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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
21a3aII 44,2book 2571 syllaba: isidorus syllaba grece conceptio sive complexio .latine. reliqua
21a4II 44,2book 24143 sub: " (21a5=44,2) et: "
21a5bII 44,2book 2541 uno (accentu): .i. ⁊ incertus est nisi in dictione syllaba fiat .,
21a7cII 44,321a1book 24228 tamen: .i. ceso comprehensio literarum as·berr camaiph reliqua
[‘i.e. although it is (by a syllable is meant) a collection of letters still it is called etc.’] [analysis]
21a12dII 44,5book 2542 [in]distanter: .i. quia incertum est quo accentu ⁊ spiritu pronunties sillabam ., {= E 16r12 ⁊ - sillabam] pronuntiantur E}
21a13II 44,6book 24141 non: " (21a14=44,7) potest: "
21a13eII 44,621a2book 2211 35 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
21a16fII 44,8book 2543 singulis (.. literis): .i. vocalibus {= E 16r14 .i. a vocalibus}
21a16gII 44,8book 2541 non: .i. quia non sunt pro .V. sillabae {cf. E 16r14.i. quia non sunt nisi .V.}
21a17II 44,9book 24121 vocales: " (ibid.) quibus: "
21a17hII 44,9book 2541 autem: .i. quando iungis vocales consonantibus {= E 16r15 iungis] coniungis E}
21a19II 44,10book 24142 habet: .- (21a20=44,10) unde: .-
21a21iII 44,11book 2541 consonantium: .i. uae {= E 16r16 .i. ut uae}
21a21kII 44,12book 2543 tunc: .i. ⁊ non consonans {= E 16r17}
21a22lII 44,12book 2543 amitit: .i. quando nihil
21a23II 44,13book 24141 inveniuntur: " (21a24=44,14) sin[gulae]: "
21a23mII 44,1321a3book 2211 inveniuntur: .i. hi luc deoguir
[‘i.e. in place of a diphthong’] [analysis]
21a25nII 44,1421a4book 2211 plostrum: .i. fén
[‘i.e. cart’] [analysis]
21a26oII 44,15book 24228 ubique: .i. ponitur
21a31II 44,18book 24141 vocalibus: " (ibid.) constant: "
21a32pII 44,19book 2423 duabus: .i. literis {= E 16r22}
21a32II 44,19book 24141 vel: .- (ibid.) fiunt: .-
21a32II 44,19book 24143 fiunt: : (21a33=44,20) vel: :
21a35II 44,21book 24141 non: ,, (21b2=44,22) possunt: ,,
21b4aII 45,1book 2423 duae: consonantes {= E 16r26 .i. add. E}
21b5bII 45,2book 24226 possunt: non
21b6cII 45,3book 2423 duae: consonantes
21b7dII 45,421b1book 2543 necesse (est): .i. is gnáth
[‘i.e. it is customary’] [analysis]
21b9II 45,5book 24142 compositum: ,. (21b10=45,6) tamen: ,.
21b10II 45,6book 24122 herodianus: ..- (21b15=45,9) huic: ..-
21b12eII 45,721b2book 2211 [sono]riusque: .i. bindiu
[‘i.e. more melodious’] [analysis]
21b13fII 45,821b3book 2211 34 quoque: .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
21b13II 45,8book 24112 simplicium: " (ibid.) regulam: "
21b13gII 45,8book 2541 simplicium: .i. b ⁊ r ⁊ d reliqua esse in secunda sillaba
21b15hII 45,921b4book 2211 obiicitur: .i. frista·cuirther
[‘i.e. this is objected’] [analysis]
21b15iII 45,921b5book 2211 huic: .i. do·berr hi cotarsne do
[‘i.e. it is adduced in contrary (to it)’] [analysis]
21b15kII 45,921b6book 2543 oblitus: .i. combad o. ⁊ blitus do·gneth reliqua
[‘i.e. that it should make o and blitus etc.’] [analysis]
21b15lII 45,9book 225 59 oblitus: (m.d.) .i. ob ⁊ livitus ⁊ per sinagopam litus. reliqua masued {= E 16v5 sincopam oblitus E reliqua masued om. E}
[‘i.e. ob and livitus and by syncope litus etc. if it is so’]
21b16mII 45,10book 2541 b: (m.d.) .i. quia non potest mutta et liquida communem sillabam facere nisi in una sillaba sint ., {= E 16v5 (m.l.) quia om. E}
21b17nII 45,1121b7book 2543 syllabam: .i. techt do .b. hi tosach sillabe
[‘i.e. the passing of b into the beginning of the syllable’] [analysis]
21b17oII 45,11book 2543 541 more: .i. ut faciunt simplicia nomina si mutta ⁊ liquida fuerit in primis sillabis ., {= E 16v6 fuerit in om. E prima sillaba E}
21b18pII 45,11book 2423 primam: sillabam
21b18II 45,11book 24123 primam: " (ibid.) habere: "
21b18qII 45,1121b8book 2211 333 [(oportet..)] habere: techtaite
[‘that they should have’] [analysis]
21b19rII 45,1221b9book 23232 543 hoc: .i. ara tesed .b. isin sillaib tánaisi in his ar it comsuidigthi
[‘i.e. (it is not found) that b should pass into the second syllable in these (words), for they are compounds’] [analysis]
21b20sII 45,1221b10book 234 preterea: (m.l.) .i. Cenmithá inna-hí as·rubart .i. oblitus reliqua
[‘i.e. besides those (words) which he has (already) mentioned, i.e. oblitus etc.’] [analysis]
21b20tII 45,1221b11book 2541 preterea: Frituidecht aile aní-siu.
[‘another objection this’] [analysis]
21b22II 45,14book 24141 transisset: ; (21b23=45,14) m: ;
21b22uII 45,14book 2543 sequentem: ut esset circu meo {= E 16v8 ut esset: lit -& E}
21b23II 45,14book 24141 nec: " (21b26=45,16) aspiraretur: " {= E 16v9-10}
21b23wII 45,14book 23116 421 in: .i. dictionibus
21b23xII 45,1421b12book 2211 perhibeo: .i. for·gellim
[‘i.e. I testify’] [analysis]
21b23yII 45,14book 2212 +inhu[matus]: .i. insepultus
21b24zII 45,1571book 225 571 anhelo: .i. an ⁊ halo, ut eutex dicit {= E 16v9 .i. om. E}
21b25II 45,15book 24111 secundae: ; (21b25=45,16) syllabae: ; {= E 16v10}
21b25II 45,16book 24111 principa[lis]: : (21b26=45,16) vocalis: : {= E 16v10}
21b26aaII 45,16book 2542 [principa]lis: .i. quia ab illa pars incipit {= E 16v10}
21b26bbII 45,1621b13book 2542 aspiraretur: .i. ar ni·rubi tinfed ar belaib .x. ⁊ n. reliqua
[‘i.e. for there cannot be aspiration before x and n, etc.’] [analysis]
21b27ccII 45,17book 23232 eam: .i. secundam sillabam {= E 16v11}
21b27ddII 45,17book 2543 eam: (m.d.) .i. si diceretur .pe.rhi.beo. reliqua {= E 16v11 .i., reliqua om. E}
21b27eeII 45,17book 24228 541 quomodo: (m.d.) .i. quomodo nec aspirantur .i. quamvis composita sint ., {= E 16v11 .i. om. E}
21b30ffII 45,18book 2423 antecedentem: .i. sillabam
21b30II 45,18book 24141 antecedentem: " (21b31=45,19) terminari: "
21b32ggII 45,2021b14book 2541 compo[sitis]: .i. con·forcmat dliged inna ṅdiuite in menicc.
[‘i.e. so that they often preserve the law of the simple (words)’] [analysis]
21b33hhII 45,21book 2541 coeo: .i. n {cf. E 16v14 .i. con et eo}
21b34iiII 45,21book 2541 cois: .i. n {= E 16v14 .i. om. E}
21b34II 45,22book 24111 principales: " (ibid.) syllabae: " {= E 16v14 (sec. symb. om. E)}
21b34II 45,22book 24141 hoc: : (21b35=45,22) positae: :
21b35II 45,22book 24111 4143 omnibus: ., (21b36=45,23) literis: ., (ibid.) possunt: .,
21b36kkII 45,23book 24228 non: .i. possunt.
21b36llII 45,23book 2423 omnes: .i. literas
22a1aII 45,23book 24228 sed: .i. possunt .i. disinere
22a1bII 45,23book 23232 has: .i. literas {= E 16v15 .i. om. E}
22a1cII 45,24book 24228 vocales: .i. posunt .i. disinere {cf. E 16v15 .i. disinere}
22a1dII 45,2422a1book 259 quacumque: .i. ní ecen a ḟorcomét adi
[‘i.e. it is not necessary to observe this’] [analysis]
22a5eII 45,26book 24221 possunt: .i. principales syllabae {= E 16v17}
22a6II 45,27book 24141 quae: ; (22a8=46,1) sint: ; (ibid.) compositae: ; {= E 16v19 (tert. symb. om. E)}
22a7II 46,1book 24144 aliis: ,, (22a10=46,3) alterutrum: ,, {= E 16v19 (sec. symb. om. E)}
22a7fII 46,1book 225 oboedio: (m.l.) .i. ob ⁊ oedio .i. quasi esset oedio vel ob ⁊ audio quod melius, {cf. E 16v20 ob &oedio vel ab &audio}
22a10gII 46,322a3book 2543 alterutrum: .i. hit hé sin inna ranna aili as·rubart tuas .-
[‘i.e. those are the other parts which he has mentioned above’] [analysis]
22a10hII 46,3book 225 alterutrum: .i. alter ⁊ utrum
22a10iII 46,322a2book 2211 541 alterutrum: (m.l.) Alterutrum .i. ind alanai. lactantius dicit, Utrum anima patre an matre an ex utroque generatur neque ab utroque neque ex alterutro seruntur animae.,
[‘i one of two (Lat.), i.e. one of the two (Oi.e.) Lactantius says: ‘Whether the soul is procreated from the father, the mother, or both, souls are neither created by both of them nor by one of the two’.’] [analysis]
22a11II 46,3book 24141 nec: ., (22a12=46,3) licet: ., {= E 16v21-22}
22a11II 46,3book 24141 si: " (ibid.) in[cipiet]: "
22a11kII 46,3book 2423 sequens: .i. sillaba {= E 16v21 .i. om. E}
22a12lII 46,3book 23114 antecedenti: .i. dativus {= E 16v21}
22a12mII 46,3book 2423 antecedenti: .i. sillabae
22a12nII 46,422a4book 2543 quancunque: .i. ní hi cach consoin con·osna
[‘i.e. not in every consonant does it end’] [analysis]
22a16oII 46,6book 2423 sequens: .i. sillaba
22a16pII 46,6book 2423 eadem: .i. litera .i. b. {cf. E 16v23 .i. b}
22a17qII 46,722a5book 2211 sabburra: .i. ingor {Cf. K 11r2 a .i. anchora}
[‘i.e. anchor’] [analysis]
22a17rII 46,7book 2215 563 sabburra: (m.l.) cicero Sybburra onus quodlibet reliqua ut in alio {cf. L 20v18 a (m.l.) anchora ad onus quodlibet quo naves stabiliuntur}
22a17II 46,7book 24144 sabburra: ,,, (22b16=47,3) supra: ,,,
22a17sII 46,722a6book 2211 gibbus: .i. túithlae {= K 11r2 b .i. tuthle}
[‘i.e. swelling’] [analysis]
22a17tII 46,722a7book 2211 gibber: .i. cnocc {= K 11r2 c, E 16v23}
[‘i.e. hunch’] [analysis]
22a18uII 46,722a8book 2211 [gibbe]rosus: .i. cnocach
[‘i.e. lumpy’] [analysis]
22a18wII 46,7book 2215 563 obba: (m.l.) icidorus obba sucus papaveris agrestis
22a21II 46,9book 24141 quae: " (ibid.) consonans: " (ibid.) solet: " (22a22=46,10) motari: " {= E 16v25 quae : }
22a21xII 46,9book 2543 consonans: .i. b {= E 16v25 .i. om. E}
22a21yII 46,10book 23232 (in) eam: .i. c {= E 16v26 .i. in c}
22a22zII 46,10book 225 occido: .i. ob ⁊ cado vel caedo si producta {= E 16v26 .i. om. E}
22a22aaII 46,1022a9book 225 occumbo: .i. ob ⁊ cumbo ⁊ ní·bí a cumbo hísin in diuitius co n-.m. sed cubo. as. reliqua,
[‘i.e. ob and cumbo, and that cumbo does not occur in simplicity with m, but cubo, cubas etc.’] [analysis]
22a23bbII 46,10book 225 succino: .i. sub ⁊ cano {= E 16v26 .i. om. E}
22a23ccII 46,1022a10book 225 211 succido: .i. sub ⁊ caedo .i. do·fuibnimm {= E 16v26 .i. sub &caedo}
[‘i.e. ‘sub’ (below) and ‘caedo’ (cut off), i.e. I cut off’] [analysis]
22a23ddII 46,11book 258 ab *** (pro) abs: vel pro ab abs in aliis
22a24eeII 46,11book 253 prepositio: (m.l.) lege prepositionem
22a28ffII 46,13book 225 [ob]scurus: .i. ob ⁊ curus vel cura {cf. E 16v28 .i. ob &cura}
22a28ggII 46,1422a11book 225 211 obscenus: .i. ob ⁊ caenum .i. loth reliqua {cf. E 16v28 .i. caenum}
[‘i.e. ‘ob’ (on account of) and ‘caenum’ (dirt), i.e. mud, etc.’] [analysis]
22a28hhII 46,14book 2212 215 obscenus: (m.l.) baeda obscenus impudicus turpis. virgilianus. obsceni dicuntur qui de suo ore mala proferunt ..
22a28II 46,14book 24123 f: ,, (ibid.) sequente: ,,
22a29iiII 46,14book 23232 eandem: .i. f {= E 17r1 (C?) .i. om. E}
22a30kkII 46,15book 225 sufficio: .i. sub ⁊ facio {= E 17r1}
22a30llII 46,15book 225 suffero: .i. sub
22a31mmII 46,15book 234 similiter: .i. ut in .f.
22a31nnII 46,15book 225 aufero: .i. ab {= E 17r2}
22a31II 46,16book 24141 ne: ., (22a33=46,17) accipiantur: .,
22a31ooII 46,16book 225 affe[ro]: .i. ab
22a34ppII 46,17book 23232 eam: .i. g
22a34qqII 46,17book 225 suggero: .i. sub ⁊ gero {cf. E 17r3 .i. sub}
22a34rrII 46,17book 225 58 oggannio: .i. ob ⁊ gannio reliqua ut in alio,
22a34ssII 46,17book 2215 23?[?] oggannio: (m.l.) gannio gulosus gluto v- citius manducans ..
22a35ttII 46,18book 225 summitto: .i. sub {= E 17r4}
22b3aII 46,2222b1book 2211 illusus: .i. cuitbedach
[‘i.e. ridiculous’] [analysis]
22b3bII 46,23book 23232 idem: .i. transire {= E 17r5}
22b3cII 46,23book 24221 patitur: .i. b {= E 17r5 .i. om. E}
22b5dII 46,24book 23232 eam: .i. r {= E 17r6 .i. om. E}
22b5eII 46,24book 24221 convertitur: .i. b {= E 17r6 .i. om. E}
22b5fII 46,24book 225 arri[pio]: .i. ab ⁊ rapio {= E 17r6}
22b6gII 46,24book 2423 quibusdam: .i. compositis {= E 17r7}
22b6hII 46,25book 24221 immotabilis: .b. {= E 17r7}
22b7iII 46,2522b2book 2211 abrogo: .i. do·aithbiuch ni·oirdnimm ualligim
[‘i.e. I break (a bargain), or I do not ordain, or I arrogate’] [analysis]
22b8kII 46,25book 24228 causa: .i. esse
22b8II 46,26book 24141 ne: " (22b9=46,26) (dubium) sit: "
22b8lII 46,26book 223 arrogo: (m.l.) baeda arrogans superbus durus abrogans superbus
22b8mII 46,26book 223 arrogo: (m.s.) grecolatinus INter abrogantem ⁊ arrogantem arrogat aliquid sibi etiam si non meruit abrogat qui alii aufert vel qui legem tollit ..
22b9II 46,26book 24121 prepositio: .- (22b9=46,27) quae: .-
22b9nII 46,2722b3book 2211 35 sit: in·díxnaigedar
[‘whether it is’] [analysis]
22b12oII 46,2822b4book 2211 abdo: .i. fu·llugaimm
[‘i.e. I hide’] [analysis]
22b12pII 46,28book 2212 +subdolus: .i. subfraudo
22b12qII 46,2822b5book 2211 abluo: do·fonug
[‘I wash away’] [analysis]
22b13rII 47,122b6book 2211 obnitor: fris·biur
[‘I oppose’] [analysis]
22b14sII 47,1book 2212 +subnixus: .i. connodatus
22b14II 47,1book 24141 nulla: " (22b15=47,2) potest: "
22b15II 47,2book 24111 antecedens: .- (ibid.) syllaba: .-
22b18II 47,4book 24141 nisi: " (22b19=47,5) incipiat: "
22b19tII 47,522b7book 2211 bacca: cáer {= E 17r13}
[‘berry’] [analysis]
22b19uII 47,522b8 book 2211 bucca: oal
[‘cheek’] [analysis]
22b20wII 47,522b9book 2211 soccus: assa {= E 17r13 .i. add. E}
[‘slipper’] [analysis]
22b20xII 47,5book 225 ecquis: .i. en ⁊ quis {.i. pro quis tantum} vel ecce ⁊ quis {= E 17r13}
22b23yII 47,7book 2423 +sequens: syllaba
22b23zII 47,8book 23232 ea[dem]: .d. {= E 17r15}
22b25aaII 47,922b10 book 2563 53 abad[dir]: cenéla liac .i. taidminedar-som ar chiunn {cf. E 17r16 ceinelae liac}
[‘a kind of stone, i.e. which he records hereafter’] [analysis]
22b26bbII 47,9book 2572 [abad]dir: lapis quem pro iove devoravit saturnus
22b26II 47,9book 24144 reddo: .- (22b27=47,12) reddidit: .- {= E 17r16-17 redduco (sic!) " E}
22b26 II 47,9book 24144 redduco: , (22b29=47,14) redducere: , {= E 17r16-18}
22b26II 47,10book 24144 reduco: ,, (22b31=47,19) reduxit: ,, {= E 17r16-18 (prim. symb. om. E)}
22b27ccII 47,11book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
22b28ddII 47,1222b11book 2211 3113 bo*um (v): .i. inna bao
[‘i.e. of the cows’] [analysis]
22b30eeII 47,18book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
22b31ffII 47,20book 23233 (haec .. ipsa) consonans: .i. d {= E 17r19}
22b33ggII 47,21book 2212 +aggero: .i. accumulo
22b34II 47,22book 24142 f: :- (23a6=47,26) tamen: :-
22b35hhII 47,22book 24228 sequente: .i. motatur .d
22b35II 47,22book 24143 sequente: .., (ibid.) l: .., (22b36=47,23) r: .., (ibid.) n: .., (ibid.) s: ..,
22b35iiII 47,2222b12book 234 543 rationabilius: .i. is dligthigiu a cumscugud quam a feidligud
[‘i.e. more in accordance with rule is its mutation than its permanence’] [analysis]
22b35kkII 47,22book 225 affectus: .i. ad ⁊ factus {= E 17r21}
22b35llII 47,22book 24228 l: .i. motatur .d
22b36mmII 47,23book 24228 r: motatur d
22b36nnII 47,23book 24228 n: motatur d
22b36ooII 47,23book 2212 +annuo: adiuvo
22b36ppII 47,23book 24228 s: motatur d
22b36qqII 47,2322b13book 225 assiduus: (subs.) .i. uandí as assideo. reliqua.
[‘i.e. from assideo etc.’] [analysis]
23a1aII 47,23book 24221 subtrahitur: .i. d {= E 17r21 .i. om. E}
23a2bII 47,24book 225 agnitus: .ad ⁊ gnatus {= E 17r22 .i. add. E}
23a3cII 47,25book 225 ascendo: .ad ⁊ scando {= E 17r22 .i. add. E}
23a9II 47,28book 24142 tamen: .- (23a10=47,29) nam: .-
23a9dII 47,2923a1book 23232 hoc: .i. varietas immutationis ⁊ mutationis vel hoc .i. cena chomthóud .d. quod verius est.
[‘i.e. without the change of d, quod etc.’] [analysis]
23a10II 47,29book 24123 sit: " (ibid.) differentia: "
23a10eII 47,2923a2book 2211 542 sit: ci dechor .i. ar ni dechor ṁbindius file híc sed error scriptorum
[‘what is the difference, i.e. because there is no difference of euphony here, sed etc.’] [analysis]
23a10fII 47,29book 2541 ?[?] differentia: causa
23a11gII 47,2923a3book 2211 euphoniae: bindiusa
[‘of (= in) euphony’] [analysis]
23a11II 48,1book 24141 4143 ut: : (23a12=48,1) transferatur: : (ibid.) d: : (ibid.) non: :
23a12hII 48,1book 2423 aliis (transferatur): dictionibus
23a12iII 48,1book 2423 aliis (non): dictionibus
23a12kII 48,123a4book 24228 non: .i. ut non transferatur vel non .i. nai coní·cumscaigther .d. in aliis dictionibus
[‘i.e. no! d is not changed in other words’] [analysis]
23a13II 48,2book 24141 4143 ut: " (23a14=48,3) sonet: " (ibid.) male: "
23a16II 48,4book 24123 (vel s) sit: " (ibid.) posita: "
23a17lII 48,5book 23232 eadem: .i. f {= E 17r30 .i. om. E}
23a18mII 48,5book 225 officio: .i. ob ⁊ facio {= E 17r30 .i. om. E}
23a18nII 48,6book 225 sufficio: .i. sub
23a18oII 48,6book 225 affectus: .i. ad
23a18pII 48,6book 225 efficio: ex {= E 17r30 .i. add. E}
23a18qII 48,6book 225 dif[ficilis]: dis ⁊ facilis
23a19rII 48,6book 225 diffundo: dis {= E 17r30}
23a19sII 48,7book 24221 ostenditur: .i. f {= E 17r31 .i. add. E}
23a20II 48,7book 24142 [mu]ta: :- (23a23=48,9) sed: :-
23a20II 48,7book 24122 semivocales: ,, (23a22=48,9) illae: ,, {= E 17r31-2}
23a20tII 48,7book 2541 simplices: .i. de quibus non dubitatur utrum semivocales sunt an muttae vel vigilat duplices .., {= E 17r31 vel .. duplices om. E}
23a22uII 48,8book 2541 geminatur: .in simplicibus nisi per conversionem in compositis ut diximus
23a22II 48,8book 24143 terminat: : (ibid.) sicut: :
23a23wII 48,9book 2543 nomine: .i. ef {= E 17r32}
23a27xII 48,13book 2212 +sugge[ro]: .i. ministro
23a28yII 48,13book 24226 tamen: .i. in simplicibus dictionibus
23a29zII 48,13book 2221 : gamma {= E 17v2 .i. add. E}
23a29aaII 48,14book 2221 κ: cappa {= E 17v2 capa}
23a29bbII 48,14book 2221 χ: chí
23a29ccII 48,14book 23232 hanc: .i. g {= E 17v3 .i. om. E}
23a30ddII 48,14book 2221 αγγελος: .i. angelus {cf. E 17v3 .i. angelus vel sic aggelus}
23a30eeII 48,14book 2543 αγγελος: prima) pro n
23a30ffII 48,14book 2566[?] +λογγινος: proprium
23a30ggII 48,14book 2543 λογγινος: prima) pro n {= E 17v3}
23a30hhII 48,14book 2566[?] +αγκιστρονς: proprium
23a30iiII 48,14book 2542 αγκιστρονς: (γ) pro n {= E 17v3}
23a31kkII 48,15book 2566[?] αγχισες: proprium
23a31llII 48,15book 2543 αγχισες: (γ) pro n {= E 17v3}
23a31II 48,15book 253 αγχισες: (m.l.) "/ (cf. 14b29=30,14 ff)
23a33mmII 48,16book 2212 ([principa]lis) syllabae: .primae sillabae
23a34II 48,17book 24142 gnotus: .- (23a35=48,17) unde: .-
23a34nnII 48,17book 2543 antique: .antiqui dixerunt
23a35ooII 48,17book 2541 53 ignotus: .i. compositio ab in ⁊ gnotus ut diximus paulo ante
23b1aII 48,18book 2543 (ut in) numeris: .i. ut in nominibus numeri
23b4bII 48,20book 23232 ea: .i. n {= K 11r45 h}
23b4cII 48,20book 2543 (in) numeris: in nominibus numerorum
23b6II 48,22book 24142 non: " (23b7=48,23) tamen: "
23b7II 48,22book 24132[?] invenio (23b9=48,23) h: invenio: a h: b videri: c terminalem: d syllabae: e interiectionibus: f {= E 17v10-11, sext. symb. om. E}
23b10II 48,24book 24143 fieri: " (23b11=48,25) vel: "
23b10II 48,24book 24141 cum: : (23b11=48,25) sint: :
23b11II 48,25book 24141 4143 *quod: ., (23b12=48,25) solent: ., (23b12=48,26) ut: .,
23b12dII 48,25book 24228 *solent: .i. proferri
23b17''eII 49,323b1book 2211 ulcus: cnocc {= E 17v14 .i. add. E}
[‘ulcer’] [analysis]
23b18''fII 49,3book 2563 soldum: nomen ponderis {= E 17v14 .i. add. E}
23b18''gII 49,3book 2563 soldum: hir- soldus .III. tremeses habet tremesis vero scriptula ⁊ demedium
23b20''hII 49,3book 2566[?] alfenus: proprium {= E 17v14}
23b23''iII 49,4book 2563 +ulmus: .i. arbor
23b29''kII 49,423b2book 2211 mulxi: do·ommalgg
[‘I have milked’] [analysis]
23b17"II 49,4book 24123 q: : (ibid.) r: : (ibid.) solis: : (ibid.) sequentibus: :
23b17"II 49,4book 24142 solis: " (23b18"=49,5) nam: "
23b18"lII 49,5book 2543 +inveni: ille non invenit
23b18"mII 49,523b3book 259 h: is airdircu epirt limm son
[‘I think I need not say this’] [analysis]
23b21"nII 49,7book 2423 sequens: sillaba
23b22"oII 49,8book 2566[?] 563 cambises: .i. proprium nomen regis ut orosius narrat, vel nomen vestis caimmse {cf. E 17v18 nomen regis ut orosius dicit}
[‘i.e. the proper name of a king, as Orosius says, or the name of a piece of clothes, i.e. a shirt’] [analysis]
23b24"pII 49,9book 2566[?] ammon: proprium {cf. E 17v18 proprium vel nomen hebraicum}
23b26"II 49,11book 24145 r: " (23b27"=49,11) quibusdam: "
23b27"qII 49,1123b5book 2541 t: (m.d.) .i. ordd abbgitir do·rat forsna consona
[‘i.e. he has imposed on the consonants the order of the alphabet’] [analysis]
23b27"II 49,11book 24111 i: : (23b28=49,11) u: : (23b28=49,12) consonantibus: :
23b29"rII 49,12book 2215 +*concinus: .i. qui concantat
23b29"sII 49,12book 2212 331 +concinus: (m.d.) .i. simul cano concino .is. unde concino .as
23b29"tII 49,1223b6book 2211 25 mancus: .i. baclam .i. manu captus
[‘i.e. ‘maimed in a hand’, i.e. seized by hand’] [analysis]
23b30uII 49,13book 2566[?] *tongilius: proprium {= E 17v21}
23b33II 49,14book 24141 [in]venio: : (23b33=49,15) n: :
23b33II 49,14book 24123 r: ., (23b33=49,15) sequente: .,
23b33wII 49,15book 2212 +corruo: .i. cado
23b34II 49,15book 24141 et: .- (23b36=49,17) patitur: .-
23b34II 49,15book 24141 ubicunque: ., (23b36=49,16) componitur: .,
23b35xII 49,16book 236 ante: .i. contra {= E 17v23}
23b36yII 49,1623b7book 23232 (hoc) idem: a comthoud in .r.
[‘its conversion into r’] [analysis]
23b36zII 49,17book 2212 +*corrugo: .i. ruga in fronte {cf. K 11v14 b .i. ruga}
24a1aII 49,17book 225 corrigo: con ⁊ rego {= E 17v23 .i. add. Eom. E}
24a2bII 49,1824a1book 23232 ([hoc]) idem: .i. a comthoud in .r.
[‘its conversion into r’] [analysis]
24a2cII 49,1824a1abook 225 211 σιρρηγω: .i. a sin sicim (?)
[‘i.e. from ‘συν’ …’]
24a2dII 49,18book 2221 σιρρηγω: (m.l.) σιν grece con latine
24a3II 49,19book 24123 [rati]onabilius: " (ibid.) videtur: "
24a3eII 49,19book 2423 quibusdam: .i. dictionibus
24a4fII 49,2024a2book 2211 irrito: to·dúrgim
[‘I provoke’] [analysis]
24a4gII 49,20book 2212 +irrito: vel pravo.
24a4hII 49,2024a3book 2211 irriguus: tursitnech .
[‘flooding’] [analysis]
24a5II 49,20book 24123 exigente: " (ibid.) euphonia: "
24a8II 49,22book 24111 i: " (ibid.) u: " (ibid.) loco: "
24a9iII 49,23book 24221 manet: .i. n {= E 17v27 .i. om. E}
24a9kII 49,2324a4book 2211 25 consitus: comchlante .i. con ⁊ sero {= E 17v27 comchlante om. E}
[‘sown together i.e. ‘con’ (together) and ‘sero’ (sow)’] [analysis]
24a9lII 49,23book 2212 +consitus: .i. conseminatus
24a10mII 49,23book 2566[?] antonius: proprium
24a10nII 49,24book 2561 mantua: civitas
24a11oII 49,24book 2212 +anxius: .i. dubius
24a12pII 49,25book 24221 convertitur: .i. n. {= E 17v28 .i. om. E}
24a12qII 49,25book 24228 vero: .i. sequente {= E 17v28}
24a12rII 49,25book 23232 eas: .l. ⁊ .m
24a12sII 49,25book 24221 commotatur: .n. {= E 17v28}
24a13tII 49,2524a5book 2211 imbuo: con·secraimm
[‘I consecrate’] [analysis]
24a13uII 49,2624a6book 2211 25 competum: bélat .i. con ⁊ peto
[‘crossway, i.e. from ‘con’ (together) and ‘peto’ (h.l. come)’] [analysis]
24a14wII 49,2624a7book 2211 illudo: do·gáithaimm
[‘I deceive’] [analysis]
24a14xII 49,26book 2212 +immunis: .i. sine munerea
24a15yII 49,28book 2423 sequente: sillaba
24a15II 49,28book 24123 sequente: " (24a16=49,28) incipiente: "
24a16zII 49,28book 23232 ea: .i. p {= E 17v30 .i. om. E}
24a16aaII 49,2924a8book 2211 lippus: fliuchdercc
[‘wet-eyed’] [analysis]
24a17bbII 49,29book 2561 +hippocoon: nomen loci vel proprium
24a19ccII 50,2book 2212 +morbus: .i. pestis
24a21''ddII 50,2book 2222 +perficio: .i. usque ad finem
24a22''eeII 50,2book 2212 corfinium: .i. confinium {= L 21v21 d, E 17v32 .i. om. L.}
24a23''ffII 50,3book 2212 +margo: vel extremitas
24a24''ggII 50,3book 2212 +perhibeo: .i. testor
24a26''hhII 50,324a12book 2211 interlita: etar-ḟuillechta
[‘smeared between’] [analysis]
24a26''II 50,3book 24142 interlita: ,,, (24a20"=50,5) tamen: ,,,
24a27''iiII 50,3book 2541 +interlunium: .i. inter primam et XXXam
24a29''kkII 50,4book 2561 sarnus: proprium fluminis {= E 17v32, cf. L 21v22 f flumen}
24a31''llII 50,424a9book 2211 221 arquitenens: (m.l.) .i. huasal-gabáltaid. arcon enim grece excelsus dicitur
[‘i.e. high-holder, for arcon in Greek means excelsus’] [analysis]
24a36''mmII 50,5book 2543 curvus: (m.l.) Ordd abbgitir inso
[‘this (is the) order of the alphabet’] [analysis]
24a20"nnII 50,5book 2566[?] xerxes: proprium {= E 17v33}
24a22"ooII 50,624a11book 2211 pellicio: do·gaithaim
[‘I deceive’] [analysis]
24a23"ppII 50,6book 2212 +pelligo: .i recito
24a25"qqII 50,7book 2566[?] +asinaria: .nomen artís
24a25"II 50,7book 24122 asinaria: ...- (24a30"=50,12) eadem: ...-
24a25"rrII 50,8book 2561 agedum: .i. forsan .nomen gentis. reliqua {cf. E 18r2 .i. nomen gentis}
24a25"II 50,8book 24111 istum: ., (24a27"=50,8) singraphum: ., {= E 18r2}
24a26"II 50,8book 24143 ostende: .- (24a29"=50,11) istum (prorsum): .-
24a27"ssII 50,824a13book 2211 singraphum: in comscribṅdaith
[‘the writer’] [analysis]
24a28"ttII 50,1024a14book 2211 pellige: airléch
[‘recite!’] [analysis]
24a30"uuII 50,12book 23232 idem: .i. plautus {= E 18r3 platus}
24a30"wwII 50,1324a15book 2211 pel[lucet]: as·tóidi
[‘it shines’] [analysis]
24a31"II 50,13book 24111 lanterna: " (ibid.) punica: "
24a31"xxII 50,1324a16book 2211 35 lanterna: amal in lochairnn ṅ-affracdai
[‘like the African lamp’] [analysis]
24a32"II 50,14book 24142 terminante: .- (24a36"=50,15) quia: .-
24a34"yyII 50,15book 24226 assequentes: in principio alterius sillabae
24a34"zzII 50,15book 2541 53 in (compositis): .i. {invenitur add. E} ⁊ s ⁊ .i. loco consonantis ut dicet paulo post., {= E 18r5}
24a34"II 50,15book 24145 c: ,, (24b9=50,21 app. cr.) supra dictum: ,,
24b2aII 50,17book 23233 +(eiusdem ..) syllabae: secundae
24b3bII 50,1724b1book 2211 luscus: .i. caech
[‘i.e. one-eyed’] [analysis]
24b5cII 50,19book 2212 221 cosmus: .i. mundus {= L 21v32 h, E 18r7 .i. om. L.}
24b7dII 50,2024b2book 2563 cassis: .i. cenelae lin
[‘i.e. a kind of net’] [analysis]
24b7eII 50,20book 2212 cassis: (m.l.) cassidem .i. galeam
24b7fII 50,20book 2212 cassus: vanus
24b7gII 50,20book 2566[?] cossus: proprium {= E 18r8}
24b7hII 50,20book 2214 cossus: (m.l.) cossus .i. vermis in ligno
24b7iII 50,20book 24228 i: .i. sequente .i. terminat .s. antecedentem sillabam
24b8kII 50,21book 225 dis,iunctus: .i. prepositio .dis {= E 18r9 .i. om. E}
24b9lII 50,21book 24228 c: .i. terminat .s.
24b10II 50,21book 24123 (dis) prepositione: " (ibid.) anteposita: "
24b10mII 50,21book 24226 anteposita: .i. ad .c. vel p vel t.
24b10nII 50,22book 225 discutio: .i. dis ⁊ quatio {= E 18r10}
24b11oII 50,22book 225 [dis]plicet: dis ⁊ placet {= E 18r10om. E}
24b11pII 50,22book 2212 +aspor[to]: veho
24b12qII 50,22book 2212 +[aspor]to: longius porto vel aufero
24b13rII 50,24book 23232 ea: .i. t {= E 18r11 .i. om. E}
24b14sII 50,25book 2561 mutta: civitas
24b16II 51,2book 24121 prepositione: " (ibid.) quae: "
24b18II 51,2book 24145 s: " (24b18=51,3) quibusdam: "
24b18II 51,3book 24144 t: ,-,- (24b23=51,6) extendo: ,-,-
24b19II 51,3book 24142 exsicco: .- (24b19=51,4) exsequor: .- (ibid.) enim: .- {= E 18r14 enim .- }
24b24tII 51,7book 24228 enim: .i. ideo non dixi sequente .f.
24b25uII 51,824b3book 2543 ceteris: cenmithá .f.
[‘except f’] [analysis]
24b26wII 51,8book 24226 sequentibus: a secunda sillaba {= E 18r17 .i. add. E}
24b26xII 51,8book 2543 e: .i. prepositiva
24b26II 51,8book 24144 e: .- (24b27=51,9) ebibo: .-
24b26II 51,8book 24123 preponi: " (ibid.) solet: " {cf. E 18r17 e " > solet " }
24b27''yII 51,9book 2212 +ebibo: valde bibo
24b30"zII 51,11book 23232 eam: .i. antecidentem sillabam
24b32"aaII 51,12book 2566[?] +ariobarzanes: proprium
24b35bbII 51,1424b4book 2211 faex: .i. descad
[‘i.e. dregs’] [analysis]
24b36ccII 51,1424b5book 2211 faux: forcrach
[‘gullet’] [analysis]
24b37II 51,15book 24142 sensu: ,, (25a3=51,17) enim: ,,
24b37II 51,15book 24142 accentu: .- (ibid.) enim: .- (25a2=51,16) incertum: .-
25a2aII 51,16book 24227 (quo) accentu: .i. certo
25a2bII 51,16book 23232 eam: .i. sillabam
25a3cII 51,1725a1book 235 4221 cum: .i. inge in tan bas rann int ṡillab
[‘i.e. except when the syllable is a part (of speech)’] [analysis]
25a4dII 51,18book 2543 plena: .i. in aellug insce biid dictio
[‘i.e. dictio is wont to be in connected speech (oratio)’] [analysis]
25a10eII 51,22book 2212 (in) dictione: .i. in parte orationis
25a12fII 51,23book 2423 +incertus: .i. centus
25a12gII 51,23book 24221 potest: .i. sillaba
25a12hII 51,23book 234 tamen: .i. etiam incertus
25a12II 51,23book 24111 sine: " (ibid.) eo: "
25a12iII 51,23book 23232 +(sine) eo: accento
25a12kII 51,24book 24228 simi[liter]: .i. accidit
25a13lII 51,24book 2541 asper: / {= K 12r9 b, cf. E 18r28 / dasian}
25a13mII 51,24book 2541 lenis: 1 {= K 12r9 c, cf. E 18r28 1 silen}
25a13nII 51,25book 24228 tempus: .i. accidit
25a14II 51,25book 24111 unum: " (ibid.) semis: "
25a14oII 51,25book 2423 212 +unum (semis): .i. unum tempus et demedium
25a15pII 51,26book 2423 +duo (semis): .i. .II. tempora et semis
25a15qII 51,26book 24228 unum: .i. accidit
25a15II 51,26book 24143 unum: " (25a16=51,26) vel: "
25a15II 51,26book 24122 vocalis: : (25a16=51,26) se: :
25a16II 51,26book 24141 (vel) si: : (24a17=51,27) consequitur: :
25a16rII 51,27book 23232 eam: .i. vocalem brevem {cf. E 18r29 brevem om. E}
25a16sII 51,27book 2541 (consonans) simplex: .i. vigilat consonantes duplices . {= E 18r29 .i. om. E}
25a17tII 51,27book 24228 unum (semis): .i. accidit {= E 18r30}
25a17II 51,27book 24144 unum: .- (25a18=51,28) lacri[mae]: .-
25a17II 51,27book 24121 communibus: ., (25a18=51,28) de: .,
25a19II 52,1book 24141 quod: " (ibid.) solum: " (25a21=52,2) et: " (ibid.) faciunt: "
25a21uII 52,2book 2423 communes: sillabas {= E 18r32 .i. add. E}
25a22wII 52,2book 2566[?] euripides: .i. proprium
25a22xII 52,2book 2566[?] phenisi: .i. nomen artis
25a22yII 52,3book 2543 *ισοτνετα: híc .t. ante .n. posita ⁊ communem sillabam facit
25a24II 52,4book 253 idem: (m.l.) O" (cf. 5b16=10,13 m)
25a25zII 52,5book 2543 τεκνον: .i. hic communis sillaba habetur {cf. E 18r33 hic communis .i. correpta e. ante .cn.}
25a25aaII 52,6book 2566[?] +ovidius: proprium
25a26bbII 52,7book 2566[?] +cnidon: proprium
25a27II 52,9book 24123 m: " (ibid.) po[sita]: "
25a29ccII 52,9book 2566[?] +callimachus: proprium
25a30ddII 52,10book 2543 μνεσαρ.χειοσε: .i. híc communis {= E 18v2 .i. om. E}
25a32II 52,12book 24141 quod: " (25a32=52,13) potest: "
25a32II 52,12book 24123 tribus: ,, (ibid.) consonantibus: ,, (ibid.) sequentibus: ,,
25a35eeII 52,14book 23232 eam: .i. muttam {= E 18v5 .i. om. E}
25a36ffII 52,14book 2543 quippe: .i. si posit fieri communis sillaba
25b3aII 52,17book 2543 scribae: híc est
25b6bII 52,19book 2423 trea: .i. tempora {= E 18v8 .i. om. E}
25b9cII 53,225b1book 2543 metro: .i. fri toimsidetaid metair
[‘i.e. for the measurement of metre’] [analysis]
25b10dII 53,3book 2423 unius: .i. temporis {= E 18v10}
25b12II 53,4book 24141 non: .- (25b12=53,5) non: .- (25b13=53,5) potest: .-
25b12eII 53,5book 2423 unius: literae
25b15fII 53,825b2book 23113 543 minima: .i. hi coindeulgg inna innsce óge
[‘i.e. in comparison with the complete discourse’] [analysis]
25b15II 53,8book 24122 minima: ,,, (25b19=53,10) hoc: ,,,
25b16gII 53,825b3book 2541 constructae: .i. cen dualchi
[‘i.e. without vices’] [analysis]
25b16hII 53,825b4book 2541 (in) ordi[nem]: .i. in ordd cóir
[‘i.e. into proper order’] [analysis]
25b17iII 53,925b5book 24227 541 pars: .i. minima .i. is rann-si ám orationis
[‘i.e. it is verily a part of speech’] [analysis]
25b19kII 53,10book 2543 3232 dictum: .i. ideo dixi dictionem partem minimam {orationis esse add. E} .-
25b19lII 53,10book 2541 conetur: (m.d.) .i. {om. E} ne quis dicat alteratam quanquam partem dictionem esse .- {= E 18v14 alteratam - partem: unicuique parti E}
25b20mII 53,1125b6book 2541 dividere: .i. co·n-epred iarum is pars minima orationis (m.d.) cechtar in da leithe sin .i. ví. ⁊ res. ar is pars minima dictionis sillaba ní pars orationis ..-
[‘i.e. that he then should say each of those two parts vi- and -res is pars minima orationis, for a syllable is pars minima dictionis and not pars orationis’] [analysis]
25b21nII 53,11book 23232 quaedam: .i. nomina vel verba
25b22oII 53,1225b7book 2543 336[?] [in]telligendum: .i. do láni chétbutho inna huilae insce ..
[‘i.e. for the fulness of meaning of the whole discourse (dictio)’] [analysis]
25b22II 53,13book 24141 4143 differt: " (25b23=53,13) solum: " (25b24=53,14) sed: " {= K 12r29-30, symb. sec. om K}
25b23pII 53,1325b8book 2211 35 pars: .i. ol as rann
[‘i.e. because it is a part’] [analysis]
25b24II 53,14book 24141 quod: ., (25b25=53,14) habet: .,
25b24qII 53,1425b9book 2211 336[?] dicendum: .i. beth eperthi
[‘i.e. it should be to be said’] [analysis]
25b24rII 53,1425b10book 2541 intel[ligendum]: .i. sluindith folad ind epert.
[‘i.e. the word expresses substance’] [analysis]
25b25sII 53,1525b11book 2211 (non) omni (modo): .i. o nach mud etir
[‘i.e. in any way at all’] [analysis]
25b27tII 53,1625b12book 234 quodammodo: .i. ualailiu mud fri sillaba nád·tóirṅdet ḟolad ..
[‘i.e. in another way (quodammodo) to syllables that signify no substance’] [analysis]
25b28uII 53,1625b13book 2541 *sincoere: .i. issí int sillab diuit sillab ellaig raine ⁊ nad·ṡluindi folad .,
[‘i.e. this is the simple syllable, a syllable in the body of a part (of speech), and which does not express a substance’] [analysis]
25b28wII 53,16book 2212 +*sincoere: (m.l.) sincere .i. pure vel simpliciter
25b28xII 53,1725b14book 2543 *nun[quam]: (m.d.) Ní·sluindi sillab folad trée feisin manip sin sillab coní bes rann insce .,
[‘No syllable by itself expresses a substance, unless it be a syllable which is able to be a part of speech’] [analysis]
25b28yII 53,17book 24226 +quia: .sine sensu
25b29zII 53,17book 24227 syllaba: .i. sincoera {= E 18v18 sincera E}
25b29aaII 53,17book 2543 per se: secundum naturam
25b30II 53,17book 24122 significare: .- (ibid.) hoc: .-
25b31bbII 53,1825b15book 2?[?] si dicam: (m.d.) Sí dicam .i. [fil] sillaib ṅdiuit [fodl]-sidi ir rainn frisa ../ insce ../ beid ar is .. vel is/ [remṡuidi] .. / vel is in../..
[‘i.e. <’a’ which is> separate simple syllable a part ... For it is or it is a preposition or ... (?)’] [analysis]
25b31II 53,18book 24122 se: " (ibid.) syllabam: "
25b31ccII 53,18book 2542 scio: .i. quia de parte dirimo {.i. separo add. E} {= E 18v19}
25b32ddII 53,1825b16book 2541 tempora: .i. ce mét aimmser bes indi
[‘i.e. what times may be in it’] [analysis]
25b32II 53,18book 24142 tempora: .- (25b35=53,20) nam: .-
25b32eeII 53,19book 2541 tenorem: .i. Acutum vel circumflexum vel gravem
25b33ffII 53,19book 2541 spiritum: .i. / vel 1 {cf. E 18v20 .i. dasien et silen}
25b33ggII 53,1925b17book 2541 significationem: .i. cid ḟolad ṡluindes
[‘i.e. (I know not) what substance it signifies’] [analysis]
25b34hhII 53,20book 2212 dictio[nem]: partem {= E 18v21 .i. add. E}
25b35iiII 53,2025b18book 2211 23 ara: altóir {cf. E 18v21 .i. altor}
[‘altar’] [analysis]
25b36kkII 53,21book 23117[?] nominati[vo]: .i. ara {cf. E 18v22 ára E}
26a1aII 53,2226a1book 2211 stabulum (porcorum): .i. muccḟoil
[‘i.e. pig-sty’] [analysis]
26a1bII 53,2226a2book 2211 23 eadem: .i. hára .i. muccḟoil
[‘i.e. ‘hara’ (sty), i.e. pig-sty’] [analysis]
26a4cII 53,23book 253 prepositio: (m.l.) Lege prepositionem .,
26a4dII 53,2426a3book 2541 gravatur: .i. in tan ṁbís hi comaisṅdís
[‘i.e. when it is in apposition’] [analysis]
26a5eII 53,25book 2543 ipsam: .i. decerptam de parte orationis.-
26a5fII 53,2526a4book 24227 541 syllabam: (subs.) .i. solam .i. ind sillab diuit nád·ṡluindi folad .,
[‘i.e. the simple syllable which does not denote a substance’] [analysis]
26a6gII 53,25book 2423 predictorum: .i. accidentium sillabae {= E 18v25}
26a7hII 53,2526a5book 2211 examosim: .i. ind immdae
[‘i.e. abundantly’] [analysis]
26a7iII 53,25book 2212 examosim: (m.l.) cominianus, Examosim pro Examinato.., reliqua.,
26a7kII 53,25book 2212 examosim: (m.l.) En- Examosim absolute vel certe diligenter
26a7lII 53,2626a6book 2543 tractari: .i. co·n-eperthae cia aiccent ⁊ cisi aimser derb thechtas reliqua
[‘i.e. so that it might be said what accent and what certain time it has, etc.’] [analysis]
26a10II 53,28book 24111 ordinatio: " (26a11=53,28) congrua: "
26a10mII 53,2826a7book 2211 dictio[num]: .i. inna focul
[‘i.e. of the words’] [analysis]
26a11nII 53,2826a8book 2213 congrua: cen fubae cen dualaich
[‘without flaw, without fault’] [analysis]
26a11oII 53,2826a9book 2543 perfec[tam]: .i. co láni inntṡliuchto
[‘i.e. with fulness of sense’] [analysis]
26a13pII 53,29book 23233 (haec) diffinitio: .i. predicta {= E 18v27}
26a13II 53,29book 24111 orationis: " (ibid.) eius: "
26a13qII 53,29book 2542 generalis: quia habet omnes partes in se ideo dixit generalis ., {= E 18v27 .i. add. E generalis dixit E}
26a13II 53,29book 24142 generalis: ... (26a14=53,30) nam: ...
26a14rII 53,3026a10book 2541 212 species: .i. coil ⁊ cóim vel idem ac partes quod melius
[‘i.e. delicate (gracilis) and beautiful […]’] [analysis]
26a14sII 53,30book 24222 partes: .i. orationis
26a14tII 53,3026a11book 252 541 nam: (m.l.) híc ostendit ce·róich hi meit ⁊ lagait aní as oratio ..,
[‘here he shows how far the word oratio extends in greatness and in smallness’] [analysis]
26a16II 54,1book 24143 dictio: " (26a17=54,2) ostendit: "
26a16uII 54,1book 23233 hoc: .i. nomine orationis {= E 18v29}
26a17wII 54,2book 253 imper[ativa]: .i. ut diximus ante
26a18xII 54,226a12book 2211 336[?] responsa: .i. inna frecra
[‘i.e. the answers’] [analysis]
26a18II 54,2book 24121 responsa: .- (ibid.) quae: .-
26a18II 54,2book 24144 responsa: ..- (26a20=54,4) hones[tas]: ..-
26a19II 54,3book 24143 si: : (26a20=54,3) et: :
26a20yII 54,4book 24224 respondeat: .i. mihi
26a20zII 54,426a13book 2211 hones[tas]: .i. féle
[‘i.e. modesty’] [analysis]
26a21II 54,4book 24111 4123 bona: ., (ibid.) oratione: ., (ibid.) respondit: .,
26a24aaII 54,5book 2214 564[?] [di]alecticos: (m.l.) dialectica .i. disputatoria ars.
26a25bbII 54,6book 2543 coniunctae: .i. nomen ⁊ verbum
26a26ccII 54,6book 2541 plenam: .i. ut orator venit orator docuit
26a27ddII 54,7book 2541 sincatagorimata: .i. ut consonantes dicuntur {= E 19r1}
26a28eeII 54,7book 24221 appellabant: .i. dialectici {= E 19r1}
26a29ffII 54,8book 2564[?] 221 +stoicos: (m.l.) stoa grece. porticus latine stoici .i. porticales {cf. E 19r1 .i. porticulares}
26a29II 54,8book 24142 quinque: " (26a31) nam: "
26a29ggII 54,8book 23232 eius: .i. orationis
26a30hhII 54,8book 2541 nomen: .i. proprium {= E 19r .i. om. E}
26a30iiII 54,8book 2541 appellatio: .i. appellativa nomina fortia vel reliqua
26a32II 54,10book 24143 verbum: " (26a33=54,10) casuale: "
26a33II 54,10book 24122 adverbia: .- (26a35=54,11) ea: .-
26a33kkII 54,11book 2541 nominibus: .i. dirivata a nominibus
26a34llII 54,11book 2541 verbis: .i. primitiva ⁊ dirivata a verbis
26a m.s.mmII 54,12book 24221 connumerantes: .i. stoici {= E 19r5 .i. om. E}
26a m.s.II 54,12book 24111 finitos: " (ibid.) articulos: " {= E 19r5}
26a m.s.nnII 54,12book 23232 ea: .i. pronomina {= E 19r5 .i. om. E}
26a m.s.ooII 54,12book 2543 +ea: quae ponebant inter articulos vocabant finitos articulos
26a36ppII 54,1326a14book 2541 quibus: .i. nín·tánaic a cárachtar
[‘i.e. their character has not come to us’] [analysis]
26a37II 54,14book 24141 vel: .- (26b1=54,14) connumerabant: .-
26a37II 54,14book 24141 ut: " (ibid.) dicunt: "
26a37II 54,14book 24122 alii: ..- (26b4=54,15) illos: ..-
26b2aII 54,15book 23232 eos: .i. articulos
26b2bII 54,15book 23226[?] quo: .i. iure {= E 19r8 .i. om. E}
26b3cII 54,1526b1book 2541 latini: .i. osní
[‘i.e. we ourselves’] [analysis]
26b3dII 54,1626b2book 2541 integros: .i. compositos ut apud grecos vel huare nándun·tanaic a carachtar ci arid·beram a céill a pronominibus .,
[‘i.e. […] because their character has not come to us, although we express their sense by means of pronouns’] [analysis]
26b3II 54,16book 24111 nostra: .- (26b4=54,16) lingua: .-
26b4eII 54,1626b3book 2541 59 nam: is follus nach mór bríg articuil linni
[‘it is clear that with us the article is not of much account’] [analysis]
26b4II 54,16book 24141 nam: ... (26b7=54,18) significamus: ... {cf. E 19r9-10 (54,16) nam a (54,17) solum a (54,18) significamus b (54,17) ο αιτος c (54,16) dicimus d (54,17) idem e }
26b5fII 54,16book 253 idem: (m.l.) S./. lege casum pronominis (cf. 207b21=3,11,25 l)
26b5II 54,17book 24144 221 ο: " (ibid.) articulum: "
26b5II 54,17book 24144 221 αιτος: : (26b6=54,17) pronomen: :
26b5gII 54,17book 253 articulum: (m.d.) lege libros constructionum ubi de articulo narrant .,
26b7hII 54,1826b4book 2543 significamus: .i. ardo·intám
[‘i.e. for we render’] [analysis]
26b7iII 54,18book 2?[?] +qui: .i. qui
26b7II 54,18book 24144 ος.τις: (ος) " (ibid.) ar[ticulus]: "
26b7II 54,18book 24144 ος.τις: (τις) .- (26b9=54,19) pronomine: .-
26b7kII 54,18book 2221 +ος.τις: (τις) qui
26b9lII 54,19book 2212 +una: .i. simul
26b9mII 54,19book 2423 541 infinito: .i. pronomine .i. ut quis qui {cf. E 19r11 ut quis qui}
26b10nII 54,2026b5book 2543 magis: .i. is ferr ainm do denom de
[‘i.e. it is better to make a noun of it’] [analysis]
26b13II 54,21book 24111 prepositivam: " (ibid.) coniunctionem: "
26b14II 54,23book 24143 dicebant: : (26b16=54,24) alii: : (26b17=54,25) alii: :
26b16oII 54,24book 2541 infinita ([verba]): .i. gerundia ⁊ infinita ⁊ impersonalia {= E 19r14 ⁊ impersonalia om. E}
26b17pII 54,25book 24222 partem: .i. orationis {= E 19r14}
26b17II 54,25book 24122 undecim: .- (26b19=54,26) hís: .-
26b19qII 54,26book 24226 numerabant: .i. pro parte {= E 19r15}
26b19rII 54,26book 2541 alii: .i. erratici de grecis
26b19II 54,26book 24143 addebant: " (26b20=54,27) interiectionem: "
26b20sII 54,2626b6book 2541 543 interiectionem: .i. ind interiecht nad rann insce la grecu sed apud adverbium numerant ata·rimet comroirnich inna grec la ranna insce ol ṡuide as rann insce la laitnori ..
[‘i.e. the interjection, which is not a part of speech with the Greeks, sed etc., erroneous persons of the Greeks reckon it with the parts of speech because it is a part of speech with the Latins’] [analysis]
26b22tII 55,2book 2541 +addebant: sed inter pronomina
26b22uII 55,2book 2543 +purum: separatim
26b23wII 55,2book 2542 ([per]) se: .i. Quia carecter eius apud nos non invenitur.
26b24xII 55,426b7book 2541 35 igitur: .i. de dliguth tra inna n-il-toimdden-sin is de gaibthi igitur. quasi dixisset. ní·fail ní nád·tái mo dligeth-sa fair i ndegaid na comroircnech .-
[‘i.e. of the law then, of those many opinions, it is of this that he says igitur; as if he had said; there is nothing on which my law does not touch after the erroneous ones.’] [analysis]
26b24yII 55,426b8book 2543 discerni: (subs.) .i. con·festa a ndechur
[‘i.e. so that their difference may be known’] [analysis]
26b25zII 55,4book 2423 uniuscuiusque: .i. partis {= E 19r18}
26b25aaII 55,426b9book 2543 uniuscuiusque: (m.d.) Mani·decamar sain folad cacha rainne .
[‘unless we see a different meaning of every part (of speech)’] [analysis]
26b27bbII 55,626b10book 2211 proprium: .i. a sainreth
[‘i.e. its peculiarity’] [analysis]
26b27ccII 55,626b11book 2211 nominis: .i. ind anmma dilis
[‘i.e. of the proper name’] [analysis]
26b27ddII 55,6book 24222 substantiam: .i. creaturae {= E 19r20}
26b27eeII 55,6book 24222 qualitatem: creaturae {= E 19r21}
26b28ffII 55,626b12book 23232 543 hoc: .i. proprium .i. torand folaid ⁊ inne amal ṅdond·foirde ainmm ṅdiles.
[‘i.e. a signification of substance and quality, (just) as the proper name signifies it’] [analysis]
26b28ggII 55,7book 2571 215 appellatio: (m.d.) diomedes. appellatio communis nuntiatio reliqua ut in alio scriptum est.
26b29hhII 55,7book 2571 215 vocabulum: diomedes vocabulum est quod res inanimales reliqua
26b29iiII 55,7book 24228 trea: .i. sunt nomina {= E 19r21}
26b29kkII 55,726b13book 2543 una: .i. inna teoir ranna-sa is óin-rann far·diṅgrat .,
[‘i.e. these three parts (of speech) it is one part that they express’] [analysis]
26b30llII 55,826b14book 2211 proprium: .i. a sainreth
[‘i.e. its peculiarity’] [analysis]
26b31mmII 55,8book 2541 utrumque: quia unumquodque verbum neutrum actionem vel pasionem agit vel utrunque .i. commune verbum
26b32nnII 55,926b15book 23232 hoc: .i. torand gnima cesta reliqua
[‘i.e. a signification of action or passion etc.’] [analysis]
26b33ooII 55,9book 2423 infinita: .i. verba
26b33ppII 55,9book 2541 infinita: .i. infinita ⁊ gerundia ⁊ impersonalia {cf. E 19r23 gerundia &infinita}
26b33qqII 55,1026b16book 23226[?] quare: .i. huare do·foirṅdet gním
[‘i.e. because they signify action’] [analysis]
26b33rrII 55,10book 23226[?] +quare: 7 passionem
26b34ssII 55,1026b17book 2543 verbo: .i. is la brethir a n-áram
[‘i.e. they are to be reckoned with the verb’] [analysis]
26b35II 55,11book 24141 quod: " (ibid.) habeat: " (26b36=55,11) et: "
26b35ttII 55,11book 23221 quibus: .i. casibus
27a1aII 55,1327a1book 2541 proprium: .i. iss ed sainreth pronominis a ṡuidigud ar anmmaimm dílius ⁊ ní arindí dano nád·suidigthe-som ar anmmaimm doacalmach.,
[‘i.e. this is the peculiarity of the pronoun, that it is put for a proper noun, not, indeed, that it is not put for an appellative noun’] [analysis]
27a2II 55,14book 24141 ergo: ..- (27a6=55,16) sunt: ..-
27a4bII 55,15book 2541 similia: quotus ⁊ totus quot tot {= E 19r27 .i.; &ante tot add. E}
27a4cII 55,15book 259 similia: (m.l.) vide deligenter
27a4dII 55,15book 2541 interrogativa: .i. quis ⁊ qualis ⁊ quantus {= E 19r28om. E bis}
27a5eII 55,16book 2541 relativa: .i. qui ⁊ talis ⁊ tantus {cf. E 19r28 &talis E}
27a5fII 55,1627a2book 255 541 53 redditiva: .i. érrethcha airindí as·renat frecrae dond immchomurc .i. Do·fúasailcet a n-immchomarc imme·chomarcar tri quis ⁊ qualis ⁊ quantus .-
[‘i.e. redditives, because they render an answer to the question, that is, they resolve the question which is asked by quis and qualis and quantus’] [analysis]
27a8II 55,18book 24141 sed: ; (27a10=55,19) habent: ;
27a8gII 55,18book 2541 substantiam: .i. quis ⁊ qui {= E 19r30}
27a9hII 55,1827a3book 2541 qualitatem: .i. qualis ⁊ talis .i. inni ind folaid hísin
27a9iII 55,1927a4book 2211 541 generalem: cenelaich etir maith ⁊ olc
[‘i.e. general, both good and bad’] [analysis]
27a10kII 55,1927a5book 2212 211 suum: .i. proprium .i. ái {cf. E 19r31 .i. proprium}
[‘i.e. its peculiarity, i.e. its (characteristic)’] [analysis]
27a10lII 55,1927a6book 2211 541 suum (nominis): .i. sainreth n-anmmae torand folaid cen chinniuth persine .,
[‘i.e. the peculiarity of a noun, to denote substance without determining person’] [analysis]
27a11II 55,19book 24142 [di]cenda: .- (27a12=55,20) enim: .-
27a12mII 55,2027a7book 2541 quaedam: .i. quis ⁊ qui ar is far diull nominis ataat inna-hí olchaenae .i. quis ⁊ talis {cf. E 19r32 ut quis cuius}
[‘i.e. quis and qui (follow the pronominal declension), for the rest, qualis and talis are (declined) according to the nominal declension’] [analysis]
27a12II 55,20book 24141 non: " (27a13=21) est: " (ibid.) con[templanda]: "
27a13nII 55,2127a8book 2211 ([vis et]) significatio: .i. a folad ⁊ in chiall
[‘i.e. the substance and the sense’] [analysis]
27a14oII 55,2227a9book 2543 indifferenter: .i. ni·bí dechor etir diall n-anmann ⁊ pronominum
[‘i.e. there is no difference between the declension of nouns and of pronouns’] [analysis]
27a15pII 55,2227a10 book 2211 34 et (nomina): cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
27a15qII 55,22book 2541 nomina: ut unus ⁊ solus ⁊ reliqua {= E 19r33 ⁊ reliqua om. E}
27a15rII 55,22book 24222 modo: (subs.) .i. declinationis
27a15sII 55,22book 2541 pronomina: .i. {= E 19r34}
27a15tII 55,22book 24222 modo: .i. declinationis {= E 19r33}
27a16uII 55,23book 253 declinanda: (m.l.) lege finem pronominis
27a17wII 55,23book 2423 omnia: nomina {= E 19v1 .i. add. E}
27a17xII 55,23book 2543 numeros: ut {= E 19v1}
27a19yII 55,25book 24222 declinationem: pronominis
27a19zII 55,25book 2424 appellare: .i. quid stultius {= E 19v2}
27a19aaII 55,2527a11book 2543 quod: masued sluindes ind rann
[‘if it is this that the part (of speech) expresses’] [analysis]
27a20bbII 55,25book 24222 iudicium: partis {= E 19v3 .i. add. E}
27a20ccII 55,2527a12book 2211 qualis (sit): .i. Cia randdatu bis indi
[‘i.e. what particularity resides in it’] [analysis]
27a21ddII 55,2627a13book 2543 dictio: .i. cisi rann do·géntar di
[‘i.e. what part (of speech) will be made of it’] [analysis]
27a23eeII 55,2727a14book 2543 participia: ar is diall nominis la suidib
[‘for they have the nominal declension’] [analysis]
27a23ffII 55,27book 2541 +participia: ut amatus reliqua
27a23ggII 55,27book 23232 his: nominibus
27a23II 55,27book 24121 putari: " (ibid.) quod: " {= E 19v4}
27a25II 55,28book 24112 proprietas: : (ibid.) sig[nificationis]: :
27a25hhII 55,2827a15book 2211 336[?] (est) excutienda: .i. ní eclastai
[‘i.e. is not to be examined’] [analysis]
27a26iiII 55,2827a16book 2211 [sig]nificationis: ind ḟolaid
[‘of the meaning’] [analysis]
27a26II 55,29book 24141 et: .- (27a28=56,1) arbitror: .- {= E 19v5-6}
27a26II 55,29book 24141 quoniam: " (27a28=56,1) dictum: " {= E 19v5-6}
27a29kkII 56,127a17book 2211 212 summatim: ind áirmith vel breviter {cf. E 19v6 breviter}
[‘numerically or briefly’] [analysis]
27a31II 56,3book 24122 verbo: : (ibid.) eo: :
27a34llII 56,427a18book 2541 inter: .i. etir in dobrethir són con·icc bes ṅdobriathar ⁊ bes remsuidigud etir in dobrethir sechi-ssí ⁊ remsuidigud má dod·ru-menatar alaaili no·mbetis in oen rainn .,
[‘i.e. between the adverb which can be an adverb and a preposition. Or between any adverb whatsoever and a preposition, if some have thought that they are one part (of speech)’] [analysis]
27a35mmII 56,5book 2423 541 casualibus: .i. partibus .i. nominibus pronominibus participiis {cf. E 19v9 .i. partibus .i. nominibus}
27a35II 56,6book 24123 preponi: " (27a36=56,6) et: " (ibid.) postponi: "
27a37nnII 56,7book 2212 (currit) pone: .i. ubi reliqua
27a37ooII 56,7book 2212 pone: (subs.) cicero pone. prope iuxta ⁊ propter ⁊ simul ., {cf. E 19v10 adverbium .i. ubi vel iuxta}
27b1aII 56,7book 2543 tempore (longuo): cum casuali
27b1bII 56,7book 2572 post longuo .. etc.: (m.d.) in bocolocis vergilii
27b1cII 56,7book 2212 post (longuo): cicero. post .i. simul
27b3dII 56,927b1book 2543 post: .i. ar dobrethir hi remṡamugud
[‘i.e. for an adverb in antepostion’] [analysis]
27b4eII 56,10book 2212 (per) enlimsin: .i. per diffectionem verbi {cf. E 19v12 .i. per defectionem}
27b6fII 56,1127b2book 2331 543 est: .i. aní as .est .i. biid est hí foetsecht
[‘i.e. the est, i.e. an est is understood’] [analysis]
27b7gII 56,1227b3book 2211 541 (per) appositionem: .i. tre chomaisṅdeis do inchosc óen-cheillae
[‘i.e. by apposition, to signify a single conception’] [analysis]
27b7hII 56,13book 2423 casualibus: .i. partibus {= E 19v14}
27b8iII 56,13book 2313 3117[?] rege: .i. rex
27b8kII 56,13book 2541 apud: ideo per apud specialiter exemplum ostendit quia nunquam componi potest {= E 19v14}
27b9lII 56,14book 24228 compositionem: .i. preponi {= E 19v15}
27b9mII 56,1427b4book 2211 35 tam: emith lasna-hí
[‘as much with those (that have)’] [analysis]
27b10nII 56,1427b5book 2211 35 quam: emith
[‘as’] [analysis]
27b18oII 56,1827b6book 2541 vel (terrentius vel cicero): .i. is nechtar de
[‘i.e. it is one of the two’] [analysis]
27b23pII 56,21book 2541 prepositio: {.i.} quia {non} eadem pars {est} {= E 19v20}
27b25qII 56,23book 24228 nunquam: potest {= E 19v21 .i. add. E}
27b28rII 56,25book 2541 ast: .i. docet {= E 19v23}
27b28sII 56,25book 2541 at: .i. dixit {= E 19v23}
27b28tII 56,25book 2541 sed: .i. docet {= E 19v23}
27b29uII 56,25book 24228 et: ⁊ interest hoc
27b29wII 56,2627b7book 24226 separata: hi comaisṅdís
[‘in apposition’] [analysis]
27b31xII 56,2727b8book 2211 34 modo (preposita): .i. cach-la céin
[‘i.e. at one time’] [analysis]
27b33yII 56,2927b9book 252 nomen: .i. herchóiliuth folaith
[‘i.e. definition of (the) substance’] [analysis]
27b33zII 56,29book 2571 nomen: (m.d.) lege dialecticam felicis capellae
27b33II 56,29book 24121 pars: " (27b34=56,29) quae: "
27b34II 56,29book 24141 quae: ; (27b37=57,1) distribuit: ;
27b34aaII 56,29book 2423 unicuique: .i. substantiae {= K 13r7 a, E 19v25}
27b34II 56,29book 24111 subiec[torum]: ... (27b35=57,1) rerum: ...
27b34bbII 56,2927b10book 2541 subiec[torum]: .i. tiugdae ⁊ tanaide
[‘i.e. of gross and subtle’] [analysis]
27b35ccII 56,29book 2541 corporum: .i. nominum corporalium {cf. E 19v25 .i. nominum}
27b35ddII 57,1book 24227 rerum: .i. subiectarum {= E 19v25}
27b35eeII 57,127b11book 2541 rerum: (m.d.) .i. neph-chorpdae
[‘i.e. of incorporeal (things)’] [analysis]
27b35II 57,1book 24142 com[munem]: o- (28a3=57,6) communem: o-
27b35II 57,1book 24111 [com]munem: " (ibid.) propriam: " (ibid.) qualitatem: "
27b37ffII 57,127b12book 2211 distribuit: .i. do·indnaich
[‘i.e. it bestows’] [analysis]
27b37II 57,1book 24142 distribuit: " (27b38=57,1) autem: "
27b38ggII 57,127b13book 252 dicitur: .i. herchóiliuth suin {cf. E 19v26 .i. diffinitio soni.}
[‘i.e. definition of (the) word’] [analysis]
27b38hhII 57,127b15book 252 55 dicitur: (m.d.) .i. ethemlagas do·n-adbat híc ond sun grecdu as .noma .i. nomen húad
[‘i.e. the etymology he sets forth here from the Greek word nóma, i.e. nomen (comes) from it’] [analysis]
27b38II 57,1book 24143 dicitur: .- (27b39=57,2) et: .- {cf. K 27b38-9}
27b38iiII 57,127b14book 2211 55 nomen: .i. tindnacul
[‘i.e. a bestowing’] [analysis]
27b38kkII 57,2book 2423 greco: .i. sono {= E 19v26 sona E (sic)}
27b38II 57,2book 24111 ν*ωμα: : (27b39=57,2) dictum: :
27b40llII 57,227b17book 2211 3116 [tri]buendo: .i. o thindnacul
[‘i.e. from bestowing’] [analysis]
27b40II 57,2book 24121 [tri]buendo: " (27b40=57,3) quod: " {= E 19v27 a " > νημηιν " }
27b40mmII 57,2book 2336[?] [tri]buendo: (subs.) .i. gerind
[‘i.e. (it is) a gerund’] [analysis]
27b40nnII 57,327b18book 2221 336[?] νημειν: .i. gerind grecdae {cf. E 19v27 .i. gerent g<r<ec}
[‘i.e. a Greek gerund’] [analysis]
27b40ooII 57,3book 24221 dicunt: .i. greci
27b40ppII 57,3book 24228 vel: .i. dicitur
27b40qqII 57,3book 24228 ut: .i. dicunt {= E 19v27}
28a2aII 57,428a1book 2543 qualitatem: .i. inne ind ḟebtad ind ḟolaid as·beir híc inne dilse doacaldmaiche as·beir inna dead quando dicit ⁊ communem quidem reliqua
[‘i.e. the quality of the property or of the substance he declares here: the quality of propriety or appellativity he declares afterwards, quando dicit etc.’] [analysis]
28a3II 57,4book 2?[?] communem: o- > (?)
28a3bII 57,528a2book 2541 qualitatem: (m.l.) ind inne issí as coitchenn folad duine huile .,
[‘the quality is this, whereby every one has a common substance’] [analysis]
28a3II 57,5book 24143 qualitatem: " (ibid.) de[monstrat]: " (28a4=57,5) propriam: " (28a5=57,6) autem: "
28a4cII 57,6book 2541 re[rum]: .i. incorporalium {= E 19v29}
28a5dII 57,628a3book 2541 [re]rum: (m.l.) i ndúlib ní hi sonaib atá in dilse in doacaldmaiche
[‘in elements, not in words, is the propriety or the appellativity’] [analysis]
28a5eII 57,6book 2423 communem: .i. qualitatem {= E 19v30}
28a5fII 57,6book 2423 propriam: .i. qualitatem rerum
28a6gII 57,7book 2566[?] nicomachi: proprium {= E 19v30}
28a7hII 57,7book 2566[?] aristorchi: proprium {= E 19v31}
28a7iII 57,8book 2423 V: .i. accidentia {= E 19v31}
28a7kII 57,8book 2571 spe[cies]: qualitas {= E 19v31 .i. add. E}
28a8II 57,9book 24111 4143 species: .- (28a10=57,9) duae: .- (28a11=57,10) primitiva: .- (28a11=57,10) diriva[tiva] (ut iulius): .-
28a9lII 57,9book 23113 543 propriorum: .i. in propriis .II.
28a9mII 57,9book 23113 543 appellativorum: .i. in appellativis .II.
28a10nII 57,928a4book 2543 (duae) principales: (m.l.) .i. ataat chétnaidi ⁊ dirudigthi hi ndilsi ataat dano i ndoacaldmaichi .
[‘i.e. there are primitives and derivatives in propriety: there are also in appelllativity’] [analysis]
28a11oII 57,10book 2566[?] iulus: proprium {= E 19v33}
28a12pII 57,1028a5book 2566[?] iulius: .i. ainm inchoisc ceníuil
[‘i.e. a name signifying family (gens.)’] [analysis]
28a12qII 57,11book 23223 qua: .i. specie
28a13rII 57,11book 24226 [ali]ae: .i. preter duas predictas .i. primitiva ⁊ dirivativa
28a13sII 57,11book 2423 multae: .i. species {= E 19v33 .i. specie (sic)}
28a13tII 57,12book 2423 propria: nomina {= E 19v34 .i. add. E}
28a14uII 57,1228a6book 2571 nomen: .i. issed a cognomen són lasna firu aili reliqua
[‘i.e. this is the cognomen with [the] other (learned) men, etc.’] [analysis]
28a14wII 57,13book 2571 prenomen: (m.s.) pompeius prenomen est quod ad dignitatem pertinet nullus enim servus habet prenomen. non te decipiat ista res plerunque enim motata apud maiores nostros haec consuetudo fuerat ut singuli singula nomina haberent ecce romulus unum tantum habuit numa pompilius .II. habet nomen familiae ⁊ suum proprium. puplius virgilius. maro .III. habet. prenomen nomen cognomen
28a14II 57,13book 24143 *quod: " (28a15=57,14) vel (quo): "
28a15xII 57,1328a7book 2211 4226 differentiae (causa): .i. ar dechor etir da ṅ-ainmm cosmaili
[‘i.e. for distinguishing between two similar nouns’] [analysis]
28a16II 57,14book 24141 quo (sabinos): .- (ibid.) asciverunt: .- (28a17=57,14) civitati: .- {= E 20r1 (symb. tert. om. E)}
28a16yII 57,1428a8book 2572 asciverunt: .i. do chathraraib dóib hisin chathir
[‘i.e. for citizens of theirs in the city’] [analysis]
28a17zII 57,14book 2572 civitati: .i. romae {= E 20r2}
28a17aaII 57,1528a9book 2572 confirmandam: .i. is do remi·suidigddis do accomol inna cairddine ⁊ ind oentath.,
[‘i.e. for this (reason) they used to set it before for the junction of the friendship and the unity’] [analysis]
28a18II 57,15book 24143 nomina: ..- (28a18=57,16) et: ..-
28a18bbII 57,15book 23232 illorum: sabinorum {= E 20r2 .i. add. E} {cf. K 13r16-7 (57,14) sabinos ... (57,15) illorum ... }
28a18II 57,15book 24111 suis: " (ibid.) nominibus: " {= E 20r2, symb. sec. om. E}
28a19ccII 57,1628a10book 2543 invicem: (m.l.) .i. Da·gnítis dano int ṡabindai aní-sin immenetor .i. no·suidigtis nomina romanorum ante nominibus suís .,
[‘i.e. the Sabines also used to do this in turn, i.e. they used to put names of the Romans before their own names’] [analysis]
28a19ddII 57,16book 24226 illo: .i. tempore vel foedere {cf. E 20r3 .i. tempore}
28a21II 57,17book 24143 notantur: " (ibid.) literis: " (28a22=57,18) singulis: " (28a24=57,19) tum: " (28a24=57,20) duabus: " (28a26=57,21) tribus: "
28a21eeII 57,1728a11book 2211 331 notantur: .i. notaitir
[‘i.e. they are written’] [analysis]
28a21ffII 57,1728a12book 2211 35 (vel) singulis (literis): .i. robu óen-litrib
[‘i.e. either [lit. it can be] by single letters’] [analysis]
28a24II 57,20book 24111 *(quando) duabus: .- (ibid.) conso[nantibus]: .-
28a24ggII 57,20book 23115 *conso[nantibus]: .i. ablativus
28a25hhII 57,20book 24221 incipit: .i. prenomen
28a26II 57,21book 24122 tribus: ,, (28a29=57,23) idque: ,,
28a29iiII 57,2328a13book 2211 4226 differentiae (causa): .i. do dechor fri prenomna aili
[‘i.e. to distinguish from other praenomina’] [analysis]
28a30II 58,1book 24141 ne: " (28a32=58,2) putemur: "
28a31kkII 58,2book 23115 t: ablativus {= E 20r9}
28a31llII 58,2book 23115 s: ablativus
28a32mmII 58,228a14book 2543 unde: .i. huare nád·fail prenomen fria ndechraiged
[‘i.e. because there is no praenomen for it to differ from’] [analysis]
28a35nnII 58,428a15book 24228 543 nullus: .i. cith .m. namma scríbthar and huare nád·deligedar fri prenomen cosmail do .-
[‘i.e. even if m only is written there: because it does not distinguish from (another) praenomen like it’] [analysis]
28a36ooII 58,428a18book 2571 nomen: (m.l.) Aní as nomen lasna littridi aili is cognomen són la prescien Aní as cognomen leo-som is nomen són leis-sem
[‘the nomen with [the] other authors, this is cognomen with Priscian: that which is cognomen with them, is nomen with him’] [analysis]
28a36ppII 58,4book 2423 uniuscuiusque: (subs.) .i. substantiae
28a36qqII 58,428a16book 2543 uniuscuiusque: .i. nomen saindíles cach oen-ḟolaid
[‘i.e. a peculiar nomen of every single substance’] [analysis]
28a36rrII 58,428a17book 2211 suum: .i. a ṅ-ái
[‘i.e. their characteristic’] [analysis]
28a37ssII 58,528a19book 2211 cognationis: .i. in choibnis
[‘i.e. of the (family-)relationship’] [analysis]
28a37ttII 58,528a20book 2211 541 commune: coitchen dia choibnius .i. do maccaib ⁊ avib .i. scipio .i. scipide .-
[‘i.e. common to his relatives, i.e. to sons and grandsons, i.e. Scipio, i.e. Scipian’] [analysis]
28a37uuII 58,5book 2212 scipio: (m.l.) scipio baculus virga
28a38wwII 58,628a21book 2211 eventu: .i. ua thecmungg gnímo
[‘i.e. by accident of fact’] [analysis]
28b1aII 58,6book 2572 africanus: .i. eo quod vicit africam
28b1bII 58,6book 2572 561 issauricus: .i. eo quod vicit issauriam .i. nomen provinciae
28b2cII 58,7book 2423 multa: nomina {= E 20r13 .i. add. E}
28b2II 58,7book 24111 multa: " (28b3=58,8) posita: "
28b3dII 58,828b1book 2543 333 invicem: .i. cach ae do ṡuidigud ar alailiu.
[‘i.e. that each of them is put for another’] [analysis]
28b3II 57,8book 24141 et: : (28b4=58,8) haec: : (28b5=58,9) accipiuntur: :
28b4eII 58,828b2book 2211 543 (aliis) personis: .i. hi personaib sainib
[‘i.e. in different persons’] [analysis]
28b4II 58,8book 24143 personis: .- (28b4=58,9) aliis: .-
28b4fII 58,979book 2543 aliis: .i. saini persin hi suidiu.
[‘i.e. different persons here’]
28b4gII 58,928b3book 2211 571 no[minum]: .i. inna ṅ-anmann etargnai
[‘i.e. (in place) of the names of cognition’] [analysis]
28b5II 58,9book 24143 accipiuntur: ,,, (28b7=58,10) similiter: ,,,
28b5II 58,9book 24122 (ut) tullius: " (28b6=58,9) híc: "
28b7hII 58,10book 2423 aliis: .i. personis
28b7iII 58,1028b4book 2543 loco (cognominum): .i. do luc inna n-anmman inchoisc ceníuil
[‘i.e. in place of the nouns which signify family’] [analysis]
28b8II 58,11book 24112 aliorum: " (ibid.) agnomina: "
28b8kII 58,11book 24228 vel: .i. accipiuntur cognomina in loca agnominum
28b10lII 58,12book 23233 agnomen (hoc): .i. ciceronis
28b11II 58,14book 24121 hoc: ... (28b12=58,14) quod: ...
28b12mII 58,14book 2423 proprium: nomen {= E 20r18 .i. add. E}
28b12nII 58,14book 2423 appellativum: nomen {= E 20r18}
28b14oII 58,1528b5book 2541 multorum: .i. a folad issed maithess in coitchennas in nomine
[‘i.e. the substance, this is what abates (?) the commonness in the noun’] [analysis]
28b14II 58,15book 24141 quos: .- (28b16=58,16) iungit: .-
28b14II 58,15book 24111 eadem: " (ibid.) substantia: " (28b15=58,15) qualitas: " (28b15=58,16) quantitas: " (ibid.) generalis: " (28b16=58,16) specialis: "
28b15pII 58,1528b6book 2541 qualitas: .i. cid maith cid olc cid álind cid etig.
[‘i.e. whether it be good or bad, beautiful or ugly’] [analysis]
28b15qII 58,1628b7book 2541 quantitas: .i. cid bec cid már
[‘i.e. whether it be small or great’] [analysis]
28b15rII 58,1628b8book 231 generalis (vel [specialis]): .i. benair fri cach n-ae a ndéde-se.
[‘i.e. these two (attributes) (generalis and specialis) are referred to each of them (qualitas and quantitas)’] [analysis]
28b16sII 58,16book 2423 generalis (ut): .i. substantia {= E 20r20}
28b16tII 58,1628b9book 2543 animal: .i. do cach anmmandu
[‘i.e. to every animal’] [analysis]
28b16II 58,16book 24144 animal: ... (28b17=58,17) homo: ...
28b17uII 58,1628b10book 2543 corpus: do cach corp
[‘to every body’] [analysis]
28b17II 58,16book 24144 corpus: ,, (28b18=58,17) lapis: ,,
28b17wII 58,1628b11book 2543 virtus: do cach neurt
[‘for every strength’] [analysis]
28b17II 58,16book 24144 virtus: ./ (28b18=58,17) grammaticus: ./
28b17xII 58,1728b12book 2543 specialis: .i. ar ṡain-chenélchi
[‘i.e. for special generality’] [analysis]
28b18yII 58,1728b13book 2543 albus (niger): ar inni a ndéde-so {cf. L 24r19 g, h albus qualitas niger qualitas}
[‘for quality, these two’] [analysis]
28b19zII 58,1828b14book 2543 magnus (brevis): ar méit a ndede-so {cf. L 24r20 i, k magnus quantitas brevis quantitas}
[‘for quantity, these two’] [analysis]
28b19aaII 58,19book 23232 haec: nomina
28b19bbII 58,1928b15book 2541 enim: .i. frecrae menmman reliqua
[‘i.e. a mental answer etc.’] [analysis]
28b19II 58,19book 24141 enim: :/ (28b22=58,20 app. cr.) nascuntur: :/ {cf. K 13r34-5}
28b19II 58,19book 24141 quae: : (28b20=58,19) sumuntur: :
28b21II 58,20book 24111 generali: " (ibid.) speci[ali]: " (28b22) qualitate: " (ibid.) quantitate: "
28b24II 58,21book 24141 quod: ..- (28b26=58,21) vel: ..- (28b26=58,22) solent: ..-
28b25ccII 58,21book 23115 aliis: .i. ablativus {= E 20r23}
28b25ddII 58,21book 2543 appellativis: .i. trenaib
[‘i.e. (to) substantives’] [analysis]
28b26II 58,22book 24123 propriis: : (ibid.) adiici: :
28b26eeII 58,22book 24221 solent: .i. nomina adiectiva
28b26II 58,22book 253 adiici solent: (m.l.) E (cf. 29b22=60,14)
28b27ffII 58,2228b18book 2541 53 manifestandam: (m.d.) Inna anmmann tréna didiu it hé do·ḟormmagddar donaib anmmanaib adiectaib do lanad ⁊ ḟoilsiguth inne indib sicut postea dicit reliqua
[‘the nouns substantive then, it is they that are added to the nouns adjective to complete and manifest quality in them, sicut etc.’] [analysis]
28b27II 58,22book 24111 manifestandam: " (ibid.) qualitatem: " (ibid.) quan[titatem]: "
28b27ggII 58,2228b17book 23232 eorum: .i. inna n-anman adiect.
[‘i.e. of the nouns adjective’] [analysis]
28b27II 58,22book 24121 eorum: " (28b28=58,23) quae: "
28b28II 58,23book 24141 quae: ; (28b29=58,23) possunt: ;
28b28II 58,23book 24111 sine: " (28b29=58,23) consumptione: "
28b29hhII 58,2328b19book 2211 [substan]tiae: .i. cen forcenn ind ḟolaid chéthnai
[‘i.e. without end of the same substance’] [analysis]
28b29iiII 58,2328b20book 2541 consumptione: .i. ni·epil a folad cetne is folud duini do·gaibther and do·ḟormagar.
[‘i.e. the same substance does not perish: it is the substance of a man whether it be diminished therein or increased’] [analysis]
28b32kkII 58,25book 2423 proprium: nomen {= E 20r26}
28b32II 58,25book 24143 proprium: .- (28b37=59,1) caret: .-
28b32II 58,25book 24111 privatam: " (28b33=58,25) substantiam: "
28b32llII 58,2528b21book 2211 privatam: diuparthe
[‘deprived’] [analysis]
28b34mmII 58,2628b22book 2541 individuis: .i. nad·fodlaiter fri slond n-il-ḟolad .i. individua
[‘i.e. which are not divided to signify many substances’] [analysis]
28b35nnII 58,2628b23book 2211 221 atoma: neph-ḟodlaidi
[‘indivisibles’] [analysis]
28b36ooII 59,128b24book 2541 communione: do ṡlund hile
[‘to signify many’] [analysis]
28b36II 59,1book 24142 communione: : (28b37=59,2) igitur: : {= K 13r41 caret .- > igitur .- }
28b37II 59,2book 24141 igitur: .- (29a3=59,4) solet: .-
29a1II 59,2book 24122 noncupentur: ; (29a3=59,3) hoc: ;
29a1aII 59,229a1book 2211 543 fortuitu: int tecmaiṅgthech .i. tecmaiṅg amin
[‘i.e. accidentally, i.e. it happens thus’] [analysis]
29a1II 59,2book 24141 et: " (29a3=59,4) solet: "
29a2II 59,3book 24111 communis: ., (ibid.) alicuius: ., (ibid.) substan[tiae]: ., (29a3=59,3) qualitatis: .,
29a4bII 59,429a2book 2543 intelligi: .i. in·coisgedar anmman doaccaldmacha tre anmman dílsi
[‘i.e. appellative nouns (can) be signified by proper names’] [analysis]
29a5cII 59,529a3book 2543 poetam: (m.l.) Asa·gnintar as ṅduine ⁊ as fili in tan as·mberar virgilius assa·gnintar assin doacaldmaiche. tre dilsi.,
[‘when ‘Vergil’ is said, it is understood that he is a human being and a poet: therefrom is appellativity understood through propriety’] [analysis]
29a7dII 59,629a4book 2211 4222 (per) excellentiam: .i. tre derscugud fir chathrach reliqua
[‘i.e. through the preeminence of the man or the city etc.’] [analysis]
29a7eII 59,6book 23113 loco: .i. dativus
29a7fII 59,6book 2423 proprii: .i. nominis {= E 20r33 .i. om. E}
29a7gII 59,7book 24221 accipiantur: .i. appellativa nomina
29a8hII 59,729a5book 2211 36 pro: .i. tar hési
[‘i.e. in place of’] [analysis]
29a10II 59,9book 24121 species: " (ibid.) quarum: "
29a11II 59,9book 24142 inveniuntur: ., (29a12=59,10) enim: ., {= K 13v1-2 communes ., > enim ., }
29a13II 59,11book 24143 corporalia: .- (29a14=59,11) sunt: .-
29a14iII 59,12book 24228 alia: .i. sunt
29a15kII 59,1229a6book 2541 *virtus: .i. coitchen do cach neurt
[‘i.e. common to every strength’] [analysis]
29a16lII 59,1329a7book 2541 *(virtus) dea: .i. nomen bandeae
[‘i.e. nomen of a goddess’] [analysis]
29a16II 59,13book 24112 pudicitia: " (29a16=59,13 app. cr.) pene[lopae]: "
29a16mII 59,1329a8book 2541 pene[lopae]: .i. do·rochair i ndílsi di conid nomen di pudicitia
[‘i.e. it has fallen into propriety to her (Penelope), so that Pudicitia is a name of hers’] [analysis]
29a17nII 59,1329a9book 2211 omonima: .i. cosmailainmmnechthecha reliqua
[‘i.e. homonyms, etc.’] [analysis]
29a20oII 59,1429a10book 2211 nepos: .i. haue
[‘i.e. grandson’] [analysis]
29a22pII 59,1629a11book 2543 (ut) magnus: .i. asin magnus do·gníthaer a ndede-sin .i. diles ⁊ doacaldmach
[‘i.e. out of the magnus this pair is formed, i.e. the proper and the appellative’] [analysis]
29a22qII 59,16book 2543 (ut) magnus: .i. proprium hic {= E 20v7 .i. om. E}
29a22II 59,16book 24111 (ut) magnus: " (29a23=59,16) pompeius: "
29a23rII 59,16book 2543 (et) magnus: .i. appellativum híc {= E 20v7 .i. om. E}
29a23sII 59,1729a12book 2211 sinoni[ma]: .i. comainmnichdecha reliqua
[‘i.e. synonyms etc.’] [analysis]
29a28tII 59,20book 2543 *species: .i. file {= E 20v10}
[‘i.e. which are’] [analysis]
29a28II 59,20book 24122 species: " (29a29=59,21) hae: "
29a36''II 59,22book 24111 infinitum: " (29a37''=59,22) relativum: " (29a30"=59,22) demonstrativum: " (29a31"=59,22) vel: "
29a35uII 59,24book 2212 absolu[tum]: .i. plenum {= E 20v13}
29b3aII 60,1book 2423 propriae: .i. species {= E 20v15}
29b10''II 60,3book 24121 denominativum: .- (29b4"=60,3) quo: .-
29b5"bII 60,329b1book 253 multis (aliis): (m.l.) "F archiunn (cf. 50a18=117,13 q)
[‘"F ahead’] [analysis]
29b6"cII 60,429b2book 2541 [compre]hensivum: .i. arindí con·tetarrat-som hi gnuisib hilib a ndéainmmneichtech
[‘i.e. because it comprehends under many forms the denominative’] [analysis]
29b7"dII 60,4book 24227 loco: .i. suo
29b7"eII 60,4book 253 loco: (m.d.) in libro denominativorum
29b9"fII 60,6book 252 adiectivum: (m.l.) .I.
29b9"gII 60,6book 2571 adiectivum: (m.d.) In hanc unam tres secundum donatum {species} .i. est nomina mediae significationis nomina qualitatis nomina quantitatis congregavit ., {= E 20v18 (m.l.)}
29b10"hII 60,6book 23115 propriis: .i. ablativus {= E 20v18}
29b10"iII 60,6book 23115 appella[tivis]: .i. ablativus
29b11II 60,6book 24141 4143 significat: ., (29b11=60,7) vel: ., (29b12=60,7) vel: ., (ibid.) vel: ., (ibid.) laudem: ., (29b13=60,8) vituperationem: ., (ibid.) me[dium]: ., {cf. K 13v16-8}
29b14II 60,8book 24142 magnus: .- (29b14=60,9) enim: .-
29b16kII 60,1029b3 book 2211 suum: .i. a n-ái .i. a sainreth
[‘i.e. its own, i.e. what is proper to it [lit. her]’] [analysis]
29b17lII 60,1029b4book 2211 corvus: fiach {= E 20v21}
[‘raven’] [analysis]
29b17mII 60,1029b5book 2211 altum: fudomain
[‘deep’] [analysis]
29b18nII 60,11book 23232 quaedam: .i. adiectiva nomina {= E 20v22}
29b18oII 60,1129b6book 2543 huiuscemodi: .i. amal ataat adiecta cona n-il-mrechtrud i nddoacaldmaichi ataat dano i ndílsi.
[‘i.e. as there are adjectives with their many varieties [lit. variety] in appellativity so there are in propriety’] [analysis]
29b18pII 60,1229b7book 2541 gradivus: (m.d.) .i. do·ro-chair i ndílsi marti
[‘i.e. it has fallen into propriety to Mars’] [analysis]
29b18qII 60,12book 2541 572 gradivus: (m.s.) virgilius Grandivumque patrem geticis qui presidet armis .. mars qui ad omnia bella graditur ..
29b18II 60,12book 24122 gradivus: /: (29b19=60,12) eunosig*eus (a): /: (ibid.) quiri[nus]: /: (29b20=60,13) haec: /:
29b19II 60,12book 253 (m.l.) |:
29b19rII 60,12book 2541 572 eunosig*eus (a): (m.s.) icidorus Neptunus equestris ludi est quem greci ιπον appellant εννα. unum interpretatur. ζειγη vel σειγος iugum interpretatur .. item virgilius. tuque o cui prima frementem . fudit equm magno tellus percussa tridente. reliqua .virgilianus. quoniam ab iove pro neptune sit equus suppositus saturno sicut lapis pro iove convenit neptunum invocare nomine equorum. reliqua. lege virgilianum.,
29b19sII 60,12book 2541 572 +eunosig*eus (a): (m.d.) enno .i. vinum. <ut> alii enno fons v sigeus .i. promon<to>r<ium>
29b19tII 60,12book 225 572 +quiri[nus]: (m.d.) quirinus dictus a qu<iri>no monte
29b21II 60,13book 24121 comparari: " (ibid.) quod: "
29b22II 60,14book 253 eget adiectione: (m.l.) E (cf. 28b25=58,21)
29b22II 60,14book 24143 egent: ... (ibid.) quomodo: ...
29b22uII 60,1429b8book 2541 adiectione: .i. cenmithá inna anmmann dílsi dia·n-acomlatar híc tantum .,
[‘i.e. except the proper names, to which they are added here only’] [analysis]
29b22wII 60,1529b9book 2541 commu[nia]: .i. doacaldmacha
[‘i.e. appellatives’] [analysis]
29b23II 60,15book 24143 sumuntur: .- (29b24=60,15) [quali]tate: .- (ibid.) vel: .- (ibid.) quantitate: .- (29b24=60,16) vel: .- (ibid.) corporis: .- (29b25=60,16) vel: .-
29b23xII 60,15book 23232 haec: .i. adiectiva {= E 20v25}
29b24II 60,15book 24112 [quali]tate: " (ibid.) quantitate: " (29b24=60,16) animi: "
29b24II 60,15book 24112 quantitate: /: (29b25=60,16) accidentium: /:
29b25yII 60,16book 2543 pru[dens]: .i. qualitas {= E 20v26}
29b26zII 60,17book 2543 magnanimus: .i. Quantitas {= E 20v26 .i. om. E}
29b28aaII 60,19book 252 ad aliquid ..etc.: (m.l.) II
29b28bbII 60,19book 24226 aliquid: .i. quasi ab aliquo {= E 20v27 .i. om. E}
29b28ccII 60,1929b10book 2542 intellec[tu]: .i. air nicon·bia-som mani·bé aní hua·n-aithgnintar ⁊ hu<a>·n-ainmnigter .,
[‘i.e. for it will not exist unless there exists that from which it is recognised and named’] [analysis]
29b30ddII 60,2029b11book 2543 336[?] dicendo: .i. lase as·ṁbiur
[‘i.e. when I say’] [analysis]
29b30eeII 60,2029b12book 2543 patrem: file athir leiss
[‘that he has a father’] [analysis]
29b31ffII 60,2129b13book 2543 dominum: .i. file chóimmdith leiss
[‘i.e. that he has a lord’] [analysis]
29b32ggII 60,21book 24221 intereat: .i. pater ⁊ dominus {= E 20v29}
29b32hhII 60,2129b14book 24228 interimit: .i. mani·bé
[‘i.e. unless it exists’] [analysis]
29b32iiII 60,22book 2212 una: .i. simul {= E 20v29}
29b32kkII 60,22book 23232 illud: nomen
29b32llII 60,22book 23232 illud: .i. servus ⁊ filius {= E 20v29 filius et servus E}
29b32II 60,22book 24121 illud: " (ibid.) quod: "
29b32mmII 60,22book 23232 eo: .i. patre ⁊ domino {= E 20v30}
29b33nnII 60,23book 252 quasi .. etc.: (m.l.) III
29b33ooII 60,2329b15book 2541 quasi: .i. is cuit atoíbthe nammá is airi as·beir quasi .i. similitudinis
[‘i.e. it is a mere adherence (somewhat similar): hence he says quasi’] [analysis]
29b33ppII 60,2329b16book 2541 est: (m.d.) .i. is quasi ad aliquid as·berar diib huare ro·mbí cechtar de sech alaill ..,
[‘i.e. it is quasi ad aliquid is said of them, because each of the two can be apart from the other’] [analysis]
29b34qqII 60,2329b17book 2543 aliquid (contrarium): .i. ce nod·fil chotarsnataith etarru.
[‘i.e. although there is opposition between them.’] [analysis]
29b35rrII 60,2429b18book 2541 quasi: .i. is cuit atoíbthe huare ro·mbí cechtar de sech alaill
[‘i.e. it is a mere adherence because each of the two can be apart from the other’] [analysis]
29b35ssII 60,24book 2543 ipso: .i. bís leiss ut dies
[‘i.e. which it has, ut dies’] [analysis]
30a1aII 60,24book 2543 significat: .i. ut faciunt predicta
30a1II 60,24book 24142 significat: " (30a1=60,25) enim: "
30a1bII 60,2430a1book 2543 illud: .i. aní hua·n-ainmnichfide
[‘i.e. that from which it would be named’] [analysis]
30a1cII 60,25book 23232 illo: .i. nomine .i. nox reliqua {cf. E 20v31 .i. nomine}
30a2dII 60,25book 24221 543 accipit: .i. dies ⁊ reliqua {cf. E 20v32 dies sine nocte &sinistra sine dextra}
30a2eII 60,2530a2book 2541 accipit: (m.l.) sluindith-sem a duiltetaid cen ḟortacht ind anmma aili ..,
[‘it expresses its proper nature, without the aid of the other name’] [analysis]
30a3fII 60,2630a3book 2543 quamvís: .i. ci at·bela indala n-ái ni·epil alaill
[‘i.e. though one of the two perish the other does not perish’] [analysis]
30a3gII 60,2630a4book 2211 221 interimit: .i. ni·airdben
[‘i.e. it does not destroy’] [analysis]
30a4hII 60,26book 2543 221 quod: prior ratio non ita est .i. filius ⁊ servus {= E 20v33 7: vel E}
30a8iII 61,130a5book 23233 hanc (vim): .i. ainmnigud oen-folaid húa il-anmmanaib
[‘i.e. the naming of one substance by many names’] [analysis]
30a8kII 61,130a6book 2211 dionima: (subs.) .i. deainmmnichthi
[‘i.e. dionyma’] [analysis]
30a9lII 61,130a7book 2541 421 tetraonima: .i. is ar ṡodain do·beir exemplum
[‘i.e. it is for this that he gives an example’] [analysis]
30a9II 61,1book 24144 tetraonima: " (ibid.) p.: "
30a10mII 61,3book 252 gentile .. etc.: (m.l.) IIII
30a12nII 61,4book 252 patrivum .. etc.: (m.l.) V
30a12oII 61,4book 2543 25 athiniensis: .i. ab athenae
30a12pII 61,4book 2543 25 romanus: á roma
30a13qII 61,5book 252 interrogativum .. etc.: (m.l.) VI
30a13rII 61,5book 2541 interrogativum: .i. infinitum interrogativum {= E 21r5 infinitivum (sic) E}
30a13sII 61,5book 253 interrogativum: (m.l.) lege casum pronominis ⁊ in libro constructionis
30a13tII 61,5book 2571 est: has .III. species suppositos donatus non habet {= E 21r5 (m.d.) subpositis (sic) E}
30a14uII 61,6book 212 qualis: .i. circunflex {= E 21r5 circ-}
[‘i.e. (accented with) a circumflex’] [analysis]
30a15wII 61,630a8book 212 59 servant: .i. dóig linn bed n-acuit preter qualis ⁊ co·mbad chircunflex far suidiu .-
[‘i.e. it seems to us that it is the acute, except (on) qualis, and that it is the circumflex on this.’] [analysis]
30a16xII 61,7book 252 infinitivum: (m.l.) VII
30a16yII 61,730a9book 2541 infinitivum: .i. ecrichdatu cen immchomarc n-indib
[‘i.e. indefiniteness in them, without interrogation’] [analysis]
30a16zII 61,7book 2541 contrarium: .i. contrarium infinitum interrogativo infinito
30a17aaII 61,730a10book 223 [quan]tus: .i. isid méit
[‘i.e. it is how much ’] [analysis]
30a17bbII 61,8book 223 quot: .i. lín reliqua
[‘i.e. number etc.’] [analysis]
30a17ccII 61,830a12book 2541 lectione: .i. i n-immḟognam ⁊ i ssreith legind
[‘i.e. in construction and in order of reading (in a connected text?)’] [analysis]
30a18ddII 61,9book 23232 haec (eadem): .i. quis ⁊ reliqua omnia {cf. E 21r7 .i. quis}
30a18II 61,9book 24122 haec: ./. (30a20=61,10) haec: ./.
30a18eeII 61,930a13book 2541 relati[va]: .i. aithaisṅdisnecha .i. tuasailcdecha do immchomairsnechaib .,
[‘i.e. responsives, i.e. resolutives to interrogatives’] [analysis]
30a19ffII 61,9book 2541 [relati]va: .i. quis pro qui reliqua {= E 21r8 reliqua om. E}
30a19ggII 61,930a14book 2541 similitudinis: .i. quantus .i. is heid méit verbi gratia qualis. inna inne-so noch is relativum insin in·samlathar dano inni fri alaili. {cf. E 21r8 .i. ut quantus}
[‘i.e. quantus, i.e. it is how much or, for example, qualis of this quality; yet that is relatiuum, it assimilates on quality to another’] [analysis]
30a19hhII 61,1030a15book 2541 talis: .i. is derb-son
[‘i.e. this is certain’] [analysis]
30a20iiII 61,1030a16book 2543 redditiva: .i. hérredcha aliud nomen illis
[‘i.e. ‘redditives’ is another name for them ’] [analysis]
30a21II 61,11book 24111 substantiae: .- (30a22=61,12) communis: .-
30a21II 61,11book 24143 substantiae: " (30a22=61,11) infinitae: " (30a22=61,12) qua[litatis]: " (30a23=61,12) quantitatis: "
30a22kkII 61,1230a17book 2541 4227 qua[litatis]: (m.d.) .i. tecmaiṅg dond ḟolud hísin .i. infinitae ⁊ communis
[‘i.e. it happens to that substance’] [analysis]
30a24llII 61,13book 2541 4227 numeri: .i. tecmaing dond ḟolud .i. infinitae ⁊ communis {cf. E 21r11 infinitae ⁊ commonis}
[‘i.e. it happens to the substance’] [analysis]
30a24mmII 61,13book 23226[?] quo: .i. iure {= E 21r11}
30a25nnII 61,14book 23232 ea: .i. infita omnia predicta {= E 21r11 .i. omnia infinitiva predicta}
30a26II 61,14book 24122 grecos: " (30a27=61,15) ipsos: "
30a26II 61,15book 24121 vetustiores: ..- (30a28=61,16) quos: ..- {= K 13v40-1, E 21r12-3}
30a27ooII 61,15book 23232 ea: .i. infinita nomina {= E 21r13 finitiva E}
30a29II 61,16book 24141 sed: " (30a29=61,17) videtur: " {cf. K 13v41-3 sed : > videtur : > linquere : }
30a29ppII 61,1630a19book 2211 incongruum: écoir
[‘incongruous’] [analysis]
30a29II 61,17book 24141 videtur: ... (30a30=61,18) nos: ... (30a33=61,19) relinquere: ... {= E 21r14-5 videtur a > nos b > relinquere c}
30a29II 61,17book 24141 cum: ; (ibid.) re[cusaverunt]: ; (30a30=61,18) imitari: ; {= E 21r14}
30a29qqII 61,17book 23232 illi: .i. latini {cf. E 21r14 .i. romani}
30a31II 61,18book 24112 4121 [ap]pollonii: .- (ibid.) herodiani: .- (ibid.) qui: .- (30a32=61,19) vestigia: .- {= E 21r14-5 (symb. tert. om. E)}
30a31II 61,18book 24111 antiquorum: : (30a32=61,19) grammaticorum: :
30a33rrII 61,1930a20book 2211 333 relinquere: cena sechim
[‘not to follow them’] [analysis]
30a35ssII 61,21book 252 collectivum .. etc.: (m.l.) VIII
30a35ttII 61,21book 2571 collectivum: .i. hanc speciem donatus non numerat {= E 21r17 .i. om. E non numerat donatus E}
30a37uuII 61,23book 252 dividuum .. etc: (m.l.) VIIII
30a37II 61,23book 24141 quod: /. (30b1=61,23) habet: /.
30a37II 61,23book 24144 duobus: " (30b2=61,24) alteruter: " {= K 13v45-6 duobus .- > singulos .-> alterque .- > alteruter .- }
30a37II 61,23book 24144 amplioribus: .- (30b3=61,25) quisque: .- {= K 13v45-6 amplioribus ., > singulos ., > quisque ., > singuli ., }
30b1aII 61,24book 2542 plures: quia non ... ...a/...
30b1II 61,24book 24144 plures: ..- (30b3=61,25) terni: ..-
30b2bII 61,2482book 2571 541 alteruter: (m.s.) lactantius dicit utrum anima patre an matre an ex utroque generatur neque ab utroque neque ex alterutro seruntur animae ...,..-
30b4dII 61,26book 252 facticivum .. etc.: (m.l.) X
30b4eII 61,26book 2571 facticivum: (m.l.) .i. donatus non habet {= E 21r20 (subs.) .i. om. E}
30b4fII 61,26book 2571 facticivum: (m.l.) lege figuram nominis
30b4gII 61,2630b1book 2211 215 facticivum: .i. a forcmachte .i. nomen de sono factum. {= E 21r21 .i. a forcmachte om. E}
[‘i.e. the facticious, i.e. nomen etc.’] [analysis]
30b4hII 61,2630b2book 2211 3113 sonorum: .i. inna fogur
[‘i.e. of the sounds’] [analysis]
30b4iII 61,26book 2212 imitatio[nem]: .i. similitudinem {= E 21r21}
30b5kII 61,2730b3book 2543 tintinabulum: .i. tinntin. a fogur dia·forcomnacair tintinabulum
[‘i.e. tinn-tin, the sound from which tintinabulum is formed’] [analysis]
30b5lII 61,27book 2563 turtur: (m.d.) .i. avis {= E 21r21 .i. om. E}
30b6mII 61,28book 252 generale .. etc.: (m.l.) XI
30b7II 61,28book 24144 animal: " (30b8=62,1) homo: " (ibid.) equus: "
30b7II 61,28book 24144 arbor: .- (30b7=62,1) vitis: .- (30b7=62,2) laurus: .-
30b8nII 62,1book 252 speciale .. etc.: (m.l.) XII
30b9oII 62,3book 252 ordinale .. etc.: (m.l.) XIII
30b11pII 62,4book 252 numerale .. etc.: (m.l.) XIIII
30b12qII 62,5book 252 absolutum .. etc: (m.l.) XV
30b12rII 62,530b4book 2211 543 absolutum: húatuasailcthae hua anmmaim ailiu do thórmuch friss do aestóasc a cheille.
[‘i.e. absolved, from the addition of another noun to it to express its meaning’] [analysis]
30b12sII 62,5book 2571 absolutum: (m.l.) donatus non habet {= E 21r25}
30b14tII 62,7book 252 temporale .. etc.: (m.l.) XVI
30b16uII 62,8book 252 locale .. etc.: (m.l.) XVII
30b16wII 62,8book 2571 locale: (m.l.) donatus non habet
30b17xII 62,9book 225 medioximus: .i. medius <&> proximus {= E 21r28}
30b22II 62,12book 24121 species: " (30b23=62,13) quibus: "
30b24yII 62,15book 253 patronomicum: (m.d.) lege casum nominis
30b24zII 62,15book 2571 patronomicum: (m.l.) baeda patronomicum dicitur ut in alio {cf. K 15r11 a b- patronomicum dicitur eo quod a nomine patris trahit nominationem. νεμει enim grece nomen dicitur ut omonina sinonima síc patronomica b- patronomica paterna legalia pater ⁊ nomos .i. genitor ⁊ lex. trahunt legem sive nominationis ⁊ significationis vel á patribus vel ab avís reliqua.} {cf. E 21r31 ideo dicuntur quia a patre descendunt &a genetivo greco discendunt}
30b24II 62,15book 24121 patronomicum: : (30b26=62,16) quod: : {= K 15r11}
30b24II 62,15book 24111 propriis: " (30b25=62,15) nominibus: "
30b25aaII 62,16book 23114 541 formam: .i. hoc est forma greca a genitivo proprii nominis formari
30b26II 62,16book 24141 significat: " (30b26=62,17) filius: " (30b27=62,17) nepos: "
30b26bbII 62,1630b5book 2543 significat: (m.d.) .i. ciall genitivi nominis cétnaidi co n-acomol fris indí as filius nepos issi fil isind aitherrechtaigthu ..
[‘i.e. the meaning of the genitive of the primitive noun with the addition to it of filius or nepos, this is what is (found) in the patronymic’] [analysis]
30b26II 62,16book 24111 cum: : (ibid.) genitivo: :
30b27ccII 62,17book 23233 541 hac (forma): .i. in des
[‘i.e. (the form ending) in ‘-des’’] [analysis]
30b27ddII 62,17book 24222 poetae: .i. latinorum vel grecorum {= E 21v1 .i. grecorum vel latinorum}
30b28eeII 62,18book 23221 3222 qua: .i. forma in des. {= E 21v1}
[‘i.e. the form in ‘-des’’]
30b29ffII 62,1830b8book 2543 [cognomini]bus: .i. ainmm n-inchoisc cenéiuil iss ed file la laitnóri tar hési n-aitherrechtaichthe la grecu
[‘i.e. a name signifying kindred, this is with the Latins in place of the patronymics with the Greeks’] [analysis]
30b29ggII 62,1930b9book 2211 marcelli: .i. in marcelldai
[‘i.e. the ,Marcellians’’] [analysis]
30b30hhII 62,1930b10book 2211 cornilii: .i. in chornaldai
[‘i.e. the ,Cornelians’’] [analysis]
30b30iiII 62,19book 2423 omnes: .i. filii ⁊ nepotes .i. qui nati sunt {cf. E 21v2 .i. nepotes qui nati sunt}
30b30II 62,19book 24141 enim: .- (30b31=62,20) habu[erunt]: .- (30b32=62,21) sicut: .-
30b30kkII 62,19book 23232 eo: .i. cornilio ⁊ marcello {cf. E 21v2 filio .i. marcello vel cornilio}
30b30II 62,19book 24141 qui: : (30b31=62,20) nominatus: :
30b32llII 62,2030b11book 23232 eiusdem: .i. di muntir cornil marcill
[‘i.e. of the family of Cornelius or Marcellus’] [analysis]
30b32mmII 62,2130b12book 2541 omnes: .i. maicc ⁊ háui reliqua .i. is follus issin magin-sin téte aitherrechtaigthe Ní as hire oldáta maicc ⁊ aui reliqua
[‘i.e. sons and grandsons etc.: it is clear in this place that a patronymic goes further than sons and grandsons etc.’] [analysis]
30b33nnII 62,2130b13book 2543 minores: .i. ata óa
[‘i.e. who are younger’] [analysis]
30b33ooII 62,2130b14book 2211 3113 thesei: .i. indí ṫessei
[‘i.e. of Theseus’] [analysis]
30b33ppII 62,21book 23115 541 thesidas: .i. accusativus pluralis primae declinationis quia primae sunt patronomica in des. {= E 21v4 .i. om. E; cf. K 15r15 c .i. accusativus pluralis}
[‘i.e. the Scipians (acc pl)’] [analysis]
30b33II 62,21book 24121 greci: " (30b34=62,21) quos: "
30b34qqII 62,22book 2541 solent: .i. quamvís nomina quae indicant genus pro illis habent {= E 21v4 .i.; pro illis om. E}
30b34rrII 62,22book 2543 iemitari: .i. etiam in latinis propriis patronomica faciunt. {cf. E 21v5 etiam in latinis}
30b35ssII 62,22book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
30b35II 62,23book 253 scipiadas: (m.l.) ..... (cf. 32a31=67,7)
30b35ttII 62,23book 23115 541 scipiadas: .i. accusativus .i. patronomicum .i. inna scipdiu. pro scipionidas quia scipionidas debuit dicere {cf. E 21v5 accusativus patronomici quia scipionides debuit dicere}
30b35uuII 62,23book 258 541 +scipiadas: (m.i.) in alia απο του σκιπιος .i. baculum. scipionides dici debuit
30b35II 62,23book 253 nec ..: (m.l.) ,,,, (cf. 33a28=69,11)
30b36wwII 62,23book 2541 nec: quia nomina familiae
30b36II 62,23book 24111 possesiva: " (30b37=63,1) usurpata: "
30b36xxII 62,2330b16book 2211 loco: .i. i n-engraicc anmmae aitherrechtaigthi
[‘i.e. in place of a patronymic noun’] [analysis]
31a m.s.aII 62,23book 2?[?] (m.s.) ani (?)
31a1bII 63,1book 2543 emilianus: .i. quia prius nomen possesivum fuit {= E 21v6 possivum (sic) nomen E}
31a1cII 63,131a2book 2211 emilianus (scipio): .i. in scip emelendae .i. macc emelii
[‘i.e. the Aemilian Scipio i.e. son of Aemilius’] [analysis]
31a2dII 63,231a3book 2211 543 [octo]vianus (cesar): .i. in caesar octavienda .i. octaviani filius fuit caesar ⁊ non est filius octaviae a deilb atreibthig ar·berar a n-aitherrechtaigthe ⁊ pro patronomico híc est {cf. E 21v7 octaviae filius}
[‘i.e. the Octavian Caesar i.e. Caesar was son of Octavianus, etc. From the possessive form the patronymic is derived, and it is here for the patronymic’] [analysis]
31a3eII 63,2book 2543 3114 formae: .i. {dativus} in des {= E 21v7}
[‘i.e. { a dative case,} in ‘-des’’] [analysis]
31a4fII 63,331a5book 2543 211 denominativa: .i. de rét ailiu ro·ainmnichthe .i. deainmmnichdecha .i. ab aliis nominibus ⁊ non a nominibus patrum {cf. E 21v7 .i. dirivativa aliis nominibus non a nominibus propriis}
[‘i.e. from another thing they have been named, i.e. denominatives etc.’] [analysis]
31a4gII 63,3book 2212 denominativa: .i. dirivativa
31a5hII 63,331a6book 2572 euripides: (m.l.) .i. di airisin do·ratad foir a nainmm-sin ar issed laithe insin ro·ṅgenair-som ní airindi ro·ṅgenad som isind luc sin ..,
[‘i.e. it is therefore that name was given to him (Euripides), because that is the day on which he was born, not because he was born in that place’] [analysis]
31a5iII 63,3book 2572 +euripides: (m.s.) {quia dicitur euripides LE} quia in illo die natus est quo athenienses cum persis in eurypo loco bellum commiserunt {= L 25v9 a, E 21v8-9 text. princ. quia] et E aeripides qui LE (quia E) in om. E athenensis E cum] E com E eurypo] aeripo L loco om. LE}
31a5kII 63,4book 2561 eurupo: .i. loco
31a6lII 63,4book 2572 221 +est: in alia similiter tucidides απο του θωκου του ερονου {= E 21v9-10 text. princ. θοκου σρονου E}
31a6mII 63,4book 2423 alia: nomina {= E 21v10}
31a7nII 63,5book 2423 [a]liis (sint): .i. personis {= E 21v10}
31a7oII 63,5book 2423 aliis (accipiuntur): .i. personis
31a8pII 63,5book 2543 timarchides: .i. patronomicum {= E 21v11}
31a9qII 63,6book 2543 et (in omnibus): .i. in nominibus appellativorum formís propria inveniuntur {= E 21v12 in nominibus om. E}
31a9rII 63,631a7book 2543 et: (m.l.) bíit anmmann dílsi hi cach ṅdeilb ⁊ hi cach tarmorcenn i·mbiat anmmann doacaldmacha.
[‘there are proper nouns into every type and into every termination into which there are appellative nouns’] [analysis]
31a10sII 63,7book 2543 3113 formae: .i. nomina propria ⁊ appellativa in una forma {cf. E 21v12 propria &appellativa}
31a10tII 63,731a8book 24228 amittunt: .i. in tan ata ṅdílsi {cf. E 21v13 quando sunt propria}
[‘i.e. when they are proper names’] [analysis]
31a11uII 63,831a9book 2211 541 magnus: .i. már .i. magnus civis {cf. E 21v13 .i. magnus cives}
[‘i.e. great, for instance ,great citizen’’] [analysis]
31a12wII 63,8book 2541 proprium: .i. ut magnus pompeius {= E 21v13 text. princ. .i. om. E}
31a12xII 63,8book 2566[?] iulia[nus]: .i. vir {= E 21v14}
31a13yII 63,9book 2543 heraclides: .i. heracli filius {= E 21v14}
31a14zII 63,10book 24222 aliis: appellativorum
31a17aaII 63,11book 24222 conditoribus: .i. civitatum {= E 21v16}
31a19II 63,12book 24111 latonides: " (31a20=63,13) a*pollo (p): "
31a19bbII 63,13book 23113 latonois: .i. genitivus {= E 21v16}
31a19ccII 63,13book 2566[?] latonae: .i. nomen mulieris {= E 21v17 .i. om. E}
31a20ddII 63,1331a10book 2421 a*pollo (p): .i. is hé appoill insin
[‘i.e. that is Apollo’] [analysis]
31a20eeII 63,13book 2572 4122 iliae: .i. reae silviae quia aliud nomen sibi ilia ut in primo libro virgilii. marte gravis geminam partu dabit ilia prolem ., (reae: " > sibi: ") {cf. E 21v17 .i. aliud nomen reae silviae ilia}
31a21ffII 63,1331a11book 2421 romulus: .i. is hé romuil
[‘i.e. it is Romulus’] [analysis]
31a21ggII 63,14book 24228 ovidius: dicit {cf. E 21v17 text. princ. dixit}
31a22hhII 63,15book 2?[?] at: vel
31a22II 63,15book 24111 corpora: " (ibid.) victa: "
31a23II 63,15book 213 sopore . {= E 21v18}
31a24iiII 63,16book 2212 +obice: .i. oppositione
31a24II 63,16book 213 fultas . {= E 21v19}
31a25kkII 63,17book 2543 [ili]ades: .i. romulus
31a25II 63,18book 24141 similiter: " (31a26=63,18) matre: "
31a25II 63,18book 24111 coronides: ., (31,26=63,18) esculapius: .,
31a27llII 63,18book 24228 ovidius: dicit
31a27mmII 64,1book 23115 543 coroni[dam]: .i. accusativus {.i.} esculapium {= E 21v20}
31a28II 64,1book 213 alti ..
31a30II 64,3book 24111 maiades: " (ibid.) mercu[rius]: "
31a31nnII 64,3book 24228 avis: .i. formantur {= E 21v22}
31a31ooII 64,331a12book 2543 maternis: .i. hu athraib a máthar
[‘i.e. from their mother’s fathers’] [analysis]
31a32II 64,3book 24111 [atlan]tiades: : (31a32=64,4) mercurius: :
31a33ppII 64,4book 2543 572 [na]tae: .i. maiae {filius} {= E 21v22}
31a33qqII 64,4book 24228 ovidius: dicit
31a33rrII 64,4book 2423 primo: libro {= E 21v23 text. princ.}
31a34II 64,6book 24111 eundem: " (31a36=64,7) diem: "
31a35II 64,6book 213 loquendo .
31a36II 64,8book 24144 in: , (31a37=64,9) (non) tulit: ,
31a36ssII 64,8book 2423 eodem: libro {= E 21v24}
31a36ttII 64,831a13book 2421 inachides: .i. ind inachda
[‘i.e. the Inachian’] [analysis]
31a36uuII 64,831a15book 2543 inachides: (m.l.) .i. athair a máthar inachus
[‘i.e. Inachus was his mother’s father’] [analysis]
31a36II 64,8book 24111 inachides: .- (ibid.) filius: .- (ibid.) ionis: .-
31a36wwII 64,8book 2572 ionis: .i. issis ⁊ .io. duo nomina sibi. {cf. E 21v24 (m.l.) .i. iossis. sio. duo nomina sibi .i. est filia iachi &filius eius iachides ae .i. epafus ab alio eius nomen fuit vel cepit}
31a36II 64,8book 24121 ionis: :- (31a37=64,8) quae: :-
31a37xxII 64,831a14book 2421 [epa]phus: .i. is hé epachus insin
[‘i.e. that is Epaphus’] [analysis]
31b1II 64,9book 24111 [in]achides: " (ibid.) demens: "
31b2aII 64,10book 24228 regibus: .i. formantur
31b2bII 64,10book 24222 conditoribus: .i. civitatum {= E 21v26}
31b2cII 64,1031b1book 2211 572 thessidae: (m.d.) .i. in thesidedi a theseo rege atheniensium {= E 21v26 rege athiniensium}
[‘i.e. the Theseids etc.’] [analysis]
31b3dII 64,1031b2book 2572 cecropidae: .i. cicrops do·rósat in cathraig ⁊ di chlaind thessei dóib .i. di grecaib dóib huili {cf. E 21v26 a <ci<crope qui athinias fabricavit}
[‘i.e. Cecrops has built the city, and of the children of Theseus were they, i.e. of the Greeks were they all’] [analysis]
31b4eII 64,1131b3book 2211 421 aeneadae: .i. ind aeneedai
[‘i.e. the followers of Aeneas’] [analysis]
31b4fII 64,11book 2543 aeneadae: a rege
31b4gII 64,1131b4book 2211 421 romulidae: .i. romoldai
[‘i.e. the followers of Romulus’] [analysis]
31b4hII 64,1131b5book 2572 romulidae: Romuil do·ḟorsat in cathraig ó aenea ro·cinnset ind romain {= K 15r38 e (m.l.) romuil do·rosat civitatem hó aeneas ru·cinset ind romáin, cf. E 21v26 .i. a fabricatore romae}
[‘Romulus has built the city: from Aenaeas the Romans have descended’] [analysis]
31b4iII 64,1131b6book 2543 romani: .i. romándi huili
[‘i.e. Romans all ’] [analysis]
31b5kII 64,13book 252 premiaque .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
31b5II 64,13book 24111 ingentes: " (ibid.) pagos: " (31b6=64,13) circum: " {= E 21v27 (symb. tert. om. E}
31b6II 64,13book 24111 competa: : (ibid.) circum: :
31b6lII 64,14book 2511[?] thesidae: .i. athenienses {= E 21v27}
31b7mII 64,15book 252 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
31b7nII 64,16book 2572 pendere: .i. imposuit dedalus in templo phebi {= L 25v28 b (m.l.), E 21v28 imposuit] posuit L dedalus imposuit E; phebi] phoebi L, poephi E}
31b7II 64,16book 213 poenas .
31b8oII 64,17book 2511[?] cicropidae: .i. athenienses {= E 21v28 athenenses}
31b8pII 64,1731b7book 2211 336[?] iussi: .i. amtar forṅgarti
[‘i.e. when they were ordered’] [analysis]
31b8qII 64,17book 23112 572 mi*serum (s): .i. miserorum .i. natorum {= E 21v28 .i. natorum miserorum}
31b8rII 64,17book 2572 septena: .i. corpora {= E 21v28}
31b9sII 65,4book 252 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
31b10tII 65,5book 2572 333 consurgere: .i. bat {= E 21v29}
31b10uII 65,6book 251 572 romulidaeueldís: .i. romanis
31b11wII 64,18book 252 in eodem: (m.l.) virgilius
31b11xII 64,18book 24228 eodem: dicit
31b11yII 65,131b8book 2541 (in) ferrum: do chumtúth a sóere
[‘i.e. to preserve (?) their freedom Hofman: to bring about their freedom’] [analysis]
31b13zII 65,3book 2572 [de]fessi: .i. contendunt petere {= E 21v30 .i. romani add. E}
31b13II 65,3book 24111 proxima: " (ibid.) litora: "
31b13aaII 65,3book 2572 proxima: .i. libyae {= E 21v31 libiae E}
31b14bbII 65,7book 24228 fratribus: .i. formantur {= E 21v31}
31b14ccII 65,731b10book 2211 543 phetontides: .i. in fetontide .i. frater fetontis .i. aitherrechtaigthe masculindae o brathir {= E 21v31 .i. in petontide frater poetontis}
[‘i.e. the Phetontid, i.e. the brother of Pheton, i.e. a masculine patronymic from (the name of) a brother.’] [analysis]
31b14II 65,7book 24142 phetontides: .- (ibid.) unde: .-
31b15ddII 65,731b11book 2541 phetontis: .i. tre indarpae .de. asin mascul
[‘i.e. through ejecting -de from the masculine’] [analysis]
31b15eeII 65,7book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
31b16ffII 65,9book 23115 [phe]tontiadas: .i. accusativus pluralis feminini <greci> {= K 15r40 f, E 21v32 .i. om. E accustivus K, greci add. E}
31b17II 65,11book 24144 phetontiadas: " (31b18=65,11) poetica: " (ibid.) licentia: "
31b17ggII 65,11book 24221 dixit: .i. virgilius
31b18hhII 65,1131b12book 2543 59 licentia: (m.l.) .i. issí poetica licentia and tormach inna á. tantum ⁊ ní·fil imchloud cenéiuil na diill and ut erratici putant .i. mael- cua-
[‘i.e. this is the poetic license there, the adding of the a only, and there is no change of gender or declension in it, as the blunderers, i.e. Mael... and Cua... suppose’] [analysis]
31b20iiII 65,1331b13book 2541 communis: .i. do cach bélru fil la grecu ⁊ do cach ceníul {cf. K 15r41 g (m.l.) .i. du cach belru la grecu}
[‘i.e. to every dialect among the Greeks, and to every nation’] [analysis]
31b21kkII 65,13book 23232 illos: .i. grecos
31b21llII 65,13book 24221 541 possunt: .i. greci omnes
31b21mmII 65,13book 23232 hac: .i. forma in des. {cf. E 22r2 text. princ. in des}
[‘i.e. the form in ‘-des’’]
31b22II 65,14book 24142 sola: : (31b23=65,14) nam: :
31b23nnII 65,14book 2423 543 duabus: .i. formis in .on ⁊ ios. {= E 22r3 .i. formis om. E}
31b23II 65,14book 24143 non: " (ibid.) utuntur: " (31b23=65,15) ter[minata]: "
31b24ooII 65,15book 2423 3116 [ter]minata: .i. forma .i. ablativus
31b24II 65,15book 24143 [ter]minata: :. (31b25=65,16) et: :.
31b24ppII 65,1531b15book 2561 iadis: .i. in cheniuil sin
[‘i.e. of that nation’] [analysis]
31b24qqII 65,1531b16book 2211 212 πελειων: .i. in pélecdae pelei filius
[‘i.e. the Pelidian etc.’] [analysis]
31b25rrII 65,1531b17book 2433[?] 542 pro (pelides): .i. do gluaiss ar is meinciu dún-ni a n-aitherrechtaigthe in des.
[‘i.e. (he adds Pelides) for a gloss, for the patronymic in -des is more familiar to us.’] [analysis]
31b25ssII 65,1631b18book 2211 313 eolica: .i. eolensta
[‘i.e. Aeolic’] [analysis]
31b26ttII 65,1631b19book 2211 421 phirradios: in phirde
[‘i.e. the Phirdian’] [analysis]
31b26II 65,16book 24111 phirradios: .- (ibid.) ptacus: .-
31b27uuII 65,17book 23233 (hac ..) forma: .i. in des {= E 22r5}
[‘i.e. (the form ending) in ‘-des’’] [analysis]
31b28 wwII 65,17book 2423 nostri: poetae {= E 22r5 .i. add. E}
31b28II 65,18book 24141 : " (31b29=65,18) [dis]sinat: "
31b30II 65,19book 24111 4141 a: .- (ibid.) peneultima: .- (ibid.) brevis: .- (31b31=65,19) invenitur: .-
31b31xxII 65,20book 2566[?] 23 pelias: .i. nomen viri {= E 22r6 .i. om. E}
31b31yyII 65,20book 23113 313 pelias: .ου. {= E 22r6}
31b32zzII 65,20book 2543 23 [pe]liades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b32abII 65,20book 2566[?] 23 aeneas: proprium {cf. E 22r7 nomen viri}
31b32acII 65,20book 23113 313 aeneas: .i. ου {= E 22r7 .i. om. E}
31b32adII 65,20book 2543 23 aeneades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b32II 65,20book 24142 aeneades: : (31b33=66,1) nam: :
31b32aeII 65,20book 2566[?] 23 moenetios: proprium {cf. E 22r7 nomen viri}
31b32afII 65,20book 23112 313 moenetios: .ου {= E 22r7}
31b32agII 66,1book 2543 23 moe[netiades]: patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b33II 66,1book 24141 nam: .- (31b34=66,1) posuit: .- (31b35=66,2) virgilius: .-
31b33ahII 66,1book 24228 magis: quam regula {= E 22r8}
31b34II 66,1book 24111 auctoritate: " (ibid.) poetica: "
31b34II 66,1book 24143 posuit: .- (31b36=66,2) vel: .-
31b35aiII 66,2book 24226 virgilius: .i. in aeneidos libro {cf. E 22r8 in .VIIII. libro}
31b35II 66,2book 24111 virgilius: ; (31b36=66,2) convertens: ;
31b36akII 66,231b22book 2543 quasi: (subs.) .i. Amal bid cognomen do aeneus ⁊ nírbu cognomen challéic acht da·rigni amin síc peleus reliqua
[‘i.e. As though Aeneus were cognomen to it (Aenieides), and yet it was not cognomen, but (the poet) made it thus: so (is) Peleus etc.’] [analysis]
31b36alII 66,231b21book 2541 ab (aeneus): .i. ba riagolda a n-aimm-sin ara chúl manubed quia non fit do anmimm díles
[‘i.e. that name (Aeneus) would be regular behind it (Aeneades), if it existed, for it is not found as a proper name’] [analysis]
32a1aII 66,3book 2423 proferens: .i. virgilius
32a1bII 66,4book 252 sit .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
32a2cII 66,4book 2543 aenide: .i. {ab} aenides {-ae} {= E 22r9}
32a3II 66,6book 24141 vero: .- (32a5=66,7) inveniuntur: .-
32a3dII 66,6book 2423 desinentibus: .i. {propriis vel} cognominibus {= E 22r10}
32a3eII 66,6book 23222 quorum: .i. cognominum
32a5fII 66,7book 24221 inveniuntur: .i. patronomica {= E 22r11 .i. om. E}
32a6gII 66,7book 2566[?] [hip]potes: .i. cognomen {= E 22r11 .i. om. E}
32a6hII 66,7book 23112 543 [hip]potes: ου {= E 22r11}
32a6iII 66,7book 2543 hippotades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r11 .i. om. E}
32a6kII 66,8book 23112 543 butes: ου {= E 22r12}
32a7lII 66,8book 23112 543 [coroy]nites: .i. ου
32a9mII 66,1032a1book 2543 quasi: (m.l.) .i. amal no·bed noch ní·fail ar is i n-oen-sillaib for·beir a n-aitherrechtaigthe sech a cognomen n-ísin manubed i ndib-sem sillabaib immurgu for·beir sech aní as anchises ..,
[‘i.e. as if it were, yet it is not, for by one syllable the patronymic increases beyond that cognomen, if it existed. By two syllables, however it increases beyond Anchises’] [analysis]
32a10II 66,10book 24142 [an]chisios: .- (32a11=66,11) enim: .-
32a10nII 66,1032a2book 2543 lertios: .i. riagol-son immurgu
[‘i.e. this, however, is a rule’] [analysis]
32a13II 66,12book 24122 ου: " (32a14=66,13) ους: " (ibid.) ως: " (32a15=66,13) eas: "
32a14oII 66,12book 24222 genitivum: cognominum
32a15pII 66,13book 23232 eas: .i. sillabas {= E 22r16 .i. om. E}
32a16qII 66,14book 2566[?] priamos: proprium
32a19rII 66,15book 2566[?] peleυς: .i. cognomen {= E 22r18 .i. om. E}
32a19sII 66,15book 23112 peleως: .i. genitivus {= E 22r18 .i. om. E}
32a19tII 66,1532a3book 2543 pelides: .i. do·soither os in ides. co·ndéni peleídes iarum pelídes iar suidiu.
[‘i.e. -ôs is changed into -ides so that it makes Peleides afterwards, and after this Pelides’] [analysis]
32a19uII 66,1632a4book 2211 (per) sinerisin: .i. tre accomol
[‘i.e. by a combination’] [analysis]
32a20II 66,16book 24122 ei (diptongum): " (32a21=66,17) ea: "
32a20wII 66,16book 24221 proferunt: auctores latini
32a22xII 66,17book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
32a22yII 66,18book 2572 pelidae: .i. achili {= E 22r19 .i. om. E}
32a22II 66,18book 24111 pelidae: " (ibid.) forti: "
32a23zII 66,19book 2572 [congre]sum: .i. rapui vel liberavi {= E 22r20}
32a23aaII 66,20book 2423 .I.: .i. libro
32a23bbII 67,1book 2541 inde: .i. salutavit
32a24ccII 67,132a5book 2211 572 promethides: .i. in promithide .i. horminis {= E 22r21 promethide E}
[‘i.e. son of Prometheus, i.e. Horminis’] [analysis]
32a24II 67,1book 24111 placidis: : (32a25=67,1) [dic]tis: :
32a24ddII 67,132a6book 2211 3115 epimethida: .i. inní epimethida
[‘i.e. the Epimethis (in the accusative)’] [analysis]
32a25eeII 67,2book 23232 quibusdam: .i. patronomicis {= E 22r22}
32a29ffII 67,4book 24228 ovidius: dicit
32a30ggII 67,7book 2572 543 deucalides: .i. deocalion {= E 22r24, cf. K 15v17 c deucalon deucalionos.-}
32a31II 67,7book 253 scipiades: (m.l.) ,,,,, (cf. 30b35=62,23)
32a31hhII 67,732a7book 2211 421 scipionides: .i. in scipdae
[‘i.e. the son of Scipio (lit. the one belonging to Scipio)’] [analysis]
32a34iiII 67,9book 24226 producunt: .i. apud latinos
32a34kkII 67,1032a8book 2541 (per) sinarisin: .i. tresa n-acomol in ddá aimmserda in dá gutae
[‘i.e. through the combination of the two temporalities of the two vowels’] [analysis]
32a35llII 67,10book 225 codrides: .i. codrus {cf. K 15v19 e .i. codrus .ou. }
32a36mmII 67,11book 2572 belides: belus {= E 22r27 .i. add. E}
32a37nnII 67,12book 2543 diptongum: .i. ei
32a37ooII 67,1232a9book 2541 (contra) regu[lam]: .i. ar ní·fil deogur isnaib cognominibus. huataat. {= K 15v20 g huataat: hotaat K.}
[‘i.e. for there is no diphthong in the cognomina from which they are’] [analysis]
32a38ppII 67,12book 23221 qua: .i. diptongo
32a m.i.qqII 67,12book 259 (m.i.) O II
32b3aII 67,15book 2423 masculinis: .i. patronomicis {= E 22r30 .i. om. E}
32b4bII 67,16book 24221 disinentia: .i. feminina
32b8cII 67,18book 24221 dixit: virgilius {= E 22r32}
32b9II 67,19book 24121 virgilius: .- (32b11=67,20) quem: .-
32b13II 67,22book 24111 divinam: " (ibid.) aenida: "
32b13dII 67,22book 23115 221 aenida: .i. accusativus grecus {ab eneis add. E} {= E 22v3; cf. K 15v26 h .i. accusativus}
32b15eII 68,2book 2543 (per) sinarisin: .i. tre accomul .e.i. i ndeogur
[‘i.e. by the combination of e and i in a diphthong’] [analysis]
32b15II 68,2book 24141 latinos: " (ibid.) eis: " (32b1=68,2) divisas: " (ibid.) faciunt: " (ibid.) feminina: "
32b17fII 68,3book 2543 peleis: .i. femininum
32b18gII 68,4book 2541 ae[neis]: .i. femininum ⁊ non auctoritate síc sed regula {cf. E 22v5 .i. femininum}
32b19hII 68,5book 2423 desinentia: .i. patronomica feminina
32b19iII 68,532b3book 2561 iadis: .i. in cheníuil-sin
[‘i.e. of that nation’] [analysis]
32b20kII 68,532b2book 2541 patronomica: (m.l.) Ní hu aitherrechtaigthib masculindaib bíit inna aitherrechtaigthi in ne. acht is ó cognominibus
[‘Not from masculine patronymics are the (feminine) patronymics in -ne, but from cognomina’] [analysis]
32b20 lII 68,6book 23233 (eiusdem) generis: .i. iadis. vel generis feminini {cf. E 22v6 .i. feminini}
32b21mII 68,632b4book 2541 principa[le]: .i. a cognomen ho·mbí
[‘i.e. the cognomen from which it comes’] [analysis]
32b22nII 68,7book 24229 vocalem: .i. ut
32b23oII 68,7book 2566[?] [ad]restos: .i. cognomen {= E 22v7 .i. om. E}
32b23pII 68,7book 2566[?] nereos: cognomen
32b23II 68,7book 211 neríne
32b24qII 68,7book 2543 principale: .i. a cognomen {cf. E 22v8 a om. E}
[‘the name’] [analysis]
32b24II 68,8book 24123 habuerit: " (ibid.) i: "
32b24II 68,8book 24111 o: .- (ibid.) produc[ta]: .-
32b25rII 68,8book 24226 ante (ne): .i. in peneultima
32b25sII 68,8book 2566[?] acrisios: .i. cognomen {= E 22v9 .i. om. E}
32b25tII 68,8book 2543 acri[sione]: .i. patronomicum {= E 22v9}
32b26II 68,8book 24121 [acri]sione: : (ibid.) quo: :
32b26uII 68,9book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
32b27II 68,10book 24111 [acri]sioneis: " (ibid.) colonis: "
32b27wII 68,10book 2571 [acri]sioneis (dane): (m.s.) virgilianus acrisioneis dane patronomicum est non male estimant acrisioneis colonis cum sola in eum venisse constat
32b27xII 68,1032b5book 258 59 dane: (m.l.) .i. dava as maith li alaailiu and ní·fitemmar can do·berr
[‘i.e. (it is) daua that some like here; we know not whence it is brought’] [analysis]
32b27yII 68,10book 2572 dane: .i. dicitur
32b27zII 68,10book 2566[?] dane: .i. mulieris nomen {= K 15v33 i .i. nomen mulieris; cf. E 22v9 .i. femininum proprium}
32b27aaII 68,10book 2572 fundasse: .i. Ardeam {cf. E 22v10 turni. quam urbem .i. ardeam}
32b27bbII 68,1032b6book 2211 543 colonis: (m.d.) .i. hunaib aitrebthidib acrisiondaib a mmuntar-sidi ad·ro-threbsi lee it he con rótgatar in cathraig.
[‘i.e. by the Acrisionian inhabitants: her folk whom she (Danae) had (lit. possessed) with her, it is they that built the city (of Ardea)’] [analysis]
32b28ccII 68,1132b7book 2543 3116 [acr]sione: .i. uand aitherrechtaigthiu atá a n-aitrebthach .i. acrisioneus is hé a ḟoxlaid ilair-sidi fil sunt.
[‘i.e. from the patronymic (Acrisione) comes the possessive, i.e. Acrisioneus: it is its ablative plural which is here.’] [analysis]
32b28II 68,11book 24111 [acri]sione: .- (ibid.) dane: .-
32b28ddII 68,1132b8book 2566[?] dane: .i. a propir son
[‘i.e. that is her proper name’] [analysis]
32b29II 68,11book 24143 [inve]niuntur: .- (ibid.) eiusdem: .- (32b31=68,13) alia: .-
32b29eeII 68,11book 2423 multa: .i. nomina
32b29ffII 68,11book 23233 eiusdem: .i. patronomicorum in as ⁊ in is {cf. E 22v11 in is vel in as}
32b29ggII 68,1232b9book 2214 gentilia: .i. anmann inchoisc cenéuil
[‘i.e. names signifying race’] [analysis]
32b30hhII 68,12book 24226 561 themonis: .i. themonia {= K 15v34 k}
32b30iiII 68,12book 24226 561 thesalis: .i. thesalia {= K 15v34 l}
32b30kkII 68,12book 24226 561 calchis: .i. colchia {= K 15v24 m cholchis .i. cholchia}
[‘i.e. Colchian’] [analysis]
32b30llII 68,1232b10book 2211 calchis: .i. in colchelda {cf. K 15v34 n in cholchedde}
[‘i.e. the Colchian’]
32b30mmII 68,12book 2561 calchis: (m.l.) calchis. civitas in yboea insula
32b30nnII 68,1232b11book 2561 211 argo[lis]: .i. argi .i. in grecda {cf. K 15v34 o .i. in grecde}
[‘i.e. the Greek’] [analysis]
32b31ooII 68,1232b12book 2211 ciclasias: .i. in ciclasta {= K 15v34 p}
[‘i.e. the Cyclasian’] [analysis]
32b31ppII 68,1332b13book 2211 troias: .i. in troianda
[‘i.e. the Trojan’] [analysis]
32b31qqII 68,1332b14book 2541 propria: .i. propiri dílsi ani-síu di aitherechtaigthib .i. con·ecat beta propiri ⁊ beta n-aitherrechtaigthi.,
[‘i.e. this is strictly proper names from patronymics: they can be proper and be patronymics’] [analysis]
32b32rrII 68,13book 2566[?] bachis: proprium
32b32ssII 68,13book 2566[?] doris: proprium
32b32ttII 68,13book 2566[?] pithias: proprium
32b32uuII 68,13book 2561 +pithias: urbis
32b33II 68,15book 24121 possesivum: " (ibid.) quod: "
32b33wwII 68,1532b15book 2211 543 principalis: .i. in chétnidi hua·mbí a n-aitrebthach
[‘i.e. of the primitive from which is the possessive’] [analysis]
32b34xxII 68,16book 23232 his: .i. rebus {= E 22v13}
32b35yyII 68,16book 2221 euandrius: ευ bonus ανηρ. vir ανδρος. viri.
32b37II 68,17book 24141 interest: ., (32b38=68,18) quod: ., (33a2=68,19) et (quod): ., (33a4=68,21) et (quod): ., (33a9=68,23) et (quod): ., {= E 22v14-9 (symb. sec. om. E)}
32b38zzII 68,18book 252 quod ..: (m.l.) I {= E 22v15}
32b39II 68,18book 24143 significant: .- (33a1=68,19) [so]lum: .- (ibid.) sed: .-
33a1aII 68,1933a1book 2543 posesione: .i. aní atreba leiss
[‘i.e. that which he possesses’] [analysis]
33a2bII 68,19book 252 et quod ..: (m.l.) II {= E 22v16}
33a3II 68,20book 24143 dirivantur: " (ibid.) possesiva: "
33a4cII 68,21book 252 et quod ..: (m.l.) III {= E 22v17}
33a5II 68,21book 24143 discendunt: : (33a6=68,22) autem: :
33a5II 68,21book 24143 genere: " (33a6=68,22) feminino: "
33a7dII 68,23book 253 supra: .i. quando abusive dixit {= E 22v19 .i. om. E}
33a9eII 68,23book 252 et quod ..: IIII {= E 22v19}
33a10II 68,24book 24143 pertinent: " (33a11=68,24) autem: "
33a11fII 69,1book 24227 omnes: .i. quae posidentur
33a12gII 69,133a2book 2211 25 caesar: .i. asoirc cách
[‘i.e. who destroys every one’] [analysis]
33a13hII 69,133a3book 2543 25 [cae]sareus: .i. airindí atreba aesorcuin
[‘i.e. because he possesses destruction’] [analysis]
33a15iII 69,333a4book 2543 martius: .i. airindí atreba leiss adrad martis.
[‘i.e. because he possesses the worship of Mars’] [analysis]
33a16kII 69,3book 2213 fixa: .i. cen ḟodail ceneuil
[‘i.e. without distinction of gender’] [analysis]
33a16lII 69,333a6book 2211 543 sacrarium: .i. sanctáir. arindí atreba rétu nóiba and.
[‘i.e. sanctuary: because it possesses holy things therein.’] [analysis]
33a16mII 69,433a7book 2211 543 armarium: .i. scrín airindí atreba arma and.
[‘i.e. an armoury [a shrine], because it possesses arms therein.’] [analysis]
33a16nII 69,4book 2215 563 armarium: (m.s.) baeda armarium turricula in qua conduntur carnes
[‘i.e. because it possesses treasures therein.’] [analysis]
33a17oII 69,486book 2543 donarium: airindí atreba máini indi.
33a17II 69,5book 24143 dicimus: " (33a18=69,5) sed: "
33a17II 69,5book 24111 solum: .- (33a18=69,5) significantia: .-
33a19pII 69,633a9book 2541 formam: .i. Ar chuit tarmorcenn.
[‘i.e. as regards terminations’] [analysis]
33a21qII 69,733a10book 2541 *(civis) gentile: .i. coitchen ⁊ chenelach do cach cathrur di romanaib
[‘i.e. common and general to every citizen of the Romans’] [analysis]
33a22rII 69,733a11book 2211 543 romanus (ager): .i. a tir romanach arindí atrebat romáin and
[‘i.e. the Roman territory, because Romans dwell there’] [analysis]
33a23sII 69,8book 24228 quaedam: .i. sunt {= E 22v25}
33a23tII 69,833a12book 24228 543 propria (et gentilia et possesiva): .i. con·ecat a trede-sin.
[‘i.e. they can be these three things’] [analysis]
33a25uII 69,933a13book 2541 latinus (civis): .i. cach fer di chlaind latin
[‘i.e. every man of the Children of Latinus’] [analysis]
33a25wII 69,933a14book 2543 latinus (ager): airindí atrebat laitnóri and
[‘i.e. because Latins dwell there’] [analysis]
33a26xII 69,1033a15book 2543 (tantummodo) propria: .i. ar chuit tairmorcenn ⁊ non possesiva reliqua
[‘i.e. as regards terminations, and they are not possessives, etc.’] [analysis]
33a26yII 69,1033a16book 2541 (tantummodo) propria: (m.l.) Aliter tantummodo propria .i. ni·cumcat bete gentilia con·ecat immurgu bete possisiva ⁊ propria,
[‘i.e. Otherwise tantummodo propria; they cannot be gentilia, but they may be possessiva and propria’] [analysis]
33a27zII 69,1033a17book 2541 quintilianus: .i. cosmailius dirrudigthi
[‘i.e. similarity of a derivative’] [analysis]
33a27aaII 69,10book 24228 423 loco: .i. sunt possisiva {cf. E 22v27 nomina possessiva}
33a28II 69,11book 253 quod ..: (m.l.) .... (cf. 30b35=62,23)
33a28bbII 69,11book 253 diximus: .i. in patronomicis {= E 22v28}
33a29ccII 69,1133a18book 2211 541 ut (emilianus): .i. emiléndae .i. emelii filius .i. amal bid emelides no·bed and
[‘i.e. Aemilian, i.e. son of Aemilius as if Aemilides were there’] [analysis]
33a29ddII 69,12book 2543 octavianus: .i. octaviani filius
33a30eeII 69,12book 23233 (ex) eadem (forma): possesiva
[‘i.e. possessiva’]
33a30ffII 69,1233a19abook 2543 (ex) eadem (forma): ar·bertar as n-oén-tarmoirciunn .i. aitrebthacha ⁊ agnomina
[‘they are expressed by the same termination, i.e. possessives and agnomina’] [analysis]
33a31ggII 69,1333a20book 2543 africanus: .i. arindí atreba afraicc ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. because he possesses Africa etc.’] [analysis]
33a32hhII 69,1333a21book 2543 persicus: .i. airindí atreba persiam ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. because he possesses Persia etc.’] [analysis]
33a32iiII 69,13book 225 561 getulicus: .i. getulia
33a32 kkII 69,13book 225 561 creticus: creta
33a32llII 69,13book 2423 alia: .i. possesiva
33a33mmII 69,1433a22book 24228 (eiusdem) dirivationis: .i. fri aitrebdacha vel possisiva
[‘i.e. as possessives’] [analysis]
33a34nnII 69,1433a23book 2423 543 [princi]palium: .i. primitivorum hua·ndirrudigeddar
[‘i.e. of the primitives from which they are derived’] [analysis]
33a37ooII 69,1633a24book 2543 cardiacus: .i. arindí atreba cardiam
[‘i.e. because he has cardiaca’] [analysis]
33a37ppII 69,16book 2214 +cardiacus: cardiam: genus doloris
33a38qqII 69,1633a25book 2211 543 (a) professionibus: .i. hua ḟóisitnib inna ṅdáne fris·gniat ⁊ at·aimet
[‘i.e. from professions of the arts which they practise and profess’] [analysis]
33a38rrII 69,1633a26, 27book 2543 211 mechanicus: .i. arindí atreba in dán-sin. ind ḟiss as·berar michaníce .i. sechta.
[‘i.e. because he possesses that art, of the science called méchanicé i.e. simulation’] [analysis]
33a38ssII 69,16book 2221 541 mechanicus: (m.s.) mechanicus. mechys .grece. adulter mechanichia. adulteratio ab eo accipitur mechanicus reliqua. {= K 16r8 a (m.s.) mechus grece. adulter mechanichea adulteratio mechanicus ....}
33a38ttII 69,1687book 2215 563 +mechanicus: (m.i.) mechanichia. est peritia corporalium artium hoc est metellorum lanificii architecturae ⁊ caeterarum artium (m.l.) ox
33a39uuII 69,1633a28book 2543 grammaticus: .i. airindí atreba in dán inna litredachte
[‘i.e. because he possesses the art of literature’] [analysis]
33a40wwII 69,1733a29book 2543 aristotelicus: .i. arindí atreba bésu aristotil
[‘i.e. because he possesses the character of Aristotle’] [analysis]
33a40xxII 69,1733a30book 2543 socraticus: airindí atreba besu socráit
[‘i.e. because he possesses the character of Socrates’] [analysis]
33a41yyII 69,1733a31book 2543 rethoricus: .i. airindi atreba sulbairi
[‘i.e. because he possesses eloquence’] [analysis]
33a42zzII 69,1833a32book 2211 3115 significationem: .i. a folaid
[‘i.e. their substance’] [analysis]
33b1aII 69,1833b1book 2541 [tra]cius: .i. son lán ⁊ delb aitrebthaig o ṡun
[‘i.e. a full sound, and the form of a possessive from (the) sound’] [analysis]
33b2II 69,20book 24121 hae: " (33b3=69,21) (in) cos: " (ibid.) quam: "
33b3bII 69,21book 23223 quam: .i. sillabam
33b4cII 69,22book 2561 breviacus: de nomine loci reliqua {cf. E 23r4 nomen bithiniae brebicia virgilianus dicit}
33b5dII 69,22book 2566[?] +cipriacus: habitator loci
33b5eII 69,22book 225 asiaticus: asiatis {= E 23r4 .i. add. E}
33b5fII 69,22book 2561 +libicus: .i. libia
33b6II 69,22book 24121 y: .- (33b6=69,23) quod (a principali): .-
33b7gII 69,2333b2book 2543 561 [prin]cipali: .i. ón bunud .i. libya
[‘i.e. from the origin i.e. Libya’] [analysis]
33b9hII 69,25book 23232 illis: .i. primitivis {= E 23r6}
33b9iII 69,25book 2561 572 ithace: .i. nomen insulae .i. patria ulixis {cf. L 27r1 a insola patria ulixis E 23r6 nomen civitatis ulixis K 16r13 b, c ithace .i. nomen insolae ithacus (m.d.) virgilianus ithace patria ulixis lertes pater ulixis}
33b10kII 69,25book 2572 ithacus: .i. ulixes {= E 23r6 .i. om. E}
33b13II 69,26book 24121 ea: " (33b13=69,27) ex (quibus): " {= E 23r7}
33b14II 69,27book 24111 peneultimam: " (33b15=70,1) a: "
33b14lII 69,27book 23232 543 haec: .i. nomina possesiva {cf. E 23r8 possessiva}
33b15mII 70,1book 23232 543 haec: possesiva {= E 23r8 .i. add. E}
33b16II 70,2book 24144 primitivis: " (33b18=70,3) troos: "
33b17II 70,2book 24144 derivativis: ... (33b19=70,3) grammatos: ...
33b18nII 70,3book 225 221 troicus: .i. a genitivo trois {= E 23r9}
33b24oII 70,687book 2561 ilium: troí {= E 23r12}
[‘Troy’] [analysis]
33b24pII 70,7book 2561 cardia: nomen provinciae reliqua {cf. E 23r12 calonn org vel nomen provinciae}
33b24qII 70,7book 2562 +cardia: (m.d.) icidorus. cardia vocabul<um> a corde sumpsit cor enim grece cordia vocant.. {= K 16r20 d grece: greci K. Is. cordia: cardian K.}
33b25r II 70,733b3book 2563 211 mulio: .i. custos mulorum .i. echaire {cf. L 27r7 b, E 23r12 custos mulorumK 16r20 e .i. echaire icidorus in .X.}
[‘i.e. horsekeeper’] [analysis]
33b25sII 70,733b4book 2543 mulionicus: airindí atreba múlu
[‘because he possesses mules’] [analysis]
33b26tII 70,833b5book 2211 563 mulionicam paenolam: .i. in echlas múldae
[‘i.e. the mules’ horsecloth (?)’] [analysis]
33b26uII 70,8book 2563 +paenolam: .i. genus vestis
33b26II 70,8book 24111 mulionicam: .- (ibid.) paenolam: .-
33b32wII 70,1233b6book 2211 25 563 illigneus: .i. ilignide. de nomine fedo .i. illigum nomen arboris {cf. E 23r16 ligneus vel illignum nomen arboris}
[‘i.e. ilignian, from the name of a tree’] [analysis]
33b33xII 70,1233b7book 2211 25 563 iliceus: .i. ilecde. ilex nomen arboris {cf. E 23r16 .i. ilecde om. E; L 27r11 c ilex proprium ligni}
[‘i.e. Ilician, (from) ilex etc.’] [analysis]
33b33yII 70,13book 2221 572 (in) adelphis: .i. hoc est in libris fratrum {= E 23r16 .i. om. E}
33b33zII 70,1433b8book 23116 211 illigneis (pedibus): huanaib cosaib hilignidib
[‘from the ilignian feet’] [analysis]
33b35aaII 70,16book 24228 ornique: .i. erant
33b35II 70,16book 24111 iliceaeque: " (ibid.) trabes: "
33b35bbII 70,1633b9book 2211 iliceaeque (trabes): .i. inna trosta ilecdi
[‘i.e. the ilician beams’] [analysis]
33b36II 70,16book 24111 metuendaque: " (33b36=70,17) taxus: " {= E 23r17-8}
33b36ccII 70,1633b10book 2211 336[?] metuendaque: .i. is aichthi
[‘i.e. it is to be feared’] [analysis]
33b36ddII 70,1733b11book 2541 taxus: .i. ind ibair báis neimnich.
[‘i.e. the deadly posionous yews’] [analysis]
33b37eeII 70,1833b12book 2543 [marmo]reus: indí atreba marmair
[‘because it possesses marble’] [analysis]
33b37II 70,18book 24142 fere: .- (33b40=70,19) enim: .-
33b39ffII 70,19book 2423 pau[ca]: possessiva {= E 23r19}
33b40ggII 70,1933b13book 2211 25 quernus: dairde quia fit quercus reliqua
[‘oaken, as it comes from ‘quercus’ (oak)’] [analysis]
33b40hhII 70,2033b14book 2211 25 colurnus: .i. coldde quia fit colyrus coll {cf. E 23r19 .i. coll}
[‘i.e. made of hazel, as it comes from ‘corylus’ (sic leg.), hazel’] [analysis]
33b40iiII 70,20book 225 abiegnus: .i. abies
33b41kkII 70,20book 225 oleaginus: olea vel oliva
33b41llII 70,2033b15book 2211 25 faginus: fagde fagus {cf. E 23r20 .i. fagus}
[‘beechen, ‘fagus’ (beech-tree)’] [analysis]
33b42mmII 70,2133b16book 2211 25 spondeus: toxalde arindí atreba toxal n-and .i. fot
[‘drawn (?), because it possesses drawing (?) therein i.e. length’] [analysis]
33b42nnII 70,21book 225 phoebeus: .i. phebus
[‘i.e. ‘Phoebus’ (Apollo)’]
34a1aII 70,21book 2561 53 areusius: .i. Areussia nomen provinciae sed uerius areussium in presciano invenies
34a1bII 70,21book 24227 o: .i. productam {= E 23r21 .i. om. E}
34a1cII 70,2134a1book 2541 aerous: .i. arindí atreba nert
[‘i.e. because he possesses strength’] [analysis]
34a1dII 70,2234a2book 2543 541 eous: .i. arindí atreba airther quia fit eos .i. oriens
[‘i.e. because he possesses the east, quia etc. ’] [analysis]
34a1eII 70,22book 2214 572 eous: (m.s.) .virgilianus. eous stela veneris {cf. K 16r28 f (m.l.) virgilianus eous stella veneris eous aurora eous oriens}
34a1fII 70,22book 2212 +eous: orientalis
34a1gII 70,22book 225 563 sabaeus: .i. saba .i. nomen holeris
34a2hII 70,22book 225 561 cretaeus: creta
34a2iII 70,22book 225 56.[?] ptolomaeus: ptolomô
34a4II 70,24book 24144 verbis: ..- (34a7=70,25) timô: ..-
34a5II 70,24book 211 creté
34a5kII 70,25book 2566[?] 561 hil*e (a): mulier vel insula {cf. E 23r23 nomen civitatis vel insola}
34a6lII 70,25book 211 566[?] dioné: mulier
34a6mII 70,25book 223 572 dioné: (m.l.) gen- dione. venus. dionaeus. veneri dioniae filiae .id est dianae. {cf. K 16r30 g (m.d.) gen- dione .i. venus. virgilianus dioniae filiae id est dianae}
34a6II 70,25book 211 ptolomô
34a7II 70,25book 211 timô
34a8nII 71,1book 2561 euuoea: provincia {= E 23r24}
34a9II 71,2book 24122 diptongus: " (34a10=71,3) eam: "
34a11II 71,3book 211 pithagoréus {= E 23r27}
34a12II 71,4book 211 spondéus {= E 23r27}
34a12oII 71,4book 2561 +alpheios: fluvius {= L 27r21 d}
34a12II 71,4book 211 alphêus {= E 23r27}
34a12II 71,4book 24142 alphêus: : (ibid.) nam: :
34a14pII 71,5book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
34a14qII 71,6book 2572 (hos) parere (iubent alphea ab origine pissae): .i. nomerum pugnare apud aeneam contra turnum {= L 27r22 e, E 23r28 .i. nomerum om. LE apud aeneam om. E}
34a14II 71,6book 24123 iubent: " (34a15=71,6) pissae: "
34a14II 71,6book 24111 alphea: : (34a15=71,6) origine: :
34a14rII 71,6book 2572 312 pissae: nomen civitatis plurale semper {cf. E 23r29 nomen civitatis}
34a20sII 71,10book 24221 faciunt: latini {= E 23r32 .i. add. E}
34a20II 71,10book 24143 faciunt: .- (34a22=71,12) vel: .-
34a21tII 71,10book 2212 561 ionio: grecdu {= E 23r32 grecdei}
[‘Greek’] [analysis]
34a21uII 71,11book 23232 illi: iones {= E 23r32}
34a21wII 71,11book 2561 +eden: .i. patria
34a22xII 71,12book 24228 543 ideo: .i. faciunt motationem in .e. ⁊ non in í. quia non producta
34a22yII 71,12book 253 +ideo .. etc.: (m.l.) retro /.. (cf. 19b25=41,15 q)
34a25zII 71,14book 2423 pau[cis]: .i. nominibus tressillabis vel {in nominibus} tetrasillabis (polisyllabis E) {= E 23v3}
34a25II 71,14book 24121 pau[cis]: " (34a26=71,15) quibus: "
34a26aaII 71,15book 2543 auctores: romani {= E 23v3 .i. add. E}
34a28bbII 71,16book 2561 572 phthia: .virgilianus. urbs thesaliae. patria ulixis {= K 16r41 k urbs: phthia urbs K.}
34a28ccII 71,16book 2561 572 et chius: (m.l.) .virgilianus. paneum promontorium chii unde ⁊ chium vinum dicitur. {= K 16r41 m chii: chi K.}
34a28ddII 71,16book 2561 *(et chius et) cius: insula in mari tyrreno {= K 16r41 l chius virgilianus insola in mari terreno}
34a28eeII 71,16book 2221 561 licius: (m.l.) liκος lupus interpretatur licius. mons t/esaliae {cf. K 16r42 n (m.l.) l<i<cos .grece. lupus interpretatur .virgilianus. liceus mons arcadiae isidorus in VIII. E 23v3 lychos lupus .i. pan}
34a28ffII 71,16book 2561 sper[gius]: fluvius tesaliae {= L 27r30 o, K 16r42 o (m.l.) virgilianus sperchius fluvius thesaliae; cf. E 23v3 .i. proprium fluvii}
34a29ggII 71,17book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
34a29hhII 71,18book 2572 italides: .i. inna etaldai .i. larina ⁊ tulla
[‘i.e. the Italian women’] [analysis]
34a30iiII 71,18book 212 543 dia: producta
34a30kkII 71,18book 2572 camella: .i. deligit {= E 23v5 diligit E}
34a30llII 72,2book 212 543 sperchiusque: producta
34a31mmII 72,2book 252 sperchiusque ..: (m.l.) virgilius
34a33nnII 72,4book 212 543 chium: producta
34a33II 72,4book 24142 chium: : (34a33=72,5) nam: :
34a33ooII 72,534a5book 2543 nam: .i. ní cumma limm ⁊ a n-aitrebthach quia productum
[‘i.e. I do not deem it identical with the possessive, because it lengthens (the i) Hofman: ‘I do not consider it identical with the possessive, because it is long.’’] [analysis]
34a35ppII 72,6book 212 543 chios: híc correpta
34a37II 72,8book 213 pean .
34a38qqII 72,9book 212 543 licie: producta
34a39II 72,9book 213 [sacra]tis ..
34a42rrII 72,13book 2572 lerna: loth {cf. E 23v11 .i. palus}
[‘marsh’] [analysis]
34a42ssII 72,1334a7book 2211 nocens: erchoitech
[‘harmful’] [analysis]
34a42ttII 72,13book 2561 lirceus: proprium fluminis {= E 23v11}
34b1aII 72,15book 23115 221 argian: .i. accusativus {= E 23v12}
34b3bII 72,17book 2421 nec mirum: exemplum {= E 23v13 .i. add. E}
34b4cII 72,1734b1book 2211 infaustos: mí-chlothchu
[‘ill-famed’] [analysis]
34b5dII 72,18book 2566[?] [ar]gia: proprium mulieris {= E 23v13}
34b6eII 72,21book 2566[?] deipylen: proprium mulieris {= E 23v14}
34b8II 72,23book 213 undas . {= E 23v15}
34b10fII 72,26book 2561 [ari]mas: gens {= E 23v16 nomen gentis}
34b10gII 72,26book 2561 *pecomas: gens {= E 23v16}
34b10hII 72,26book 2566[?] +arius: .i. proprium hominis
34b11iII 73,1book 24224 +*inveniuntur: .i. possesiva
34b14kII 73,3book 2561 +nicia: .i. civitas
34b18II 73,10book 24111 e: " (ibid.) correptam: "
34b18lII 73,10book 24221 ponunt: .i. auctores {= E 23v20}
34b19mII 73,11book 2561 +agenoreus: proprium rex
34b20nII 73,1134b2book 2561 ionas: .i. aicmae di grecaib
[‘i.e. a tribe of Greeks’] [analysis]
34b20II 73,11book 24122 ionas: .- (ibid.) illi: .-
34b20oII 73,11book 24221 sequuntur: .i. greci reliqui {= E 23v21}
34b21pII 73,12book 258 si non genitivus: vel in aliis libris. sí singularis genitivus
34b30rII 73,14book 23223 quos: ionas {= E 23v23}
34b30sII 73,14book 23232 (in) hoc: .i. nomine
34b32tII 73,15book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
34b32uII 73,16book 2572 stirpis (achi[leae fastus]): .i. andromache dixit ad aenean
34b32wII 73,16book 2572 stirpis: .i. phirri
34b32xII 73,16book 2543 58 achi[leae]: (m.l.) correpta .i. O
34b32yII 73,16book 2572 fastus: iuvenemque superbum. proles achilis {cf. K 16v15 a virgilianus achile fastus iuvenemque superbum prolis achilis}
34b32zII 73,16book 2543 212 +fastus: .i. superbus
34b35aaII 73,17book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
34b35bbII 73,19book 2572 nate: .i. cupido {= E 23v26}
34b35ccII 73,19book 2572 summi: iovis {= E 23v26 .i. add. E}
34b36ddII 73,20book 2541 572 tiphoeus: 7 non possesiva sed nomina propria unius viri
34b36eeII 73,20book 2572 tiphous: gygas occisus a cupidine. filius terra {= K 16v17 b gygas: virgilianus typhoeus gigas K.; cf. E 23v27 gigans}
34b42ffII 74,4book 225 561 argeios: .i. argia
34b44ggII 74,7book 253 quod .. etc.: (m.l.) @ ante (cf. 8a18=16,2 q)
35a3aII 74,11book 24222 potest: .i. nominativi
35a7bII 74,13book 2543 audii: correpta
35a9cII 74,15book 2543 sin: producta
35a11dII 74,16book 2543 audivi: producta
35a16eII 74,19book 224 561 αχαιος: achaia {= E 24r8 .i. add. E}
35a16fII 74,19book 2561 dori: .i. nomen gentis {= E 24r8}
35a16s.gII 74,19book 258 +i in ai diptongum convertere: deest (m.d.) hoc est in alia ei in ai diptongum convertere. ut αικεποειζιες pro εικε. et αι oe. pro ei.oe {cf. E 24r8 (C) ut est αικει. πετι κεις. pro εικε <.i. vidit> et αιθε <.i. intravit> pro ειτε}
35a19hII 74,22book 23232 his: .i. grecis formís {= E 24r9 .i. om. E}
35a20iII 74,22book 2423 propriis: formis
35a21kII 74,23book 225 catilinarius: .i. cantilena
35a21lII 74,23book 225 215 +catilinarius: .i. qui catulos custodit
35a21mII 74,23book 225 haeridita[rius]: .i. haeres {= E 24r11 .i. om. E}
35a22nII 74,24book 225 legatarius: legatus {= E 24r11}
35a22oII 74,24book 2212 +legatarius: .i. missus
35a22pII 74,24book 225 gladiatorius: gladius
35a22qII 74,24book 2223 uxorius: uxori {cf. E 24r11 .i. uxore}
35a22rII 74,24book 2215 +uxorius: .i. uxori deditus
35a23sII 74,2435a1book 225 563 stlataria: .i. stlata .i. ethar {cf. K 16v33 e .i. stalata .i. rates}
[‘i.e. (from) stlata i.e. a boat’] [analysis]
35a23tII 74,24book 2215 stlataria: (m.s.) stlactarius qui alium sermonibus errare facit {= K 16v33 f (m.d.) stlactarius: bed- stlatarius K.}
35a23uII 74,24book 2563 tisanarium: (m.l.) icidorus
35a23wII 74,24book 2215 +tisanarium: .i. ubi tisana resurgunt.
35a23xII 74,24book 2214 563 +tisanarium: nomen holeris {cf. E 24r11 tisana nomen holeris}
35a23II 75,1book 24141 et: ., (35a24=75,1) sciendum: .,
35a24II 75,1book 24141 quod (quamvis): : (35a26=75,3) inveni[untur]: :
35a25II 75,2book 24122 rius: " (35a26=75,3) hac: "
35a27yII 75,335a2book 2543 ab officiis: (m.l.) .i. atrebat ní tria timdirecht amal atreba in fochrach a ḟocraicc.,
[‘i.e. they possess somewhat through their service, as the mercenary has his pay’] [analysis]
35a27zII 75,335a3book 2211 25 tabellarius: tablaire .i. tabella {cf. E 24r13 .i. tablor}
[‘letter-carrier, ‘tabella’ (letter)’] [analysis]
35a27aaII 75,3book 2212 215 tabellarius: (m.d.) idem ⁊ tabellio .i. notarius qui regales tabulas habet
35a28bbII 75,3book 225 mercinarius: merces
35a28ccII 75,4book 225 coerarius: coera
35a28ddII 75,4book 225 sagittarrius: sagitta
35a29eeII 75,4book 225 tabernarius: a taberna {= E 24r14 .i. taberna}
35a29ffII 75,4book 2215 tabernarius: qui vinum vendit
35a29ggII 75,4book 225 ostiarius: ostium
35a29hhII 75,4book 225 argentari[us]: argentum
35a30iiII 75,5book 225 aerarius: aes {= E 24r14}
35a30II 75,5book 24121 alia: " (35a32=75,6) quae: "
35a31kkII 75,5book 225 prefectorius: .i. prefectus .i. immscerde {= E 24r15 .i. prefectus}
[‘i.e. ‘praefectus’ (prefect), i.e. belonging to a prefect’] [analysis]
35a31llII 75,5book 2215 prefectorius: (m.l.) qui civitatibus preest a regibus
35a31mmII 75,5book 225 quaestorius: .i. quaestus {= E 24r15}
35a31nnII 75,5book 2212 pretorius: (m.d.) negotiator
35a31ooII 75,5book 225 214 pretorius: ab eo quod est pretor {cf. E 24r15 pretor}
35a31ppII 75,6book 2212 cen[sorius]: .i. iudex regis
35a32qqII 75,635a5book 2211 215 [cen]sorius: .i. cístae qui censum prerogat
[‘tax-collector, i.e. who arrogates taxes’] [analysis]
35a32rrII 75,6book 2212 signifi[cationem]: intellectum
35a33II 75,7book 24121 rebus: " (ibid.) (in) quibus: "
35a34ssII 75,8book 2215 col[larium]: .i. ammuinde
[‘i.e. that which belongs to a neck’] [analysis]
35a35ttII 75,835a6book 2211 [col]larium: .i. muince slabrad
[‘i.e. a collar or necklace’]
35a35uuII 75,8book 236 in collo: .i. circa collum {= E 24r17}
35a35wwII 75,835a7book 2211 plantarium: acclantae
[‘belonging to a plant’] [analysis]
35a36xxII 75,835a8book 2211 3116 ([in]) planta: hi claidi
[‘in a digging’] [analysis]
35a36yyII 75,889book 2211 mensarium: ambuandae
[‘not belonging to reaping’] [analysis]
35a36zzII 75,989book 2211 mensa: buain
[‘reaping’] [analysis]
35a36abII 75,9book 2212 mensa: .i. tabula
35a36acII 75,935a9book 2215 *mota[ria]: cumscaigthe
[‘that which is moved’] [analysis]
35a37adII 75,935a10book 2214 543 palmarium: .i. aní atreba búaid molad
[‘i.e. that which has victory or praise’] [analysis]
35a38aeII 75,1035a11book 2211 541 frumen[taria (lex)]: .i. recht frecoir chéill cruithnechtae
[‘i.e. the law of cultivating wheat’] [analysis]
35a40afII 75,11book 2214 212 +*nummaria: .i. genus ponderis quasi denarium
35a41agII 75,1235a12book 2211 215 vinaria (cella): .i. cuile finda airindí con·gaib fín vel ubi vinum venditur ut b-. {cf. K 15a34 h (m.l.) b-. vinaria locus ubi vinum venditur}
[‘i.e. a wine-cellar, because it contains wine, vel etc.’] [analysis]
35a42ahII 75,1235a13book 2215 543 armamentarium: .i. loc i mbiat arma arindí con·ṅgaib arma
[‘i.e. a place wherein are arms, because it contains arms’] [analysis]
35b1aII 75,1335b1book 2211 25 violarium: .i. scotae .i. viola
[‘i.e. having flowers’] [analysis]
35b1bII 75,1335b2book 2211 25 563 rosarium: .i. bróinde rostae .i. de rosa dind luib fin .i. luib derc
[‘i.e. belonging to dew or belonging to a rose, i.e. de rosa from the white plant i.e. a red plant’] [analysis]
35b1cII 75,1435b3book 2211 25 viridarium: .i. húrda .i. viridis
[‘green, i.e. ‘viridis’ (green)’] [analysis]
35b2II 75,15book 24123 (in) nus: .- (ibid.) terminantium: .-
35b2II 75,15book 24111 4121 formae: " (35b3=75,15) diversae: " (35b3=75,16) quibus: "
35b3II 75,15book 24111 [sig]nificationes: : (ibid.) diversae: :
35b3dII 75,16book 23221 quibus: formis
35b4eII 75,16book 2212 significatione: intellectu
35b5fII 75,17book 2541 pompeianus: .i. servus
35b5gII 75,17book 2543 pompeianus: .i. mug atreba poimp leiss
[‘i.e. a servant whom Pompey possesses’] [analysis]
35b5hII 75,17book 2543 25 53 caesarianus: .i. servus caesare ut paulo post dicet
35b6iII 75,17book 2541 25 566[?] sillanus: servus silla .i. proprium {= E 24r24 .i. proprium om. E}
35b7kII 75,1835b5book 2543 romanus: airindí atreba romam
[‘because he inhabits Rome’] [analysis]
35b7lII 75,18book 2543 hispanus: hispaniam
35b7mII 75,18book 2543 561 campa[nus]: campaniam provinciam
35b8nII 75,18book 225 566[?] sthenianus: stenius proprium
35b8oII 75,18book 225 561 +sthenianus: (m.d.) vel a nomine patriae
35b9pII 75,19book 225 terrenus: terra {= K 16v46 i}
35b9qII 75,19book 225 egenus: egeo {= K 16v46 k}
35b9rII 75,19book 225 24?[?] alienus: alieno
35b9sII 75,19book 225 *abienus: abies {= K 16v46 l, E 24r25}
35b9tII 75,19book 2563 +*abienus: .i. arbor
35b9uII 75,1935b6book 2211 543 rubre[nus]: dercaide quia fit rubra
[‘reddish’] [analysis]
35b10wII 75,2035b7book 2211 561 anienus: aniendae di ainmmaim ind ṡrotho as·berr anien {cf. K 17r1 a anio nomen fluminis}
[‘of the Anio: from the name of the river called Anio’] [analysis]
35b10xII 75,20book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
35b10yII 75,2135b8book 2211 aniena: aniendai
[‘of the Anio’] [analysis]
35b11zII 75,22book 225 561 camerinus: cameria {= E 24r26 .i. camaria}
35b11aaII 75,22book 2566[?] +camerinus: civis
35b11bbII 75,22book 225 561 perussinus: perussium {= E 24r27}
35b11ccII 75,22book 2566[?] +perussinus: civis
35b12ddII 75,22book 225 561 reginus: regium {= E 24r27 .i. add. E}
35b12eeII 75,22book 224 +reginus: 7 unde regina
35b12ffII 75,22book 225 vicinus: vicus
35b12ggII 75,22book 225 masculinus: masculus
35b12hhII 75,23book 225 femininus: femina
35b13iiII 75,23book 24224 antecedente g: .i. in .i {= E 24r28}
35b14kkII 75,2435b9book 2211 oleaginus: olegende
[‘pertaining to the olive tree’] [analysis]
35b15llII 75,24book 225 563 faginus: fagus arbor glandifera
35b16mmII 75,25book 2?[?] horno: *** reliqua
35b16nnII 75,25book 2212 horno: (m.d.) baeda ⁊ cominianus .i. hoc anno {= K 17r4 b cominianus hoc anno}
35b16ooII 75,25book 2212 571 horno: (m.s.) pompeius adverbia autem quae a se nascuntur ut horno horno est hoc anno. putas si velis dicere hoc die fiet quando dicis hodie fiet ad diem presentem <refers> quis si velis dicere adverbialiter non hodie sed hoc anno debes dicere puta horno factum est .i. est hoc anno Inde etiam fruges hornotinae dicuntur legis quis in frumentaria quantumcunque frumenti hornotini exaraverunt. quanquam cicero hornotini frumenti dicit .., {cf. E 24r29 .i. intblidonol no intcircin<n<ol .i. adverbium a sé ut pompeius dicit horuno .i. hoc anno}
35b16II 75,25book 253 horno: (m.d.) F
35b18ppII 75,26book 225 tribunus: tribuo {= E 24r30 .i. add. E}
35b19qqII 76,1book 223 diurnus: (m.s.) Beda Diurnus unius diei. Diuturnus vero per plura tempora.. {= K 17r5 c}
35b20rrII 76,1book 225 externus: extra
35b20ssII 76,1book 225 hesternus: heri
35b20ttII 76,1book 225 hibernus: hiems {= E 24r31}
35b20uuII 76,235b10book 2211 563 25 colurnus: coldde quia fit corylus nomen arboris {= E 24r32 coldde] collguid; quia] et E}
[‘of the hazel, because it comes from ‘corylus’ (hazel), the name of a tree’] [analysis]
35b21wwII 76,2book 225 quernus: quercus {= E 24r32 .i. add. E}
35b21xxII 76,235b11book 2211 25 ficulnus: ficuldae ficulnia
[‘of the fig-tree, ‘ficulnea’ (fig-tree)’] [analysis]
35b21yyII 76,235b12book 225 563 pópulnus: pópulus .i. nomen fedo {cf. E 24r31 .i. populus loitguid}
[‘populus i.e. name of a tree’] [analysis]
35b27II 76,7book 24144 patri[am]: " (35b29=76,8) romanus: "
35b28II 76,8book 24144 possesionem: : (35b30=76,8) romanus: :
35b28II 76,8book 24122 romanus: .- (35b30=76,9) hoc: .-
35b29II 76,9book 24141 hoc: ., (35b32=76,9) habere: .,
35b30zzII 76,9book 24228 pene: possunt {= E 24v4 .i. add. E}
35b30II 76,9book 24111 omnes: /. (ibid.) formae: /.
35b30abII 76,9book 23233 huiuscemodi: .i. possesivorum {= E 24v4}
35b30acII 76,935b13book 2543 541 formae: .i. do·gníter anmannn dilsi diib amal do·gniṫer dindhí as romanus cinid airi do·berr desimrecht acht ar atrebthach n-and
[‘i.e. proper names are formed from the (possessives), as is formed from Romanus, although not for this is (the example) Romanus given, but for the possessive therein’] [analysis]
35b31adII 76,9book 24224 habere: .i. significationem
35b31aeII 76,10book 225 561 campanus: campania {= E 24v4 .i. add. E}
35b32afII 76,11book 225 561 placentinus: placentia nomen civitatis {= E 24v5 .i. add. E}
35b33agII 76,11book 225 561 nolanus: a nola civitate {= E 24v5}
35b35ahII 76,12book 24222 supradictae: possesivorum {= E 24v6}
35b36aiII 76,13book 225 561 camerinus: a camirina civitas in italia
35b37akII 76,13book 2561 572 [nu]mantinus: eo quod vicit numantiam civitatem in italia {cf. E 24v7 qui vicit numantiam}
35b37alII 76,13book 225 coriolanus: (m.d.) coriolana civitas in italia
35b37amII 76,13book 2566[?] +coriolanus: civis
35b37anII 76,14book 24222 eiusdem (formae): possesivorum
35b38aoII 76,14book 225 561 adrianus: adria civitas in italia
35b39apII 76,14book 225 561 mesalinus: mesalia civitas italiae
35b39aqII 76,1535b14book 225 211 +cor[vinus]: .i. fiach
[‘i.e. crow’] [analysis]
35b40arII 76,15book 225 probinus: probus {= E 24v9 .i. add. E}
35b40asII 76,15book 2566[?] +probinus: proprium {= E 24v9}
35b40atII 76,15book 225 +rufinus: .i. rufus
35b40auII 76,15book 225 561 emilianus: emelia civitas in italia
35b41awII 76,16book 24228 alia: fiunt
35b41axII 76,16book 225 rusticanus: rús
35b41ayII 76,16book 225 urbanus: urbs
35b42azII 76,16book 225 oppidanus: oppidum
35b42baII 76,16book 225 capitolinus: capitolium
35b42bcII 76,17book 225 palatinus: palatium
36a1aII 76,17book 225 aesquilinus: ab aescilia {= E 24v10 ab esquilia}
36a1bII 76,17book 2561 +aesquilinus: nomen loci
36a1cII 76,17book 225 561 +gallicanus: .i. a gallia civitate.
36a2dII 76,1836a1book 2211 matutinus: fuinide
[‘i.e. belonging to evening’] [analysis]
36a2eII 76,18book 2212 matutinus: mane vigilans. beda. {= K 17r16 d (m.d.) bed- matutinus mane vigelans.}
36a2fII 76,1836a2book 2211 ma[tuta]: fuin
[‘sunset’] [analysis]
36a3II 76,18book 24143 significat: .- (ibid.) vel: .-
36a4gII 76,1936a3book 2221 541 λευκοθεαν: .i. is sain do·ḟoirṅde són frisin roithnigud
[‘i.e. what this (leukoqea) signifies, is different from radiance’] [analysis]
36a4hII 76,19book 225 hesternus: heri {= E 24v12 .i. add. E}
36a4iII 76,19book 225 diurnus: diu {= E 24v12}
36a4kII 76,19book 225 noc[turnus]: noctu {= E 24v12}
36a5lII 76,19book 225 meridianus: meridies {cf. E 24v12 a meridie}
36a5mII 76,20book 225 vespertinus: vespere vel a {= E 24v12}
36a5nII 76,2036a4book 2211 antelu[canus]: remdedólte
[‘preceding the dawn’] [analysis]
36a6oII 76,20book 2212 [antelu]canus: beda satis mane levans {= K 17r18 e}
36a6pII 76,20book 225 veteranus: vetus {= E 24v12 .i. add. E}
36a6qII 76,20book 225 diuturnus: diu {= E 24v13}
36a6rII 76,20book 225 aeternus: aetas {= E 24v13 .i. add. E}
36a7sII 76,21book 225 antesig[nanus]: signa {= E 24v13 .i. add. E}
36a10tII 76,23book 225 cervinus: cervus {= E 24v15 .i. add. E}
36a10uII 76,2336a5book 225 211 anse[rinus]: anser .i. gigrann {cf. E 24v15 .i. goirann .i. ansera}
[‘ ‘anser’ (goose), i.e. wild (/barnacle) goose’] [analysis]
36a12wII 76,2336a6book 2211 55 humanus: húrde
[‘earthy’] [analysis]
36a13xII 76,24book 225 libertinus: libertus
36a14II 76,25book 24122 pluralia: .- (ibid.) síc: .- {= E 24v16-7}
36a18II 76,27book 213 at inde ..
36a20yII 77,1book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
36a20zII 77,2book 2572 it [gravis .. etc.]: .i. in auxilium aeneae contra turnum {= E 24v20 (m.l.)}
36a20aaII 77,2book 2572 auletes: proprium navis {= E 24v20}
36a20bbII 77,236a7book 2541 572 centena[que ab arbore]: .i. cét rámae fuiri
[‘i.e. a hundred oars in it’] [analysis]
36a21II 77,2book 213 fluctum , {= E 24v20}
36a23ccII 77,4book 23232 eorum: possesivorum {= E 24v21}
36a27ddII 77,7book 2333 cone[mur]: .i. imperativus
36a29II 77,8book 24111 *supradictis: " (36a30=77,8) formis: "
36a29II 77,7book 24111 peneultimarum: : (36a30=77,8) literarum: :
36a33eeII 77,10book 24222 supradictae: possesivorum {= E 24v26}
36a34ffII 77,10book 253 nisi .. animalium: (m.l.) lege .I. librum constructionis
36a36ggII 77,12book 2561 +nola: civitas {= E 24v27}
36a37hhII 77,12book 2561 +suesola: civitas
36a37iiII 77,12book 2561 adria: civitas {= E 24v28}
36a38kkII 77,1336a8book 2211 capsa: comrar
[‘box’] [analysis]
36a39llII 77,13book 225 iugurthinus: iugurtha
36a39mmII 77,13book 2566[?] +iugurthinus: civis
36a39nnII 77,13book 225 mesalinus: mesala {= E 24v29 .i. add. E}
36a39ooII 77,13book 2566[?] +mesalinus: civis
36a39ppII 77,14book 225 terrenus: terra {= E 24v29}
36a42II 77,15book 253 de .. tractabitur: (m.l.) ,, (cf. 37b25=80,3)
36a42qqII 77,1536a9 book 225 211 215 mustelino: mustélla .i. ness mús longa mustellinus {cf. E 24v30 a mustella mus}
[‘ ‘mustela’ (weasel), i.e. weasel, long mouse, ‘mustellinus’’] [analysis]
36a42rrII 77,15book 225 aquilino: .i. ab aquila
36b1aII 77,16book 2423 pluralibus: nominibus
36b1II 77,16book 24141 quoque: " (36b2=77,17) diri[vativa]: " (36b3=77,17) similiter: " (ibid.) habent: "
36b4bII 77,18book 2312 561 acerrae: .i. nomen plurale civitatis {= E 24v31 plurale om. E}
35b5cII 77,18book 2561 thebae: civitas
36b5dII 77,18book 2561 cumae: nomen civitatis
36b6eII 77,18book 2561 formiae: nomen civitatis
36b6fII 77,19book 2215 +antesig[nanus]: .i. qui signa regalia preest
36b7II 77,19book 24121 membrana: : (ibid.) quod: :
36b12II 77,22book 24144 adverbiis: .- (36b18=77,25) quotidie: .-
36b13gII 77,23book 2566[?] +stheni[us]: proprium
36b14hII 77,23book 2566[?] +titius: rex
36b15iII 77,24book 2566[?] +favius: proprium
36b17kII 77,25book 2566[?] +terrentius: proprium
36b22II 78,1book 24142 culus: ..- (36b25=78,3) excipitur: ..-
36b22II 78,1book 24142 ultra: :- (36b27=78,4) nam: :-
36b22lII 78,136b1book 2543 ultra (duas silla[bas]): .i. mad desillabach níbbá in anus regaid int diruidigud
[‘i.e. if (the noun) be disyllabic, the derivation will not end in -anus’] [analysis]
36b24mII 78,2book 225 saticulus: sero sevi satum
36b24nII 78,2book 2212 saticulus: (m.l.) messis
36b25oII 78,2book 2561 +tusculus: .i. nomen patria
36b25II 78,3book 24141 excipitur: " (36b27=78,3) [masculi]nus: " (ibid.) factum: "
36b26II 78,3book 24121 [mas]culo: : (ibid.) quod: :
36b26pII 78,336b2book 23117[?] 3227[?] maris: .i. más. masculus húad
[‘i.e. mas: masculus (is derived) from it’] [analysis]
36b26qII 78,3book 2542 masculi[nus]: .i. quia non masculanus facit {= E 25r10 quia; facit om. E}
36b27rII 78,336b3book 2336[?] 211 factum: a n-as forcmide
[‘when it is made’] [analysis]
36b27sII 78,3book 2212 mancus: (m.l.) beda mancus vel clodus {cf. K 17v2 a bed- claudus}
36b28tII 78,4book 2212 55 +mancus: .i. manu captus. {= E 25r11 (B'')}
36b32uII 78,6book 2212 58 *pestum: (m.l.) ox (m.i.) cicero pestum .i. morbum
36b32wII 78,6book 2561 spoletum: .i. civitas
36b32xII 78,736b4book 2211 *tolletum: .i. esgal tenlach
[‘i.e. roar or hearth’] [analysis]
36b32yII 78,7book 2215 +*tolletum: .i. census quod tollitur
36b34II 78,9book 253 pleraque: (m.l.) (: (cf. 37a10=78,20) {= E 25r14-22}
36b34II 78,9book 253 pleraque: (m.l.) 0- (cf. 38b24=82,11)
36b38II 78,11book 24122 sol: : (36b39=78,11) eo: :
36b38II 78,11book 24121 solanus: " (ibid.) quo: "
36b38zII 78,11book 2563 subsolanus: nomen venti
36b39aaII 78,12book 2563 milo: nomen bestiae {= E 25r16}
36b40bbII 78,12book 2566[?] +pisso: proprium
37a6II 78,17book 24122 lux: : (ibid.) eodem: :
37a6II 78,17book 24121 lucanus: " (ibid.) quo: "
37a7aII 78,1837a1book 2211 55 lucina: taitnem
[‘splendor’] [analysis]
37a8bII 78,18book 2212 +limes: .i. finis
37a8cII 78,19book 2221 215 ancon: isidorus ancon {enim} grece cubitus interpretatur {dicitur E} {= E 25r22}
37a9dII 78,19book 2561 +gades: .i. insul“ {= E 25r22}
37a10II 78,20book 253 pleraque: (m.l.) (: (cf. 36b34=78,9)
37a13eII 78,21book 2561 preneste: proprium civitatis
37a13fII 78,21book 2563 calathe: (m.l.) vasculum herbarum
37a13gII 78,22book 2561 calacte: civitas {= E 25r24}
37a13II 78,22book 24111 pares: ., (37a15=78,23) syllabas: .,
37a16hII 78,2437a2 book 2211 follis: bolc
[‘(smith’s) bellows’] [analysis]
37a17II 78,24book 24141 quoque: .- (37a22=79,2) : .- (37a23=79,3) habebunt: .-
37a17II 78,24book 24143 disinentia: ; (37a18=78,25) et (us): ; (37a23=79,2) et (in ium): ;
37a19iII 78,25book 24224 (consonante) antecedente: .i. us
37a19kII 78,25book 23233 (eiusdem) diclinationis: .i. secundae
37a22II 79,2book 24111 dirivata: ., (37a23=79,3) terminantia: .,
37a23II 79,3book 24111 longuam: " (37a24=79,3) peneultimam: "
37a24lII 79,3book 2563 +auster: .i. nomen venti
37a25mII 79,437a3book 2211 macer: séim
[‘slender’] [analysis]
37a25nII 79,4book 2541 +mac*rinus (e): ista nomina possunt propria et appellativa fieri
37a26oII 79,437a4book 2211 [liber]tus: sóermug
[‘an enfranchised slave’] [analysis]
37a26pII 79,5book 2566[?] +probus: proprium
37a27qII 79,537a5book 2566[?] 211 +rufus: proprium derc
[‘i.e. a proper name, or red’] [analysis]
37a28rII 79,5book 2566[?] +marcellus: proprium
37a29sII 79,6book 2212 +carus: .i. delectus
37a30tII 79,6book 2561 [re]gium: civitas
37a30uII 79,8book 2561 canusium: civitas {= E 25r32}
37a31wII 79,7book 2561 perussium: civitas {= E 25r32}
37a31xII 79,7book 2566[?] 561 venussium: proprium ⁊ civitas
37a32yII 79,837a6 book 24226 excipiuntur: hua anmanaib in us
[‘from nouns in -us’] [analysis]
37a32zII 79,8book 2542 humo: quia non huminus facit
37a34aaII 79,9book 2542 magis: quia i. antepeneultimam habet {= E 25v1 i. om. E}
37a34bbII 79,1037a7book 253 nam .. etc: (m.l.) Ar chiunn E (cf. 38b9=82,1)
[‘ further on’] [analysis]
37a34II 79,10book 24141 nam: " (37a36=79,11) sequimur: "
37a34ccII 79,1037a8book 24228 543 nam: .i. ní exceptaid linn són sed regula
[‘i.e. we do not deem this an exception but a rule’] [analysis]
37a35ddII 79,10book 2561 +taurominio: nomen loci vel nomen civitatis
37a35eeII 79,10book 2566[?] +taurominitanus: .i. habitator illius loci
37a37ffII 79,1137a9book 2211 gentilia: cenelcha
[‘belonging to race’] [analysis]
37a38II 79,12book 24123 motata: .- (ibid.) es: .-
37a40ggII 79,13book 2561 +metrapolites: nomen civis
37a40hhII 79,13book 2561 +neo[polites]: civis
37a41iiII 79,13book 2221 neo[polites]: (m.l.) neos grece novus latine neominia nova luna
37b2aII 79,15book 23233 4222 formam: .i. possesivorum {= E 25v6 .i. om. E}
37b2bII 79,1537b1book 2211 aper: torc allid
[‘a wild boar’] [analysis]
37b2cII 79,1537b2book 2211 aprinus: torcde {= E 25v6 .i. add. E}
[‘boarlike’] [analysis]
37b2dII 79,1637b3book 2211 caper: gabor
[‘goat’] [analysis]
37b5''eII 79,1637b4book 2211 cervinus: damde
[‘deerlike’] [analysis]
37b9''fII 79,1637b5book 2211 taurinus: tarbde
[‘bull-like’] [analysis]
37b10''gII 79,1737b6book 2211 ferus: .i. best
[‘i.e. wild beast’] [analysis]
37b16''hII 79,1737b7book 2211 leporinus: patnide
[‘pertaining to a hare or hares’] [analysis]
37b23''II 80,3book 24143 aquila: " (37b25''=80,3) muste*la (l): " (37b28''=80,3) disinant: "
37b25''II 80,3book 253 muste*la (l): (m.l.) ,, (cf. 36a42=77,15)
37b31''iII 80,437b8book 2211 ovinus: cáirchuide
[‘sheeplike’] [analysis]
37b33''kII 80,437b9book 2211 suinus: mucde
[‘swine-like’] [analysis]
37b35''II 80,4book 24123 4142 ovilla: : (37b36''=80,5) suilla: : (37b37''=80,5) [di]minutiva: : (37b38''=80,5) nus: :
37b36''lII 80,5book 2571 suilla: (m.l.) icidorus suillus a setis est nuncupatus hinc serpentes insequitur {= K 17v35 b}
37b5"mII 80,637b10book 2211 ullus: óenán
[‘any’] [analysis]
37b7"nII 80,637b11book 2211 ulla: óennat
[‘any’] [analysis]
37b11"oII 80,737b12book 2211 bellus: sainemlan
[‘rather excellent’] [analysis]
37b29"pII 80,9book 2423 quaedam: possesiva
37b40"qII 80,11book 2543 nam: .i. ideo producunt {.i. penultimam add. E} {= E 25v17}
37b11rII 80,1337b13book 2211 medi[astinus]: medón-tairismid gabaltaid
[‘standing in the middle or holding the middle (medóngabáltaid)’] [analysis]
37b12sII 80,13book 2214 563 [medi]astinus: (m.d.) beda mediastinus minister balnei {= K 17v42 c balnei] baneo (sic) K.}
37b16tII 80,1437b14book 2211 fiscina: ainches
[‘basket’] [analysis]
37b16uII 80,14book 2212 fiscina: (m.d.) beda fiscina. babtyzerium. {= K 17v42 e (m.d.)}
37b19wII 80,1537b15book 2211 fuscina: áel {cf. K 17v43 f (m.l.) beda fuscina tridens .i. áel}
[‘fleshfork’] [analysis]
37b21xII 80,15book 24224 [pro]ducit: peneultimam {= E 25v19}
37b26yII 80,1637b16book 2211 fiscus: cís
[‘tax’] [analysis]
37b27zII 80,1637b17book 2211 fiscina: .i. fá inna·díxnigedar cechtar de
[‘i.e. or whether it is not each of the two’] [analysis]
37b27II 80,16book 24141 an: " (ibid.) neu[trum]: " (30b29=80,17) dubium: "
37b28aaII 80,1737b18book 2211 3116 (a) neutro: .i. o nechtar n-aí
[‘i.e. from either of the two’] [analysis]
37b28bbII 80,1737b19book 2211 543 neutrum a neutro: (m.d.) .i. fá innád·fail nechtar de hu alaliu
[‘i.e. or whether it is not that one of them is from the other’] [analysis]
37b30ccII 80,17book 2215 221 fus[cina]: (m.d.) tridens neptuni quod greci fuscinam dicunt
37b31ddII 80,17book 2214 215 [fus]cina: gae gona éisc ut romani dicunt
[‘a spear for killing fish, ut etc.’] [analysis]
37b33eeII 80,1837b21book 2211 (a) pago: o fích
[‘from a village’] [analysis]
37b35ffII 80,18book 2561 572 mutina: nomen civitatis (m.d.) ut invenitur in orosio mutinense reliqua
37b36ggII 80,1837b22book 2211 (a) muto: o amlabar
[‘from a mute’] [analysis]
37b37II 80,18book 211 arrí[mium]
37b38hhII 80,18book 2561 ar[rímo]: civitas {= E 25v21}
38a6aII 80,22book 2212 +acer: .i. velox
38a6II 80,22book 24111 4122 acer: " (38a7=80,23) arbos: " (ibid.) huius: "
38a7bII 80,22book 2566[?] +arbos: (m.l.) nomen viri
38a7cII 80,22book 2572 541 dubitatur: (m.l.) secundae iuxta alios
38a7II 80,23book 24121 aceris: : (38a8=80,23) quod: :
38a8dII 80,23book 2566[?] solinus: proprium {= E 25v25}
38a8eII 80,23book 2566[?] memoralibus: nomen artis {= E 25v26}
38a10fII 80,24book 2543 regula: .i. í ante .nus. {cf. E 225v27 .i. semper habent ante nus}
38a11gII 80,2538a1book 2543 ideo et: .i. cesu. in .er theit. is .i ante nus and uare as nomen animalis
[‘i.e. though it is in -er that it ends, it is i before -us there, because it is the name of an animal’] [analysis]
38a11II 80,25book 24141 ideo: " (38a12=80,25) dicimus: "
38a17hII 81,3book 2212 +diurnus: unius diei
38a18iII 81,338a2book 2541 alternitatis (causa): .i. ailidetad dechuir fri .aeternus ar ba hed ba riagol heri heternus
[‘i.e. (for sake of) alternation, (i.e.) of distinction from aeternus, for this should be the rule heri heternus’] [analysis]
38a18kII 81,338a3book 2211 hesternus: .i. déthenachde
[‘i.e. recent’] [analysis]
38a19lII 81,438a4book 2211 336[?] disinentia: .i. inna-hí con·osnat in teria
[‘i.e. those that end in -tertia’] [analysis]
38a20mII 81,538a5book 2563 fabrateria: tolnaid cumtach
[‘an artificer or a building’] [analysis]
38a21nII 81,5book 2563 sabrateria: .i. iṅgor {= L 29v24 a .ingor}
[‘i.e. an anchor’] [analysis]
38a25oII 81,1038a7book 2215 23 veternus: .i. ar brici chomarle cid óac in duine
[‘i.e. for versatility of counsel, though the person be young’] [analysis]
38a26pII 81,10book 24228 non solum (veteranus): .i. sed etiam veternus
38a26qII 81,10book 2214 23 veteranus: .i. decrepitus senex {= E 26r3 senex om. E}
38a26rII 81,1038a8book 2543 diversas: .i. atá dechor n-etarru dib línaib
[‘i.e. there is a difference between them both’] [analysis]
38a27sII 81,1138a9book 2211 quercus: daur
[‘oak’] [analysis]
38a27tII 81,11book 24228 etiam: .i. facit
38a27uII 81,1138a10book 2211 quernus: daurde {= E 26r4 darde}
[‘oaken’] [analysis]
38a28wII 81,1138a11book 2211 corylus: coll {= E 26r4 .i. add. E}
[‘hazel’] [analysis]
38a28xII 81,1138a12book 2211 colurnus: colde
[‘belonging to the hazel’] [analysis]
38a29yII 81,1238a13book 2211 mensurnus: místae
[‘monthly’] [analysis]
38a36zII 81,16book 24222 formae: .i. possesivorum {= E 26r8 .i. om. E}
38a38aaII 81,17book 253 hispania .. etc.: (m.l.) inante :O denominativis (cf. 51a38''=119,20 d)
38a38bbII 81,18book 2572 lavinia: ingen latin
[‘daughter of Latinus’] [analysis]
38a38ccII 81,18book 2561 hirca[nia]: regio
38a39ddII 81,18book 2561 mauritania: regio
38a40eeII 81,18book 2561 campania: provincia
38a40ffII 81,19book 2566[?] +dar[danus]: proprium
38b1aII 81,20book 2541 34 abusive: .i. ar huatigud sillabae
[‘i.e. for fewering a syllable’] [analysis]
38b2bII 81,2038b2book 2211 dardanum: dardánde
[‘Dardanian’] [analysis]
38b3cII 81,21book 2543 consonantem: manip .n. {cf. E 26r12 non .N.}
[‘unless it be n’] [analysis]
38b4dII 81,21book 23232 (ab) eis: primitivis
38b4eII 81,22book 2561 +lu[ceria]: civitas {= K 18r26 f, cf. E 26r12 a luce vel civitas}
38b5fII 81,22book 2561 +nuceria: civitas {= K 18r26 g, E 26r13}
38b5gII 81,22book 2?[?] nuceria: g vel c vel r
38b6hII 81,22book 2561 572 placentia: .i. civitas ut orosius dicit {cf. K 18r27 h .i. civitas}
38b6iII 81,23book 2561 572 anagnia: .i. civitas. virgilius. in .VII. quos dives anagnia pascit {cf. E 26r13 civitas}
38b8kII 82,1book 2561 numantia: civitas in hispania
38b9lII 82,1book 2561 +aricia: civitas {= E 26r15}
38b9II 82,1book 253 quae vero: (m.l.) E (cf. 37a34=79,10-12)
38b9II 82,1book 24121 quae: : (38b11=82,2) ea: :
38b9II 82,2book 24141 vero: .- (38b12=82,3) efferuntur: .-
38b10mII 82,2book 2541 572 +in tes: (m.s.) fidenas .i. civis fidenates interpretatur grece. unde fidenate vel i (Fidenati) bello in orosii .II. libro. par-
38b13nII 82,438b4book 2211 221 tripolites: trechatharde
[‘of three cities’] [analysis]
38b14oII 82,438b5book 2561 313 carilibus: carivel alis nomen civitatis plurale co·mbed caralites la grecu ⁊ caralitanus linni {cf. K 18v2 a .i. civitas E 26r17 nomen civitatis (m.d.) carales nomen pluralis}
[‘Caralis the name of the city (used as) a plural, (its derivative) would be Caralites with the Greeks and Caralitanus with us’] [analysis]
38b15pII 82,5book 2561 +[sala]pia: civitas {= E 26r18}
38b15qII 82,5book 2561 313 gadibus: .i. insulís gades nominativus pluralis {cf. E 26r18 insula nomen plurale}
38b16rII 82,6book 2561 572 drepano: .i. nomen portus in quem sublata sunt virilia saturni ab iove ⁊ interpretatur .portus falcis. Drepanus enim grece falcs interpretatur {cf. E 26r18 nomen portus ubi abs<c<idit iopi<t<er virilia patris sui}
38b21sII 82,8book 225 abiegnus: abies
38b21tII 82,938b6book 2211 25 privignus: .i. les macc .i. prius genitus {= L 30r11 a les mac; E 26r21 prius genitus}
[‘i.e. step-son, i.e. born earlier’] [analysis]
38b21uII 82,938b7book 2211 pelignus: .i. tudraichthid g reliqua {cf. L 30r11 b pelex; E 26r18 (m.d.) peligna cohors invenitur de nomine provinciae. est pelex}
[‘i.e. seducer (paelex), or (it is) Greek (Pelignus)’] [analysis]
38b24II 82,11book 253 (m.l.) 0-
38b25wII 82,11book 2566[?] ligus: proprium
38b25xII 82,11book 2543 53 ligus: nomina enim tertiae declinationis in anus debent facere dirivativa ut ante dixit {= E 26r23 facere - dixit] sua dirivativa ire E}
38b25yII 82,12book 225 561 +ligurinus: ligurnia .i. civitas
38b27zII 82,1438b8book 2541 diversas: .i. cach-la drécht diib is atrab alaill ní atrab cid nahí atá aitrebthatha is inrecht dano a n-atrab n-isin
[‘i.e. one of the two portions of them is possession, the other (is) not possession, even those that are possessives. Illegitimate (inrecht) then is that possession’] [analysis]
38b28aaII 82,15book 24222 formae: possesivorum {= E 26r24}
38b30II 82,16book 24141 ideo: ., (38b31=82,17) posuimus: .,
38b36bbII 82,19book 225 +castrensis: .i. castra
38b36ccII 82,1938b9book 225 211 pedester: pedes traigthech
[‘ ‘pedes’ (feet), i.e. pedestrian’] [analysis]
38b37II 82,20book 24141 quorum: -. (38b38=82,21) postea: -. (38b39=82,21) tractabimus: -.
38b37II 82,20book 24111 diversae: : (38b38=82,20) significationes: :
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 27 July 2024]