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MS | Gloss | Keil, GL | Thes. | Priscian | Type(s) | Lemma: gloss |
1a7 | d | II 1,2 | Praefatio | 541 | dirivatum: | |
2a20 | r | II 3,5 | Praefatio | 541 | speciebus: | |
2a21 | s | II 3,6 | 50 | Praefatio | 541 | generibus: |
2a21 | t | II 3,6 | Praefatio | 541 | speciebus: | |
2a23 | u | II 3,7 | Praefatio | 541 | compositiones: [‘i.e. as [=ad-cantus] d into c’] [analysis] | |
2b13 | k | II 3,22 | 2b2 | Praefatio | 541 | compage: [‘i.e. the connexion which exists between the two parts in composition’] [analysis] |
3a2 | b | II 5,1 | book 1 | 541 | íctum: | |
3a4 | e | II 5,2 | book 1 | 541 | quod: | |
3a5 | h | II 5,3 | 3a2 | book 1 | 541 | substantia: [‘i.e. the substance from which vox is produced’] [analysis] |
3a11 | m | II 5,6 | 3a3 | book 1 | 4226 541 | coartata: [‘i.e. it is combined to express the meaning which is in the mind’] [analysis] |
3a11 | n | II 5,6 | book 1 | 541 | sensu: | |
3a13 | q | II 5,7 | 3a4 | book 1 | 541 | nullo: [‘i.e. it is not fastened down and it is not checked to express a meaning’] [analysis] |
3a18 | x | II 5,12 | 3a7 | book 1 | 541 | sibili: [‘i.e. the hissing sound is a signal by things’] [analysis] |
3a21 | bb | II 5,15 | book 1 | 541 | inarticulatae: | |
3a21 | cc | II 5,15 | 3a8 | book 1 | 541 | inarticulatae: [‘i.e. not constrained to express a meaning’] [analysis] |
3a22 | dd | II 5,15 | book 1 | 541 | cum (nihil significant): | |
3b2 | b | II 6,6 | book 1 | 541 | compositio[ne]: | |
3b5 | f | II 6,8 | 3b2 | book 1 | 541 59 | productae: [‘i.e. lawful, I deem (for) the other letters (to be brevissimae partes)’] [analysis] |
3b6 | h | II 6,9 | book 1 | 541 | omnium: | |
3b15 | t | II 6,15 | 3b8 | book 1 | 541 | coeuntia: [‘every two elements (two by two), etc.’] [analysis] |
3b18 | aa | II 6,17 | 3b11 | book 1 | 211 541 | (aer) corpus: [‘and it is a body’] [analysis] |
3b19 | bb | II 6,18 | 3b12 | book 1 | 541 | quippe: [‘i.e. is it not lawful si, etc. ’] [analysis] |
3b21 | gg | II 6,19 | book 1 | 541 | (in) altitudinem: | |
3b21 | hh | II 6,20 | 3b13 | book 1 | 541 | latitudinem: [‘into rough breathing or into soft breathing or breadth’] [analysis] |
3b21 | ii | II 6,20 | book 1 | 541 | longuitudi[nem]: | |
3b24 | oo | II 6,22 | book 1 | 541 | (in) spiritu: [‘i.e. in rough breathing or psilin’] [analysis] | |
3b26 | pp | II 6,23 | 3b17 | book 1 | 541 | nota: [‘i.e. a note of signification, i.e. of pronunciation, i.e. of the power and of the sound’] [analysis] |
3b27 | rr | II 6,24 | 3b18 | book 1 | 541 | qualitate: [‘i.e. of the figure, i.e. roundness or straightness […]’] [analysis] |
3b27 | ss | II 6,24 | 3b19 | book 1 | 211 541 | quantitate: [‘i.e. from the quantity of strokes, which is in the figure, i.e. if it be one stroke it is an i, if two strokes it is an n, etc.’] [analysis] |
3b28 | tt | II 6,24 | 3b20 | book 1 | 541 | linearum: [‘i.e. of the lines or of the forms, i.e. the character of the letters is the figure’] [analysis] |
3b33 | ab | II 7,2 | book 1 | 541 | constare: [‘i.e. in the beginning of a word’] [analysis] | |
3b34 | ag | II 7,4 | book 1 | 541 59 | earum: [‘stirps: here is r before p therein’] [analysis] | |
3b36 | ai | II 7,5 | 3b31 | book 1 | 431[?] 541 | postpossita r: [‘i.e. when r is postponed, as (in) pro, etc.’] [analysis] |
4a1 | b | II 7,6 | 4a2 | book 1 | 541 | nos: [‘i.e. (we) Latins’] [analysis] |
4a4 | e | II 7,8 | 4a5 | book 1 | 541 | denos: [‘five tens, fifty’] [analysis] |
4a16 | k | II 7,15 | 4a8 | book 1 | 543 541 | alternos: [‘i.e. the sound of each of the two for the other, and the sound of the other letters for them, i.e. e for i, as (in) hominem’] [analysis] |
4b1 | a | II 8,4 | 4b1 | book 1 | 541 | simplicia: [‘i.e. for they will be compounded of the sounds of others letters if they be declined i.e. so that there may be in them the composition of letters or syllables to signify a genitive, etc.’] [analysis] |
4b2 | b | II 8,5 | 4b2 | book 1 | 541 | [sta]bilia: [‘i.e. without declension’] [analysis] |
4b7 | g | II 8,8 | 4b4 | book 1 | 543 541 | signi[ficatio]: [‘i.e. the meaning that is in them before, i.e. the meaning of denomination. This, indeed, is the meaning of the denomination of vowels, their production by themselves: it would not be thus, then, if they were declined, etc.’] [analysis] |
4b8 | h | II 8,9 | book 1 | 34 541 | una: [‘i.e. with declension’] [analysis] | |
4b8 | i | II 8,9 | 4b6 | book 1 | 211 541 | evanescit: [‘i.e. it vanishes and perishes, i.e. it puts itself into other sounds.’] [analysis] |
4b15 | q | II 8,13 | book 1 | 541 | [no]vissime: | |
4b15 | r | II 8,14 | 4b9 | book 1 | 541 | omnes: [‘i.e. the order of invention is (still) on it’] [analysis] |
4b28 | ff | II 8,22 | 4b13 | book 1 | 541 | autem: [‘i.e. therefore I do not place it with k and q’] [analysis] |
5a19 | q | II 9,21 | 5a5 | book 1 | 541 | pleni (dii): [‘i.e. through the want of some member to the image’] [analysis] |
5a31 | cc | II 9,30 | 5a10 | book 1 | 541 | vel liquidae: [‘i.e. he deems them liquids when they have only one time. Hence then it is clear that it is not the name and it is not the power which produces liquidity to liquids, but it is temporality only’] [analysis] |
5b4 | d | II 10,4 | book 1 | 541 | longuam: | |
5b22 | t | II 11,1 | book 1 | 541 | XVI.: | |
5b25 | w | II 11,3 | book 1 | 541 | duas: | |
5b27 | y | II 11,5 | 5b6 | book 1 | 541 | Ϝ: [‘i.e. as if he had said it was not a letter till lately’] [analysis] |
5b27 | z | II 11,5 | 5b7 | book 1 | 543 541 | Ϝ: [‘or the character digamma, quod, etc.’] [analysis] |
6a10 | l | II 11,16 | 6a7 | book 1 | 541 | minime: [‘save its own name’] [analysis] |
6a18 | w | II 11,21 | 6a9 | book 1 | 541 53 | sumpsimus: [‘it were no wonder that they were Greek and...; and yet they are Latin in that case, ut dixit, etc. [transl. Hofman: it were no wonder that they were Greek since we call them loan-words; and yet they are Latin in that case, as he said before: ‘In Latin words it seemed proper (.. to write) ,f’’ until ,facio’ (do)]’] [analysis] |
6a21 | y | II 11,23 | 6a11 | book 1 | 541 | invassit: [‘i.e. through imitation of the erroneous ancient Greeks’] [analysis] |
6a31 | kk | II 12,2 | 6a19 | book 1 | 541 | interest: [‘i.e. between f and other mutes i.e. the sound only distinguishes it from mutes, and it is a mute so far as that goes’] [analysis] |
6a33 | oo | II 12,4 | book 1 | 4221 541 | assumpsimus: | |
6a36 | ss | II 12,6 | book 1 | 541 | (in) sono (vocum): | |
6b10 | i | II 12,12 | book 1 | 541 | vim: | |
6b14 | w | II 12,15 | book 1 | 541 | *iacur: [‘lump ‘liver’’] [analysis] | |
6b19 | z | II 12,19 | 6b17 | book 1 | 541 | y (et z): [‘i.e. for they are not in Latin nouns (words), and so they do not increase (?) the number of Latin letters’] [analysis] |
6b23 | bb | II 12,21 | 6b19 | book 1 | 541 | in versu: [‘to cause length’] [analysis] |
6b25 | gg | II 12,22 | book 1 | 541 | numerorum: | |
6b33 | ss | II 13,4 | 6b27 | book 1 | 541 | quia: [‘it does not manifest its name, like vowels, and it does not awaken sound, like consonants’] [analysis] |
6b35 | tt | II 13,5 | 6b28 | book 1 | 541 53 | in (perfecta dictione): [‘no complete part (of speech) ends in it etc.’] [analysis] |
7a3 | d | II 13,8 | book 1 | 541 | conso[nantibus]: | |
7a7 | f | II 13,11 | book 1 | 541 571 | consonan[tes]: | |
7a10 | h | II 13,12 | book 1 | 423 541 | [su]pra dictas: | |
7a19 | o | II 13,19 | book 1 | 541 | [yle]mentis: | |
7b2 | b | II 14,5 | 7b2 | book 1 | 541 421 | maius: [‘that the three of them would be nominatives’] [analysis] |
7b19 | s | II 14,14 | 7b11 | book 1 | 541 | *in sillabis: [‘an artist in putting syllables’] [analysis] |
7b24 | bb | II 14,18 | 7b14 | book 1 | 541 571 | reiice: [‘that (reiice) is a probeleusmatic, and the i therein is for a simple consonant: that is contrary to..., for the re (in reice) is long in his opinion’] [analysis] |
7b34 | mm | II 15,4 | 7b18 | book 1 | 541 | voce: [‘from the ... sound of the digamma: that name (vau) has been given to the power’] [analysis] |
8b9 | o | II 17,4 | 60 | book 1 | 541 | invi,dia,: |
8b10 | p | II 17,4 | book 1 | 541 | laudem in,(venies): | |
8b11 | q | II 17,5 | book 1 | 541 | sine invi: | |
8b15 | s | II 17,7 | book 1 | 541 221 | spiritus asperitatem: | |
8b22 | bb | II 17,14 | 8b6 | book 1 | 541 566[?] | xerolopho: [‘in that place especially, or etc.’] [analysis] |
8b27 | ll | II 17,18 | 8b11 | book 1 | 541 | fieri: [‘for avoiding hiatuses’] [analysis] |
8b35 | II 18,6 | book 1 | 541 | as[pirari]: | ||
9a4 | c | II 18,10 | book 1 | 541 | scribitur: | |
9a6 | k | II 18,11 | book 1 | 541 58 | blena: | |
9a14'' | s | II 18,17 | book 1 | 541 | heros: | |
9a23 | kk | II 19,2 | 9a12 | book 1 | 541 | dicam: [‘it determines the sound and the substance which it signifies’] [analysis] |
9a24 | mm | II 19,3 | 9a14 | book 1 | 543 541 | intellectus: [‘it signifies the same substance’] [analysis] |
9a27 | pp | II 19,5 | 9a16 | book 1 | 543 541 | minuat: [‘i.e. the sound does not signify the same substance - i.e. which it signified previously - after taking away the aspiration’] [analysis] |
9a32 | zz | II 19,8 | 9a21 | book 1 | 541 | servamus: [‘in still writing two characters, i.e. the character of a consonant and the character of aspiration, as the ancient Greeks used to do’] [analysis] |
9b11 | x | II 19,18 | book 1 | 541 | diximus: | |
9b21 | ll | II 19,23 | book 1 | 541 | in (a puram): | |
9b26 | rr | II 20,1 | book 1 | 541 | apogope: | |
9b28 | tt | II 20,2 | book 1 | 541 | vaha (naha aha): | |
10a8 | i | II 20,12 | book 1 | 541 | (palathi) pulsus: | |
10a8 | k | II 20,12 | book 1 | 541 | linguae: | |
10a9 | l | II 20,12 | book 1 | 541 | labrorum: | |
10a11 | p | II 20,14 | 10a8 | book 1 | 541 | levibus: [‘c, t and p, therefore they are called ‘light’ and ‘smooth’, because they have no aspiration’] [analysis] |
10a12 | q | II 20,14 | book 1 | 541 | asperis: | |
10a13 | r | II 20,15 | book 1 | 423 541 | mediis: | |
10a19 | y | II 20,18 | 10a11 | book 1 | 541 | αμφο: [‘i.e. it is the same in his opinion as though it were f’] [analysis] |
10a28 | dd | II 21,4 | book 1 | 541 | nos: | |
11b1 | a | II 23,9 | 11b1 | book 1 | 541 | chremes: [‘an analogous instance; as r becomes liquid with c here’] [analysis] |
11b5 | e | II 23,12 | book 1 | 541 | μνησαρ: | |
11b17 | l | II 23,20 | book 1 | 4226 541 | igitur: | |
11b17 | m | II 23,20 | book 1 | 541 53 | igitur: | |
11b26 | s | II 24,3 | 11b4 | book 1 | 541 52 | *coniunctionem: [‘through conjoining a similarity of sound, and it is this which he exemplifies only after’] [analysis] |
11b28 | u | II 24,4 | 11b5 | book 1 | 4221 541 | x: [‘affinis x is akin to g and c, and each of them is for the other’] [analysis] |
12a14 | q | II 24,17 | 12a3“ | book 1 | 541 53 | *correpta: [‘the short e: of the diphthong, after removing the i from it, as he says later on’] |
12b4 | a | II 25,18 | book 1 | 541 | faciundum: | |
12b30 | r | II 26,7 | 12b7 | book 1 | 541 55 | pari: [‘alike to him whichever he may slay, whether friend or foe’] [analysis] |
13b22 | q | II 27,23 | 13b4 | book 1 | 541 53 | pro βους bos: [‘i.e. and he does not mention the diphthongization here etc.’] [analysis] |
14a15 | m | II 29,2 | 14a6 | book 1 | 541 | vau: [‘i.e. into the sound of digamma, for its name is vau’] [analysis] |
14a20 | o | II 29,5 | book 1 | 4221 541 | [inter]ponitur: | |
14a27 | t | II 29,10 | 14a9 | book 1 | 541 | (secundo) loco: [‘i.e. to the other l ’] [analysis] |
14a35 | gg | II 29,15 | 14a16 | book 1 | 541 | apertum: [‘manifest in the opening of the mouth at the sound of it (i.e. m) in that position’] [analysis] |
14b23 | dd | II 30,11 | book 1 | 541 | simplicibus: | |
15a1 | a | II 30,19 | book 1 | 541 | noster: | |
15a3 | f | II 30,21 | book 1 | 541 | (in) l: | |
15b3 | a | II 31,22 | 15b1 | book 1 | 541 53 | u: [‘i.e. e is changed into i long, and r is added. Lege verbum etc.’] [analysis] |
15b9 | h | II 32,6 | 15b5 | book 1 | 541 | apostropho: [‘i.e. ne suffers apostrophe’] [analysis] |
15b29 | nn | II 32,20 | book 1 | 541 53 | +sω: | |
15b35 | rr | II 33,3 | book 1 | 541 | p: | |
16a2 | a | II 33,4 | book 1 | 541 | [scri]bi: | |
16a12 | r | II 33,11 | book 1 | 541 | assumpsimus: | |
16b16 | i | II 34,12 | 16b5 | book 1 | 541 | subtinneo: [‘it is obvious that b (does) not (change) into s in the aforesaid (examples), for it is not an occasion for it to pass into s when c or t follows, unde etc.’] [analysis] |
17a23 | l | II 35,15 | 17a3a | book 1 | 541 | aspirationis: [‘digamma or rough breathing’] [analysis] |
17a24 | n | II 35,16 | book 1 | 541 | aspirationem: [‘of the Attics’] [analysis] | |
17a28 | p | II 35,18 | book 1 | 541 | af: | |
17a28 | q | II 35,19 | book 1 | 541 | ab: | |
17b2 | b | II 35,25 | 17b1 | book 1 | 541 | versu: [‘among the letters, not over the letters’] [analysis] |
17b3 | d | II 35,26 | 17b2 | book 1 | 211 541 | dexteram: [‘the right half (lit. with the half from the right hand)’] [analysis] |
17b16 | h | II 36,1 | book 1 | 4228 541 | sinistram: [‘i.e. the rough breathing’] [analysis] | |
17b35 | hh | II 36,22 | 17b14 | book 1 | 541 | scriptura: [‘i.e. (because) u (occurs) for y in them ’] [analysis] |
18a1 | a | II 37,1 | book 1 | 541 | νυμφυ: | |
18a11 | h | II 37,8 | book 1 | 541 | [sub]sequentibus: | |
18a12 | i | II 37,9 | 18a2 | book 1 | 541 | e (u): [‘i.e. e is common both in anteposition and subjunction’] [analysis] |
18a15 | l | II 37,11 | book 1 | 4221 541 | ponebant: | |
18a16 | m | II 37,11 | book 1 | 4226 541 | invenitur: | |
18a17 | n | II 37,12 | book 1 | 541 221 | υι: | |
18a27 | w | II 37,21 | book 1 | 541 | nos: | |
18a29 | x | II 37,22 | 18a6 | book 1 | 541 | [acci]pitur: [‘How is this? Not hard is this: because the diphthong is resolved into two long vowels there have remained in consonante i two times of the vowel which is called i. Hence the consonant is double’] [analysis] |
18a29 | y | II 37,22 | 18a7 | book 1 | 541 | μανα: [‘i.e. diphthong of a and e’] [analysis] |
18b6 | d | II 38,10 | book 1 | 13 541 | ([sudi])busve pre,(ustis): | |
18b9 | g | II 38,14 | book 1 | 13 541 | (to)tumque de(hiscunt): | |
18b18 | m | II 39,1 | book 1 | 541 | gavisus: | |
19a3 | c | II 39,17 | book 1 | 541 221 | φευγο: | |
19a5 | d | II 39,19 | 19a1 | book 1 | 541 221 | servant: [‘i.e. since the Greeks resolve oe into u so do the Latins’] [analysis] |
19a18 | g | II 40,2 | 19a3 | book 1 | 541 | [(nec)] non: [‘i.e. than its diaeresis, and the u as Greek and its assumption for two consonants’] [analysis] |
19a34 | o | II 40,13 | book 1 | 541 | pura: | |
19b14 | m | II 41,8 | book 1 | 541 | abiicere: | |
19b28 | t | II 41,17 | book 1 | 541 221 | dius: | |
20a9 | c | II 42,4 | book 1 | 541 | smaragdo: | |
20a11 | e | II 42,6 | 20a1 | book 1 | 541 | s: [‘not so is z (i.e z does not, as s often does, lose the force of a consonant)’] [analysis] |
20a25 | u | II 42,14 | book 1 | 541 | mutae: | |
20a36 | ll | II 42,21 | 20a9 | book 1 | 541 | inveniuntur: [‘i.e. neither b nor c is found before it (lit. before her)’] [analysis] |
20b16 | l | II 43,7 | book 1 | 541 | dictio: | |
20b25 | q | II 43,13 | 20b9 | book 1 | 541 | [cognatio]nem: [‘i.e. both the nominative and the genitive, or both psi and ps’] [analysis] |
20b25 | r | II 43,13 | 20b10 | book 1 | 541 | procliviorem: [‘so that it may be ps that renders it’] [analysis] |
21a5 | b | II 44,2 | book 2 | 541 | uno (accentu): | |
21a16 | g | II 44,8 | book 2 | 541 | non: | |
21a17 | h | II 44,9 | book 2 | 541 | autem: | |
21a21 | i | II 44,11 | book 2 | 541 | consonantium: | |
21b13 | g | II 45,8 | book 2 | 541 | simplicium: | |
21b16 | m | II 45,10 | book 2 | 541 | b: | |
21b17 | o | II 45,11 | book 2 | 543 541 | more: | |
21b20 | t | II 45,12 | 21b11 | book 2 | 541 | preterea: [‘another objection this’] [analysis] |
21b27 | ee | II 45,17 | book 2 | 4228 541 | quomodo: | |
21b32 | gg | II 45,20 | 21b14 | book 2 | 541 | compo[sitis]: [‘i.e. so that they often preserve the law of the simple (words)’] [analysis] |
21b33 | hh | II 45,21 | book 2 | 541 | coeo: | |
21b34 | ii | II 45,21 | book 2 | 541 | cois: | |
22a10 | i | II 46,3 | 22a2 | book 2 | 211 541 | alterutrum: [‘i one of two (Lat.), i.e. one of the two (Oi.e.) Lactantius says: ‘Whether the soul is procreated from the father, the mother, or both, souls are neither created by both of them nor by one of the two’.’] [analysis] |
23a10 | f | II 47,29 | book 2 | 541 ?[?] | differentia: | |
23a20 | t | II 48,7 | book 2 | 541 | simplices: | |
23a22 | u | II 48,8 | book 2 | 541 | geminatur: | |
23a35 | oo | II 48,17 | book 2 | 541 53 | ignotus: | |
23b27" | q | II 49,11 | 23b5 | book 2 | 541 | t: [‘i.e. he has imposed on the consonants the order of the alphabet’] [analysis] |
24a27'' | ii | II 50,3 | book 2 | 541 | +interlunium: | |
24a34" | zz | II 50,15 | book 2 | 541 53 | in (compositis): | |
25a13 | l | II 51,24 | book 2 | 541 | asper: | |
25a13 | m | II 51,24 | book 2 | 541 | lenis: | |
25a16 | s | II 51,27 | book 2 | 541 | (consonans) simplex: | |
25b16 | g | II 53,8 | 25b3 | book 2 | 541 | constructae: [‘i.e. without vices’] [analysis] |
25b16 | h | II 53,8 | 25b4 | book 2 | 541 | (in) ordi[nem]: [‘i.e. into proper order’] [analysis] |
25b17 | i | II 53,9 | 25b5 | book 2 | 4227 541 | pars: [‘i.e. it is verily a part of speech’] [analysis] |
25b19 | l | II 53,10 | book 2 | 541 | conetur: | |
25b20 | m | II 53,11 | 25b6 | book 2 | 541 | dividere: [‘i.e. that he then should say each of those two parts vi- and -res is pars minima orationis, for a syllable is pars minima dictionis and not pars orationis’] [analysis] |
25b24 | r | II 53,14 | 25b10 | book 2 | 541 | intel[ligendum]: [‘i.e. the word expresses substance’] [analysis] |
25b28 | u | II 53,16 | 25b13 | book 2 | 541 | *sincoere: [‘i.e. this is the simple syllable, a syllable in the body of a part (of speech), and which does not express a substance’] [analysis] |
25b32 | dd | II 53,18 | 25b16 | book 2 | 541 | tempora: [‘i.e. what times may be in it’] [analysis] |
25b32 | ee | II 53,19 | book 2 | 541 | tenorem: | |
25b33 | ff | II 53,19 | book 2 | 541 | spiritum: | |
25b33 | gg | II 53,19 | 25b17 | book 2 | 541 | significationem: [‘i.e. (I know not) what substance it signifies’] [analysis] |
26a4 | d | II 53,24 | 26a3 | book 2 | 541 | gravatur: [‘i.e. when it is in apposition’] [analysis] |
26a5 | f | II 53,25 | 26a4 | book 2 | 4227 541 | syllabam: [‘i.e. the simple syllable which does not denote a substance’] [analysis] |
26a14 | r | II 53,30 | 26a10 | book 2 | 541 212 | species: [‘i.e. delicate (gracilis) and beautiful […]’] [analysis] |
26a14 | t | II 53,30 | 26a11 | book 2 | 52 541 | nam: [‘here he shows how far the word oratio extends in greatness and in smallness’] [analysis] |
26a26 | cc | II 54,6 | book 2 | 541 | plenam: | |
26a27 | dd | II 54,7 | book 2 | 541 | sincatagorimata: | |
26a30 | hh | II 54,8 | book 2 | 541 | nomen: | |
26a30 | ii | II 54,8 | book 2 | 541 | appellatio: | |
26a33 | kk | II 54,11 | book 2 | 541 | nominibus: | |
26a34 | ll | II 54,11 | book 2 | 541 | verbis: | |
26a36 | pp | II 54,13 | 26a14 | book 2 | 541 | quibus: [‘i.e. their character has not come to us’] [analysis] |
26b3 | c | II 54,15 | 26b1 | book 2 | 541 | latini: [‘i.e. we ourselves’] [analysis] |
26b3 | d | II 54,16 | 26b2 | book 2 | 541 | integros: [‘i.e. […] because their character has not come to us, although we express their sense by means of pronouns’] [analysis] |
26b4 | e | II 54,16 | 26b3 | book 2 | 541 59 | nam: [‘it is clear that with us the article is not of much account’] [analysis] |
26b9 | m | II 54,19 | book 2 | 423 541 | infinito: | |
26b16 | o | II 54,24 | book 2 | 541 | infinita ([verba]): | |
26b19 | r | II 54,26 | book 2 | 541 | alii: | |
26b20 | s | II 54,26 | 26b6 | book 2 | 541 543 | interiectionem: [‘i.e. the interjection, which is not a part of speech with the Greeks, sed etc., erroneous persons of the Greeks reckon it with the parts of speech because it is a part of speech with the Latins’] [analysis] |
26b22 | t | II 55,2 | book 2 | 541 | +addebant: | |
26b24 | x | II 55,4 | 26b7 | book 2 | 541 35 | igitur: [‘i.e. of the law then, of those many opinions, it is of this that he says igitur; as if he had said; there is nothing on which my law does not touch after the erroneous ones.’] [analysis] |
26b31 | mm | II 55,8 | book 2 | 541 | utrumque: | |
26b33 | pp | II 55,9 | book 2 | 541 | infinita: | |
27a1 | a | II 55,13 | 27a1 | book 2 | 541 | proprium: [‘i.e. this is the peculiarity of the pronoun, that it is put for a proper noun, not, indeed, that it is not put for an appellative noun’] [analysis] |
27a4 | b | II 55,15 | book 2 | 541 | similia: | |
27a4 | d | II 55,15 | book 2 | 541 | interrogativa: | |
27a5 | e | II 55,16 | book 2 | 541 | relativa: | |
27a5 | f | II 55,16 | 27a2 | book 2 | 55 541 53 | redditiva: [‘i.e. redditives, because they render an answer to the question, that is, they resolve the question which is asked by quis and qualis and quantus’] [analysis] |
27a8 | g | II 55,18 | book 2 | 541 | substantiam: | |
27a9 | h | II 55,18 | 27a3 | book 2 | 541 | qualitatem: |
27a9 | i | II 55,19 | 27a4 | book 2 | 211 541 | generalem: [‘i.e. general, both good and bad’] [analysis] |
27a10 | l | II 55,19 | 27a6 | book 2 | 211 541 | suum (nominis): [‘i.e. the peculiarity of a noun, to denote substance without determining person’] [analysis] |
27a12 | m | II 55,20 | 27a7 | book 2 | 541 | quaedam: [‘i.e. quis and qui (follow the pronominal declension), for the rest, qualis and talis are (declined) according to the nominal declension’] [analysis] |
27a15 | q | II 55,22 | book 2 | 541 | nomina: | |
27a15 | s | II 55,22 | book 2 | 541 | pronomina: | |
27a23 | ff | II 55,27 | book 2 | 541 | +participia: | |
27a34 | ll | II 56,4 | 27a18 | book 2 | 541 | inter: [‘i.e. between the adverb which can be an adverb and a preposition. Or between any adverb whatsoever and a preposition, if some have thought that they are one part (of speech)’] [analysis] |
27a35 | mm | II 56,5 | book 2 | 423 541 | casualibus: | |
27b7 | g | II 56,12 | 27b3 | book 2 | 211 541 | (per) appositionem: [‘i.e. by apposition, to signify a single conception’] [analysis] |
27b8 | k | II 56,13 | book 2 | 541 | apud: | |
27b18 | o | II 56,18 | 27b6 | book 2 | 541 | vel (terrentius vel cicero): [‘i.e. it is one of the two’] [analysis] |
27b23 | p | II 56,21 | book 2 | 541 | prepositio: | |
27b28 | r | II 56,25 | book 2 | 541 | ast: | |
27b28 | s | II 56,25 | book 2 | 541 | at: | |
27b28 | t | II 56,25 | book 2 | 541 | sed: | |
27b34 | bb | II 56,29 | 27b10 | book 2 | 541 | subiec[torum]: [‘i.e. of gross and subtle’] [analysis] |
27b35 | cc | II 56,29 | book 2 | 541 | corporum: | |
27b35 | ee | II 57,1 | 27b11 | book 2 | 541 | rerum: [‘i.e. of incorporeal (things)’] [analysis] |
28a3 | b | II 57,5 | 28a2 | book 2 | 541 | qualitatem: [‘the quality is this, whereby every one has a common substance’] [analysis] |
28a4 | c | II 57,6 | book 2 | 541 | re[rum]: | |
28a5 | d | II 57,6 | 28a3 | book 2 | 541 | [re]rum: [‘in elements, not in words, is the propriety or the appellativity’] [analysis] |
28a37 | tt | II 58,5 | 28a20 | book 2 | 211 541 | commune: [‘i.e. common to his relatives, i.e. to sons and grandsons, i.e. Scipio, i.e. Scipian’] [analysis] |
28b14 | o | II 58,15 | 28b5 | book 2 | 541 | multorum: [‘i.e. the substance, this is what abates (?) the commonness in the noun’] [analysis] |
28b15 | p | II 58,15 | 28b6 | book 2 | 541 | qualitas: [‘i.e. whether it be good or bad, beautiful or ugly’] [analysis] |
28b15 | q | II 58,16 | 28b7 | book 2 | 541 | quantitas: [‘i.e. whether it be small or great’] [analysis] |
28b19 | bb | II 58,19 | 28b15 | book 2 | 541 | enim: [‘i.e. a mental answer etc.’] [analysis] |
28b27 | ff | II 58,22 | 28b18 | book 2 | 541 53 | manifestandam: [‘the nouns substantive then, it is they that are added to the nouns adjective to complete and manifest quality in them, sicut etc.’] [analysis] |
28b29 | ii | II 58,23 | 28b20 | book 2 | 541 | consumptione: [‘i.e. the same substance does not perish: it is the substance of a man whether it be diminished therein or increased’] [analysis] |
28b34 | mm | II 58,26 | 28b22 | book 2 | 541 | individuis: [‘i.e. which are not divided to signify many substances’] [analysis] |
28b36 | oo | II 59,1 | 28b24 | book 2 | 541 | communione: [‘to signify many’] [analysis] |
29a15 | k | II 59,12 | 29a6 | book 2 | 541 | *virtus: [‘i.e. common to every strength’] [analysis] |
29a16 | l | II 59,13 | 29a7 | book 2 | 541 | *(virtus) dea: [‘i.e. nomen of a goddess’] [analysis] |
29a16 | m | II 59,13 | 29a8 | book 2 | 541 | pene[lopae]: [‘i.e. it has fallen into propriety to her (Penelope), so that Pudicitia is a name of hers’] [analysis] |
29b6" | c | II 60,4 | 29b2 | book 2 | 541 | [compre]hensivum: [‘i.e. because it comprehends under many forms the denominative’] [analysis] |
29b18 | p | II 60,12 | 29b7 | book 2 | 541 | gradivus: [‘i.e. it has fallen into propriety to Mars’] [analysis] |
29b18 | q | II 60,12 | book 2 | 541 572 | gradivus: | |
29b19 | r | II 60,12 | book 2 | 541 572 | eunosig*eus (a): | |
29b19 | s | II 60,12 | book 2 | 541 572 | +eunosig*eus (a): | |
29b22 | u | II 60,14 | 29b8 | book 2 | 541 | adiectione: [‘i.e. except the proper names, to which they are added here only’] [analysis] |
29b22 | w | II 60,15 | 29b9 | book 2 | 541 | commu[nia]: [‘i.e. appellatives’] [analysis] |
29b33 | oo | II 60,23 | 29b15 | book 2 | 541 | quasi: [‘i.e. it is a mere adherence (somewhat similar): hence he says quasi’] [analysis] |
29b33 | pp | II 60,23 | 29b16 | book 2 | 541 | est: [‘i.e. it is quasi ad aliquid is said of them, because each of the two can be apart from the other’] [analysis] |
29b35 | rr | II 60,24 | 29b18 | book 2 | 541 | quasi: [‘i.e. it is a mere adherence because each of the two can be apart from the other’] [analysis] |
30a2 | e | II 60,25 | 30a2 | book 2 | 541 | accipit: [‘it expresses its proper nature, without the aid of the other name’] [analysis] |
30a9 | l | II 61,1 | 30a7 | book 2 | 541 421 | tetraonima: [‘i.e. it is for this that he gives an example’] [analysis] |
30a13 | r | II 61,5 | book 2 | 541 | interrogativum: | |
30a16 | y | II 61,7 | 30a9 | book 2 | 541 | infinitivum: [‘i.e. indefiniteness in them, without interrogation’] [analysis] |
30a16 | z | II 61,7 | book 2 | 541 | contrarium: | |
30a17 | cc | II 61,8 | 30a12 | book 2 | 541 | lectione: [‘i.e. in construction and in order of reading (in a connected text?)’] [analysis] |
30a18 | ee | II 61,9 | 30a13 | book 2 | 541 | relati[va]: [‘i.e. responsives, i.e. resolutives to interrogatives’] [analysis] |
30a19 | ff | II 61,9 | book 2 | 541 | [relati]va: | |
30a19 | gg | II 61,9 | 30a14 | book 2 | 541 | similitudinis: [‘i.e. quantus, i.e. it is how much or, for example, qualis of this quality; yet that is relatiuum, it assimilates on quality to another’] [analysis] |
30a19 | hh | II 61,10 | 30a15 | book 2 | 541 | talis: [‘i.e. this is certain’] [analysis] |
30a22 | kk | II 61,12 | 30a17 | book 2 | 541 4227 | qua[litatis]: [‘i.e. it happens to that substance’] [analysis] |
30a24 | ll | II 61,13 | book 2 | 541 4227 | numeri: [‘i.e. it happens to the substance’] [analysis] | |
30b2 | b | II 61,24 | 82 | book 2 | 571 541 | alteruter: |
30b25 | aa | II 62,16 | book 2 | 3114 541 | formam: | |
30b27 | cc | II 62,17 | book 2 | 3233 541 | hac (forma): [‘i.e. (the form ending) in ‘-des’’] [analysis] | |
30b32 | mm | II 62,21 | 30b12 | book 2 | 541 | omnes: [‘i.e. sons and grandsons etc.: it is clear in this place that a patronymic goes further than sons and grandsons etc.’] [analysis] |
30b33 | pp | II 62,21 | book 2 | 3115 541 | thesidas: [‘i.e. the Scipians (acc pl)’] [analysis] | |
30b34 | II 62,22 | book 2 | 541 | solent: | ||
30b35 | tt | II 62,23 | book 2 | 3115 541 | scipiadas: | |
30b35 | uu | II 62,23 | book 2 | 58 541 | +scipiadas: | |
30b36 | ww | II 62,23 | book 2 | 541 | nec: | |
31a11 | u | II 63,8 | 31a9 | book 2 | 211 541 | magnus: [‘i.e. great, for instance ,great citizen’’] [analysis] |
31a12 | w | II 63,8 | book 2 | 541 | proprium: | |
31b11 | y | II 65,1 | 31b8 | book 2 | 541 | (in) ferrum: [‘i.e. to preserve (?) their freedom Hofman: to bring about their freedom’] [analysis] |
31b15 | dd | II 65,7 | 31b11 | book 2 | 541 | phetontis: [‘i.e. through ejecting -de from the masculine’] [analysis] |
31b20 | ii | II 65,13 | 31b13 | book 2 | 541 | communis: [‘i.e. to every dialect among the Greeks, and to every nation’] [analysis] |
31b21 | ll | II 65,13 | book 2 | 4221 541 | possunt: | |
31b36 | al | II 66,2 | 31b21 | book 2 | 541 | ab (aeneus): [‘i.e. that name (Aeneus) would be regular behind it (Aeneades), if it existed, for it is not found as a proper name’] [analysis] |
32a23 | bb | II 67,1 | book 2 | 541 | inde: | |
32a34 | kk | II 67,10 | 32a8 | book 2 | 541 | (per) sinarisin: [‘i.e. through the combination of the two temporalities of the two vowels’] [analysis] |
32a37 | oo | II 67,12 | 32a9 | book 2 | 541 | (contra) regu[lam]: [‘i.e. for there is no diphthong in the cognomina from which they are’] [analysis] |
32b18 | g | II 68,4 | book 2 | 541 | ae[neis]: | |
32b20 | k | II 68,5 | 32b2 | book 2 | 541 | patronomica: [‘Not from masculine patronymics are the (feminine) patronymics in -ne, but from cognomina’] [analysis] |
32b21 | m | II 68,6 | 32b4 | book 2 | 541 | principa[le]: [‘i.e. the cognomen from which it comes’] [analysis] |
32b31 | II 68,13 | 32b14 | book 2 | 541 | propria: [‘i.e. this is strictly proper names from patronymics: they can be proper and be patronymics’] [analysis] | |
33a19 | p | II 69,6 | 33a9 | book 2 | 541 | formam: [‘i.e. as regards terminations’] [analysis] |
33a21 | q | II 69,7 | 33a10 | book 2 | 541 | *(civis) gentile: [‘i.e. common and general to every citizen of the Romans’] [analysis] |
33a25 | u | II 69,9 | 33a13 | book 2 | 541 | latinus (civis): [‘i.e. every man of the Children of Latinus’] [analysis] |
33a26 | y | II 69,10 | 33a16 | book 2 | 541 | (tantummodo) propria: [‘i.e. Otherwise tantummodo propria; they cannot be gentilia, but they may be possessiva and propria’] [analysis] |
33a27 | z | II 69,10 | 33a17 | book 2 | 541 | quintilianus: [‘i.e. similarity of a derivative’] [analysis] |
33a29 | cc | II 69,11 | 33a18 | book 2 | 211 541 | ut (emilianus): [‘i.e. Aemilian, i.e. son of Aemilius as if Aemilides were there’] [analysis] |
33a38 | ss | II 69,16 | book 2 | 221 541 | mechanicus: | |
33b1 | a | II 69,18 | 33b1 | book 2 | 541 | [tra]cius: [‘i.e. a full sound, and the form of a possessive from (the) sound’] [analysis] |
33b36 | dd | II 70,17 | 33b11 | book 2 | 541 | taxus: [‘i.e. the deadly posionous yews’] [analysis] |
34a1 | c | II 70,21 | 34a1 | book 2 | 541 | aerous: [‘i.e. because he possesses strength’] [analysis] |
34a1 | d | II 70,22 | 34a2 | book 2 | 543 541 | eous: [‘i.e. because he possesses the east, quia etc. ’] [analysis] |
34b36 | dd | II 73,20 | book 2 | 541 572 | tiphoeus: | |
35a38 | ae | II 75,10 | 35a11 | book 2 | 211 541 | frumen[taria (lex)]: [‘i.e. the law of cultivating wheat’] [analysis] |
35b5 | f | II 75,17 | book 2 | 541 | pompeianus: | |
35b6 | i | II 75,17 | book 2 | 541 25 566[?] | sillanus: | |
35b30 | ac | II 76,9 | 35b13 | book 2 | 543 541 | formae: [‘i.e. proper names are formed from the (possessives), as is formed from Romanus, although not for this is (the example) Romanus given, but for the possessive therein’] [analysis] |
36a4 | g | II 76,19 | 36a3 | book 2 | 221 541 | λευκοθεαν: [‘i.e. what this (leukoqea) signifies, is different from radiance’] [analysis] |
36a20 | bb | II 77,2 | 36a7 | book 2 | 541 572 | centena[que ab arbore]: [‘i.e. a hundred oars in it’] [analysis] |
37a25 | n | II 79,4 | book 2 | 541 | +mac*rinus (e): | |
38a7 | c | II 80,22 | book 2 | 572 541 | dubitatur: | |
38a18 | i | II 81,3 | 38a2 | book 2 | 541 | alternitatis (causa): [‘i.e. (for sake of) alternation, (i.e.) of distinction from aeternus, for this should be the rule heri heternus’] [analysis] |
38b1 | a | II 81,20 | book 2 | 541 34 | abusive: [‘i.e. for fewering a syllable’] [analysis] | |
38b10 | m | II 82,2 | book 2 | 541 572 | +in tes: | |
38b27 | z | II 82,14 | 38b8 | book 2 | 541 | diversas: [‘i.e. one of the two portions of them is possession, the other (is) not possession, even those that are possessives. Illegitimate (inrecht) then is that possession’] [analysis] |
39a4 | b | II 83,2 | book 3 | 541 | positi[vi]: | |
39a5 | c | II 83,2 | 39a1 | book 3 | 211 541 | [positi]vi (intellectu): [‘i.e. with the signification of a nominal positive’] [analysis] |
39a5 | d | II 83,2 | 39a2 | book 3 | 541 211 | aliquo: [‘i.e. with some sound’] [analysis] |
39a6 | f | II 83,3 | 39a4 | book 3 | 541 | sensu: [‘i.e. (there is) however a meaning of a nominal positive in the participial part (of speech)’] [analysis] |
39a12 | n | II 83,6 | 39a11 | book 3 | 541 3227[?] | ad (personas): [‘i.e. to living persons: it is they who are compared to (other) persons’] [analysis] |
39a13 | o | II 83,6 | 39a12 | book 3 | 541 | res: [‘i.e. to inanimate things’] [analysis] |
40a m.s. | i | II 85,19 | 40a7 | book 3 | 541 | hanc: [‘i.e. it is a law indeed, the law which the Greeks make in that the comparative does not surpass many of its own kind’] [analysis] |
40a14 | o | II 86,2 | 40a12 | book 3 | 541 | sed: [‘Priscian says |
40a16 | p | II 86,3 | 40a13 | book 3 | 541 | superantem: [‘the surpassing of one’] [analysis] |
40a19 | r | II 86,5 | 40a15 | book 3 | 4228 541 | quid: [‘how then will it be according to their opinion? so that they are wrong then when they say that there is no (comparison) ad plures’] [analysis] |
40a22 | y | II 86,6 | 40a18 | book 3 | 541 | uti: [‘it surpasses many of its own kind’] [analysis] |
40b37 | y | II 87,18 | 40b14 | book 3 | 541 | arduissimo: [‘it is clear to us that it is more regular with them (arduus etc.) that there will not be even the superlatives, because the comparatives do not exist’] [analysis] |
41a18 | i | II 89,1 | 41a4 | book 3 | 541 | i (brevem): [‘this (is the) rule’] [analysis] |
41a23 | o | II 89,4 | 41a7 | book 3 | 58 541 | *multi* (s): [‘or a comparative of multus according to others, and this is true, then, the...........has been brought here’] [analysis] |
41b34 | p | II 90,19 | 41b9 | book 3 | 541 | alter: [‘alter is a name for duality: it is the first number that varies from unity’] [analysis] |
41b34 | q | II 90,19 | 41b8 | book 3 | 541 | (alter) de (duobus): [‘similarity and analogy’] [analysis] |
41b36 | s | II 90,20 | 41b11 | book 3 | 541 | prior: [‘i.e. they are names of quality here, and they are compared’] [analysis] |
42a39 | t | II 92,11 | 42a9 | book 3 | 541 | tristior: [‘in this it is clear that (the comparative tristior) is less than the positive, quando etc.’] [analysis] |
43a19 | g | II 94,21 | 43a5 | book 3 | 541 | terminationibus: [‘from all endings nominal and verbal and adverbial’] [analysis] |
44a10 | d | II 97,15 | book 3 | 541 | proximus: | |
45a28 | p | II 101,6 | book 3 | 541 | comparatio: | |
45a37 | x | II 101,13 | 45a14 | book 3 | 541 | ego: [‘in place of a positive ego is here’] [analysis] |
45b1 | b | II 101,17 | 45b1 | book 3 | 541 | necessariae (significationis): [‘i.e. there may be a time when it is necessary to diminish the substance so that there is need of words to signify it, because there were not words (enough) to signify the proper nature which they express’] [analysis] |
45b6 | n | II 101,22 | 45b9 | book 3 | 541 | puerorum: [‘it is the boys that give the names (here mentioned), or it is to them that it is given’] [analysis] |
45b6 | o | II 101,22 | 45b7 | book 3 | 541 | catulaster: [‘O little Catulus; and there is still no diminution of substance here though there be the caressing’] [analysis] |
45b14 | kk | II 102,15 | 45b19 | book 3 | 541 | una: [‘i.e. there would be a distinction between the two ullas, i.e. the ulla of the termination and ulla the diminutive (of una). For this it is that the una has been put etc.’] [analysis] |
47b12 | g | II 108,9 | 47b5 | book 3 | 541 | carbunculus: [‘i.e. a golden carbuncle i.e. because of its resemblance of gold to a live coal’] [analysis] |
49a25 | y | II 113,5 | 49a12 | book 3 | 421 541 | palliola (in eodem unciolis sex etiam): [‘this is one example, so that unciolis is said there’] [analysis] |
50a21 | r | II 117,16 | 50a7 | book 4 | 541 | denominativa: [‘i.e. those that do not fall into the species aforesaid’] [analysis] |
50a30 | u | II 118,3 | 104 | book 4 | 423 541 | obliqui: |
50a38 | hh | II 118,9 | 50a19 | book 4 | 211 541 | lacunar: [‘ceiling, i.e. for the hollows which are in the ceiling (is) this denomination’] [analysis] |
50b26 | dd | II 119,6 | 50b17 | book 4 | 541 | nisi: [‘i.e. it is not -tia that these assume in their formation from nouns of the second declension, but it is etc.’] [analysis] |
51b36" | t | II 121,10 | 51b11 | book 4 | 541 | indeclinabi[lia]: [‘their cases, however, are expressed by them, both in the singular and in the plural’] [analysis] |
51b42" | y | II 121,13 | 51b13 | book 4 | 541 | mancipi: [‘i.e. these are joined to every case, and every case is not made of them’] [analysis] |
52b9 | d | II 122,23 | 52b1 | book 4 | 541 | propter: [‘i.e. because it is in conformity with the verb and there is no mutation therein in any manner ? from the verb’] [analysis] |
53a13 | p | II 124,2 | 53a10 | book 4 | 541 | contenentia: [‘i.e. Because they contain a plural from the meaning which they signify, (as) olivetum ubi etc.; and not so is it with those ahead below, as augurium etc.’] [analysis] |
54a13 | s | II 126,10 | 54a8a | book 4 | 211 541 | lumen: [‘lumen purification, per etc.’] [analysis] |
54a28 | ff | II 126,20 | book 4 | 541 | sic .. etc.: | |
56a2 | c | II 130,19 | book 4 | 541 | samnis: | |
56a2 | d | II 130,19 | book 4 | 566[?] 541 | samnis: | |
56a3 | e | II 130,19 | book 4 | 541 | [in]signis: | |
56b36'' | h | II 131,22 | 56b3 | book 4 | 541 | [fac]tum: [‘by loan’] [analysis] |
56b10" | n | II 131,26 | 56b8 | book 4 | 541 25 53 | altus: [‘the altus is the same as the alitus, the pair of them come from alo, as he will say afterwards’] [analysis] |
56b15" | r | II 132,2 | 56b12 | book 4 | 541 | regulam: [‘(the i) is short in it, as the verbals before (had it)’] [analysis] |
59a19 | s | II 137,10 | 59a10 | book 4 | 541 | quod: [‘i.e. peculiar to verbs of the second conjugation is the doubling of d in the nouns that are (derived) from them’] [analysis] |
59b14 | k | II 138,5 | book 4 | 541 | similes: [‘as regards sound only’] [analysis] | |
59b30" | z | II 138,17 | 59b16 | book 4 | 541 | versus: [‘it is incorporeal when it is (refers to) an act of the mind etc.’] [analysis] |
59b31" | aa | II 138,18 | book 4 | 541 | quoque: [‘when it is uersus, a verse’] [analysis] | |
61a2 | a | II 141,2 | 61a1 | book 5 | 541 | formis: [‘of the derived forms of nouns’] [analysis] |
61a6 | b | II 141,4 | 61a2 | book 5 | 541 | novit: [‘this is the nature of gender, something that generates and that is generated’] [analysis] |
61a14 | f | II 141,9 | 61a4 | book 5 | 541 | qualitatem: [‘i.e. the quality of the substance which the sound expresses, i.e. of the neuter’] [analysis] |
61a35 | cc | II 142,1 | 61a16 | book 5 | 541 | [na]tura: [‘i.e. natura and significatio are one and the same with him’] [analysis] |
61b23 | ll | II 142,23 | book 5 | 541 | figura[te]: | |
62b24 | l | II 145,20 | book 5 | 572 541 | virgo: [‘i.e. but the masculine is also found, as Jerome shows in his conflict with Helvidius, when he says: ‘so that the Chaste Son, i.e. Christ, could be born from a chaste marriage’. And it were no wonder then that the ‘Virgo Filius’ (Chaste Son) that Jerome speaks of was a combination of two words in apposition, i.e. so that one of the two should not interfere with the other, etc.’] [analysis] | |
63a41 | ee | II 147,21 | 63a14 | book 5 | 541 543 | figurate: [‘i.e. poets make the combination in that manner; but that combination does not decide the gender in them’] [analysis] |
63a42 | ff | II 147,21 | 63a15 | book 5 | 211 541 | [appo]sita: [‘i.e. placed together i.e. each of the two of them apart without |
63b16 | i | II 148,15 | 63b5 | book 5 | 541 | diminu[tionis]: [‘of diminution of the age of a woman’] [analysis] |
63b17 | k | II 148,15 | 63b6 | book 5 | 541 | adolationis: [‘to bring them (back) into youth’] [analysis] |
65a12 | c | II 154,3 | 65a2 | book 5 | 541 | accusativum: [‘i.e. which is peculiar to the neuter’] [analysis] |
65a17 | f | II 154,6 | 65a4 | book 5 | 541 | *(το τεναρ) της ηιρως: [‘an indeclinable, or it is a genitive, i.e. Greek of qénar and with the Greeks it is declinable’] [analysis] |
65a30 | n | II 154,16 | 65a8 | book 5 | 541 | forma: [‘for the termination in -er is peculiar to the masculine’] [analysis] |
65a31 | o | II 154,16 | book 5 | 541 | declinatio: | |
65b23 | k | II 155,18 | book 5 | 541 | (differentiae) causa: | |
66a13 | s | II 156,20 | book 5 | 541 | rotunda: | |
66a30 | ll | II 157,14 | 66a20 | book 5 | 541 | coniuncta: [‘their connexion with a neuter in construction establishes the neuter in the nouns in es’] [analysis] |
66b5 | i | II 158,8 | 120 | book 5 | 541 | ratione: |
66b14 | m | II 158,15 | 66b10 | book 5 | 543 541 | masculinum: [‘since it is a certain time that it signifies in its plural, therefore it is masculine, for when you say dies the number of days of which you so speak is certain’] [analysis] |
66b17 | q | II 158,17 | 66b14 | book 5 | 541 | plerunque: [‘although this would be regular: uncertainty in it when it is feminine and certainty when it is masculine’] [analysis] |
67a18" | o | II 160,5 | book 5 | 541 | quoque: [‘and it is a substantive in that case’] [analysis] | |
68b31 | o | II 164,20 | 68b9 | book 5 | 211 541 | *pellex: [‘i.e. a harlot or exciter or concubine: because they excite the men to fornicate with them, or to quarrel’] [analysis] |
68b31 | p | II 164,20 | book 5 | 541 | pellex: | |
69a15 | r | II 165,18 | 69a13 | book 5 | 541 | et (figurate): [‘i.e. its connexion with the noun which is not the context, but is understood i.e. serpens (uiolator)’] [analysis] |
70a30 | mm | II 169,17 | book 5 | 541 | *sup[patruus]: [‘relationship’] [analysis] | |
71a6 | c | II 172,3 | 71a2 | book 5 | 215 541 | dualis: [‘the number that signifies a pair of things, for with the Latins it is the plural number provided that it exceeds one’] [analysis] |
71a11 | f | II 172,7 | 71a4 | book 5 | 541 | mul[ti]: [‘and it is not an opinion of his’] [analysis] |
71a13 | i | II 172,7 | 71a5 | book 5 | 541 | (a) generali (nomine): [‘i.e. from the noun which is one of the eight parts in speech’] [analysis] |
71a13 | k | II 172,8 | book 5 | 541 | (omnium) speci[alium]: | |
71a14 | l | II 172,8 | book 5 | 541 | nominativi: | |
71a16 | n | II 172,9 | book 5 | 4227 541 | verbum: | |
71a17 | o | II 172,10 | book 5 | 541 | [ad]verbium: | |
71a19 | q | II 172,11 | 71a8 | book 5 | 541 | [specia]les: [‘as ‘amo’ (love) is from that which is ‘verbum’ (verb) and ‘bene’ (good) from that which is ‘adverbium’ (adverb) and etc.’] [analysis] |
71a30 | dd | II 172,18 | 71a15 | book 5 | 541 | (a) generali (nomine): [‘from nomen, which is one of the eight parts in speech, as we said’] [analysis] |
71a31 | ee | II 172,18 | 71a16 | book 5 | 541 | possumus: [‘i.e. […] and that is what they like’] [analysis] |
71a33 | hh | II 172,20 | 71a18 | book 5 | 541 | et: [‘for syllables of many letters are more numerous than those of single letters’] [analysis] |
71b6 | h | II 173,3 | 71b3 | book 5 | 543 541 | numeris: [‘i.e. for the position in which they are is their own; for they have not descended from any singular at all, as do plural nouns that have a singular number’] [analysis] |
71b19 | p | II 173,9 | 71b8 | book 5 | 541 | quasi ac[cedentem]: [‘i.e. hence number is not a an accident to it, for although there be personal adverbs, they can be without number’] [analysis] |
71b20 | q | II 173,10 | 71b9 | book 5 | 541 | enim: [‘there are general variable properties therein, etc.’] [analysis] |
71b21 | r | II 173,10 | 71b10 | book 5 | 541 | [gene]ralia: [‘as there is in nouns the signification of person and yet it is not an accident of theirs’] [analysis] |
71b22 | s | II 173,11 | 71b11 | book 5 | 211 541 | perfectarum: [‘i.e. full i.e. octo, as in the noun there is person, and this is not one of its accidents’] [analysis] |
71b30 | z | II 173,15 | 71b14 | book 5 | 541 | sepissime: [‘he takes saepissime as a numeral adverb’] [analysis] |
71b32 | bb | II 173,16 | book 5 | 541 | figurate: [‘i.e. a poet’s figure, ut etc.’] [analysis] | |
72b4 | b | II 175,1 | 72b1 | book 5 | 541 55 | individua: [‘they are not divided so as to signify many substances’] [analysis] |
73a14 | r | II 176,9 | 73a11 | book 5 | 572 541 | gemini: [‘i.e. Castor and Pollux, nothing save the plural is ever said for them: so the plural is said for the constellation into which they were turned’] [analysis] |
73a40 | ll | II 177,10 | book 5 | 541 | quantitate: | |
74a34 | h | II 179,8 | book 5 | 541 | regulam: | |
75b27 | k | II 182,19 | book 5 | 541 | dividuam (vim): [‘it belongs to one man, but it is (one) man out of two’] [analysis] | |
75b28 | m | II 182,19 | 75b8 | book 5 | 541 | collectivam: [‘of a pair this is said always’] [analysis] |
76a8 | e | II 183,11 | 132 | book 5 | 541 571 | +acaliculis: |
76a23 | i | II 183,20 | book 5 | 541 | casualium: | |
76a30 | k | II 184,4 | 76a3 | book 5 | 541 | quod (cadens): [‘i.e. these two (explanations) are nearly the same’] [analysis] |
76b26 | i | II 185,2 | 76b4 | book 5 | 541 | quosdam: [‘i.e. (the) nominative and vocative, (the) genitive and dative of (the) first declension etc.’] [analysis] |
76b26 | k | II 185,2 | book 5 | 541 | indeclinabilia: | |
76b39 | o | II 185,11 | 76b7 | book 5 | 541 | nominatio: [‘by means of it is the naming of the thing in directness’] [analysis] |
77a28 | k | II 186,7 | book 5 | 541 | sed: | |
77b4 | c | II 186,18 | book 5 | 541 | habet: | |
77b5 | d | II 186,19 | book 5 | 541 | unius: | |
77b6 | e | II 186,19 | 77b2 | book 5 | 541 | motatione: [‘i.e. even as there is the ejection of s from the genitive of the fourth declension and the addition of i in the dative’] [analysis] |
77b15 | l | II 186,25 | book 5 | 541 59 | mei (presciani): | |
77b33 | o | II 187,11 | book 5 | 221 541 | ουρανοθην: [‘i.e. the ablative of the ancient Greeks’] [analysis] | |
78b7 | a | II 189,11 | book 5 | 541 58 | (sponte) sua: [‘i.e. the sua is a superfluous addition to the example’] [analysis] | |
89 m.i. | b | II 191,14 | book 5 | 541 | ||
90a35 | n | II 195,9 | 90a6 | book 6 | 541 59 | [(homani)] erroris: [‘for not frequent is one without error’] [analysis] |
90b19 | h | II 196,6 | 90b4 | book 6 | 541 | taurigenus: [‘i.e. today, with modern writers, (are they) common bigeneric’] [analysis] |
90b35 | t | II 196,23 | 90b7 | book 6 | 541 59 53 | nullus: [‘i.e. why does nullus form a plural number? because it is a compound, as he will show afterwards’] [analysis] |
92a23 | l | II 202,18 | book 6 | 541 | (cum) tempore: | |
92b12 | l | II 204,12 | book 6 | 541 | et (aptota): | |
93a24 | h | II 207,2 | 93a2 | book 6 | 541 | vultur: [‘the three of them are as the name of the bird’] [analysis] |
93b8 | c | II 208,12 | 93b2 | book 6 | 543 541 | feminini: [‘i.e. it is the feminine declension which is on it, i.e. o being changed into i in the genitive’] [analysis] |
93b20 | h | II 209,2 | 93b5 | book 6 | 541 | quod: [‘so that in this wise caro is regular as the nominative’] [analysis] |
93b40 | q | II 210,2 | 93b8 | book 6 | 541 | calipso: [‘here he has his purpose at last’] [analysis] |
95b3 | a | II 216,1 | 95b1 | book 6 | 541 221 | autem: [‘i.e. but it is with the Greeks that that rule exists’] [analysis] |
97b40 | m | II 225,14 | book 6 | 541 | asperi: | |
99b2 | a | II 230,13 | book 6 | 541 | declinationem: | |
100a31 | s | II 233,13 | 100a7 | book 6 | 541 58 59 | plenius (secundus): [‘he has not cited its example’] [analysis] |
100a32 | t | II 233,13 | book 6 | 541 | +artium: | |
101b14 | e | II 237,19 | book 6 | 541 | cor: | |
103a20 | l | II 242,22 | 103a2 | book 6 | 543 211 541 53 | semplex: [‘quies, i.e. restful, i.e. common of three genders, and in it the es is long, ut etc.’] [analysis] |
104a8 | d | II 245,15 | 104a1 | book 6 | 571?[?] 541?[?] | erodes: [‘i.e. e pure long in it: this is what Herodes makes’] [analysis] |
104b15 | d | II 248,8 | 104b2 | book 6 | 541 58 | minore: [‘i.e. this (is) an addition’] [analysis] |
104b33 | h | II 249,3 | 104b5 | book 6 | 541 561 | samnis: [‘i.e. (Samnis) is as the name of the city and as the name of the inhabitant, and when it is the name of the inhabitant then there is a neuter (samnite) from it’] [analysis] |
105b12 | h | II 251,17 | book 6 | 541 | nomina: | |
105b28 | s | II 252,12 | 105b5 | book 6 | 541 | in ος (puram): [‘i.e. without a consonant before -os’] [analysis] |
106a21 | k | II 254,2 | book 6 | 541 | *(pro) δαμαφαων: | |
106a29 | r | II 254,12 | 106a6 | book 6 | 313 541 | tamen: [‘i.e. it is os, however with him (Cato) as nominative, not ossis, as etc.’] [analysis] |
106b9 | k | II 255,12 | 106b4 | book 6 | 541 | *sed: [‘i.e. though I say to you that it is Athos and Atho, it is, however, in υς with Attic writers, and the u has then been converted into o so that it makes Athos’] [analysis] |
106b10 | n | II 255,13 | 106b5 | book 6 | 541 543 | *quomodo: [‘i.e. by analogy, i.e. as it has been converted into o here’] [analysis] |
106b28 | bb | II 256,11 | 106b15 | book 6 | 55?[?] 541?[?] | fastis: [‘i.e. […] book of chronicles’] [analysis] |
107a1 | a | II 257,1 | 107a1 | book 6 | 541 | natus: [‘that is, because it is incoporeal’] [analysis] |
107b5 | b | II 259,2 | 107b1 | book 6 | 541 | excipitur: [‘i.e. when it is a wooden bow it is of the fourth declension: when, however, it is a bow of heaven (a rainbow) it is of the second declension: that is the difference’] [analysis] |
108a36 | p | II 262,9 | 108a3 | book 6 | 541 | possumus: [‘here then he touches on the fact that there is a rule that prevails in these nouns above’] [analysis] |
109a15 | i | II 264,8 | book 6 | 541 | commone: | |
109b20 | b | II 266,4 | book 6 | 541 | proferuntur: | |
110a33 | e | II 268,12 | book 6 | 541 53 | more (antiquo): | |
111b19 | k | II 273,15 | book 6 | 541 | [de]clinatio: [‘if it were Greek it would be of the second declension, as pelagus’] [analysis] | |
112a23 | h | II 275,10 | 112a2 | book 6 | 211 541 | quantum: [‘i.e. as regards the same writing, as to sound’] [analysis] |
114a28 | m | II 283,8 | book 7 | 541 | ratio: | |
114b1 | a | II 284,2 | 114b1 | book 7 | 541 | enim: [‘a bare neuter. There is, however, a common trigener in x’] [analysis] |
114b9 | c | II 284,8 | 114b2 | book 7 | 541 | nomina[tivi]: [‘i.e. there is no nominative possible save that which ends in one of these letters’] [analysis] |
116a23 | h | II 290,20 | 116a3a | book 7 | 541 | metaplasmus: |
120b3 | b | II 303,23 | book 7 | 541 | circumflectitur: [‘i.e. and the acute in the nominative’] [analysis] | |
120b17 | m | II 304,14 | 120b5 | book 7 | 541 | eidem: [‘i.e. a disyllable’] [analysis] |
120b19 | n | II 304,17 | book 7 | 541 | eisdem: [‘a disyllable’] [analysis] | |
122a39 | k | II 311,13 | book 7 | 541 | paulo (plus): | |
123a12 | a | II 313,26 | book 7 | 541 | inveni: | |
123b37 | k | II 316,21 | book 7 | 313 541 | hebes: | |
123b37 | l | II 316,21 | book 7 | 313 541 | sospes: | |
125a37 | n | II 322,11 | book 7 | 221 55 541 | +[cy]nyps: | |
125b39 | b | II 324,3 | book 7 | 541 53 | lac: | |
127a19 | b | II 327,15 | book 7 | 541 | *tybris: | |
127a22 | c | II 327,19 | book 7 | 541 | rhodanumque .. etc.: | |
127b13 | g | II 329,23 | 127b2 | book 7 | 541 | caulis: [‘i.e. that is commoner than magudaris’] [analysis] |
130b39 | o | II 343,16 | 130b3 | book 7 | 541 | (per) sé (positum): [‘i.e. it is substantival then’] [analysis] |
131b51 | h | II 349,1 | book 7 | 541 | +helenismo: | |
133b26 | f | II 354,27 | book 7 | 541 | nomen: | |
135b27 | d | II 362,19 | 150 | book 7 | 541 571 | nuda genu: |
136a27 | c | II 364,16 | 136a1 | book 7 | 13 541 | per sinalifam: [‘i.e. um is to be elided at the end of a verse, because the verse which follows it begins with a vowel, i.e. Armorum etc.’] [analysis] |
136a27 | d | II 364,16 | 136a2 | book 7 | 13 541 | per sinalifam: [‘Otherwise: m is elided from it, and the initial a of the posterior verse, and the u is to be added to the posterior verse, as Maximianus says’] [analysis] |
136a41 | e | II 365,1 | 136a3 | book 7 | 541 | bobus: [‘i.e. it (bos) does not make bouibus’] [analysis] |
136b3 | a | II 365,3 | book 7 | 541 | partubus: | |
137a26 | d | II 367,17 | book 7 | 541 | nostri: | |
137a28 | f | II 367,19 | book 7 | 541 | [(ad)] motandos (casus): | |
137a28 | g | II 367,20 | book 7 | 541 | latine: | |
137b5 | a | II 369,4 | book 8 | 541 | infinita: | |
137b6 | b | II 369,4 | book 8 | 541 | +*absoluta: | |
137b22 | w | II 370,1 | 137b6 | book 8 | 4226 541 | incommoditate: [‘i.e. in form’] [analysis] |
137b25 | aa | II 370,4 | book 8 | 331 25 541 | nupta: | |
137b32 | ee | II 370,12 | book 8 | 541 | vocativum: | |
138a10 | e | II 371,1 | 138a2 | book 8 | 541 | absenti: [‘i.e. far absent, as ille’] [analysis] |
138a10 | f | II 371,1 | 138a3 | book 8 | 541 | (quasi) absenti: [‘i.e. near absent’] [analysis] |
138a14 | h | II 371,5 | 138a5 | book 8 | 541 | incommoditate: [‘they can be in respect of substance, though they cannot be in respect of sound’] [analysis] |
138a28 | q | II 371,24 | 138a7 | book 8 | 52 541 | (et ea per) naturam: [‘that is a recapitulation’] [analysis] |
138a33 | y | II 371,19 | book 8 | 541 | *caus di[co]: | |
138a34 | z | II 371,19 | 138a13 | book 8 | 541 211 | [caus di]co: [‘i.e. I say that these are not used. Or it is dico ‘I consecrate’ that is unusual’] [analysis] |
138b6 | e | II 372,10 | book 8 | 541 | ex (his .. quatuor): [‘i.e. two modes of nature and two modes of fortune’] [analysis] | |
138b9 | f | II 372,12 | book 8 | 541 | taceri: | |
139a10 | a | II 373,17 | 139a1 | book 8 | 211 541 | (ad) sensus: [‘i.e. to senses, i.e. for the passion is not in form, but in sense’] [analysis] |
139a14 | b | II 373,20 | book 8 | 541 | actu: [‘i.e. which is in them’] [analysis] | |
139a18 | c | II 373,23 | 139a3 | book 8 | 541 | (nobis) agentibus: [‘i.e. because the action is intrinsecus and the passion is extrinsecus, and that then is the real action’] [analysis] |
139a30 | h | II 374,4 | book 8 | 541 | positionem: | |
139a32 | i | II 374,5 | 139a5 | book 8 | 541 | [sim]plex: [‘i.e. it does not receive r from action, for that is composition’] [analysis] |
139a32 | l | II 374,5 | 139a7 | book 8 | 541 | per se: [‘i.e. without receiving r ab […]’] [analysis] |
139a33 | m | II 374,6 | book 8 | 541 | alteram: [‘i.e. passion’] [analysis] | |
139a33 | n | II 374,6 | book 8 | 541 | unam: [‘action’] [analysis] | |
139a34 | p | II 374,7 | book 8 | 541 | absolutus: | |
139a35 | q | II 374,8 | book 8 | 541 | alterius (coniunctione): | |
140a1 | a | II 376,9 | 140a1 | book 8 | 541 | poetica (confirmatio): [‘i.e. with saying by a poet that is his person’] [analysis] |
140a21 | d | II 376,24 | book 8 | 541 | fit: [‘i.e. for this is what is to it (facio) today’] [analysis] | |
140a24 | f | II 377,4 | 140a4 | book 8 | 541 | faciatur: [‘i.e. to show that it was in r, like the simple verb.’] [analysis] |
140a24 | g | II 377,4 | 140a4 | book 8 | 541 | faciatur: [‘Or more truly, it is not compounded, but it is put for the simple verb’] |
140a41 | n | II 377,19 | 140a6 | book 8 | 541 | neutra: [‘i.e. those are the true neutrals’] [analysis] |
141a3" | p | II 379,13 | book 8 | 541 | est: | |
143a37 | p | II 391,14 | 143a5 | book 8 | 541 | *consuetudinem: [‘it is against the usage of the passive’] [analysis] |
143b11 | i | II 392,7 | book 8 | 541 | activam: | |
143b12 | l | II 392,7 | book 8 | 541 | pasivam: | |
144b12 | h | II 396,10 | book 8 | 541 | una: | |
144b37'' | n | II 396,19 | 144b3 | book 8 | 541 | nequit: [‘i.e. as he has found it in authors so he has showed it, etc.’] [analysis] |
145b13 | c | II 399,13 | book 8 | 541 | una ([eademque]): | |
145b31 | g | II 400,10 | book 8 | 541 | spicio: | |
146a9 | a | II 401,17 | 146a1 | book 8 | 541 53 | *deficio: [‘i.e. it is this he says here: a passive meaning is derived from deficio when it is taken for vincor, as he shows afterwards ’] [analysis] |
146a36 | g | II 402,17 | book 8 | 541 | una: | |
147a14 | e | II 405,2 | book 8 | 541 | literis: | |
147a25 | h | II 405,10 | book 8 | 541 | (tam) la[te]: | |
147a27 | k | II 405,11 | 147a3 | book 8 | 541 | naturaliter: [‘i.e. that is how the action of the preterite is greatest so that it is easy to divide it’] [analysis] |
147a30 | l | II 405,13 | book 8 | 541 | angustissimaque: | |
147a31 | n | II 405,14 | book 8 | 541 | ([du]bia) plerumque: | |
147a34 | p | II 405,16 | 147a6 | book 8 | 211 541 | (futurum) infinitum: [‘(future) infinite, i.e. that is the paulo-post’] [analysis] |
147a34 | r | II 405,16 | book 8 | 541 | paulo (post): | |
147a35 | t | II 405,17 | book 8 | 541 | et (atticum): [‘i.e. that belongs to Attic writers’] [analysis] | |
147a38 | x | II 405,19 | book 8 | 541 | spatium (futuri): [‘i.e. as the paulo-post, that is, that they will not have’] [analysis] | |
147b18 | f | II 406,7 | 147b3 | book 8 | 541 | sit: [‘i.e. this is what makes a present de praesenti, that something of it is without completion, for unless there be, it will be a preterite’] [analysis] |
147b18 | g | II 406,8 | 147b2 | book 8 | 541 | imperfectum: [‘i.e. a name they have for the present imperfect’] [analysis] |
147b21 | i | II 406,9 | 147b4 | book 8 | 541 | [infi]nitum: [‘i.e. the act is indefinite for whose sake it is undertaken’] [analysis] |
148a24 | o | II 407,17 | 148a9 | book 8 | 541 | evenisse: [‘i.e. they were not, however, for it is not proper to wish for what you have’] [analysis] |
148a34 | w | II 408,3 | 148a10 | book 8 | 541 | (utinam) legerem (heri): [‘I have not read, however’] [analysis] |
148a37 | z | II 408,6 | 148a11 | book 8 | 541 | in[ceptus]: [‘i.e. there is a beginning therein and it is not perfected’] [analysis] |
148a38 | aa | II 408,6 | 148a12 | book 8 | 541 | (non) inceptus: [‘the wish for it only is there, without beginning’] [analysis] |
148b18 | g | II 408,27 | 148b5 | book 8 | 3232 541 | hoc: [‘i.e. infinitum, i.e. that would be the infinity which is in it, i.e. power of the noun and verb’] [analysis] |
148b26 | m | II 409,6 | 148b8 | book 8 | 541 | habere: [‘i.e. a paradigm of three cases upon them: or it is three cases simply, quod melius’] [analysis] |
148b30 | p | II 409,9 | 148b9 | book 8 | 541 221 | genitivo: [‘i.e. to the genitive of the article is joined the gerund in -di, for with them articles are declined. Now toû is the genitive of the article, if it is tò that it is behind it.’] [analysis] |
149b2 | a | II 411,10 | book 8 | 541 | significationem: | |
149b3 | b | II 411,11 | 149b1 | book 8 | 541 | (a caeteris ..) neutris: [‘i.e. passives, or from a neuter action: true neuters, however, are the verbs aforesaid’] [analysis] |
149b13 | c | II 411,19 | 149b2 | book 8 | 541 | eandem (significationem): [‘i.e. sense of striving towards’] [analysis] |
149b20 | h | II 412,2 | book 8 | 541 | ipsius (rei): | |
149b22 | i | II 412,4 | 149b4 | book 8 | 541 | quemammodum: [‘i.e. he has here an analogy to show the sense of aiming at in the gerund’] [analysis] |
150a37 | p | II 413,29 | 150a2 | book 8 | 541 | nascuntur: [‘i.e. for to those which are from a neuter there is no need to be distinguished from the passive’] [analysis] |
150b18 | e | II 414,14 | book 8 | 541 | excepto: | |
151a17 | b | II 415,23 | 151a2 | book 8 | 111[?] 541 | (in ré) modo (comple[ta]): [‘done and after its completion’] [analysis] |
151a18 | f | II 415,24 | book 8 | 221 541 | παρακειμνος: | |
151b3 | b | II 416,19 | 151b2 | book 8 | 541 | [ma]nifestandam: [‘i.e. whether at hand or afar’] [analysis] |
152a26 | i | II 418,10 | 152a3 | book 8 | 541 | propria: [‘i.e. this (is) a construction without distinction of gender’] [analysis] |
153a32 | b | II 421,27 | book 8 | 541 | (ab) ipsa ([natura]): [‘of the action of the first person’] [analysis] | |
153b19 | e | II 422,26 | 153b4 | book 8 | 541 | intelliguntur: [‘i.e. they have been and they will be in the present’] [analysis] |
153b38 | l | II 423,12 | 153b7 | book 8 | 211 541 | secum: [‘i.e. by himself, without conversing with any other’] [analysis] |
153b42 | n | II 423,15 | book 8 | 541 | causativae: | |
154a9 | a | II 424,3 | book 8 | 3116 541 | *persona: | |
154a24 | e | II 424,17 | 154a1 | book 8 | 541 | una: [‘i.e. it is not from one of the many meanings which it possesses that it has received (its) appellation, but from its being in subjunction in arranging the text’] [analysis] |
154a28 | f | II 424,19 | 154a2 | book 8 | 541 | multarum (specierum): [‘i.e. every species which has not a special name’] [analysis] |
154a28 | g | II 424,20 | book 8 | 541 | dubita[tionem]: | |
154a47 | n | II 425,13 | 154a4 | book 8 | 541 | cuiusdam: [‘i.e. expression of action without denoting person’] [analysis] |
154b8 | b | II 425,23 | 154b1 | book 8 | 541 | loco (infinitivorum): [‘i.e. to their own place or to the place of the infinitive’] [analysis] |
155a9 | b | II 427,18 | book 8 | 541 | absolutam: | |
155a35 | g | II 428,22 | book 8 | 541 571 | quasi: | |
155b28 | b | II 430,8 | 155b1 | book 8 | 25 541 | sciscitor: [‘i.e. from scisco, which is from scio’] [analysis] |
155b29 | c | II 430,8 | book 8 | 541 | activo: | |
155b40 | f | II 430,20 | book 8 | 541 13 | nota: | |
155b41 | h | II 430,22 | book 8 | 541 13 | notavi: | |
156a49 | m | II 432,25 | 156a2 | book 8 | 541 | faciunt: [‘i.e. it happens then that verbs are (derived) from them as villivo from villicus’] [analysis] |
156b29 | g | II 434,1 | 156b4 | book 8 | 211 541 | artium: [‘i.e. of art, i.e. names which are assumed from arts, as doctor from doctrina’] [analysis] |
157b9 | b | II 436,18 | 157b1 | book 8 | 541 | [intrin]secus: [‘i.e. the flexion is effected internally, not at the end’] [analysis] |
157b33 | m | II 437,20 | book 8 | 25 541 | duobus (corruptis): | |
157b34 | o | II 437,21 | 157b5 | book 8 | 541 | quicquam: [‘i.e. a non-integer and an integer’] [analysis] |
157b34 | p | II 437,21 | 157b6 | book 8 | 541 | cuiusquam: [‘two integers’] [analysis] |
157b35 | q | II 437,21 | 157b7 | book 8 | 541 | euphoniae: [‘this is the solution of the question which he has previously put (Quaeritur in compositis etc.)’] [analysis] |
157b39 | s | II 437,26 | 157b9 | book 8 | 543 541 | modos: [‘i.e. they do not keep one compound through all their tenses, ut etc.’] [analysis] |
158a28 | e | II 438,23 | 158a2 | book 8 | 541 4228 | veteres: [‘i.e. do not wonder that reperio is of the fourth conjugation although it is compounded of pario, for even pario etc.’] [analysis] |
158a35 | f | II 439,2 | 158a3 | book 8 | 541 | compositio: [‘i.e. for it is with the preterite (ēgi) that the composition occurs’] [analysis] |
158a38 | g | II 439,4 | 158a4 | book 8 | 541 | nam: [‘for it is with the preterite that the composition has occured’] [analysis] |
158b19 | k | II 439,27 | book 8 | 541 | semper: | |
158b22 | l | II 439,30 | book 8 | 541 | indeclinabili: | |
158b23 | m | II 440,1 | 158b6 | book 8 | 541 | intrinsecus: [‘i.e. this is what he deems the internal declension, the flexion in the midst of the body of the verb’] [analysis] |
159a8 | c | II 440,25 | 159a2 | book 8 | 541 | nominativi: [‘for when you say the first person or the second you show a noun herein’] [analysis] |
159a25 | f | II 441,9 | 159a4 | book 8 | 541 | ergo: [‘i.e. since it is not compounded into itself’] [analysis] |
159b38 | m | II 442,26 | 159b5 | book 8 | 541 | declinationis: [‘i.e. as for example now the verbal group of the second person in -as’] [analysis] |
161a23 | b | II 447,23 | 161a1 | book 8 | 543 541 | omni: [‘i.e. not to every verb does a person happen, as impersonals and infinitives and gerunds’] [analysis] |
161a43 | i | II 448,13 | 161a4 | book 8 | 541 | extra (se): [‘i.e. without the third person; it is not present’] [analysis] |
161b3 | a | II 448,16 | 161b1 | book 8 | 541 | [demon]strantur: [‘i.e. through the present mutual colloquy’] [analysis] |
161b5 | b | II 448,18 | 161b3 | book 8 | 541 | quae: [‘i.e. expression of the absent in them all’] [analysis] |
161b5 | c | II 448,18 | book 8 | 541 | (per) se: [‘i.e. in construction with it’] [analysis] | |
161b18 | g | II 448,31 | book 8 | 543 541 | nolit: | |
161b33 | n | II 449,16 | 161b5 | book 8 | 541 | suppositiva: [‘because it (supponit) puts itself on an equality with the one who orders it, though he that orders were naturally the superior’] [analysis] |
161b33 | o | II 449,17 | 161b6 | book 8 | 541 | hortativa: [‘i.e. it is not a command then, but it is an exhortation’] [analysis] |
161b33 | p | II 449,17 | book 8 | 541 | debet: [‘i.e. if it be according to nature’] [analysis] | |
161b40 | x | II 449,25 | book 8 | 541 | in (fac): | |
162a7 | a | II 450,7 | 162a1 | book 8 | 541 571 | taratantara: [‘i.e. a noun made from the sound, and nothing else is found to it but only this’] [analysis] |
162a12 | e | II 450,12 | 162a4 | book 8 | 541 | apostrophas: [‘i.e. when the god gives an answer by a sudden apostrophe’] [analysis] |
162a12 | f | II 450,13 | 162a5 | book 8 | 541 | (ad) ipsum (iovem): [‘i.e. tonas, O idol’] [analysis] |
162a41 | l | II 452,5 | 162a7 | book 9 | 541 | personas: [‘i.e. the end is not changed in them, nisi principium’] [analysis] |
162b5 | d | II 452,11 | book 9 | 541 12 | lavans: | |
162b5 | e | II 452,12 | book 9 | 541 12 | lauturus: | |
162b5 | f | II 452,12 | book 9 | 541 12 | fovens: | |
162b5 | g | II 452,12 | book 9 | 541 12 | foturus: | |
162b5 | h | II 452,12 | book 9 | 541 12 | movens: | |
162b6 | i | II 452,12 | book 9 | 541 12 | moturus: | |
162b33 | n | II 453,16 | book 9 | 541 | (caedo) cicidi: [‘i.e. the three of them are changed (lit. moved), i.e. he considers even their increase a change’] [analysis] | |
163a13 | c | II 454,8 | book 9 | 541 | ferio: | |
163a43 | n | II 455,8 | book 9 | 221 541 | diptongo (motata): | |
163a43 | o | II 455,8 | 163a4 | book 9 | 221 541 | pes: [‘i.e. o into e, so that it makes pes’] [analysis] |
165a11" | b | II 460,9 | 165a1 | book 9 | 541 | immobile: [‘i.e. the nature that is in the first person in the present it is this that is in the preterite. ’] [analysis] |
165b34 | f | II 462,16 | 165b3 | book 9 | 211 541 | l: [‘i.e. it itself, and there is nothing in place of it, for it is permanence to it if that be’] [analysis] |
166a12 | a | II 463,6 | 166a1 | book 9 | 541 | generales: [‘i.e. eight paradigms and eight general forms in it: six terminations, however, etc.’] [analysis] |
166a16 | c | II 463,8 | 166b2 | book 9 | 541 | (in) principio: [‘i.e. this (kind of preterite) changes the form and does not multiply the terminations’] [analysis] |
166a20 | d | II 463,13 | 166a3 | book 9 | 541 | u (consonante): [‘the interception of it (v) from it (-ivi), so that it may not be there’] [analysis] |
167a22 | k | II 466,1 | book 9 | 541 | anceps: | |
168a11 | c | II 468,4 | book 9 | 541 | longa: | |
168a34 | i | II 468,25 | 168a2 | book 9 | 541 4226 | subtracta: [‘from the regular preterite’] [analysis] |
169a3 | b | II 471,16 | 169a1 | book 9 | 541 | da: [‘provided the da- (of dare, datus) be before the end, and it be not the end, it is shortened, provided it exceeds one syllable’] [analysis] |
169b14 | b | II 474,8 | book 9 | 53 541 | statum: | |
169b14 | c | II 474,8 | book 9 | 541 | debet (facere): | |
170a28 | h | II 477,12 | 170a1 | book 9 | 541 | sinacopam: [‘because in it (the penult) is shortened’] [analysis] |
172a36 | m | II 486,10 | 172a4 | book 9 | 541 53 | sed: [‘because he unites their meanings below’] [analysis] |
172b6" | c | II 486,27 | book 9 | 423 541 | quartae: | |
173a31 | o | II 490,8 | 173a8 | book 9 | 541 | delitum: [‘i.e. this is to show the difference between delitum and deletum’] [analysis] |
173b34 | h | II 492,18 | 173b4 | book 9 | 541 | posunt: [‘they (s, t) can do it, however, if there be r, as monstrans’] [analysis] |
174b4 | a | II 496,8 | book 10 | 4221 541 | *eo: | |
175a32 | f | II 499,1 | book 10 | 541 | coepi: | |
175b26 | b | II 501,5 | book 10 | 541 | exceptis: | |
176b28 | h | II 505,20 | 176b2 | book 10 | 541 | quod: [‘i.e. the short which was in rŭitus, is preserved in rŭtus’] [analysis] |
178b16" | d | II 512,19 | book 10 | 541 | iunoribus: | |
178b21" | g | II 512,21 | 178b3, 4 | book 10 | 541 | inscriptus: [‘i.e. an intended writing, i.e. it had been in his mind’] [analysis] |
179a8 | c | II 514,6 | 179a2 | book 10 | 541 4228 | nam: [‘it is therefore I do not give it’] [analysis] |
179a19 | f | II 514,16 | 179a5 | book 10 | 541 | claudico: [‘for this is more usual’] [analysis] |
180b7 | e | II 520,16 | book 10 | 25 541 53 | ostendo: | |
180b39 | l | II 522,14 | 180b3 | book 10 | 58 221 541 | *scaton plautus: |
181a13 | d | II 523,10 | 181a1 | book 10 | 541 | nam: [‘there is no guarantee (?) for these’] [analysis] |
181a19 | g | II 523,15 | book 10 | 541 | composita: | |
181a25 | h | II 523,24 | 181a3 | book 10 | 541 | pago: [‘i.e. from this would be then pepigi’] [analysis] |
181a38 | o | II 524,13 | 181a8 | book 10 | 541 572?[?] | de ratione: [‘De ratione i.e. when it is the violation (? lit. wounding) of a reckoning by another reckoning, whatsoever this reckoning is, i.e. the infraction of a reckoning by another reckoning. ’] [analysis] |
181a38 | p | II 524,14 | 176 | book 10 | 541 572?[?] | kalendario: [‘Or de kalendario i.e. the law of calculating in settling (?) the calends’] |
181a38 | q | II 524,14 | 181a9 | book 10 | 541 | kalendario: [‘i.e. of the calendar’] [analysis] |
181b3" | b | II 524,20 | 181b1 | book 10 | 541 25 211 | differentiae (causa): [‘from religo, which is from ligo ‘I tie together’ ’] [analysis] |
182b41 | e | II 529,11 | 182b3 | book 10 | 541 221 | enim: [‘i.e. not only is crevi the preterite when it is for cresco, but also when it is for video’] [analysis] |
184a15 | d | II 533,17 | book 10 | 541 | +tritum: | |
184a17 | e | II 534,1 | 184a1 | book 10 | 541 221 | sethum: [‘Sethus then is for Zethos’] [analysis] |
184a33 | n | II 534,15 | book 10 | 212 541 | exertum: | |
184b16 | c | II 535,16 | 184b1 | book 10 | 541 | quaero: [‘so far as regards this it is better that they should have (only) one preterite (quaesi)’] [analysis] |
185b6 | b | II 539,3 | 185b1 | book 10 | 541 | differentiae (causa): [‘i.e. that there might be a difference between the preterites of fulgeo and fulcio’] [analysis] |
185b30 | g | II 539,22 | 185b4, 5 | book 10 | 541 | quamvis: [‘i.e. for it was fio factus sum that it formerly made, suffio suffiui, however, this time, with change of meaning, i.e. fieri before, suffire this time’] [analysis] |
186b11 | d | II 543,1 | book 10 | 541 | (differentiae) causa: | |
187b12 | g | II 547,5 | 187b1 | book 10 | 541 313 | vocabulo (rei): [‘i.e. name of an incorporeal thing, and it is of the fourth declension’] [analysis] |
187b19 | m | II 547,13 | 187b2 | book 10 | 541 | declinatione: [‘i.e. the participle belongs to the second declension, the noun to the fourth’] [analysis] |
187b19 | n | II 547,13 | book 10 | 541 | tenore: [‘i.e. long in the participle, short in the noun, circumflex in the participle, acute in the noun’] [analysis] | |
187b25 | p | II 548,2 | book 11 | 4228 541 | [re]ctius: | |
187b27 | r | II 548,4 | 187b5 | book 11 | 541 | nascitur: [‘therefore the birth is said to be from the noun because it (the participle) has accidents like those of the noun, and because it is born of verbs which (themselves) are from nouns.’] [analysis] |
187b33 | y | II 548,8 | book 11 | 541 | articulum: | |
187b34 | z | II 548,9 | book 11 | 541 | infinita: | |
188a4 | a | II 549,1 | book 11 | 541 | nostri: | |
188a5 | d | II 549,3 | 188a2 | book 11 | 541 | assumere: [‘i.e. there are cases in them themselves’] [analysis] |
188a9 | k | II 549,6 | 188a6 | book 11 | 541 | ad (quam): [‘i.e. it shall be seen whether the substance that is in them and their primitive is the same. If it be the same it is one part (of speech) indeed.’] [analysis] |
188a11 | m | II 549,7 | 188a8 | book 11 | 541 | ([quocun]que modo) dirivata: [‘i.e. whether the derivation of sense or sound be through diminution or increase’] [analysis] |
188a11 | n | II 549,8 | book 11 | 541 | *notitionem: [‘i.e. into conformity of particularity’] [analysis] | |
188a11 | o | II 549,8 | 188a10 | book 11 | 541 | difinitione: [‘i.e. definition of the noun etc.’] [analysis] |
188a12 | p | II 549,8 | book 11 | 541 | eandem: [‘i.e. it is the same division of speech’] [analysis] | |
188a13 | r | II 549,9 | book 11 | 541 | aliud: | |
188a13 | s | II 549,9 | 188a12 | book 11 | 541 59 | quod: [‘Difficulty! Unless the notion of the derivative be not the same as the primitive, the derivative in that case carried to some other part (of speech) as bene and male’] [analysis] |
188a13 | t | II 549,9 | 188a13 | book 11 | 541 | ante: [‘i.e. the primitive origin to which (it is) like, it is to this that the derivative goes as bene to fere, i.e. in its natural substance etc. ’] [analysis] |
188a14 | u | II 549,10 | 188a14 | book 11 | 541 | (propter) similitudinem: [‘i.e. it is therefore that it is increased’] [analysis] |
188a15 | y | II 549,11 | 188a16 | book 11 | 34 541 | ante: [‘i.e. before it was connected with the derivative’] [analysis] |
188a22 | hh | II 549,17 | 188a19 | book 11 | 541 | fere: [‘i.e. there are the two feres i.e. a primary fere i.e. this is my judgment, and a derivative fere i.e. near by’] [analysis] |
188a25 | nn | II 549,21 | 188a22 | book 11 | 541 | stoici: [‘i.e. the not making a separate part of speech of it, but counting it with the noun’] [analysis] |
188a27 | II 549,22 | 188a23 | book 11 | 4226 541 | propriis: [‘i.e. in participles, which have the proper changes of verbs in every accident, except persons and moods, and which have it also in time especially, because there is in the participle a present and a preterite and a future’] [analysis] | |
188a32 | uu | II 549,27 | 188a27 | book 11 | 541 | propriis: [‘i.e. as participles, i.e. for time is an accident to the participle, but it is not an accident to these nouns, etc.’] [analysis] |
188a32 | ww | II 549,27 | book 11 | 541 | propriis: | |
188a39 | af | II 550,5 | 188a31 | book 11 | 211 541 | (per) compasionem: [‘i.e. through co-suffering, i.e. every one who gives co-endures with every one to whom he gives something’] [analysis] |
188a40 | ag | II 550,6 | 188a32 | book 11 | 541 | amicus: [‘i.e. it is suffering to every one who is united in friendship therein’] [analysis] |
188b15 | g | II 550,20 | 188b2 | book 11 | 541 | consequentiam: [‘in expressing of action and in construction’] [analysis] |
189a38 | o | II 552,25 | 189a8 | book 11 | 541 543 | in: [‘i.e. a re-commentary, i.e. without passing into another person’] [analysis] |
189a40 | q | II 552,26 | 189a9 | book 11 | 541 | (ad) aliam: [‘i.e. a different person which expresses the noun and the verb here’] [analysis] |
189b6 | b | II 553,5 | 189b2 | book 11 | 541 | participium: [‘i.e. because the person which the cases of a noun denote cannot be denoted by a verb, that person, however, can be denoted by a participle, so that therefore the participle is put to signify the sense of the verb, that it may be the same person that is in the participle and in oblique cases, and it expresses therein the sense of a verb.’] [analysis] |
190a23 | p | II 555,2 | 190a5 | book 11 | 541 | intransitiva: [‘i.e. it is the same person to which the verb and the participle refer’] [analysis] |
190a26 | q | II 555,5 | 190a6 | book 11 | 541 | transeunt: [‘i.e. when they are conjoined to a verb’] [analysis] |
190a36 | u | II 555,14 | book 11 | 541 | allopathiam: | |
190b22 | g | II 556,12 | book 11 | 541 | masculina: | |
190b23 | h | II 556,12 | book 11 | 541 | femina: | |
190b23 | i | II 556,13 | 190b3 | book 11 | 541 571 | fotuo: [‘i.e. this is what the man says when he is at the operation, futuo I penetrate’] [analysis] |
191a13 | m | II 557,18 | 191a3 | book 11 | 541 | *transmotatione: [‘the change of e over i, so that it makes ei diphthong’] [analysis] |
192b5 | a | II 561,16 | book 11 | 541 | verba: [‘(deponents) in r’] [analysis] | |
193a17 | e | II 563,15 | 193a1 | book 11 | 541 | nasci: [‘for though there be amantis, amandus, it is not derivation, but formation’] [analysis] |
193a28 | k | II 564,4 | 193a2 | book 11 | 541 | pro (omni casu): [‘as regards meaning’] [analysis] |
193b8 | d | II 564,25 | book 11 | 212 541 | significatione: | |
193b15 | k | II 565,1 | book 11 | 541 | verbo (substantivo): | |
193b21 | cc | II 565,8 | 193b5 | book 11 | 541 | dicimus: [‘each of them takes the place of the other, and it is the same for you to say legens est and qui legit, and qui legit, legens est’] [analysis] |
195a1 | d | II 569,6 | book 11 | 541 | igitur: | |
196b36 | b | II 574,6 | 196b2 | book 11 | 541 | in participiis: [‘the deponent lacks a present participle in the passive: (the passive lacks) a present participle in the paradigm of the passive, and a preterite participle in the paradigm of the active: the common lacks a preterite participle when action is expressed by it, and a present participle when passion is expressed by it’] [analysis] |
197a7 | f | II 577,2 | 197a1 | book 12 | 543 541 | pro (nomine proprio): [‘a taking the place of a proper noun, i.e. that name is the peculiar property of its substance, i.e. either a proper substance or an appellative’] [analysis] |
197a13 | h | II 577,8 | 197a2 | book 12 | 541 53 | et primae .. etc.: [‘Therefore the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because it is not from ego that mei is. Aliter, for this reason the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because the pronouns ego and tu, from which they come are primitive, and thus it is said in nomine, if the noun be primitive its cases are primitive’] [analysis] |
197a17 | m | II 577,11 | 197a4 | book 12 | 541 | simplicia: [‘i.e. except in a few instances, there is no composition with them in the nominative’] [analysis] |
197a26 | s | II 577,19 | 197a6 | book 12 | 211 541 | relativa: [‘i.e. anaphoric, i.e. of which there has been a speaking before’] [analysis] |
197a27 | y | II 577,20 | 197a11 | book 12 | 541 | super omnes: [‘i.e. since there is a definition of person in the pronoun, and there is variety in that person, it were right that it should possess many sounds to express that variety, because the pronoun, more than the other parts of speech, signifies person: for this it was invented. For though a verb signifies person, it was not invented to signify person, but to signify a person’s action, principaliter, although it signifies person consequenter’] [analysis] |
197a29 | aa | II 577,21 | 197a13 | book 12 | 541 | [re]ctissime: [‘right is their difference because they define persons’] [analysis] |
197a30 | cc | II 577,22 | 197a14 | book 12 | 541 | diversitates: [‘in words and meaning’] [analysis] |
197a31 | dd | II 578,1 | 197a15, 16 | book 12 | 541 | tertias: [‘i.e. because third persons of a verb do not define person, but it is the action of person which they signify, from the fact that there is variety on the aforesaid and there is not on the third person of verbs’] [analysis] |
197b6 | e | II 578,13 | 197b2 | book 12 | 541 | cognitione: [‘i.e. through the noun that it takes the place of’] [analysis] |
197b8 | i | II 578,14 | 197b5 | book 12 | 541 | [de]monstratio: [‘what precedes them, then, certifies the gender in them’] [analysis] |
197b11 | l | II 578,17 | 197b6 | book 12 | 211 541 | (reliqua) [no]vem: [‘i.e. the remaining nine, nine in addition to the three (ille, iste, ipse): these then, are the nine, seven derivatives and is and hic’] [analysis] |
197b31 | ee | II 579,15 | 197b10 | book 12 | 541 | quod demonstra[tio]: [‘i.e. this is the demonstration, an answer to what is asked of you, and it does not bestow knowledge beforehand of the naming of the person, but it is the first knowledge to him that asks it, for he knew not beforehand till it was manifested to him’] [analysis] |
198a1 | c | II 579,25 | 198a1 | book 12 | 541 | reparat: [‘i.e. to them ipse is a re-demonstrative pronoun’] [analysis] |
198a1 | d | II 579,25 | 198a2 | book 12 | 541 | non: [‘ille and iste, however, cannot be re-demonstrative to ipse, for ipse expresses together the first cognition when it is a demonstrative, i.e. when it is with ego or tu or jointly’] [analysis] |
198a3 | e | II 579,26 | 198a3 | book 12 | 541 | cognitio: [‘i.e. the first cognition, then, which is signified by ille and iste is earlier than the second cognition which is (expressed) by ipse’] [analysis] |
198a6 | g | II 579,29 | 198a4 | book 12 | 541?[?] | *figurae: [‘i.e. so that the sign of the figure may be the more abundant’] [analysis] |
198a8 | k | II 579,31 | book 12 | 541 | (ex) eo: [‘i.e. this is customary with us’] [analysis] | |
198a9 | m | II 580,1 | 198a7 | book 12 | 541?[?] | transferri: [‘i.e. a re-demonstration of the third person which is there’] [analysis] |
198a16 | s | II 580,9 | 198a10 | book 12 | 541 59 | verba: [‘i.e. this is ‘Pillow under the head’ of a statement’] [analysis] |
198a37 | nn | II 581,1 | 191 | book 12 | 541 | primitiva: |
198a41 | ww | II 581,4 | 198a22 | book 12 | 541 | [geni]tivi (habet): [‘i.e. singular, as mei, meus, plural, as nostrum, noster etc.’] [analysis] |
198a42 | ww | II 581,5 | 198a24 | book 12 | 52 541 | demonstratio: [‘i.e. a definition, i.e. the demonstration wherewith possessives demonstrate person, that shows the gender which the possession that is possessed possesses’] [analysis] |
198b17 | l | II 581,20 | book 12 | 541 | cognitionem: [‘i.e. there will be two anaphoras there in that case if there be an article and a pronoun there: which however is not needed’] [analysis] | |
198b26 | t | II 582,2 | 198b8 | book 12 | 541 | nascun[tur]: [‘i.e. the origin of taking place, i.e. because it is they that take their places’] [analysis] |
199a14 | b | II 583,5 | book 12 | 541 | loca: | |
199a16 | c | II 583,7 | 199a1 | book 12 | 541 | diversis: [‘provided that the third persons are different’] [analysis] |
199b8 | o | II 584,15 | 199b5 | book 12 | 541 | nihil: [‘i.e. it is able here not to speak de se rather than any person especially’] [analysis] |
200a3 | a | II 585,22 | book 12 | 541 | (ad) aliquem: [‘i.e. it would be secunda (positio)’] [analysis] | |
200a22 | f | II 586,9 | book 12 | 541 | demonstratio: [‘the definition of the person’] [analysis] | |
200a24 | k | II 586,11 | 200a8 | book 12 | 541 | relatio: [‘i.e. the anaphora that there is in sui’] [analysis] |
200b18 | l | II 587,16 | 200b5 | book 12 | 541 | necesse: [‘because pronouns take the place of nouns of every substance’] [analysis] |
200b19 | m | II 587,16 | 200b6 | book 12 | 541 | seu: [‘either by pronouns which demonstrate a present person’] [analysis] |
200b23 | p | II 587,21 | 200b8 | book 12 | 541 | (neutri) gene[ris]: [‘i.e. as regards sound’] [analysis] |
200b24 | q | II 587,21 | book 12 | 541 571 | (hac) bassion: | |
200b33 | u | II 588,5 | 200b10 | book 12 | 541 | denuntiatur: [‘the possessive pronouns take the place of the proper name of the possessor, for when I say meus that takes the place of my proper name, and manifests me and signifies me, so that it is unnecessary to say my proper name...’] [analysis] |
201a6 | h | II 588,17 | book 12 | 541 | binae: | |
201b26 | t | II 590,22 | 201b7 | book 12 | 541 | [(per) metapla]smum: [‘i.e. by removing e’] [analysis] |
201b26 | u | II 590,22 | book 12 | 541 | [(per) metapla]smum: [‘i.e. isticce, i.e. e has been removed from it’] [analysis] | |
201b26 | y | II 590,22 | 201b10 | book 12 | 541 | compositionem: [‘i.e. this is their idea, that they are compounded. Now he (Priscian) does not deny this opinion’] [analysis] |
201b29 | ff | II 590,26 | 201b15 | book 12 | 541 | nam: [‘i.e. this, further, is according to the opinion of others, et etc.’] [analysis] |
201b30 | gg | II 590,26 | 201b16 | book 12 | 211 541 | (per) porrectionem: [‘i.e. by porrection, i.e. that the part of speech may be the longer’] [analysis] |
201b30 | hh | II 590,27 | 201b17 | book 12 | 211 541 | assumptionem: [‘i.e. by an assumption it takes an addition upon it’] [analysis] |
201b34 | kk | II 591,2 | 201b18 | book 12 | 541 | obliquis (solis): [‘except the nominative’] [analysis] |
202a4 | d | II 591,17 | 202a1 | book 12 | 541 | (in) alio (casu): [‘i.e. besides the nominative, tu’] [analysis] |
202a10 | i | II 591,22 | 202a3 | book 12 | 541 | *trium: [‘i.e. though he gives no example save only for the feminine’] [analysis] |
202a14 | m | II 591,25 | 202a5 | book 12 | 541 | significantiae: [‘i.e. they signify somewhat, though these additions are not reckoned as compounds, that is, they define and signify the distinction of the (one) person from another’] [analysis] |
202b25 | h | II 593,27 | 202b4 | book 12 | 541 | personas: [‘i.e. but that is in the supradicta’] [analysis] |
202b28 | l | II 594,2 | 202b5 | book 12 | 541 | videntur: [‘i.e. for similarity of termination’] [analysis] |
202b42 | t | II 594,15 | 202b8 | book 12 | 211 541 | (per) anastrophen: [‘i.e. by anastrophe, i.e. its beginning has been put at the end’] [analysis] |
203a6 | h | II 594,20 | 203a4 | book 12 | 211 541 | cacenphati: [‘of the disagreeable pronunciation: i.e. n after m they deemed disagreeable’] [analysis] |
203a17 | w | II 595,3 | 203a11 | book 12 | 541 | enclitici (vi[ce]): [‘i.e. of the subjunctive conjunction’] [analysis] |
203a21 | cc | II 595,7 | 203a16 | book 12 | 541 | interest (et refert): [‘these are the verbs. There is a community then between these two verbs in construction’] [analysis] |
203a25 | hh | II 595,10 | book 12 | 541 | infiniti: | |
203a26 | ii | II 595,11 | book 12 | 541 | genitivo (primitivi): | |
203a26 | kk | II 595,11 | book 12 | 541 | primitivi: | |
203a29 | mm | II 595,13 | 203a19 | book 12 | 541 | gentile: [‘it is the gentile interrogative of quis’] [analysis] |
203a37 | ww | II 595,20 | 203a23 | book 12 | 541 | sciat: [‘though that is usual’] [analysis] |
203a38 | xx | II 595,21 | book 12 | 541 | vim: [‘as respects parts (of speech)’] [analysis] | |
203a40 | yy | II 595,23 | 203a25 | book 12 | 25 541 | totidem: [‘from tot and demum: closeness of composition has put the i into it’] [analysis] |
203b26 | t | II 596,21 | 203b10 | book 12 | 541 | *finitas: [‘there are persons in the noun and in the participle, though they are indefinite’] [analysis] |
203b36 | x | II 597,1 | 203b12 | book 12 | 541 | (ex) eadem (voce): [‘i.e. with one sound to be inflected as a noun is inflected’] [analysis] |
204a11 | c | II 597,14 | 204a1 | book 12 | 541 | intrinsecus: [‘from the side of the possessor’] [analysis] |
204a14 | f | II 597,16 | book 12 | 541 | primitivum (eius): | |
204a15 | g | II 597,17 | 204a2 | book 12 | 541 | intrinsecus: [‘from the part of the possessor’] [analysis] |
204a27 | m | III 1,6 | 204a5 | book 13 | 541 | sermo (rectus): [‘allocution in the present (face to face)’] [analysis] |
204b1 | b | III 1,20 | book 13 | 541 | (ad) eam: [‘allocutive’] [analysis] | |
204b16 | o | III 2,18 | book 13 | 541 | nominibus: [‘i.e. which are (inflected) according to the pronominal declension and in others also’] [analysis] | |
205b16 | e | III 5,5 | 205b2 | book 13 | 541 | unde: [‘i.e. since it is ui that has been changed into i therein only and the rough breathing has not been changed’] [analysis] |
207a8 | i | III 9,21 | 207a3 | book 13 | 541 | vel (infi[nito]): [‘i.e. he expects that qui is (used) for the definite’] [analysis] |
207a9 | l | III 9,21 | 207a4 | book 13 | 541 | quando: [‘i.e. that’] [analysis] |
207a10 | m | III 9,22 | 207a5 | book 13 | 541 111[?] | per (sé): [‘i.e. this is its nature’] [analysis] |
207a10 | n | III 9,22 | book 13 | 541 571 | (in) lectione: | |
207a10 | o | III 9,22 | book 13 | 541 571 | (in) lectione: | |
207b16 | g | III 11,20 | 207b4 | book 13 | 541 | tu: [‘i.e. if anyone thought that it (o) was from tu, since it is a vocative thereto, (this opinion) is false’] [analysis] |
207b31 | t | III 12,3 | 207b10 | book 13 | 211 541 | alia (mille): [‘i.e. up to a thousand, i.e. a perfect (number) for an imperfect one’] [analysis] |
208a13 | f | III 12,26 | 208a2 | book 13 | 541 | [appollo]nius: [‘i.e. unless you add ego’] [analysis] |
208a13 | g | III 12,26 | 208a3 | book 13 | 541 | aristofanes: [‘i.e. unless you add tu’] [analysis] |
208a17 | h | III 13,1 | 208a4 | book 13 | 541 | abest: [‘i.e. since the third person is not always present, for it is meet that the pronoun should signify it, if it be present.’] [analysis] |
208a18 | k | III 13,1 | 208a6 | book 13 | 541 | presens: [‘for if the pronoun be present demonstrative, there is no need of the noun in that case, but the pronoun is enough’] [analysis] |
208b19 | h | III 14,4 | book 13 | 541 | +propriorum: | |
208b23 | l | III 14,8 | 208b6 | book 13 | 541 | prepositiva: [‘i.e. they can (do) those two things, i.e. dico ego and ego dico’] [analysis] |
208b24 | m | III 14,8 | book 13 | 541 | rectique (accentus): [‘i.e. we have the acute on them’] [analysis] | |
208b25 | n | III 14,9 | 208b8 | book 13 | 541 221 | graecos: [‘i.e. the Greeks have the circumflex on some of them, ut est etc. ’] [analysis] |
208b28 | p | III 14,11 | book 13 | 541 | possint: | |
208b28 | q | III 14,11 | book 13 | 541 | non: | |
208b34 | aa | III 14,18 | 208b14 | book 13 | 541 | solum: [‘i.e. the sense of a passive is always in it’] [analysis] |
208b37 | cc | III 14,20 | book 13 | 221 541 | ιδιοπαθιαν: | |
208b42 | dd | III 14,25 | 208b15 | book 13 | 541 | vetustissimus: [‘who has most followed antiquity’] [analysis] |
209a8 | b | III 15,7 | 209a1 | book 13 | 541 | tam (actionem .. etc.): [‘not that the action or the passion is in sui or in its oblique cases, but through it action or passion is ascribed to some one’] [analysis] |
209a35 | i | III 16,1 | 209a6 | book 13 | 541 | gratiae: [‘i.e. which they (the Latins) had in knowledge and guidance’] [analysis] |
209b15 | y | III 16,24 | 209b12 | book 13 | 541 | reciprocum: [‘i.e. if it be reciprocal, i.e. action from himself on himself, and that action causes passion (suffering) to him. Or transitivum, that is, transitive, i.e. from a person to a person, i.e. action by him into some other equal, and (the) action by some other on him is passion to (the) latter and the endurance of it is passion to him (the former).’] [analysis] |
209b15 | z | III 17,1 | 209b13 | book 13 | 541 | ut: [‘i.e. it is this which cannot be found there, that actions are not understood, but they are understood’] [analysis] |
209b16 | cc | III 17,2 | 209b16 | book 13 | 541 | simul: [‘i.e. action to both of them and passion’] [analysis] |
209b22 | mm | III 17,7 | 209b22 | book 13 | 541 | eandem: [‘passion into it from another who does it from beyond’] [analysis] |
209b23 | oo | III 17,9 | 209b24 | book 13 | 541 | obsecravit: [‘i.e. action to me to give the faith, passion (suffering) to him to receive it’] [analysis] |
209b23 | III 17,9 | 209b26 | book 13 | 541 | sciret: [‘action to him to know it, passion to me not to desert him’] [analysis] | |
209b23 | ss | III 17,9 | 209b26 | book 13 | 541 | ut darem: [‘ut darem, i.e. that I should give to him what he had asked of me. That, then, is the meaning which he expresses when he says in eandem ab alia’] |
209b24 | tt | III 17,11 | 209b28 | book 13 | 541 | huiuscemodi: [‘i.e. this is the structure, i.e. manifestation of action or passion from a person on himself, or from a person to a person in sui with its oblique cases. In expressing those two things, then, it is unnecessary for sui to have a nominative’] [analysis] |
209b25 | uu | III 17,12 | 209b29 | book 13 | 541 | omnis: [‘i.e. therefore he has not put sui in the examples, but it is sibi, se that he has put in them, for omnis etc.; for in every genitive that exists there are these two meanings (mentioned) below: (this) is then in sui. Although, however, there are action and passion in this with its oblique cases this is not the causality’] [analysis] |
209b26 | ww | III 17,12 | 209b30 | book 13 | 541 | [(ad)] perfectionem: [‘i.e. to fill up the sense of the verb; for if you say potior, the meaning here is incomplete until you know for whom you are powerful, whether for yourself or for some other. It is uncertain whose is the slave until you say mei: i.e. in this it is shown that he is mine own’] [analysis] |
209b26 | xx | III 17,13 | 210 | book 13 | 541 | possessi[oni]: |
209b28 | ac | III 17,14 | 209b33 | book 13 | 541 | solum: [‘i.e. there is no other case between them and the verb’] [analysis] |
209b32 | ae | III 17,18 | 209b34 | book 13 | 541 | absolute: [‘i.e. without passion on itself or towards another’] [analysis] |
210a8 | f | III 18,5 | 210a4 | book 13 | 211 541 | ferri: [‘i.e. that it is carried, i.e. it is thus that the action can be brought if there be another dative with sibi, as sibi ipsi etc.’] [analysis] |
210a11 | g | III 18,8 | 210a5 | book 13 | 541 | ad (ver[bum]): [‘i.e. to perfect the sense of the verb’] [analysis] |
211a30 | r | III 21,17 | 211a8 | book 13 | 541 | so[lum]: [‘i.e. it does not ‘adstruct’ anything else to perfect the demonstration which is therein; but it demonstrates it itself without the addition of a noun to it’] [analysis] |
211a31 | s | III 21,17 | book 13 | 541 | [so]lum: | |
211a32 | t | III 21,17 | 211a9 | book 13 | 541 | [ex]trinsecus: [‘i.e. and anything else from without to demonstrate its [lit. her] substance’] [analysis] |
211a34 | u | III 21,19 | 211a10 | book 13 | 541 | pyrrhus: [‘i.e. not only is the quality which was in Pyrrhus demonstrated, but it is necessary that the quality of that to which he is compared, i.e. father’] [analysis] |
211a35 | x | III 21,20 | 211a11 | book 13 | 541 | (in eodem) genere: [‘i.e. which is in the noun before’] [analysis] |
211a36 | y | III 21,21 | book 13 | 541 | demonstratur: | |
211b13 | e | III 22,6 | 211b3 | book 13 | 541 | [sub]stantiam: [‘i.e. its [lit. her] own substance as regards a pronoun’] [analysis] |
211b13 | f | III 22,6 | 211b4 | book 13 | 541 211 | extrinsecus: [‘i.e. as regards the noun, i.e. when he says huiusmodi, i.e. in this manner, i.e. it is necessary to show the quality to which it is compared’] [analysis] |
211b13 | g | III 22,7 | 211b5 | book 13 | 541 | per (se): [‘i.e. by its own substance’] [analysis] |
211b15 | i | III 22,8 | 211b7 | book 13 | 34 541 | tamen: [‘i.e. although it is a present substance that signifies the pronoun which is in the compound above, i.e. huius, i.e. huiusmodi’] [analysis] |
212a27 | t | III 24,12 | 212a6 | book 14 | 541 | dictionis: [‘Aliter: so that here it is not a separate part of speech, but it is joined to another part’] [analysis] |
212a36 | cc | III 24,19 | 212a13 | book 14 | 541 | accentum: [‘difference’] [analysis] |
212b6 | e | III 25,1 | 212b3 | book 14 | 541 | (in) transitione: [‘i.e. in passing from (one) person to another, for example, from the first person to the second’] [analysis] |
212b19 | n | III 25,11 | 212b9 | book 14 | 541 | partibus: [‘i.e. for it (sometimes) happens to be in composition, prefixed to nouns, as he said before, nequis, siquis, etc.’] [analysis] |
212b24 | o | III 25,15 | 212b10 | book 14 | 541?[?] | suam: [‘i.e. its being in anteposition’] [analysis] |
212b33 | u | III 25,22 | 212b14 | book 14 | 221 541 | ode: [‘i.e. ὁ is the nominative of the article, δε an addition’] [analysis] |
213a7 | e | III 26,6 | 213a2 | book 14 | 211 541 | gravantur: [‘the grave accent on them, which is peculiar to prepositions’] [analysis] |
213a30 | w | III 27,5 | 213a9 | book 14 | 336[?] 541 | legendo: [‘i.e. when they are recited, i.e. in a series of parts of speech’] [analysis] |
213a30 | x | III 27,5 | 213a10 | book 14 | 336[?] 541 | legendo: [‘legendo, i.e. by reading, i.e. in poetry’] [analysis] |
213a30 | y | III 27,5 | 213a10 | book 14 | 541 | legendo: [‘[…] or in composition i.e. at the beginning of the part of speech with which the composition takes place (lit. comes)’] |
213b37 | o | III 28,11 | book 14 | 541 | (per) appositionem: | |
213b41 | p | III 28,14 | 213b8 | book 14 | 541 | consequentiam: [‘i.e. not of them is the composition, and this is through the consequence (consequentiam) of the verbs, as frango, etc.’] [analysis] |
214a9 | f | III 28,22 | book 14 | 541 572 | memo[riae]: | |
214b5 | b | III 29,25 | 214b1 | book 14 | 541 | ut in: [‘i.e. as there is a striving towards a place in adverbs, so there is in prepositions, as in etc.’] [analysis] |
215a20 | p | III 31,18 | 215a9 | book 14 | 541 | verba: [‘i.e. the force of naming a pronoun (is) in the first person of a verb, and the force of a nominative of a noun in the third person of a verb, and the force of a vocative in the second person of a verb’] [analysis] |
215a25 | q | III 31,22 | 215a10 | book 14 | 541 | propter: [‘i.e. giving the reason why a conjunction is in a preposition’] [analysis] |
216a34 | l | III 35,10 | 216a3 | book 14 | 541 | de (te): [‘i.e. causality in de (when) in apposition, intensification therein (when) in composition’] [analysis] |
216a39 | o | III 35,13 | book 14 | 541 571 | quadripertitam: | |
216b7 | g | III 35,21 | book 14 | 541 | impru[dentibus]: | |
216b24 | t | III 36,8 | 216b5 | book 14 | 111[?] 541 | (á) do[mo]: [‘i.e. removal from a place (is implied) in the adverb domo’] [analysis] |
217a18 | g | III 37,5 | 217a1 | book 14 | 541 | vi: [‘i.e. whether they are in composition or in apposition or in both of them’] [analysis] |
217a19 | h | III 37,5 | 217a2 | book 14 | 541 | significatione: [‘i.e. what is the meaning that is in them, as there is proximity in ad’] [analysis] |
217a26 | m | III 37,11 | 217a6 | book 14 | 211 541 | accomodatus: [‘i.e. accommodated, that is, (the) accommodation and assimilation of one to another’] [analysis] |
217b33 | y | III 38,29 | 217b12 | book 14 | 541 | (per) translationem: [‘i.e. beyond the boundary, i.e. though its natural meaning is on this side of the boundary’] |
218a22 | n | III 39,24 | 218a9 | book 14 | 541 | deminuitur: [‘as adverbs are diminished’] [analysis] |
220a21 | i | III 45,4 | book 14 | 541 | nostri: | |
220a33 | y | III 45,15 | 220a8 | book 14 | 541 | (omnibus) casibus: [‘without transition of persons’] [analysis] |
220b32 | aa | III 47,6 | 220b8 | book 14 | 541 | pone: [‘put a grave accent on each of its two syllables when it is a preposition’] [analysis] |
220b39 | bb | III 47,12 | 220b9 | book 14 | 541 | nam: [‘[…] or when they are construed with nouns that signify time, as de die, de tempore’] [analysis] |
220b40 | cc | III 47,12 | 220b10 | book 14 | 541 | [ordi]nales: [‘[…] or they are construed with nouns of order, as a primo etc.’] [analysis] |
221a8 | d | III 47,22 | 221a1 | book 14 | 541 | consonanti[bus]: [‘[...] or to the consonants as regards case.’] [analysis] |
221b1 | a | III 48,19 | book 14 | 541 | privativum: [‘it takes away the sense of the simplex’] [analysis] | |
221b2 | c | III 48,20 | 221b3 | book 14 | 211 541 | intentivum: [‘i.e. extensive or perfected, i.e. it has the sense of enhancement’] [analysis] |
221b10 | f | III 48,26 | 221b5 | book 14 | 541 | syllaba: [‘i.e. an addition’] [analysis] |
222a33 | p | III 51,10 | 222a9 | book 14 | 541 | acui[tur]: [‘for it is in apposition, it is’] [analysis] |
222b41 | bb | III 53,7 | book 14 | 541 | [pre]positiones: | |
224b4 | a | III 60,4 | book 15 | 541 | +prudens .. etc.: | |
227a8 | e | III 69,18 | book 15 | 541 | +verbo ([substantivo]): | |
229a43 | i | III 78,25 | book 15 | 212 541 | +dumtaxat: | |
232b17 | b | III 89,19 | book 15 | 541 | +affirmationem: | |
233a33 | e | III 93,2 | book 16 | 541 51 | +coniunctiva: | |
233a34 | g | III 93,3 | book 16 | 541 | +vim: | |
234a8 | a | III 95,10 | book 16 | 541 | +proprio: | |
235b2 | a | III 100,9 | book 16 | 541 | subiunctivis: | |
235b28 | t | III 101,20 | book 16 | 541 | +[tan]to.n.: | |
239a2 | b | III 111,13 | book 17 | 541 | sensu: | |
239a23 | f | III 112,5 | book 17 | 541 | prepositiva (pronomina): | |
239a23 | g | III 112,6 | book 17 | 541 | subiunctiva: | |
239a24 | h | III 112,6 | book 17 | 541 | relativa: | |
239a27 | l | III 112,9 | book 17 | 541 53 | quando .. etc.: | |
239a38 | q | III 112,18 | book 17 | 4227 541 | compositis: | |
239b9 | e | III 113,11 | book 17 | 541 | argiletum: | |
240a12 | e | III 115,15 | book 17 | 541 | similibus: | |
240b33 | f | III 117,18 | book 17 | 541 | [con]fusio: | |
240b36 | h | III 117,21 | book 17 | 541 | ([demonstra]tivae) semper: | |
240b38 | i | III 117,24 | book 17 | 541 | positiones: | |
241b5 | a | III 119,20 | book 17 | 541 | quomodo: | |
241b8 | c | III 119,23 | book 17 | 541 | tamen: | |
243a32 | e | III 126,4 | book 17 | 541 | et (transitionem): | |
244a16 | g | III 129,1 | book 17 | 541 | posita: | |
244a17 | h | III 129,1 | book 17 | 541 | in (demonstratione): | |
244b14 | e | III 130,18 | book 17 | 541 | non: | |
244b15 | f | III 130,19 | book 17 | 541 | propria: | |
244b27 | k | III 131,1 | book 17 | 3232 541 | (in) ipsis: | |
244b33 | m | III 131,6 | book 17 | 541 | specierum: | |
247a42 | d | III 139,28 | book 17 | 541 | +cognitione: |