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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
2b3bII 3,16Praefatio4228 Tertius: .i. continet
3a25ggII 5,book 14228 superius: dixi
3b6gII 6,9book 14228 vel: .i. minima est
4a24qII 7,21book 14228 (nec) non: .i. habet sonum .y {cf. E 5r24 .i. videtur sonum .y. habere}
4a27rII 7,24book 14228 plures: .i. quam in vocalibus {= E 5r26 .i. om. E}
4b3eII 8,6book 14228 34 nec (aliter): .i. nisi indeclinabilia
5a7bII 9,12book 14228 magis: .i. quam semivocalis
5a14kII 9,17book 14228 autem: .i. disinunt dictiones
5a14mII 9,17book 14228 non: .i. disinunt
5b3cII 10,4book 14228 sicut: .i. faciunt longam sillabam
5b18qII 10,155b4book 14228 tamen: cinith mút
[‘although it is not a mute’] [analysis]
5b31ffII 11,7book 14228 etiam: erat
5b36llII 11,11book 14228 digammae: .i. placuit .u. scríbi {cf. L 11v15 n .scilicet. placuit scribi}
6a11nII 11,17book 14228 Nec: sí semivocalis esset {cf. L 11v20 p si est semivocalis Ϝ.}
6a13qII 11,18book 14228 communem: sí esset semivocalis
6b25ffII 12,22book 14228 [nihilo]minus: quam h.
7a21sII 13,21book 14228 differentia: est
7a35ddII 14,3book 14228 duplici: accipitur
9a35acII 19,10book 14228 nisi: .i. et convenit .i. f sono .ph. nisi reliqua
10a13sII 20,15book 14228 mediis: .i. est pulsus {= E 9v7}
10a32ggII 21,710a14book 13232 4228 (hoc) idem: a neph-chumscugud. amal .l. ⁊ n ⁊ r
[‘their immutability, like l and n and r’] [analysis]
10b3cII 21,11book 14228 d: abiicitur
10b3dII 21,11book 14228 m: abiicitur
10b4gII 21,12book 14228 s: abiicitur
10b5hII 21,12book 14228 x: motatur
10b5iII 21,12book 14228 nix: motatur
10b16oII 21,20book 14228 l: nunquam motatur
10b18pII 21,21book 14228 p: nunquam motatur
10b19rII 21,22book 14228 s: nunquam motatur
10b21tII 21,23book 14228 x: nunquam motatur
10b34yII 22,9book 14228 solinus: dicit
11b18nII 23,20book 14228 ut: sunt
11b19oII 23,21book 14228 ut: sunt
11b20pII 23,22book 14228 quae: 7 ut sunt {= E 10v3 .i. .u. sunt}
12a28ccII 25,10book 14228 i: .convertitur .a
12b29oII 26,6book 14228 genitivi: .i. motatur extrema sillaba in .í. correptam in compositione {cf. E 11r12 in compositione motatur .i. (m.d.) .i. i enim producitur in genitivo. corripitur in compositione. non sic in sequentibus.,}
12b31sII 26,7book 14228 alii: dicunt {= E 11r13}
13a30sII 27,5book 14228 ea: dico {= E 11v1 .i. add. E}
13b8cII 27,15book 14228 *transit: .i. u. in .a
13b17lII 27,19book 14228 in o: transit .u. in .o
13b21oII 27,22book 14228 3232 eadem: ponitur .u. pro eadem .i. o. producta
13b22sII 27,23book 14228 modo: (subs.) ponitur {= E 11v14 .i. add. E}
13b23uII 27,24book 14228 modo: ponitur
14a24rII 29,8book 14228 similiter: ut in vocalibus {= E 12r1 .i. add. E}
14a30xII 29,12book 14228 medium: habet sonum {= E 12r4}
14b36ssII 30,19book 14228 543 greci: .i. ut exprimerent agma {= E 12r25 .i. om. E}
15a10pII 31,4book 14228 similiter: .i. transit .n. in .m. {cf. E 12v1 .i. transit}
16a11pII 33,10book 14228 [me]lius: quam ps vel bs {cf. E 13r6 .i. quam bs. vel ps.}
16a11qII 33,10book 14228 etiam: melius .i. sonat {cf. E 13r7 .i. melius. sonat}
16a12sII 33,1116a8book 14228 autem: nis·n-arróetmar-ni sidi {cf. E 13r7 .i. non sumpsimus}
[‘we have not accepted this’] [analysis]
16a33llII 33,24book 14228 (x) solam: .i. quam s. post x {= E 13r17 .i. om. E}
16b15gII 34,1167book 14228 nam: ideo non dico .b. in .s. híc nam reliqua
16b24nII 34,1716b7book 14228 [gre]cos: .i. emnad mute re lechdaig híc
[‘i.e. doubling of a mute before a liquid here’] [analysis]
17a19gII 35,13book 14228 magis: quam semivocalis {= E 13v21}
17b16hII 36,1book 14228 541 sinistram: .i. partem greci habent .i. dasien {= E 14r6 habent greci E .i. E}
[‘i.e. the rough breathing’] [analysis]
17b13oII 36,7book 14228 transiret: nisi haberet eandem vim
17b14pII 36,8book 14228 similiter: ut in nominibus {= E 14r10}
18b31wII 39,9book 14228 sicut: fit {= E 14v21 text. princ.}
19a1bII 39,14book 14228 *(hoc) oratius: ostendit
19b10cII 41,6book 14228 543 *raro: .i. motatio .ei. in .i.
19b11eII 41,619b2book 14228 35 nam: .i. is airi ní·tabur
[‘i.e. therefore I do not give’] [analysis]
20a26wII 42,14book 14228 [liqui]dis: .i. preponuntur mutae {= E 15v14}
21a7cII 44,321a1book 24228 tamen: .i. ceso comprehensio literarum as·berr camaiph reliqua
[‘i.e. although it is (by a syllable is meant) a collection of letters still it is called etc.’] [analysis]
21a26oII 44,15book 24228 ubique: .i. ponitur
21b27eeII 45,17book 24228 541 quomodo: (m.d.) .i. quomodo nec aspirantur .i. quamvis composita sint ., {= E 16v11 .i. om. E}
21b36kkII 45,23book 24228 non: .i. possunt.
22a1aII 45,23book 24228 sed: .i. possunt .i. disinere
22a1cII 45,24book 24228 vocales: .i. posunt .i. disinere {cf. E 16v15 .i. disinere}
22b8kII 46,25book 24228 causa: .i. esse
22b35hhII 47,22book 24228 sequente: .i. motatur .d
22b35llII 47,22book 24228 l: .i. motatur .d
22b36mmII 47,23book 24228 r: motatur d
22b36nnII 47,23book 24228 n: motatur d
22b36ppII 47,23book 24228 s: motatur d
23a12kII 48,123a4book 24228 non: .i. ut non transferatur vel non .i. nai coní·cumscaigther .d. in aliis dictionibus
[‘i.e. no! d is not changed in other words’] [analysis]
23b12dII 48,25book 24228 *solent: .i. proferri
24a12qII 49,25book 24228 vero: .i. sequente {= E 17v28}
24b7iII 50,20book 24228 i: .i. sequente .i. terminat .s. antecedentem sillabam
24b9lII 50,21book 24228 c: .i. terminat .s.
24b24tII 51,7book 24228 enim: .i. ideo non dixi sequente .f.
25a12kII 51,24book 24228 simi[liter]: .i. accidit
25a13nII 51,25book 24228 tempus: .i. accidit
25a15qII 51,26book 24228 unum: .i. accidit
25a17tII 51,27book 24228 unum (semis): .i. accidit {= E 18r30}
26b29iiII 55,7book 24228 trea: .i. sunt nomina {= E 19r21}
27b9lII 56,14book 24228 compositionem: .i. preponi {= E 19v15}
27b25qII 56,23book 24228 nunquam: potest {= E 19v21 .i. add. E}
27b29uII 56,25book 24228 et: ⁊ interest hoc
27b40ppII 57,3book 24228 vel: .i. dicitur
27b40qqII 57,3book 24228 ut: .i. dicunt {= E 19v27}
28a35nnII 58,428a15book 24228 543 nullus: .i. cith .m. namma scríbthar and huare nád·deligedar fri prenomen cosmail do .-
[‘i.e. even if m only is written there: because it does not distinguish from (another) praenomen like it’] [analysis]
28b8kII 58,11book 24228 vel: .i. accipiuntur cognomina in loca agnominum
29a14iII 59,12book 24228 alia: .i. sunt
29b32hhII 60,2129b14book 24228 interimit: .i. mani·bé
[‘i.e. unless it exists’] [analysis]
31a10tII 63,731a8book 24228 amittunt: .i. in tan ata ṅdílsi {cf. E 21v13 quando sunt propria}
[‘i.e. when they are proper names’] [analysis]
31a21ggII 63,14book 24228 ovidius: dicit {cf. E 21v17 text. princ. dixit}
31a27llII 63,18book 24228 ovidius: dicit
31a31nnII 64,3book 24228 avis: .i. formantur {= E 21v22}
31a33qqII 64,4book 24228 ovidius: dicit
31b2aII 64,10book 24228 regibus: .i. formantur
31b11xII 64,18book 24228 eodem: dicit
31b14bbII 65,7book 24228 fratribus: .i. formantur {= E 21v31}
31b33ahII 66,1book 24228 magis: quam regula {= E 22r8}
32a29ffII 67,4book 24228 ovidius: dicit
33a23sII 69,8book 24228 quaedam: .i. sunt {= E 22v25}
33a23tII 69,833a12book 24228 543 propria (et gentilia et possesiva): .i. con·ecat a trede-sin.
[‘i.e. they can be these three things’] [analysis]
33a27aaII 69,10book 24228 423 loco: .i. sunt possisiva {cf. E 22v27 nomina possessiva}
33a33mmII 69,1433a22book 24228 (eiusdem) dirivationis: .i. fri aitrebdacha vel possisiva
[‘i.e. as possessives’] [analysis]
33b35aaII 70,16book 24228 ornique: .i. erant
34a22xII 71,12book 24228 543 ideo: .i. faciunt motationem in .e. ⁊ non in í. quia non producta
35b30zzII 76,9book 24228 pene: possunt {= E 24v4 .i. add. E}
35b41awII 76,16book 24228 alia: fiunt
37a34ccII 79,1037a8book 24228 543 nam: .i. ní exceptaid linn són sed regula
[‘i.e. we do not deem this an exception but a rule’] [analysis]
38a26pII 81,10book 24228 non solum (veteranus): .i. sed etiam veternus
38a27tII 81,11book 24228 etiam: .i. facit
39b21gII 84,17book 34228 [sig]nificatio (alia): contra verbum potior {= E 26v31}
39b32oII 85,3book 34228 pene: .i. sunt {= E 27r4 text. princ.}
39b39zII 85,10book 34228 virgilius: dicit
40a19rII 86,540a15book 34228 541 quid: cindas ṁbias iarna cétbuid-sem conid gau dóib-sem in chruth-sin a n-as·berat nad·ṁbed ad plures.,
[‘how then will it be according to their opinion? so that they are wrong then when they say that there is no (comparison) ad plures’] [analysis]
40a26ccII 86,9book 34228 immanior: fuit {= E 27r21 .i. add. E}
40b13eII 87,3book 34228 rationem: non habere comparativa {= E 27v2}
41a19kII 89,1book 34228 sicut: .i. habent
41b15eII 90,2book 34228 pomponius: dicit
41b36rII 90,2041b10book 34228 tamen: .i. cesu dechor n-uirdd i n-áram fil indib
[‘i.e. though it is a distinction of order in number which is in them’] [analysis]
42a3cII 91,7book 34228 omnes: comparantur
42a10iII 91,1342a4book 34228 rationabilius: do denom condeilgg and
[‘to make a comparison therein’] [analysis]
43b14bII 96,1book 34228 magis: .i. quam a nuperus
43b18dII 96,5book 34228 bene: dicit {= E 29v2 text. princ.}
44a19kII 98,1book 34228 aristoteles: ostendit {= E 29v24}
44a24oII 98,4book 34228 dirivata: sunt
44b33dII 99,23book 34228 magis: quam adverbio
44b40fII 100,344a3book 34228 nec (mirum): ci as·ingbat árim déṡillabche compariti ⁊ superlati
[‘that comparatives and superlatives should exceed the number of disyllabism’] [analysis]
45a8fII 100,9book 34228 et (quando): superat una silaba
45a11gII 100,11book 34228 par: .i. superlait do comparit
[‘i.e. the superlative to (the) comparative’] [analysis]
46b25"kII 105,22book 34228 simili[ter]: .i. assumunt
46b19oII 106,4book 34228 [iu]venalis: dicit
47b27qII 109,5book 34228 furunculus: fuisti {= E 32r16 .i. fuisti}
47b27rII 109,5book 34228 rapax: .i. es {= E 32r17}
48b7cII 111,2book 34228 apuleius: dicit {= E 32v18}
48b23mII 111,14book 34228 +feminin*a (a): (m.l.) assumunt unam syllabam
50a7fII 117,450a4book 44228 nam: is airi as·biur frit is coitchenn
[‘therefore I tell you it is common’] [analysis]
50b19xII 118,25book 44228 vel l: .i. habent .l. ante .a. similiter .n. ⁊ r ante a beos {= E 34r26 beos om. E}
[‘i.e. they have an ‘l’ before the ‘a’, and similarly an ‘n’ and also an ‘r’ before the ‘a’’] [analysis]
51a23''cII 119,18book 44228 similiter: assumunt .a. {= E 34v5}
52a27ssII 122,852a15book 44228 nec mirum: cid timmartae péneuilt
[‘that the penult should be short’] [analysis]
52b18"hII 123,5book 44228 nec: quam tudo {= E 35v1 .i. add. E}
53a15''sII 124,2book 44228 i: habet in peneultima
54a30ggII 126,21book 44228 solum: .i. solet .i. geminari
55b8bII 129,13book 44228 communiter: dedicaverunt {= E 37r17}
56b1aII 131,16book 44228 nec (non): habent
56b2eII 131,18book 44228 sed: .i. habent .i. longuam {= E 37v22 .i. habent longam}
56b17"sII 132,3book 44228 revi[rescere]: dicimus {= E 37v33 .i. add. E}
57a32mII 133,7book 44228 iuvenalis: dicit
57b32"tII 134,11book 44228 protulerunt: quiritis auctores virgilius ⁊ horatius {cf. E 38v8 .i. virgilius .i. quiritis}
57b33"uII 134,12book 44228 livius: dicit
58a19nII 135,16book 44228 epuleius: dicit {= E 38v28}
58b8aII 135,2558b1book 44228 tamen: ci asid·rubart a mbuith a nominibus secundae declinationis ⁊ tertiae
[‘although I have said that they are from nouns of the second and third declension’] [analysis]
59a10eII 137,3book 44228 nos: solemus {= E 39r24}
59a15mII 137,759a5book 44228 34 tamen: ci asid·biur a buith huandí as vitis.
[‘though I say that it is from uitis’] [analysis]
59a16oII 137,859a6book 44228 medidies: cesu medius dies as chomsuidigthe and
[‘though this is medius dies that is compounded therein’] [analysis]
59a19tII 137,10book 44228 *quod: (m.l.) vel quod sunt haec reliqua
60a17eII 139,3book 44228 vel: sunt
60a23mII 139,6book 44228 a: habent {= E 40r6}
60a24nII 139,7book 44228 plautus: dicit
61b12sII 142,14book 54228 ligna: sunt neutro genere
61b42wwII 143,7book 54228 contra: quam dixit {= E 41r14 .i. add. E}
62a31wII 144,1162a2book 535 4228 invenimus: cetu chummascthai
[‘though they are mixed’] [analysis]
63a21qII 147,5book 54228 salem: manducavimus {= E 42r5 .i. add. E}
64a36mmII 151,5book 54228 platanus: fuit
64b8gII 151,22book 54228 (et) adiectivis: exceptís
65a24hII 154,11book 54228 arbor: excipitur
65b43yII 156,1065b11book 54228 53 (in) es: (subs.) .i. communia sunt. iss ed saiges sís reliqua
[‘i.e. they are among the common nouns: this is what it goes with below’] [analysis]
66a12pII 156,1966a10book 54228 similiter: coitchen són dano
[‘this, then, is common’] [analysis]
66b19uII 158,1866b16book 5543 4228 et (pro incerto): ar·ecar a mascul do slund aimsire indeirbbae
[‘the masculine is found to express uncertain time’] [analysis]
67a37"bbII 160,1767a17book 54228 543 ut: .i. amal as·berar haec amnis reliqua ⁊ it masculinni immurgu linni
[‘i.e. as haec amnis etc. is said, and yet with us they are masculine’] [analysis]
68a13dII 162,1168a3book 54228 543 nilotis (acus): nibu machdad bed coitchenn reliqua
[‘it were no wonder that it should be common’] [analysis]
68a36nII 163,13book 54228 struere: fuit
68b27lII 164,15book 54228 nec (melior): erat via
69a31llII 166,1169a25book 54228 542 monosil[labis]: exceptis .i. ar nítat adiecti-sidi
[‘(uox, nox) being excepted i.e. for these are not adjectives’] [analysis]
69a38ppII 166,17book 54228 eadem: file la grecu indib
[‘which are in them with the Greeks’] [analysis]
69b8bII 166,2569b1book 54228 eadem: .i. file la grecu indib
[‘i.e. which are in them with the Greeks’] [analysis]
70a m.i.uII 168,16book 5566[?] 4228 marsus: proprium dicit
70a31ffII 169,13book 54228 accius: dicit
70b14oII 170,7book 54228 ennius: dicit
70b16rII 170,10book 54228 [cal]vus: dicit
70b17tII 170,12book 54228 [iu]bar: vidi
70b18uII 170,12book 54228 *(dixisset) quotiens: fit
70b29zII 170,23book 54228 [affra]nius: dicit
71a24yII 172,1471a10book 54228 quippe: deithbir ciasberthar casus nominativo
[‘it is reasonable that one should say nominatiuus casus’] [analysis]
72b11eII 175,5book 54228 vel: .i. est
72b13fII 175,6book 54228 [even]tus: est
72b36nII 175,18book 54228 alia: .i. in singulari numero semper
75a36sII 181,19book 54228 sicut: .i. habuit
75b28lII 182,19book 54228 collectivam: .i. habet
75b31oII 182,21book 54228 dirivativa: .i. sunt
77a32oII 186,977a8book 54228 (absolute) dicta: .i. oté .i. mani techtat inda air/digtha
[‘i.e. and they, i.e. unless they possess the two significations’] [analysis]
77b4bII 186,18book 54228 tertium: .i. locum deffendit {cf. E 53r10 locum tenet}
[‘i.e. claims the (third) place ’]
77b8hII 186,20book 54228 quartum: .i. locum defendit {cf. E 53r12 .i. quartum locum sibi defendit}
[‘i.e. claims the (fourth) place ’]
77b38qII 187,16book 54228 monoptota: .i. sunt nomina
78a28eII 188,23book 54228 catullus: dicit
78a30fII 188,26book 54228 plautus: dicit
78a32hII 189,2book 54228 attiquidas: .i. dicit
78b30hII 190,1178b2book 534 4228 tamen: .i. cesu chen remsuidigud do
[‘i.e. although it is without a preposition to it’] [analysis]
78b40lII 190,18book 54228 (pro) genitivo: .i. accipitur
91a5aII 197,8book 64228 feminino: .i. est usus reliqua
91a42rII 199,7book 634 4228 tamen: .i. cesu pater familias asruburt
[‘i.e. although it is pater familias that I have said’] [analysis]
93a25kII 207,393a3book 64228 35 videtur: as comsuidigthe úad
[‘which is compounded from it’] [analysis]
98b12eII 227,1498b1book 64228 *potest: .i. rombí fri tobarthid in hoc exemplo
[‘i.e. it can be with the dative in this example’] [analysis]
98b25kII 228,7book 64228 magis: quam productam
99a18hII 229,1099a3book 64228 53 iovis: .i. ar ni iovis genitivus indí as iuppiter ciasid ruburt túas ar biid iovis cene nominativo
[‘i.e. for the genitive of Jupiter is not Jovis, though I have said it above, for Jovis is already as a nominative’] [analysis]
112b40kII 278,9112b3book 64228 543 nec mirum: .i. x. dofoxul ⁊ .g. do ḟorcomet ingenitin diatechtat briathra in .go. aracúl
[‘i.e. that x should be removed and g kept (conservare) in the genitive if they have verbs in -go behind them’] [analysis]
116a25iII 290,21book 74228 vel: .i. est
118b16gII 297,22book 74228 genitivus: .i. servat
120a9fII 302,14book 74228 *qui: .i. sunt
120a37kII 303,17book 74228 543 (per duas) i: ut superaret suum dativum
120a41mII 303,20book 7543 4228 credo: asned fodera emnad .i. in dativo
[‘that it is this that causes doubling of i in the dative’] [analysis]
120b29tII 305,1120b8book 74228 543 confirmat: .i. í do buith ar chonsain in his vocativis
[‘i.e. that in these vocatives ī is for a consonant’] [analysis]
123a38gII 314,26book 74228 figurate: .i. manifestum est
125a23eII 321,23book 74228 4221 sed: .i. est .i. nominativus
125a35kII 322,9book 74228 et (graeca): .i. sunt .i. in ops
125b42cII 324,7book 74228 et: .i. sunt
128a11dII 331,19book 74228 atacinus: ait
129a5dII 336,6book 74228 4224 quae: .i. habent accusativum
129a5eII 336,6book 74228 4224 tam: terminant ablativum
132a16aII 349,25book 74228 *nominativus: .i. fit
137a39iII 368,7book 74228 sicut: .i. difficiunt
138a19kII 371,8book 8212 4228 incongruum: .i. orribile est
138a20lII 371,9book 84228 motavit: .i. ut expelleret incommoditatem
138a28oII 371,14book 84228 et: .i. dificiunt
139a27fII 374,2book 84228 com[munem]: .i. habent {cf. K 57r33 g habent speciem}
139a29gII 374,4book 84228 deponentem: habent {cf. K 57r34 h habent speciem}
139a36rII 374,8book 84228 quomodo: .i. habet
139m.s. bII 374,16book 84228 horatius: .i. dicit
140a36kII 377,14book 84228 quaedam: habent
140b23kII 378,18book 84228 non: .i. sunt
142a3aII 385,10book 84228 quintus: dicit
142b24hII 389,7book 84228 quae: .i. habent {= K 58v39 q}
142b25kII 389,7book 84228 ablativum: assumunt {= K 58v39 s}
142b30oII 390,11book 84228 vero: .i. sunt
143a4bII 390,3143a1book 84228 nam: .i. is airi asbiur ám am slán nam reliqua
[‘i.e. it is therefore, verily, I say ‘I am whole’, for etc.’] [analysis]
145b42lII 401,1145b4book 8211 4228 (sicut) aperio: amal asṁbriathar gníma aperio
[‘as aperio is an active verb’] [analysis]
147a30mII 405,14147a4book 84228 du[bia]: .i. cia chruth ṁbias
[‘i.e. how it will be’] [analysis]
148a17fII 407,12book 84228 *etiam: .i. habet
148a40ccII 408,8book 84228 sin (autem dicam): .i. ⁊ si non dicam quomodo nudiustertius
148a43hhII 408,10book 84228 111[?] (sín) autem (dicam): (m.d.) .i. ⁊ non dicam adhuc
149a37iII 411,5book 8423 4228 unam: .i. habent significationem
150b30nII 414,24150b4book 84228 scribenda: .i. bíid
[‘i.e. is (to be written)’] [analysis]
151a31oII 416,8book 84228 et: dicit
151b24gII 417,9book 84228 4224 plusquamperfectum: .i. habet infinitatem
152a10cII 417,27book 84228 plusquamperfectum: .i. fit
153b46oII 423,19book 84228 *nisi: .i. precedat
154a41mII 425,9book 84228 543 quare: .i. dicitur vel quintus
154b22eII 426,5book 84228 et (quod): .i. interest
154b25fII 426,7book 84228 et (quod illis): .i. interest {= K 64r53 l .i. om. K.}
157b27iII 437,14book 84228 efficax: .i. est
157b31lII 437,18book 84228 esset: .i. mad odib nogaib
[‘i.e. if it were from two integers’] [analysis]
158a28eII 438,23158a2book 8541 4228 veteres: .i. nimb machdad lat reperio dobuith for quartcobedin cesu chomsuidigthe/ huandí as pario arcid pario reliqua
[‘i.e. do not wonder that reperio is of the fourth conjugation although it is compounded of pario, for even pario etc.’] [analysis]
158b36pII 440,13book 84228 *et: .i. dicere
160a3aII 443,2book 84228 sin: .i. sint
161a27dII 448,3161a2book 84228 enim: .i. is airi asbiur/ nitechtat/ arim
[‘i.e. therefore I say they have no number’] [analysis]
161b43zII 449,29book 84228 maiores: .i. sint
162a7bII 450,8162a2book 84228 543 ut: .i. dicuntur .i. ad tertiam haec verba graeca asbeir sís
[‘i.e. these Greek verbs which he mentions below belong to the third’] [analysis]
162a29kII 451,11book 84228 quamvis: .i. invenitur
163a39iII 455,5book 94228 4221 sum: faciunt latini
163a41kII 455,6book 94228 et: faciunt
163b35pII 456,19book 94228 *personam: facit
164a15cII 457,15book 94228 es: .i. invenies
167b7bII 466,24book 94228 nomen: sit
168b19dII 470,4book 94228 rationabilius: quam secundum tertiam
168b40kII 471,12168b1book 94228 quia: isairi is cétna cobedne circundó
[‘i.e. therefore circumdo belongs to the first conjugation’] [analysis]
170a34iII 477,19book 94221 4228 (in) .IIII.: .i. idem dicit
170a40lII 478,2book 94228 qui: .i. faciunt
170b21fII 480,17book 94228 quomodo: .i. sequitur
171b34lII 483,21book 94228 quomodo: faciunt
172a25"iII 485,20book 94228 et (ipse): .i. comprobat
173a14eII 489,6book 94228 antias: .i. dicit
173a18hII 489,11book 94228 sicut: .i. est
173b24"eII 492,6173b2book 94228 carui: .i. is airi níthabur duit ón
[‘i.e. it is therefore I do not put it for you’] [analysis]
174a20cII 494,14book 104228 magis: quam tertiae
175a5bII 498,7book 104228 35 quod: .i. hoc est quod diximus
177a21dII 507,4book 104228 omnia: .i. faciunt
178a8bII 510,6book 104228 et: servant
179a8cII 514,6179a2book 10541 4228 nam: is airi ni thabur son
[‘it is therefore I do not give it’] [analysis]
179a12eII 514,9179a4book 104228 nam: ní thabur dit ón
[‘I do not give this to you’] [analysis]
179a32iII 515,16book 104228 cusi: facit
184b1bII 534,26book 104228 melius: quam quod dicit caper
187a27tII 545,22book 104228 similiter: .i. corripiunt peneultimam
187b6bII 546,21book 104228 sed: .i. est
187b11fII 547,4book 104228 producta: .i. profertur
187b25pII 548,2book 114228 541 [re]ctius: .i. quam qui pronomen posuerunt
187b33xII 548,8book 114228 quem: vocant
187b38aaII 548,13book 114228 magis: quam veram rationem
188a7gII 549,4book 114228 (nulla) alia (pars): nisi participium
188a27ppII 549,22book 114228 *quae: .i. est
188b1aII 550,8book 114228 substantivum: .i. est
190a2dII 554,11book 114228 quod: .i. adiungitur
190b29nII 556,18book 114228 ergo: .i. dicimus
191a2bII 557,5191a1book 114228 nec (mirum): .i. abuith ón chétni phersin
[‘i.e. its being from the first person’] [analysis]
191a4fII 557,8book 11212 4228 minime: non possunt
193a9dII 563,8book 114228 nomina: .i. sunt
193a17fII 563,15book 114228 verba: nasci a participiis
193b20xII 565,8book 114228 quod: ponitur
193b28ppII 565,16book 114228 quomodo: solent
194b4dII 567,16book 114228 meditata: pasive dixit
194b17fII 568,9book 114228 magis: quam a sum
195b14fII 571,1book 114228 virgilius: dixit
195b26lII 571,13195b4book 114228 543 quamvis: .i. nithechta indranngabál ara/chuitsidi.
[‘i.e. the participle has it (i) not as far as that goes’] [analysis]
196a10eII 572,6book 114228 similiter: .i. faciunt in .ctus participia
196b15"aII 573,18book 114228 simili: fri cesad
[‘like (the) passive’] [analysis]
197a32iiII 578,3book 124228 quomodo: .i. est
197a38ppII 578,6197a19book 12211 4228 quis: ce hé roscríb
[‘who it is that has written’] [analysis]
197b3aII 578,11book 124228 similiter: .i. habet inaequalem declinationem
197b5cII 578,12197b1book 124228 nec mirum: cia beith incummasc andsom
[‘that there be the confusion therein’] [analysis]
198b15iII 581,18book 124228 nec: .i. potest
198b37ddII 582,11book 124228 sic: .i. sunt
199b7mII 584,14199b3book 124228 nam: .i. is airi ité inna fír érchóilte inso do biur. nam reliqua
[‘i.e. therefore these are the true definitions that I give, nam etc.’] [analysis]
200a5bII 585,24200a2book 1235 4228 cum: .i. is airi niaidlicnigetar/ anmmae. reliqua
[‘i.e. it is therefore that they do not need a noun, etc.’] [analysis]
200b10dII 587,5book 12566[?] 4228 cassius: proprium .i. dicit
200b37aaII 588,8book 124228 magis: quam loco proprii
201a1cII 588,12book 124228 magis: quam propria
201a30uII 589,14book 124228 is: .i. componitur
201a31yII 589,15201a8book 124228 femi[ninum]: atá ém
[‘there is indeed’] [analysis]
201a32zII 589,16book 124228 neutrum: ata dano
[‘there is moreover’] [analysis]
201b20mII 590,16book 124228 nullum: .i. percasum componitur
202b35pII 594,8book 124228 feminam: .i. non licet dicere eccam .i. nisi demonstrantibus feminam
203a14pII 595,1203a7book 124228 543 obscenum: .i. mad arthosuch beid
[‘i.e. if it should be as the beginning’] [analysis]
204a32qIII 1,9204a8book 134228 534[?] [nemi]nem: .i. cia so doacaldmach aṅ grammatice
[‘i.e. though grammatice is appellative’] [analysis]
204b10iIII 2,9204b5book 134228 nam: is airi nístabor
[‘therefore I do not give them’] [analysis]
204b19sIII 2,21204b8book 134228 nam: .i. is airi nis/tabor
[‘i.e. therefore I do not give them’] [analysis]
204b34bbIII 3,4book 134228 ergo: .i. debet esse
205a8fIII 3,18205a2book 134228 quia: .i. isairi nísnairmim sidi quia reliqua
[‘i.e. it is therefore I do not reckon them, because etc.’] [analysis]
207a3eIII 9,13book 134228 non (solum): .i. proferebant
207a4fIII 9,14book 134228 accussativum: .i.proferebant
207a6gIII 9,19207a2book 134228 nam: .i. isairi ní thabur ladligeda arside reliqua
[‘i.e. therefore I do not give it with the rules of the ancients etc.’] [analysis]
207a21ddIII 10,9book 134228 maxi[me]: .i. invenitur
207a25ggIII 10,12book 134228 quorum: .i. fit
207a26hhIII 10,13book 134228 pluralis: .i. fit
207a36nnIII 10,25book 134228 cui: .i. bisssyllabum protulit
207b34wIII 12,5book 134228 composita: sunt
207b35yIII 12,6book 134228 sicut: .i. sunt
207b40ddIII 12,10book 134228 quippe: .i. est
208a12eIII 12,25208a1book 134228 enim: .i. is airi asbiur it tertiae quando carent substantia. nemo enim reliqua
[‘i.e. therefore I say they are third persons when etc.’] [analysis]
208b10eIII 13,29book 134228 omnimodo: .i. habet
208b16gIII 14,3book 134228 nec: .i. habent vocativum
208b29sIII 14,12book 134228 *sed et: .i. potest
208b32yIII 14,14208b13book 134228 543 (nec) non: .i. solet ostendere significantiam vel discretionem .i. ego an as tórmachte ipse met fris
[‘i.e. ego usually shows significantia or discretio when ipse or met is added to it’] [analysis]
209b3gIII 16,15book 134228 primum: dicendum
209b12tIII 16,22book 134228 deinde: dicendum est
209b13wIII 16,23book 134228 postremo: .i. dicendum
209b21hhIII 17,6book 134228 *pasiva: .i. sunt
209b27zzIII 17,14book 134228 alii (.. casus): .i. absque genitivo
209b32adIII 17,17book 134228 nunquam: .i. ponitur
209b32afIII 17,18book 134228 quomodo: .i. ponuntur
210a21iIII 18,15book 134228 sic: .i. sequitur declinationem primitivi .i. sui
210b4aIII 19,16book 134228 nec: .i. non posunt
210b4bIII 19,16book 134228 sed: .i. non possunt
210b16dIII 20,1book 134228 sed: .i. coniunguit vel discernit
210b27iIII 20,9book 134228 et (quae): .i. sequuntur declinationem pronominum
211a26pIII 21,12book 134228 tantus: .i. est
211a26qIII 21,12211a6book 134228 falso: .i. arṁbad hí pronomen tantum nobed foilsigud
[‘i.e. that there should be demonstration in a pronoun only’] [analysis]
211a34wIII 21,20book 134228 et: .i. interest
211b10cIII 22,4book 134228 et: demonstrativum est
211b17lIII 22,10book 134228 relativa: .i. sunt
212a4cIII 23,3book 134228 *vocativos: .i. dicimus vel convenit
212b10iIII 25,4212b7book 144228 543 vel: .i. nec coniungunt prepositiones amal adindchomlat coniunctiones
[‘i.e. nor do prepositions join as conjunctions join it’] [analysis]
212b12lIII 25,6book 144228 (non) copulat: .i. ut copulat coniunctio
213a6cIII 26,6213a1book 1435 4228 quia: .i. is airi insin darigensat
[‘i.e. it is therefore they have done it’] [analysis]
213b21kIII 27,29book 144228 verbo: .i. inveniuntur
214b25"nIII 30,13book 144228 etiam: .i. quales sunt
215a19oIII 31,17215a8book 144228 nam: is airi nithabur són
[‘therefore I do not give this’] [analysis]
215b27pIII 33,12book 144228 nec (non): .i. servat accentuum legem
215b29sIII 33,15book 144228 hoc: .i. sumptum est
216a15fIII 34,22book 144228 rite: adverbium pro nomine
216a34kIII 35,9book 144228 quando: .i. habent
217a8"eIII 36,28book 144228 *poetica (auctoritas): fiat
218a9eIII 39,14book 144228 quam: .i. habet
218a18lIII 39,21218a8book 144228 enim: .i. isairi nithabur apud supradicta
[‘i.e. therefore I do not give it with those above mentioned’] [analysis]
218a18mIII 39,21book 144228 magis: (subs.) .i. quam prepositio
218a24pIII 39,26book 144228 et: .i. adverbium est apud nos
218b19iIII 40,27book 14423 4228 reliquis: nominibus .i. solet
218b23mIII 40,30book 144228 cato: dicit
218b26oIII 41,3book 144228 *quando: significat
219a15eIII 42,3book 144228 iuvenalis: dicit
219a16fIII 42,7book 144228 *adverbium: .i. est
219b20eIII 43,15book 144228 [vel]ut: .i. videtur
219b25fIII 43,20book 144228 sic: (m.l.) .i. dirivantur
219b26gIII 43,22book 144228 frequentissi[me]: .i. preponuntur
219b37hIII 44,10book 144228 infer: .i. fit
220b28tIII 46,3book 144228 censorinus: dicit
221b10hIII 48,26221b7book 144228 quomodo: .i. in chruth nandrann insce acht is fortórmach
[‘i.e. as que is not a part of speech but an addition’] [analysis]
222a16kIII 50,25222a5book 14211 4228 nec (mirum): .i. ní machdath cid hí comasṅdís
[‘i.e. no wonder that it is in apposition’] [analysis]
222b29tIII 52,28222b8book 1435 4228 ut: amal ata comṡuidigthi sidi
[‘as these are compounds’] [analysis]
222b30xIII 52,29book 144228 magis: quam coniunctio
224b36gIII 61,21book 154228 +veteres: vel dicebant vel accipiebant
227b27oIII 72,21book 15111[?] 4228 +(cís) citro: .i. dicitur
227b32pIII 72,25book 1558 4228 +utro: vero subauditur .i. facit
233a43hIII 93,10book 164228 +preterea: .i. accidit
233b22eIII 94,10book 164228 +similiter: .i. pro quam ponitur
240a15gIII 115,18book 174228 et: hoc quod predixit. aliae pro aliis
240b18aIII 117,4book 174228 obtinuit: verbum principatum post nomen ante omnes partes
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 24 January 2025]