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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
4b2dII 8,54b3 book 1542 fundamentum: ar ni cóir in fotha utmall
[‘for the unstable foundation is not fitting’] [analysis]
11b34zII 24,7book 1542 s (simplex): quia non duplex ut predicta z
12a15tII 25,1book 1542 *βυς: .i. quia y u grecum est ar is .u. gaibes engracus
[‘i.e. […] because it is u that takes (its) place’] [analysis]
16a3dII 33,516a2book 14223 542 (non sine) ratione: .i. do claind quod noluit vel aliis quod fecerunt
[‘i.e. for (the Latin) race quod etc.’] [analysis]
17b21tII 36,1317b9book 1211 542 et e contrario: .i. cid in chotarsnu ar is .c. tar hesi .q. thuas reliqua
[‘i.e. yet contrary-wise, for it is c instead of q above etc.’] [analysis]
19b15nII 41,9book 134 542 vero: quia nomina greca predicta
19b20pII 41,12book 13232 542 eiusdem: .i. quartae .i. quia non producit illa .i. ante aliam vocalem ut audiam audias reliqua (m.l.) ox
20b19nII 43,1020b8book 1542 ratione: .i. huare is b.s. ps. bis in genitin
[‘i.e. because it is bs or ps which occurs in the genitive’] [analysis]
21a12dII 44,5book 2542 [in]distanter: .i. quia incertum est quo accentu ⁊ spiritu pronunties sillabam ., {= E 16r12 ⁊ - sillabam] pronuntiantur E}
21b26aaII 45,16book 2542 [principa]lis: .i. quia ab illa pars incipit {= E 16v10}
21b26bbII 45,1621b13book 2542 aspiraretur: .i. ar ni·rubi tinfed ar belaib .x. ⁊ n. reliqua
[‘i.e. for there cannot be aspiration before x and n, etc.’] [analysis]
23a10eII 47,2923a2book 2211 542 sit: ci dechor .i. ar ni dechor ṁbindius file híc sed error scriptorum
[‘what is the difference, i.e. because there is no difference of euphony here, sed etc.’] [analysis]
23a30iiII 48,14book 2542 αγκιστρονς: (γ) pro n {= E 17v3}
25b31ccII 53,18book 2542 scio: .i. quia de parte dirimo {.i. separo add. E} {= E 18v19}
26a13qII 53,29book 2542 generalis: quia habet omnes partes in se ideo dixit generalis ., {= E 18v27 .i. add. E generalis dixit E}
26b23wII 55,2book 2542 ([per]) se: .i. Quia carecter eius apud nos non invenitur.
29b28ccII 60,1929b10book 2542 intellec[tu]: .i. air nicon·bia-som mani·bé aní hua·n-aithgnintar ⁊ hu<a>·n-ainmnigter .,
[‘i.e. for it will not exist unless there exists that from which it is recognised and named’] [analysis]
30b1aII 61,24book 2542 plures: quia non ... ...a/...
31b25rrII 65,1531b17book 2433[?] 542 pro (pelides): .i. do gluaiss ar is meinciu dún-ni a n-aitherrechtaigthe in des.
[‘i.e. (he adds Pelides) for a gloss, for the patronymic in -des is more familiar to us.’] [analysis]
36b26qII 78,3book 2542 masculi[nus]: .i. quia non masculanus facit {= E 25r10 quia; facit om. E}
37a32zII 79,8book 2542 humo: quia non huminus facit
37a34aaII 79,9book 2542 magis: quia i. antepeneultimam habet {= E 25v1 i. om. E}
39a22ccII 83,1239a25book 3211 542 adeo: in mar .i. ní arindí no·mbetis cid in biucc. as·beir-sem in már. acht is arindí nad·biat etir
[‘greatly, i.e. he says ‘greatly’, not that they are even in small measure, but because they do not exist at all’] [analysis]
45a27nII 101,645a9book 3542 absolute: húare bís conṅdelgg indib
[‘since comparison is (inherent) in them’] [analysis]
46b36tII 106,1046b10book 3542 excipitur: huare naich in culus cula. culum. do·gní digabthach {cf. E 31v11 quia non facit lapidiculus.}
[‘since it does not make a diminutive in culus, cula, culum’] [analysis]
47a10dII 106,18book 3542 excipitur: .i. quia non in .culus facit
48a29nII 110,1448a8book 3542 excipitur: huare nád·n-emantar .l.
[‘because l is not doubled’] [analysis]
48a39sII 110,1948a12book 3542 excipiun[tur]: huare nád·n-emnat .l.
[‘because they do no double l’] [analysis]
48b27nII 111,1748b5book 3542 excipiuntur: huare ata comlonna inna digabthacha fria cetnidi annád·foirpret i n-oen-ṡillaib
[‘because the diminutives are matches for (?) their primitives when they do not increase by one syllable’] [analysis]
48b34pII 112,1book 3542 notandum: quia crescit in duabus sillabis {= E 33r2}
50a35ccII 118,750a14book 4211 542 nequam: écmacht arindí nád·cumaiṅg maith do denom
[‘powerless, because he cannot do good’] [analysis]
55a28''dII 128,12book 4542 excipiuntur: .i. quia non genitivo {non} dativo assumunt .tas {= E 36v31 .i. quia om. E}
55a15"kII 128,20book 4542 excipiuntur: quia motant .or. in nes {= E 37r3 nes] es E}
55b24mII 130,655b5book 434 542 tamen: ar ní ar accuis dechoir aní as·rubartmmar cose
[‘for not for sake of distinction is that which we have said hitherto’] [analysis]
58a31qII 135,1958a1book 4542 [ex]ceptis: ar is .cius. do·ḟormagar isnaib hísiu. ní .ius.
[‘for it is -cius that is added in these, not -ius’] [analysis]
59a41llII 137,2359a17book 4543 542 alternitatis ([causa]): .i. co·nroib ailidetu ⁊ dechor etir in dí ṡillaib ar it cosmaili
[‘i.e. so that there may be alternation and difference between the two syllables, for they are alike’] [analysis]
60b37''lII 140,660b8book 4542 absque (maestus): .i. ar is comlín són hi lín sillab fria bunad
[‘i.e. for this (maestus) is equal in number of syllables to its origin (maeror)’] [analysis]
62a8hII 143,14book 5542 excipitur: quia genus motat {= E 41r19 motant E, = M 4rb35 d .i. add. M}
64a30ddII 150,1964a11book 5542 excipitur: huare nand neutur
[‘because it is not neuter’] [analysis]
67a23"wII 160,10book 5542 quod: quia fit. banchu
[‘because there is a she-dog’] [analysis]
69a31llII 166,1169a25book 54228 542 monosil[labis]: exceptis .i. ar nítat adiecti-sidi
[‘(uox, nox) being excepted i.e. for these are not adjectives’] [analysis]
71a26bbII 172,1571a13book 5542 34 unde: .i. huare nád tuiter essib hituisliu aili
[‘i.e. since there is no falling from them into other cases’] [analysis]
71a28ccII 172,1771a14book 5542 refutatur: artotuiter acenélchi hi sain gnúis in aptotís
[‘for in aptota there is falling from generality into a special figure’] [analysis]
71b14lII 173,671b5book 5542 nomina: ar sluindid ainmm persain
[‘for (the) noun signifies a person’] [analysis]
75b20fII 182,1475b5book 534 542 ergo: .i. olní comacomol .que iṅge mad etarscartha ⁊ ol issinunn sluin dess/ plerus ⁊ plerusque . reliqua
[‘i.e. because que is not a conjunction unless it be separated, and because plerus and plerusque signify the same, etc.’] [analysis]
100b36iII 235,11book 6543 542 peneultimam: .i. brevem in genitivo quod brevis in verbo
101b26lII 238,7book 6542 excipiuntur: quia non assumunt .is in genitivo absque/ immotatione
102a40sII 240,10book 6542 excipi[untur]: non motant e. in .i.
106b5gII 255,9book 6542 mirabilius: .i. quia non in .on. secundum graecos ⁊ non abiicit .n. de nominativo ⁊ habet .n. in genitivo
107a3bII 257,2book 6542 sint: ar it diil tanaisi amal sodin
[‘for they, in that case are of the second declension’] [analysis]
111a12hII 271,12book 6542 excipitur: quia non servat declinationem simplicis {cf. K 45r6 d (m.d.) quod non servat sim/plicis declinationem/ sicut supra dicta.,}
111b18iII 273,15book 6542 latinum: quia putaverunt alii quod graecum esset.
117a10bII 293,7117a1book 7542 naturaliter: huare ata ṅdúli beodai fordiṅgrat
[‘because they are living things that they mean’] [analysis]
118a26pII 296,20book 7542 enim: .i. ar ni riagoldae
[‘i.e. for it is not regular’] [analysis]
140b19gII 378,14140b3book 8542 casu: .i. huare is lán chiall indib chenae
[‘i.e. because it is a full meaning in them without it’] [analysis]
145a32oII 398,15book 834 542 tamen: quia a prima coniugatione dirivantur predicta
148a42ggII 408,9book 8542 coepisse: (m.d.) cum dico adhuc
151b1aII 416,18151b1book 8542 licet: .i. aris lán chiál inolḟoirbthiu chene
[‘i.e. for it is a full sense in the pluperfect without it’] [analysis]
161b37tII 449,21161b10book 8542 itaque: .i. dindí atacomla ⁊ nad soiriu cach
[‘i.e. since it joins itself (herself) and is not nobler than anyone (else)’] [analysis]
163a7bII 454,1163a1book 9542 excipiuntur: fobith nád comthoet .o in .is.
[‘because they do not convert o into is’] [analysis]
163b27nII 456,10163b7book 9542 persona: uare as ṅ druálnide
[‘because it is corrupt’] [analysis]
164b20dII 459,5book 9542 exceptis: ar is comlunn in his
[‘for in these (preterites) it is equal’] [analysis]
164b36hII 459,23book 9542 53 exceptis: quia corripiuntur in peneultima. ut dicit post
165a5"aII 460,5170book 9542 excipiuntur: quia corripiuntur tempora preteriti in hís.
168a8bII 468,2book 9542 pello: .i. quia non servat .e. in utraque syllaba
168a18eII 468,11book 9542 nisi: .i. quia pares si .i. fuerit ante .o
171a34"gII 481,29book 9542 eophoniae (causa): quia non spospondi facit
172b14dII 487,8172b1book 9542 itaque: .i. fobíth rongab torsum ⁊ tortum arecar/ dano torsor ⁊ tor/tor nomini
[‘i.e. because there is torsum and tortum, there is also found torsor and tortor as a noun’] [analysis]
172b19eII 487,15book 9542 ursi: quia non ursum facit
173b10"bII 491,13book 9542 excipiuntur: quia non in .ui. termi- nant preteritum
176a9cII 502,10book 10542 excipiuntur: quia non in sum
176a28"hII 503,14book 10542 excipiuntur: quia non .o. i. motantia
180a16dII 519,3book 10542 divido: quia non divididi facit
196a41iII 573,2196a1book 11542 excipiuntur: uare naich hí sus tiagait
[‘since they do not end in -sus’] [analysis]
201b26zII 590,23book 12542 unde: .i. quia non composita secundum alios
201b27bbII 590,23201b12book 12542 quomodo: .i. cruth nandat chomsuidigthi sidi leo ⁊ nádtechtat tinfed
[‘i.e. as they are not compounds in their opinion and have no aspiration’] [analysis]
209b8mIII 16,19209b8book 13542 in (digamma): air dosoat eoldai tinfed indigaim
[‘for the Aeolians convert aspiration into digamma’] [analysis]
211b22rIII 22,14211b10book 13542 tertiae: (m.l.) aris/ ecintech/ intertpersan
[‘for the third person is indefinite’] [analysis]
212b40yIII 25,28212b16book 14542 graecorum: ar it cétnidi lasuidib
[‘for with them they are primitives’] [analysis]
239a23eIII 112,5book 17542 [prepositi]ones: .quia preponuntur.
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 11 March 2025]