or a pinnacle of a rampart or ‘pinna’ = ‘sharp’’] [analysis]
67a22"tII 160,967a11book 5211 (alta) fraxinus: ind huinnius ardd
[‘the tall ashtree’] [analysis]
67a24"xII 160,1167a14book 5211 clunis: coche less
[‘buttock or haunch’] [analysis]
67a27"yII 160,1267a15book 5211 (in ..) significatione: hi ceill
[‘in a sense’] [analysis]
67a29"zII 160,1367a16book 5211 3116 clune: on chochu
[‘with the buttock’] [analysis]
67a41"ddII 160,1967a19book 5211 (haec) ex*anguis (s): bán.
[‘bloodless’] [analysis]
67b1aII 161,167b1book 5211 cuspis: airmtiud .i. fograinne
[‘point i.e. point (of a spear)’] [analysis]
67b2bII 161,267b2book 5211 215?[?] tricuspis: treode trecoste .i. ní bís ón tribus pedibus
[‘‘three-fold’ or ‘three-footed’, i.e. it is not tribus pedibus’] [analysis]
67b5cII 161,667b3book 5211 neptis: .i. necht.
[‘i.e. grand-daughter’] [analysis]
67b8eII 161,767b5book 5211 [pel]vis: loathar
[‘tub’] [analysis]
67b14fII 161,1167b6book 5211 cassis: barr
[‘helmet’] [analysis]
67b17gII 161,1367b7book 5211 313 lis: immargal is femininum dano ⁊ ata forbart and
[‘strife: it is feminine and there is increase in it’] [analysis]
67b23mII 161,1867b9book 5211 tithis: foircce
[‘open sea’] [analysis]
67b26nII 161,1967b10book 5211 [(ad)] dentem: do déit.
[‘with regard to a tooth’] [analysis]
67b28oII 161,2167b11book 5211 sudes: beura
[‘stakes’] [analysis]
67b30pII 161,2267b12book 5211 cos: lia
[‘whetstone (?)’] [analysis]
67b30qII 161,2367b13book 5211 glos: inducbál
[‘glory’] [analysis]
67b30rII 161,2367b14book 5211 +glos: (m.d.) soror viri
[‘the sister of a husband’]
67b31sII 161,2367b15book 5211 com[pos]: com-airmith
[‘one who reckons’] [analysis]
67b32tII 161,2467b16book 5211 impos: neph-airmith
[‘one who does not reckon’] [analysis]
67b34uII 161,2567b17book 5211 lepos: sulbairegthid
[‘eloquent person’] [analysis]
67b43bbII 162,367b19book 5211 221 cristallus: aig .i. os
[‘ice, i.e. ‘-os’ in Greek’] [analysis]
68a7bII 162,668a1book 5211 214 lacertus: .i. doe láme
[‘i.e. upper arm’] [analysis]
68a10cII 162,968a2book 5211 artus: asil
[‘joint’] [analysis]
68a16eII 162,1768a4book 5211 acus: .i. cáith cáithlech reliqua
[‘i.e. husks or chaff, etc.’] [analysis]
68a19fII 162,1868a5book 5211 acus (substernendum): .i. cáith bed ṡrethi
[‘i.e. husks which must be strewn’] [analysis]
68a20gII 162,1968a6book 5211 (in) area: isind ithlaind
[‘on the threshing-floor’] [analysis]
68a34kII 163,1168a7book 5211 penus: cucan
[‘provision’] [analysis]
68b1aII 163,1868b1book 5211 3115 penusque: in cucain .i. acusativus neutri
[‘the provision, i.e. a neuter accusative’] [analysis]
68b7cII 163,2368b2book 5211 crus: aerachuir
[‘leg’] [analysis]
68b10dII 164,168b3book 5211 543 [(supra) syl]labam: .i. húa sillaib .i. móa óen-sillaib .i. níbi oen-ṡillab amal inna-hí riam acht it deṡillabcha reliqua
[‘i.e. over a syllable, i.e. more than one syllable: there is not one syllable like those before, but they are disyllabic etc.’] [analysis]
68b15eII 164,568b4book 5211 [interpo]sita: .i. hiter a ⁊ x cith etarṡuidigthe ⁊ cenip etarṡuidigthe dano
[‘i.e. between a and x: though it be interposed and indeed though it be not interposed’] [analysis]
68b22fII 164,1068b5book 5211 merx: cundrad
[‘trade’] [analysis]
68b22gII 164,1068b6book 5211 pix:
[‘pitch’] [analysis]
68b22hII 164,1168b7book 5211 calx: sál
[‘heel’] [analysis]
68b31oII 164,2068b9book 5211 541 *pellex: .i. mertrech tudrachtaid ben imtha .i. arindí do·dúrget inna firu do áetrud friu do debuid
[‘i.e. a harlot or exciter or concubine: because they excite the men to fornicate with them, or to quarrel’] [analysis]
68b35tII 164,2368b12book 5211 culex: cuil {= L 51r9 a}
[‘gnat’] [analysis]
68b35uII 164,2368b13book 5211 pollex: orddu lámae
[‘a thumb of the hand’] [analysis]
68b35wII 164,2468b14book 5211 murex: cocuir
[‘purple (colour)’] [analysis]
68b36xII 164,2468b15book 5211 [cor]tex: rúsc
[‘bark (of a tree or shrub)’] [analysis]
68b40aaII 165,568b16book 5211 vervex: molt
[‘a wether’] [analysis]
68b41bbII 165,768b17book 5211 elixi: bruithi reliqua
[‘boiled, etc.’] [analysis]
69a5aII 165,1269a1book 5211 varix: brecc
[‘speckled’] [analysis]
69a5dII 165,1269a3book 5211 25 salix: sail vel fit salio salix a se reliqua
[‘willow, or ‘salio’ (jump) makes ‘salix’ (willow-tree) from itself, etc.’] [analysis]
69a6fII 165,1369a4book 5211 invisam: miscich
[‘hateful’] [analysis]
69a7gII 165,1369a5book 5211 543 *clasendix: .i. aesc .i. combad ar gair aicnid ad·rímed in suidiguth
[‘i.e. a shell-fish, i.e. so he would reckon the position for shortness of nature’] [analysis]
69a8iII 165,1369a6book 5211 signum: (m.l.) .i. rind .i. quia nomen sideris cancer ⁊ fit in medio conchae .-
[‘i.e. a constellation’] [analysis]
69a10lII 165,1469a7book 5211 matrix: mátharlach
[‘womb’] [analysis]
69a11mII 165,1469a8book 5211 cornix: adircliu
[‘crow’] [analysis]
69a11nII 165,1469a9book 5211 lodix: sléic ruamnae diol
[‘coloured, friable salt used as cosmetic or’] [analysis]
69a12oII 165,1569a10book 5211 natrix: tonnátech
[‘swimming-creature’] [analysis]
69a14pII 165,1769a11book 5211 natrix: ind nathir-sin
[‘that snake’] [analysis]
69a15qII 165,1769a12book 5211 [viola]tor: élnithid
[‘corrupter’] [analysis]
69a16sII 165,1869a14book 5211 redditum: accomoltae
[‘connected’] [analysis]
69a16tII 165,1869a15book 5211 34 etiam: cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
69a18yII 165,2369a17book 5211 (preneste) sub (ipsa): .i. fon preneste-sin
[‘i.e. under that (city of) Praeneste’] [analysis]
69a19zII 166,169a18book 5211 [ob]stetrix: banterismid
[‘a female stander’] [analysis]
69a20ccII 166,169a19book 5211 214 fornix: buáid lia vel genus domus {cf. L 51r24 b lapis triumphi E 46v28 lapis vel arcus (m.l.) Fornix genus lapidis vel domus vel signum victuriae}
[‘a victory-stone (triumphal arch) or a kind of house’] [analysis]
69a23eeII 166,369a21book 5211 pernix: dían {cf. L 51r25 c celer E 46v30 velox}
[‘swift’] [analysis]
69a31kkII 166,1169a24book 5214 211 celox: sain écosc noe vel alii dicunt .i. luam
[‘a peculiar species of ship, or as others say i.e. steersman’] [analysis]
69a39rrII 166,1869a28book 5211 313 sandyx: glasen haec
[‘woad, this (fem.)’] [analysis]
69b13dII 167,369b2book 5211 cimex: mílchumae
[‘bug’] [analysis]
69b28"oII 167,1569b5book 5211 543 princeps: .i. banairchinnech
[‘i.e. female principal’] [analysis]
69b29"qII 167,1669b6book 5211 augurium: cél
[‘omen’] [analysis]
69b30"rII 167,1669b7book 5211 572 phrigibusque: donaib tróiandib {cf. E 47r26 troianis}
[‘to the Trojans’] [analysis]
70a4fII 168,870a2book 5211 eges[ta]: .i. tecmaltai
[‘i.e. collected’] [analysis]
70a8hII 168,1170a3book 5211 stips: indeb {cf. E 47v6 substantia quando facit stipis quando vero stipitis .palum significat}
[‘gain’] [analysis]
70a8iII 168,1170a4book 5211 +trabs: .i. trost
[‘i.e. beam’] [analysis]
70a10lII 168,1270a5book 5211 puls: íth
[‘pottage’] [analysis]
70a11nII 168,1370a6book 5211 (supra) sillabam: huilliu oín-sillaib
[‘greater than one syllable’] [analysis]
70a14sII 168,1570a7book 5211 adeps: lóon
[‘fat’] [analysis]
70a14tII 168,1570a8book 5211 55 24 forceps: tenchor .i. formum capiens unde est formosus.,
[‘forceps, i.e. taking warmth ‘Formosus’ (beautiful) comes from it’] [analysis]
70a m.i.wII 168,1770a9book 5211 pondo (vigenti): fiche pond
[‘twenty pounds’] [analysis]
70a21zII 169,470a10book 5211 praes: sommae
[‘rich’] [analysis]
70a27''aaII 169,870a11book 5211 aspergo: oesreuth reliqua
[‘a scattering, etc.’] [analysis]
70a31"ccII 169,1170a13book 5211 carbasus: seol {cf. E 47v19 velum navis}
[‘a sail’] [analysis]
70a28ddII 169,1370a14book 5211 imbrex: slind
[‘tile’] [analysis]
70a32ggII 169,1570a15book 5215 211 limbus: .i. brevis navicula (m.l.) vel limbus .i. immdénom gaudentius dicit. limbus sorculus de acu factus reliqua
[‘(limbus a small ship) or limbus an ornamental border […]’] [analysis]
70a40kkII 169,1670a16book 5211 313 *palumbem: fiad cholum .i. palumbis
[‘a wild dove’] [analysis]
70a36ooII 169,1770a19book 5211 torris: athinne
[‘firebrand’] [analysis]
70a38qqII 169,1870a20book 5211 tiaras: barr
[‘helmet’] [analysis]
70a41rrII 169,1870a21book 5211 torquis: muintorc
[‘neck-chain’] [analysis]
70b1aII 169,1970b1book 5211 vepres: driss
[‘thorn-bush’] [analysis]
70b7bII 170,270b2book 5211 glomus: certle
[‘clew’] [analysis]
70b25wII 170,2170b8book 5211 strabo: cammderc
[‘squinter’] [analysis]
70b28yII 170,2270b9book 5211 [flag]rata: diulsidi
[‘flashed (?)’] [analysis]
70b31bbII 171,470b10book 5211 pecus: cethir
[‘four-footed animal’] [analysis]
70b38ccII 171,1070b11book 5211 sal (merum): salann glan
[‘pure salt’] [analysis]
70b39ddII 171,1270b12book 5211 caeruleum: dubglass
[‘dark blue-grey’] [analysis]
71a9dII 172,571a3book 5211 (in) uno: in óen
[‘in one’] [analysis]
71a23xII 172,1371a9book 5211 336[?] cadendo: lase dotuit ind ainmnid
[‘when the nominative is declined’] [analysis]
71b3cII 173,171b1book 5211 543 ultra: altarach .i. frie anall
[‘on the other side i.e. on the far side of it’] [analysis]
71b3dII 173,171b2book 5211 543 citraque: centarach .i. frie deṡiu
[‘on this side i.e. on the near side of it’] [analysis]
71b22sII 173,1171b11book 5211 541 perfectarum: .i. lán .i. octo amal rongab in nomine persona ⁊ non acci dens sibi
[‘i.e. full i.e. octo, as in the noun there is person, and this is not one of its accidents’] [analysis]
71b27yII 173,1471b13book 5211 singulatim: .i. ind óendaid
[‘i.e. singly’] [analysis]
71b35eeII 173,1871b17book 5211 3232 preter ea: cenmathá dobrethir ⁊ alaaili
[‘except the adverb and other (parts of speech)’] [analysis]
72b20gII 175,1072b2book 5211 casu: ótheconmung
[‘by accident’] [analysis]
72b25hII 175,1172b3book 5211 215 citerior: as chentarchu
[‘which is nearer on this side’] [analysis]
72b25iII 175,1272b4book 5211 215 ulterior: as hire
[‘which is further away’] [analysis]
72b40pII 175,2172b6book 5211 collibuisset: .i.manutoltanaiged do ni bói ni arid/garad de {cf. K 32v14 a placuisset}
[‘i.e. if it had been pleasing to him there was nothing to keep him from it.’] [analysis]
73a2aII 176,273a1book 5211 [humi]dorum: innafliuchaide
[‘of the moist things’] [analysis]
73a5dII 176,473a2book 5211 stagnum: stán
[‘tin’] [analysis]
73a5eII 176,473a3book 5211 auricalcum: crédume
[‘bronze’] [analysis]
73a6fII 176,573a4book 5211 abriza: díor .i. color auri. cicero {cf. K 32v17 d cic- splendor auri}
[‘gilding’] [analysis]
73a6gII 176,573a5book 5211 faba: seib
[‘bean’] [analysis]
73a7hII 176,573a6book 5211 pissa: piss
[‘pea plant’] [analysis]
73a7kII 176,573a7book 5211 acetum: fín acat
[‘vinegar’] [analysis]
73a7lII 176,573a8book 5211 liquamen: lind
[‘a drink’] [analysis]
73a7mII 176,573a9book 5211 mul[sum]: lemnach reliqua
[‘milk, etc.’] [analysis]
73a9qII 176,773a10book 5211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
73a15tII 176,1073a13book 5211 543 usu: .i. tre gnais aṁbuithe in hilur
[‘i.e. through the custom of their being in the plural’] [analysis]
73a29eeII 176,1773a15book 5211 423 idem: afolad cetna
[‘the same substance’] [analysis]
73a41mmII 177,1073a16book 5211 543 [(dictionis in) quan]titate: .i. issinméit ṁbis indepert .i. immar fa bec
[‘i.e. in the extent to which the vocable is: i.e. whether it be great or small’] [analysis]
73b13gII 177,1873b4book 5211 (una ..) res: .i. óenfolad
[‘i.e. one substance’] [analysis]
73b14hII 177,1873b5book 5211 duae (.. voces): dasonsón
[‘that is, two (different) words’] [analysis]
73b26kII 177,2573b6book 5211 543 nihil (dico): niepur ní sin .i. nidliged
[‘I say nothing therein, i.e. it is not right’] [analysis]
74a25dII 179,374a1book 5211 543 efficio: amal in compositis
[‘as in compounds’] [analysis]
74a31fII 179,774a2book 5211 3233 (a) semplici[bus (suis)]: hórangabalaib diutib
[‘from simple participles’] [analysis]
74b2aII 179,1474b1book 5543 211 causidicus: (m.s.) .i. cause adverbi um .i. indaicsendaid
[‘i.e. causally’] [analysis]
74b4bII 179,1674b2book 5211 nequis: ninech
[‘not someone’] [analysis]
75b25iII 182,1775b6book 5211 423 idem: .i. afolad cétna
[‘i.e. the same substance’] [analysis]
75b39qII 183,575b10book 5211 omnes: .i. comsuidigud fricach tuisel
[‘i.e. composition with every case’] [analysis]
76a2cII 183,876a2book 5543 211 macte: fri togarthaith .i. a már thórmachtai
[‘with a vocative, i.e. O greatly increased!’] [analysis]
77a5bII 185,1677a1book 5211 543 generale: tuistenach eo quod fere omnes casus generat
[‘generative, because it generates almost all the cases’] [analysis]
77a18fII 185,2577a3book 5211 causati[vus]: cóisid
[‘causative (case)’] [analysis]
78a27dII 188,2378a1book 5211 333 usum: ararubart/ bith
[‘that he has used’] [analysis]
90a22gII 194,1790a4book 6211 543 [(non) omni]no (certis): .i. nihuile asderb
[‘i.e. not all is certain’] [analysis]
90a41qII 195,1490a8book 6211 sophista: fissith
[‘well-informed man’] [analysis]
91b17gII 200,491b3book 6211 lepida: .i. sulbair {= L 58r18 a}
[‘i.e. cheerful’] [analysis]
92a1bII 201,17book 6211 capsa: comrar
[‘a box’] [analysis]
92a31uII 203,592a4book 6211 mantile: .i. lámtheoir
[‘napkin’] [analysis]
92b1aII 203,1892b1book 6211 212 holitor: lubgartóir (m.d.) cicero/ holitor/ hortulanus {= L 58v26 d hortulanus}
[‘gardener’] [analysis]
92b7eII 204,5book 6211 (in) patellis: .i. in aignib
[‘i.e. in pans’] [analysis]
92b31tII 205,8book 6211 piperi: scibar
[‘pepper’] [analysis]
93a5aII 206,393a1book 6211 alcedo: ḟoilenn {= K 37r5 a failen = L 59r22 c foilenn cf. E 57v25 avis marina}
[‘a seagull’] [analysis]
93a35pII 207,1793a4book 6211 turbo: .i. cloi gaithe
[‘i.e. whirlwind of the wind’] [analysis]
93b31iII 209,1193b6book 6211 strabo: cammderc
[‘squinter’] [analysis]
94a1aII 210,494a1book 6211 572 oculeus: .i. suilech .C. oculos habens
[‘i.e. having eyes’] [analysis]
94a15fII 210,2094a2book 658 211 presaga: innabrotu (m.l.) .,
[‘the goads’] [analysis]
94b12eII 213,394b1book 6211 lactis: findracht
[‘tripe’] [analysis]
95a18cII 214,2195a2book 6211 4227 constructio: .i. int immognam imbí hisreith rann
[‘i.e. the construction in which it is in a series of parts (of speech)’] [analysis]
95a22eII 215,495a3book 6211 543 nihil: .i. nephní
[‘i.e. nothing’] [analysis]
95a37mII 215,1795a6book 6211 25 58 25 313 pellium: pellium barr .i. á pelle vel pelium .i. á peleta/ .i. possesivum a peleo {= L60v22 e barr a pelle. vel pelium. a peleta a peleo}
[‘pellium ‘flower-head’’] [analysis]
95b8cII 216,695b2book 6211 221 licei: .i. in pain chondai. licos enim graece lupus dicitur {cf. L 60v28 g licos graeve lupus}
[‘i.e. of the wolf-like Pan, lúkoj’] [analysis]
95b21nII 217,195b5book 625 221 211 *cratera: .i. crater .i. tailchube
[‘i.e. ‘crate’ i.e. bowl’] [analysis]
95b31xII 217,995b6book 6211 421 rinocerus: .i. srónbennach .i. exemplum {= L 61r9 d srónbennach}
[‘i.e. horned nose i.e. exemplum’] [analysis]
96a12hII 218,1996a1book 6211 cassis: .i. barr
[‘i.e. helmet’] [analysis]
96a20lII 219,696a2book 6211 563 ballena: .i. bled .i. bestia (subs.) balin. graece mittere. latine (m.d.) isidorus ballenae di/ctae ab emi/tendo aquas
[‘i.e. whale’] [analysis]
96b28dII 221,1196b1book 6211 *flemen: tene dia. oirclech {cf. E 60v26 (B) humor oculorum assidue flentium}
[‘lightning [lit. fire of gods] (?), or oracular (?)’] [analysis]
96b31hII 221,1496b3book 6211 lien: lua liath
[‘spleen’] [analysis]
96b32iII 221,1496b4book 6211 rien: féith áru
[‘sinew or kidney’] [analysis]
96b38lII 221,1996b5, 6book 6211 sir*en (r): muir móru (m.d., eras.:) delb inrá..e.. (?)
[‘seamaid; it is not (the) shape … (or: (the) is not…)’] [analysis]
97a4bII 222,697a1, 2book 6211 212 laquear: camara quod ⁊ tholus sed tholus rotundum. (m.l.) nem
[‘ceiling’] [analysis]
97a9dII 222,1297a3book 6211 nassum: sróin
[‘nose’] [analysis]
97a40mII 223,2397a4book 6212 211 sequestra: (m.l.) virgilianum .i. media. nam seque/ster medius .i. ráth inter du/os altercantes/ unde pacem seque/stram indutias dicit..,
[‘surety’] [analysis]
97b41nII 225,1597b2book 6211 23 liber: sóer
[‘free’] [analysis]
97b42oII 225,1697b3book 6211 23 ingenuum: insoer
[‘the free’] [analysis]
100a9eII 232,10100a1book 6211 lib[ra]: med
[‘balance for weighing’] [analysis]
100a10fII 232,10100a2book 6211 fibra: feith
[‘sinew’] [analysis]
100a17oII 232,15100a4book 6211 morbum: .i. úrphaisiu
[‘.i. disease’] [analysis]
100a28rII 233,11100a6book 6211 gener: céle ingine
[‘a daughter’s husband’] [analysis]
100b22fII 234,20100b2book 6563 211 25 salinator: (m.d.) cominianus/ salina .i. nomen lube .i. sálchuach/ ⁊ salinator húad
[‘salina, i.e. the name of a plant, i.e. a violet, and salinator (is derived) from it’] [analysis]
100b26gII 235,1100b3book 6211 +marcor: .i. feugud
[‘i.e. fading’] [analysis]
101a30nII 236,20101a1book 6211 215 563 ador: .i. adrad vel genus frumenti
[‘i.e. adoration, or a kind of corn’] [analysis]
101b26kII 238,7101b1book 6211 post deum: .i. indegaid ṅ dé
[‘i.e. after God’] [analysis]
101b32oII 238,15101b2book 6211 femen: .i. sliasit
[‘i.e. thigh’] [analysis]
102a2bII 239,2102a1book 6211 vas: techt
[‘a going’] [analysis]
102a37qII 240,7102a2, 2abook 6211 212 termes: (subs.) .i. lind te (m.l.) cicero/ termes . fer/vor {cf. K 41r21 a .i. fervor}
[‘i.e. hot pool’] [analysis]
102b6eII 241,1102b1book 6211 impes: tedúar
[‘impetus’] [analysis]
102b13fII 241,8102b2book 6211 inquies: écmailt
[‘unquiet/restless’] [analysis]
102b25iII 241,18102b3book 6211 24 +obses: giall (m.d.) unde/ obsido . as
[‘a hostage’] [analysis]
102b26lII 241,18102b4book 6211 55 212 apes: .i. neph chostae .i. a. sine
[‘i.e. footless, i.e. a- (in a-pes) ‘without’’] [analysis]
102b29oII 241,20102b5book 6211 35 quamvis: adas
[‘although’] [analysis]
103a20lII 242,22103a2book 6543 211 541 53 semplex: .i. quies .i. cumsantach .i. commune trium generum ⁊ is airdixa .es hisuidiu ut inante ostendet
[‘quies, i.e. restful, i.e. common of three genders, and in it the es is long, ut etc.’] [analysis]
103a27mII 243,4103a3book 6211 histrionis: indḟuirsiri
[‘of the buffoon’] [analysis]
104a23iII 246,12104a2book 6211 ancipiti: cumddubartaig
[‘doubtful/uncertain’] [analysis]
105a3aII 249,11105a1book 63115 211 vis: .i. inna nert
[‘i.e. the strengths (acc. pl.)’] [analysis]
105a24eII 250,7105a2book 6211 puppis: eross
[‘stern’] [analysis]
105b6fII 251,12105b1book 6211 +capis: (m.s.) ⁊ capus sebocc
[‘and capus hawk’] [analysis]
105b39wII 253,5105b6book 6211 compos: comascnidaid
[‘‘together’-obtainer’] [analysis]
106a5dII 253,11106a1book 6211 impos: neph ascnaidid
[‘nonobtainer’] [analysis]
106a16hII 253,22106a2book 6211 epigrammata: innaforliterdi
[‘the epigrams’] [analysis]
106a22lII 254,3106a3book 6211 glos: indúcbal
106a24nII 254,5106a4book 6211 (ex) osse: o chnáim
[‘from bone’] [analysis]
106a27oII 254,10106a5book 6211 34 543 vero: (m.d.) ⁊ vero .i. indḟír foṡin
[‘i.e. truly according to that’] [analysis]
106b3bII 255,7106b1book 6211 *subiectione: húa indarpu
[‘by expelling’] [analysis]
106b21oII 256,6106b6book 6211 omonima: cosmailainmmnigthecha
[‘homonyms’] [analysis]
106b21pII 256,6106b7book 6211 magistratus: .i. tossach
[‘i.e. beginning’] [analysis]
106b23rII 256,7106b8book 6221 211 πηαησις: leim riuth reliqua
[‘a leap or a run, etc.’] [analysis]
106b23sII 256,8106b9book 6221 211 ναπε: caill .i. densitas arborum
[‘wood’] [analysis]
106b24tII 256,8106b10book 6221 211 στροφη: impúd
[‘act of inversion’] [analysis]
106b24wII 256,8106b11book 6221 211 στιχος: fers
[‘a verse (of scripture or poetry)’] [analysis]
106b26yII 256,9106b13book 6221 211 στρατος: .i. sochuide quia dicit {{212}} virgilius exercitus hoc est multitudo
[‘i.e. a multitude quia etc.’] [analysis]
106b26zII 256,9106b14book 6211 212 fastus: lius míad cicero dicit fastus superbia
[‘loathing or honour etc.’] [analysis]
106b28ccII 256,11106b16book 6211 55?[?] nefastis: .i. duaibsib. ⁊ combad uad roainmnigthe quando fastus .i. liber
[‘i.e. unlucky, and it would have been named from it quando etc.’] [analysis]
106b30eeII 256,13106b18book 6211 543 fastibus: lebraib
[‘books’] [analysis]
107a5cII 257,4107a3book 6211 212 rictus: ersolgud. rictura ferarum oris {{214 211}} apertio cicero . item . cicero rictus dítiu medium tegmen domús
[‘opening ... covering’] [analysis]
107a6dII 257,4107a4book 6211 lectus: lige
[‘bed’] [analysis]
107b12eII 259,8107b2book 6211 [ar]cus: fidbocc
[‘archer’s bow’] [analysis]
107b13fII 259,9107b3book 6211 acus: snáthath
[‘needle’] [analysis]
107b42oII 260,17107b4book 6211 penus: cucan
[‘provision’] [analysis]
108a20gII 261,18143book 6211 +ulciscor: .i. vindico
108a22hII 261,19108b1book 6211 vultum: angné
[‘the kind’] [analysis]
108a23kII 261,19108a2book 6211 figuras: innascáth
[‘the shades’] [analysis]
108a42sII 262,13108a4book 6211 543 acus ab acutu: (subs.) acutus .i. {{58}} áithae a quo est acus
[‘i.e. sharpness’] [analysis]
108b20hII 263,6108b1book 63232 211 illud: sinus .i. ucht
[‘sinus i.e. curve’] [analysis]
108b22iII 263,8108b2book 6211 333 *(non) inveniri: arananísar
[‘that it may be found’] [analysis]
108b34lII 263,15108b3book 6211 ([in] nostro) vetere (curriculo): innar rith arsidni
[‘in our acient course’] [analysis]
109a14hII 264,8109a1book 6211 561 ligus: ligordae .i. gentile
[‘Ligurian i.e. gentile’] [analysis]
109a31nII 265,4109a3book 6211 *unum: .i. ata ám
[‘i.e. it is indeed’] [analysis]
109a42pII 265,12109a5book 6211 336[?] productum: anas n airdíxa
[‘when it is lengthened’] [analysis]
110b20fII 269,24110b1book 6211 incus: .i. indéin
[‘i.e. anvil’] [analysis]
110b40kII 271,1110b2book 6211 intercus: comalne {= K 45r1 a .i. comallnae}
[‘dropsy’] [analysis]
111a3aII 271,6111a1book 6211 intestinis: .i. inmedónchaib
[‘i.e. intestines (dat. pl.)’] [analysis]
111a35pII 272,12111a4book 6211 (per) sinerisin: treaccomol
[‘by combination’] [analysis]
111a39sII 272,15111a5book 6211 35 sicuti: inchrutsa
[‘in this fashion’] [analysis]
111b19lII 273,16111b3book 6211 foe[nus]: aithi {= K 45r30 s}
[‘act of requiting’] [analysis]
111b34sII 274,11111b4book 6211 tergus: crocenn
[‘skin’] [analysis]
112a18fII 275,5112a1book 6211 ([tet]ri ..) viri: indneime andracht {cf. K 45v3 a, b tetri nigri viri veneni}
[‘of the dark poison (virus, viri)’] [analysis]
112a23hII 275,10112a2book 6211 541 quantum: .i. méit as doenscríbend archuit suin
[‘i.e. as regards the same writing, as to sound’] [analysis]
112b25gII 277,18112b2book 6211 336[?] terminantibus: foircnedchaib
[‘terminating (dat pl)’] [analysis]
113a8cII 278,18113a1book 6211 frux: toirthech
[‘fruitful’] [analysis]
113a20eII 279,5113a2book 6211 fornix: buad liae meirddrech loc {cf. K 45v44 s lapis victoriae}
[‘a victory-stone or a brothel’] [analysis]
113a37nII 279,15113a3book 6211 543 suppellex: fointreb non suppellicis facit
[‘utensils […]’] [analysis]
113b3bII 280,6113b1book 6211 onix: ném
[‘lustre, radiance’] [analysis]
113b6cII 280,8113b2book 6211 [ex]lex: esrechtaid {cf. K 46r12 f extra legem}
[‘one outside the law’] [analysis]
113b15eII 280,15113b4book 6211 biceps: dechenda demess
[‘two-headed, a pair of shears’] [analysis]
113b28gII 281,12113b5book 6211 puls: íth
[‘pottage’] [analysis]
113b29iII 281,13113b6book 6211 23 frons (frondis): barr
[‘flower-head’] [analysis]
113b31kII 281,13113b7book 6211 23 frons (frontis): étan
[‘front’] [analysis]
113b32lII 281,14113b8book 6211 23 lens (lendis animal): sned
[‘a nit’] [analysis]
113b32mII 281,14145book 6211 23 lens (lentis legumen): cenele? ? [analysis]
113b33nII 281,15113b9book 6211 glans: derucc
[‘acorn’] [analysis]
114a2dII 282,7114a1book 6211 libripens: medtosṅgachtigtheid {cf. K 46r33 o (m.d.) mensurator/ librae.-}
[‘one who weighs the measure’] [analysis]
114a5eII 282,9114a2book 6211 aeneam: humaidi
[‘brazen’] [analysis]
114a30nII 283,10114a3book 737 211 34 quam: cefiu. vel quam maxime .i. adverbium.
[‘how? vel etc.’] [analysis]
114a33oII 283,11114a4book 7333 211 [decli]nare: donella nech
[‘that one declines’] [analysis]
115a26kII 286,24115a1book 734 211 etiam (sí): .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
116a2aII 290,1116a1book 7211 proportio: indanalag
[‘the analogy’] [analysis]
116b30hII 292,15116b1book 7211 trinumnundi[num]: na trinoi láithe
[‘the three spaces-of-nine-days’] [analysis]
117a18eII 293,12117a2book 7211 543 filiis: .i. do naib ingenaib
[‘i.e. to the daughters’] [analysis]
117a19gII 293,14117a3book 7211 543 filiis: donaibingenaib
[‘to the daughters’] [analysis]
117a24hII 293,20117a4book 7313 211 gnatabus: .i. gnata. ingen
[‘i.e. daugther’] [analysis]
117b30bII 295,15117b1book 7211 58 (per) sinerisin: trechomdlúthad (m.l.) .,
[‘by synaeresis’] [analysis]
118a38rII 297,5118a2book 7211 543 aticum: foriaguil natacdai
[‘according to the Attic rule’] [analysis]
118b10cII 297,18118b1book 7211 336[?] finientibus: forchennat
[‘which end’] [analysis]
118b19iII 298,3118b2book 7211 (per) sincrisin: .i. trethóbae
[‘i.e. by concision’] [analysis]
118b20kII 298,3118b3book 7211 (per) sinerisin: .i. trechomdlúthad
[‘i.e. by synaeresis’] [analysis]
119a4aII 298,19119a1book 724 211 *dives (i et is): .i. dís somme
[‘i.e. dís rich’] [analysis]
120b10eII 304,3120b3book 737 211 ei: .i. interiectio .i. upp
[‘i.e. exclamation’] [analysis]
122b1iII 312,6122a1book 7211 34 *et (graeca): .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
124a11bII 317,17124a1book 7211 51 59 tetis: .i. foirggae masued
[‘i.e. the sea (Thetis) if it is so’] [analysis]
124a19dII 317,26124a2book 7211 23 (haec) dis: sommae
[‘rich’] [analysis]
124b8aII 319,8124b1book 7211 23 infans: .i. nóidiu
[‘i.e. infant’] [analysis]
124b9bII 319,9124b2book 7211 23 infans: aisṅdedid
[‘a non-speaker (?)’] [analysis]
124b10cII 309,10124b3book 7211 amans: .i. sercaid
[‘i.e. lover’] [analysis]
124b22eII 319,23124b4book 7211 sons: aerchoitech
[‘noxious’] [analysis]
125a19bII 321,19125a1book 7211 +adeps: .i. loon.
[‘i.e. fat’] [analysis]
125a22dII 321,22125a3book 7211 copia: (m.l.) ops .i. imbed
[‘ops i.e. abundance’] [analysis]
125a25fII 321,25125a4 5abook 7211 ops: .i. somme ⁊ imda
[‘i.e. rich and wealthy’] [analysis]
125a25gII 321,25125a5book 7211 *cors: .i. corpach
[‘i.e. corpulent’] [analysis]
125a37mII 322,11125a7book 7211 [cy]nyps: cuilennbócc {= K 51r4 c culennbocc}
[‘holly-buck’] [analysis]
126a15cII 324,22126a1book 7211 baccar: caer
[‘berry’] [analysis]
126b24bII 326,13126b1book 7211 lucar: erchomul si .id.
[‘spancel’] [analysis]
127b4cII 329,9127b1book 7211 (in) burim: hi cecht {cf. K 51v49 d .i. ingecht}
[‘into a plough-beam’] [analysis]
128a28eII 333,3128a1book 7211 +gausape: .i. lambrat
[‘i.e. a handkerchief’] [analysis]
128a35gII 333,11128a3book 7211 +gausapo: .i. ond lambrot
[‘i.e. from the handkerchief’] [analysis]
128b28fII 335,7128b1book 7211 geta: goth
[‘a goth’] [analysis]
131b16cII 347,13131b1book 7211 212 rudis: (m.l.) rudis .i. nue/ quia cassiodorus? dicit .ru/dis. novus.
[‘rudis .i. new etc.’] [analysis]
132a27cII 350,7132a1book 7211 ludicra: .i. cuitbedcha
[‘i.e. ridiculous’] [analysis]
132a36eII 350,17132a2book 7211 gausape: lámbrat
[‘handkerchief’] [analysis]
132a39fII 350,21132a3book 7211 3116 gausape: ónd lámbrot
[‘from the handkerchief’] [analysis]
132b1aII 350,24132b1book 7211 214 aplustre: .i. inchruth noe (m.d.) aplustra ar/mamenta navi/uium. cicero dicit {= K 54r40 c .i. armenta navium}
[‘i.e. the ship’s gear’] [analysis]
133b25dII 354,26133b1book 7211 supplicium: .i. todérnam
[‘i.e. pain’] [analysis]
133b25eII 354,26133b2book 7211 artificium: sáir dénmidecht
[‘profession’] [analysis]
137b11dII 369,8137b1book 8211 *liquet: .i. is dílmain
[‘i.e. it is allowable’] [analysis]
137b18rII 369,17137b3book 84221 211 diffinit: .i. verbum .i. cinness
[‘i.e. (which) it defines’] [analysis]
137b22xII 370,2137b7book 83116 211 inconsonantia: uand neph-
[‘from the un-’] [analysis]
137b27bbII 370,6137b8book 8211 (propter) significationem: ar inṅinni
[‘because of the meaning’] [analysis]
138a30rII 371,16138a8book 8211 inconcina: .i. nephḟograigthi
[‘i.e. unsounded’] [analysis]
138a33uII 371,19138a12book 8211 faux: .i. glenn
[‘i.e. glen’] [analysis]
138a33wII 371,19138a10book 8211 prex: .i. guide
[‘i.e. prayer’] [analysis]
138a33xII 371,19138a11book 8211 dor: .i. dobiur
[‘i.e. I give’] [analysis]
138a34zII 371,19138a13book 8541 211 [caus di]co: (m.l.) .i. asbiursa inna/ hisiu inusitata/ esse . vel is dico/ consecraim as/ écoimtig.
[‘i.e. I say that these are not used. Or it is dico ‘I consecrate’ that is unusual’] [analysis]
138b1aII 372,6138b1book 8211 333 nascebatur: .i. nogigned
[‘i.e. would be born’] [analysis]
138b10hII 372,13138b6book 8211 543 fatis: .i. dothoicdib
[‘i.e. to fates’] [analysis]
138b38nII 373,5138b7book 825 211 313 dice: huandí as dix coisecrad
[‘i.e. from dix ‘consecration’’] [analysis]
139a10aII 373,17139a1book 8211 541 (ad) sensus: .i. do chiallaib .i. ar ní hiforgnúis atá in cesad acht is hi ceill
[‘i.e. to senses, i.e. for the passion is not in form, but in sense’] [analysis]
139a21dII 373,25139a4book 8211 *constrictionem: .i. acumtach
[‘i.e. the construction’] [analysis]
139a34oII 374,7139a10book 8211 333 gradus: .i. as ṅgrád
[‘i.e. that it is a grade’] [analysis]
139b10cII 374,25139b2book 8211 servor: .i. fordom chomaither
[‘i.e. I am preserved’] [analysis]
139b11dII 374,26139b3book 8111[?] 211 per sé: an óinor
[‘by themselves’] [analysis]
139b33qII 375,19139b5book 8211 suum: sainred
[‘a speciality’] [analysis]
139b40tII 376,1139b6book 8211 51 aconi[ta]: neimi {cf. K 57v9 a herbae venenosae}
[‘poisons’] [analysis]
141a8''aII 379,7141a1book 8211 architector: cunutgim
[‘I build’] [analysis]
143a7cII 390,5143a2book 8211 angor: nomthachtar
[‘it chokes me’] [analysis]
143a12eII 390,9143a3book 8211 (per) eclipsin: .i. tre erchrae césta
[‘i.e. through the failure of the passive’] [analysis]
143a25lII 391,1143a4book 8211 anclo: forfiun {= 59r12 f [.i. forfiun] (postea erasus est.)
[‘I finish’] [analysis]
143b1bII 391,23143b1book 8211 212 depascitur: gelid. consumit. virgilianus {= K 59r25 i .i. gelid .i. consumit ut virgilianus}
[‘he consumes’] [analysis]
143b1cII 391,23143b2book 8211 335[?] +depascitur: (m.l.) ┼- (m.s.) sástair quando passivum
[‘(meaning) it is fed when it is passive’] [analysis]
143b5eII 391,26143b3book 8211 induitur: indtuigther {= K 59r27 n intuigther}
[‘he is covered/clothed’] [analysis]
143b6fII 392,1143b4book 8211 absciditur: .i. imdibenar
[‘i.e. it is excised’] [analysis]
144a18fII 394,9144a2book 8211 inubdo: intonnaigim
[‘I overflow’] [analysis]
144a26kII 394,22144a3book 8211 assuesco: adcuindminim
[‘I am accustomed’] [analysis]
144a28lII 394,25144a4book 8211 424 coeo: .i. contáig .i. adit usus est {= K 59v13 f .i. contaeg}
[‘i.e. I accompany’] [analysis]
144b34''lII 396,18144b2book 8211 quirito: .i. gaigim {= K 59v34 t}
[‘i.e. I cry’] [analysis]
145a13dII 397,22145a1book 8211 23 lento: .i. álgenaigim fillim {cf. K 59v50 cc .i. fillim algenigim}
[‘i.e. I sooth or I bend’] [analysis]
145a13eII 397,22145a2book 8211 23 lenteo: .i. atóibim
[‘i.e. I adhere to’] [analysis]
145a17gII 397,27145a3book 8211 umecto: folcaim {= K 59v52 gg .i. add. K.}
[‘I wash’] [analysis]
145a29lII 398,14145a4book 8211 51 543 pedetemptim ([desolvitur]): .i. isáilgen doneprinn tractairecht forsa liquitur insin
[‘i.e. ‘gently it flows’; that (pedetemptim dissolvitur) is a commentary on liquitur’] [analysis]
145a31mII 398,15145a5,06book 8211 lacto: dogáithim (m.l.) arbiathim
[‘I dupe. I feed’] [analysis]
145b8bII 399,8145b1book 8211 dificiscor: arachrinim
[‘I decay’] [analysis]
145b36hII 400,15145b2book 8211 experior: .i. doscéulaim
[‘i.e. I find out’] [analysis]
145b42lII 401,1145b4book 8211 4228 (sicut) aperio: amal asṁbriathar gníma aperio
[‘as aperio is an active verb’] [analysis]
146b3dII 402,27146b1book 812 211 labo: .i. correpta .la. (subs.) .i. dofuislim
[‘i.e. I stumble’] [analysis]
146b6gII 403,3146b2book 8211 lavo (lavas): .i. dofonuch
[‘i.e. I wash (away)’] [analysis]
146b6hII 403,3146b3book 8211 lavo (lavis): .i. folcaimm
[‘i.e. I wash’] [analysis]
146b10mII 403,7146b4book 8211 23 mando (.. mandas): .i. imtrénigim {cf. K 60v13 g mitto}
[‘i.e. I assure’] [analysis]
146b11oII 403,8146b5book 8211 23 mando (.. mandis): .i. ithim {cf. K 60v14 h .i. edo}
[‘i.e. I eat’] [analysis]
146b12qII 403,9146b6book 8211 23 fundo (.. fundis): dodálim {= K 60v14 k .i. dudálim}
[‘I pour out’] [analysis]
146b13rII 403,9146b7book 8211 23 [ob]ser (.. obseras): fescrigim
[‘I grow towards evening (fescor)’] [analysis]
146b14sII 403,9146b8book 8211 23 [ob]ser (.. obseris): clandaim {cf. K 60v15 m .i. asindiut clandaim}
[‘I plant’] [analysis]
146b14tII 403,10146b9book 8211 23 appello (.. appellas): adgládur {cf. K 60v16 o alloquor}
[‘I address’] [analysis]
146b15uII 403,10146b10book 8211 23 appello (.. appellis): inárbenim {cf. K 60v16 p eiicio}
[‘I drive out’] [analysis]
146b16wII 403,11146b11book 8211 23 volo (.. volas): follúur
[‘I fly’] [analysis]
146b16xII 403,11146b12book 8211 23 volo (.. vis): adcobraim
[‘I wish’] [analysis]
146b17yII 403,11146b13book 8211 23 consternor (consternaris): fobothaim {= 60v17 q .i. add. K.}
[‘I am frightened’] [analysis]
146b18zII 403,12146b14book 8211 consternor (consterneris): fommálagar {= 60v17 r}
[‘I am cast down’] [analysis]
146b18aaII 403,12156book 8211 +consternor: foalgim
146b34ffII 404,8146b16book 8211 543 sapio: .i. trebaraigim ⁊ sapio asagni/naim {cf. K 60v27 u (m.l.) .i. trebraigim/ sapio itar/gninim}
[‘i.e. I am wise, and sapio I know’] [analysis]
147a12aII 404,24147a1book 8211 ([ad .. ac]tus) significationem: .i. do dechor gníma
[‘i.e. to distinguish action’] [analysis]
147a26iII 405,10147a2book 8211 333 patere: ardaosailci
[‘that it opens it (lit. her)’] [analysis]
147a34pII 405,16147a6book 8211 541 (futurum) infinitum: écrichthae .i. issed a paulo post sin
[‘(future) infinite, i.e. that is the paulo-post’] [analysis]
147a34sII 405,17147a7book 8211 (paulo post) futurum: .i. todochaide gair biuc iartain
[‘i.e. future shortly afterwards’] [analysis]
147a38wII 405,19147a9book 8211 [(nec) fi]niunt: ní cinnet
[‘they define not’] [analysis]
147b16eII 406,6147b1book 8211 instans: .i. anephthairismech {= K 61r9 a}
[‘i.e. the inconstant’] [analysis]
147b21kII 406,10147b5book 84226 211 multo: .i. post .i. paulo post bá multo post
[‘i.e. post i.e. paulo-post or multo-post’] [analysis]
147b37oII 406,22147b7book 8211 543 aperta (sit): .i. bad aersoilcthe .i. guth sechmadachti ⁊ todochaidi immurgu
[‘i.e. let it be opened, i.e. a word of the preterite and yet of the future’] [analysis]
148a1aII 406,25148a1book 8211 333 ([possumus]) uti: .i. aramberam biuth
[‘i.e. to use (lit. that we may use)’] [analysis]
148a3bII 406,27148a2book 8211 543 amatus (sit): .i. bad carthi
[‘i.e. let him be loved’] [analysis]
148a19hII 407,13148a5book 8211 facta (esse ante): amal farcuimsitis {= K 61r33 k .i. add. K.}
[‘as though they had happened’] [analysis]
148a20kII 407,14148a7book 8211 431[?] degente: (subs.) .i. anarambeir biuth
[‘i.e. while he lives (there)’] [analysis]
148a41ddII 408,8148a13book 8211 (heri) saltim: cid indhé
[‘even yesterday’] [analysis]
148b7cII 408,17148b3book 8211 543 *inceptum: .i. intinscanta ní dechuid do/chom for/cinn a/nintinscann .-
[‘i.e. begun: the beginning has not gone to the end’] [analysis]
148b16eII 408,25148b4book 8211 sua: .i. sainredach {cf. K 61v5 c propria}
[‘i.e. special’] [analysis]
148b19hII 408,27148b6book 8211 333 esse: .i. nombíth {= K 61v6 d}
[‘i.e. that it used to be’] [analysis]
149a3aII 410,4149a1book 8211 (per) ap[positionem]: .i. trechomaisṅdéis
[‘i.e. through apposition’] [analysis]
149a24fII 410,20149a3book 8211 suum: sainred
[‘special’] [analysis]
150b36qII 415,3150b7book 8211 35 ut: amal
[‘as’] [analysis]
151a13aII 415,19151a1book 8111[?] 211 35 (sí) inveteraverit: maṡenaigidir
[‘if he grows old’] [analysis]
151b3cII 416,19151b3book 8211 3116 modo: .i. ó modo
[‘i.e. (has need) of modo’] [analysis]
151b3dII 416,19151b4book 8211 3116 pri[dem]: .i. hua pridem
[‘i.e. of pridem’] [analysis]
152a38lII 418,19152a4book 8211 definita: érchintiu
[‘more definite’] [analysis]
152b3aII 418,29152b1book 8211 571 sisto: dodíut virgilianum
[‘I lead down virgilianum’] [analysis]
152b22fII 419,18152b2book 8211 332 striderat: cíchnaigistir
[‘he made a shrill noise’] [analysis]
152b37gII 420,5152b3book 8211 3116 inconsonantia: ónd nephchomḟogur
[‘from the inconsonance’] [analysis]
153a45fII 422,9153a4book 8211 35 quod: .i. ol
[‘i.e. because’] [analysis]
153b1aII 422,12153b1book 8211 *reputentur: .i. adrímfiter {= K 63v37 n .i. adrímfetar}
[‘i.e. they will be reckoned’] [analysis]
153b2bII 422,13153b2book 8211 4224 quosdam: ani
[‘that’] [analysis]
153b38lII 423,12153b7book 8211 541 secum: .i. lais feisin cen acaldaim nach aili
[‘i.e. by himself, without conversing with any other’] [analysis]
154a37lII 425,6154a3book 8211 321 quid: .i. ní
[‘i.e. something’] [analysis]
155b48kII 431,4155b3book 8211 tracto: imradim {= K 65r17 c .i. imrádaim}
[‘I discuss’] [analysis]
155b48lII 431,4155b4book 8211 dicto: .i. doerdechtim
[‘i.e. I compose’] [analysis]
155b49mII 431,5155b5book 8211 511[?] absistunt: .i. nidechrigetar {cf. K 65r18 d (m.d.) .i. nítesbanat/ ní dechriget.,}
[‘i.e. they do not differ’] [analysis]
156b3bII 433,2156b1book 8211 313 vilico: .i. uandi as vilicus .i. rechtaire {cf. K 65r50 p .i. ónd rectairiu}
[‘i.e. from villicus i.e. steward’] [analysis]
156b25fII 433,23156b3book 8313 211 mare: .i. ondí as mas .i. fer
[‘i.e. from mas i.e. a male’] [analysis]
156b29gII 434,1156b4book 8211 541 artium: .i. dana .i. anmman araḟóimtar/ didanaib ut do/ctor de doctri/na.- {cf. K 65v11 d (m.l.) .i. nomina quae as/sumuntur/ ab artibus/ ut doctor/ á doctri/na. reliqua,}
[‘i.e. of art, i.e. names which are assumed from arts, as doctor from doctrina’] [analysis]
156b32hII 434,4156b5book 8211 sutor: .i. cairem
[‘i.e. shoe-maker’] [analysis]
158a12dII 438,10158a1book 8211 mano: .i. dolinim
[‘i.e. I flow’] [analysis]
158b18iII 439,26158b5book 8211 intus: .i. himmedón
[‘i.e. in the midst’] [analysis]
158b31oII 440,8158b7book 8211 543 proprium: .i. ni leo an óinur
[‘i.e. it does not belong to them alone’] [analysis]
159a7bII 440,24159a1book 8211 (per) appositionem: .i. tréc├omaisndís
[‘i.e. through apposition’] [analysis]
159a32lII 441,15159a5book 8211 25 penulatus: .i. casaldae .i. penula {= K 66v45 h casalda .i. penula. casal}
[‘i.e. wearing a mantle i.e. penula’] [analysis]
159a41sII 441,22159a6book 8211 intonso: .i. imlebor
[‘i.e. very long’] [analysis]
159a42uII 441,23159a7book 8211 cirro: icidorus cirus .i. mong gibnae {cf. K 66v51 k cirrus .i. mong gibbne unde ⁊ cirri ⁊ tonderi dicunt unde ⁊ cirri vocantur intonsae partes}
[‘i.e. a lock of hair or a curl of hair’] [analysis]
159b7dII 442,2159b1book 8211 pilo: .i. gaide
[‘i.e. having a spear’] [analysis]
159b9eII 442,3159b2book 8211 dentatus: daintech
[‘having teeth’] [analysis]
159b13gII 442,6159b3book 8211 cerritus: caichen {= K 67r5 b}
[‘mad’] [analysis]
160b24kII 446,3160b3book 8211 59 perfectum: dogniam ám
[‘we indeed make’] [analysis]
163a42lII 455,7163a3book 9221 211 δυδω: .i. verbum graecum .i. dobiur
[‘i.e. I give’] [analysis]
163b19fII 456,2163b3book 9211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
163b21hII 456,4163b4book 9211 licet: is dílmin
[‘it is permissible’] [analysis]
163b36qII 456,19163b9book 9211 [(per) sinari]sin: .i. treaccomol
[‘i.e. through combination’] [analysis]
164a1aII 457,1164a1book 9211 543 (non) dico: .i. niedamét
[‘i.e. not only’] [analysis]
164a22"dII 457,22164a2book 9211 per (medium): armedón
[‘instead of (the) middle’] [analysis]
165b34fII 462,16165b3book 9211 541 l: .i. sí feisine ⁊ ní bí ní tarahesi ar is feidligud disi diambé són
[‘i.e. it itself, and there is nothing in place of it, for it is permanence to it if that be’] [analysis]
166a34gII 463,27166a4book 9211 [conso]nantem: .i. iarsin chonsin bís ante
[‘i.e. after the consonant which is before (o etc.)’] [analysis]
166a35iII 463,28book 9211 et: .i. cid
167a4bII 465,15book 9211 succino: foacanim
[‘I sing to’] [analysis]
169b43kII 475,24169b2book 9211 per ellipsin esse: (subs.) .i. tre erchra indí/ as .esse.
[‘i.e. through ellipsis of esse’] [analysis]
170b6bII 478,11170b1book 9211 212 coniveo: fortiag (m.l.) gen-....?/ coniveo/ conludo/ consentio
[‘I help’] [analysis]
171b8cII 482,16171b1book 9211 331 ausim: rollámar
[‘I should dare’] [analysis]
171b29iII 483,14171b3book 9211 321 qua: .i. nachaili
[‘i.e. any others’] [analysis]
173a4"bII 488,21book 9211 redoleo: forbiur
[‘I increase’] [analysis]
173a15fII 489,7book 9211 obsoleo: sercim
[‘I become obsolete’] [analysis]
173a19iII 489,11book 9211 ceno: aslennim
[‘I pollute’] [analysis]
173a24lII 490,1book 9211 exoletam: forbartaig
[‘full-grown’] [analysis]
173a27mII 490,4173a6book 9211 *abolito: .i. meincichthech
[‘i.e. frequent’] [analysis]
173a31nII 490,8book 9211 delino: fosligim
[‘I smear’] [analysis]
173a41rII 490,19173a9book 9211 letum: bás
[‘death’] [analysis]
173b17"cII 491,19book 9211 luceo: dolinim
[‘I swarm’] [analysis]
174a26dII 495,5book 10211 mingo: munigim
[‘I make water’] [analysis]
176a39iII 504,6book 10211 linguo: lígim
[‘I lick’] [analysis]
177b32fII 509,8177b1book 10211 dispisco: .i. dechrigim
[‘i.e. I divide’] [analysis]
178b17"fII 512,19178b2book 10211 543 obsoleverunt: .i. roseircset .i. nisfil/ hodie
[‘i.e. they have become obsolete, i.e. they are not today’] [analysis]
178b38''hII 513,11book 10211 emungor: .i. nomglantar
[‘i.e. I am cleansed’] [analysis]
178b42"iII 513,16book 10211 nanciscor: .i. undar
179a2bII 513,17book 10211 nanciam: in mesorsa
[‘shall I judge?’] [analysis]
179a11dII 514,9book 10211 commentum: tractaid (m.l.) ¹
[‘a commentary’] [analysis]
180a9bII 518,22180a1book 10211 25 cadi: indtelchubi quia cadum fit
[‘of the cask, quia etc.’] [analysis]
180b3cII 520,7180b1book 10211 572 adessis: eisib loiscdib
[‘consumed or burnt’] [analysis]
181a30kII 524,4181a4book 10572 211 +ophioginistum: vel origenistum .i. bunadgein
[‘see Translation Notes’] [analysis]
181a36mII 524,12181a6book 10211 215 talio[nem]: .i. innimthá/nad .i. di- gal/ ind ancridi/ dogní nech/ frit
[‘i.e. into alternation i.e. vengeance for the wrong that anyone does to you’] [analysis]
181a38nII 524,13book 10211 [repu]gi: .i. adrogegonsa
[‘i.e. I have wounded again’] [analysis]
181a38rII 524,14181a10book 10211 543 repunxi: .i. adrothoirndius non repugi
[‘i.e. I have pricked again’] [analysis]
181b3"bII 524,20181b1book 10541 25 211 differentiae (causa): frisa religo fil huandí as ligo conriug
[‘from religo, which is from ligo ‘I tie together’ ’] [analysis]
181b18cII 525,12book 10211 ringo: gloidim
[‘I cry out’] [analysis]
181b20dII 525,14book 10211 ango: doimmurc
[‘I press’] [analysis]
181b40nII 526,13181b4book 10211 35 etsi (non): cenid
[‘though they do not (keep)’] [analysis]
182b41dII 529,11182b2book 10211 23 cerno: (m.i.) .i. cerno dofuismim
[‘i.e. I bear’] [analysis]
183a5cII 529,18book 10211 lino: fosligim
[‘I smear’] [analysis]
183a36rII 530,26183a3book 10211 obeor: .i. fritumthiagar
[‘i.e. I am gone towards’] [analysis]
183b14cII 531,22book 10211 sarpo: failligim
[‘I mow, cut down’] [analysis]
183b24dII 532,6183b2book 10211 (a) sera (obdita): .i. huanglas fritobarthu diamir
[‘i.e. from the opposed (obdita) or hidden (abdita) bolt’] [analysis]
183b24eII 532,6183b3book 10211 571 a sera obdita: (m.l.) .Máil(?) .gaimrid(?) . dicit/ A sera obdita/ .i. ondfescur/ maull fri/tobarthu/ dothaidbsin/ inna inne fil/ isind. sera/ doberr an ob/dita .i. dond/ fritobairt/ maill frit/ataibret/ nadorche/ donṡoilsi/ is diṡin/ asberr sé/ra. m/all/ reliqua.-
[‘Máil Gaimrid says A sera obdita, i.e. from the evening slow or opposed. To show forth the meaning which is in sera the obdita is put. From the slow opposition with which the darknesses oppose themselves to the light it is hence that sera ‘slow’ is said’] [analysis]
184a41qII 534,23184a2book 10211 322 accersivit: dorrochuirestar.
[‘he has invited’] [analysis]
185a4bII 537,11185a1book 10211 sterto: .i. srennim
[‘i.e. I snore’] [analysis]
185b16dII 539,10book 10211 liquet: is dílmin
[‘it is allowable’] [analysis]
185b29fII 539,22book 10211 suffio: .i. fotimmdiriut
[‘i.e. I fumigate (lit. I subminister)’] [analysis]
185b31hII 539,23book 10211 significationem: inni
[‘meaning’] [analysis]
185b33kII 540,1185b7book 10211 333 suffire: .i. fotimdiris
[‘i.e. that you should fumigate (lit. subminister)’] [analysis]
186a20iII 541,13186a1book 10211 cambio: conoimchláim
[‘I change’] [analysis]
186b5bII 542,23186b1book 10211 sartores: .i. óigthidi
[‘i.e. patchers’] [analysis]
186b5cII 542,23book 10211 fartores: .i. líntidi
[‘i.e. poulterers’] [analysis]
187a37zII 546,9book 10211 sallio: saillim
[‘I salt’] [analysis]
187a38aaII 546,9187a6book 10211 212 sallo: gortigim .i. idem significat ⁊ sallio
[‘I salt’] [analysis]
188a9iII 549,6188a5book 11211 (in) positione: hi cétnidetid
[‘in primitive-origin’] [analysis]
188a20ffII 549,16188a18book 11211 similitu[dinem]: .i. dochosmailius innaṅdobriathar cét/nide inna/naicniud/ feisin
[‘i.e. to the likeness of the primitive adverbs in their own nature’] [analysis]
188a22iiII 549,17188a20book 11211 (a) se: .i. uadib fesin
[‘i.e. from themselves’] [analysis]
188a23llII 549,18188a21book 11211 suum: .i. sainred
[‘i.e. peculiarty’] [analysis]
188a30rrII 549,25188a24book 11211 temporalia: .i. sluindite aimser
[‘i.e. which signify time’] [analysis]
188a39afII 550,5188a31book 11211 541 (per) compasionem: .i. trechomchésad .i. confodim in cách dobeir frisincách/ diatabir ni
[‘i.e. through co-suffering, i.e. every one who gives co-endures with every one to whom he gives something’] [analysis]
188b5dII 550,12188b1book 11211 543 videntur: .i. o luc immognomo ar is hiluc rangabálae/ atá exosus .i./ ar is ruidles/ dorangabáil/ immognom fri/ ainsid.-
[‘i.e. from the place of construction; for exosus stands in the place of a participle, for construction with an accusative is a peculiarity of the participle’] [analysis]
188b18iII 550,23188b4book 11211 23 amans: sercid
[‘a lover’] [analysis]
189a3dII 551,20189a1book 11211 trabes: .i. cammchranna
[‘i.e. crooked beams’] [analysis]
189a4fII 551,21189a2book 11211 clavi: clói
[‘nails’] [analysis]
189a6gII 551,23189a3book 11211 336[?] obiiciendum (ad hoc): diafrituidecht
[‘to its opposing’] [analysis]
189a25lII 552,14189a5book 11211 51 appendices: (m.l.) fortachtaig/thi .i. comthór/ṅdedcha reliqua
[‘helpers, i.e. consignificants’] [analysis]
189a37nII 552,25189a7book 11211 543 intransiti[vum]: .i. nephthairmthech/tid .i. cen tairm/thecht opersin/ dialaili.
[‘i.e. a non-transgressor, i.e. without passing over from one person to another’] [analysis]
189b28hII 553,26189b6book 11211 insecabilem: nephḟodlide
[‘indivisible’] [analysis]
189b37oII 554,5189b9book 11211 543 communem: donab huilib doinib
[‘to all human beings’] [analysis]
190a19nII 554,26190a4book 114221 211 coniunctio: .i. eo .i. arindi adaas
[‘i.e. eo i.e. because, or according to’] [analysis]
190b17dII 556,8190b2book 11211 3115 accidentia: inna aicciditi
[‘the accidents’] [analysis]
192b12fII 562,2192b2book 11211 333 uti: arambera nech biuth
[‘that anyone should use’] [analysis]
192b36''mII 562,16192b6book 11211 562 trabeatus: trabda. traba vestis
[‘dressed in a ‘trabea’’] [analysis]
193a28lII 564,5193a2abook 11211 35 quamvis: adaas
[‘although’] [analysis]
193a34mII 564,10193a3book 11211 utilitati: dotharbataid
[‘to advantage’] [analysis]
193b13iII 564,29193b1book 11211 336[?] (qui) amavit: arrocar
[‘when he has loved’] [analysis]
193b15nII 565,2book 11211 participii (officio): (subs.) .i. hiluc ranngabála
[‘i.e. in place of a participle’] [analysis]
193b18tII 565,6193b3book 11211 336[?] qui (amatur): acarthar
[‘when he is loved’] [analysis]
194a7dII 566,8194a1book 11211 572 coniurato: enod cainti ocondṡruthsin
[‘an oath that used to be sworn at that river’] [analysis]
195b7bII 570,20195b1book 11211 [(per) syn]crisin: trithóbae
[‘through concision’] [analysis]
195b24iII 571,12195b3book 11211 331 (a) canendo: .i. ondí as cano
[‘i.e. from cano’] [analysis]
196b38cII 574,7book 11211 (qui) amavit: arrocar
[‘when he has loved’] [analysis]
196b39dII 574,8196b4book 11211 [(qui)] amatur: acarthar
[‘when he is loved’] [analysis]
196b40fII 574,9196b6book 11211 instanti: frecndairc
[‘present (tense)’] [analysis]
196b43kII 574,12196b8book 11211 336[?] veniens: andorórpai
[‘when he came’] [analysis]
197a20oII 577,15197a5book 12211 singula: óindi
[‘single’] [analysis]
197a26sII 577,19197a6book 12211 541 relativa: .i. atarcadach .i. diarobae aisdís riam
[‘i.e. anaphoric, i.e. of which there has been a speaking before’] [analysis]
197a26tII 577,19book 12211 (presens) iuxta: inchomocus
[‘near by’] [analysis]
197a26uII 577,19book 12211 iste: intísiu
[‘this’] [analysis]
197a27wII 577,20197a9book 12211 ille: intíthall
[‘that’] [analysis]
197a27xII 577,20book 12211 super: .i. sech
[‘i.e. above’] [analysis]
197a28zII 577,21197a12book 12211 (si ..) finit: manud chinni
[‘if it determines’] [analysis]
197a36ooII 578,5book 12211 difinivi: ro cinnius
[‘I defined’] [analysis]
197a38ppII 578,6197a19book 12211 4228 quis: ce hé roscríb
[‘who it is that has written’] [analysis]
197a39ttII 578,8197a21book 12211 (non) discernunt (genera): nifodlat chenél
[‘they do not distinguish gender’] [analysis]
197b6fII 578,13197b3book 12211 ad (quod genus vel numerum): .i. cid chenél nó cesí aram
[‘i.e. what is the gender or what the number’] [analysis]
197b11lII 578,17197b6book 12211 541 (reliqua) [no]vem: (m.s.) reliqua novem .i. anoi frisinatri/ .i. ité innanoi didiu. septem dirivativa./ et .is. ⁊ .hic.
[‘i.e. the remaining nine, nine in addition to the three (ille, iste, ipse): these then, are the nine, seven derivatives and is and hic’] [analysis]
197b26zII 579,9197b9book 12211 (per) illimsin: treerchre
[‘through ellipsis’] [analysis]
197b37kkII 579,20197b14book 12211 35 quod (redi[gat]): ol atairbir
[‘because it brings again’] [analysis]
198a32ffII 580,24198a15book 12211 543 suus (illius): .i. ai .i. filius
[‘i.e. his’] [analysis]
198a32ggII 580,24198a16book 12211 543 suus (illorum): .i. inna nai .i. filius.
[‘i.e. of theirs (or their)’] [analysis]
198a42uuII 581,5198a23book 12211 posessorum: .i. innaní atrebat
[‘i.e. those that possess’] [analysis]
198b10fII 581,13198b4book 12211 (ad) plenam (significationem): dolínad anintliuchta
[‘to complete their sense’] [analysis]
199b28aaII 585,7book 12211 quid: cerricc
[‘why? (lit. what does it reach?)’] [analysis]
199b31bbII 585,10199b13book 12211 totius: innasochuide
[‘of the multitude’] [analysis]
200a23hII 586,10200a6book 12211 (non) vocis (discretione): .i. ní ofoilsigud suin ⁊ gotho
[‘i.e. not by demonstration of sound and voice’] [analysis]
200b13hII 587,9book 12211 [sum]mates: huasail
[‘high’] [analysis]
200b16kII 587,14200b4book 12211 uniuscuiusque (rei): cach oinfolaid
[‘of every single substance’] [analysis]
200b41ddII 588,11200b14book 12543 211 thelamonius: .i. possesivum .i. telamónde .i. telamonis filius
[‘i.e. a possession, i.e. Telamonian, i.e. Telamon’s son’] [analysis]
200b41eeII 588,12book 12211 natus: (subs.) .i. in macc
[‘i.e. the son’] [analysis]
201a2eII 588,13201a1book 12211 (communis ..) qualitatis: .i. inna inne doac/aldmaiche són
[‘i.e. of the appellative quality’] [analysis]
201a29qII 589,13book 12211 secum: .i. leo
[‘i.e. with them’] [analysis]
201a29rII 589,13201a7book 1212 211 istíc: .i. inti siu
[‘i.e. this’] [analysis]
201a37ddII 589,22201a11book 12211 identidem: ed nonóen
[‘it [is] one and the same’] [analysis]
201b12gII 590,6201b3book 12211 (per) sinarisin: trithóbae
[‘by concision’] [analysis]
201b26wII 590,22201b9book 123113 211 finis: .i. indḟorcinn
[‘i.e. of the termination’] [analysis]
201b30ggII 590,26201b16book 12211 541 (per) porrectionem: .i. treeiscsin .i. condibsia de indrann
[‘i.e. by porrection, i.e. that the part of speech may be the longer’] [analysis]
201b30hhII 590,27201b17book 12211 541 assumptionem: .i. tre airitin arfóim (m.d.) tórmag fair
[‘i.e. by an assumption it takes an addition upon it’] [analysis]
201b40nnII 591,9201b20book 12211 tute: ostú
[‘even you [sg.]’] [analysis]
201b41ooII 591,11201b21book 12211 tutemet: ostú
[‘even you [sg.]’] [analysis]
202b32nII 594,6202b6book 12211 35 quod: .i. ol
[‘i.e. because’] [analysis]
202b40sII 594,13199book 1235 211 quod: .i. ol
202b42tII 594,15202b8book 12211 541 (per) anastrophen: .i. tre ímpuud .i. tucad atosuch fodiud
[‘i.e. by anastrophe, i.e. its beginning has been put at the end’] [analysis]
203a6hII 594,20203a4book 12211 541 cacenphati: inna aisṅdísen dochuirde .i. dochrud leo .n. indiad .m.
[‘of the disagreeable pronunciation: i.e. n after m they deemed disagreeable’] [analysis]
203a20aaII 595,6book 12211 structuris: immognamib
[‘constructions’] [analysis]
203a28llII 595,12203a18book 12211 3115 cuia: isaídi ablativus .i. darorbai 543.i. isái in cin quasi cuius vel ablativus pro genitivo ut supradicti.
[‘it is his, or an ablative, i.e. it has come to him, i.e. his is the crime quasi etc.’] [analysis]
203a31qqII 595,15203a20book 12211 *passeris: .i. inpaseir .i. indechenéul paseir
203a41zzII 595,24203a26book 12211 tantidem: inna oenaméite
[‘of the same size’] [analysis]
203a42abII 595,26203a27book 12211 543 (pro) eiusdem: (m.l.) tarhessi eiusdem ⁊ ni bí/ sem són immurgu calléic
[‘in place of eiusdem, and yet, however, that is not’] [analysis]
203b7fII 596,4203b3book 1234 211 omnimodo: (m.l.) onach múd/ etir són / ó cach mud/ .i. ni ó cach múd/ is airiti..
[‘in any way at all, or in every way, i.e. not in every way is it to be accepted’] [analysis]
203b7gII 596,4203b4book 12211 543 ex (eadem specie): .i. ónd oén ranndato són .i. ond óengné randatad ⁊ folid air is folud persine doḟoirde eiusdem intamail méte immurgu doḟoirnde tantundem.
[‘i.e. from the same particularity, i.e. from the same kind of paricularity and substance, for it is the substance of a person that eiusdem denotes: (it is the) similitude of quantity, however that tantundem denotes’] [analysis]
203b18qII 596,13203b7book 12211 (per) appositionem: trechomaisṅdís
[‘by apposition’] [analysis]
204a16hII 597,19204a3book 12211 543 suus (illius): ái .i. filius
[‘his’] [analysis]
204a16iII 597,19204a14book 12211 543 suus (illorum): (m.d.) inna ái .i. filius reliqua
[‘of theirs (or their)’] [analysis]
204b2fIII 1,26204b2book 13211 566[?] sabium: amoaine .i. amochland vel proprium
[‘My delight! i.e. My child! Or a proper name’] [analysis]
204b13nIII 2,15204b6book 13111[?] 211 (ó mea) tu: athusu
[‘You!’] [analysis]
204b30xIII 3,1204b9book 1334 211 dorice: indoracdid insin
[‘that is in the Doric fashion’] [analysis]
205a33mIII 4,17205a4book 134226 211 concidentibus: similibus .i. contuítet hiscosmailius
[‘i.e. they coincide in similarity’] [analysis]
205b42pIII 6,5book 13211 unum (c): indala .c
[‘one of the twos cs’] [analysis]
207a30llIII 10,18207a12book 1312 211 (per) dierisín: tre indlach
[‘by diaeresis’] [analysis]
207b12eIII 11,17205book 13211 35 quod: ol
207b14fIII 11,19207b3book 13211 543 nam: .i. air cio ainmnid dixnigidir .i. masu pronomen .i. ní/ ḟil
[‘i.e. for from what nominative is it? i.e. if it is a pronoun. i.e. there is not it (it is not)’] [analysis]
207b19hIII 11,23207b5book 13211 (in) demonstratione: .i. hitogarmim ḟrecṅdairc
[‘i.e. in present calling’] [analysis]
207b20iIII 11,25book 13211 deinde: innnadiad
[‘into the end’] [analysis]
207b31tIII 12,3207b10book 13211 541 alia (mille): .i. corrici míli .i. foirbthe aran reliqua
[‘i.e. up to a thousand, i.e. a perfect (number) for an imperfect one’] [analysis]
207b37aaIII 12,7207b14book 13211 212 et: .i. o .i. afameinn pro utinam
[‘i.e. would that! for utinam’] [analysis]
208b2bIII 13,22206book 13211 35 quod: ol
208b14fIII 14,1208b3book 13211 511[?] pollicentur: nitairṅgérat .i. nisfil leo
[‘they will not promise, i.e. they have them not’] [analysis]
209a9eIII 15,9209a4book 13211 321 is: (subs.) .i. in
[‘i.e. that’] [analysis]
209b7iIII 16,18209b7book 13211 333 si: .i. combad .si. apud nos
[‘i.e. with us it would be si’] [analysis]
209b13uIII 16,23209b11book 13211 511[?] nominativi: .i. ind óin ainmnedo so .i. inchosc sulbaire an .huius ⁊ an ipsius immalle
[‘i.e. of this one nominative, i.e. the huius and the ipsius together is a mark of eloquence’] [analysis]
209b21iiIII 17,6209book 13211 35 *quo: .i. dú.
209b21llIII 17,6209b19–21book 13211 511[?] *liquefiunt: doneprennet .i. dú inairestar
[‘(where) they flow forth, i.e. where they remain’] [analysis]
209b22nnIII 17,8book 13211 hanc (fidem): .i. immuntorisinse
[‘i.e. for this faith’] [analysis]
209b23rrIII 17,9209b27book 13211 333 (non) deserturum: .i. naich ṅdeirsed
[‘i.e. that he would not desert him’] [analysis]
210a8fIII 18,5210a4book 13211 541 ferri: .i. fedar .i. issamlaid insin dohucthar ingním mabeith .cave./ tobarthid aile/ fri sibi ut si/bi ipsi reliqua
[‘i.e. that it is carried, i.e. it is thus that the action can be brought if there be another dative with sibi, as sibi ipsi etc.’] [analysis]
210a15hIII 18,11book 13211 cicidi: ascomort
[‘I have cut down’] [analysis]
210a22kIII 18,17210a7book 13211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
210a40pIII 19,11book 13211 coniunctio: .i. anaccomol
[‘i.e. the conjunction’] [analysis]
210b17eIII 20,1210b2book 13211 [signi]ficationis: .i. intṡliuchta
[‘i.e. of meaning’] [analysis]
210b26"hIII 20,9210b3book 13211 licet: .i. is dílmain
[‘i.e. it is permitted’] [analysis]
210b38mIII 20,17210b5book 13211 quomodo: .i. air ciachruth arafóimtar
[‘i.e. for how are they accepted?’] [analysis]
211b13fIII 22,6211b4book 13541 211 extrinsecus: .i. ar chuit ind anmme .i. intan asṁbeir huiusmodi .i. inchrutso .i. is ecen/ taidbse inna inne frisasamaltar
[‘i.e. as regards the noun, i.e. when he says huiusmodi, i.e. in this manner, i.e. it is necessary to show the quality to which it is compared’] [analysis]
211b14hIII 22,8211b6book 13211 4227 nominis: .i. indanmme fil inna chomsuidigud .i. modi
[‘i.e. of the noun which is in its compound, i.e. modi’] [analysis]
211b22qIII 22,14211b9book 13211 543 et (tertiae): .i. ⁊ it tertpersin
[‘i.e. and they are third persons’] [analysis]
211b35zIII 22,26211b12abook 13211 35 quod (in): ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
211b38aaIII 22,28book 13211 [reci]tat: arlega
[‘he recites’] [analysis]
212a7gIII 23,6212a1book 13211 quomodo: ciachruth
[‘what is the manner’] [analysis]
212a26rIII 24,11212a4book 14211 unitur: .i. óinaichthir
[‘i.e. it is united’] [analysis]
212a30uIII 24,14212a7book 14211 [ap]positione: .i. hicomasṅdís
[‘i.e. in apposition’] [analysis]
212a31wIII 24,15212a8book 14211 543 prepostere: indremdédenach .i. fo deod
[‘preposterously, i.e. finally’] [analysis]
212a36ddIII 24,19214book 14211 differentia: dechor
212a37ffIII 24,20212a14book 14211 prepositivae: .i. remḟuirmedcha
[‘i.e. placed before’] [analysis]
212b32qIII 25,21212b12book 14211 4222 modum: .i. in oín mod fortórmaich són
[‘i.e. into the same mode of addition’] [analysis]
212b35wIII 25,24212b15book 14211 (per) appositionem: .i. hicomasṅdis
[‘i.e. in apposition’] [analysis]
213a7eIII 26,6213a2book 14211 541 gravantur: graif foraib olṡodain as sainreth do remsuidigthib
[‘the grave accent on them, which is peculiar to prepositions’] [analysis]
213a27pIII 27,2213a6book 14211 34 543 [secun]dum: .i. intanisiu .i. adverbium
[‘i.e. secondly’] [analysis]
213a28tIII 27,4book 14211 ac*utum (c): .i. acuit inna forciunn feisne
[‘i.e. the acute on their own termination’] [analysis]
213a30aaIII 27,6213a11book 14211 prepostere: fodéid
[‘at the end’] [analysis]
213a31ddIII 27,6213a13book 14211 4222 in (fine): .i. hi foirciun narann olchenae
[‘i.e. on the end of the other parts (of speech)’] [analysis]
213a34ggIII 27,8213a14book 14211 543 [pre]postere: fodéid hicomasṅdís
[‘at the end in apposition’] [analysis]
213b6cIII 27,18213b2book 14211 35 (cum) annititur: .i. lase arasisedar
[‘i.e. when it stands fast’] [analysis]
213b34mIII 28,9213b6book 14211 absque: .i. inchenadid
[‘i.e. besides’] [analysis]
213b35nIII 28,10213b7book 14211 extra: .i. indṡechtardid
[‘i.e. externally’] [analysis]
214a36tIII 29,14214a4book 14211 hara: mucḟoil
[‘pig-sty’] [analysis]
214b10fIII 29,30214b3book 14211 elesionem: tóbe
[‘elision’] [analysis]
214b34"qIII 30,22214b5book 14211 215 inten[tivum]: .i. indidmech .i. derbaid ní
[‘i.e. intentive, i.e. it certifies something’] [analysis]
215a11eIII 31,9215a3book 14211 (bene) dicitur: cáineperr
[‘it is well said’] [analysis]
215a18nIII 31,17215a7book 14211 concedunt: foscochet
[‘they remove’] [analysis]
215b3cIII 32,15215b1book 14211 (secundum) graecos: fochosmailius ṅgc
[‘after the likeness of the Greeks’] [analysis]
215b29rIII 33,14book 14211 (te) penes: .i. islatso
[‘i.e. it is yours’] [analysis]
216a32hIII 35,8book 14211 significationem: inni
[‘signification’] [analysis]
216a38nIII 35,12216a4book 14211 emori: nombáad
[‘that he might die’] [analysis]
216b27xIII 36,10216b6book 14211 in (urbem): donchathraig
[‘to the city’] [analysis]
216b29yIII 36,12216b7book 14211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
216b30zIII 36,13216b8book 14211 extra: indṡechtardaid
[‘externally’] [analysis]
217a21iIII 37,8book 14211 adeo: saigim
[‘I go towards’] [analysis]
217a23kIII 37,9217a4book 14211 561 (ad) balneas: (m.l.) .i. ocnafothairc/thib palnacdib .i./ de nomine philophi ar/aanic acenelae fo/thaircthesin.,
[‘i.e. at the Pallacine baths: from the name of a philosopher who invented that kind of baths’] [analysis]
217a25lIII 37,10217a5book 14211 quid: cia ar neoch dorrignis
[‘for what have you done it?’] [analysis]
217a26mIII 37,11217a6book 14211 541 accomodatus: (m.l.) .i. dóchomadas/aigthe .i. coma/dasogod ⁊ chosmai/ligud neich dialai/liu.,
[‘i.e. accommodated, that is, (the) accommodation and assimilation of one to another’] [analysis]
217a27nIII 37,12book 14211 ad ungem: do ingin
[‘to (the) nail’] [analysis]
217a30qIII 37,15217a8book 14211 543 (ad) haec (mala): .i. inna olcsa amal nibed .ad and
[‘i.e. these evils, as if ad were not there’] [analysis]
217b10dIII 38,7217b1book 14211 (in) iureiurando: hifírlugu
[‘in (the) true oath’] [analysis]
217b11eIII 38,8book 14211 (per) iovem: tar ioib
[‘by Jupiter’] [analysis]
217b11hIII 38,9book 14211 per (te): torutsu
[‘by you’] [analysis]
217b16mIII 38,13book 14211 per: indadbol
[‘greatly’] [analysis]
217b23oIII 38,19217b6book 14211 34 post: .i. iartain .i. adverbium
[‘i.e. afterwards’] [analysis]
217b30rIII 38,27book 14211 postica: fann
[‘a postern’] [analysis]
217b32sIII 38,29217b8book 14211 561 cisalpina (gallia): .i. cenalpande .i. fri alpai ṅ desiu
[‘i.e. cisalpine, i.e. on this side of the Alps’] [analysis]
217b34aaIII 38,30217b13book 14211 cis (definitum tempus): .i. sech innaimsir crichnigthi hínnunn
[‘i.e. beyond the definite time’] [analysis]
217b35bbIII 39,1book 14211 ultra: .i. al
[‘i.e. beyond’] [analysis]
217b35ddIII 39,1217b16book 14211 543 cis (naturae leges): .i. echtarecht .i. docoid tar recht ṅaicnid/ hinnun
[‘i.e. outside the law, i.e. he has transgressed a law of nature to there’] [analysis]
218a10gIII 39,15218a4book 14211 scriptura: .i. ascríbend
[‘i.e. the writing of it’] [analysis]
218a25oIII 39,25218a10book 14211 clanculum: indiamrán
[‘secretly’] [analysis]
218b11dIII 40,19218b1book 14211 23 antea: iar miciniar
[‘previously’] [analysis]
218b12fIII 40,21book 14211 ante: riam
[‘before (the time spoken of)’] [analysis]
218b15hIII 40,23book 14211 antiquarius: arsate
[‘old’] [analysis]
218b20kIII 40,28book 14211 saniem: sleidm
[‘slavering’] [analysis]
218b29qIII 41,7218b5book 14211 circum: inchuartaigthith
[‘circularly’] [analysis]
218b32sIII 41,9218b6book 14211 circa (forum): ocondal ṡuidiu
[‘at the forum’] [analysis]
219a37kIII 42,25219a2book 14211 suum: saindíles
[‘peculiar’] [analysis]
220a12fIII 44,24220a1book 14211 543 pridie: pdkalde .i. adverbium loco prepositionis
[‘the day before the calends’]
220a20hIII 45,3book 14211 interpretationes: anetarcerta lagrecu
[‘their interpretations with the Greeks’] [analysis]
220a27qIII 45,9220a6book 14543 211 et (ultra): .i. supponitur híc ultra .i. indoll
[‘i.e. is put below this beyond i.e. beyond’] [analysis]
220b2bIII 45,24220b1book 14211 sine (casibus): .i. intan ṁbíte cen tuisliu
[‘i.e. when they are without cases’] [analysis]
220b10kIII 46,8book 14211 post: .i. iartain
[‘i.e. afterwards’] [analysis]
220b41eeIII 47,13220b12book 1434 211 *et (in appositione): .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
221b1bIII 48,19221b2book 1423 211 enervus: nervus .i. colmméne/ enervus .i. énairt
[‘little sinew’] [analysis]
221b2cIII 48,20221b3book 14211 541 intentivum: .i. eiscsende forbuide .i. sens aidbligthe thechtas
[‘i.e. extensive or perfected, i.e. it has the sense of enhancement’] [analysis]
221b6eIII 48,23book 14211 exero: assafiud
[‘I take out’] [analysis]
222a8dIII 50,15222a1book 14211 23 predi[co]: .i. remiepur
[‘i.e. I say beforehand’] [analysis]
222a13fIII 50,22book 14211 cum: .i. intainsin
[‘i.e. then’] [analysis]
222a16hIII 50,24222a4book 14211 ([per so]lam) appositionem: trechomasṅdéis
[‘by apposition’] [analysis]
222a16kIII 50,25222a5book 14211 4228 nec (mirum): .i. ní machdath cid hí comasṅdís
[‘i.e. no wonder that it is in apposition’] [analysis]
222a32nIII 51,8222a8book 1434 211 etiam (se): cid do ṡe
[‘even to se’] [analysis]
222a34rIII 51,10222a10book 14211 quocum: lasinnísin
[‘with that one’] [analysis]
222b1bIII 51,20222b1abook 1434 211 (est) quando: .i. alailitain
[‘i.e. at some time’] [analysis]
222b2cIII 51,21220b2book 14211 clanculum: ind inidleán
[‘secretly’] [analysis]
222b3dIII 51,22book 14211 clandistinus: inidil
[‘clandestine’] [analysis]
222b21iIII 57,19222b4book 14211 sine: léic
[‘leave behind!’] [analysis]
228a29kIII 74,23224book 15211?[?] +neutiquam: negand
242a10cIII 121,20242a1book 17211 uter: .ciade
[‘which of the two?’] [analysis]
242a33eIII 122,18242a2book 17211 cuiates (estis): .can duibsi
[‘whence are you?’] [analysis]
242b21eIII 124,2242b1book 1735 211 fiunt: .cairhe biit [analysis]
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 27 July 2024]