80 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.
MS | Gloss | Keil, GL | Thes. | Priscian | Type(s) | Lemma: gloss |
4b2 | d | II 8,5 | 4b3 | book 1 | 542 | fundamentum: [‘for the unstable foundation is not fitting’] [analysis] |
11b34 | z | II 24,7 | book 1 | 542 | s (simplex): | |
12a15 | t | II 25,1 | book 1 | 542 | *βυς: [‘i.e. […] because it is u that takes (its) place’] [analysis] | |
16a3 | d | II 33,5 | 16a2 | book 1 | 4223 542 | (non sine) ratione: [‘i.e. for (the Latin) race quod etc.’] [analysis] |
17b21 | t | II 36,13 | 17b9 | book 1 | 211 542 | et e contrario: [‘i.e. yet contrary-wise, for it is c instead of q above etc.’] [analysis] |
19b15 | n | II 41,9 | book 1 | 34 542 | vero: | |
19b20 | p | II 41,12 | book 1 | 3232 542 | eiusdem: | |
20b19 | n | II 43,10 | 20b8 | book 1 | 542 | ratione: [‘i.e. because it is bs or ps which occurs in the genitive’] [analysis] |
21a12 | d | II 44,5 | book 2 | 542 | [in]distanter: | |
21b26 | aa | II 45,16 | book 2 | 542 | [principa]lis: | |
21b26 | bb | II 45,16 | 21b13 | book 2 | 542 | aspiraretur: [‘i.e. for there cannot be aspiration before x and n, etc.’] [analysis] |
23a10 | e | II 47,29 | 23a2 | book 2 | 211 542 | sit: [‘what is the difference, i.e. because there is no difference of euphony here, sed etc.’] [analysis] |
23a30 | ii | II 48,14 | book 2 | 542 | αγκιστρονς: | |
25b31 | cc | II 53,18 | book 2 | 542 | scio: | |
26a13 | q | II 53,29 | book 2 | 542 | generalis: | |
26b23 | w | II 55,2 | book 2 | 542 | ([per]) se: | |
29b28 | cc | II 60,19 | 29b10 | book 2 | 542 | intellec[tu]: [‘i.e. for it will not exist unless there exists that from which it is recognised and named’] [analysis] |
30b1 | a | II 61,24 | book 2 | 542 | plures: | |
31b25 | rr | II 65,15 | 31b17 | book 2 | 433[?] 542 | pro (pelides): [‘i.e. (he adds Pelides) for a gloss, for the patronymic in -des is more familiar to us.’] [analysis] |
36b26 | q | II 78,3 | book 2 | 542 | masculi[nus]: | |
37a32 | z | II 79,8 | book 2 | 542 | humo: | |
37a34 | aa | II 79,9 | book 2 | 542 | magis: | |
39a22 | cc | II 83,12 | 39a25 | book 3 | 211 542 | adeo: [‘greatly, i.e. he says ‘greatly’, not that they are even in small measure, but because they do not exist at all’] [analysis] |
45a27 | n | II 101,6 | 45a9 | book 3 | 542 | absolute: [‘since comparison is (inherent) in them’] [analysis] |
46b36 | t | II 106,10 | 46b10 | book 3 | 542 | excipitur: [‘since it does not make a diminutive in culus, cula, culum’] [analysis] |
47a10 | d | II 106,18 | book 3 | 542 | excipitur: | |
48a29 | n | II 110,14 | 48a8 | book 3 | 542 | excipitur: [‘because l is not doubled’] [analysis] |
48a39 | s | II 110,19 | 48a12 | book 3 | 542 | excipiun[tur]: [‘because they do no double l’] [analysis] |
48b27 | n | II 111,17 | 48b5 | book 3 | 542 | excipiuntur: [‘because the diminutives are matches for (?) their primitives when they do not increase by one syllable’] [analysis] |
48b34 | p | II 112,1 | book 3 | 542 | notandum: | |
50a35 | cc | II 118,7 | 50a14 | book 4 | 211 542 | nequam: [‘powerless, because he cannot do good’] [analysis] |
55a28'' | d | II 128,12 | book 4 | 542 | excipiuntur: | |
55a15" | k | II 128,20 | book 4 | 542 | excipiuntur: | |
55b24 | m | II 130,6 | 55b5 | book 4 | 34 542 | tamen: [‘for not for sake of distinction is that which we have said hitherto’] [analysis] |
58a31 | q | II 135,19 | 58a1 | book 4 | 542 | [ex]ceptis: [‘for it is -cius that is added in these, not -ius’] [analysis] |
59a41 | ll | II 137,23 | 59a17 | book 4 | 543 542 | alternitatis ([causa]): [‘i.e. so that there may be alternation and difference between the two syllables, for they are alike’] [analysis] |
60b37'' | l | II 140,6 | 60b8 | book 4 | 542 | absque (maestus): [‘i.e. for this (maestus) is equal in number of syllables to its origin (maeror)’] [analysis] |
62a8 | h | II 143,14 | book 5 | 542 | excipitur: | |
64a30 | dd | II 150,19 | 64a11 | book 5 | 542 | excipitur: [‘because it is not neuter’] [analysis] |
67a23" | w | II 160,10 | book 5 | 542 | quod: [‘because there is a she-dog’] [analysis] | |
69a31 | ll | II 166,11 | 69a25 | book 5 | 4228 542 | monosil[labis]: [‘(uox, nox) being excepted i.e. for these are not adjectives’] [analysis] |
71a26 | bb | II 172,15 | 71a13 | book 5 | 542 34 | unde: [‘i.e. since there is no falling from them into other cases’] [analysis] |
71a28 | cc | II 172,17 | 71a14 | book 5 | 542 | refutatur: [‘for in aptota there is falling from generality into a special figure’] [analysis] |
71b14 | l | II 173,6 | 71b5 | book 5 | 542 | nomina: [‘for (the) noun signifies a person’] [analysis] |
75b20 | f | II 182,14 | 75b5 | book 5 | 34 542 | ergo: [‘i.e. because que is not a conjunction unless it be separated, and because plerus and plerusque signify the same, etc.’] [analysis] |
100b36 | i | II 235,11 | book 6 | 543 542 | peneultimam: | |
101b26 | l | II 238,7 | book 6 | 542 | excipiuntur: | |
102a40 | s | II 240,10 | book 6 | 542 | excipi[untur]: | |
106b5 | g | II 255,9 | book 6 | 542 | mirabilius: | |
107a3 | b | II 257,2 | book 6 | 542 | sint: [‘for they, in that case are of the second declension’] [analysis] | |
111a12 | h | II 271,12 | book 6 | 542 | excipitur: | |
111b18 | i | II 273,15 | book 6 | 542 | latinum: | |
117a10 | b | II 293,7 | 117a1 | book 7 | 542 | naturaliter: [‘because they are living things that they mean’] [analysis] |
118a26 | p | II 296,20 | book 7 | 542 | enim: [‘i.e. for it is not regular’] [analysis] | |
140b19 | g | II 378,14 | 140b3 | book 8 | 542 | casu: [‘i.e. because it is a full meaning in them without it’] [analysis] |
145a32 | o | II 398,15 | book 8 | 34 542 | tamen: | |
148a42 | gg | II 408,9 | book 8 | 542 | coepisse: | |
151b1 | a | II 416,18 | 151b1 | book 8 | 542 | licet: [‘i.e. for it is a full sense in the pluperfect without it’] [analysis] |
161b37 | t | II 449,21 | 161b10 | book 8 | 542 | itaque: [‘i.e. since it joins itself (herself) and is not nobler than anyone (else)’] [analysis] |
163a7 | b | II 454,1 | 163a1 | book 9 | 542 | excipiuntur: [‘because they do not convert o into is’] [analysis] |
163b27 | n | II 456,10 | 163b7 | book 9 | 542 | persona: [‘because it is corrupt’] [analysis] |
164b20 | d | II 459,5 | book 9 | 542 | exceptis: [‘for in these (preterites) it is equal’] [analysis] | |
164b36 | h | II 459,23 | book 9 | 542 53 | exceptis: | |
165a5" | a | II 460,5 | 170 | book 9 | 542 | excipiuntur: |
168a8 | b | II 468,2 | book 9 | 542 | pello: | |
168a18 | e | II 468,11 | book 9 | 542 | nisi: | |
171a34" | g | II 481,29 | book 9 | 542 | eophoniae (causa): | |
172b14 | d | II 487,8 | 172b1 | book 9 | 542 | itaque: [‘i.e. because there is torsum and tortum, there is also found torsor and tortor as a noun’] [analysis] |
172b19 | e | II 487,15 | book 9 | 542 | ursi: | |
173b10" | b | II 491,13 | book 9 | 542 | excipiuntur: | |
176a9 | c | II 502,10 | book 10 | 542 | excipiuntur: | |
176a28" | h | II 503,14 | book 10 | 542 | excipiuntur: | |
180a16 | d | II 519,3 | book 10 | 542 | divido: | |
196a41 | i | II 573,2 | 196a1 | book 11 | 542 | excipiuntur: [‘since they do not end in -sus’] [analysis] |
201b26 | z | II 590,23 | book 12 | 542 | unde: | |
201b27 | bb | II 590,23 | 201b12 | book 12 | 542 | quomodo: [‘i.e. as they are not compounds in their opinion and have no aspiration’] [analysis] |
209b8 | m | III 16,19 | 209b8 | book 13 | 542 | in (digamma): [‘for the Aeolians convert aspiration into digamma’] [analysis] |
211b22 | r | III 22,14 | 211b10 | book 13 | 542 | tertiae: [‘for the third person is indefinite’] [analysis] |
212b40 | y | III 25,28 | 212b16 | book 14 | 542 | graecorum: [‘for with them they are primitives’] [analysis] |
239a23 | e | III 112,5 | book 17 | 542 | [prepositi]ones: |