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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
3a1aII 5,1book 152 Philosophi: diffinitio substantiae
3a1II 5,1book 14143 diffiniunt: " (3a2=5,1) vel: "
3a2bII 5,1book 1541 íctum: .i. a lingua ⁊ faucibus
3a2cII 5,1book 1212 +íctum: (m.d.) pulsum
3a3II 5,1book 14111 sonum: : (3a3=5,2) sensibilem: :
3a3dII 5,23a1book 1543 sensibilem (aurium): .i. cita·biat chlúasa
[‘i.e. which ears perceive’] [analysis]
3a4eII 5,2book 1541 quod: .i. né putas aurem efficere vocem {= E 4r26 .i. om. E}
3a4fII 5,2book 14221 *accidit: .i. vox {= E 4r26}
3a4gII 5,2book 125 accidit: .i. cado accido
3a4II 5,2book 14142 (?)[?] accidit: .- (3a8=5,4) quantum: .- (ibid.) est: .-
3a5II 5,2book 14143 4121 diffinitio: : (3a6=5,3) altera: : (ibid.) quam: :
3a5hII 5,33a2book 1541 substantia: .i. a folad dia n-imm·olṅgaithaer vox
[‘i.e. the substance from which vox is produced’] [analysis]
3a6II 5,3book 14121 notione: " (ibid.) quam: "
3a6iII 5,3book 13221 quam: vel diffinitionem
3a6II 5,3book 14142 ηννοιαν: : (3a7=5,4) hoc: : (ibid.) enim: :
3a8kII 5,4book 13232 in (ipsa): .i. voce {= E 4r29}
3a9II 5,5book 153 [dif]firentiae: (m.d.) -,-,-, (cf. 3a31=6,3)
3a9II 5,5book 14142 quatuor: ,,, (3a15=5,9) igitur: ,,,
3a9lII 5,5book 1423 articulata: .i. vox
3a11mII 5,63a3book 14226 541 coartata: (m.l.) .i. ex aere et ore in unam vocem .i. do·immthastar fri slond ṅ-intliuchta bís hisin menmain .-
[‘i.e. it is combined to express the meaning which is in the mind’] [analysis]
3a11nII 5,6book 1541 sensu: .i. cogitatur antequam dicetur
3a12oII 5,7book 14226 profertur: .i. ore ⁊ a lingua
3a13pII 5,7book 14223 contraria (vox): .i. voci articulatae
3a13II 5,7book 14141 quae: .- (ibid.) nullo: .- (3a13=5,8) affectu: .- (ibid.) profi[ciscitur]: .-
3a13qII 5,73a4book 1541 nullo: .i. ni·astaider ⁊ ni·timmorcar fri slond ṅ-intliucta
[‘i.e. it is not fastened down and it is not checked to express a meaning’] [analysis]
3a13rII 5,83a5book 1211 affectu: .i. hua duthracht
[‘i.e. from volition’] [analysis]
3a13sII 5,83a6book 1211 (nullo ..) proficiscitur: .i. ní·aescomlai
[‘i.e. it proceeds not’] [analysis]
3a15II 5,9book 14143 inveniuntur: ., (3a17=5,12) quaedam: .,
3a16tII 5,10book 1543 scribi: .i. articulata literata
3a17uII 5,11book 152 572 arma virumque cano: (m.l.) virgilius {= K 2v31}
3a18wII 5,12book 1543 intelliguntur: .i. articulata illiterata
3a18II 5,12book 14142 intelliguntur: " (3a19=5,13) hae: "
3a18xII 5,123a7book 1541 sibili: .i. is cosmart do rétaib ind fet.
[‘i.e. the hissing sound is a signal by things’] [analysis]
3a18yII 5,13book 14222 gemitus: .i. doloris
3a19zII 5,13book 14222 sensum (aliquem): .i. iucunditatis vel doloris
3a20aaII 5,13book 13232 eas: .i. voces
3a21II 5,14book 14141 quae: .- (3a21=5,15) sunt: .-
3a21bbII 5,15book 1541 inarticulatae: .i. inarticulata literata
3a21ccII 5,153a8book 1541 inarticulatae: .i. neph-thimmorti fri slond n-intliuchta
[‘i.e. not constrained to express a meaning’] [analysis]
3a22ddII 5,15book 1541 cum (nihil significant): .i. in comparatione vocum hominum vel nihil speciale significant
3a22eeII 5,15book 1543 corax coraa: .i. voces avium
3a23II 5,book 14111 eas: ., (ibid.) voces: .,
3a23II 5,book 14141 quanquam: " (ibid.) intelligimus: " (3a24) tamen: "
3a23II 5,book 14111 de (quo): : (3a24) volucre: :
3a23ffII 5,3a9book 1211 321 de (quo): .i. cide
[‘i.e. from which’] [analysis]
3a23II 5,book 14123 sint: .- (3a24) profectae: .-
3a25ggII 5,book 14228 superius: dixi
3a25hhII 5,book 1212 affec[tu]: .i. intellectu
3a28iiII 6,2book 14222 strepitus: .i. valvarum ⁊ lapidum reliqua
3a28kkII 6,2book 14222 mugitus: .i. boum vel reliqua
3a28llII 6,2book 1423 similia: .i. exempla
3a29II 6,2book 14141 quod: ; (3a30=6,3) proficiunt: ;
3a29II 6,2book 14111 hás: ., (ibid.) quatuor: ., (3a29=6,3) species: .,
3a30mmII 6,3book 1223 *proficiunt: .i. efficiunt
3a30II 6,3book 14111 quatuor: " (ibid.) superiores: " (3a31=6,3) diffirentiae: " (3a31=6,4) accidentes: "
3a31II 6,3book 14111 diffirentiae: .- (3a31=6,4) binae: .-
3a31II 6,3book 153 diffirentiae: (m.d.) -,-,-, (cf. 3a9=5,5)
3a31nnII 6,43a10book 1211 generaliter: .i. hit cenélcha sidi do guth
[‘i.e. these are general to voice’] [analysis]
3a31ooII 6,4book 1543 binae: .i. ut articulata literata reliqua
3a32ppII 6,4book 1423 singulas: .i. species
3a32qqII 6,43a11book 1543 *coeuntes: (m.l.) .i. cach gnúis fil and ata dechor imme·folṅgat tria n-emnad ut diximus.
[‘i.e. every aspect (species) which is therein there is a difference which they produce by doubling them, ut diximus’] [analysis]
3a32rrII 6,4book 152 vox: .i. diffinitio soni
3a32II 6,4book 14143 dicta: .- (3a33=6,5) vel: .-
3a33ssII 6,5book 1543 dux: .i. analogia
3a33ttII 6,5book 1221 απο: .i. ab του: .i. huius βοω: .i. soni .i. β. in .v. ⁊ οω. in .x. motata reliqua vel .i. verbum grecum .i. sono {cf. E 4v15 .i. ab hoc .i. a sono vocis}
3a34uuII 6,5book 1571 +(m.i.) (m.l.) in .II. libro boetii de musica ut sit vox pulsu est opus sed ut sit pulsus motus necesse est antecedat ut ergo sit vox motum esse necesse est ,
3b1II 6,6book 14121 vocis: " (3b2=6,7) quae: "
3b1aII 6,6book 14226 com[po*sitae (s)]: .i. a literis ⁊ syllabis
3b2bII 6,6book 1541 compositio[ne]: .i. vigilat vocem simplicem .i. unam literam
3b3II 6,7book 14142 minima: .- (3b5=c,8) etiam: .-
3b3II 6,7book 14145 quan[tum]: ., (3b4=6,7) adprehensionem: .,
3b4cII 6,7book 1543 adprehensionem: .i. in comparatione totius partis
3b4dII 6,83b1book 1543 vocis: .i. hi coindeiulc in gotho comtherchomraicthi o litrib
[‘i.e. in comparison with the word composed of letters’] [analysis]
3b4eII 6,8book 13232 hanc: .i. vocem
3b5fII 6,83b2book 1541 59 productae: .i. deithbir limm na litrae olchaenae
[‘i.e. lawful, I deem (for) the other letters (to be brevissimae partes)’] [analysis]
3b6gII 6,9book 14228 vel: .i. minima est
3b6II 6,9book 14111 omnium: : (ibid.) eorum: :
3b6hII 6,9book 1541 omnium: .i. orationis ⁊ verbi ⁊ sillabae
3b6II 6,9book 14141 brevissimum: " (3b7=6,10) id: "
3b6iII 6,9book 1423 brevissimum: .i. ylementum
3b6II 6,9book 14121 eorum: /. (3b7=6,9) quae: /.
3b6kII 6,93b3book 1211 3113 eorum: .i. innaní
[‘i.e. of those’] [analysis]
3b8lII 6,10book 152 littera: .i. difinitio substantiae
3b10mII 6,133b4book 1211 a lituris: .i. ua lenomnaib
[‘i.e. from the acts of adhering to’] [analysis]
3b10nII 6,133b5book 1571 literas: (m.d.) C- .i. timmorta li. quia correptum lego ⁊ si a lino correptum ⁊ is (m.d.) epenthesis dobeir .t. n-and. do immolung fuit apud poetas reliqua
[‘i.e. the li (in littera) is short because lěgo is short, et si etc., and it is an epenthesis that inserts a t in it, to make length in the poets, etc.’] [analysis]
3b13oII 6,14book 125 ylementorum: (subs.) .i. lino elivi elitum .i. tum in mentum reliqua
3b13pII 6,143b6book 1543 vocabulo: .i. co n·epertar doib ylementa {cf. E 4v23 .i. litteras vocabant elementa .i. universitatis materiae}
[‘i.e. so that they are called elementa’] [analysis]
3b13qII 6,14book 14221 noncupaverunt: .i. auctores
3b14rII 6,153b7book 1211 ylementorum: inna ndule
[‘of the elements’] [analysis]
3b14II 6,15book 14142 ylementorum: " (ibid.) enim: "
3b14II 6,15book 14141 enim: ., (3b17=6,17) [com]ponunt: .,
3b14sII 6,15book 13232 illa: .i. ylementa
3b15tII 6,153b8book 1541 coeuntia: cach di dúil reliqua
[‘every two elements (two by two), etc.’] [analysis]
3b15uII 6,153b9book 1211 313 omne: in n-uile
[‘all’] [analysis]
3b15II 6,15book 14111 omne: " (3b15=6,16) corpus (sic): "
3b15wII 6,16book 14222 corpus: .i. mundi
3b15xII 6,16book 13232 hae: .i. literae
3b16yII 6,163b10book 1211 4222 corpus: .i. corp suin
[‘i.e. the body of the word’] [analysis]
3b16II 6,16book 14142 corpus: : (3b17=6,17) nam: :
3b17zII 6,17book 1?[?] nam: b...? sb..? .i. b..?
3b17II 6,17book 14141 nam: ., (3b19=6,18) corpus: ., (ibid.) ostenditur: .,
3b18aaII 6,173b11book 1211 541 (aer) corpus: 7 is corp
[‘and it is a body’] [analysis]
3b19bbII 6,183b12book 1541 quippe: .i. cani deithbir si dicatur corpus proprium est corporis tangere ⁊ tangi ⁊ dividi reliqua
[‘i.e. is it not lawful si, etc. ’] [analysis]
3b19ccII 6,18book 14221 tangit: (subs.) .i. vox
3b20ddII 6,19book 134 tripertito: .i. adverbium
3b20eeII 6,19book 14221 dividitur: vox
3b20II 6,19book 14121 dividitur: ; (ibid.) quod: ;
3b20II 6,19book 14142 dividitur: " (3b21=6,19) hoc: "
3b20II 6,19book 14142 dividitur: : (3b22=6,20) unde: :
3b20ffII 6,19book 1212 suum: .i. proprium {= E 4v29}
3b21ggII 6,19book 1541 (in) altitudinem: .i. in acentu vocis
3b21hhII 6,203b13book 1541 latitudinem: in dasian .i. i mbucai no lethit
[‘into rough breathing or into soft breathing or breadth’] [analysis]
3b21iiII 6,20book 1541 longuitudi[nem]: .i. in accentu temporis
3b22kkII 6,203b14book 1543 omni: .i. dind trediu remeperthu
[‘i.e. of the three things aforesaid’] [analysis]
3b23llII 6,213b15book 1543 34 [preter]ea: cenmitha fo·dailter ind rann insce
[‘besides that the part of speech is divided’] [analysis]
3b24mmII 6,21book 1212 (in) tenore: in accentu {= E 5r1}
3b24nnII 6,22book 1212 latitudinem: .i. idem ⁊ crasitudo
3b24ooII 6,22book 1541 (in) spiritu: .i. in dasian vel psilin
[‘i.e. in rough breathing or psilin’] [analysis]
3b26ppII 6,233b17book 1541 nota: .i. not inchoisc .i. pronuntiationis .i. in chumachtai ⁊ ind fogair
[‘i.e. a note of signification, i.e. of pronunciation, i.e. of the power and of the sound’] [analysis]
3b27qqII 6,24book 13221 quae: .i. nota
3b27rrII 6,243b18book 1541 qualitate: .i. ind tóraind .i. cruindae dirge vel vocalis vel consonans
[‘i.e. of the figure, i.e. roundness or straightness […]’] [analysis]
3b27ssII 6,243b19book 1211 541 quantitate: .i. o méit di flescaib bís hisin tórunt .i. mad óenflesc is .i. mad di ḟlisc is .n. reliqua
[‘i.e. from the quantity of strokes, which is in the figure, i.e. if it be one stroke it is an i, if two strokes it is an n, etc.’] [analysis]
3b28ttII 6,243b20book 1541 linearum: .i. inna glaosnaithe no inna fuath .i. is hé in gloṡnáthe caracter inna liter
[‘i.e. of the lines or of the forms, i.e. the character of the letters is the figure’] [analysis]
3b29uuII 6,253b21book 1211 23 [yle]menta: .i. cumachtai
[‘i.e. powers’] [analysis]
3b29wwII 6,253b22book 1211 23 literas: carachtra
[‘characters’] [analysis]
3b30xxII 6,253b23book 1543 [ip]sae: .i. derb-aisṅdísin . derb-ḟogir
[‘i.e. certain precise pronounciations, certain precise sounds’] [analysis]
3b30II 7,1book 14122 pronuntiationes: " (ibid.) earum: "
3b31yyII 7,13b24book 1211 Abussive: .i. ind húadairberthach bith
[‘i.e. by an improper use’] [analysis]
3b32II 7,2book 14142 vocantur: " (ibid.) enim: "
3b32zzII 7,23b25book 1543 non: .i. ar chuit aisṅdisen ⁊ foguir
[‘i.e. as regards pronunciation and sound’] [analysis]
3b33abII 7,2book 1541 constare: .i. hi tosug ṡuin
[‘i.e. in the beginning of a word’] [analysis]
3b33acII 7,3book 1423 r: .i. literam
3b34adII 7,33b27book 1211 non (de literis): ní di chárachtraib
[‘not about written shapes’] [analysis]
3b34aeII 7,33b28book 1543 de pronuntiatione: .i. is ar chuit foguir ní·ruban and ní ar chuit scríbind
[‘i.e. it is as regards sound that it cannot be here, not as regards writing’] [analysis]
3b34afII 7,3book 1543 de pronuntiatione: (subs.) .i. de ylemento
3b34II 7,3book 14142 de pronuntiatione: :/ (3b35=7,4) nam: :/
3b34agII 7,4book 1541 59 earum: (m.d.) stirps uinse .r. ante .p. and sudet qui legat
[‘stirps: here is r before p therein’] [analysis]
3b35ahII 7,43b30book 1211 quantum ad scripturam: .i. méit as ṅdo scríbund
[‘i.e. as far as writing’] [analysis]
3b35II 7,4book 14143 possunt: " (3b36=7,4) non: :
3b36aiII 7,53b31book 1431[?] 541 postpossita r: .i. an as n-iarmúidigthe .r. ut pro reliqua {cf. E 5r9 ut pro}
[‘i.e. when r is postponed, as (in) pro, etc.’] [analysis]
4a1aII 7,64a1book 1211 figurae: .i. inna tóranda
[‘i.e. the written shapes’] [analysis]
4a1II 7,6book 14122 literarum: " (4a2=7,7) earum: "
4a1bII 7,64a2book 1541 nos: .i. laitnorib
[‘i.e. (we) Latins’] [analysis]
4a2cII 7,74a3book 1211 pronuntiationes: .i. fogair
[‘i.e. sounds’] [analysis]
4a4dII 7,84a4book 1211 denos: .i. deichthi
[‘i.e. ten at a time’] [analysis]
4a4II 7,8book 14111 denos: " (ibid.) sonos: "
4a4eII 7,84a5book 1541 denos: (m.l.) cóic deich cóica
[‘five tens, fifty’] [analysis]
4a8II 7,10book 111 hábeo hàbêmus ábéo abî[mus] {= E 5r14}
4a9fII 7,11book 13232 eadem: .i. litera .a. {cf. E 5r15 longa .i. a eadem a. littera}
4a13II 7,13book 112 hámís hàmôrum hâmus árae árârum âra {= E 5r17}
4a13gII 7,144a6book 1211 hâmus: .i. áecath
[‘i.e. (fish-)hook’] [analysis]
4a15hII 7,15book 134 Preterea: .i. absque X.
4a15iII 7,154a7book 153 543 i: .i. issed a plus remeperthae
[‘i.e. this is the plus aforesaid’] [analysis]
4a16kII 7,154a8book 1543 541 alternos: .i. fogur cechtar de ar alaliu ⁊ fogur na liter n-aile airriu-som .i. e ar .í. ut hominem .
[‘i.e. the sound of each of the two for the other, and the sound of the other letters for them, i.e. e for i, as (in) hominem’] [analysis]
4a16lII 7,164a9book 1571 53 confundere: (m.l.) Papirinus I litera in locum u. literae posita sicut optimum et maximum dicimus quae antiqui optumum et maxumum dicebant ., ar ba bes la suidib .u. tar hesi ṅ-í . ut pessumus pro pessimus ut prescianus inante.,
[‘[…] for it was a custom of theirs (to put) u instead of i, as in pessumus, etc.’] [analysis]
4a17II 7,17book 14141 et: ..- (4a20=7,18) sonum: ..- (ibid.) videtur: ..- (4a20=7,19) habere: ..-
4a17mII 7,17book 1423 i: .i. litera
4a18II 7,17book 14111 consonantem: " (ibid.) functam: "
4a21nII 7,19book 1213 212 quamvis (contractum): .i. nec totum sonum y habet vel quamvis breve
4a21II 7,19book 14141 quamvis: ./ (4a22=7,20) tamen: /.
4a22oII 7,204a10book 153 eundem: (m.l.) .archiunn |=| (cf. 14a3=28,9)
[‘further on’] [analysis]
4a22II 7,20book 14111 eundem: " (ibid.) sonum: "
4a22II 7,20book 14122 e: .- (4a23=7,21) i: .- (ibid.) ae: .- (4a24=7,22) easdem: .-
4a23pII 7,214a11book 1211 336[?] positum: .i. a n-as suidigthe
[‘i.e. when it is placed’] [analysis]
4a24qII 7,21book 14228 (nec) non: .i. habet sonum .y {cf. E 5r24 .i. videtur sonum .y. habere}
4a27II 7,24book 14111 [differen]tiae: " (ibid.) plures: "
4a27II 7,24book 14142 plures: : (4a28=7,25) quippe: :
4a27rII 7,24book 14228 plures: .i. quam in vocalibus {= E 5r26 .i. om. E}
4a27sII 7,24book 1423 transeuntium: .i. consonantium {cf. E 5r26 .i. consonantium. ut augeo auxi}
4a27tII 7,24book 1423 alias: consonantes
4a27uII 7,25book 1423 (non) transeu[ntium]: .i.consonantium
4a28II 7,25book 14111 diversae: .- (ibid.) potestatis: .-
4a30II 7,27book 14142 indeclinabilia: ./ (4a31=8,1) si[ve]: ./
4a30wII 7,27book 1212 ylemen[torum]: .i. potestatium
4a32xII 8,24a12book 158 quod: (m.l.) ní fail in testimin-so hisind libur romanach
[‘this text is not in the Roman book’] [analysis]
4a33II 8,2book 14111 varro: : (4a34=8,2) docens: :
4a33yII 8,2book 1423 .II.: .i. libro
4a34II 8,2book 14141 4143 docens: " (4a35=8,3) fac[ta]: " (4a36=8,3) certum: "
4a34II 8,3book 14112 4111 singula[rum]: ,, (4a35=8,3) nomina: ,, (ibid.) literarum: ,,
4a35zII 8,34a13book 1211 543 formas: .i. do chruthugud inna liter foib
[‘i.e. to form the letters according to them’] [analysis]
4a36aII 8,4book 13232 eos: .i. caldeos
4b1aII 8,44b1book 1541 simplicia: .i. air bit comṡuidichthi oa ḟograib liter n-aile ma duellatar .i. con·roib comṡuidigud liter no sillab indib fri slond geniten reliqua
[‘i.e. for they will be compounded of the sounds of others letters if they be declined i.e. so that there may be in them the composition of letters or syllables to signify a genitive, etc.’] [analysis]
4b2bII 8,54b2book 1541 [sta]bilia: .i. cen diall
[‘i.e. without declension’] [analysis]
4b2cII 8,5book 1212 quasi: .i. velut (?)
4b2dII 8,54b3 book 1542 fundamentum: ar ni cóir in fotha utmall
[‘for the unstable foundation is not fitting’] [analysis]
4b3eII 8,6book 14228 34 nec (aliter): .i. nisi indeclinabilia
4b4II 8,6book 14141 cum: : (4b5=8,7) nominentur: : (4b7=8,8) terminentur: :
4b5II 8,7book 14142 nominentur: ,, (4b9=8,10) igitur: ,, {= K 4r32-4}
4b7fII 8,8book 13221 quas: .i. vocales ⁊ semivocales ⁊ mutas
4b7gII 8,84b4book 1543 541 signi[ficatio]: .i. ind inne bís indib riam .i. inne ainmmnichthe. issí ám inne ainmmnichthe guthaichthe a turcbál treo fesin ní·bad ṡamlaid-son didiu ma duelltis . reliqua
[‘i.e. the meaning that is in them before, i.e. the meaning of denomination. This, indeed, is the meaning of the denomination of vowels, their production by themselves: it would not be thus, then, if they were declined, etc.’] [analysis]
4b8hII 8,9book 134 541 una: .i. la diall
[‘i.e. with declension’] [analysis]
4b8iII 8,94b6book 1211 541 evanescit: .i. tinaid ⁊ atbail .i. fa·cheirt in alios sonos.
[‘i.e. it vanishes and perishes, i.e. it puts itself into other sounds.’] [analysis]
4b9kII 8,104b7book 1543 prolatae: oc rélad a n-anmmae
[‘manifesting their name’] [analysis]
4b10II 8,10book 14143 ostendunt: " (4b10=8,11) semivocales: "
4b11II 8,11book 14121 x: " (ibid.) quae: " {cf. E 5v6 quae .x.}
4b11lII 8,11book 1423 (quae) sola: .i. litera
4b12II 8,12book 14142 incipit: : (4b13=8,12) quia: :
4b12mII 8,124b8book 1211 (per) anostrophen: .i. tre impúth
[‘i.e. by anastrophe’] [analysis]
4b12nII 8,12book 14222 greci (nominis): .i. literae
4b13oII 8,12book 1221 ξι: .i. csí
4b14pII 8,13book 13223 quae: .i. litera x
4b15qII 8,13book 1541 [no]vissime: in tempore augusti inventa est x
4b15rII 8,144b9book 1541 omnes: .i. ordd airic fil fuiri
[‘i.e. the order of invention is (still) on it’] [analysis]
4b16II 8,14book 14121 literas: .- (ibid.) quibus: .- {cf. E 5v9 quibus .i. literis latinis}
4b16sII 8,144b10book 1543 egent: aidlignitir dano uadi-si
[‘they indeed need it’] [analysis]
4b17tII 8,15book 13233 (huius) nomen: .i. x
4b17II 8,15book 14123 ostendit: " (ibid.) servi[us]: "
4b17uII 8,15book 1566[?] servi[us]: proprium
4b18wII 8,154b11book 1211 commento: .i. hisin tráctad {cf. E 5v10 in trac<ta<tu (ta add. B)}
[‘i.e. in the treatise’] [analysis]
4b18xII 8,16book 136 in (donatum): .i. super
4b19yII 8,164b12book 1421 semivocales: .i. it hé-se inna briathra
[‘i.e. these are the words (of Servius)’] [analysis]
4b22zII 8,19book 1566[?] eutropi[us]: proprium
4b24aaII 8,20book 13232 eam: .i. csí
4b25II 8,21book 14141 autem: " (4b27=8,22) confici[unt]: "
4b26bbII 8,21book 1423 exceptis: .i. literis
4b26ccII 8,21book 13222 quarum: literarum
4b27II 8,22book 14111 sua: ; (4b28=8,22) nomina: ;
4b27ddII 8,22book 1223 confici[unt]: .i. efficiunt
4b28eeII 8,2254book 1543 [confici]unt: .i. nomen suum ostendunt
4b28ffII 8,224b13book 1541 autem: .i. is airi nis·tabur la .k ⁊ q
[‘i.e. therefore I do not place it with k and q’] [analysis]
4b29ggII 9,1book 1571 Figurae: (m.d.) diomedes figura conscripta aspicitur vel notatur Potestas qua valet in ratione metrica . id est cum ad proprietatem suam a reliquis segregatur ..
4b31hhII 9,2book 13221 quam: potestatem
4b33iiII 9,5book 13232 his: .i. tribus divisionibus literarum
4b35kkII 9,64b14book 1543 (vox) literalis: .i. rann insce ní·turgabar ade didiu ⁊ ni·ro-graigther cen guttai
[‘i.e. a part of speech; this then is not produced, nor can it be pronounced without vowels’] [analysis]
4b35llII 9,6book 13233 nomen (hoc): .i. vocales {cf. E 5v21 .i. vocalium}
4b36mmII 9,64b15book 1211 (sibi) defendunt: .i. ad·suidet
[‘i.e. they keep’] [analysis]
5a m.s.aII 9,6book 159 +(m.s.) bene est hic
5a3II 9,8book 14145 etiam: :- (5a8=9,13) quoque: :-
5a6II 9,12book 14121 f: " (5a7=9,12) qua: "
5a7bII 9,12book 14228 magis: .i. quam semivocalis
5a7cII 9,12book 13223 qua: litera
5a8dII 9,13book 13116 z: .i. ablativus {= E 5v25 .i. om. E (A vel B)}
5a9II 9,13book 14141 4142 semivocales: " (5a10=9,14) superant: " (ibid.) ideo: "
5a9eII 9,14book 14221 vincuntur: .i. semivocales
5a9fII 9,145a1book 1543 vincuntur: .i. noch is méit for-n·úaislichter són
[‘i.e. that is, as far as they are surpassed’] [analysis]
5a10gII 9,15book 1212 dicti[ones]: .i. partes
5a11II 9,15book 14121 semivocales: ,, (ibid.) quae: ,,
5a11II 9,15book 14111 secundam: " (5a11=9,16) euphoniam: "
5a11hII 9,155a2book 1211 543 secundam: .i. in bindius tánaise i ndegaid ṅguttae .
[‘i.e. the euphony (which comes) next after (that of the) vowels’] [analysis]
5a12II 9,16book 14121 euphoniam: .- (ibid.) quam: .-
5a12II 9,16book 14143 disinunt: .. (5a14=9,17) autem: ..
5a12iII 9,165a3book 1211 sono[ritatem]: .i. bindius
[‘i.e. euphony’] [analysis]
5a14kII 9,17book 14228 autem: .i. disinunt dictiones
4a14lII 9,17book 14226 maxima: .i. in vocales ⁊ in semivocales {cf. E 5v29 apud .i. desinunt in vocales &in semivocales}
5a14mII 9,17book 14228 non: .i. disinunt
5a14nII 9,17book 1423 omnes: dictiones
5a15oII 9,18book 1423 quaedam: .i. dictiones
5a16pII 9,185a4book 1543 appellatae: (m.l.) .i. Ni arindí bed leth ṅgotho no·bed indib-sem ar is huilliu . sed quia plenam vocem non habent sicut vocales .-
[‘i.e. not that there is (only) half of a voice in them, for it is more. […]’] [analysis]
5a19qII 9,215a5book 1541 pleni (dii): .i. tre thesbaid naich baill dind deilb .
[‘i.e. through the want of some member to the image’] [analysis]
5a19rII 9,22book 1423 reliquae: literae
5a19II 9,22book 14143 sunt: " (5a20=9,22) novem: "
5a21II 9,23book 14141 qui: : (ibid.) putant: :
5a21II 9,23book 14141 nomen: ,, (5a22=9,23) accepisse: ,,
5a21sII 9,23book 13233 (hoc) nomen: .i. muttae
5a22tII 9,23book 13232 eas: .i. muttas
5a22uII 9,24book 13232 hae: literae
5a22wII 9,245a6book 13223 qui: .i. hit hé dod·mainetar insin indí qui reliqua
[‘i.e. it is they who think that, those who, etc.’] [analysis]
5a23xII 9,25book 1543 (bene) so[nantium]: .i. vocalium
5a25yII 9,255a7book 1211 [infor]mis: .i. mi-chruthaigthe
[‘i.e. misformed’] [analysis]
5a27zII 9,275a8book 1211 3113 caloris: .i. in tesa
[‘i.e. of the heat’] [analysis]
5a28II 9,27book 14122 [mini]mo: " (ibid.) hoc: "
5a28aaII 9,27book 13232 hoc: .i. calore
5a31bbII 9,305a9book 1543 ancipites: .i. eter fot ⁊ gair {cf. E 6r11 dubiae .i. inter productam &correptam}
[‘i.e. both length and shortness ’] [analysis]
5a31ccII 9,305a10book 1541 vel liquidae: (m.l.) vel liquidae .i. hit lechdacha le-som in tan nád·techtat acht oin-aimsir . is follus asin tra nand ainmm ⁊ nand cumachte legas do lechdagaib acht is aimmserad namma .,
[‘i.e. he deems them liquids when they have only one time. Hence then it is clear that it is not the name and it is not the power which produces liquidity to liquids, but it is temporality only’] [analysis]
5a33ddII 9,325a11book 1211 221 (ante) inventionem [η et ω]: .i. re n-airec éta ⁊ οω.
[‘i.e. before the invention of η et ω’] [analysis]
5a34II 9,32book 14121 η: " (ibid.) ω: " (ibid.) quibus: "
5a35eeII 10,15a12book 1543 [an]cipites: .i. coitchena riam eter fot ⁊ gair
[‘i.e. common before, both length and shortness’] [analysis]
5a35ffII 10,15a13book 1211 remanserunt: .i. do-r·uarthatar
[‘i.e. they have remained’] [analysis]
5a35ggII 10,15a14book 1211 4221 perpetuae (bre[ves)]: .i. bith-gairrdi són .i. e ⁊ o
[‘i.e. always short these i.e. e 7 o’] [analysis]
5a35II 10,1book 14111 perpetuae: " (ibid.) bre[ves]: "
5a36hhII 10,1book 14226 productarum: .i. ante
5a36iiII 10,25a15book 1543 loca: .i. ind luic hi mbítis airdixi .e ⁊ o
[‘i.e. the places wherein used to be the longs e and o’] [analysis]
5b1aII 10,2book 13232 supradictis: .i. η ⁊ ω
5b1bII 10,25b1book 1211 semper long*is (u): .i. bith-otai sidi
[‘i.e. always long these’] [analysis]
5b3II 10,3book 14122 x: " (ibid.) z: " (5b4=10,4) hae: "
5b3cII 10,4book 14228 sicut: .i. faciunt longam sillabam
5b4dII 10,4book 1541 longuam: .i. in metro
5b5II 10,5book 14122 l: .- (ibid.) r: .- (5b7=10,6) his: .-
5b6II 10,5book 14111 longuam: " (ibid.) brevem: " (5b7=10,6) syllabam: "
5b10eII 10,8book 1423 diversorum: .i. auctorum
5b11fII 10,85b2book 1211 34 tam: .i. emith
[‘i.e. not only … but also’] [analysis]
5b11gII 10,95b2abook 1211 34 quam: emith
[‘i.e. not only … but also’] [analysis]
5b12hII 10,9book 1566[?] metamorphoseon: nomen artis
5b13II 10,10book 113 [pis]co,samque cni,don
5b13iII 10,10book 113 samque cni: .dactylus.
5b13kII 10,10book 113 543 cni,dón: liquida
5b15lII 10,11book 1566[?] [phe]nessi: nomen artis {= L 11v4 c}
5b15II 10,12book 113 οτε,τατνετα,ζεν
5b15mII 10,12book 113 543 οτε,τατνετα,ζε: .i. liquida
5b15nII 10,12book 113 τατνετα: .dactylus.
5b16oII 10,135b3book 153 idem: archiunn O" (cf. 25a24=52,4)
[‘below (lit. ahead)’] [analysis]
5b17pII 10,14book 112 543 τεκνον: híc liquida inest.
5b18qII 10,155b4book 14228 tamen: cinith mút
[‘although it is not a mute’] [analysis]
5b20rII 10,17book 1566[?] [cal]limachus: proprium
5b20II 10,18book 113 τας με,ν ομνησαρ,χειοσε
5b20sII 10,18book 112 543 ν ομνησαρ: (μ:) liquida híc
5b22II 11,1book 14122 grecorum: : (5b23=11,2) illis: :
5b22II 11,1book 14121 XVI.: " (5b23=11,1) [qui]bus: " (5b23=11,2) acceptis: "
5b22tII 11,1book 1541 XVI.: .i. α.βγδεικλμνοπρστυ. postea enim hae duae vocales inventae sunt .i. est η ⁊ ω ⁊ hae tres duplices ζξψ ⁊ hae tres aspiratae .i. θφχ ..-
5b23II 11,2book 14111 antiquitatem: ., (5b24=11,2) perpetuam: .,
5b24II 11,2book 14142 servaverunt: .- (ibid.) nam: .-
5b24uII 11,25b5book 1543 perpetuam: .i. suthain dano la laitnori ani-sin
[‘i.e. that then is perpetual with the Latins’] [analysis]
5b24II 11,2book 14141 nam: " (5b25=11,3) non: " (5b26=11,4) invenimus: "
5b25II 11,3book 153 duas: (m.l.) ,,,- (cf. 6a33=12,5)
5b25wII 11,3book 1541 duas: .i. k ⁊ x {cf. K 4v33 c, E 6v1 f ⁊ x}
5b27xII 11,5book 152 Ϝ: (m.d.) Ϝ
5b27yII 11,55b6book 1541 Ϝ: .i. quasi dixisset nírbu liter ade connaue
[‘i.e. as if he had said it was not a letter till lately’] [analysis]
5b27zII 11,55b7book 1543 541 Ϝ: (m.l.) vel carachtar digaim quod non bonum
[‘or the character digamma, quod, etc.’] [analysis]
5b27aaII 11,5book 1313 digamma: neutur híc digamma
[‘digamma is here neuter’]
5b27bbII 11,55b8book 1211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
5b27II 11,5book 14141 quod: : (5b29=11,6) habuit: :
5b29ccII 11,6book 14221 habuit: f
5b29ddII 11,65b9book 1543 prope: emith in fogur n-ísin
[‘such as that sound’] [analysis]
5b30eeII 11,6book 14221 habet: f {= E 6v3 text. princ.}
5b31ffII 11,7book 14228 etiam: erat
5b31II 11,7book 14142 etiam: " (ibid.) π: " (5b31=11,8) : " (5b32=11,8) unde: "
5b31ggII 11,8book 1221 : .i. dasis {= E 6v4 .i. dasian}
5b32hhII 11,8book 1215 (antiquam) scripturam: .i. ut apud veteres fuit
5b34iiII 11,9book 1566[?] [or]pheus: proprium {= E 6v6}
5b34kkII 11,95b11book 1543 postea: .i. la nue-litridi
[‘i.e. with recent writers’] [analysis]
5b35II 11,10book 14141 4142 placuit: " (ibid.) f: " (ibid.) scribi: " (5b36=11,11) autem: "
5b36llII 11,11book 14228 digammae: .i. placuit .u. scríbi {cf. L 11v15 n .scilicet. placuit scribi}
6a1aII 11,116a1book 1543 pro (consonante): .i. in tan ṁbís ar chonsain
[‘i.e. when it is for a consonant’] [analysis]
6a1II 11,11book 14141 quod: .- (ibid.) vide[batur]: .-
6a1bII 11,116a2book 1211 soni: foguir
[‘of the sound’] [analysis]
6a2cII 11,126a3book 1543 affinis: comocus a fogur díb línaib
[‘the sound of them both is akin’] [analysis]
6a2dII 11,12book 13114 digammae: dativus {cf. E 6v8 dativus casus}
6a3eII 11,12book 152 cum f loco mutae ponatur: (m.l.) I
6a3II 11,12book 14141 4142 quare: " (6a4=11,13) miror: " (6a5=11,13) possuisse: " (ibid.) scriptores: " (6a5=11,14) enim: " (6a7=11,15) sed: " {cf. E 6v8-9 quare " > miror " }
6a4fII 11,136a4book 1211 miror: admachdur-sa .i. is machdad limm
[‘I marvel i.e. I wonder’] [analysis]
6a8gII 11,156a5book 1543 potestatem: ni cumscaichthi cumachtae n-airi ce do·inscana-sí ó guthaigthi
[‘the power (of the letter) is not to be changed from it, although it begins with a vowel’] [analysis]
6a9hII 11,15book 152 Sí enim: (m.l.) II
6a9II 11,16book 14123 esset: " (ibid.) semivocalis: "
6a9iII 11,16book 134 necessario: adverbium
6a10kII 11,166a6book 1543 [termi]nalis: for·ceinnfitis anmmann inte
[‘nouns would be ended in it’] [analysis]
6a10lII 11,166a7book 1541 minime: acht a aimm féisin
[‘save its own name’] [analysis]
6a11mII 11,17book 152 Nec: (m.l.) III
6a11nII 11,17book 14228 Nec: sí semivocalis esset {cf. L 11v20 p si est semivocalis Ϝ.}
6a12oII 11,176a8book 13226[?] (qui) locus: buith re lechdachaib {cf. L 11v20 q precedere liquidas}
[‘being before liquids’] [analysis]
6a13pII 11,18book 152 Nec: (m.l.) IIII
6a13qII 11,18book 14228 communem: sí esset semivocalis
6a13rII 11,18book 13232 easdem: liquidas literas
6a14sII 11,18book 1543 faceret: ut facit
6a14tII 11,19book 152 Postremo: (m.l.) V
6a14uII 11,19book 134 Postremo: adverbium
6a14II 11,19book 14141 Postremo: ., (ibid.) greci: ., (6a19=11,21) confirmant: .,
6a18wII 11,216a9book 1541 53 sumpsimus: (m.l.) níbbu machdath betis grecdi ⁊ nothath foraib linni ⁊ dano it latindi amal ṡodain ut dixit prius. in latinis verbis placuit .f usque facio ,.
[‘it were no wonder that they were Greek and...; and yet they are Latin in that case, ut dixit, etc. [transl. Hofman: it were no wonder that they were Greek since we call them loan-words; and yet they are Latin in that case, as he said before: ‘In Latin words it seemed proper (.. to write) ,f’’ until ,facio’ (do)]’] [analysis]
6a20xII 11,226a10book 1543 error: .i. arám f la leth-guthaigthi
[‘i.e. to count f with the semivowels’] [analysis]
6a21yII 11,236a11book 1541 invassit: .i. tre intṡamail inna sen-grec comroircnech
[‘i.e. through imitation of the erroneous ancient Greeks’] [analysis]
6a21zII 11,23book 1221 χ: chí {= E 6v20}
6a22aaII 11,246a13book 1543 336[?] nulla: .á n-amtar duidchi-sidi ó nach ochun aili
[‘when they were not led from any other cause’] [analysis]
6a22II 11,24book 14141 nulla: ., (6a23=11,24) inducti: .,
6a23bbII 11,246a12book 1211 spiritus: tinphed
[‘aspiration’] [analysis]
6a24ccII 11,246a14book 1211 3231 quod: aní-sin
[‘that’] [analysis]
6a26II 11,26book 14142 caret: , (ibid.) ratione: ,
6a26ddII 11,266a15book 1211 spiritus: a tinphed
[‘its (lit. her) aspiration’] [analysis]
6a28II 11,27book 14143 *aspiratione: " (ibid.) demp[ta]: "
6a28eeII 11,276a16book 1211 aliae (fiunt): saini
[‘different’] [analysis]
6a28ffII 11,276a16abook 1211 (et) aliae: saini
[‘different’] [analysis]
6a29ggII 11,27book 134 tamen: .i. quamvis muttam dico
6a29II 12,1book 14143 quod: : (6a30=12,1) quomodo: :
6a29hhII 12,16a17book 1211 fixis: timmthastaib cumcaib
[‘compressed or constricted’] [analysis]
6a30iiII 12,16a18book 14226 ph: tri beulu dlútai
[‘through compressed lips’] [analysis]
6a31kkII 12,26a19book 1541 interest: .i. inter f. ⁊ alias mutas .i. fogur tantum noda·deligedar fri muta ⁊ is mút-si ara chuit-sidi
[‘i.e. between f and other mutes i.e. the sound only distinguishes it from mutes, and it is a mute so far as that goes’] [analysis]
6a31llII 12,3book 152 x: (m.l.) X
6a31mmII 12,3book 1543 x: .i. ix.
6a32II 12,3book 14141 a grecis: " (6a33=12,4) assumpsimus: "
6a32nnII 12,3book 14226 a grecis: per anastrophen .ξ.
6a33ooII 12,4book 14221 541 assumpsimus: nos latini
6a33ppII 12,5book 152 K: (m.l.) K
6a33II 12,5book 153 K enim .. etc.: (m.l.) ,,,- (cf. 5b25=11,3)
6a33qqII 12,5book 1424 enim: .i. habet .XVI.
6a33II 12,5book 14141 quamvis: ., (6a34=12,5) videantur: .,
6a34II 12,5book 14111 aliquam: " (6a35=12,6) differentiam: "
6a35rrII 12,66a20book 1211 36 cum c: la c.
[‘with c’] [analysis]
6a35II 12,6book 14141 tamen: ,, (6b1=12,7) continent: ,,
6a35II 12,6book 14111 eandem: " (6a36=12,7) potestatem: "
6a36ssII 12,6book 1541 (in) sono (vocum): in communi sermone.
6b1II 12,7book 14142 [superva]cua: " (ibid.) enim: "
6b3aII 12,8book 13232 haec: .i. litera .k
6b4II 12,9book 14111 nullam: " (6b6=12,10) differenti[am]: "
6b5bII 12,96b1book 1211 34 nec (in sono): emith i fogur
[‘not only in sound’] [analysis]
6b5cII 12,96b1abook 1211 34 nec (in potestate): emith
[‘but also’] [analysis]
6b6dII 12,106b2book 1543 eiusdem: ind óen-foguir ní·fail dechor comḟogair indib
[‘of the one sound: there is no difference of consonance in them’] [analysis]
6b7eII 12,10book 152 Q: (m.l.) q
6b7II 12,10book 14111 propter: " (ibid.) aliud: "
6b7II 12,10book 14141 nihil: .- (6b7=12,11) videtur: .-
6b8fII 12,116b3book 1543 336[?] esse: ní-ro·scríbad ar naill nisi
[‘it has not been written for anything else unless, etc.’] [analysis]
6b8II 12,11book 14111 *(sequentem) u: : (6b9=12,12) positam: :
6b9gII 12,116b4book 14226 in: la .q. ⁊ lasin gutai doda·iarmorat
[‘with q and with the vowel that follows it’] [analysis]
6b9hII 12,12book 14221 perdere: .u.
6b10iII 12,12book 1541 vim: .i. quando nihil sit
6b10II 12,12book 14141 si: " (6b11=12,13) est: " (ibid.) existimanda: "
6b10kII 12,126b5book 1543 ideo: .i. ar thaidbsin nihelsa far .u.
[‘i.e. for showing the (metrical) nullity of u’] [analysis]
6b10lII 12,126b6book 1211 alia (li<t>tera): liter ṡain
[‘a different letter’] [analysis]
6b11mII 12,136b7book 1211 35 543 quam: oldaas .c. sain. fri .c.
[‘than c: different to c’] [analysis]
6b11II 12,13book 14141 debet: : (ibid.) g: : (ibid.) quoque: : (6b13=12,14) putari: :
6b11nII 12,13book 134 simi[liter]: fri .q.
[‘as q’] [analysis]
6b12II 12,14book 14111 *amittenti: " (ibid.) u: "
6b12oII 12,14book 13114 u: dond .u.
[‘to the u’] [analysis]
6b12pII 12,146b10book 1211 ali[a (putari)]: sain
[‘different’] [analysis]
6b13qII 12,146b10abook 1211 alia (cum): sain
[‘different’] [analysis]
6b13rII 12,146b12book 13232 id: nihelas frie
[‘nullity beside it’] [analysis]
6b13sII 12,146b11book 1543 facit: (m.d.) .i. bad liter sain .g ⁊ bíth charactar n-aill di amal sodain .i. in tan .m.bís nihelas do .u. fri .g.
[‘i.e. in that case let g be a different letter and have another character, to wit, when there is nullity in u beside g’] [analysis]
6b14tII 12,156b13book 1211 anguis: nathir
[‘snake’] [analysis]
6b14uII 12,156b14book 1211 augur: mathmarc
[‘a soothsayer’] [analysis]
6b14wII 12,15book 1541 *iacur: caebb .oo.
[‘lump ‘liver’’] [analysis]
6b14II 12,16book 14141 unde: " (6b16=12,16) non: " (6b17=12,17) habemus: "
6b15xII 12,166b16book 14224 contemplari: lín liter laitinde
[‘the number of the Latin letters’] [analysis]
6b18II 12,18book 14122 grecorum: " (6b19=12,18) eisdem: "
6b18II 12,18book 14142 additas: : (6b19=12,19) nam: :
6b19yII 12,18book 13232 eas: f ⁊ x
6b19zII 12,196b17book 1541 y (et z): .i. ar ní biat i n-anmanaib laitindib ⁊ ní·erchuiretar lín liter laitinde iarum
[‘i.e. for they are not in Latin nouns (words), and so they do not increase (?) the number of Latin letters’] [analysis]
6b21aaII 12,196b18book 1211 assscivimus: do-ro·chuirsemmar
[‘we have summoned’] [analysis]
6b23bbII 12,216b19book 1541 in versu: do immḟolung ḟuit
[‘to cause length’] [analysis]
6b23II 12,21book 14142 scribitur: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
6b23ccII 12,216b20book 13232 quod: aní-sin a scribend inter alias
[‘that, (namely) that is written among the others ’] [analysis]
6b24ddII 12,21book 1212 ylementum: litera
6b24eeII 12,22book 14221 putaretur: .h.
6b25ffII 12,22book 14228 [nihilo]minus: quam h.
6b25ggII 12,22book 1541 numerorum: ut ennacos apud grecos ⁊ episinon ⁊ reliqua. {cf. E 7r15 .S. erisenon significat .VIs. .P. coppe. significat .c. /| .ennacos. significat dcccc.}
6b25II 12,22book 14122 numerorum: ,. (6b26=12,23) literas: ,. (ibid.) eis: ,.
6b25hhII 12,226b21book 1211 figurae: na nota áram
[‘the figures of numerals’] [analysis]
6b27iiII 12,23book 1212 ylementa: literae {= E 7r16 .i. add. E}
6b27II 13,1book 14123 sunt: : (ibid.) habenda: :
6b27kkII 13,16b22book 1211 336[?] (sunt) habenda: bith techtai
[‘they must be considered (lit. they must be had)’] [analysis]
6b28llII 13,1book 1212 minime: .non.
6b28mmII 13,16b23book 1211 543 hoc (est adhibendum): ní tedparthi inso ar nibat litre nota aram cia scríbtair hi fers
[‘this is not to be applied, for the figures of numerals will not be letters, although they are written in verse’] [analysis]
6b28II 13,1book 14111 aliud: " (6b29=13,1) aliquid: "
6b29nnII 13,16b24book 1211 [(aliud)] aliquid: alaill ṡain
[‘another thing peculiar’] [analysis]
6b29ooII 13,1book 14223 accidentibus: .i. literae
6b29II 13,2book 14143 ostendit: .- (6b30=13,2) quomodo: .-
6b30II 13,2book 14111 uniuscuiusque: /. (ibid.) ylementi: /.
6b30ppII 13,2book 1212 ylementi: litere {= E 7r17 .i. litterae}
6b30II 13,2book 14121 potestas: ./ (6b31=13,3) qua: ./
6b30qqII 13,26b25book 1543 potestas: (m.d.) ní·fail nach n-aiccidit taibsed sainred litre amal do·n-adbat cumachtae
[‘there is no accident which can display the peculiarity of a letter as the power displays (it)’] [analysis]
6b31rrII 13,36b26book 1211 3231 qua: is ó suidiu
[‘it is it (that it lacks)’] [analysis]
6b31II 13,3book 14142 caret: " (ibid.) enim: "
6b32II 13,3book 14143 potest: ..- (6b36=13,5) nec: ..-
6b33ssII 13,46b27book 1541 quia: ní·rela a ainm amal guthaigthi ⁊ ní·diuschi fogur amal consana
[‘it does not manifest its name, like vowels, and it does not awaken sound, like consonants’] [analysis]
6b35ttII 13,56b28book 1541 53 in (perfecta dictione): Ní·foircnithaer nach rann óg indi. si enim inveniamus .vah. non perfectam sed per apacopen vaha reliqua in sillabam postea dicet
[‘no complete part (of speech) ends in it etc.’] [analysis]
6b35uuII 13,5book 13232 (in) eam: (subs.) notam .h.
7a2aII 13,77a1book 1543 *nulla: .i. ni·bía di mútaib bes huilliu i n-oen-sillaib
[‘i.e. there will not be more (than two) mutes in one syllable’] [analysis]
7a2II 13,7book 14111 *nulla: , (ibid.) syllaba: ,
7a2II 13,7book 14141 enim: ,, (7a4=13,8) (continuare) potest: ,,
7a3II 13,7book 14111 *se: ., (ibid.) iuxta possitis: .,
7a3bII 13,77a2book 1211 3114 *se: occi
[‘at it’] [analysis]
7a3cII 13,77a3book 14226 iuxta possitis: i n-óen-ṡosuth ṡillabe
[‘in one position of a syllable’] [analysis]
7a3dII 13,8book 1541 conso[nantibus]: semivocalibus
7a4eII 13,87a4book 1543 continuare: trebrigedar cech consain i ndegaid araile cen gutai ṅ-etarru .
[‘that it continues each consonant (directly) after another without a vowel between them’] [analysis]
7a7fII 13,11book 1541 571 consonan[tes]: scilicet in semivocales. ut pompeius. nihili sunt digammi sunt. semivocales sunt. reliqua
7a9gII 13,127a5book 1211 543 aliae: saini ar chuit cumachti
[‘diverse as regards power’] [analysis]
7a10hII 13,12book 1423 541 [su]pra dictas: vocales .i. i ⁊ u. vel XVIII literas
7a10iII 13,13book 14221 vocales: i ⁊ u {= E 7r28}
7a11II 13,13book 14141 sicut: : (7a12=13,14) k: : (ibid.) q: : (7a14=13,16) debent: :
7a11kII 13,14book 1424 enim: adit non sunt accipiendae
7a11II 13,14book 14141 enim: .., (7a18=13,18) non: .., (7a19=13,19) accipiendae: ..,
7a15lII 13,16book 158 *unam: habent
7a16mII 13,177a6book 1211 sonum: in fogur
[‘the sound’] [analysis]
7a17nII 13,17book 14221 diversam: vocalis ⁊ consonans
7a19oII 13,19book 1541 [yle]mentis: potestatibus
7a19pII 13,197a7book 1211 34 quamvis: adas
[‘although’] [analysis]
7a19II 13,19book 14141 quamvis: : (7a20=13,20) placuit: :
7a19qII 13,19book 1566[?] censorino: proprium
7a20rII 13,207a8book 13232 idem: ata saini litre ar chuit cumachti
[‘that they are different letters as regards power’] [analysis]
7a20II 13,20book 14142 placuit: " (7a21=13,21) enim: "
7a21sII 13,21book 14228 differentia: est
7a22II 13,22book 14141 tantum: " (ibid.) interest: " (7a23=13,22) quantum: "
7a22tII 13,227a9book 1211 34 tantum: in méit-se
[‘so much’] [analysis]
7a26II 13,25book 14122 ani[mas]: .- (7a27=13,25) illis: .-
7a29uII 13,267a10book 151 movent: to·ddiusgat guth n-intiu
[‘they awaken voice into them’] [analysis]
7a30wII 13,277a11book 151 immobiles: nís·tuarascbat feisin cen gutai
[‘they do not express themselves without vowels’] [analysis]
7a31xII 13,277a12book 1211 34 (quidem) modo: cach-la cein
[‘sometimes (.. sometimes)’] [analysis]
7a31yII 13,27book 1423 *semplici: consonante
7a31zII 14,1book 1423 *duplici: consonante
7a32aaII 14,1book 1423 *semplici: consonante
7a32bbII 14,1book 13232 ab ipso: .i. í
7a32II 14,1book 14111 ab ipso: " (7a33=14,2) posito: "
7a34ccII 14,2book 14226 eadem: la .í.
[‘with i’] [analysis]
7a35ddII 14,3book 14228 duplici: accipitur
7a36eeII 14,47a14book 1543 incipit: tosach sillabe
[‘beginning of a syllable’] [analysis]
7a36ffII 14,47a15book 1211 *antepo[sitam]: remi-si
[‘before it (lit. before her)’] [analysis]
7b1aII 14,47b1book 1543 431[?] subsequente: .i. i n-óen-sillaib disi in gute inna degaid
[‘i.e. in the same syllable is it and the vowel after it’] [analysis]
7b2bII 14,57b2book 1541 421 maius: comtis ainmmnidi a triur
[‘that the three of them would be nominatives’] [analysis]
7b2cII 14,5book 1566[?] 321 eius: proprium vel pronomen
7b3II 14,5book 14143 solebant: " (7b3=14,6) et: "
7b3II 14,6book 14142 geminare: o- (7b11=14,10) unde: o-
7b4dII 14,77b3book 1543 non: ní·rubai nach cruth ailiu
[‘it cannot be otherwise’] [analysis]
7b5II 14,7book 14142 posset: .- (7b8=14,8) nam: .-
7b5eII 14,77b4book 1211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
7b5fII 14,77b5book 1543 superiori: dá intairmmthechtas forsind í tóisech ḟrisin gutai remi
[‘two passages on the first i, towards the vowel before it (lit. before her)’] [analysis]
7b6II 14,7book 14143 prior: " (7b6=14,8) proferetur: "
7b6gII 14,87b6book 1543 sequente: .i. lasin ṅgutai inna degaid
[‘i.e. along with the vowel after it’] [analysis]
7b6hII 14,8book 1423 altera: í
7b7II 14,8book 14143 peiius: ...- (ibid.) maiius: ...- (7b11=14,10) debuit: ...-
7b8iII 14,87b7book 1211 35 quamvis: adas
[‘although’] [analysis]
7b10kII 14,10book 1214 563 man[nus]: icidorus equs brevis. {cf. K 5v9 a .i. brevis equs}
7b11lII 14,107b8book 1211 333 proferri (debuit): do·furgabtais
[‘to be pronounced’] [analysis]
7b11mII 14,10book 13113 pompeiii: genitivus
7b12nII 14,11book 14221 scribebant: antiqui
7b12oII 14,11book 1423 duo: ii
7b14II 14,12book 14142 pompeiii: .- (ibid.) nam: .-
7b14II 14,12book 14141 nam: : (7b15=14,12) [qua]lis: : (ibid.) possit: :
7b14pII 14,12book 14226 i: in unam sillabam
7b16qII 14,137b9book 13223 quod: .i. a n-dliged n-ísin neph-accomoil inna teora liter i-noen-sillaib
[‘i.e. that law of not joining the three letters in one syllable’] [analysis]
7b18rII 14,137b10book 1543 placitum: ro·toltanaigestar
[‘it has pleased’] [analysis]
7b19sII 14,147b11book 1541 *in sillabis: sáer oc suidigud sillab
[‘an artist in putting syllables’] [analysis]
7b19tII 14,14book 1212 59 *comprobatur: .i. laudatur .i. difficile
7b20uII 14,15book 1423 simplici: consonante
7b20wII 14,15book 14221 invenitur:
7b21xII 14,15book 1423 compossitis: dictionibus
7b21yII 14,157b12book 1543 iniuria: ar chonsain diuit insin
[‘that (is) for a simple consonant’] [analysis]
7b23zII 14,167b13book 113 563 proceliumaticum: traig cethargarait
[‘a foot of four short syllables’] [analysis]
7b24aaII 14,18book 152 +tytyre: (m.l.) virgilii bocolica
7b24bbII 14,187b14book 1541 571 reiice: proclematicum sin ⁊ is ar chonsin diuit atá í and cotarsne sin fri honoratus ar is airdíxa re. la suide.
[‘that (reiice) is a probeleusmatic, and the i therein is for a simple consonant: that is contrary to..., for the re (in reice) is long in his opinion’] [analysis]
7b25II 14,19book 14141 4143 potest: ., (7b26=14,19) inve[niri]: ., (7b27=14,20) nec: .,
7b25ccII 14,19book 13232 eam: id est í
7b27ddII 14,207b15book 1211 212 hiul[cus]: huabéla. cicero dicit hiulcus vel apertus patens .- beda hiulcus insatiabilis {cf. E 8r3 .i. patens}
[‘open’] [analysis]
7b30II 15,1book 14111 eandem: " (7b31=15,1) vim: "
7b31eeII 15,17b16book 1423 3227[?] omnibus: .i. potestatibus vel virtutibus ro·thecht digaimm
[‘i.e. […] which digamma had’] [analysis]
7b31II 15,1book 14143 habuit: /. (7b31=15,2) quam: /.
7b31II 15,1book 14142 habuit: .- (7b32=15,2) unde: .-
7b32ffII 15,2book 1423 plerisque: auctoribus
7b32ggII 15,2book 13232 ei: .u. {= E 8r6}
7b32hhII 15,2book 13233 nomen (hoc): vau.
7b32II 15,2book 14121 nomen: ; (7b33=15,3) quod: ;
7b32II 15,2book 14111 nomen: ..- (7b34=15,3) vau: ..- (7b34=15,4) profectum: ..-
7b33iiII 15,37b17book 1543 digam[ma]: .i. carachtar ṅdigaim
[‘i.e. the character of digamma’] [analysis]
7b34II 15,3book 14122 [digam]ma: /. (7b34=15,4) ipsius: /.
7b34kkII 15,3book 1543 vau: nomen potestatis
7b34II 15,3book 14121 vau: :. (7b36=15,5) quo: :.
7b34II 15,3book 14122 vau: ..- (7b34=15,4) profectum: ..-
7b35II 15,4book 14111 id: " (7b36=15,4) nomen: "
7b34llII 15,4book 1212 voce: sono
7b34mmII 15,47b18book 1541 voce: (m.l.) ónd ḟogur inméth inna digaim do·ratath a nomen sin don chumachtu.,
[‘from the ... sound of the digamma: that name (vau) has been given to the power’] [analysis]
7b34nnII 15,47b19book 1543 336[?] profec[tum]: a n-as·rochumlai an ainm-sin do .u. .i. vau .
[‘when that name, i.e. vau, has gone out to u’] [analysis]
7b35ooII 15,4book 1566[?] varrone: proprium
7b35ppII 15,4book 1566[?] didymo: proprium
7b35II 15,4book 14111 id: " (7b36=15,4) nomen: "
7b36qqII 15,4book 13233 (id ..) nomen: vau {= E 8r7 .i. add. E}
7b36rrII 15,4book 13232 ei: u
7b36ssII 15,57b20book 13226[?] caesar: do inchosc vau
[‘to denote vau’] [analysis]
7b36ttII 15,5book 14226 hanc: apud latinos
7b36II 15,5book 14111 hanc: ,, (ibid.) scripturam: ,, (8a1=15,5) : ,,
8a1aII 15,58a1book 1211 3231 quod: ani-sin
[‘that’] [analysis]
8a2bII 15,6book 14227 consuetudo: ut .u. scriberetur utrum vocalis án digamma
8a2cII 15,68a2book 1211 34 adeo: in már
[‘so much’] [analysis]
8a3II 15,7book 14121 hoc: .- (ibid.) quod (pro): .-
8a3dII 15,7book 1543 u: loco consonantis
8a3eII 15,7book 152 quod (sicut): (m.l.) I
8a4fII 15,8book 13232 illi: eoles
8a4II 15,8book 14143 solebant: .- (8a7=15,11) sic: .-
8a4gII 15,88a3book 1211 34 modo: cach-la céin
[‘sometimes’] [analysis]
8a5hII 15,8book 1566[?] astiage: proprium
8a5iII 15,98a4book 13232 hoc (ostendit): a buith ar chonsin diuit
[‘its being for a simple consonant’] [analysis]
8a7kII 15,10book 1543 Ϝελεν: híc pro simplici consonante
8a9lII 15,13book 152 572 [at venus].. etc.: (m.l.) Vergilius
8a9mII 15,13book 113 at (venus): dactylus
8a10nII 15,14book 152 est: (m.l.) II
8a11II 15,14book 14111 idem: , (ibid.) eoles: ,
8a11oII 15,148a5book 1211 35 ([quando]..)inveniuntur: in tan ara·n-ecatar
[‘when they are found’] [analysis]
8a14pII 15,178a6book 13232 hoc: a buith ar chonsain diabuil
[‘its being for a double consonant’] [analysis]
8a16II 16,1book 14122 4141 i: . (8a17=16,2) eademque: . (ibid.) corripitur: .
8a18qII 16,259book 153 [cu]pivi .. etc.: (m.l.) in possessivis @ archiunn (cf. 34b44=74,7 gg)
8a20rII 16,3book 152 inveniuntur: (m.l.) III
8a21sII 16,4book 13232 illi: eoles {= E 8r21}
8a22tII 16,5book 1543 δαφϜϝιον: vocalis correpta
8a22uII 16,6book 113 563 dimetrum (iam[bicum]): per pedes duplices .i. IIII. pedes
8a23wII 16,6book 14226 proferendum: híc
8a23xII 16,6book 1543 Ϝ: digamma
8a24yII 16,7book 1423 nostri: poetae
8a24zII 16,7book 13232 hoc (ipsum): ius quod fecerunt eoles
8a25aaII 16,78a7book 1211 pro (consonante): tair hesi .u consone
[‘in place of the consonant u (v)’] [analysis]
8a26II 16,8book 1543 sil,
8a27bbII 16,8book 1423 trisillabum: sonum
8a27ccII 16,9book 1566[?] epodo: nomen artis
8a27ddII 16,10book 113 pentemeres iambus iambus spondaeus iambus dactylus dactylus herécdae nivesque de,ducunt. iovem, nunc mare, nunc sil,uae {= E 8r25 pentemeres herécdae om. E}
[‘[…] heroic […]’] [analysis]
8a27eeII 16,108a8book 1543 de,ducunt: da·ṅdichdet snechti ioivis
[‘the snows of Jove bring him down’] [analysis]
8a27ffII 16,108a9book 1543 mare: da·ṅdiat muir in céiṅ n-aili.
[‘the sea at another time brings him down.’] [analysis]
8a29ggII 16,11book 113 563 dimetrum (iambicum): per pedes duplices
8a29II 16,11book 14121 dimetrum: " (8a30=16,11) quod: "
8a30hhII 16,118a11book 113 563 pentemeri aeroico: sillab for deib dactilib són reliqua
[‘this is a syllable in addition to two dactyls, etc.’] [analysis]
8a31II 16,12book 1543 sil,u,ae
8a32iiII 16,138a12book 1211 561 veronensis: veronenstae
[‘belonging to Verona’] [analysis]
8a32kkII 16,13book 1561 +veronensis: nomen civitatis
8a34llII 16,158a13book 113 451[?] [pha]legios: forsa cenélae metir sin
[‘in that kind of metre’] [analysis]
8a34mmII 16,168a14book 13232 hoc: .i. buith do .u. consoin ar guti
[‘i.e. that u-consonant should be for a vowel’] [analysis]
8b1aII 16,17book 1331 volutus: dirivativum
8b2bII 16,178b1book 125 auceps: comṡuidigthe són aves capiens reliqua {cf. E 8v2 aves capiens}
[‘this (is) compounded […]’] [analysis]
8b2cII 16,18book 125 auspicium: avem aspicio vel avium aspectio
8b3dII 16,18book 125 [au]gorium: avis gariens vel garrium
8b3eII 16,18book 125 augustus: avis gustus vel gustans {cf. E 8v2 avis gustus}
8b3fII 16,188b2book 1331 lautus: diaruidigthe són
[‘this (is) derived’] [analysis]
8b3gII 16,188b3book 1211 fautor: fortachtid
[‘helper’] [analysis]
8b4hII 16,19book 1543 221 Ϝ: digamma
8b4iII 16,19book 152 Ϝ: (m.l.) IIII
8b4II 16,19book 14141 Ϝ: " (ibid.) quando: " (8b5=16,19) [ac]cipiebant: "
8b6kII 16,20book 1543 *Ϝαια: nihil híc
8b7lII 17,1book 13232 invenitur: .u. {= K 5v45 b, E 8v5 .i. (om. E) u}
8b7II 17,1book 14143 invenitur: : (8b8=17,2) et: :
8b9mII 17,4book 113 +dactilus hic pro tribrachys iambus spondaeus anapestus anapestus anapesto sine invi,dia, laudem in,venies et ami,cos pares,
8b9nII 17,4book 1543 invi,dia,: nihil .u. {cf. E 8v6 .u. pro nihilo est híc}
8b9oII 17,460book 1541 invi,dia,: (m.d.) sinaliphe híc ut faciat .i. .sinini.
8b10pII 17,4book 1541 laudem in,(venies): sinaliphe híc
8b11qII 17,5book 1541 sine invi: sinini per sinaliphen
8b13rII 17,6book 152 sciendum: (m.l.) V
8b15sII 17,7book 1541 221 spiritus asperitatem: .i. atticum
8b15tII 17,8book 1423 multis: nominibus
8b16uII 17,9book 1543 ves[pera vis vestis]: non espera non is non estis pro aspiratione .u. posita est hic.
8b17wII 17,10book 152 hiatus: (m.l.) VI
8b18xII 17,10book 14226 Ϝ: inter duas vocales
8b18II 17,10book 14144 quod: " (8b20=17,12) λαϜιον: "
8b20yII 17,1260book 1543 λαϜιον: hiatús causa interponitur híc
8b20zII 17,138b4book 1211 221 epigrammata: inna forliterdi
[‘the inscriptions’] [analysis]
8b20II 17,13book 14121 epigrammata: " (ibid.) quae: "
8b21aaII 17,138b5book 1566[?] 211 (in) trepode: nomen artis isin trechostu
[‘[…] in the tripod’] [analysis]
8b22bbII 17,148b6book 1541 566[?] xerolopho: hisind luc-sin ind ainriuth vel forsan nomen civitatis
[‘in that place especially, or etc.’] [analysis]
8b23ccII 17,15book 1543 καϜον: hiatus causa ponitur híc
8b25ddII 17,168b7book 1211 davus: dáne
[‘Dané’] [analysis]
8b25eeII 17,16book 153 566[?] davus: (m.l.) davus servus simonis prescianus inante .i. in libro constructionis
8b25ffII 17,16book 1566[?] argivus: grecdae {cf. E 8v15 grecus}
[‘a Greek’] [analysis]
8b25ggII 17,178b9book 1211 pavo: gésachtach
[‘peacock’] [analysis]
8b25hhII 17,178b10book 1211 ovum: og
[‘egg’] [analysis]
8b25iiII 17,17book 13113 bo[vis]: genitivus
8b26kkII 17,17book 13232 hoc: interpositum
8b27llII 17,188b11book 1541 fieri: ar immgabáil ménaichthe
[‘for avoiding hiatuses’] [analysis]
8b27mmII 17,18book 125 543 comburo: .con ⁊ uro. ⁊ addita .b. propter eophoniam
8b31II 18,2book 14111 *u: " (8b31=18,3) posito: "
8b33nnII 18,5book 152 in: (m.l.) VII
8b35ooII 18,5book 1221 ρ: hró
8b35II 18,5book 14121 ρ: (. (8b35=18,6) quae: (.
8b35ppII 18,6book 151 dictio: pars orationis
8b35qqII 18,6book 1541 as[pirari]: .i. more vocalium sed recusabant digamma consonanti preponi quasi vocali ideo mutata est
9a3aII 18,109a1book 1211 caelebs: óentaim
[‘an unmarried man’] [analysis]
9a4bII 18,109a2book 125 caelestium vitam ducens: (m.l.) celae. dondí as caelestem .b. tar hesi .u. dindí as vitam .s. dindí as ducens.
[‘celae from caelestem, b instead of v from vitam, s from ducens’] [analysis]
9a4cII 18,10book 1541 scribitur: apud novos grammaticos
9a4dII 18,109a3book 1211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
9a4II 18,10book 14142 u: " (9a5=18,11) sed: "
9a5eII 18,11book 14229 conso[nans]: quando consonans
9a5II 18,11book 14144 [conso]nans: ./. (9a6=18,11) bruges: ./. (ibid.) blena: ./.
9a5fII 18,11book 1543 poni: quasi transire
9a5gII 18,119a4book 1211 34 etiam: cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
9a5II 18,11book 14141 etiam: : (9a6=18,12) antiquissimi: :
9a6hII 18,11book 14226 bruges: per u
9a6iII 18,11book 14226 blena: per u
9a6kII 18,11book 1541 58 blena: (m.l.) forsan fruges ⁊ felena
9a6lII 18,11book 123 +blena: (m.s.) blennos vocamus tetros ⁊ bleones putidi hirci ⁊ reliqua
9a6mII 18,12book 14226 dicebant: per u consonantem
9a7nII 18,12book 1566[?] quintil*iano (l): proprium
9a8oII 18,139a5book 1211 institutionum: inna forcetal
[‘of the instruction(s)’] [analysis]
9a8pII 18,139a6book 1211 543 oratoriarum: inna sulbaire
[‘of the eloquence’] [analysis]
9a8qII 18,13book 1543 mirum: b. pro u
9a10rII 18,149a7book 1211 aufero: ar·celim
[‘I take away’] [analysis]
9a11II 18,15book 14143 poni: " (ibid.) potest: " (9a12=18,15) autem: "
9a14''sII 18,17book 1541 heros: dominus reliqua {= E 9r2 .i. dominus}
9a19''tII 18,17book 1566[?] chremes: proprium
9a20''uII 18,18book 1566[?] thrasso: proprium {= E 9r2}
9a21''wII 18,18book 1566[?] philippus: proprium
9a22''xII 18,18book 1566[?] pirrhus: proprium {= E 9r3}
9a13"yII 18,189a9book 1543 extrinsecus: remib són
[‘that is, before them’] [analysis]
9a13"zII 18,189a8book 1543 *extrinsecus: (m.l.) is airi is re ṅguthaigthi suidigthir a tinfed do semigud ⁊ mesrugud ind ḟoguir máir bis isin gutti
[‘for this reason its aspiration is placed before a vowel, to attenuate and moderate the ample sound which is in the vowel’] [analysis]
9a14"aaII 18,19book 14221 *minimum: vocalis {= E 9r4 .i. add. E}
9a16"bbII 18,199a10book 1543 [in]trinsecus: hi tiarmóracht són do lethnugud a foguir
[‘that is, in postposition, to broaden their sound’] [analysis]
9a16"II 18,19book 14141 ut: " (9a17"=18,20) sonet: "
9a18"ccII 18,20book 13232 *ipsa: aspiratio
9a19"ddII 18,20book 1543 *secum: ut consonantibus {= E 9r5}
9a19"eeII 19,1book 1543 anteponitur: ut vocalibus
9a19"II 19,1book 14142 anteponitur: " (9a20"=19,1) quod: "
9a20"ffII 19,1book 13223 quod: ut minimum sonet
9a20"ggII 19,19a11book 1212 543 accedens (esse): accidit tecmaiṅg do gutaib aní-sin
[‘that is an accident which happens to vowels’] [analysis]
9a21"hhII 19,1book 13232 tollatur: aspiratio {= E 9r6}
9a22"iiII 19,2book 1212 significationis: intellectus
9a23kkII 19,29a12book 1541 dicam: do·foirṅde in son ⁊ a folad in·choisig
[‘it determines the sound and the substance which it signifies’] [analysis]
9a24llII 19,39a13book 14226 vitium: tre dígbáil tinfeth
[‘through taking away the aspiration’] [analysis]
9a24mmII 19,39a14book 1543 541 intellectus: in·coissig a folad cétnae
[‘it signifies the same substance’] [analysis]
9a25nnII 19,4book 14221 coheret: aspiratio {= E 9r8}
9a26II 19,4book 14111 huiusdem: .- (ibid.) substantiae: .-
9a26ooII 19,49a15book 1211 penitus: conid hinunn folad dóib
[‘so that they have the same substance’] [analysis]
9a26II 19,4book 14142 substantiae: :- (9a28=19,6) unde: :-
9a27ppII 19,59a16book 1543 541 minuat: .i. ní·inchoisig in son a folad cétne .i. in·choisged riam iar ṅdígbail in tinfith
[‘i.e. the sound does not signify the same substance - i.e. which it signified previously - after taking away the aspiration’] [analysis]
9a29qqII 19,69a17book 1543 considerata: dlúthe in tinfith donaib consonaib
[‘the closeness of the aspiration to the consonants’] [analysis]
9a29II 19,6book 14112 grecorum: " (ibid) doctissimi: "
9a30II 19,6book 14111 singulas: ., (9a30=19,7) literas: .,
9a30rrII 19,69a18book 1211 543 singulas: oéndai oen-litre do dénom díb hi scríbunt
[‘single, that single letters should be made of them in writing’] [analysis]
9a30ssII 19,79a19book 13232 eas: cárachtra na conson ⁊ in tinfith
[‘the characters of the consonants and the aspiration’] [analysis]
9a30ttII 19,79a20book 1211 35 quippe: indemin
[‘indeed’] [analysis]
9a30II 19,7book 14141 quippe: ,. (9a31=19,7) scribentes: ,.
9a31uuII 19,7book 1221 τ: tau {= E 9r11}
9a31wwII 19,7book 1221 : dasía (?)
9a31xxII 19,7book 1221 θ: theta {= E 9r11 teta E}
9a32yyII 19,8book 14222 scripturam: grecorum {= E 9r12}
9a32zzII 19,89a21book 1541 servamus: (m.l.) hí scríbiunt dá carachtar beos .i. carachtar consine ⁊ carachtar tinfith amal dond·gnítis sen-greic .,
[‘in still writing two characters, i.e. the character of a consonant and the character of aspiration, as the ancient Greeks used to do’] [analysis]
9a33abII 19,89a22book 134 543 tamen: cia for·comam-ni riagoil sen-grec hi scríbunt in da caractar isnaib consonaib ucut ro·ċruthaigsemmar camaiph immurgu oen-cháractar .f. tar hesi .p. co tinfeth. i n-epertaib latinndaib.,
[‘though we preserve the rule of the ancient Greeks in writing the two characters in these consonants, we have, however, formed one character - f instead of p with aspiration - in Latin words’] [analysis]
9a35acII 19,10book 14228 nisi: .i. et convenit .i. f sono .ph. nisi reliqua
9a36II 19,10book 14111 aliqua: ,, (9a36=19,11) dif[feren tia]: ,,
9a36adII 19,109a23book 1211 (in) pronuntiatione: hi fogur
[‘in sound’] [analysis]
9b1aII 19,119b1book 1211 (cum) sono: hi fogur
[‘in sound’] [analysis]
9b1bII 19,12book 1221 ρ: hró {= L 13v17 b, E 9r14 ro (.i. add. E)}
9b1cII 19,12book 13114 dativus
9b2dII 19,12book 13232 (ab) illis: grecis {= E 9r14 .i. grecis}
9b2eII 19,129b2book 1543 aliam: co denta óen-torand tar hesi amal na heliu
[‘so that one figure should be made instead of this, like the others’] [analysis]
9b2fII 19,129b3book 1211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
9b3gII 19,13book 14221 [co]haeret: aspiratio {= E 9r15 .i. add. E}
9b3hII 19,13book 13232 huic: ρ {cf. E 9r15 .i. ρ .i. ro}
9b3iII 19,13book 14221 tollatur: aspiratio {= E 9r15 .i. add. E}
9b4kII 19,139b4book 1543 significationem: sluindid a folad cétnae
[‘it expresses the same substance’] [analysis]
9b4II 19,14book 14141 enim: " (9b6=19,15) manet: "
9b5lII 19,14book 14226 retor: sine h {= E 9r16 .i. add. E}
9b5mII 19,14book 153 retor: (m.l.) inante X (cf. 15a30=31,16)
9b6nII 19,14book 14226 [phir]rus: sine h {= E 9r16 .i. add. E}
9b6oII 19,149b5book 1543 intellectus: iss ed a folad cétnae sluinditae
[‘it is the same substance which they express’] [analysis]
9b6pII 19,159b6book 1211 34 (non) aliter: níntain
[‘not otherwise’] [analysis]
9b6II 19,15book 14142 aliter: ., (9b7=19,15) unde: .,
9b7qII 19,159b7book 1211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
9b7II 19,15book 14141 : " (ibid.) auferatur: "
9b7rII 19,15book 1423 antecedens: aspiratio {= E 9r16 .i. add. E}
9b7sII 19,159b8book 13116 vocalibus: ar [analysis]
9b8tII 19,16book 13114 r (litterae): dativus {= E 9r17 .i. add. E}
9b9uII 19,179b9book 13226[?] (ex) quo: hua dligud in choibnis
[‘from the principle of the affinity’] [analysis]
9b9II 19,17book 14142 dubitaverunt: " (9b11=19,18) unde: "
9b10wII 19,17book 13232 huic: r {= E 9r18 .i. add. E}
9b11II 19,18book 14141 unde: .- (9b13=19,19) solent: .- (9b14=19,19) scribere: .-
9b11xII 19,18book 1541 diximus: ubi fiebat apud atticos {= E 9r19 ubi: .i. E}
9b12yII 19,18book 13115 digamma: accusativus {= E 9r19 .i. add. E}
9b12zII 19,18book 14226 ponentes: ante ρ {= E 9r19}
9b13II 19,19book 14123 solent: ,, (ibid.) loco: ,,
9b13aaII 19,19book 13114 loco: dativus {= E 9r20}
9b14II 19,19book 14145 b: ,, (9b16=19,20) consonanti: ,,
9b14bbII 19,199b10book 1543 iudicantes: is airi no·bíth digaimm leo ante ρ. sin
[‘this is why they used to have digamma before ρ here’] [analysis]
9b15ccII 19,20book 14223 preponi: ρ {cf. E 9r20 .i. ad .ρ}
9b15ddII 19,20book 13115 digamma: accusativus {= E 9r20 .i. add. E}
9b15II 19,20book 14141 sed: : (9b17=19,21) commotabant: : {= E 9r210-1}
9b16eeII 19,2062book 1211 34 quasi (consonanti): amal bith do chonsain amal as di
9b16ffII 19,20book 13115 digamma (in): accusativus {= E 9r21 .i. add. E}
[‘as it were to a consonant, (or) as to it’] [analysis]
9b18ggII 19,21book 13232 id: digamma {= E 9r22}
9b18hhII 19,22book 1543 561 brodos: r odos insula {= E 9r22 rohdos E (sic)}
9b18iiII 19,22book 1543 bretor: rhethor {= E 9r22 .i. rethor}
9b19kkII 19,22book 1221 ρ: hró {= E 9r22 .i. ro}
9b20II 19,23book 14143 fungitur: .:- (9b24=19,25) non: .:-
9b21II 19,23book 14111 nominum: " (9b21=19,24) disinen[tium]: "
9b21llII 19,23book 1541 in (a puram): sine .ρ. ante .a. sed .i. ante ,a. ideo dicit in .a. puram. {cf. E 9r23 .i. sine ro ante .a}
9b23mmII 19,249b12book 1221 ωρα: crích
[‘boundary’] [analysis]
9b23nnII 19,259b13book 1221 543 ωρας: a genitiu. ar guttai tra atá .ρ. sin {cf. E 9r24 .i. genitivus}
[‘its genitive: ρ then stands for a vowel here’] [analysis]
9b24ooII 19,26book 137 543 vah: interiectio
9b25ppII 19,269b14book 137 543 nah: interiectio inso {cf. E 9r25 interiecta}
[‘this is an interjection’] [analysis]
9b25qqII 19,26book 137 543 ah: interiectio
9b26rrII 20,1book 1541 apogope: ablatio in fine {= E 9r26 .i. ablatio de fine}
9b26II 20,1book 14121 extremae: ,, (9b27=20,1) vocalis: ,, (ibid.) cui: ,,
9b26ssII 20,29b16book 1543 extremae (vocalis): .i. a .i. di·rogbad .a. díib
[‘i.e. a, i.e. a has been taken from them’] [analysis]
9b28ttII 20,2book 1541 vaha (naha aha): ita primitus fuerunt {= E 9r27 ita: .i. E}
9b29uuII 20,2book 14226 ([absci]sione) facta: per apagopen
9b30II 20,3book 14111 superiore: " (ibid.) voca[li]: "
9b30wwII 20,39b17book 1543 pendens: lenaid din gutai thóisig
[‘it adheres to the preceding vowel’] [analysis]
9b31xxII 20,39b18book 1212 543 suum: .i. proprium .i. is sainreth do interiect guth formúigthe co trummai thinfid {cf. E 9r28 proprium}
[‘i.e. a peculiarity of an interjection is a smothered sound with heaviness of aspiration’] [analysis]
9b31yyII 20,49b19book 1211 abscondita: formúchthai
[‘smothered’] [analysis]
9b32zzII 20,4book 1543 pars: .h. {= E 9r29 .i. add. E}
9b32abII 20,49b20book 1211 223 absconditae: ind ḟormúichdetad
[‘of the smothering’] [analysis]
9b34II 20,5book 14111 naturali: " (ibid.) prolatione: "
9b36acII 20,69b21book 1211 in (fine): fo deud
[‘at the end’] [analysis]
10a1aII 20,710a1book 1543 sunt: ataat alaaili interiecta and it coitchena do cach ceniul
[‘there are some interjections they are common to every nation’] [analysis]
10a3bII 20,9book 159 +c: (m.s.) ista ratio prevalet contra illos qui c. infringunt ⁊ sibilant
10a3II 20,9book 153 c: (m.l.) /. (10a10=20,13) c et ch et g: (m.l.) /.
10a4cII 20,910a2book 1543 est: medónda etarru fogur .g.
[‘intermediate between them (is the) sound g’] [analysis]
10a4dII 20,1010a3book 1543 inter (p): medóndae etarru
[‘intermediate between them’] [analysis]
10a4eII 20,10book 159 (ph) sive (f): is cummmae limm etir .ph. ⁊ f.
[‘it is the same to me, both ph and f’] [analysis]
10a5fII 20,10book 13232 (hae) tres: literae
10a7gII 20,11book 13232 eam: aspirationem
10a7hII 20,12book 13232 hoc: ata medóndae
[‘that they are intermediate’] [analysis]
10a8iII 20,12book 1541 (palathi) pulsus: .c. g. ch. {= E 9v5}
10a8kII 20,12book 1541 linguae: t. ⁊ d. ⁊ th. {= E 9v5}
10a9lII 20,12book 1541 labrorum: p b ⁊ ph {= E 9v5om. E}
10a9mII 20,12book 14221 543 *consimilis (est): is cosmail a fogur .i. cosmailius foguir beos
[‘their sound is alike, i.e. (there is) still a resemblance of sound’] [analysis]
10a9nII 20,12book 14221 212 *consimilis: (m.l.) cognatus sonus
10a9II 20,12book 14143 consimilis: " (10a11=20,14) similiter: "
10a9oII 20,1310a7book 1211 *internís: .i. isnaib tredib
[‘i.e. in the group of three’] [analysis]
10a11pII 20,1410a8book 1541 levibus: .c .t .p. is airi asbertar étrumma ⁊ slemna huare nád·techtad tinfeth
[‘c, t and p, therefore they are called ‘light’ and ‘smooth’, because they have no aspiration’] [analysis]
10a12qII 20,14book 1541 asperis: ch ph th {= E 9v7}
10a13rII 20,15book 1423 541 mediis: literis .g .b .d {cf. E 9v7 d .g .b.}
10a13sII 20,15book 14228 mediis: .i. est pulsus {= E 9v7}
10a13II 20,15book 14111 utrumque: .- (ibid.) locum: .-
10a14II 20,16book 14141 adtendamus: " (10a15=20,16) ora: " (10a16=20,16) modolantibus: "
10a16tII 20,1610a9book 1211 336[?] modolantibus: donaib-hí bindigeddar
[‘to those that modulate’] [analysis]
10a17uII 20,17book 13232 earum: consonantium supradictarum {= E 9v9 .i. consonantium predictarum}
10a18wII 20,1810a10book 1543 positae: cachae tar héisi araili
[‘each of them instead of the other’] [analysis]
10a19II 20,18book 14144 ambo: (b) " (ibid.) αμφο: (φ) "
10a19xII 20,18book 1221 pro: greco {= E 9v10 .i. add. E}
10a19yII 20,1810a11book 1541 αμφο: .i. is cummae leis-sem bid .f
[‘i.e. it is the same in his opinion as though it were f’] [analysis]
10a19II 20,19book 14144 buxus: (b) .- (ibid.) πυξος: (π) .-
10a20II 20,19book 14144 puplicus: (sec. p) : (ibid.) πυβλικος: (β) :
10a20II 20,19book 14144 triumphus: (ph) " (10a21=20,19) τ├ριυβος: (β) "
10a21II 20,20book 14144 gubernator: (g) : (ibid.) κυβερνατος: (κ) :
10a22II 20,20book 14144 gobio: (g) ./. (ibid.) κοβυος: (κ) ./.
10a22zII 20,20book 1563 +gobio: piscis parvus {cf. E 9v11 genus piscis}
10a22II 20,20book 14144 coera: (c) (. (10a23=21,1) χαιρε: (χ) (.
10a22aaII 20,20book 1221 απο: .i. ab του: huius
10a23II 21,1book 14144 puniceus: (p) .) (ibid.) φονικεος: (φ) .)
10a23bbII 21,1book 1561 +puniceus: de affrica
10a24II 21,1book 14144 deus: (d) " (ibid.) θε*ως: (θ) "
10a24II 21,1book 14144 porpureum: (sec. p) : (ibid.) πορφυρων: (φ) :
10a27ccII 21,410a12book 1211 immotabi[les]: .i. it neph-chumscaichti na teora litre-so
[‘i.e. these three letters are immutable’] [analysis]
10a28ddII 21,4book 1541 nos: latinos {= E 9v14}
10a29eeII 21,5book 13232 *eadem: ylementa
10a29ffII 21,510a13book 14221 211 remanent: na litre cétni
[‘the same letters’] [analysis]
10a30II 21,6book 14141 quoque: " (10a32=21,7) servant: "
10a32ggII 21,710a14book 13232 4228 (hoc) idem: a neph-chumscugud. amal .l. ⁊ n ⁊ r
[‘their immutability, like l and n and r’] [analysis]
10a34hhII 21,8book 1215 [sin]ciput: .i. senatuum caput ut flavianus dicit {= K 6v19 b, E 9v17 senatuum: senatum KE dicit om. K ut .. dicit om. E }
10a35iiII 21,9book 1215 +allec: (m.l.) genus est pisciculi parvi ⁊ in licorem vertitur
10a35II 21,9book 14121 lac: " (ibid.) quo: "
10a35II 21,9book 14142 lactis: .- (10a36=21,9) quá ré: .-
10b2aII 21,11book 14226 motan[tur]: in alias literas {= E 9v19 in: .i. E}
10b3bII 21,1110b1book 1543 abiiciuntur: a llán-indarpe hi recc
[‘their complete banishment directly’] [analysis]
10b3cII 21,11book 14228 d: abiicitur
10b3dII 21,11book 14228 m: abiicitur
10b4eII 21,1263book 1543 paelium: abiicitur .m. {= E 9v20}
10b4fII 21,12book 1561 +paelium: civitas
10b4gII 21,12book 14228 s: abiicitur
10b5hII 21,12book 14228 x: motatur
10b5iII 21,12book 14228 nix: motatur
10b6II 21,14book 14123 solent: " (ibid.) omnes: "
10b7kII 21,1410b2book 1211 34 motari: cach-la céin
[‘sometimes (.. sometimes)’] [analysis]
10b7II 21,14book 14144 motari: .- (10b9=21,16) iubeo: .- (10b10=21,16) dixi: .- (10b10=21,17) laesi: .- (10b11=21,17) pinxi: .- (10b12=21,18) pressi: .- (ibid.) sivi: .- (10b13=21,18) torsi: .- (10b14=21,19) ussi: .- (ibid.) flexi: .-
10b7II 21,15book 14144 manere: :- (10b9=21,16) [ha]bui: :- (ibid.) compiscui: :- (10b10=21,17) ascendi: :- (10b11=21,17) legi: :- (ibid.) dempsi: :- (10b12=21,18) monui: :- (10b13=21,18) nequivi: :- (10b14=21,19) [dese]rui: :- (ibid.) verti: :-
10b7lII 21,15book 1423 exceptis: literis {= E 9v21}
10b9mII 21,16book 1543 [ha]bui: manet .b. híc {cf. E 9v21 b hic}
10b15nII 21,20book 13232 (illae ..) IIII: .i. l. p. s. x. {= E 9v24}
10b16oII 21,20book 14228 l: nunquam motatur
10b18pII 21,21book 14228 p: nunquam motatur
10b19qII 21,2210b3book 1211 lippio: fliuchaigim
[‘I become wet (?blear-eyed?)’] [analysis]
10b19rII 21,22book 14228 s: nunquam motatur
10b20sII 21,22book 125 [quas]so: frequentativum. a. quatio
10b21tII 21,23book 14228 x: nunquam motatur
10b22II 22,1book 14121 [vo]cales: " (ibid.) quae: "
10b22uII 22,1book 1423 perfectis: preteritis {= K 6v31 d, E 9v28}
10b26wII 22,3book 1423 omnes: vocales in preterito {cf. E 9v29 vocales preteriti}
10b34xII 22,9book 1566[?] solinus: proprium {= E 10r4}
10b34yII 22,9book 14228 solinus: dicit
10b34zII 22,9book 1566[?] collectaneis: nomen artis {= E 10r4 .i. add. E}
11a4aII 22,13book 13233 (haec) eadem: .e. {= E 10r6 .i. add. E}
11a7bII 22,1511a1book 13227[?] 543 quod: aní-sin cumscugud .e. in .u. is cosmail són dano ⁊ in tan fo·ndaim .i. a cumscugud in .u. hi sechmadachtu tertchoibedna ⁊ quartae cobedna.
[‘this, the change of e to u, alike is this also and when i suffers its change into u in the preterite of the third and fourth conjugations’] [analysis]
11a11cII 22,1711a2book 1543 immotabiles: for·comaider .u. ⁊ .o. in presenti ⁊ in preterito
[‘u and o are preserved in the present and preterite’] [analysis]
11a11II 22,17book 14143 *immotabiles: " (11a12=22,18) (quibusdam) sunt: "
11a14dII 22,19book 13233 (supradicto) tempore: preterito {= E 10r11 .i. add. E}
11a14II 22,20book 14141 potest: " (11a16=22,20) sillaba: "
11a15II 22,20book 14144 principio: .). (11a17=22,21) tondeo: .).
11a16II 22,20book 14144 fine: :| (11a21=22,23) prodidi: :|
11a19eII 22,2211a3book 1211 572 23 pedo: braigim nam displosa sona quantum vesíca pepedi .. ⁊ fit pedo nomen animalis ut .isidorus dicit.
[‘I fart; ‘for as loud as the noise of a bursting bladder was the crack when my figwood buttock split’. And ‘pedo’ (one who has broad feet, a splay-foot) is the name of an animal, as Isidore says, etc.’] [analysis]
11a21fII 22,2311a4book 1543 prodidi: in fíne son in fecht-sa {cf. E 10r14 .i. in fine}
[‘in fine this (gemination), this time’] [analysis]
11a22gII 22,24book 13226[?] quo: iure geminationis .f {= E 10r15 .f om. E}
11a24hII 22,25book 1543 [gemi]nata: fallo fefelli {= E 10r16 ut add. E}
11a24II 23,1book 14111 s: : (ibid.) posita: :
11a25iII 23,1book 13232 duo: verba {= E 10r16}
11a27II 23,2book 14121 scicidi: .- (11a27=23,3) quod: .-
11a29II 23,4book 14142 ratione: " (11a31=23,4) cum: "
11a32kII 23,5book 13233 vim (suam): vim semivocalis
11a33lII 23,5book 1543 secunda: non spospondi sed spopondi facit {= E 10r19}
11a33mII 23,5book 153 secunda: (m.l.) prescianus inante. spondeo spopondi a quo etiam .s. demitur eophoniae causa in secunda sillaba
11a33II 23,7book 14121 m: " (11a34=23,7) quae: "
11a35nII 23,7book 1423 multis: modis {= E 10r20}
11a36oII 23,8book 14221 facit: .m.
11b1II 23,8book 14142 ramnes: : (11b1=23,9) chremes: : (11b2=23,9) iambica: :
11b1II 23,8book 14142 ramnetis: " (11b1=23,9) chre[mitis]: " (11b2=23,9) sic: "
11b1aII 23,911b1book 1541 chremes: analach amal legas r fri .c. hi suidiu
[‘an analogous instance; as r becomes liquid with c here’] [analysis]
11b2bII 23,1011b2book 13226[?] quod: .i. ius . dliged lechtha .n. post .m
[‘i.e. law . the law of the liquidation of n after m’] [analysis]
11b4cII 23,10book 1566[?] αιτης: nomen artis
11b4dII 23,11book 14226 supra dictum: á me {= E 10r23}
11b5eII 23,12book 1541 μνησαρ: hic liquida {= E 10r24}
11b5II 23,12book 153 (m.l.) #
11b11fII 23,16book 13233 (haec) semivocalis: .m. {= E 10r27}
11b12gII 23,17book 1561 smyrna: civitas {= E 10r27 civitas <vel insula add. man. al.>}
11b13hII 23,17book 1563 smaragdus: lapis {cf. E 10r28 lapis pretiosus}
11b14II 23,18book 14141 et: " (ibid.) quod: " (ibid.) posita: " (11b15=23,19) facit: "
11b15iII 23,18book 14226 interpossita: inter .s. ⁊ m.
11b15kII 23,19book 14221 facit: m
11b17II 23,20book 1?53[?] (m.l.) ...-
11b17lII 23,20book 14226 541 igitur: de omnibus potestatibus predictis
11b17mII 23,20book 1541 53 igitur: (m.d.) vel in prologo ubi dicit primus liber continet . reliqua..
11b18nII 23,20book 14228 ut: sunt
11b19oII 23,21book 14228 ut: sunt
11b19II 23,21book 14143 ut: " (11b20=23,21) et (longuae): "
11b20pII 23,22book 14228 quae: 7 ut sunt {= E 10v3 .i. .u. sunt}
11b23qII 23,2311b3book 1211 affines: coibnestae
[‘akin’] [analysis]
11b25rII 24,1book 1423 543 breves: vocales {= E 10v4 .i. add. E}
11b26sII 24,311b4book 1541 52 *coniunctionem: tre accomol cosmilse foguir ⁊ iss ed són desimrectaigedar-som namma inna deud
[‘through conjoining a similarity of sound, and it is this which he exemplifies only after’] [analysis]
11b27tII 24,3book 14221 necnon: affinis {= E 10v6 .i. adfinis}
11b28II 24,3book 14122 [as]piratione: ., (11b28=24,4) ea: .,
11b28uII 24,411b5book 14221 541 x: affinis is coibnesta .x. do .g. ⁊ .c ⁊ bíid cachae aralailiu {cf. K 7r24 a cum hís affinis, E 10v6 .i. cum .g. et c. affinis est}
[‘affinis x is akin to g and c, and each of them is for the other’] [analysis]
11b29II 24,4book 14122 d: ./ (ibid.) t: ./ (11b30=24,5) his: ./ {cf. E 10v7 his d. ⁊ t.}
11b30II 24,5book 14122 z: : (11b31=24,5) hanc: : {= E 10v7}
11b31wII 24,6book 1543 sono: fogur .z. for .d.
[‘the sound of z in d’] [analysis]
11b32xII 24,6book 1543 meridies: (sup. d:) z {= E 10v8}
11b32yII 24,6book 1543 hodie: (sup. d:) z {= E 10v8}
11b34zII 24,7book 1542 s (simplex): quia non duplex ut predicta z
11b34aaII 24,7book 13232 supradic[tis]: o- d ⁊ t ⁊ z
11b35II 24,8book 14142 cognationem: .- (ibid.) unde: .-
11b36bbII 24,8book 13232 eam: .s. {= E 10v10}
11b36ccII 24,911b7book 1211 pa[trisso]: athrigimm
[‘I take after the father’] [analysis]
12a1aII 24,9book 1212 [pa]trisso: patri similis sum
12a1bII 24,9book 152 πατριζω: (m.l.) greca
12a1cII 24,912a1book 1211 pytisso: .i. do·fuibnimm
[‘i.e. I cut’] [analysis]
12a1dII 24,9book 1212 571 pytisso: (m.s.) cicero pytisso minuo donatus sunt verba sine origine pytisso vacillo reliqua pompeius pytisso quasi potisso ⁊ habet principale poto {cf. L 15r15 c (m.d.) pompeius. p<i<tisso <.i. bibo> quasi potisso a poto verbo ut terrentius dicit una nocte me malui qua tria dolea vini pitissando. consumserant.}
12a1eII 24,9book 1212 +pytisso: (m.s.) pytisso expuo beda pitisso propinno
12a4fII 24,11book 1221 561 23 θαλασσα: mare interpretatur. bithalassa ubi maria conveniunt .. gen- dicit {cf. L 15r16 e .i. mare}
12a6gII 24,12book 152 221 ζυμμαχος .. συμμαχος: (m.l.) greca
12a8hII 24,1412a2book 1211 affines: coibnestai
[‘akin’] [analysis]
12a8iII 24,14book 1543 e: affinis {= E 10v14}
12a9II 24,14book 14121 ei: " (12a9=24,15) qua: "
12a9kII 24,15book 13223 qua: diptongo
12a10lII 24,15book 14226 i: hodie {= E 10v15}
12a11mII 24,16book 13232 ea: diptongo
12a13II 24,17book 14143 chorea: (e:) " (ibid.) peneultima: "
12a13nII 24,17book 1423 *peneultima: ["] vel ./
12a14oII 25,1512a3book 141 423 [produc]ta: ./ .i. in tan do·fuarat
[‘or i, when it remains’] [analysis]
12a13pII 25,14book 1226[?] produc[ta]: in metro {= E 10v15 .i. add. E}
12a14qII 24,1712a3“book 1541 53 *correpta: ind .e. timmorte /. /. in deoguir iar foxul .i. as. ut inante dicit
[‘the short e: of the diphthong, after removing the i from it, as he says later on’]
12a14rII 24,17book 14226 correpta: .i. in metro
12a14sII 25,1book 14221 o: .i. affinis
12a15tII 25,1book 1542 *βυς: .i. quia y u grecum est ar is .u. gaibes engracus
[‘i.e. […] because it is u that takes (its) place’] [analysis]
12a16uII 25,2book 1563 platanus: proprium feda
[‘the proper name of a tree’] [analysis]
12a17wII 25,2book 14221 a: .i. affinis
12a18xII 25,3book 1423 aliae: litere
12a18yII 25,3book 1423 aliis: literis {= E 10v18}
12a18II 25,3book 14141 et: ., (12a23=25,6) necessarium: ., {cf. E 10v18 et adit necessarium}
12a18II 25,3book 14141 quia: -. (12a23=25,6) solent: -.
12a19II 25,4book 14111 hae: " (ibid.) motationes: "
12a23zII 25,6book 13232 earum: literarum vel eorum ylementorum {cf. E 10v21 eorum (sic E) ylimentorum}
12a24II 25,8book 14143 convertitur: " (12a25=25,8) in (e): "
12a24aaII 25,8book 1423 productam: .a.
12a26bbII 25,9book 14226 productum: in .e {cf. E 10v22 .a. in e}
12a28ccII 25,10book 14228 i: .convertitur .a
12a34ddII 25,14book 1214 563 toga: genus vestementi {cf. E 10v26 genus vestis}
12b1II 25,16book 14141 et: " (12b3=25,18) u: " (12b4=25,18) scriptum: " (ibid.) inveniemus: "
12b4aII 25,18book 1541 faciundum: similiter ⁊ gerundium
12b4bII 25,18book 1571 faciundum: (m.l.) in libro martini .i. oriundus fuit
12b7cII 25,2012b1book 1211 paulatim: in biucc
[‘a little’] [analysis]
12b8dII 25,2112b2book 13113 211 fortis: .i. genitivus nominis quod est fors .i. in béstaid {= E 11r1 .i. in béstaid om. E, sed add. ut adverbio declaratur cf. K 7v4 a .i. fors}
[‘i.e. the genitive case of the noun ‘fors’ (chance), i.e. habitually’] [analysis]
12b9II 25,21book 14144 patris: " (12b9=25,22) patro: "
12b9eII 25,2112b3book 1211 patronus: sruith athir
[‘a venerable father’] [analysis]
12b13II 25,24book 14141 quod: : (12b15=25,25) motant: :
12b13II 25,24book 14121 nomina: .- (ibid.) quae: .-
12b13II 25,24book 14141 quae: ; (12b14=25,25) componuntur: ;
12b13II 25,24book 14143 cum: ,, (12b13=25,25) sive: ,,
12b14II 25,25book 14143 nominativi: ,,, (12b29=26,6) genitivi: ,,, {= K 7v7-14, E 11r4-12, sec. symb. om. E}
12b18fII 25,27book 125 auri[fex]: aurum ⁊ facio {= E 11r6 .i. add. E}
12b19gII 26,1book 125 luctifi[cus]: luctum ⁊ facio {= E 11r7}
12b20hII 26,1book 125 cornicen: cornu ⁊ cano {= E 11r7}
12b20iII 26,1book 125 tubicen: tuba ⁊ cano
12b21II 26,2book 14111 [fi]des: " (12b21) plurale: " {= E 11r7-8}
12b22kII 26,212b4book 1211 tibícen: erochair chétlaid
[‘a flute player’] [analysis]
12b24lII 26,3book 1543 supradictum: .i. motatur .a. in í
12b27mII 26,5book 125 [vulni]ficus: facio
12b29nII 26,6book 125 opifex: opus ⁊ facio {= E 11r12}
12b29oII 26,6book 14228 genitivi: .i. motatur extrema sillaba in .í. correptam in compositione {cf. E 11r12 in compositione motatur .i. (m.d.) .i. i enim producitur in genitivo. corripitur in compositione. non sic in sequentibus.,}
12b30pII 26,612b5book 1211 par: cosmail
[‘equal’] [analysis]
12b30qII 26,712b6book 1211 25 parricida: cosmail-oircnid eter athir-oircnid tuistid-oircnid
12b30II 26,7book 14141 quod: : (12b31=26,7) componitur: :
12b30rII 26,712b7book 1541 55 pari: (m.d.) cosmail leiss cacha orr im cara fá aescare. reliqua
[‘alike to him whichever he may slay, whether friend or foe’] [analysis]
12b31II 26,7book 14143 componitur: " (ibid.) vel: "
12b31sII 26,7book 14228 alii: dicunt {= E 11r13}
12b35tII 26,10book 14222 sinagopam: en sillabe
[‘en of the syllable’] [analysis]
13a3aII 26,1213a1book 1211 sororicida: sethar-oircnid
[‘a sister-slayer’] [analysis]
13a4bII 26,13book 13233 hanc: motationis ultimae sillabae nominativi vel genitivi in .í.
13a5cII 26,13book 1543 auceps: non aviceps {= E 11r17}
13a6dII 26,13book 1543 menceps: non menticeps {= 11r18 .i. add. E}
13a6eII 26,13book 1212 +menceps: (m.l.) amens
13a9II 26,16book 14111 aliquot: " (ibid.) civitates: " {= E 11r19}
13a9fII 26,1613a2book 1211 aliquot (civitates): il-chathraig
[‘many cities’] [analysis]
13a10II 26,16book 14111 eius: " (vid. comm.)
13a12gII 26,1813a3book 1211 +tutor: inill
[‘safe’] [analysis]
13a14hII 26,19book 13226[?] quo: .i. iurae conversationis .o. in e
13a15iII 26,19book 1221 543 *odonte: dente {= K 7v25 b, E 11r22 .i. dente}
13a17kII 26,21book 152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius {= E 11r24}
13a17lII 26,2213a4book 1211 34 hoc: hille
[‘hither’] [analysis]
13a18mII 26,22book 1572 [ig]nipotens: vulcanus {= E 11r24 .i. ulcanus}
13a18II 26,23book 14141 et: " (13a20=26,23) convertunt: "
13a21nII 26,24book 1566[?] [κιρ]ος: proprium
13a23oII 26,25book 1423 multa: nomina {= E 11r26 .i. add. E}
13a24II 26,26book 14141 motabant: .- (13a26=27,1) proferentes: .-
13a24pII 26,26book 1566[?] +cungrum: nomen viri
13a28qII 27,2book 1571 ([lucretius in] libro primo: (m.l.) in orosio
13a30rII 27,4book 1423 tertio: libro {= E 11v1}
13a30sII 27,5book 14228 ea: dico {= E 11v1 .i. add. E}
13a30tII 27,5book 1561 +ache[runte]: nomen fluminis
13a31uII 27,6book 1423 eo[dem]: libro
13a32wII 27,7book 1561 ache[runta]: flumen {cf. E 11v2 nomen fluminis}
13a33xII 27,7book 155 571 iacentem: fossad
[‘stationed’] [analysis]
13a33yII 27,8book 13222 quae: nomina predicta
13a36zII 27,9book 134 (e) contrario: contra predictam rationem
13b4aII 27,12book 14226 [orthogra]phia: dicens
13b7bII 27,14book 1543 servos: .u. loco digammae {= E 11v7}
13b8cII 27,15book 14228 *transit: .i. u. in .a
13b9dII 27,15book 1214 veredarius: (m.d.) baeda veredus. pullus equinus vel assininus
13b10eII 27,16book 1212 deierat: valde iurat {= E 11v8}
13b10fII 27,16book 125 peierat: .i. per {cf. K 7v41 f vel per}
13b10gII 27,16book 1212 peierat: pessime iurat {= E 11v8}
13b12hII 27,1713b1book 1211 sacellum: nemed
[‘sanctuary’] [analysis]
13b14iII 27,18book 14221 (in) i: .u. in .í. {cf. E 11v10 transit .u. in .i.}
13b15kII 27,18book 1571 +arcitenens: apollo
13b17lII 27,19book 14228 in o: transit .u. in .o
13b18mII 27,20book 13233 eadem: .u. {= E 11v12 .i. add. E}
13b20nII 27,21book 1543 musa: pro moysa {= L 16r16 f, E 11v12 .i. add. E}
13b21oII 27,22book 14228 3232 eadem: ponitur .u. pro eadem .i. o. producta
13b21pII 27,2313b2book 1211 571 55 fur: bruthach vel verius ignis reliqua icidorus dicit .
[‘furious, or etc.’] [analysis]
13b22qII 27,2313b4book 1541 53 pro βους bos: : (m.d.) .i. ⁊ ni·taithminedar deogras hic. vide principium secundi libri de verbo,
[‘i.e. and he does not mention the diphthongization here etc.’] [analysis]
13b22II 27,23book 153 pro βους bos: (m.d.) # (13b29=28,2) non .. etc.: (m.d.) #
13b22rII 27,2313b3book 1543 bos: o. pro u. hi suidiu
[‘o for (Greek) u here’] [analysis]
13b22sII 27,23book 14228 modo: (subs.) ponitur {= E 11v14 .i. add. E}
13b23tII 27,24book 1543 mus: longa
13b23uII 27,24book 14228 modo: ponitur
13b26wII 27,25book 152 τουγατηρ: (m.d) Greca
13b27II 28,1book 14141 υ: " (13b28=28,1) pronuntiare: "
13b27II 28,1book 14112 sono: : (ibid.) ου: :
13b31xII 28,4book 1543 καλαιου: non diptongus híc ⁊ sic in aliis {= E 11v17 ⁊ sic: sicut E}
13b31yII 28,4book 152 καλαιου: (m.d.) Greca
13b35II 28,7book 14144 υρο[συλος]: (υρ:) " (13b36=28,7) οrοσολος: (ορ:) "
13b36zII 28,7book 152 οrοσολος: (m.d.) Greca
14a3II 28,9book 153 u .. corripientes: (m.l.) |=| (cf. 4a22=7,20)
14a4aII 28,9book 14221 amittit: .u. {= E 11v21 .i. add. E}
14a6bII 28,11book 13232 (hoc) idem: amittere vim vocalis vel consonantis
14a7cII 28,12book 13232 patitur: nihil
14a9dII 28,1314a1book 13232 (hoc) idem: nihil dano hi suidiu
[‘nothing then here’] [analysis]
14a10eII 28,14book 13226[?] quod: dliged nihelsa dano
[‘rule of nullity then’] [analysis]
14a12fII 28,16book 1543 αλλ τυιδ: híc y. pro nihilo habetur
14a13gII 29,1book 1543 πηλυι: nihil hic dano
[‘nothing here also’] [analysis]
14a13hII 29,1book 152 πηλυι: (m.l.) Greca
14a14iII 29,1book 13232 eosdem: eoles {= E 11v26 .i. add. E}
14a14kII 29,1book 1543 diptongus: y pro nihilo est {= E 11v26 y: sed E falso}
14a15lII 29,214a5book 1543 59 vau: .i. addita .í. cenid·eper-sem
[‘i.e. i being added (nauta nav-i-ta etc.), though he (Priscian) does not say it’] [analysis]
14a15mII 29,214a6book 1541 vau: (m.d.) .i. hi fogur digamm-sa ar is .vau. a ainmm-sidi .-
[‘i.e. into the sound of digamma, for its name is vau’] [analysis]
14a17nII 29,314a7book 134 [e]contra: .i. fri tairmthecht hi consain
[‘i.e. (contrary) to the passage into a consonant’] [analysis]
14a20oII 29,5book 14221 541 [inter]ponitur: .i. interponitur .u. in hís quando veniunt ad nos ⁊ sí non habent apud grecos
14a22pII 29,7book 152 αλκμηον: (m.l.) Greca
14a23qII 29,8book 152 in consonantibus: (m.l.) DE SEMIVOCALIBUS
14a24rII 29,8book 14228 similiter: ut in vocalibus {= E 12r1 .i. add. E}
14a26II 29,9book 14143 sonum: " (ibid.) exilem: " {= E 12r1, sec. symb. om. E}
14a26II 29,9book 14143 sonum: .- (ibid.) habet: .- (14a27=29,10) plenum: .- {cf. E 12r2 plenum habet .i. sonum}
14a26sII 29,914a8book 1211 exilem: séim tana
[‘slender, thin’] [analysis]
14a27tII 29,1014a9book 1541 (secundo) loco: .i. dond .l. aili.
[‘i.e. to the other l ’] [analysis]
14a27uII 29,1014a9book 1423 posita: ind .l. inna dédensillabe
[‘the l of the last syllable’]
14a30wII 29,1214a10book 1211 flavus: buide
[‘yellow’] [analysis]
14a30xII 29,12book 14228 medium: habet sonum {= E 12r4}
14a31yII 29,13book 14221 transit: .i. l {= E 12r4 .i. om. E}
14a32zII 29,1314a11book 1211 23 paulum: bec {= E 12r4 .i. becc}
[‘small’] [analysis]
14a32aaII 29,1314a12book 1211 23 pauxillum: becán
[‘a small quantity’] [analysis]
14a32bbII 29,1314a13book 1211 mala: gruad {cf. E 12r4 gláínninet}
[‘a cheek’] [analysis]
14a32ccII 29,1314a14book 1211 maxilla: glainethat {cf. E 12r5 vel gen.}
[‘small jaw’] [analysis]
14a33ddII 29,1314a15book 1211 velum: séol {= E 12r5 .i. seul.}
[‘a sail’] [analysis]
14a34eeII 29,15book 1423 obscurum: .i. sonum. {= E 12r5}
14a34ffII 29,15book 1212 obscurum: gravem {= E 12r5 .i. add. E}
14a35ggII 29,1514a16book 1541 apertum: réil aersoilcthe beoil oca fogur isind luc-sin
[‘manifest in the opening of the mouth at the sound of it (i.e. m) in that position’] [analysis]
14b2aII 29,17book 125 tandundem: .i. tam ⁊ demum {= E 12r8}
14b2bII 29,1814b1book 125 211 identi[dem]: .i. idem ⁊ idem fon óen-chummi {cf. E 12r8 .i. idem et idem.}
[‘i.e. ‘idem et idem,’ in one way ’] [analysis]
14b3cII 29,1814b2book 125 211 nuncubi: num ⁊ ubi .i. indosa {cf. E 12r8 .i. num et ubi.}
[‘‘num et ubi’ i.e. now’] [analysis]
14b4dII 29,1914b3book 1211 anceps: immchenda
[‘double-headed’] [analysis]
14b7eII 29,21book 1212 25 anquiro: .i. interrogo .i. am ⁊ quaero {cf. E 12r10 .i. am. et quero}
14b8fII 29,2114b4book 1211 4221 [inter]cipit (b): .i. m. eter·gaib .b. cucae
[‘i.e. m interposes b to it’] [analysis]
14b8gII 29,21book 125 ambitus: .i. am ⁊ itus {cf. E 12r11 .i. am. et eo vel itus}
14b8hII 29,21book 125 ambessus: am ⁊ esus {cf. E 12r11 .i. am et edo.}
14b8iII 29,21book 125 ambustus: am ⁊ ustus {cf. E 12r11 am. et uro vel ustus.}
14b8kII 29,21book 1222 +ambustus: conbustus
14b9lII 29,22book 1212 +ambages: contentiones
14b9mII 29,22book 125 ambages: am ⁊ ages vel ab ambigo verbo .i. am. ⁊ ago {cf. E 12r11 am et ago. (m.l.) ambages ambigo verbo am. et ago}
14b10nII 29,22book 13232 idem: {.i. ius .i. add. E} interceptio b {cf. E 12r12}
14b12oII 30,3book 152 572 illum .. etc: (m.l.) virgilius {cf. E 12r13 in primo libro}
14b12pII 30,3book 1572 illum: vidi
14b12qII 30,3book 1572 expirantem: aiacem filium olei {= E 12r13}
14b15rII 30,4book 1423 X: libro {= E 12r14}
14b16II 30,5book 113 octo ..
14b17II 30,7book 14111 4143 primis: " (14b18=30,7) sonat: " (ibid.) partibus: " (14b19=30,8) exilior: "
14b19sII 30,814b5book 1211 stamen: dlúth
[‘warp’] [analysis]
14b19tII 30,814b6book 1211 exilior: semiu {= E 12r16 .i. add. E}
[‘thinner’] [analysis]
14b20uII 30,8book 14221 transit: n {= E 12r17 .i. add. E}
14b20wII 30,9book 125 ignosco: in ⁊ gnosco {= E 12r17 .i. in et nosco}
14b21''xII 30,9book 125 212 571 ignavus: (m.d.) ignavus .i. in ⁊ danus vel naus vel ignarus via ut icidorus. gen- naus. impiger obsequens {cf. E 12r17 in et naus. <.i. danae> (m.d.) vel ignarus via isidorus dicit}
14b22''yII 30,9book 125 ignarus: in ⁊ gnarus {= E 12r17 in et narus}
14b22''zII 30,9book 1212 215 ignarus: (m.l.) ignarus inscius .i. sine naribus. olofecisse enim veteres sciisse dicebant
14b23''aaII 30,9book 125 ignominia: in ⁊ nomen {.i. nomen .nominis. .nomini. a. ut faciat ignominia. add. E 12r18}
14b24''bbII 30,9book 125 cognosco: con ⁊ gnosco {cf. E 12r18 .i. con.}
14b21"ccII 30,10book 13232 eorum: predictorum
14b22"II 30,10book 14142 adempta: " (14b23"=30,11) quia: "
14b23ddII 30,11book 1541 simplicibus: ne putes n. in .g. converti in his. {= E 12r19}
14b24"II 30,11book 14141 potest: " (14b25"=30,12) g: "
14b26eeII 30,12book 13232 ea: n {= E 12r20}
14b27II 30,12book 14143 [scri]bunt: : (ibid.) et: :
14b29ffII 30,14book 153 facientes: (m.l.) " in syllabis (cf. 23a31=48,15)
14b29ggII 30,14book 1543 agchises: (g:) pro n {cf. E 12r21 pro anchises}
14b29hhII 30,14book 1543 agceps: (g:) pro n
14b30iiII 30,14book 1543 aggulus: (g:) pro n
14b30kkII 30,14book 1543 aggens: (g:) pro n {cf. E 12r22 pro an}
14b30llII 30,1414b7book 1211 aggens: tachtad
[‘choking’] [analysis]
14b30mmII 30,14book 13226[?] quod: ius
14b32nnII 30,15book 1566[?] ion: nomen viri
14b33II 30,16book 14121 litera: .- (ibid.) cuius: .-
14b34ooII 30,17book 1543 forma: carectar {= E 12r24}
[‘a letter’] [analysis]
14b34ppII 30,17book 1543 vox: .i. fogur literae
[‘i.e. sound of the letter’] [analysis]
14b36qqII 30,1814b10book 1211 iggerunt: in·snadat
[‘they insert’] [analysis]
14b36rrII 30,19book 13232 huiuscemodi: dictionibus vel verbis {= E 12r25 vel om. E}
14b36ssII 30,19book 14228 543 greci: .i. ut exprimerent agma {= E 12r25 .i. om. E}
15a1aII 30,19book 1541 noster: .i. latinus {= E 12r25 latinis (sic)}
15a1II 30,19book 14143 scribunt: .- (ibid.) alii: .-
15a1bII 30,2015a1book 1211 35 quod: .i. ol
[‘i.e. because’] [analysis]
15a1II 30,20book 14141 quod: : (15a2=30,20) non: : (ibid.) est: :
15a1cII 30,20book 13232 hoc: .i. imbat da .g. bete and ba .g. ⁊ n.
[‘i.e. whether there are to be two g’s there, or g and n’] [analysis]
15a2dII 30,21book 1543 ag[ceps]: (g:) .i. g. pro n.
15a3eII 30,21book 1543 agcora: (g:) g pro n {cf. E 12r26 pro ancora}
15a3II 30,21book 153 transit: (m.l.) o/ (15a5=30,22) similiter: (m.l.) o/
15a3fII 30,21book 1541 (in) l: .i. in duo .l. {= E 12r27 .l.: .ll. E}
15a4gII 30,21book 1313 ullus: dimminutivum {= E 12r27 .i. add. E}
15a5hII 30,22book 1214 571 catenum: isidorus catenum vas fictile quod melius neutro dicimus quam masculino sicut ⁊ salibum vas aptum salibus {Cf. K 8r42 d vas salis}
15a5iII 31,1book 125 colle[ga]: .i. con. ⁊ lego {cf. E 12r28 .con. lego}
15a6kII 31,1book 125 colligo: con ⁊ liego {cf. E 12r28 con ligo}
15a6lII 31,1book 125 illido: .i. in ⁊ laedo {cf. E 12r28 inledo}
15a6mII 31,1book 125 collido: con ⁊ laedo
15a8nII 31,2book 125 imbibo: .in. {cf. E 12r29 .i. in et bibo}
15a9oII 31,315a3book 125 211 immineo: .i. taortaim .i. in. ⁊ mineo vel mina {cf. E 12v1 .in. mineo}
[‘i.e. I fall (upon) i.e. ‘in’ (into) and ‘*mineo’ or ‘mina’ (menace)’] [analysis]
15a10pII 31,4book 14228 similiter: .i. transit .n. in .m. {cf. E 12v1 .i. transit}
15a13qII 31,5book 14221 trans*it(i): .i. n {= E 12v2}
15a13rII 31,6book 125 corrigo: .i. con ⁊ rego {= E 12v3 .i. om. E}
15a14sII 31,6book 125 irrito: in ⁊ rito vel ritus {cf. E 12v3 in et ritus}
15a16tII 31,715a4book 1543 propter: .i. soirthiu de in labrad dia tairmthecht isin litir comḟograigthi doda·iarmórat
[‘i.e. the easier is the pronunciation from its (the letter m’s) passage into the consonantal letter which follows it’] [analysis]
15a17II 31,7book 14111 labrorumque: " (15a18=31,8) [transe]untium: "
15a17II 31,8book 14111 vicinos: : (15a18=31,8) pulsus: :
15a20uII 31,915a5book 1211 findo: in·dlung
[‘I separate’] [analysis]
15a21wII 31,10book 137 ecquid: .i. hae quasi ecce {cf. E 12v6 quasi ecce .i. aliquid}
15a23xII 31,11book 1543 221 demipho: .i. demiphon ⁊ reliqua {cf. E 12v7 pro on}
15a23yII 31,11book 1543 simo: .i. in latina lingua
15a24II 31,12book 14141 sicut: " (ibid.) additur: " (15a25=31,12) apud: " {= E 12v7-8 sicut " > grecos " }
15a24zII 31,12book 14221 additur: .i. n {= E 12v8 .i. om. E}
15a25aaII 31,13book 1543 221 *ciceron: .i. apud grecos {= E 12v8 .i. om. E}
15a28bbII 31,15book 1423 lati[nis]: .i. dictionibus {= E 12v10}
15a29II 31,16book 14144 geminata: " (15a31=31,17) phirrhus: " (ibid.) tyrrhe[nus]: "
15a30II 31,16book 153 rhet*or (h): (m.l.) X (cf. 9b5=19,14 n)
15a30II 31,16book 14144 rhet*or (h): .- (15a31=31,16) rhenus: .- (ibid.) rhodus: .- (15a31=31,17) phirrhus: .-
15a31ccII 31,16book 1561 rhenus: flumen {= E 12v11 .i. add. E}
15a31ddII 31,16book 1561 rhodus: nomen insolae {cf. E 12v11 insula}
15a32eeII 31,17book 1566[?] 572 orrhena: (m.l.) virgilianus horr eus filius regis latinorum in cuius honorem apud latinos horhena facta sunt id est dies lugubres atque tristes in quibus omnes latini suos mortuos profusis lacrimis flebant horrheus vero ob orrorem faciei nominatus est {= K 8v8 a horr eus] horreus vero K; fauni post filius add. K; apud Latinos] om. K; horrhena K; omnes om. K; pirrus enim prius dictus est inde festa horrhena id est horribilia atque lugubria dicuntur.., post nominatus est add. K}
15a34ffII 31,18book 14221 transi*t (i): .i. r {= E 12v12 .i. om. E}
15a34II 31,18book 14143 transi*t (i): " (15a35=31,19) s: " (15b2=31,22) duas: :
15b3aII 31,2215b1book 1541 53 u: .i. e in .i. productam ⁊ r. do thormuch lege verbum post ⁊ ibi invenies
[‘i.e. e is changed into i long, and r is added. Lege verbum etc.’] [analysis]
15b4bII 31,2315b2book 1211 aeneus: .i. humide {= E 12v15 humid}
[‘i.e. bronze’] [analysis]
15b6cII 32,1book 152 vergilius: (m.l.) virgilius
15b7dII 32,4book 152 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
15b7eII 32,5book 1543 13 viros: .i. s hic expellitur reliqua.
15b7fII 32,5book 153 572 13 viros: (m.d.) vide post casum aut ovium foetus .i. glanad .u. ⁊ s. aut urentis culta capellas reliqua
[‘i.e. elision of u and s (aut ouium foet’ aut..).’] [analysis]
15b8gII 32,615b4book 1431[?] 543 ne: .i. a ndo·coisgedar ne comaccomuil .s.
[‘i.e. when the conjunction ne follows s ’] [analysis]
15b9hII 32,615b5book 1541 apostropho: .i. ne fo·daim apostroiph
[‘i.e. ne suffers apostrophe’] [analysis]
15b9iII 32,6book 14221 tol[litur]: .i. s
15b10kII 32,715b6book 1543 211 viden: .i. videsne .i. in n-aci
[‘i.e. ‘videsne’ (do you see [expanded form]), i.e. do you see?’] [analysis]
15b10lII 32,715b7book 1211 satin: .i. in lour
[‘i.e. is it enough?’] [analysis]
15b12mII 32,8book 14221 tollitur: .s. {= E 12v19 .i. add. E}
15b12nII 32,9book 14226 primae: apud latinos {= E 12v19}
15b13oII 32,9book 1221 53 geta: .i. getes vel as sic postea dicet {cf. E 12v19 pro .as.}
15b13pII 32,9book 1561 +geta: .i. urbs
15b13qII 32,9book 1221 byrrhia: .i. as {cf. E 12v19 pro as.}
15b13rII 32,9book 1221 phedria: as {cf. E 12v19 pro as}
15b14sII 32,9book 1221 cherea: as {cf. E 12v20 pro .as.}
15b14tII 32,9book 1221 poeta: es {cf. E 12v20 pro es.}
15b14uII 32,10book 1221 sophista: .i. es
15b14wII 32,1015b8book 1211 sophista: .i. fisid
[‘i.e. learned man’] [analysis]
15b15II 32,10book 14141 in: " (15b16=32,11) convertitur: "
15b15xII 32,10book 13221 quibus: .i. nominibus {= E 12v20}
15b16yII 32,11book 14226 [cor]reptam: .i. iar foxul .s. diib
[‘i.e. after removing s from them’] [analysis]
15b16zII 32,11book 13232 (haec) eadem: .s.
15b21aaII 32,15book 1566[?] +aiax: proprium
15b21bbII 32,15book 1214 pis[trix]: belua marina {cf. E 12v23 vel belua vel pro .s .i. navis aene}
[‘a monster from the sea’]
15b22ccII 32,1566book 1211 [pis]trix: .i. bled
15b22II 32,15book 14121 [pis]trix: " (15b22=32,16) quo: "
15b22ddII 32,16book 13114 221 doris: accusativus grecus {= E 12v24 .i. add. E}
15b23eeII 32,1615b11book 1211 214 +orniξ: buaid lie (m.d.) vel lapis victorie {cf. E 12v24 .i. lapis pretiosus victorie vel crepido. vel budicolma}
[‘a victory stone’] [analysis]
15b23II 32,17book 14144 custos: (s) : (15b24=32,17) [cus]todis: (d) :
15b25II 32,18book 14144 nepos: (s) .- (ibid.) nepotis: (t) .-
15b27II 32,19book 14144 bos: (s) " (ibid.) bovis: (v) "
15b27ffII 32,19book 14221 ponitur: .s.
15b29ggII 32,20book 1543 221 semis: pro emis {= E 12v27}
15b29II 32,20book 14144 221 semis: ; (15b30=32,21) [η]μις: ;
15b29II 32,20book 14144 221 sex: : (15b30=32,21) ηξα: :
15b29II 32,20book 14144 221 septem: ., (15b30=32,21) ηπτα: .,
15b29hhII 32,20book 1543 221 se: e {cf. E 12v27 }
15b29iiII 32,20book 1543 221 si: i {cf. E 12v27 }
15b29kkII 32,20book 1543 221 : ω {cf. E 12v27 }
15b29llII 32,20book 158 +sω: (subs.) vel sui
15b29mmII 32,20book 158 +sω: (m.d.) in alia sal
15b29nnII 32,20book 1541 53 +sω: (m.i.) e. apud grecos .se. latini. i. apud grecos is apud latinos per anastrophen ⁊ deferentiam lege in pronomine ου grece. sui latine
15b29II 32,20book 14141 nam: " (15b31=32,21) habent: "
15b30II 32,21book 14122 [ η]μις: .- (ibid.) ηξα: .- (ibid.) ηπτα: .- (ibid.) ea: .-
15b33ooII 33,2book 13232 ea: .i. s. {= E 12v29 .i. om. E}
15b34ppII 33,2book 1561 boetes: .i. nomen gentis {= E 12v29}
15b35qqII 33,3book 13232 huic: .i. s {= E 13r1}
15b35rrII 33,3book 1541 p: .i. psalmus {cf. E 13r1 ut psalmus.}
15b36II 33,3book 14111 ψ: " (ibid.) grecae: "
15b36II 33,3book 14121 ψ: ., (15b36=33,4) qua: .,
15b36ssII 33,3book 1421 fungitur: .i. .p con .s. {= E 13r1 .p. con .s.}
[‘i.e. p with s’]
16a2aII 33,4book 1541 [scri]bi: .i. causa brevitatis scribendi {= E 13r2}
16a2bII 33,5book 1543 (antiquam) scrip[turam]: ψ vel p.s. {ante inventionem ψ .i. phi add. E} {= E 13r2}
16a3cII 33,516a1book 1211 35 quamvis: adas {= E 13r3 .i. adass.}
[‘although’] [analysis]
16a3II 33,5book 14111 sine: " (ibid.) ratione: "
16a3dII 33,516a2book 14223 542 (non sine) ratione: .i. do claind quod noluit vel aliis quod fecerunt
[‘i.e. for (the Latin) race quod etc.’] [analysis]
16a4eII 33,516a2abook 1211 34 quoque: cid {= E 13r3 .i. cid}
[‘also’] [analysis]
16a4fII 33,6book 13233 ([haec..]) duplex: .i. ψ {= E 13r3 ψ. p<s<i}
16a4II 33,6book 14142 videtur: " (ibid.) nam: "
16a5II 33,6book 14111 molliorem: " (16a6=33,7) [soni]tum: "
16a5gII 33,616a3book 1211 molliorem: .i. moithiu {= E 13r4 .i. om. E}
[‘i.e. softer’] [analysis]
16a5hII 33,616a4book 1211 volubiliorem: .i. asoirbiu
[‘i.e. which is easier, (more pleasant)’] [analysis]
16a6iII 33,7book 1212 [soni]tum: .i. quasi sonum
16a6kII 33,716a5book 1211 35 221 quam (ps): oldaas .πς.
[‘than πς’] [analysis]
16a6lII 33,7book 1221 bs: βς {= E 13r4}
16a6II 33,7book 14122 hae: " (ibid.) (est) bs: "
16a7mII 33,7book 134 alias: .i. adverbium {= E 13r4}
16a8II 33,8book 14121 nominativi: .- (16a8=33,9) cuius: .-
16a10nII 33,916a6book 1211 [cae]lebs: oíntam {= E 13r6 oentam}
[‘an unmarried man’] [analysis]
16a10oII 33,1016a7book 1211 arabis: .i. de arabda
[‘i.e. de of the Arabian’] [analysis]
16a11pII 33,10book 14228 [me]lius: quam ps vel bs {cf. E 13r6 .i. quam bs. vel ps.}
16a11II 33,10book 14143 sonat: ,. (ibid.) sic: ,.
16a11qII 33,10book 14228 etiam: melius .i. sonat {cf. E 13r7 .i. melius. sonat}
16a12rII 33,11book 1541 assumpsimus: per apostrophen ξ .i. quia melius sonat
16a12II 33,11book 14142 assumpsimus: .- (ibid.) quantum: .- (ibid.) expedi[tior]: .- (16a13=33,11) ψ: .-
16a12sII 33,1116a8book 14228 autem: nis·n-arróetmar-ni sidi {cf. E 13r7 .i. non sumpsimus}
[‘we have not accepted this’] [analysis]
16a13tII 33,1116a9book 1211 4226 [expedi]tior: .i. soirthiu sonu
[‘i.e. easier, more fortunate’] [analysis]
16a13uII 33,1116a10book 1211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
16a13II 33,12book 14142 bs: /. (ibid.) ideoque: /.
16a15II 33,13book 14121 debere: : (ibid.) quod: :
16a18wII 33,1416a11book 1211 apex: .i. huasletu
[‘i.e. the highest point’] [analysis]
16a18xII 33,15book 14221 +transi*it (i): .i. x {= E 13r10}
16a20II 33,16book 14122 nox: .- (ibid.) suppellex: .- (16a21=33,16) haec: .-
16a20yII 33,1616a12book 1211 3117[?] suppellex: .i. intreb suppellectilis nominativus vetustus {cf. E 13r11 .i. nominativus vetustus.}
[‘i.e. furniture. The old nominative is ‘supellectilis’’] [analysis]
16a23zII 33,18book 14221 vertitur: .i. x
16a23aaII 33,18book 125 efficio: .i. ex ⁊ facio {= E 13r13 .i. om. E}
16a23bbII 33,18book 125 +effe[ro]: ex et fero {= E 13r13}
16a24II 33,18book 14141 quod: .- (16a27=33,21) ma[net]: .- {= E 13r13-4}
16a25ccII 33,19book 13113 dictioni[bus]: .i. dativus {= E 13r14 .i. om. E}
16a26II 33,20book 14143 incipientibus: " (ibid.) vel: " {cf. E 13r14 (unum symb. sup. vel)}
16a28ddII 33,21book 1212 exigo: .i. posco
16a28eeII 33,2116a13book 1213 exoleo: ni·forbiur
[‘I do not increase’] [analysis]
16a30ffII 33,2216a14book 13226[?] 543 quo: .i. iure feidligthe disi i n-ógi ⁊ .s. inna tiarmoracht
[‘i.e. by the principle of its remaining in (its) integrity with an s following it’] [analysis]
16a30II 33,23book 14142 facere: /. (16a30=33,22) contra: /. (16a31=33,23) enim: /.
16a31ggII 33,23book 13232 illi: .i. greci {= E 13r16 .i. om. E}
16a31hhII 33,23book 1221 x: .i. ξ {cf. E 13r16 ξ x}
16a32II 33,23book 14143 preponunt: " (16a32=33,24) sed: "
16a32iiII 33,24book 1221 k: capa {cf. E 13r17 κ .i. c .i. cappa}
16a32kkII 33,24book 13232 ea: .x. {= E 13r17}
16a33II 33,24book 14121 x: .- (16a33=33,25) quae: .-
16a33llII 33,24book 14228 (x) solam: .i. quam s. post x {= E 13r17 .i. om. E}
16a33mmII 33,24book 1333 4229 *ponamus: .i. coa
[‘i.e. so that’] [analysis]
16a34nnII 33,25book 13226[?] cuius: .s. {= E 13r18 .i. add. E}
16a34II 33,25book 14111 4141 solum: " (ibid.) ipse: " (ibid.) so[nus]: " (16a35=34,1) possit: "
16a34ooII 33,25book 14222 so[nus]: .x. {= E 13r18}
16a35II 34,1book 14143 possit: .- (ibid.) sed: .-
16a36ppII 34,1book 13116 hoc: .i. ablativus {= E 13r18 .i. om. E}
16a36II 34,1book 14141 quod: ., (16b1=34,2) minime: ., (ibid.) potest: .,
16a m.i.qqII 34,1book 159 (m.i.) Ox .I.
16b1aII 34,2book 1212 minime: non {= E 13r19 .i. add. E}
16b1bII 34,2book 1543 geminari: si scribas .s. post x {= E 13r19}
16b2II 34,2book 14123 x: " (16b2=34,3) antecedente: "
16b3cII 34,3book 13232 ipsa: .s. aile {cf. E 13r20 .s.}
[‘another s’] [analysis]
16b3dII 34,316b2book 1211 35 333 *consequatur: ma do·coisgedar {= L 17v17 c ma du·coscedar cf. E 13r20 .s. sí}
[‘if it follows’] [analysis]
16b4eII 34,3book 1212 +exsequor: .i. excito negotio
16b7II 34,6book 14111 nunquam: " (16b8=34,6) nec: " (ibid.) potest: "
16b13fII 34,1016b3book 1313 211 glomus: sed tertiae declinationis ⁊ neutrum .i. comtherchomrac {cf. E 13r25 comtherchomrac (m.d.) tertie declinationis glomus .ris. haloiu aur.ruinn}
[‘but <’glomus’> is of the third declension and neuter i.e. a collection’] [analysis]
16b15gII 34,1167book 14228 nam: ideo non dico .b. in .s. híc nam reliqua
16b15hII 34,1116b4book 1543 sustuli: dobriathar ata chomsuidigthe frisna hí-siu
[‘adverbs which are compounded with these (words)’] [analysis]
16b15II 34,11book 14111 a: " (ibid.) ad[verbio]: "
16b16iII 34,1216b5book 1541 subtinneo: is follus nach .b. in .s. in predictis ar ni loc tairmthechtae di. in .s. sequente .c. vel t. unde subtinneo reliqua non transit in his similiter
[‘it is obvious that b (does) not (change) into s in the aforesaid (examples), for it is not an occasion for it to pass into s when c or t follows, unde etc.’] [analysis]
16b18kII 34,13book 125 53 sussum: et ab aspicio ut dicet {post add. E}{= E 13v1}
16b19lII 34,14book 14222 unam: .i. in da ṅ-s. .i. is. adverbii vel verbi {cf. E 13v1 .i. s. adverbii non verbi}
[‘i.e. (one) of the two s’s, i.e. s of the adverb or of the verb’] [analysis]
16b19II 34,14book 14143 potest: " (16b21=34,15) quomodo: "
16b23mII 34,16book 125 *([suf]flo) efflo: ex ⁊ flo {cf. E 13v3 .ex.}
16b24nII 34,1716b7book 14228 [gre]cos: .i. emnad mute re lechdaig híc
[‘i.e. doubling of a mute before a liquid here’] [analysis]
16b26oII 34,1816b8book 1211 ascisco: do·cuiriur {cf. E 13v4 .i. voco}
[‘I summon’] [analysis]
16b29pII 34,20book 125 53 quadringenta: .i. quattuor ⁊ centum ut in sillabis dicet {= E 13v6 dicet] ostendet E}
16b29qII 34,21book 125 septingenta: septem ⁊ centum {= E 13v6}
16b30rII 34,20book 125 quingenta: quinque ⁊ centum {= E 13v6}
16b30sII 34,2116b9book 1211 ango: cumcigim
[‘I constrict’] [analysis]
16b31II 34,21book 14141 quod: .- (16b32=34,22) inveniuntur: .-
16b31tII 34,22book 13232 hanc: .c. {= E 13v7 .i. add. E}
16b33uII 34,23book 13232 qua: .i. ylementa vocalium {= E 13v8}
16b36wII 34,25book 14221 transit: .c. {= E 13v10 .i. add. E}
16b37II 34,25book 14122 t: " (ibid.) eam: "
16b38xII 34,26book 1543 iratus: c in t
16b38yII 34,26book 1212 nanciscor: (subs.) invenio
16b38zII 34,26book 1543 nactus: assumpsit .t. {cf. E 13v11 .i. assumit .t.}
17a1aII 35,2book 1543 meri[dies]: (r) pro d
17a13bII 35,9book 125 attamino: (at) .i. ad
17a13cII 35,917a1book 1211 attamino: as·lenaim
[‘I defile’] [analysis]
17a15dII 35,10book 125 redigo: re ⁊ ago {= E 13v19}
17a15eII 35,11book 125 redarguo: re ⁊ arguo
17a17fII 35,12book 125 as[piro]: .i. ad {cf. E 13v20 .i. ad et spiro}
17a19gII 35,13book 14228 magis: quam semivocalis {= E 13v21}
17a20hII 35,14book 14226 similiter: fri .f {= E 13v22 .i. add. E}
[‘to f’] [analysis]
17a21iII 35,14book 13221 quo: .f. {= E 13v22 .i. add. E}
17a22kII 35,1417a3book 135 quanquam: .i. is mút-si am quanquam .i. cinud .. is mút quanquam. adas.
[‘i.e. it is a mute indeed quamquam = although, or: it is a mute, quamquam = all the same’] [analysis]
17a23lII 35,1517a3abook 1541 aspirationis: digaim dasian {= E 13v23 digann. dasi<a<n}
[‘digamma or rough breathing’] [analysis]
17a24mII 35,16book 13232 4226 ipsi: latini .i. more eolum {cf. E 13v24 .i. romani. more eolum}
17a24nII 35,16book 1541 aspirationem: atac
[‘of the Attics’] [analysis]
17a24II 35,16book 14122 aspirationem: " (17a25=35,17) eam: "
17a25oII 35,16book 136 (cum) consonante: ante consonantem
17a26II 35,17book 14141 4142 habebat: " (17a27=35,18) sonum: " (17a28=35,18) unde: "
17a28pII 35,18book 1541 af: Ϝ {= E 13v26 .i. add. E}
17a28II 35,18book 14142 4141 af: : (17a29=35,19) sed: : (17a30=35,20) mota[ta]: "
17a28qII 35,19book 1541 ab: .i. b pro v {= E 13v26 .i. om. E}
17a31rII 35,2017a5book 1543 sifilum: ar robbu digaim ind .f. híc co·nducad .b. inná loc
[‘for the f here was digamma and b was put in its place’] [analysis]
17a32sII 35,21book 1566[?] ([nonio]) marcello: .duo nomina {= E 13v28 .i. add. E}
17a32tII 35,2117a6book 1211 (de ..) indagine: .i. dind eclim
[‘i.e. about the investigation’] [analysis]
17a32uII 35,21book 14221 dicebant: antiqui {= E 13v28 .i. add. E}
17a35wII 35,2317a7book 1211 agor: cotom·erchloither
[‘I am driven’] [analysis]
17a35xII 35,23book 1212 +agor: (m.l.) cogor vel minor
17a36II 35,24book 14143 esse: " (ibid.) ostendimus: " (ibid.) sed: "
17b1aII 35,25book 14226 lati[ni]: hodie {= E 14r3}
17b2bII 35,2517b1book 1541 versu: eter litre ni huas litrib
[‘among the letters, not over the letters’] [analysis]
17b2cII 35,25book 14221 diviserunt: greci {= E 14r4}
17b2II 35,26book 14141 et: .- (17b4=35,26) habent: .-
17b3dII 35,2617b2book 1211 541 dexteram: a lleth o laim deiss ┤ {cf. E 14r4 ┤ }
[‘the right half (lit. with the half from the right hand)’] [analysis]
17b3II 35,26book 14123 dexteram: : (ibid.) partem: : (ibid.) ponentes: :
17b3eII 35,2617b3book 1543 supra (literam): huas litir suidigthir leo
[‘it is placed with them above the letter’] [analysis]
17b3II 35,26book 14112 4121 psiles: " (17b4=35,26) notam: " (17b4=35,27) quam: "
17b4fII 35,27book 1566[?] rennius palemon: duo nomina unius viri {= E 14r5 nomina .II. E}
17b4gII 35,2717b4book 1211 exilem: séim
[‘smooth (non-aspirated)’] [analysis]
17b16hII 36,1book 14228 541 sinistram: .i. partem greci habent .i. dasien {= E 14r6 habent greci E .i. E}
[‘i.e. the rough breathing’] [analysis]
17b7iII 36,2book 14226 aspirationis: .i. do psilen {= E 14r6 .i. do epsilien}
[‘i.e. to the smooth breathing’] [analysis]
17b7kII 36,2book 1215 563 grillius: (m.d.) beda ⁊ fit grillius nomen vermis in igne manens similis muscae..
17b7lII 36,217b7book 1211 flatilem: tinfesti
[‘aspirated’] [analysis]
17b11mII 36,6book 1543 nunquam: manibbad hinunn liter
[‘if it were not the same letter’] [analysis]
17b13nII 36,7book 13232 illam: .i. c {= K 17b13 n}
17b13oII 36,7book 14228 transiret: nisi haberet eandem vim
17b14pII 36,8book 14228 similiter: ut in nominibus {= E 14r10}
17b15qII 36,9book 14221 transfertur: .i. q. {= E 14r10 .i. om. E}
17b16rII 36,9book 14221 transit: .i. q
17b17sII 36,10book 14221 abii[cit]: .i. q
17b21tII 36,1317b9book 1211 542 et e contrario: .i. cid in chotarsnu ar is .c. tar hesi .q. thuas reliqua
[‘i.e. yet contrary-wise, for it is c instead of q above etc.’] [analysis]
17b25uII 36,1617b10book 1431[?] 3115 (c ..) antecedente: .i. remi·tét .c. in .t
[‘i.e. (when) c precedes the t’] [analysis]
17b26wII 36,17book 1571 z: (m.d.) teo- Unum nomen latinum quod z in se habet ut aurizus a verbo aurizo quasi aure tenens sonus. {= E 14r16 teo- om. E, sonus om. E, z ter corr. ex y in E}
17b27II 36,17book 14122 ponuntur: .- (17b28=36,18) hoc: .-
17b28xII 36,17book 1423 multis: dictionibus
17b27yII 36,1817b11book 13232 *hoc: .i. a suidigud in epertib grecdib
[‘i.e. their position in Greek words’] [analysis]
17b28II 36,18book 14143 *inveniun[tur]: : (17b29=36,18) ut: :
17b29II 36,18book 14141 *ut: .- (17b30=36,19) posuise: .-
17b29II 36,18book 14141 quod: " (17b29=36,19) acci[pitur]: "
17b29zII 36,19book 1?[?] *s.d,: ?
17b29aaII 36,19book 14226 53 acci[pitur]: (m.d.) .i. hodie ut ostendit paulo ante. {= E 14r18}
17b31bbII 36,20book 1221 572 φυγη: anima {= E 14r18 .i. add. E}
17b31ccII 36,20book 1561 sacuntum: nomen insolae vel civitatis {cf. E 14r19 nomen insole}
17b31ddII 36,2017b12book 1543 massa: da .s. tar hési z {cf. E 14r19 dá .ss.}
[‘two s’s in place of z’] [analysis]
17b32eeII 36,2017b13book 1563 odor: ainm -etha
[‘name of a grain’] [analysis]
17b32II 36,20book 14144 odor: " (17b33=36,21) οζειν: "
17b33ffII 36,21book 1543 sethus: unam s pro z {= E 14r19 .i. add. E unum E}
17b33ggII 36,21book 1566[?] +sethus: nomen viri
17b34II 36,21book 14144 medentius: (d) .- (17b34=36,22) μεζεντιος: (ζ) .-
17b34II 36,22book 14144 coryllus: .) (18a1=36,23) καριως: .)
17b35II 36,22book 14144 lympha: : (ibid.) scriptura: :
17b35II 36,22book 14144 lympha: ..- (18a1=37,1) νυμφυ: ..-
17b35hhII 36,2217b14book 1541 scriptura: .i. y pro .υ. indib
[‘i.e. (because) u (occurs) for y in them ’] [analysis]
18a1aII 37,1book 1541 νυμφυ: .i. .n. pro l. posuerunt antiqui grecorum híc {cf. E 14r21 .n. híc pro .l. .i. limsat}
18a1II 37,1book 14142 νυμφυ: " (ibid.) solebant: "
18a2II 37,1book 14142 enim: .- (18a2=37,2) unde: .-
18a2II 37,2book 14141 unde: ., (18a3=37,2) signum: ., (18a4=37,3) nos: ., (18a5=37,3) scribimus: .,
18a3bII 37,2book 13232 illi: .i. postremi greci
18a5cII 37,4book 152 de .. etc.: (m.l.) de ordine literarum
18a6dII 37,5book 1543 syl[labis]: .i. in diptongis
18a7eII 37,618a1book 1543 esse: .i. huare as accomalta do chumachtu is airi ad·fét de híc
[‘i.e. since it is connected with the power (of the letters), therefore he discourses of it here’] [analysis]
18a8fII 37,6book 1212 ylementorum: .i. literarum
18a8II 37,6book 14123 non: " (18a8=37,7) puto: "
18a8gII 37,7book 13232 ei: .i. potestati {= E 14r25}
18a10II 37,8book 14111 aliis: " (ibid.) vocalibus: "
18a11hII 37,8book 1541 [sub]sequentibus: .i. in diptongo {= E 14r26 in om. E}
18a12iII 37,918a2book 1541 e (u): .i. coitchenn .e. hiter remsuidigud ⁊ foacomol
[‘i.e. e is common both in anteposition and subjunction’] [analysis]
18a14II 37,10book 14121 [dip]tongum: " (ibid.) quam: "
18a14kII 37,10book 14221 faciebat: .i. i
18a15lII 37,11book 14221 541 ponebant: .i. latini
18a16mII 37,11book 14226 541 invenitur: .i. in subiunctione .i. apud nos
18a17nII 37,12book 1541 221 υι: yi pro grece yy.
18a19oII 37,1418a3book 1543 quod: .i. fogor da gutae i n-deogar air thechtaid cach gutae a guth n-indi ⁊ it di gutai bíte i n-deogur.
[‘i.e. the sound of two vowels is in a diphthong, for each vowel has its (own) sound in it, and it is two vowels that are in a diphthong’] [analysis]
18a20pII 37,1418a4book 1571 [compre]hendunt: (m.l.) diomedes diptongos grece dia vel dios vel dio duo latine ptongos sonus. diptongos ergo dualis sonus sicut dialecticus dualis lectio. as·berat alii is dephtongos as maith and .i. combad dephtoros do·dichsed inna leith chomsuidigthi ⁊ tonos .i. sonus. dephtoros didiu binus sonus interpretatur.- {= E 14r30 1) diptongus E; 2) pthongos .i. E; 3) om. E; 4) ut E; asberat .. interpretatur om. E}
[‘Others say that dephtongos is right there i.e. dephtoros would enter as half of the compound and tonos i.e. sonus. dephtorus then etc.’] [analysis]
18a20qII 37,1518a5book 1211 singulae (vocales): na gutae oíndae
[‘the single vowels’] [analysis]
18a22rII 37,16book 151 secundum (grecos): secundum rationem grecorum {= E 14v1}
18a24sII 37,17book 152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
18a25tII 37,19book 152 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
18a26uII 37,21book 1423 grecis: .i. verbis {= E 14v3}
18a27wII 37,21book 1541 nos: latinos {= E 14v3}
18a29xII 37,2218a6book 1541 [acci]pitur: (m.l.) Cindas on. ni anse ón uaire is i ndi guthaigthi airdíxi do·fuasilcther deogur do-rru·airthetar di aimsir vocalis as·berr .i. in consonante .i. inde duplex est..
[‘How is this? Not hard is this: because the diphthong is resolved into two long vowels there have remained in consonante i two times of the vowel which is called i. Hence the consonant is double’] [analysis]
18a29yII 37,2218a7book 1541 μανα: .i. deogur .a. ⁊ e {= E 14v4}
[‘i.e. diphthong of a and e’] [analysis]
18a30zII 38,1book 14221 transit: .i. ae {= E 14v4 .i. om. E}
18a33aaII 38,4book 14221 ponitur: .i. ae {= E 14v5}
18a33II 38,4book 14143 ponitur: " (18a34=38,5) et: " {= E 14v5}
18a36bbII 38,6book 1543 νιμφαες: .i. diptongum pro a ponentes {= E 14v6 .i. om. E}
18b2II 38,7book 14142 *correpta: .- (18b3=38,7) quando: .- (18b7=38,13) enim: .-
18b3II 38,7book 14142 tunc: " (ibid.) quando: "
18b3aII 38,818b1book 1543 compositae: .i. hi foirciunn na cetnae rainne bis isin chomsuidigthiu
[‘i.e. at the end of the first part which is in the compound’] [analysis]
18b4bII 38,818b2book 14226 vocali: .i. i ndead in deoguir bis isin chetna sillaib
[‘i.e. after the diphthong which is in the first syllable’] [analysis]
18b5cII 38,9book 152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
18b6dII 38,10book 113 541 ([sudi])busve pre,(ustis): dactylus {= E 14v9 .i. add. E}
18b7eII 38,12book 1543 221 χαμαινιναι: híc diptongus correpta {= E 14v10 correpta om. E}
18b9fII 38,14book 152 infindunt: (m.l.) virgilius
18b9gII 38,14book 113 541 (to)tumque de(hiscunt): dactylus
18b11hII 38,1618b3book 13232 idem: .i. a thimmorcuin
[‘i.e. its shortening (correptio)’] [analysis]
18b11II 38,16book 14142 patitur: : (18b12=38,18) unde: :
18b12iII 38,18book 14222 *(et) semis: .i. temporis
18b13kII 38,18book 13232 eas: vocales vel diptongos {= E 14v13 diptongos vel vocales}
18b15lII 38,20book 14221 producuntur: vocales vel diptongi
18b18mII 39,1book 1541 gavisus: .i. assumpsit .i. post .u. euphoniae causa {= E 14v15}
18b19nII 39,2book 14221 transit: .i. u. {cf. E 14v16 .au. (sic)}
18b19II 39,2book 14142 transit: ..- (18b22=39,4) ex: ..-
18b22oII 39,4book 153 aufero: (m.l.) postea dicit aufero aufugio dicimus ne si affero. reliqua {affugio dicamus pro adfero adfugio. accipiantur add. E 14v16, reliqua om. E}
[‘further on he says: ‘We say ‘aufero’ (take away), ‘aufugio’ (run away) in order that they will not’]
18b23II 39,4book 14141 *ut: ., (18b24=39,5) abiiciatur: ., (ibid.) vocalis: ., (18b25=39,5) posita: .,
18b23II 39,4book 14123 *antecedente: : (18b23=39,5) a: :
18b23II 39,5book 14123 *u: " (18b24=39,5) sequente: "
18b25pII 39,5book 13232 *eam: .u. {= E 14v18 .i. add. E}
18b25qII 39,6book 14222 *(post) consonantem: .u.
18b26rII 39,618b5book 1333 4229 *fiat: co beith
[‘that it may be’] [analysis]
18b26sII 39,618b6book 1431[?] 211 u redeunte: .i. a ndo·n-aithchuiredar .u. iterum
[‘i.e. when u returns again’] [analysis]
18b26II 39,6book 14123 u: " (ibid.) redeunte: "
18b28tII 39,8book 14221 transit: .au. {= E 14v20 .i. add. E}
18b30uII 39,918b7book 1211 cotes: lieic {cf. E 14v21 .i. lia ocoloin}
[‘whetstones’] [analysis]
18b31wII 39,9book 14228 sicut: fit {= E 14v21 text. princ.}
18b35II 39,13book 14121 eu: " (18b36=39,14) quod: "
18b36xII 39,13book 1572 ulixes: filius lertis filii sissi filii eoli
19a1aII 39,14book 13113 561 ulixei: a nomine ulixeus
19a1bII 39,14book 14228 *(hoc) oratius: ostendit
19a3cII 39,17book 1541 221 φευγο: quia y. {est add. E} grecam .u. {= E 14v25}
19a4II 39,18book 14144 profertur: :- (19a7=39,20) ut: :-
19a5dII 39,1919a1book 1541 221 servant: .i. ar do·fuasalcat greic oe in .u. sic latini
[‘i.e. since the Greeks resolve oe into u so do the Latins’] [analysis]
19a15eII 40,1book 1221 *oe: .i. οι
19a15fII 40,119a2book 1211 3114 *diptongo: arin deogur
[‘from the diphthong’] [analysis]
19a18gII 40,219a3book 1541 [(nec)] non: .i. oldaas a indlach ⁊ int y amal greic ⁊ a hairitiu ar dib consonaib
[‘i.e. than its diaeresis, and the u as Greek and its assumption for two consonants’] [analysis]
19a18hII 40,3book 13232 hanc: diptongum {= E 15r5 .i. add. E}
19a19iII 40,3book 1543 comedia: .i. apud nos {= E 15r5}
19a21II 40,4book 14143 cum: : (19a21=40,5) et: : (19a22=40,5) accipimus: :
19a23kII 40,619a4book 1561 boetorum: inna cenel-sin
[‘of those nations’] [analysis]
19a24lII 40,7book 1561 punices: afracdae {cf. E 15r7 nomen gentis .i. affrica}
[‘African’] [analysis]
19a27mII 40,819a6book 1211 moenio: daiṅgnigim
[‘I fortify’] [analysis]
19a30II 40,11book 14144 e: " (19a31=40,11) priore: "
19a31II 40,11book 14142 sequimur: /. (ibid.) enim: /.
19a31II 40,11book 14122 eoles: : (ibid.) illi: :
19a31nII 40,11book 1221 τοι: huius
19a33II 40,12book 14141 nos: .- (ibid.) plerunque: .- (19a36=40,14) motamus: .-
19a34oII 40,13book 1541 pura: non sequente consonante ante (m.l.) ox {= E 15r12 .i. add. E ante om. E}
19a35pII 40,13book 1423 femininis: nominibus {= E 15r12}
19a36II 40,14book 14122 motamus: :- (19b4=40,16) hoc: :-
19b3II 40,16book 14122 illís: " (ibid.) solum: "
19b3II 40,16book 14145 grecos: .-.- (19b14=41,9) latinis: .-.-
19b4aII 40,16book 13232 hoc: .i. motare ei. diptongum in .i. productam ut in huiuscemodi nominibus facitur
19b5bII 40,17book 1566[?] languia: proprium {= E 15r15}
19b10cII 41,6book 14228 543 *raro: .i. motatio .ei. in .i.
19b11dII 41,619b1book 1543 medeam: .i. con·roscaiged .ei i in .e. hi suidib {cf. E 15r18 .i. istis enim .i. penultima producta conversa in e. productam}
[‘i.e. ei or i was changed into e in these examples’] [analysis]
19b11eII 41,619b2book 14228 35 nam: .i. is airi ní·tabur
[‘i.e. therefore I do not give’] [analysis]
19b12fII 41,6book 152 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
19b12gII 41,7book 1543 tiphoea: ei diptongus híc prius fuit .i. tiphoeia {cf. E 15r19 prius fuit tephoeia.}
19b12hII 41,8book 13116 e (correpta): .i. ablativus {= E 15r19}
19b13iII 41,8book 1561 doricum: grecda {= E 15r19 .i. is groecde.}
[‘{it is} Greek’] [analysis]
19b13kII 41,8book 13232 illi: .i. dores {= E 15r19}
19b14lII 41,8book 13116 (ei) diptongo: ablativus {= E 15r19}
19b14mII 41,8book 1541 abiicere: {et Ms. E} remanet .e. brevis {= E 15r19}
19b15nII 41,9book 134 542 vero: quia nomina greca predicta
19b16II 41,10book 14143 nisi: " (19b18=41,11) et (in verbo): "
19b18oII 41,11book 13221 quae: id est genitivi
19b19II 41,12book 14111 aliorum: " (19b20=41,12) verborum: " {cf. E 15r23 verborum : }
19b20pII 41,12book 13232 542 eiusdem: .i. quartae .i. quia non producit illa .i. ante aliam vocalem ut audiam audias reliqua (m.l.) ox
19b24II 41,15book 14143 fit: " (ibid.) sed: "
19b25qII 41,15book 153 +i pura: (m.d.) .. inante (cf. 34a22=71,12 y)
19b27II 41,16book 14143 nisi: .- (19b27=41,17) et (ipsis): .-
19b27rII 41,16book 1543 (in) dysillabis: .i. latinis
19b27II 41,16book 14144 dysillabis: " (19b28=41,17) dius: " (19b29=41,17) dia: "
19b27II 41,17book 14111 4144 ipsis: : (ibid.) grecis: : (19b29=41,18) licius: : (ibid.) perchius: : (ibid.) arius: :
19b28sII 41,17book 14224 invenimus: .i. longuam ante .us.
19b28tII 41,17book 1541 221 dius: (m.d.) primitivum θος. possessivum θειος. inde dius per motationem ei. in .i. ⁊ θ in .d.
19b30II 41,20book 14141 si: : (19b31=41,21) dabis: :
19b31uII 41,21book 13112 543 licie: vocativus ⁊ .i. híc producta {cf E 15r28 .i. vocativus}
19b34wII 41,23book 1423 aliis: dictionibus
20a3II 41,26book 14123 [sequen]te: " (ibid.) n: "
20a3aII 41,26book 1566[?] +mnestheus: proprium
20a4bII 42,1book 1561 +smirna: civitas
20a9cII 42,4book 1541 smaragdo: (m.l.) de tonica aaroen in lege scripta per metrum dicitur. sardia prima loca topaza adiuncta smaragdus., {= E 15v3, ordo invertitur: sardia .. smaragdus .i. in lege .. metrum hoc dicitur de tonica ááron}
20a11dII 42,5book 14221 posset: .i. s
20a11eII 42,620a1book 1541 s: (m.l.) naich imtha z
[‘not so is z (i.e z does not, as s often does, lose the force of a consonant)’] [analysis]
20a13II 42,7book 14143 [so]lent: ./ (20a13=42,8) si[militer]: ./
20a13fII 42,720a2book 1211 puls: .i. hith {cf. E 15v8 .i. soib ithi moet}
[‘i.e. pottage’] [analysis]
20a14gII 42,820a3book 1211 lanx: med thesc slice
[‘a balance or a dish or a shell’] [analysis]
20a15hII 42,8book 136 in (mutis): .i. de mutis
20a17iII 42,9book 1214 561 abdisa: (m.s.) abdo servus dei ⁊ abdia
20a17kII 42,9book 1563 561 +abdisa: ancilla
20a17lII 42,9book 1566[?] abdomen: forsan proprium
20a17mII 42,10book 1561 migdonides: gens de grecis
20a22nII 42,12book 1563 asbestus: senex capella. asbestus {.i. add. E} lapis qui cum ignem nullum habeat proprium acepto tamen sic ardet alieno ut non possit extingui .- {= E 15v12 senex .. asbestus om. E; cf. K 10r29 f .i. genus lapidis}
20a22oII 42,1220a4book 1211 asbustes: (subs.) .i. neph-adnachte {= K 10r29 g .i. neph-athnachta}
[‘i.e. unburied’] [analysis]
20a22pII 42,12book 1212 +asbustes: (m.l.) inhumatus
20a23qII 42,12book 153 squalor: (m.l.) ". in primo libro constructionis (cf. 239a16=3,111,25)
20a23rII 42,1220a5book 1211 squalor: dóermamaigthetu
[‘dirtiness’] [analysis]
20a23sII 42,12book 1212 squalor: (m.l.) ? [s....s] ?
20a23tII 42,12book 1212 +squalor: ...ditas {cf. K 10r30 h inmunditia}
20a25uII 42,14book 1541 mutae: .i. omnes
20a26wII 42,14book 14228 [liqui]dis: .i. preponuntur mutae {= E 15v14}
20a26xII 42,14book 1543 (absque) m: quia ante .m. non inveniuntur omnes mutae reliqua {cf. E 15v14 .i. non invenitur}
20a26yII 42,15book 1543 blandus: .i. preponitur b. do .l. síc .c. reliqua
[‘i.e. b is prefixed to l: so c etc.’] [analysis]
20a28zII 42,16book 1212 +glabrio: .i. imberbis dicitur
20a28aaII 42,16book 1566[?] +tlepolemus: proprium
20a31bbII 42,1870book 1566[?] cnidus: .i. proprium scriptoris cronicón {cf. E 15v16 nomen scriptoris vel nomen fluminis in asia ut orosius dicit}
20a31ccII 42,18book 1561 571 cnidus: (m.l.) plinius in .V. libro naturalis. istoriae. saros cydnos amnes in cylicia
20a32ddII 42,18book 1566[?] 572 gneus: consul
20a32eeII 42,18book 1561 +etna: .i. mons
20a32ffII 42,19book 1561 +terapne: nomen {cf. K 10r34 n .i. nomen loci vel Portus italiae}
20a32ggII 42,19book 1561 +siip[nus]: nomen
20a33hhII 42,1920a7book 1211 cre[ber]: dián {cf. K 10r35 q celer}
[‘swift’] [analysis]
20a34iiII 42,19book 1566[?] +drances: proprium
20a35kkII 42,2020a8book 1211 pratum: sreith
[‘meadow’] [analysis]
20a36llII 42,2120a9book 1541 inveniuntur: .i. ní·airecar .b. na .c. remi.
[‘i.e. neither b nor c is found before it (lit. before her)’] [analysis]
20a36mmII 42,21book 15661[?] +pira,c[mon]: .i. mons
20a37nnII 42,21book 1572 +al,cmene: .i. haeculis mater
20b1aII 42,2220b1book 1211 +agmen: .i. sluag
[‘i.e. host’] [analysis]
20b1bII 42,22book 1561 +istmos: .i. mons {= E 15v19 .i. om. E}
20b3cII 42,2320b2book 1543 prima: .i. manip .s. bas toisech inna syllaib reliqua
[‘i.e. unless s be the first (element) in its syllable etc.’] [analysis]
20b3II 42,23book 14111 prima: : (ibid.) s: :
20b3II 42,23book 14111 c: .- (ibid.) p: .- (20b4=43,1) secunda: .-
20b6dII 43,220b3book 1543 tertia: .i. tris litir immurgu hi tosuch syllabe biid .i. no .r.
[‘i.e. l or r is wont to be the third letter, therefore, in the beginning of the syllable’] [analysis]
20b7eII 43,2book 1566[?] asclepiodotus: proprium {= E 15v22}
20b7fII 43,3book 1566[?] stlo[pus]: proprium
20b10gII 43,320b4book 1421 victrix: ar .c. ⁊ .p. són in fecht-so
[‘for (combinations commencing with) c and p this now (is an example, sce-ptrum)’] [analysis]
20b12hII 43,4book 153 [ostendi]mus: .i. quando dixit l in solis
20b12iII 43,5book 14224 soni: .i. buith do .l. post ct. reliqua
[‘i.e. the occurrence of l after ct, etc.’] [analysis]
20b13kII 43,520b6book 134 contra: .i. fri múit ⁊ lechdaig inna diad
[‘i.e. (contra) to a mute and a liquid after it’] [analysis]
20b16lII 43,7book 1541 dictio: .i. syllaba
20b18II 43,8book 14123 antecedente: " (20b18=43,9) n: "
20b18mII 43,8book 14226 antecedente: .i. n. re .c. nó .t.
[‘i.e. n before c or t’] [analysis]
20b19nII 43,1020b8book 1542 ratione: .i. huare is b.s. ps. bis in genitin
[‘i.e. because it is bs or ps which occurs in the genitive’] [analysis]
20b20oII 43,10book 1566[?] +pelops: proprium
20b23pII 43,12book 1543 ratio: aliquando .bs. {et add. E} aliquando ps. {= E 16r2}
20b25qII 43,1320b9book 1541 [cognatio]nem: .i. hiter in ainmnid ⁊ in genitin inter .psi ⁊ ps.
[‘i.e. both the nominative and the genitive, or both psi and ps’] [analysis]
20b25rII 43,1320b10book 1541 procliviorem: condib .p.s doda·intá
[‘so that it may be ps that renders it’] [analysis]
20b28sII 43,15book 1566[?] pseudulus: nomen artis {= E 16r4}
20b30tII 43,16book 14222 analogia: .i. presentis temporis
20b30uII 43,16book 14226 cogit: in preterito {= E 16r5}
20b31wII 43,1720b11book 1211 superat: .i. for·huaislig
[‘i.e. (euphony) overcomes’] [analysis]
20b33xII 43,18book 14226 p: in preterito
20b33yII 43,18book 14224 dicere: .i. nos {= E 16r6}
20b33zII 43,18book 14224 scribere: .i. nos {= E 16r7}
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 22 October 2024]