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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
197a7fII 577,2197a1book 12543 541 pro (nomine proprio): engracogud anme dílis .i. is diles/ anainmsin/ aḟolaid .i. ro/bofolad diles / doacaldmach
[‘a taking the place of a proper noun, i.e. that name is the peculiar property of its substance, i.e. either a proper substance or an appellative’] [analysis]
197a12II 577,7book 12111[?]
197a13gII 577,7book 12421 meus (tuus suus): exemplum tantummodo
197a13hII 577,8197a2book 12541 53 et primae .. etc.: (m.l.) ISairi asbertar atacétnidi incham/thuisil ore ni ón/dí as ego ata .mei./ ⁊ reliqua Aliter is airi asbertar ata cétnidi inchamthuisil ore atá cétnidi inna pronomina huataat .i. ego ⁊ tu.. ⁊ sic dicitur in nomine mad cétnide anainmm it cétnidi athuisil. si dirivatum. nomen. casus eius dirivati erunt.,
[‘Therefore the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because it is not from ego that mei is. Aliter, for this reason the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because the pronouns ego and tu, from which they come are primitive, and thus it is said in nomine, if the noun be primitive its cases are primitive’] [analysis]
197a14iII 577,8book 12423 primitivum: pronomen
197a14II 577,8book 124143 primitivum: " (ibid.) et (reliqui): " (197a15=577,9) vero: "
197a15II 577,9book 124122 tu: : (ibid.) eius: :
197a15kII 577,9book 12423 obliqui: casus
197a15II 577,10book 124121 sui: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
197a16II 577,10book 124143 caret: ; (ibid.) quomodo: ;
197a16lII 577,10197a3book 12221 αιτων: grec indí as sui
[‘the Greek of sui’] [analysis]
197a16II 577,11book 124111 4123 ea: " (ibid.) .VIII.: " (197a17=577,11) pronomina: " (ibid.) primitiva: "
197a17mII 577,11197a4book 12541 simplicia: .i. nítaet chomsuidigud friu in nominativo nisi in paucis
[‘i.e. except in a few instances, there is no composition with them in the nominative’] [analysis]
197a18nII 577,13book 12423 *.XV.: pronominibus
197a19II 577,14book 124121 quaeritur: : (197a22=577,16) quod: :
197a19II 577,14book 12111[?] cúr
197a20oII 577,15197a5book 12211 singula: óindi
[‘single’] [analysis]
197a20II 577,15book 124111 singula: " (197a21=577,15) pronomina: "
197a21pII 577,15book 12423 tertiam: personam
197a21II 577,15book 124111 sex: . (ibid.) diversae: . (197a21=577,16) vo[ces]: .
197a21qII 577,16book 1242211[?] indicant: cur
197a21II 577,16book 124142 indicant: ..- (197a27=577,20) enim: ..-
197a22rII 577,16book 123226[?] (ad) quod: .i. ius
197a22II 577,16book 124142 respondendum: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
197a23II 577,17book 124142 egent: : (ibid.) quia: :
197a26sII 577,19197a6book 12211 541 relativa: .i. atarcadach .i. diarobae aisdís riam
[‘i.e. anaphoric, i.e. of which there has been a speaking before’] [analysis]
197a26tII 577,19book 12211 (presens) iuxta: inchomocus
[‘near by’] [analysis]
197a26uII 577,19book 12211 iste: intísiu
[‘this’] [analysis]
197a27wII 577,20197a9book 12211 ille: intíthall
[‘that’] [analysis]
197a27II 577,20book 124141 enim: .- (197a30=577,22) profertur: .-
197a27xII 577,20book 12211 super: .i. sech
[‘i.e. above’] [analysis]
197a27yII 577,20197a11book 12541 super omnes: (m.l.) Super omnes .i. huare/ ata cinniud persíne hi/ pronomen ⁊ ata mrecht/rad forsinpersin ísin./ bavisse cenotectad/ ilgotha fri inchosc/ in mrechtraid sin./ huare is moo slui/ndes pronomen persin quam/ aliae partes. air/ is fris arícht . air/ cia sluindid briathar/ persin ní fris arícht/ frislond persine act/ is frislond gnimo/ persine principaliter/ arícht. cenud slui/ndi persin consequen/ter.,
[‘i.e. since there is a definition of person in the pronoun, and there is variety in that person, it were right that it should possess many sounds to express that variety, because the pronoun, more than the other parts of speech, signifies person: for this it was invented. For though a verb signifies person, it was not invented to signify person, but to signify a person’s action, principaliter, although it signifies person consequenter’] [analysis]
197a28zII 577,21197a12book 12211 (si ..) finit: manud chinni
[‘if it determines’] [analysis]
197a29aaII 577,21197a13book 12541 [re]ctissime: isdíriuch andechor deg cinte persana
[‘right is their difference because they define persons’] [analysis]
197a29II 577,21book 124123 [re]ctissime: " (197a29=577,22) differentia: "
197a30bbII 577,22book 123221 quae: .i. tertia persona
197a30II 577,22book 124111 4142 plurimas: ... (ibid.) diversitates: ... (ibid.) unde: ...
197a30ccII 577,22197a14book 12541 diversitates: hi gothaib ⁊ indliucht
[‘in words and meaning’] [analysis]
197a31ddII 578,1197a15, 16book 12541 tertias: .i. fobith nád cinnet tertpersin brethre persain acht is gnim persine sluindite (m.l.) dindí file mrech/trad forsindrem/eperthu ⁊ nad fil for tertpersa<i>n verborum
[‘i.e. because third persons of a verb do not define person, but it is the action of person which they signify, from the fact that there is variety on the aforesaid and there is not on the third person of verbs’] [analysis]
197a31II 578,1book 124122 tertias: : (197a34=578,3) eis: :
197a32II 578,1book 124143 cum: " (197a33=578,2) et: "
197a32eeII 578,2book 123232 eis: .i. tertiis verborum personis
197a32ffII 578,2book 12212 profundae: infinitae
197a32ggII 578,2book 12212 +profundae: magnae .i. plurimae
197a32II 578,2book 124142 profundae: ..- (197a33=578,3) nisi: ..-
197a32hhII 578,2197a17book 1251 543 (profundae) multitudinis: .i. na ilchialla as ind óinrainn
[‘i.e. the many meanings out of the same part (of speech)’] [analysis]
197a32iiII 578,3book 124228 quomodo: .i. est
197a33kkII 578,3book 12543 pluralis: infinitus
197a34llII 578,3book 123232 eis: .i. verbis tertiae
197a34II 578,3book 124122 nomen: : (197a34=578,4) pronomen: : (197a35=578,4) eis: :
197a35mmII 578,4book 124222 persona: verborum
197a35nnII 578,4book 123232 +eis: nominibus vel pronominibus
197a25II 578,4book 124142 egeat: .- (ibid.) enim: .-
197a36II 578,5book 124144 [scri]bo: " (ibid.) scribis: " (ibid.) voce: "
197a36ooII 578,5book 12211 difinivi: ro cinnius
[‘I defined’] [analysis]
197a38ppII 578,6197a19book 12211 4228 quis: ce hé roscríb
[‘who it is that has written’] [analysis]
197a38qqII 578,6197a20book 124222 nomen: isindí scríbas
[‘it is of him that writes’] [analysis]
197a38rrII 578,7book 124222 pronomen: .i. tertiae personae
197a38II 578,7book 124141 et (primae): " (197a39=578,8) habent: "
197a39ssII 578,7book 12543 tertiae: .i. sui
197a39ttII 578,8197a21book 12211 (non) discernunt (genera): nifodlat chenél
[‘they do not distinguish gender’] [analysis]
197b2II 578,10book 12111[?] á (me)
197b3aII 578,11book 124228 similiter: .i. habet inaequalem declinationem
197b3bII 578,11book 12423 secunda: .i. persona
197b3II 578,11book 124142 secunda: " (ibid.) nam: "
197b5cII 578,12197b1book 124228 nec mirum: cia beith incummasc andsom
[‘that there be the confusion therein’] [analysis]
197b5II 578,12book 124141 4142 mirum: ..- (ibid.) nam: ..- (197b6=578,13) possumus: ..-
197b5dII 578,12book 124221 sit: .i. pronomen tertiae .i. sui
197b6eII 578,13197b2book 12541 cognitione: .i. tresanainm nengracigedar
[‘i.e. through the noun that it takes the place of’] [analysis]
197b6II 578,13book 124143 ad (quod): " (ibid.) vel: "
197b6fII 578,13197b3book 12211 ad (quod genus vel numerum): .i. cid chenél nó cesí aram
[‘i.e. what is the gender or what the number’] [analysis]
197b6gII 578,13book 124227 numerum: .i. quem
197b7II 578,14book 124121 scire: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
197b7hII 578,14197b4book 12543 (in) genere: .i. acht is ifoilsigud frecṅdairc asagnintar in ego ⁊ tu. tri atarcud immurgu as/agnin/tar hi sui.
[‘i.e. but it is in present demonstration that it is recognised in ego and tu: through anaphora, however, it is recognised in sui’] [analysis]
197b8iII 578,14197b5book 12541 [de]monstratio: derbaid cenél dano isuidib aní remitatét
[‘what precedes them, then, certifies the gender in them’] [analysis]
197b10kII 578,17book 12423 reliqua (no[vem]): .i. pronomina
197b11lII 578,17197b6book 12211 541 (reliqua) [no]vem: (m.s.) reliqua novem .i. anoi frisinatri/ .i. ité innanoi didiu. septem dirivativa./ et .is. ⁊ .hic.
[‘i.e. the remaining nine, nine in addition to the three (ille, iste, ipse): these then, are the nine, seven derivatives and is and hic’] [analysis]
197b11mII 578,18book 123232 eorum: pronominum
197b12nII 578,19197b7book 123226[?] unde: .i. dinaib fodlaib rem/eperthib
[‘i.e. from the divisions aforesaid’] [analysis]
197b13II 578,19book 124122 primae: .- (197b13=578,20) secundae: .- (197b14=578,20) utraque: .-
197b15oII 578,21197b8book 12543 59 eius: frecndairc. ám
[‘present indeed’] [analysis]
197b15pII 578,21book 12543 3223 qui: .i. prima
197b16qII 578,22book 12543 loquitur: secunda
197b16rII 578,22book 12423 *aliae: voces
197b19sII 578,25book 123112 tais: vocativus
197b20tII 578,27book 1252 sic .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
197b20II 579,1book 124145 per (se): " (197b21=579,1) tertia: " (ibid.) persona: "
197b21uII 579,1book 1252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
197b23wII 579,6book 1252 idem poeta: (m.l.) virgilius
197b25II 579,8book 124142 [demonstra]tivum: " (ibid.) quoniam: "
197b25II 579,8book 124121 ego: : (ibid.) cui: :
197b25xII 579,8book 124221 adiungitur: ipse
197b26yII 579,9book 12423 aliis: pronominibus
197b26zII 579,9197b9book 12211 (per) illimsin: treerchre
[‘through ellipsis’] [analysis]
197b26aaII 579,9book 124221 prolatum: ipse
197b27bbII 579,10book 123232 eorum: pronominum
197b27II 579,10book 124121 eorum: .- (ibid.) quae: .-
197b28ccII 579,11book 1252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
197b29II 579,13book 124142 [subau]ditur: /. (ibid.) quamvis: /.
197b30ddII 579,14book 123233 eiusdem (personae): primae
197b31eeII 579,15197b10book 12541 quod demonstra[tio]: (m.l.) quod demonstratio/ .i. ishe infoilsi/gud frecre do/ neoch immechom/arcar duit 7/ ni ern etargnu/ riam indainm/nigthe innaper/sine acht is cét/na netargna/ dondí immedcho/mairc ar ni/ etargeiuin si/de riam/ confoilsi/ged do..,
[‘i.e. this is the demonstration, an answer to what is asked of you, and it does not bestow knowledge beforehand of the naming of the person, but it is the first knowledge to him that asks it, for he knew not beforehand till it was manifested to him’] [analysis]
197b32 II 479,16book 124111 4142 +primam: = (ibid.) cognitionem: = (197b34=579,18) igitur: =
197b33ffII 579,17book 12543 cognitionem (secundam): .i. iar netargnu riam
[‘i.e. after cognition beforehand’] [analysis]
197b34ggII 579,17197b12book 12543 is: .i. intí diarobe briathar linn riam
[‘i.e. he of whom we have spoken before’] [analysis]
197b34hhII 579,18197b13book 12543 hic: foilsigud hi frecndairc
[‘demonstration in presence’] [analysis]
197b35II 579,18book 124142 preponitur: .- (ibid.) unde: .-
197b36II 579,20book 124142 subiungitur: " (ibid.) unde: "
197b37iiII 579,20book 124221 nuncupatur: .i. is
197b37kkII 579,20197b14book 12211 35 quod (redi[gat]): ol atairbir
[‘because it brings again’] [analysis]
197b38llII 579,20197b15book 12543 [redi]gat: .i. atairbert hí forathmet innapersine immeroraid riam
[‘i.e. bringing again into recollection of the person that he has spoken of before’] [analysis]
197b39II 579,21book 124122 [aene]as: " (197b39=579,22) is: "
197b39mmII 579,22197b16book 12543 is: .i. intí adrubartmar.
[‘i.e. he whom we have mentioned’] [analysis]
197b40nnII 579,23197b17book 12543 per (se): .i. cenacomol naich aili do airdianaccomaltar pronomen naill do conétet som iarum do ṡuidiu..
[‘i.e. without joining any other to it, for if another pronoun be joined to it, it (sc. ipse) is in subjection to it’] [analysis]
197b40II 579,23book 124142 recor[dationem]: ., (197b42=579,24) igitur: .,
197b41ooII 579,23197b18book 12543 [recor]dationem: .i. diambí foraithmet riam
[‘i.e. of which there is mention before’] [analysis]
197b42II 579,24book 124121 demonstrationem: : (ibid.) quae: :
197b42II 579,24book 124111 per: .- (198a1=579,24) pronomina: .-
198a m.s.aII 579,24book 1259 (m.s.) criste benedic
198a m.s.bII 579,24book 1259 (m.s.) sancta brigita fave?..
198a1cII 579,25198a1book 12541 reparat: .i. is pronomen naithḟoilsigthecha dóib ipse.
[‘i.e. to them ipse is a re-demonstrative pronoun’] [analysis]
198a1dII 579,25198a2book 12541 non: (m.s.) nicumcat camaiph ille ⁊ iste beta naithḟoilsigthecha/ dondí as ipse airis cétna netargnae sluindes ipse/ intan as foilsigthech .i. intan ṁbis lasaní as ego tu no immalle.,
[‘ille and iste, however, cannot be re-demonstrative to ipse, for ipse expresses together the first cognition when it is a demonstrative, i.e. when it is with ego or tu or jointly’] [analysis]
198a1II 579,25book 124141 non: " (198a2=579,26) possunt: "
198a2II 579,26book 124142 possunt: .- (198a3=579,26) enim: .-
198a3eII 579,26198a3book 12541 cognitio: .i. istoisigiu didiu a cétna netargnae inchoisechar per ille ⁊ iste quam an etargnae tanaise bís per ipse
[‘i.e. the first cognition, then, which is signified by ille and iste is earlier than the second cognition which is (expressed) by ipse’] [analysis]
198a4fII 579,28book 124227 commune: .i. tribus personis
198a4II 579,28book 124142 commune: .- (198a6=579,29) non: .-
198a6II 579,29book 124142 verum: " (198a6=579,30) enim: "
198a6gII 579,29198a4book 12541?[?] *figurae: .i. condib imdu de torand innaforgnúso
[‘i.e. so that the sign of the figure may be the more abundant’] [analysis]
198a6II 579,29book 124112 *figurae: : (198a7=579,30) primae: :
198a7hII 579,30book 12423 primae: personae
198a7iII 579,31book 124221 est: ipse
198a8kII 579,31book 12541 (ex) eo: .i. is coimdig linn inso
[‘i.e. this is customary with us’] [analysis]
198a8II 580,1book 124121 fecit: ..- (198a9=580,1) quod (maxime): ..-
198a9lII 580,1book 123232 id: .i. pronomen ipse
198a9mII 580,1198a7book 12541?[?] transferri: .i. aithfoilsigud tertpersine bis and
[‘i.e. a re-demonstration of the third person which is there’] [analysis]
198a9nII 580,1198a8book 123223 quod: .i. anaithḟoilsigud sin
[‘i.e. that is their re-demonstration’] [analysis]
198a10oII 580,2book 12423 (in) interrogationibus: nominibus
198a10II 580,2book 124141 nunquam: " (198a11=580,3) respondemus: "
198a10II 580,2book 124123 interrogan[te]: /. (198a11=580,3) quis (dixit): /.
198a12II 580,3book 124143 ipse: .- (198a12=580,4) sed: .-
198a13pII 580,5198a9book 12543 solus: .i. cen engracugud nanmae
[‘i.e. without taking the place of a noun’] [analysis]
198a13qII 580,5book 1252 58 virgilius in VI: (m.l.) virgilius q
198a14rII 580,6book 12572 ipse: carhon
198a14II 580,7book 12111[?] híc
198a16sII 580,9198a10book 12541 59 verba: .i. adart fochenn naisdísen anisiu
[‘i.e. this is ‘Pillow under the head’ of a statement’] [analysis]
198a17II 580,9book 124143 adiuncta: .- (198a18=580,10) nominibus: .-
198a17II 580,10book 124143 faciunt: " (198a18=580,10) non: "
198a20tII 580,12198a11book 12543 ipse: .i. connach ainm samlaid
[‘i.e. so that thus it is not a noun’] [analysis]
198a21II 580,13book 1258 (m.l.) O (etiam om. H. ante hoc)
198a23uII 580,16book 12543 (a) prima (persona): ego
198a24II 580,17book 124111 4143 genitivo: " (198a25=580,17) plurali: " (198a26=580,17) singulari: "
198a24wII 580,17book 12423 unum: pronomen
198a26xII 580,18book 12543 (a) secunda: tu
198a26yII 580,18book 12423 unum: pronomen
198a26II 580,18book 124144 tui: -. (198a27=580,19) primitivo: .
198a26II 580,18book 124144 tuus: .- (198a27=580,19) peneultima: .-
198a26II 580,19book 124143 cor[ripitur]: : (198a27=580,19) quomodo: :
198a28zII 580,20book 12543 (a) tertia (.. persona): .i. sui
198a29aaII 580,20book 12423 543 unum: pronomen .i. suus
198a30bbII 580,22book 12543 [di]rivativum: suus
198a30II 580,22book 124141 [di]rivativum: .- (198a32=580,24) commune: .-
198a30ccII 580,22198a12book 12543 intrinsecus: arrainn indaitrebthado
[‘on the part of the possessor’] [analysis]
198a30II 580,22book 124142 intrinsecus: (. (198a33=580,24) enim: (.
198a30ddII 580,24198a13book 12543 (ex qua) parte: .i. ondrainn inmedonich hísin indaitrebtha/do
[‘i.e. from that internal part of the possessor’] [analysis]
198a30II 580,22book 124112 4123 possessoris: " (198a31=580,22) [per]sona: " (198a31=580,23) significatur: "
198a31eeII 580,23198a14book 12543 genitivum (primitivum): .i. iso ṡuidi dosom anisin airis coitchen ade cacha áir/me
[‘i.e. that is from this part to him (the possessor), for this is common to each number’] [analysis]
198a31II 580,23book 124121 *genitivum: : (ibid.) quo: :
198a31II 580,23book 124142 genitivum: -.. (198a35=580,26) unde: .. (198a36=580,27) sicut: ..
198a32ffII 580,24198a15book 12211 543 suus (illius): .i. ai .i. filius
[‘i.e. his’] [analysis]
198a32ggII 580,24198a16book 12211 543 suus (illorum): .i. inna nai .i. filius.
[‘i.e. of theirs (or their)’] [analysis]
198a34hhII 580,25book 1252?[?] (m.l.) s (? = significatio?)
198a34iiII 580,25book 12423 posessoris: .i. persona
198a35II 580,26book 124141 unde: .- (198a37=581,1) confundunt: .-
198a35kkII 580,26198a17book 12543 intrinsecus: .i. arrainn aitrebthado
[‘i.e. on the part of the possessor’] [analysis]
198a35II 580,26book 124111 4121 intrinsecus: " (ibid.) personae: " (ibid.) quibus: "
198a35II 580,27book 124121 primi[tivorum]: : (198a36=580,27) ex (quibus): :
198a37llII 580,27book 124221 [di]rivantur: .i. dirivativa
198a37mmII 581,1198a18book 12543 confundunt: .i. úare asrobair mulier meus filius ⁊ asrobair vir mea filia
[‘i.e. because a wife can say meus filius and a husband can say mea filia as to possessor’] [analysis]
198a37II 581,1book 124143 confundunt: .- (ibid.) quomodo: .-
198a37nnII 581,1191book 12541 primitiva: alleith posessoris
198a37ooII 581,1book 12543 primitiva: (subs.) .i. ego. tu sui.
198a37ppII 581,1book 123232 eorum: (m.d.) .i. diri/vativo/rum
198a38qqII 581,1198a19book 12543 extrinsecus: arrainn indatraib atrebthar and .i. fria cocenél fogéna
[‘on the part of the possession which is possessed there, i.e. it will be construed with its cogender’] [analysis]
198a38rrII 581,1book 124221 distingunt: (m.l.) .i. pronomina diri/vativa
198a38ssII 581,2198a20book 12543 generibus: (m.d.) .i. fobith inna/cenel innanan/man frisa/nacomlatar in immognom.
[‘i.e. because of the genders of the nouns to which they are joined in construction’] [analysis]
198a38II 581,2book 124121 nominum: : (ibid.) quibus: :
198a39ttII 581,2book 124221 adiunguntur: .i. pronomina posessiva
198a40II 581,3book 124121 numerus: .- (198a40=581,4) quem: .-
198a40uuII 581,3198a21book 12543 intrinsecus: .i. arrainn indí atreba
[‘i.e. on the part of him who possesses’] [analysis]
198a41wwII 581,4198a22book 12541 [geni]tivi (habet): .i. hothad ut mei meus hilar ut nostrum noster ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. singular, as mei, meus, plural, as nostrum, noster etc.’] [analysis]
198a42uuII 581,5198a23book 12211 posessorum: .i. innaní atrebat
[‘i.e. those that possess’] [analysis]
198a42wwII 581,5198a24book 1252 541 demonstratio: .i. cinniud .i. infailsigud failsigetar aitrebthacha persin doadbat són acenél atreba/ anatrab atreb/t/ar and..
[‘i.e. a definition, i.e. the demonstration wherewith possessives demonstrate person, that shows the gender which the possession that is possessed possesses’] [analysis]
198a42II 581,5book 124143 ostendit: " (ibid.) quemadmodum: "
198b1aII 581,6198b1book 12543 extrinsecus: .i. alleith atraib
[‘i.e. on the part of possession’] [analysis]
198b1II 581,6book 124143 distingit: " (ibid.) quomodo: "
198b2II 581,6book 124121 [ge]nera: : (198b2=581,7) quibus: :
198b2bII 581,7book 123232 eorum: possessivorum
198b3cII 581,7198b2book 12543 mobilium: .i. fodalet chenel fochosmailius anman nadiecht.
[‘i.e. they distinguish gender like nouns adjective’] [analysis]
198b4dII 581,8198b3book 12543 numero: (m.d.) .i. nied iarma/ḟoichsom híc. cid/ arṅdid huathuislib/ ildaib disruthai/gedar. acht isciall/ indildatad ind/ atraib file ind/dib cid arna ai/recht pronomen nait/rebthach dia/ ṡlund in othuth.-
[‘i.e. it is not this that he asks here: why are they derived from plural cases? but it is the sense of plurality of possession that is in them, why was not a possessive pronoun invented to express it in the singular?’] [analysis]
198b6II 581,9book 124142 [signi]ficant: .- (198b7=581,11) itaque: .-
198b8eII 581,12book 12423 mea: patria
198b9II 581,13book 124143 egent: " (198b10=581,14) non: "
198b10fII 581,13198b4book 12211 (ad) plenam (significationem): dolínad anintliuchta
[‘to complete their sense’] [analysis]
198b10gII 581,14book 12543 primitiva: ego tu
198b10II 581,14book 124142 non: : (198b11=581,14) itaque: :
198b11II 581,14book 124123 perfectum: .- (ibid.) ego: .-
198b11II 581,14book 124142 perfectum: :- (198b13=581,16) igitur: :-
198b11II 581,14book 1253 (m.l.) = (itaque .. tú autem) (cf. 199a21=583,11)
198b11II 581,15book 12111[?]
198b12hII 581,15book 124224 deficiens: ind insce
[‘the word’] [analysis]
198b15iII 581,18book 124228 nec: .i. potest
198b15II 581,18book 124142 demonstrativa: .- (ibid.) nam: .-
198b16kII 581,19book 12221 η ├αυτου: .i. idem
198b17lII 581,20book 12541 cognitionem: .i. biet da atar/cud and amal ṡo/dain diambe/ articol ⁊ pronomen/ and. olsodin immurgu/ nad recar les.
[‘i.e. there will be two anaphoras there in that case if there be an article and a pronoun there: which however is not needed’] [analysis]
198b18II 581,22book 124142 addimus: " (198b19=581,22) enim: "
198b19II 581,22book 124141 4142 quam: ., (198b20=581,23) preponere: ., (198b22=581,25) nam: .,
198b20II 581,24book 124121 declina[tione]: .- (198b21=581,24) quam: .-
198b21mII 581,24book 123221 quam: declinationem nominum
198b21nII 581,24book 12212 loco: vice
198b23oII 581,25book 12543 221 (nihil ..) aliud: sed pronomina
198b23pII 581,26book 12221 ├ουτος: hic ├αυτη: haec ├ουτο: hoc
198b24qII 581,26book 123232 ea: pronomina
198b25rII 581,27198b7book 12543 et: .i. arberat pronomen asanartocol son ám
[‘i.e. they make a pronoun out of their article indeed’] [analysis]
198b26sII 582,1book 124221 [so]lent: .i. auctores
198b26II 582,1book 124121 ├ος: " (ibid.) ├η: " (ibid.) ├ο: " (ibid.) quibus: "
198b26II 582,1book 124122 ├ος: :- (198b27=582,2) illa: :-
198b26tII 582,2198b8book 12541 nascun[tur]: .i. gein engraicichthe .i. fobíth/ ité nodaengra/icigetar
[‘i.e. the origin of taking place, i.e. because it is they that take their places’] [analysis]
198b28uII 582,3book 123232 ea: pronomina articularia
198b29wII 582,4book 12423 possessivis: pronominibus
198b30xII 582,5198b9book 12543 221 ο ├εαμαος δουλος: .i. aitrebthach con artucol/ fil híc.
[‘i.e. a possessive with an article there is here’] [analysis]
198b31yII 582,6book 124226 sic: apud nos
198b32zII 582,6book 12543 primitivorum: ego tu ille
198b34aaII 582,8book 124226 transitiva: dondatrub
[‘to the possession’] [analysis]
198b34bbII 582,9book 12543 423 meus: filius
198b34ccII 582,9book 12543 423 tuus: filius
198b35II 582,9book 124141 quemadmodum: .- (ibid.) sunt: .- (198b37=582,11) sic: .-
198b36II 582,10book 124122 primae: " (198b37=582,11) ea: "
198b37ddII 582,11book 124228 sic: .i. sunt
198b37eeII 582,11book 123232 ea: .i. possessiva
198b37ffII 582,11book 12543 meus (es amicus): secunda
198b38ggII 582,12book 12543 tuus (filius sum): prima
198b42hhII 582,15198b11book 12543 secundam: .i. intan aspersan tanaise atrebthar and.
[‘i.e. when it is the second person that is possessed there’] [analysis]
198b42II 582,15book 124142 transit: " (198b42=582,16) nam: "
198b42II 582,16book 124121 possessio: .- (199a1=582,16) quam: .-
199a m.s.aII 582,16book 1259 (m.s.) criste benedic
199a1II 582,16book 124142 loquitur: ... (199a1=582,17) prima: ... (199a2=582,21) enim: ...
199a2II 582,18book 124144 mea: .- (199a2=582,20) noster: .- (199a2=582,21) pronomine: .-
199a5II 582,24book 124122 secundae: " (199a6=582,25) ipsa: "
199a5II 582,24book 124144 primam: . (199a5=582,25) tuus (sum): .
199a5II 582,24book 124144 tertiam: .- (199a6=582,25) tuus (est): .-
199a6II 582,25book 124142 possidere: ..- (199a7=582,26) nam: ..-
199a6II 582,25book 124143 potest: : (ibid.) quomodo: :
199a10II 582,28book 124121 primae: .- (ibid.) tertiae: .- (ibid.) quae: .-
199a10II 583,1book 124121 vocativo: : (ibid.) qui: :
199a11II 583,2book 124141 4121 cur: ..- (199a12=583,3) posidet: ..- (199a12=583,4) quo: ..-
199a12II 583,4book 124121 multitudo: " (199a13=583,4) quae: "
199a14bII 583,5book 12541 loca: .i. presens ⁊ absens
199a14II 583,6book 124122 possidens: .- (199a15=583,7) possidetur: .- (199a16=583,7) utraque: .-
199a16II 583,7book 124121 inveniri: : (199a16=583,8) quod: :
199a16cII 583,7199a1book 12541 diversis: acht ropat ṡaini tertpersin
[‘provided that the third persons are different’] [analysis]
199a16II 583,8book 124121 prima: .- (199a17=583,8) secunda: .- (ibid.) ipsa: .-
199a18II 583,9book 124141 4143 nisi: ., (ibid.) dicamus: ., (199a19=583,10) vel: .,
199a21II 583,11book 1253 (m.l.) = (amicus .. recessi) (cf. 198b11=581,14)
199a25dII 583,17book 1252 ille .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
199a30II 583,24book 124142 transire: .- (ibid.) potest: .- (199a31=583,25) sed: .-
199a32II 583,26book 124141 quod: ... (199a36=584,1) est: ...
199a33II 583,26book 124122 sui: : (199a35=584,1) eo: :
199a38eII 584,3book 12221 εαυτου: .i. sui
199a38II 584,3book 124143 εαυτου: .. (199a42=584,6) cum: ..
199a39II 584,4book 124143 refertur: .. (199a42=584,6) sed: ..
199a39fII 584,4199a2book 12543 ipsa: .i. aggním féisne immeḟolṅgai cesad fuiri
[‘i.e. its own action causes passion on it’] [analysis]
199a40gII 585,5book 12221 κατα: .i. secundum ανταν.καλασμο: .i. per reciprocationem
199a41hII 584,5book 12221 αιτοπαθειαν: reversionem
199a42iII 584,6book 123232 ipsa: .i. persona tertia
199a42kII 584,6199a3book 124226 agit: .i. for nach naile
[‘i.e. on some other’] [analysis]
199a42lII 584,7199a5book 12543 sic: (m.d.) .i. Gniid sem for nach/ naile hinunn 7/ gniid side conim/molṅgai side cesad/ fuiri sidi .-
[‘i.e. it acts on some other, and this (other) acts so as to cause passion on it’] [analysis]
199a42mII 584,7book 124226 ipsam: .i. intesi
[‘i.e. into it’] [analysis]
199a m.i.nII 584,7193book 1259 (m.i.) ní mmall
[‘it is not slow’] [analysis]
199b1aII 584,7book 124221 *retransit: .i. actio
199b1bII 584,7199b1book 12543 dicitur: .i. gnim doneuch forrochongart. cesad doneuch forrorcongrad. gním iarum dondí dodechuid cesad dondí cosatuidches.
[‘i.e. action to him who has ordered: passion to him that has been ordered: action, then, to him who has come: passion to him who has been come to’] [analysis]
199b2cII 584,9book 12566[?] era: .i. proprium mulieris
199b4II 584,11book 124143 prima (est): : (199b6=584,13) [(sermone) lo]quitur: :
199b4dII 584,11199b2book 1252 prima (est): .i. hérchoiliud cetnae persine
[‘i.e. a definition of the first person’] [analysis]
199b4II 584,12book 124143 pronunti[at]: " (199b5=584,12) cum: " (199b6=584,13) cum: " (ibid.) quae: "
199b5eII 584,12book 1252 secunda: diffinitio
199b5fII 584,12book 123232 ea: secunda
199b5gII 584,12book 123222 quam: secundam
199b6hII 584,13book 124221 (sermone) loquitur: prima
199b6iII 584,13book 1252 tertia: diffinitio
199b6kII 584,13book 123232 ea: .i. tertia
199b7lII 584,14book 124221 accipit: .i. tertia
199b7mII 584,14199b3book 124228 nam: .i. is airi ité inna fír érchóilte inso do biur. nam reliqua
[‘i.e. therefore these are the true definitions that I give, nam etc.’] [analysis]
199b7nII 584,14199b4book 12543 si: (subs.) .i. mad he herchoiliud cétne persine insin .i. conibbé .dese. and.
[‘i.e. if that be the definition of the first person, i.e. that de se be not there’] [analysis]
199b8oII 584,15199b5book 12541 nihil: (m.s.) nil de se loqui .i. conicsom hisuidiu nad/ labrathar dese sech nach persin. indṡainriuth.-
[‘i.e. it is able here not to speak de se rather than any person especially’] [analysis]
199b8pII 584,15199b6book 12543 loqui: (m.l.) .i. ní labrathar/ difeisne amal/ sodain.
[‘i.e. it speaks not of itself in that case’] [analysis]
199b9qII 584,15book 124226 dubitatio: .i. in diffinitione
199b9rII 584,15199b7book 12543 similiter: .i. maní bé directo sermone and is inderb iarum in prima nodlabrathar / tertia
[‘i.e. if directo sermone be not there, it is uncertain then whether prima says it or tertia’] [analysis]
199b10II 584,16book 124142 potest: .- (199b10=584,17) nam: .-
199b10sII 584,17book 12543 locutio: .i. ad quam loquitur
199b11tII 584,18199b8book 12543 sed: .i. is coitchen doib huili
[‘i.e. it is common to them all’] [analysis]
199b12uII 584,19199b9book 12543 loquitur: .i. mad ed nammá no bed isind herchóiliud
[‘i.e. if that alone were in the definition’] [analysis]
199b12II 584,19book 124142 commune: " (199b13=584,19) nam: "
199b13wII 584,19199b10book 12543 (de) prima: .i. cetna persan di féisin
[‘i.e. the first person of itself’] [analysis]
199b15xII 584,21199b11book 12543 3116 prepossitis (..difinitionibus): .i. huanaib herchoiltib tóisechaib
[‘i.e. (made use) of the first definitions’] [analysis]
199b16II 584,23book 124142 singulari: .- (199b17=584,23) nam: .-
199b18II 584,25book 124122 secundarum: " (199b19=584,25) ipsas: "
199b21II 585,2book 124144 presentes: = (199b22=585,3) isti: =
199b21II 585,2book 124144 absentes: " (199b22=585,3) illi: "
199b23yII 585,3book 123232 utrasque: .i. secundam ⁊ tertiam
199b25II 585,5book 1258?[?] (m.l.) = (fecisti .. solam sine err.)
199b27zII 585,7book 12423 omnibus: .i. personis
199b28aaII 585,7book 12211 quid: cerricc
[‘why? (lit. what does it reach?)’] [analysis]
199b31II 585,10book 124121 unusquisque: .- (ibid.) qui: .-
199b31bbII 585,10199b13book 12211 totius: innasochuide
[‘of the multitude’] [analysis]
199b33II 585,12book 1212 4121 verbís: " (199b34=585,13) quibus: "
199b35ccII 585,14book 124227 pronomen: .i. finitum
199b35II 585,15book 124122 tertia: .- (199b37=585,16) eius: .-
199b37II 585,16book 124142 ponimus: :- (199b41=585,19) nam: :-
199b39II 585,17book 124144 demonstratione: : (199b41=585,19) vides: :
199b40II 585,18book 124144 relatione: ... (199b41=585,19) quo: ...
200a3aII 585,22book 12541 (ad) aliquem: .i. combed secunda
[‘i.e. it would be secunda (positio)’] [analysis]
200a3II 585,22book 124142 aliquo: .- (200a5=585,24) enim: .-
200a5bII 585,24200a2book 1235 4228 cum: .i. is airi niaidlicnigetar/ anmmae. reliqua
[‘i.e. it is therefore that they do not need a noun, etc.’] [analysis]
200a5II 585,24book 124141 *cum: " (200a6=585,25) loquitur: "
200a5II 585,25book 124143 *sub[stantiam]: ., (200a6=585,25) qualitatem: ., (ibid.) eius: .,
200a6II 585,25book 1258 (m.l.) = (qui om. Ms. ante loquitur)
200a6II 585,25book 124141 *quam: : (200a7=585,26) videtur: :
200a9II 585,28book 124141 itaque: .- (200a10=585,29) demon[stratur]: .-
200a10II 585,29book 124121 qualitas: : (200a11=585,29) qua: :
200a11cII 585,30book 123233 (in ea) persona: .i. tertia
200a12dII 585,31book 1252 quis .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
200a18II 586,5book 1212 [nos]trás vestrás
200a19eII 586,7200a3book 12543 alia: .i. cenmithá nostras ⁊ vestras/ ⁊ ego ⁊ tu ⁊ sui.
[‘i.e. except nostras and uestrasand ego and tu and sui’] [analysis]
200a21II 586,8book 124143 absque: .- (200a21=586,9) et (sui): .-
200a22fII 586,9book 12541 demonstratio: incinnniud innapersine
[‘the definition of the person’] [analysis]
200a22gII 586,9book 123232 secum: .i. lasinfoilsigud
[‘i.e. with the demonstration’] [analysis]
200a23II 586,10book 124141 quam: : (200a24=586,11) subiicit: :
200a23hII 586,10200a6book 12211 (non) vocis (discretione): .i. ní ofoilsigud suin ⁊ gotho
[‘i.e. not by demonstration of sound and voice’] [analysis]
200a24iII 586,11200a7book 12543 priore (cognitione): .i. ond anmmaimm forsambí sliucht.
[‘i.e. by the noun which it follows’] [analysis]
200a25II 586,11book 124142 cognitione: .- (ibid.) enim: .-
200a24kII 586,11200a8book 12541 relatio: .i. intatárcud fil hi sui.
[‘i.e. the anaphora that there is in sui’] [analysis]
200a24lII 586,11200a9book 12543 cognitionis: .i. ind anmma remthár/cidi riam
[‘i.e. of the noun previously brought forward’] [analysis]
200a28mII 586,14book 12543 respondemus: issed inso afrecre .i. quod reliqua
[‘this is the answer to it, i.e. quod etc.’] [analysis]
200a28II 586,15book 124141 quod (sui): .- (ibid.) non: .- (ibid.) solum: .- (200a30=586,17) habuit: .-
200a28nII 586,15200a11book 12543 non: .i. ni hed amét as coitchen arac-cuis ind/attair/cedo
[‘i.e. not only is it common because of the anaphora’] [analysis]
200a29oII 586,15book 123223 quod: .i. intatarcud hisin
[‘i.e. that anaphora’] [analysis]
200a29pII 586,16book 12423 etiam: .i. causa
200a29qII 586,16200a13book 12543 terminationis: .i. cosmaili tuisil .sui. frituisliu ego ⁊ tu. ité tra/ indi accuis insin/ arṅdid coitchen/ trechenelae/ .sui.
[‘i.e. the cases of sui are like the cases of ego and tu: those then are the two causes why sui is common trigeneric’] [analysis]
200a30II 586,16book 124121 casuum: ., (ibid.) qui: .,
200a30II 586,16book 124142 consimiles: .- (200a31=586,18) enim: .-
200a30rII 586,17book 123114 primae: dativus
200a30sII 586,17book 123114 secundae: dativus
200a30II 586,17book 124122 hoc: : (200a31=586,17) ut: :
200a31II 586,17book 124141 quomodo: .- (200a32=586,18) habent: .-
200a31II 586,18book 124141 enim: ... (200a35=586,21) habemus: ...
200a32II 586,18book 124121 [pri]mitivorum: " (200a33=586,19) quae: "
200a32tII 586,19200a14book 12543 terminantes: .i. cosmaili angenitne atri/ur. ⁊ ato/barthidi/ in .i. ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. the genitives of the three are alike, and their datives in i, etc.’] [analysis]
200a33uII 586,19book 12221 emai: mei sou: tui /ou: sui
200a34wII 586,20book 12221 ellou: mihi sou: tibi /ou: sibi
200a34II 586,20book 1258 (m.l.) ., (cf. app. cr. 6, 7)
200a34xII 586,20book 12221 emh: me se: te /e: se
200a35yII 586,21200a15book 12543 plerisque: cenmithá inna hisiu
[‘besides these’] [analysis]
200a37II 586,22book 124111 [o]mnis: : (ibiid.) generis: :
200b2aII 586,27book 124222 communia: duum generum
200b3II 586,27book 124142 perfecta: .- (200b3=586,28) unde: .-
200b3bII 586,27book 123111 nostratis: nominativus
200b3cII 586,28book 123111 vestratis: nominativus
200b4II 587,1book 124143 mansit: " (200b5=587,1) quomodo: "
200b5sII 587,1book 1212 arpinâs .. fumât .. cupît .. illîc
200b7II 587,3book 124121 finitur: .- (200b8=587,4) quo: .-
200b10dII 587,5book 12566[?] 4228 cassius: proprium .i. dicit
200b10eII 587,6book 123111 nostratis: nominativus
200b10fII 587,6book 12572 m: marcus
200b11II 587,6book 124111 in: " (200b11=587,7) suasione: "
200b12gII 587,7book 12312 nostratia: hilar nostrate
[‘plural of nostrate’] [analysis]
200b13hII 587,9book 12211 [sum]mates: huasail
[‘high’] [analysis]
200b13II 587,10book 1258?[?] (m.l.) . ([sum]mates .. infimus sine err.)
200b13iII 587,10200b3book 12543 infimatis: .i. dothaidbsin indí as infimatis rombói apud veteres/ tarési indí as in/fimas. file hodie
[‘i.e. to show that infimatis was (used) by the ancients instead of infimas which is (in use) to day’] [analysis]
200b14II 587,12book 124142 necesse: .- (200b16=587,13) ideo: .-
200b16kII 587,14200b4book 12211 uniuscuiusque (rei): cach oinfolaid
[‘of every single substance’] [analysis]
200b16II 587,14book 124111 4121 propriis: " (200b17=587,14) nominibus: " (ibid.) quae: "
200b18II 587,15book 124121 generibus: : (ibid.) quae: :
200b18lII 587,16200b5book 12541 necesse: .i. huare nengraicigetar pronomina anman/ cach ḟolaid.
[‘because pronouns take the place of nouns of every substance’] [analysis]
200b19mII 587,16200b6book 12541 seu: robo opronoibneib foilsigdde phersin frecṅdairc
[‘either by pronouns which demonstrate a present person’] [analysis]
200b20II 587,18book 124121 mares: " (200b21=587,18) feminas: " (ibid.) quorum: "
200b22nII 587,19book 123223 quibus: viris ⁊ feminis
200b22oII 587,20book 12543 quos: .i. is etarru biid immacaldaim
[‘i.e. it is between them is conversation’] [analysis]
200b22II 587,20book 124142 dicemus: /. (200b25=587,23) tamen: /.
200b23II 587,20book 124143 possunt: .- (200b23=587,21) inveniri: .- (200b24=587,22) quomodo: .-
200b23pII 587,21200b8book 12541 (neutri) gene[ris]: .i. archuit suin
[‘i.e. as regards sound’] [analysis]
200b24II 587,21book 1253?[?] 58?[?] (m.l.) . (hoc bassion hoc eliconion Ms.)
200b24qII 587,21book 12541 571 (hac) bassion: (m.d.) Hoc basion .i. proprium/ masculinum vel neutrum. basion/ ⁊ eliconion ⁊ pro ana/logia ducuntur. hic/ difficile enim masculina intel/lectu asciscere. hoc. cum/ feminina intellectu/ asciscunt haec presertim/ consentius dicit. nam conver/sim sono neutrum intel/lectu masculinum nullum/ invenitur discer/nere reliqua
200b24rII 587,22book 12566[?] eliconion: .i. proprium masculinum
200b25sII 587,22book 12566[?] gligerium: proprium mulieris
200b25II 587,23book 124141 etiam: " (200b28=587,24) adiungere: "
200b27II 587,24book 124144 221 [con]formationem: (subs.) " (ibid.) prosopoieian: (ss.) "
200b29II 588,1book 124141 quod: : (200b31=588,3) sunt: :
200b31II 588,3book 124121 intrinsecus: ./ (200b32=588,3) quo: ./
200b31tII 588,3200b9book 12543 intrinsecus: alleith aitrebthado
[‘on the part of the possessor’] [analysis]
200b32II 588,4book 124121 extrin[secus]: .- (200b33=588,4) quo: .-
200b33uII 588,5200b10book 12541 denuntiatur: (m.d.) Gaibit inna pronomina ait/trebthacha en/graic anmae dílis/ indaitrebthado/ ar intan asṁbi/ursa meus engra/icigidir insin mo/ ainm díles ⁊ nom/réla ⁊ nometar/gnigedar. conaich/ áeicen mo nomen díles/ doeipirt alleith .../ indí aitreba/ extrinsecus vero .i./ arrainn indi at/trebthar .. /ṅdo a<caldaim> .. <en>/gracaigedar ../diu. ⁊ is aicned en/gracaiged .i. mui .i. ../ asbeir sem ../ is g.../ anmmaim .. / foir do atr../ as ret .. / las ..
[‘the possessive pronouns take the place of the proper name of the possessor, for when I say meus that takes the place of my proper name, and manifests me and signifies me, so that it is unnecessary to say my proper name...’] [analysis]
200b34II 588,5book 124143 discernitur: : (ibid.) quomodo: :
200b36wII 588,7200b11book 12543 intrinsecus: alleith indí atreba
[‘on the part of him that possesses’] [analysis]
200b36xII 588,7book 12423 proprii: .i. nominis.
200b37yII 588,8book 124221 funguntur: .i. possessiva pronomina
200b37zII 588,8200b12book 12543 extrinsecus: alleith atraib
[‘on the part of possession’] [analysis]
200b37aaII 588,8book 124228 magis: quam loco proprii
200b37bbII 588,8book 12423 appellativi: nominis
200b38II 588,9book 124143 4111 pronominibus: " (ibid.) nominibus: ., (ibid.) *possesi[vis] (a): .,
200b39ccII 588,10200b13book 12543 infinitae: (m.l.) .i. infinitae .i. is ecrichthe/ anatrab ⁊ ní/ fintar cid at/trebthar and conduc/thar nomen fris.
[‘i.e. the possession is indefinite, and what is possessed there is not discovered until a name is put to it’] [analysis]
200b41ddII 588,11200b14book 12543 211 thelamonius: .i. possesivum .i. telamónde .i. telamonis filius
[‘i.e. a possession, i.e. Telamonian, i.e. Telamon’s son’] [analysis]
200b41eeII 588,12book 12211 natus: (subs.) .i. in macc
[‘i.e. the son’] [analysis]
201a m.s.aII 588,12book 1259 (m.s.) criste fave
201a1bII 588,12book 12423 appellativa: nomina
201a1cII 588,12book 124228 magis: quam propria
201a1dII 588,12book 124224 asciscunt: possessiva pronomina
201a2eII 588,13201a1book 12211 (communis ..) qualitatis: .i. inna inne doac/aldmaiche són
[‘i.e. of the appellative quality’] [analysis]
201a3fII 588,14book 124227 nomina: .i. possesiva
201a3gII 588,14201a2book 12543 genitivum: (m.l.) tresingenitin/ inchétnidi rel/tair int intṡli/ucht ind aitrebthaig .-
[‘through the genitive of the primitive the meaning of the possessive is manifested’] [analysis]
201a3II 588,14book 124143 quid: .- (201a4=588,15) euandrius: .-
201a5II 588,16book 124123 4143 commune: .., (ibid.) habent: .., (201a6=588,17) quod (binae): .., .., (201a7=588,18) quod: .., (201a8=588,18) non: ..,
201a6hII 588,17book 12541 binae: intrinsecus ⁊ extrinsecus
201a8iII 588,19201a3book 12543 52 (non) commune: ishe se sís andechor
[‘this below is their difference’] [analysis]
201a9II 588,19book 124143 sunt: : (201a9=588,20) non: :
201a9II 588,19book 124143 communia: " (201a9=588,20) possesiva: "
201a9II 588,19book 124143 possesoris: .- (201a10=588,20) omnis: .-
201a12II 588,22book 124143 pos[sunt]: : (201a13=588,23) quomodo: :
201a16II 589,1book 124143 dubitatur: ..- (201a20=589,3) non: ..-
201a19kII 589,2book 12423 unius: .i. tauri
201a20lII 589,3book 12543 singularem: .i. is nectar de bis and
[‘i.e. it is one of the two that is there’] [analysis]
201a20mII 589,4book 12543 possitio[nes]: personae
201a21II 589,4book 124121 suus: " (ibid.) cuius: "
201a22nII 589,5book 123233 utriusque (numeri): pluralis ⁊ singularis
201a22oII 589,6book 12212 ascendentibus: sublimioribus
201a22II 589,6book 124141 4143 ascendentibus: : (201a23=589,6) solent: : (ibid.) adiungi: : (201a24=589,7) pronomina: :
201a23II 589,6book 124143 hectorius: " (201a23=589,7) frater: " (201a24=589,7) servus: "
201a26pII 589,11201a5book 12543 omnia: (m.l.) .i. nígnáth chomsuidigud/ inainmnidib prono/men acht inna/ trí dombeir som
[‘i.e. composition in the nominatives of pronouns is unusual save the three which he gives’] [analysis]
201a27II 589,11book 124142 trea: .- (201a29=589,13) igitur: .-
201a29qII 589,13book 12211 secum: .i. leo
[‘i.e. with them’] [analysis]
201a29rII 589,13201a7book 1212 211 istíc: .i. inti siu
[‘i.e. this’] [analysis]
201a30sII 589,13book 1225 istaec: ista ⁊ haec
201a30tII 589,14book 1225 istoc: istud ⁊ hoc
201a30uII 589,14book 124228 is: .i. componitur
201a30wII 589,14book 124229 421 idem: .i. ut
201a30II 589,14book 124121 idem: " (ibid.) quod: "
201a30II 589,14book 124121 is: : (201a31=589,14) demum: : (201a31=589,15) quibus: :
201a31II 589,15book 124123 hoc: ., (ibid.) is: .,
201a31xII 589,15book 12543 iterum: .i. in feminino ⁊ neutro
201a31II 589,15book 124112 4123 eius: = (ibid.) femi[ninum]: = (201a32=589,15) eadem: =
201a31yII 589,15201a8book 124228 femi[ninum]: atá ém
[‘there is indeed’] [analysis]
201a32zII 589,16book 124228 neutrum: ata dano
[‘there is moreover’] [analysis]
201a32II 589,16book 124121 i: .- (ibid.) quae: .-
201a32aaII 589,16book 123223 quae: i litera
201a33bbII 589,16book 1252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
201a33II 589,17book 124111 idem: " (201a34=589,17) dolor: "
201a36ccII 589,22201a10book 1234 543 tamen: .i. cid comsuidigthe idem indneutair consuidigther camaiph iterum
[‘i.e. though the idem of the neuter is compounded, yet it is compounded again’] [analysis]
201a37ddII 589,22201a11book 12211 identidem: ed nonóen
[‘it [is] one and the same’] [analysis]
201a37II 589,22book 124121 identidem: /. (201a37=589,23) cuius: /.
201a38eeII 589,23book 12543 nominativus: idem
201a40II 589,25book 124121 motatur: .., (201b2=589,26) quod: ..,
201 m.i.ffII 589,25book 1259 (m.i.) Ox XII
201b2II 589,26book 124142 compositis: .- (201b4=589,28) tamen: .-
201b2aII 589,27book 123233 eandem (consonantem): .i. d
201b3II 589,27book 124121 quendam: " (ibid.) quandam: " (ibid.) quorundam: " (201b3=589,28) quarundam: " (201b4=589,28) quae: "
201b5bII 589,29book 12543 syllabam: .i. dam
201b7cII 590,1201b1book 1234 itaque: .i. deg indainmnedo hó chomsuidigud
[‘i.e. because of the nominative by composition’] [analysis]
201b9dII 590,2book 12543 omnium: ei . eae . ea
201b10eII 590,2book 12423 *pluralium: pronominum predictorum
201b12fII 590,5201b2book 123114 561?[?] [cenae]dis: .i. donaib cenelaibsin
[‘i.e. to those kinds’] [analysis]
201b12gII 590,6201b3book 12211 (per) sinarisin: trithóbae
[‘by concision’] [analysis]
201b13hII 590,7book 1252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
201b13II 590,8book 1258 (m.l.) O (crudeli Ms.)
201b14iII 590,11book 1252 572 ille .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
201b16II 590,13book 1213 *possit .
201b16II 590,13book 1258 (m.l.) . (possit add. Ms. post contemnere)
201b16II 590,13book 12111[?] síc
201b17II 590,14book 124143 componitur: ..- (201b20=590,16) nullum: ..-
201b18kII 590,15201b4book 12543 absque (dativo): .i. ní comsuidigud fri tobarthid
[‘i.e. it is not composition with the dative’] [analysis]
201b19lII 590,16book 12423 pluralem: .i. numerum
201b20mII 590,16book 124228 nullum: .i. percasum componitur
201b20nII 590,16book 124229 nominativum: .i. per
201b20II 590,16book 124121 nominativum: : (201b20=590,17) qui: :
201b20II 590,16book 124122 nominativum: " (201b21=590,17) hic: "
201b21oII 590,17201b5book 12543 3232 hic (solus): .i. indainmnid hilair neutair ishe aóenur arecar hi .c.
[‘i.e. the nominative plural neuter, this alone is found (ending) in c’] [analysis]
201b22II 590,18book 1212 istóc
201b23II 590,19book 1258 (terrentius in) phormione: .:
201b24pII 590,21book 123116 313 hoc istoc: .i. ablativi masculini ⁊ neutri
201b24qII 590,21book 123116 313 hac istac: .i. ablativi singulares feminini
201b24rII 590,21book 123116 313 haec istaec: .i. nominativi plurales neutri
201b24II 590,21book 124121 istaec: " (ibid.) qui: "
201b25sII 590,21201b6book 12543 [singu]larem: .i. is fornóin ṅ deilb biit semper
[‘i.e. it is according to one paradigm they are always (declined)’] [analysis]
201b26tII 590,22201b7book 12541 [(per) metapla]smum: .i. treḟoxal .e.
[‘i.e. by removing e’] [analysis]
201b26uII 590,22book 12541 [(per) metapla]smum: (m.l.) .i. isticce/ .i. foroxlad/ e. as
[‘i.e. isticce, i.e. e has been removed from it’] [analysis]
201b26wII 590,22201b9book 123113 211 finis: .i. indḟorcinn
[‘i.e. of the termination’] [analysis]
201b26xII 590,22book 124229 compositionem: per
201b26yII 590,22201b10book 12541 compositionem: .i. issi aciallsom ata comṡuidigthi ní díltai dano incetbuid nísiu
[‘i.e. this is their idea, that they are compounded. Now he (Priscian) does not deny this opinion’] [analysis]
201b26II 590,23book 124142 confirmant: " (ibid.) unde: "
201b26zII 590,23book 12542 unde: .i. quia non composita secundum alios
201b27aaII 590,23book 124226 59 servant: in medio olseatsom
[‘in medio say they’] [analysis]
201b27II 590,23book 124143 unde: .- (ibid.) quomodo: .-
201b27bbII 590,23201b12book 12542 quomodo: .i. cruth nandat chomsuidigthi sidi leo ⁊ nádtechtat tinfed
[‘i.e. as they are not compounds in their opinion and have no aspiration’] [analysis]
201b28ccII 590,24book 1235 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
201b28ddII 590,24201b14book 12543 autem: .i. is follus isnaib dobriathraib so ata comsuidigthi quia servant aspirationem
[‘i.e. in these adverbs (ad-huc, ab-hinc) it is clear that they are compounds, because they keep the aspiration’] [analysis]
201b28II 590,24book 124142 composita: " (201b29=590,26) nam: "
201b28eeII 590,24book 124224 servant: .i. aspirationem
201b29ffII 590,26201b15book 12541 nam: .i. is fochétbuid alanaile beos inso ⁊ non dicit aliam regulam quia sibi placet
[‘i.e. this, further, is according to the opinion of others, et etc.’] [analysis]
201b29II 590,26book 124141 nam: ..- (201b32=591,1) solent: ..-
201b30ggII 590,26201b16book 12211 541 (per) porrectionem: .i. treeiscsin .i. condibsia de indrann
[‘i.e. by porrection, i.e. that the part of speech may be the longer’] [analysis]
201b30II 590,26book 124144 221 porrectionem: ... (201b31=590,27) επεκτασιν: ...
201b30hhII 590,27201b17book 12211 541 assumptionem: .i. tre airitin arfóim (m.d.) tórmag fair
[‘i.e. by an assumption it takes an addition upon it’] [analysis]
201b30II 590,27book 124144 221 assumptionem: : (201b31=590,27) παραγογηεν: :
201b33iiII 591,1book 124221 adiungitur: met
201b33II 591,1book 124143 adiungitur: " (201b34=591,2) secundae: "
201b34kkII 591,2201b18book 12541 obliquis (solis): cenmá in naimnid
[‘except the nominative’] [analysis]
201b36II 591,5book 124142 ideo: : (ibid.) ne: :
201b38llII 591,6201b19book 12421 [tu]met: á tumet
[‘from tumet’] [analysis]
201b38II 591,7book 124142 met: O- (202a4=591,17) unde: O-
201b38mmII 591,7book 123232 ei:
201b39II 591,7book 124143 [so]lent: .- (ibid.) addere: .- (ibid.) vel: .- (ibid.) temet: .-
201b40nnII 591,9201b20book 12211 tute: ostú
[‘even you [sg.]’] [analysis]
201b41ooII 591,11201b21book 12211 tutemet: ostú
[‘even you [sg.]’] [analysis]
202a m.s.aII 591,11book 1259 (m.s.) criste benedic
202a1bII 591,13book 12421 543 o tite ..etc.: versus ennianus
202a1II 591,13book 1213 o tite, tute ta, ti tibi, tanta ty,ranne tu,listi
202a2cII 591,14book 12566[?] alphius (avitius): .i. duo nomina unius viri
202a4dII 591,17202a1book 12541 (in) alio (casu): .i. cenmithá innainmnid .i. tú
[‘i.e. besides the nominative, tu’] [analysis]
202a6eII 591,18book 124222 (pluralis) numeri: utriusque pronominis
202a6fII 591,19202a2book 12543 absque (genitivo): ar nitórmagar frisuidi
[‘for it is not added to this’] [analysis]
202a6gII 591,18book 124227 4222 genitivo: (subs.) .i. plurali utriusque
202a9hII 591,21book 12423 triptoto: sono
202a10II 591,22book 1258?[?] (m.l.) . (pte .. pronominum err. orthograph. solis)
202a10II 591,22book 124112 ablativum: " (ibid.) possesivorum: "
202a10II 591,22book 124111 trium: ..- (ibid.) pronominum: ..-
202a10iII 591,22202a3book 12541 *trium: .i. ceni tabair sem desimrecht acht arḟemen tantum reliqua
[‘i.e. though he gives no example save only for the feminine’] [analysis]
202a10kII 591,22book 12543 *(trium) pronominum: .i. ego ⁊ tú ⁊ sui.
202a13lII 591,25202a4book 12543 discretionis (cau[sa]): .i. do dechrugud persine frialaili
[‘i.e. to distinguish (one) person from another’] [analysis]
202a14mII 591,25202a5book 12541 significantiae: .i. do fóirṅdet ní cenid ar chomsuidigthib adrímter inna fortórmach so .i. cinnit/ ⁊ do foir/ṅdet dech/rogod inna/persine fri/ alaili.-
[‘i.e. they signify somewhat, though these additions are not reckoned as compounds, that is, they define and signify the distinction of the (one) person from another’] [analysis]
202a15nII 592,1202b6book 12543 egomet: .i. ní nach aile
[‘i.e. it is no other’] [analysis]
202a15oII 592,2202b7book 12543 ego: .i. asmmé moínur aridrochell. ar mad ego nammá asberad bes nobed nachaile leis oc inndairchellad amal ṡodain.
[‘i.e. that it is I alone who have taken it away: for if he had said ego only, perchance another might have been with him at the taking away in that case’] [analysis]
202a23II 592,8book 124121 casibus: .- (ibid.) qui: .-
202a37pII 592,20book 1252 572 hoc .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
202a38II 592,20book 1213 hostes .
202a41II 593,1book 124141 vero: .- (ibid.) casibus: .-
202b10II 593,14book 124141 illiusce: .- (202b11=594,14) dicebant: .-
202b11II 593,14book 124121 paperiano: : (202b12=593,15) qui: :
202b12aII 594,15book 123232 hoc: ius
202b14bII 593,18book 124227 ipse (sensus): .i. fil indib
[‘i.e. which is in them’] [analysis]
202b14II 593,18book 124121 4123 sensus: " (202b15=593,19) qui: " (ibid.) nullus: "
202b15cII 593,19book 12212 arguit: ostendit
202b15dII 593,19202b2book 12543 separatis: .i. nitechtat sensiarna netarscarad
[‘i.e. they have no meaning after their separation’] [analysis]
202b16II 593,20book 124141 *quod: : (202b16=593,20) non: : (202b18=593,21) ostendit
202b16eII 593,20202b3book 12543 *quod: (m.d.) .i. cid druailnide /ṁbes chechtar ind/arann isinchomsuidigthiu/ adcuireddar dolá/ni fritaidbech in/chomsuidigthi sin. inna for/tórmach ucut/ immurgu ní inchoi/sget sidi ní/ iarna/ ṁbrith/ onaib ra/nn/ai/b/ frisṁbiat
[‘i.e. though each of the two parts in the compound be corrupt, they return to completeness at the breaking up of that compound. Yon increments, however, they do not signify anything after being taken from the parts of speech with which they are’] [analysis]
202b17II 593,20book 124111 haec: " (202b17=593,21) eadem: " (ibid.) corrupta: "
202b19II 593,22book 12111[?] á
202b20fII 593,23book 12212 minime: non
202b23II 593,26book 124123 pronomina: " (ibid.) sint: "
202b23gII 593,26book 12333 sint: interrogatio
202b25hII 593,27202b4book 12541 personas: .i. sech atá són in supradictis
[‘i.e. but that is in the supradicta’] [analysis]
202b25II 593,27book 124142 simul: " (202b26594,1) enim: "
202b25iII 594,1book 123232 eodem: .i. sono
202b26kII 594,1book 123232 quaedam: .i. adverbia
202b28lII 594,2202b5book 12541 videntur: .i. ar chosmailius tarmorcin
[‘i.e. for similarity of termination’] [analysis]
202b30mII 594,4book 123232 omnia (.. supradicta): .i. personas ⁊ casus ⁊ numeros
202b32nII 594,6202b6book 12211 35 quod: .i. ol
[‘i.e. because’] [analysis]
202b32II 594,6book 124141 quod: .- (202b33=594,7) licet: .-
202b32oII 594,6book 12421 ecce: .i. as. ecce
[‘i.e. that is ecce’] [analysis]
202b33II 594,7book 124143 *licet: : (202b34=594,8) (marem) et: : (ibid.) non: : (202b35=594,8) et (eccam): : (ibid.) (eccam) non: : (202b35=594,9) (eccas ) non: :
202b34II 594,9book 124143 [de]monstrantibus: " (202b34=594,8) nisi (marem): " (ibid.) (nisi) marem: " (ibid.) nisi (unum): "
202b34II 594,9book 124143 [de]monstrantibus: ., (202b35=594,8) nisi (feminam): ., (202b35=594,9) nisi (plurales): .,
202b35pII 594,8book 124228 feminam: .i. non licet dicere eccam .i. nisi demonstrantibus feminam
202b38II 594,12book 1212 cá[sus]
202b39II 594,12book 124121 *numeri: .- (ibid.) quem: .-
202b39qII 594,12book 1258 3221 quem: (m.l.) . (m.d.) vel quos/ .i. accusativos
202b40rII 594,13book 12543 verbum: .i. vide eccum vel vide eccos reliqua
202b40sII 594,13199book 1235 211 quod: .i. ol
202b42tII 594,15202b8book 12211 541 (per) anastrophen: .i. tre ímpuud .i. tucad atosuch fodiud
[‘i.e. by anastrophe, i.e. its beginning has been put at the end’] [analysis]
202b42II 594,15book 124121 anastrophen: .- (203a1=594,16) unde: .-
203a m.s.aII 594,15book 1259 (m.s.) sancta brigita
203a1bII 594,16book 12543 prepositio: .i. cum
203a2cII 594,17book 12421 cum: .i. as cum
[‘i.e. that is cum’] [analysis]
203a2dII 594,17book 123232 (in) utroque (numero): in singulari ⁊ in plurali
203a2eII 594,17book 12543 trium (persona[rum]): .i. ego. tu. sui
203a3fII 594,17203a2book 12543 571?[?] componuntur: .i. air it comsuidigthi aliter is comḟuirmud forgnúsa tantum ⁊ ni comsuidigud
[‘i.e. for they are compounds. Aliter it is a collocation of form only, and not compostion’] [analysis]
203a4II 594,18book 124142 idem: " (203a5=594,20) nam: "
203a5II 594,20book 124143 antiquissimi: ..- (203a9=594,23) coeperunt: ..-
203a5gII 594,20203a3book 123232 543 utrunque: (m.l.) .i. cum me ⁊ mecum/ .i. no bíth leo cum/ in principio ⁊ in fine
[‘i.e. they used to have cum (both) at the beginning and at the end’] [analysis]
203a6hII 594,20203a4book 12211 541 cacenphati: inna aisṅdísen dochuirde .i. dochrud leo .n. indiad .m.
[‘of the disagreeable pronunciation: i.e. n after m they deemed disagreeable’] [analysis]
203a8iII 594,22book 12543 reliquarum: .i. secundae ⁊ tertiae
203a8kII 594,22book 1234 similiter: fri nobiscum
[‘to nobiscum’] [analysis]
203a8II 594,23book 124123 prepostere: " (203a9=594,23) proferre: "
203a9II 594,23book 124123 teste: " (ibid.) plinio: "
203a9II 594,23book 124143 teste: : (203a10=594,24) cicerone: :
203a11lII 594,24book 123233 (his ..) verbis: .i. sequentibus
203a11mII 594,25book 12543 (cum) me: sed mecum
203a12nII 594,26203a6book 12336[?] 543 adiungendum: (m.l.) arna derṅmis/ cum nobis air dian/ denmis cum me. do/genmis dano cum nobis
[‘that we might not make cum nobis: for if we made cum me, we should then make cum nobis’] [analysis]
203a13II 594,27book 124121 prepositi[one]: " (203a14=595,1) quae: "
203a13oII 594,27book 12543 prepositi[one]: .i. cum
203a14pII 595,1203a7book 124228 543 obscenum: .i. mad arthosuch beid
[‘i.e. if it should be as the beginning’] [analysis]
203a14II 595,1book 124141 antiqui: " (203a16=595,2) inveniuntur: "
203a15qII 595,2203a8book 12543 (absque) observatione: cen imcabáil cacen/fati ⁊ cen imcabá/il cum nobis do epirt
[‘without evoiding cacophony and without evoiding to say cum nobis’] [analysis]
203a15II 595,2book 124142 observatione: .- (203a16=594,2) tamen: .-
203a15rII 595,2203a9book 12543 naturali (ordine): remsuidigud inna remthechtas
[‘the preposition in its antepostion’] [analysis]
203a15sII 595,2book 123232 haec: .i. pronomina .i. cum nobis ⁊ cum me
203a17tII 595,3book 123232 ea: .i. prepositio cum
203a17uII 595,3203a10book 12543 (nisi ea) fortassis: (m.l.) .i. combad air nobeth/ cum in fine in supra/dictis ar choib/nius frisnacomac/comlasa
[‘i.e. it would be therefore that cum is in fine in the words aforesaid, on account of its affinity to these conjunctions’] [analysis]
203a17wII 595,3203a11book 12541 enclitici (vi[ce]): .i. inchomaccomuil foac/comailtig
[‘i.e. of the subjunctive conjunction’] [analysis]
203a18xII 595,4book 12423 monosyllaba: .i. fona
[‘i.e. according to the’] [analysis]
203a19yII 595,5book 12543 supradicta (pronomina): .i. mecum tecum secum vobiscum
203a19zII 595,5book 12543 unius (causa): .i. nobiscum
203a20aaII 595,6book 12211 structuris: immognamib
[‘constructions’] [analysis]
203a20bbII 595,6203a14, 15book 123232 haec (eadem): .i. verba asbeir sís haec eadem .i. dligeda inchoit/chennsa
[‘i.e. the verbs which he mentions below, or haec eadem, i.e. the laws of the community’] [analysis]
203a21II 595,7book 124111 *proprietates: " (ibid.) quasdam: "
203a21ccII 595,7203a16book 12541 interest (et refert): it hé inso inna briathra atá coitchennas tra/ itar indi brethir/ so in immognom
[‘these are the verbs. There is a community then between these two verbs in construction’] [analysis]
203a22ddII 595,8book 12423 casualium: partium
203a22eeII 595,8book 12543 absque: ni fognat friangenitnesidi
[‘they are not construed with their genitives’] [analysis]
203a23ffII 595,8book 12543 quinque: ego tu sui nos vos
203a23II 595,8book 124121 quinque: .., (ibid.) pronominibus: .., (ibid.) quorum: ..,
203a23II 595,9book 124144 ablativos: " (203a24=595,9) mea: " (ibid.) tua: " (203a24=595,10) sua: "
203a24ggII 595,9book 123116 mea: ablativus
203a25hhII 595,10book 12541 infiniti: .i. quis
203a26iiII 595,11book 12541 genitivo (primitivi): cuius
203a26kkII 595,11book 12541 primitivi: quis
203a28llII 595,12203a18book 12211 3115 cuia: isaídi ablativus .i. darorbai 543.i. isái in cin quasi cuius vel ablativus pro genitivo ut supradicti.
[‘it is his, or an ablative, i.e. it has come to him, i.e. his is the crime quasi etc.’] [analysis]
203a29mmII 595,13203a19book 12541 gentile: isa immchomairsnech/ ceniuilsidi indí/ as quis
[‘it is the gentile interrogative of quis’] [analysis]
203a30nnII 595,14book 123111 cuiatis: nominativus
203a30ooII 595,14book 124221 proferebant: auctores
203a31ppII 595,15book 123111 312 cuiatis: nominativus singularis
[‘i.e. of the passer, i.e. is it of the genus of the passer?’] [analysis]
203a31qqII 595,15203a20book 12211 *passeris: .i. inpaseir .i. indechenéul paseir
203a33rrII 595,17book 123232 ea (sola): pronomina possessiva
203a33ssII 595,17book 124227 ablativo: feminino
203a34II 595,19book 124141 sed: .- (203a37=595,20) sciat: .-
203a35II 595,19book 124141 si: " (ibid.) tangit: .-
203a35ttII 595,19book 12421 cum: as cum
[‘that is cum’] [analysis]
203a36uuII 595,20203a22book 12543 ea (pars): (m.l.) isdí conétet ind rann/ bís hitosuch
[‘the part of speech that is at the beginning is in subjection to it’] [analysis]
203a37wwII 595,20203a23book 12541 sciat: cesued insin asgnáth
[‘though that is usual’] [analysis]
203a38xxII 595,21book 12541 vim: inrandatid
[‘as respects parts (of speech)’] [analysis]
203a40yyII 595,23203a25book 1225 541 totidem: (m.l.) tot ⁊ demum dlúthe/ chomsuidigtheo tuicc .i. nind
[‘from tot and demum: closeness of composition has put the i into it’] [analysis]
203a40II 595,23book 124121 tantundem: " (ibid.) cuius: "
203a41zzII 595,24203a26book 12211 tantidem: inna oenaméite
[‘of the same size’] [analysis]
203a41II 595,25book 124121 tantidem: " (203a42=595,26) quod: "
203a42abII 595,26203a27book 12211 543 (pro) eiusdem: (m.l.) tarhessi eiusdem ⁊ ni bí/ sem són immurgu calléic
[‘in place of eiusdem, and yet, however, that is not’] [analysis]
203a43II 595,26book 124121 quantitatem: " (203a43=595,27) quae: "
203a43II 595,27book 124121 pronomine: : (203b1=595,27) quod: :
203a43acII 595,27book 12212 minime: non
203a m.i.m.l.adII 595,27203abook 1259 (m.i.m.l.) aithas patric ⁊ brig- ar máel/ brigtae namba olcc ammenma frimm/ arinscribund roscribad indulso
[‘... of Patrick and Brigit on Mael Brigte, that he may not be angry with me for the writing that has been written this time’]
203-4 m.i.aeII 595,27203book 1259 (m.i.) Domfarcai fidbaidae fál. fomchain lóid luin lúad nad cél. huas mo lebrán indlínech. fomchain trírech innaṅén .., Fommchain cói menn medair mass. hiṁbrot glass de dindgnaib doss. debrath nomchoimmdiu cóima. cáinscríbaimm foróida r<oss>.
[‘A hedge of trees surrounds me: a blackbird’s lay sings to me—praise which I will not hide— above my booklet the lined one the trilling of the birds sings to me. In a gray mantle the cuckoo’s beautiful chant sings to me from the tops of bushes: may the Lord be kind to me! I write well under the greenwood’] [analysis]
203a m.i.afII 595,27203abook 1259 (m.i.) maraith sercc céin mardda aithne a máelecán
[‘Love remains as long as property (lit. deposit, ,opes’ Nigra) remains, O Maellecan’] [analysis]
203b1 m.s.aII 595,27book 1259 (m.s.) criste benedic
203b1bII 595,27book 123221 quod: a pronomen
203b1cII 595,27203b1book 12543 substantiam (solam): asberr eiusdem ⁊ cach pronomen dano chene is folud persine inchosig
[‘the pronoun eiusdem and every pronoun besides, it is the substance of a person that it signifies’] [analysis]
203b3dII 595,29book 124221 dixit: terrentius
203b3II 596,1book 124111 4142 quantitatem: .- (ibid.) similem: .- (203b4=596,1) ostendens: .- (ibid.) ergo: .-
203b6II 596,3book 124141 non: : (ibid.) pronomen: : (ibid.) esset: :
203b6eII 596,3203b2book 12543 non: ni bad pronomen airi
[‘it would not therefore be a pronoun’] [analysis]
203b7fII 596,4203b3book 1234 211 omnimodo: (m.l.) onach múd/ etir són / ó cach mud/ .i. ni ó cach múd/ is airiti..
[‘in any way at all, or in every way, i.e. not in every way is it to be accepted’] [analysis]
203b7gII 596,4203b4book 12211 543 ex (eadem specie): .i. ónd oén ranndato són .i. ond óengné randatad ⁊ folid air is folud persine doḟoirde eiusdem intamail méte immurgu doḟoirnde tantundem.
[‘i.e. from the same particularity, i.e. from the same kind of paricularity and substance, for it is the substance of a person that eiusdem denotes: (it is the) similitude of quantity, however that tantundem denotes’] [analysis]
203b8II 596,5book 124143 componuntur: : (203b9=596,6) sicut: :
203b8II 596,6book 124122 huiusmo[di]: |: (203b16=596,12) nomina (.. supradi[cta]): |:
203b11hII 596,7book 12423 omnia: .i. graeca predicta
203b11iII 596,7book 124221 omnia: nomina
203b11kII 596,7203b5book 12543 *omnia: (m.l.) pronomen hifoir/ciunn indib ro/bu samlid dano/ robói modi [eius] huius/ hitosuch ⁊ reliqua
[‘a pronoun at the end in them. It was thus then that modi huius was in the beginning etc.’] [analysis]
203b11lII 596,7201book 12543 *(cum) pronominibus: (m.l.) .i. pronomen indib fo/deud
[‘i.e. a pronoun in them at the end’]
203b11mII 596,7book 1258 (m.l.) c (corruptela? contradictio?)
203b12nII 596,8203b6book 12543 qualitatem: .i. it anman asṁbiur diib nitat pronomina
[‘i.e. it is nouns which I call them, not pronouns’] [analysis]
203b13II 596,8book 124143 [com]ponuntur: " (203b14=596,10) cum: "
203b16II 596,11book 1212 mémé
203b16oII 596,12book 123232 nomina (supradi[cta]): .i. huiusmodi istiusmodi
203b18pII 596,13203b8book 12543 58?[?] *quos .. etc.: (m.s.) aliter quos .. exige ... in compositione .i. conrop samlid beit in compositione amal rom/batar hicomaisṅdís quos .i. casus exigebat
[‘... so that thus they may be in composition as they were in apposition’] [analysis]
203b18II 596,13book 124111 4123 separata: " (ibid.) exigebat: " (203b18=596,14)structura: "
203b18qII 596,13203b7book 12211 (per) appositionem: trechomaisṅdís
[‘by apposition’] [analysis]
203b19rII 596,14book 12333 *servare: pro servabat
203b20II 596,15book 124121 cum: " (ibid.) me: " (ibid.) quod: "
203b22II 596,18book 124143 accidit: ., (ibid.) qui: .,
203b22II 596,18book 124142 pronominibus: " (203b24=596,19) enim: "
203b24II 596,19book 124121 declinabilia: .- (203b26=596,20) quae: .-
203b24sII 596,20203b9book 12543 hisdem: .i. condib innon in fogor hitar hothad ⁊ hilar air is hé infogur cétna filter and
[‘i.e. so that the sound be the same in both singular and plural, for it is the same sound that is inflected there’] [analysis]
203b26II 596,21book 124121 personas: " (203b27=596,21) quibus: "
203b26tII 596,21203b10book 12541 *finitas: ataat persin in nomine ⁊ in participio ceto écintecha
[‘there are persons in the noun and in the participle, though they are indefinite’] [analysis]
203b27II 596,21book 12?[?] (m.d.) m (solent .. singulares in sine err.)
203b32uII 596,26book 123232 supradictos: singularem ⁊ pluralem
203b36wII 597,1203b11book 12543 numerorum: doḟoirdet áraim
[‘which signify number’] [analysis]
203b36xII 597,1203b12book 12541 (ex) eadem (voce): .i. conoén guth nofilte amal filter ainm
[‘i.e. with one sound to be inflected as a noun is inflected’] [analysis]
203b37II 597,2book 124141 nec: " (203b38=597,2) vel (plures): " (203b39=597,3) reddunt: "
203b37II 597,2book 124111 4143 personas: .- (ibid.) singulas: .- (203b38=597,2) plures: .-
203b38yII 597,2book 12423 singularem: numerum
203b38zII 597,2book 12423 pluralem: numerum
203b39II 597,3book 124145 4142 uni: ..- (203b39=597,4) pluribus: ..- (ibid.) eadem: ..- (204a1=597,6) cum: ..-
204a m.s.aII 597,3book 1259 (m.s.) criste benedic
204a4bII 597,8book 12423 plurales: numeri
204a7II 597,10book 124142 communia: " (204a8=597,11) enim: "
204a11II 597,14book 124121 4143 numerum: " (ibid.) habent: " (204a12=597,14) quem: "
204a11cII 597,14204a1book 12541 intrinsecus: alleith aittrebthado
[‘from the side of the possessor’] [analysis]
204a13dII 597,16book 12543 312 meus: singularis
204a13eII 597,16book 12543 312 mei: pluralis
204a14II 597,16book 124122 suus: " (ibid.) eius: "
204a14fII 597,16book 12541 primitivum (eius): sui
204a15gII 597,17204a2book 12541 intrinsecus: arainn aittrebthado
[‘from the part of the possessor’] [analysis]
204a16hII 597,19204a3book 12211 543 suus (illius): ái .i. filius
[‘his’] [analysis]
204a16iII 597,19204a14book 12211 543 suus (illorum): (m.d.) inna ái .i. filius reliqua
[‘of theirs (or their)’] [analysis]
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 15 February 2025]