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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
203b7gII 596,4203b4book 12211 543 ex (eadem specie): .i. ónd oén ranndato són .i. ond óengné randatad ⁊ folid air is folud persine doḟoirde eiusdem intamail méte immurgu doḟoirnde tantundem.
[‘i.e. from the same particularity, i.e. from the same kind of paricularity and substance, for it is the substance of a person that eiusdem denotes: (it is the) similitude of quantity, however that tantundem denotes’]

Old Irish elements

Word formHeadwordWord classSub-classMorph.MeaningVoiceRelative?
óó 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. +, source from which something comes or is obtained
ndin 1 [DIL] + ó 1with prep and substantive
oénoín [DIL]
ranndatorandatu [DIL]nounm, in Sg. to express the property of belonging to a certain part of speech
sónsón 2 [DIL]pronoun, anaphoricindeclinable neuter encliticemphasising previous element
oó 1 [DIL]preposition, with dat; lenitingdat. +, source from which something comes or is obtained
nda 8 [DIL] + ó 1with prep and substantive
óenoín [DIL]numberadjectivecomposition formsame
gnégné [DIL], sort
randatadrandatu [DIL]nounm, in Sg. to express the property of belonging to a certain part of speech
7ocus [DIL]conjunction (leniting)coordinatingjoining two nounsand
folidfolad [DIL]nounn,, material
airar 2 [DIL]conjunctioncausalwith copula
isis [DIL]verbcopula3sg.pres.ind.Active
foludfolad [DIL]nounn,, material
persinepersan [DIL]nounf, person
dodo 4particlepreverb*to-fo-rindā-
ḟofo 2particlepreverb*to-fo-rindā-
do·ḟoirdedo·foirndea [DIL]verbAI3sg.pres.ind.expresses, signifies, determinesActiveY
intamailintamail [DIL]nounf, ī, likeness; act of imitating, imitation; simulation, pretence, semblance
méteméit [DIL]nounf, mixed ā-, ī-,, quantity
immurguimmurgu [DIL]conjunction and adverb (conjunctive)with adversative force to express contrast or modification of preceding statement: however, nevertheless
dodo 4particlepreverb*to-fo-rindā-
ḟofo 2particlepreverb*to-fo-rindā-
do·ḟoirndedo·foirndea [DIL]verbAI3sg.pres.ind.expresses, signifies, determinesActiveY
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]