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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
1a14fII 1,51a2Praefatio543 imitari: (m.l.): .i. attá di ṡeirc la laitnori inna grec co·seichetar cid a comroicniu
[‘i.e. the Latin grammarians have such love for the Greeks that they follow even their errors’] [analysis]
1a20kII 1,81a4Praefatio543 enim: (m.l.): issí tra in dias-sa ro·<s>echestar-som
[‘it is this couple, then, that he has followed’] [analysis]
1a33oII 2,21a6Praefatio543 (pro) viribus: .i. is huas neurt dom ara doidṅgi
[‘i.e. it is above my strength for its difficulty’] [analysis]
2a2bII 2,262a2Praefatio211 543 (in omni) studio: hi cach ceniul fis ⁊ ecni
[‘in every kind of knowledge and wisdom’] [analysis]
2a7iII 2,292a5Praefatio211 543 tertium: .i. tris fer friu
[‘i.e. the third man (joined) to them’] [analysis]
2a13lII 3,12a7Praefatio543 gloriam: .i. cid bec cid mar ind inducbál ó dia tar hési denmo ind libuir bith má de do buith dait-siu hi coimthecht oco .,
[‘i.e. whether the glory from God for making the book be small or be great, it will be the greater from your being associated in it’] [analysis]
2a16oII 3,32a8Praefatio543 singulos: .i. a thitol re cach libur ar-na·roib cummasc foir
[‘i.e. before every book its title that there be no confusion upon it’] [analysis]
2b31aII 4,92b3Praefatio211 543 (de) constructione: .i. dligeth n-immognama rann
[‘i.e. law of construction of parts’] [analysis]
3a3dII 5,23a1book 1543 sensibilem (aurium): .i. cita·biat chlúasa
[‘i.e. which ears perceive’] [analysis]
3a16tII 5,10book 1543 scribi: .i. articulata literata
3a18wII 5,12book 1543 intelliguntur: .i. articulata illiterata
3a22eeII 5,15book 1543 corax coraa: .i. voces avium
3a31ooII 6,4book 1543 binae: .i. ut articulata literata reliqua
3a32qqII 6,43a11book 1543 *coeuntes: (m.l.) .i. cach gnúis fil and ata dechor imme·folṅgat tria n-emnad ut diximus.
[‘i.e. every aspect (species) which is therein there is a difference which they produce by doubling them, ut diximus’] [analysis]
3a33ssII 6,5book 1543 dux: .i. analogia
3b4cII 6,7book 1543 adprehensionem: .i. in comparatione totius partis
3b4dII 6,83b1book 1543 vocis: .i. hi coindeiulc in gotho comtherchomraicthi o litrib
[‘i.e. in comparison with the word composed of letters’] [analysis]
3b13pII 6,143b6book 1543 vocabulo: .i. co n·epertar doib ylementa {cf. E 4v23 .i. litteras vocabant elementa .i. universitatis materiae}
[‘i.e. so that they are called elementa’] [analysis]
3b22kkII 6,203b14book 1543 omni: .i. dind trediu remeperthu
[‘i.e. of the three things aforesaid’] [analysis]
3b23llII 6,213b15book 1543 34 [preter]ea: cenmitha fo·dailter ind rann insce
[‘besides that the part of speech is divided’] [analysis]
3b30xxII 6,253b23book 1543 [ip]sae: .i. derb-aisṅdísin . derb-ḟogir
[‘i.e. certain precise pronounciations, certain precise sounds’] [analysis]
3b32zzII 7,23b25book 1543 non: .i. ar chuit aisṅdisen ⁊ foguir
[‘i.e. as regards pronunciation and sound’] [analysis]
3b34aeII 7,33b28book 1543 de pronuntiatione: .i. is ar chuit foguir ní·ruban and ní ar chuit scríbind
[‘i.e. it is as regards sound that it cannot be here, not as regards writing’] [analysis]
3b34afII 7,3book 1543 de pronuntiatione: (subs.) .i. de ylemento
4a15iII 7,154a7book 153 543 i: .i. issed a plus remeperthae
[‘i.e. this is the plus aforesaid’] [analysis]
4a16kII 7,154a8book 1543 541 alternos: .i. fogur cechtar de ar alaliu ⁊ fogur na liter n-aile airriu-som .i. e ar .í. ut hominem .
[‘i.e. the sound of each of the two for the other, and the sound of the other letters for them, i.e. e for i, as (in) hominem’] [analysis]
4a35zII 8,34a13book 1211 543 formas: .i. do chruthugud inna liter foib
[‘i.e. to form the letters according to them’] [analysis]
4b7gII 8,84b4book 1543 541 signi[ficatio]: .i. ind inne bís indib riam .i. inne ainmmnichthe. issí ám inne ainmmnichthe guthaichthe a turcbál treo fesin ní·bad ṡamlaid-son didiu ma duelltis . reliqua
[‘i.e. the meaning that is in them before, i.e. the meaning of denomination. This, indeed, is the meaning of the denomination of vowels, their production by themselves: it would not be thus, then, if they were declined, etc.’] [analysis]
4b9kII 8,104b7book 1543 prolatae: oc rélad a n-anmmae
[‘manifesting their name’] [analysis]
4b16sII 8,144b10book 1543 egent: aidlignitir dano uadi-si
[‘they indeed need it’] [analysis]
4b28eeII 8,2254book 1543 [confici]unt: .i. nomen suum ostendunt
4b35kkII 9,64b14book 1543 (vox) literalis: .i. rann insce ní·turgabar ade didiu ⁊ ni·ro-graigther cen guttai
[‘i.e. a part of speech; this then is not produced, nor can it be pronounced without vowels’] [analysis]
5a9fII 9,145a1book 1543 vincuntur: .i. noch is méit for-n·úaislichter són
[‘i.e. that is, as far as they are surpassed’] [analysis]
5a11hII 9,155a2book 1211 543 secundam: .i. in bindius tánaise i ndegaid ṅguttae .
[‘i.e. the euphony (which comes) next after (that of the) vowels’] [analysis]
5a16pII 9,185a4book 1543 appellatae: (m.l.) .i. Ni arindí bed leth ṅgotho no·bed indib-sem ar is huilliu . sed quia plenam vocem non habent sicut vocales .-
[‘i.e. not that there is (only) half of a voice in them, for it is more. […]’] [analysis]
5a23xII 9,25book 1543 (bene) so[nantium]: .i. vocalium
5a31bbII 9,305a9book 1543 ancipites: .i. eter fot ⁊ gair {cf. E 6r11 dubiae .i. inter productam &correptam}
[‘i.e. both length and shortness ’] [analysis]
5a35eeII 10,15a12book 1543 [an]cipites: .i. coitchena riam eter fot ⁊ gair
[‘i.e. common before, both length and shortness’] [analysis]
5a36iiII 10,25a15book 1543 loca: .i. ind luic hi mbítis airdixi .e ⁊ o
[‘i.e. the places wherein used to be the longs e and o’] [analysis]
5b13kII 10,10book 113 543 cni,dón: liquida
5b15mII 10,12book 113 543 οτε,τατνετα,ζε: .i. liquida
5b17pII 10,14book 112 543 τεκνον: híc liquida inest.
5b20sII 10,18book 112 543 ν ομνησαρ: (μ:) liquida híc
5b24uII 11,25b5book 1543 perpetuam: .i. suthain dano la laitnori ani-sin
[‘i.e. that then is perpetual with the Latins’] [analysis]
5b27zII 11,55b7book 1543 541 Ϝ: (m.l.) vel carachtar digaim quod non bonum
[‘or the character digamma, quod, etc.’] [analysis]
5b29ddII 11,65b9book 1543 prope: emith in fogur n-ísin
[‘such as that sound’] [analysis]
5b34kkII 11,95b11book 1543 postea: .i. la nue-litridi
[‘i.e. with recent writers’] [analysis]
6a1aII 11,116a1book 1543 pro (consonante): .i. in tan ṁbís ar chonsain
[‘i.e. when it is for a consonant’] [analysis]
6a2cII 11,126a3book 1543 affinis: comocus a fogur díb línaib
[‘the sound of them both is akin’] [analysis]
6a8gII 11,156a5book 1543 potestatem: ni cumscaichthi cumachtae n-airi ce do·inscana-sí ó guthaigthi
[‘the power (of the letter) is not to be changed from it, although it begins with a vowel’] [analysis]
6a10kII 11,166a6book 1543 [termi]nalis: for·ceinnfitis anmmann inte
[‘nouns would be ended in it’] [analysis]
6a14sII 11,18book 1543 faceret: ut facit
6a20xII 11,226a10book 1543 error: .i. arám f la leth-guthaigthi
[‘i.e. to count f with the semivowels’] [analysis]
6a22aaII 11,246a13book 1543 336[?] nulla: .á n-amtar duidchi-sidi ó nach ochun aili
[‘when they were not led from any other cause’] [analysis]
6a31mmII 12,3book 1543 x: .i. ix.
6b6dII 12,106b2book 1543 eiusdem: ind óen-foguir ní·fail dechor comḟogair indib
[‘of the one sound: there is no difference of consonance in them’] [analysis]
6b8fII 12,116b3book 1543 336[?] esse: ní-ro·scríbad ar naill nisi
[‘it has not been written for anything else unless, etc.’] [analysis]
6b10kII 12,126b5book 1543 ideo: .i. ar thaidbsin nihelsa far .u.
[‘i.e. for showing the (metrical) nullity of u’] [analysis]
6b11mII 12,136b7book 1211 35 543 quam: oldaas .c. sain. fri .c.
[‘than c: different to c’] [analysis]
6b13sII 12,146b11book 1543 facit: (m.d.) .i. bad liter sain .g ⁊ bíth charactar n-aill di amal sodain .i. in tan .m.bís nihelas do .u. fri .g.
[‘i.e. in that case let g be a different letter and have another character, to wit, when there is nullity in u beside g’] [analysis]
6b28mmII 13,16b23book 1211 543 hoc (est adhibendum): ní tedparthi inso ar nibat litre nota aram cia scríbtair hi fers
[‘this is not to be applied, for the figures of numerals will not be letters, although they are written in verse’] [analysis]
6b30qqII 13,26b25book 1543 potestas: (m.d.) ní·fail nach n-aiccidit taibsed sainred litre amal do·n-adbat cumachtae
[‘there is no accident which can display the peculiarity of a letter as the power displays (it)’] [analysis]
7a2aII 13,77a1book 1543 *nulla: .i. ni·bía di mútaib bes huilliu i n-oen-sillaib
[‘i.e. there will not be more (than two) mutes in one syllable’] [analysis]
7a4eII 13,87a4book 1543 continuare: trebrigedar cech consain i ndegaid araile cen gutai ṅ-etarru .
[‘that it continues each consonant (directly) after another without a vowel between them’] [analysis]
7a9gII 13,127a5book 1211 543 aliae: saini ar chuit cumachti
[‘diverse as regards power’] [analysis]
7a36eeII 14,47a14book 1543 incipit: tosach sillabe
[‘beginning of a syllable’] [analysis]
7b1aII 14,47b1book 1543 431[?] subsequente: .i. i n-óen-sillaib disi in gute inna degaid
[‘i.e. in the same syllable is it and the vowel after it’] [analysis]
7b4dII 14,77b3book 1543 non: ní·rubai nach cruth ailiu
[‘it cannot be otherwise’] [analysis]
7b5fII 14,77b5book 1543 superiori: dá intairmmthechtas forsind í tóisech ḟrisin gutai remi
[‘two passages on the first i, towards the vowel before it (lit. before her)’] [analysis]
7b6gII 14,87b6book 1543 sequente: .i. lasin ṅgutai inna degaid
[‘i.e. along with the vowel after it’] [analysis]
7b18rII 14,137b10book 1543 placitum: ro·toltanaigestar
[‘it has pleased’] [analysis]
7b21yII 14,157b12book 1543 iniuria: ar chonsain diuit insin
[‘that (is) for a simple consonant’] [analysis]
7b33iiII 15,37b17book 1543 digam[ma]: .i. carachtar ṅdigaim
[‘i.e. the character of digamma’] [analysis]
7b34kkII 15,3book 1543 vau: nomen potestatis
7b34nnII 15,47b19book 1543 336[?] profec[tum]: a n-as·rochumlai an ainm-sin do .u. .i. vau .
[‘when that name, i.e. vau, has gone out to u’] [analysis]
8a3dII 15,7book 1543 u: loco consonantis
8a7kII 15,10book 1543 Ϝελεν: híc pro simplici consonante
8a22tII 16,5book 1543 δαφϜϝιον: vocalis correpta
8a23xII 16,6book 1543 Ϝ: digamma
8a26II 16,8book 1543 sil,
8a27eeII 16,108a8book 1543 de,ducunt: da·ṅdichdet snechti ioivis
[‘the snows of Jove bring him down’] [analysis]
8a27ffII 16,108a9book 1543 mare: da·ṅdiat muir in céiṅ n-aili.
[‘the sea at another time brings him down.’] [analysis]
8a31II 16,12book 1543 sil,u,ae
8b4hII 16,19book 1543 221 Ϝ: digamma
8b6kII 16,20book 1543 *Ϝαια: nihil híc
8b9nII 17,4book 1543 invi,dia,: nihil .u. {cf. E 8v6 .u. pro nihilo est híc}
8b16uII 17,9book 1543 ves[pera vis vestis]: non espera non is non estis pro aspiratione .u. posita est hic.
8b20yII 17,1260book 1543 λαϜιον: hiatús causa interponitur híc
8b23ccII 17,15book 1543 καϜον: hiatus causa ponitur híc
8b27mmII 17,18book 125 543 comburo: .con ⁊ uro. ⁊ addita .b. propter eophoniam
9a5fII 18,11book 1543 poni: quasi transire
9a8pII 18,139a6book 1211 543 oratoriarum: inna sulbaire
[‘of the eloquence’] [analysis]
9a8qII 18,13book 1543 mirum: b. pro u
9a13"yII 18,189a9book 1543 extrinsecus: remib són
[‘that is, before them’] [analysis]
9a13"zII 18,189a8book 1543 *extrinsecus: (m.l.) is airi is re ṅguthaigthi suidigthir a tinfed do semigud ⁊ mesrugud ind ḟoguir máir bis isin gutti
[‘for this reason its aspiration is placed before a vowel, to attenuate and moderate the ample sound which is in the vowel’] [analysis]
9a16"bbII 18,199a10book 1543 [in]trinsecus: hi tiarmóracht són do lethnugud a foguir
[‘that is, in postposition, to broaden their sound’] [analysis]
9a19"ddII 18,20book 1543 *secum: ut consonantibus {= E 9r5}
9a19"eeII 19,1book 1543 anteponitur: ut vocalibus
9a20"ggII 19,19a11book 1212 543 accedens (esse): accidit tecmaiṅg do gutaib aní-sin
[‘that is an accident which happens to vowels’] [analysis]
9a24mmII 19,39a14book 1543 541 intellectus: in·coissig a folad cétnae
[‘it signifies the same substance’] [analysis]
9a27ppII 19,59a16book 1543 541 minuat: .i. ní·inchoisig in son a folad cétne .i. in·choisged riam iar ṅdígbail in tinfith
[‘i.e. the sound does not signify the same substance - i.e. which it signified previously - after taking away the aspiration’] [analysis]
9a29qqII 19,69a17book 1543 considerata: dlúthe in tinfith donaib consonaib
[‘the closeness of the aspiration to the consonants’] [analysis]
9a30rrII 19,69a18book 1211 543 singulas: oéndai oen-litre do dénom díb hi scríbunt
[‘single, that single letters should be made of them in writing’] [analysis]
9a33abII 19,89a22book 134 543 tamen: cia for·comam-ni riagoil sen-grec hi scríbunt in da caractar isnaib consonaib ucut ro·ċruthaigsemmar camaiph immurgu oen-cháractar .f. tar hesi .p. co tinfeth. i n-epertaib latinndaib.,
[‘though we preserve the rule of the ancient Greeks in writing the two characters in these consonants, we have, however, formed one character - f instead of p with aspiration - in Latin words’] [analysis]
9b2eII 19,129b2book 1543 aliam: co denta óen-torand tar hesi amal na heliu
[‘so that one figure should be made instead of this, like the others’] [analysis]
9b4kII 19,139b4book 1543 significationem: sluindid a folad cétnae
[‘it expresses the same substance’] [analysis]
9b6oII 19,149b5book 1543 intellectus: iss ed a folad cétnae sluinditae
[‘it is the same substance which they express’] [analysis]
9b14bbII 19,199b10book 1543 iudicantes: is airi no·bíth digaimm leo ante ρ. sin
[‘this is why they used to have digamma before ρ here’] [analysis]
9b18hhII 19,22book 1543 561 brodos: r odos insula {= E 9r22 rohdos E (sic)}
9b18iiII 19,22book 1543 bretor: rhethor {= E 9r22 .i. rethor}
9b23nnII 19,259b13book 1221 543 ωρας: a genitiu. ar guttai tra atá .ρ. sin {cf. E 9r24 .i. genitivus}
[‘its genitive: ρ then stands for a vowel here’] [analysis]
9b24ooII 19,26book 137 543 vah: interiectio
9b25ppII 19,269b14book 137 543 nah: interiectio inso {cf. E 9r25 interiecta}
[‘this is an interjection’] [analysis]
9b25qqII 19,26book 137 543 ah: interiectio
9b26ssII 20,29b16book 1543 extremae (vocalis): .i. a .i. di·rogbad .a. díib
[‘i.e. a, i.e. a has been taken from them’] [analysis]
9b30wwII 20,39b17book 1543 pendens: lenaid din gutai thóisig
[‘it adheres to the preceding vowel’] [analysis]
9b31xxII 20,39b18book 1212 543 suum: .i. proprium .i. is sainreth do interiect guth formúigthe co trummai thinfid {cf. E 9r28 proprium}
[‘i.e. a peculiarity of an interjection is a smothered sound with heaviness of aspiration’] [analysis]
9b32zzII 20,4book 1543 pars: .h. {= E 9r29 .i. add. E}
10a1aII 20,710a1book 1543 sunt: ataat alaaili interiecta and it coitchena do cach ceniul
[‘there are some interjections they are common to every nation’] [analysis]
10a4cII 20,910a2book 1543 est: medónda etarru fogur .g.
[‘intermediate between them (is the) sound g’] [analysis]
10a4dII 20,1010a3book 1543 inter (p): medóndae etarru
[‘intermediate between them’] [analysis]
10a9mII 20,12book 14221 543 *consimilis (est): is cosmail a fogur .i. cosmailius foguir beos
[‘their sound is alike, i.e. (there is) still a resemblance of sound’] [analysis]
10a18wII 20,1810a10book 1543 positae: cachae tar héisi araili
[‘each of them instead of the other’] [analysis]
10b3bII 21,1110b1book 1543 abiiciuntur: a llán-indarpe hi recc
[‘their complete banishment directly’] [analysis]
10b4eII 21,1263book 1543 paelium: abiicitur .m. {= E 9v20}
10b9mII 21,16book 1543 [ha]bui: manet .b. híc {cf. E 9v21 b hic}
11a7bII 22,1511a1book 13227[?] 543 quod: aní-sin cumscugud .e. in .u. is cosmail són dano ⁊ in tan fo·ndaim .i. a cumscugud in .u. hi sechmadachtu tertchoibedna ⁊ quartae cobedna.
[‘this, the change of e to u, alike is this also and when i suffers its change into u in the preterite of the third and fourth conjugations’] [analysis]
11a11cII 22,1711a2book 1543 immotabiles: for·comaider .u. ⁊ .o. in presenti ⁊ in preterito
[‘u and o are preserved in the present and preterite’] [analysis]
11a21fII 22,2311a4book 1543 prodidi: in fíne son in fecht-sa {cf. E 10r14 .i. in fine}
[‘in fine this (gemination), this time’] [analysis]
11a24hII 22,25book 1543 [gemi]nata: fallo fefelli {= E 10r16 ut add. E}
11a33lII 23,5book 1543 secunda: non spospondi sed spopondi facit {= E 10r19}
11b25rII 24,1book 1423 543 breves: vocales {= E 10v4 .i. add. E}
11b31wII 24,6book 1543 sono: fogur .z. for .d.
[‘the sound of z in d’] [analysis]
11b32xII 24,6book 1543 meridies: (sup. d:) z {= E 10v8}
11b32yII 24,6book 1543 hodie: (sup. d:) z {= E 10v8}
12a8iII 24,14book 1543 e: affinis {= E 10v14}
12b24lII 26,3book 1543 supradictum: .i. motatur .a. in í
13a5cII 26,13book 1543 auceps: non aviceps {= E 11r17}
13a6dII 26,13book 1543 menceps: non menticeps {= 11r18 .i. add. E}
13a15iII 26,19book 1221 543 *odonte: dente {= K 7v25 b, E 11r22 .i. dente}
13b7bII 27,14book 1543 servos: .u. loco digammae {= E 11v7}
13b20nII 27,21book 1543 musa: pro moysa {= L 16r16 f, E 11v12 .i. add. E}
13b22rII 27,2313b3book 1543 bos: o. pro u. hi suidiu
[‘o for (Greek) u here’] [analysis]
13b23tII 27,24book 1543 mus: longa
13b31xII 28,4book 1543 καλαιου: non diptongus híc ⁊ sic in aliis {= E 11v17 ⁊ sic: sicut E}
14a12fII 28,16book 1543 αλλ τυιδ: híc y. pro nihilo habetur
14a13gII 29,1book 1543 πηλυι: nihil hic dano
[‘nothing here also’] [analysis]
14a14kII 29,1book 1543 diptongus: y pro nihilo est {= E 11v26 y: sed E falso}
14a15lII 29,214a5book 1543 59 vau: .i. addita .í. cenid·eper-sem
[‘i.e. i being added (nauta nav-i-ta etc.), though he (Priscian) does not say it’] [analysis]
14b29ggII 30,14book 1543 agchises: (g:) pro n {cf. E 12r21 pro anchises}
14b29hhII 30,14book 1543 agceps: (g:) pro n
14b30iiII 30,14book 1543 aggulus: (g:) pro n
14b30kkII 30,14book 1543 aggens: (g:) pro n {cf. E 12r22 pro an}
14b34ooII 30,17book 1543 forma: carectar {= E 12r24}
[‘a letter’] [analysis]
14b34ppII 30,17book 1543 vox: .i. fogur literae
[‘i.e. sound of the letter’] [analysis]
14b36ssII 30,19book 14228 543 greci: .i. ut exprimerent agma {= E 12r25 .i. om. E}
15a2dII 30,21book 1543 ag[ceps]: (g:) .i. g. pro n.
15a3eII 30,21book 1543 agcora: (g:) g pro n {cf. E 12r26 pro ancora}
15a16tII 31,715a4book 1543 propter: .i. soirthiu de in labrad dia tairmthecht isin litir comḟograigthi doda·iarmórat
[‘i.e. the easier is the pronunciation from its (the letter m’s) passage into the consonantal letter which follows it’] [analysis]
15a23xII 31,11book 1543 221 demipho: .i. demiphon ⁊ reliqua {cf. E 12v7 pro on}
15a23yII 31,11book 1543 simo: .i. in latina lingua
15a25aaII 31,13book 1543 221 *ciceron: .i. apud grecos {= E 12v8 .i. om. E}
15b7eII 32,5book 1543 13 viros: .i. s hic expellitur reliqua.
15b8gII 32,615b4book 1431[?] 543 ne: .i. a ndo·coisgedar ne comaccomuil .s.
[‘i.e. when the conjunction ne follows s ’] [analysis]
15b10kII 32,715b6book 1543 211 viden: .i. videsne .i. in n-aci
[‘i.e. ‘videsne’ (do you see [expanded form]), i.e. do you see?’] [analysis]
15b29ggII 32,20book 1543 221 semis: pro emis {= E 12v27}
15b29hhII 32,20book 1543 221 se: e {cf. E 12v27 }
15b29iiII 32,20book 1543 221 si: i {cf. E 12v27 }
15b29kkII 32,20book 1543 221 : ω {cf. E 12v27 }
16a2bII 33,5book 1543 (antiquam) scrip[turam]: ψ vel p.s. {ante inventionem ψ .i. phi add. E} {= E 13r2}
16a30ffII 33,2216a14book 13226[?] 543 quo: .i. iure feidligthe disi i n-ógi ⁊ .s. inna tiarmoracht
[‘i.e. by the principle of its remaining in (its) integrity with an s following it’] [analysis]
16b1bII 34,2book 1543 geminari: si scribas .s. post x {= E 13r19}
16b15hII 34,1116b4book 1543 sustuli: dobriathar ata chomsuidigthe frisna hí-siu
[‘adverbs which are compounded with these (words)’] [analysis]
16b38xII 34,26book 1543 iratus: c in t
16b38zII 34,26book 1543 nactus: assumpsit .t. {cf. E 13v11 .i. assumit .t.}
17a1aII 35,2book 1543 meri[dies]: (r) pro d
17a31rII 35,2017a5book 1543 sifilum: ar robbu digaim ind .f. híc co·nducad .b. inná loc
[‘for the f here was digamma and b was put in its place’] [analysis]
17b3eII 35,2617b3book 1543 supra (literam): huas litir suidigthir leo
[‘it is placed with them above the letter’] [analysis]
17b11mII 36,6book 1543 nunquam: manibbad hinunn liter
[‘if it were not the same letter’] [analysis]
17b31ddII 36,2017b12book 1543 massa: da .s. tar hési z {cf. E 14r19 dá .ss.}
[‘two s’s in place of z’] [analysis]
17b33ffII 36,21book 1543 sethus: unam s pro z {= E 14r19 .i. add. E unum E}
18a6dII 37,5book 1543 syl[labis]: .i. in diptongis
18a7eII 37,618a1book 1543 esse: .i. huare as accomalta do chumachtu is airi ad·fét de híc
[‘i.e. since it is connected with the power (of the letters), therefore he discourses of it here’] [analysis]
18a19oII 37,1418a3book 1543 quod: .i. fogor da gutae i n-deogar air thechtaid cach gutae a guth n-indi ⁊ it di gutai bíte i n-deogur.
[‘i.e. the sound of two vowels is in a diphthong, for each vowel has its (own) sound in it, and it is two vowels that are in a diphthong’] [analysis]
18a36bbII 38,6book 1543 νιμφαες: .i. diptongum pro a ponentes {= E 14v6 .i. om. E}
18b3aII 38,818b1book 1543 compositae: .i. hi foirciunn na cetnae rainne bis isin chomsuidigthiu
[‘i.e. at the end of the first part which is in the compound’] [analysis]
18b7eII 38,12book 1543 221 χαμαινιναι: híc diptongus correpta {= E 14v10 correpta om. E}
19a19iII 40,3book 1543 comedia: .i. apud nos {= E 15r5}
19b10cII 41,6book 14228 543 *raro: .i. motatio .ei. in .i.
19b11dII 41,619b1book 1543 medeam: .i. con·roscaiged .ei i in .e. hi suidib {cf. E 15r18 .i. istis enim .i. penultima producta conversa in e. productam}
[‘i.e. ei or i was changed into e in these examples’] [analysis]
19b12gII 41,7book 1543 tiphoea: ei diptongus híc prius fuit .i. tiphoeia {cf. E 15r19 prius fuit tephoeia.}
19b27rII 41,16book 1543 (in) dysillabis: .i. latinis
19b31uII 41,21book 13112 543 licie: vocativus ⁊ .i. híc producta {cf E 15r28 .i. vocativus}
20a26xII 42,14book 1543 (absque) m: quia ante .m. non inveniuntur omnes mutae reliqua {cf. E 15v14 .i. non invenitur}
20a26yII 42,15book 1543 blandus: .i. preponitur b. do .l. síc .c. reliqua
[‘i.e. b is prefixed to l: so c etc.’] [analysis]
20b3cII 42,2320b2book 1543 prima: .i. manip .s. bas toisech inna syllaib reliqua
[‘i.e. unless s be the first (element) in its syllable etc.’] [analysis]
20b6dII 43,220b3book 1543 tertia: .i. tris litir immurgu hi tosuch syllabe biid .i. no .r.
[‘i.e. l or r is wont to be the third letter, therefore, in the beginning of the syllable’] [analysis]
20b23pII 43,12book 1543 ratio: aliquando .bs. {et add. E} aliquando ps. {= E 16r2}
21a16fII 44,8book 2543 singulis (.. literis): .i. vocalibus {= E 16r14 .i. a vocalibus}
21a21kII 44,12book 2543 tunc: .i. ⁊ non consonans {= E 16r17}
21a22lII 44,12book 2543 amitit: .i. quando nihil
21b7dII 45,421b1book 2543 necesse (est): .i. is gnáth
[‘i.e. it is customary’] [analysis]
21b15kII 45,921b6book 2543 oblitus: .i. combad o. ⁊ blitus do·gneth reliqua
[‘i.e. that it should make o and blitus etc.’] [analysis]
21b17nII 45,1121b7book 2543 syllabam: .i. techt do .b. hi tosach sillabe
[‘i.e. the passing of b into the beginning of the syllable’] [analysis]
21b17oII 45,11book 2543 541 more: .i. ut faciunt simplicia nomina si mutta ⁊ liquida fuerit in primis sillabis ., {= E 16v6 fuerit in om. E prima sillaba E}
21b19rII 45,1221b9book 23232 543 hoc: .i. ara tesed .b. isin sillaib tánaisi in his ar it comsuidigthi
[‘i.e. (it is not found) that b should pass into the second syllable in these (words), for they are compounds’] [analysis]
21b22uII 45,14book 2543 sequentem: ut esset circu meo {= E 16v8 ut esset: lit -& E}
21b27ddII 45,17book 2543 eam: (m.d.) .i. si diceretur .pe.rhi.beo. reliqua {= E 16v11 .i., reliqua om. E}
22a10gII 46,322a3book 2543 alterutrum: .i. hit hé sin inna ranna aili as·rubart tuas .-
[‘i.e. those are the other parts which he has mentioned above’] [analysis]
22a12nII 46,422a4book 2543 quancunque: .i. ní hi cach consoin con·osna
[‘i.e. not in every consonant does it end’] [analysis]
22a21xII 46,9book 2543 consonans: .i. b {= E 16v25 .i. om. E}
22b35iiII 47,2222b12book 234 543 rationabilius: .i. is dligthigiu a cumscugud quam a feidligud
[‘i.e. more in accordance with rule is its mutation than its permanence’] [analysis]
23a23wII 48,9book 2543 nomine: .i. ef {= E 17r32}
23a30eeII 48,14book 2543 αγγελος: prima) pro n
23a30ggII 48,14book 2543 λογγινος: prima) pro n {= E 17v3}
23a31llII 48,15book 2543 αγχισες: (γ) pro n {= E 17v3}
23a34nnII 48,17book 2543 antique: .antiqui dixerunt
23b1aII 48,18book 2543 (ut in) numeris: .i. ut in nominibus numeri
23b4cII 48,20book 2543 (in) numeris: in nominibus numerorum
23b18"lII 49,5book 2543 +inveni: ille non invenit
24a36''mmII 50,5book 2543 curvus: (m.l.) Ordd abbgitir inso
[‘this (is the) order of the alphabet’] [analysis]
24b25uII 51,824b3book 2543 ceteris: cenmithá .f.
[‘except f’] [analysis]
24b26xII 51,8book 2543 e: .i. prepositiva
25a4dII 51,18book 2543 plena: .i. in aellug insce biid dictio
[‘i.e. dictio is wont to be in connected speech (oratio)’] [analysis]
25a22yII 52,3book 2543 *ισοτνετα: híc .t. ante .n. posita ⁊ communem sillabam facit
25a25zII 52,5book 2543 τεκνον: .i. hic communis sillaba habetur {cf. E 18r33 hic communis .i. correpta e. ante .cn.}
25a30ddII 52,10book 2543 μνεσαρ.χειοσε: .i. híc communis {= E 18v2 .i. om. E}
25a36ffII 52,14book 2543 quippe: .i. si posit fieri communis sillaba
25b3aII 52,17book 2543 scribae: híc est
25b9cII 53,225b1book 2543 metro: .i. fri toimsidetaid metair
[‘i.e. for the measurement of metre’] [analysis]
25b15fII 53,825b2book 23113 543 minima: .i. hi coindeulgg inna innsce óge
[‘i.e. in comparison with the complete discourse’] [analysis]
25b19kII 53,10book 2543 3232 dictum: .i. ideo dixi dictionem partem minimam {orationis esse add. E} .-
25b22oII 53,1225b7book 2543 336[?] [in]telligendum: .i. do láni chétbutho inna huilae insce ..
[‘i.e. for the fulness of meaning of the whole discourse (dictio)’] [analysis]
25b28xII 53,1725b14book 2543 *nun[quam]: (m.d.) Ní·sluindi sillab folad trée feisin manip sin sillab coní bes rann insce .,
[‘No syllable by itself expresses a substance, unless it be a syllable which is able to be a part of speech’] [analysis]
25b29aaII 53,17book 2543 per se: secundum naturam
26a5eII 53,25book 2543 ipsam: .i. decerptam de parte orationis.-
26a7lII 53,2626a6book 2543 tractari: .i. co·n-eperthae cia aiccent ⁊ cisi aimser derb thechtas reliqua
[‘i.e. so that it might be said what accent and what certain time it has, etc.’] [analysis]
26a11oII 53,2826a9book 2543 perfec[tam]: .i. co láni inntṡliuchto
[‘i.e. with fulness of sense’] [analysis]
26a25bbII 54,6book 2543 coniunctae: .i. nomen ⁊ verbum
26a m.s.ooII 54,12book 2543 +ea: quae ponebant inter articulos vocabant finitos articulos
26b7hII 54,1826b4book 2543 significamus: .i. ardo·intám
[‘i.e. for we render’] [analysis]
26b10nII 54,2026b5book 2543 magis: .i. is ferr ainm do denom de
[‘i.e. it is better to make a noun of it’] [analysis]
26b20sII 54,2626b6book 2541 543 interiectionem: .i. ind interiecht nad rann insce la grecu sed apud adverbium numerant ata·rimet comroirnich inna grec la ranna insce ol ṡuide as rann insce la laitnori ..
[‘i.e. the interjection, which is not a part of speech with the Greeks, sed etc., erroneous persons of the Greeks reckon it with the parts of speech because it is a part of speech with the Latins’] [analysis]
26b22uII 55,2book 2543 +purum: separatim
26b24yII 55,426b8book 2543 discerni: (subs.) .i. con·festa a ndechur
[‘i.e. so that their difference may be known’] [analysis]
26b25aaII 55,426b9book 2543 uniuscuiusque: (m.d.) Mani·decamar sain folad cacha rainne .
[‘unless we see a different meaning of every part (of speech)’] [analysis]
26b28ffII 55,626b12book 23232 543 hoc: .i. proprium .i. torand folaid ⁊ inne amal ṅdond·foirde ainmm ṅdiles.
[‘i.e. a signification of substance and quality, (just) as the proper name signifies it’] [analysis]
26b29kkII 55,726b13book 2543 una: .i. inna teoir ranna-sa is óin-rann far·diṅgrat .,
[‘i.e. these three parts (of speech) it is one part that they express’] [analysis]
26b34ssII 55,1026b17book 2543 verbo: .i. is la brethir a n-áram
[‘i.e. they are to be reckoned with the verb’] [analysis]
27a14oII 55,2227a9book 2543 indifferenter: .i. ni·bí dechor etir diall n-anmann ⁊ pronominum
[‘i.e. there is no difference between the declension of nouns and of pronouns’] [analysis]
27a17xII 55,23book 2543 numeros: ut {= E 19v1}
27a19aaII 55,2527a11book 2543 quod: masued sluindes ind rann
[‘if it is this that the part (of speech) expresses’] [analysis]
27a21ddII 55,2627a13book 2543 dictio: .i. cisi rann do·géntar di
[‘i.e. what part (of speech) will be made of it’] [analysis]
27a23eeII 55,2727a14book 2543 participia: ar is diall nominis la suidib
[‘for they have the nominal declension’] [analysis]
27b1aII 56,7book 2543 tempore (longuo): cum casuali
27b3dII 56,927b1book 2543 post: .i. ar dobrethir hi remṡamugud
[‘i.e. for an adverb in antepostion’] [analysis]
27b6fII 56,1127b2book 2331 543 est: .i. aní as .est .i. biid est hí foetsecht
[‘i.e. the est, i.e. an est is understood’] [analysis]
28a2aII 57,428a1book 2543 qualitatem: .i. inne ind ḟebtad ind ḟolaid as·beir híc inne dilse doacaldmaiche as·beir inna dead quando dicit ⁊ communem quidem reliqua
[‘i.e. the quality of the property or of the substance he declares here: the quality of propriety or appellativity he declares afterwards, quando dicit etc.’] [analysis]
28a9lII 57,9book 23113 543 propriorum: .i. in propriis .II.
28a9mII 57,9book 23113 543 appellativorum: .i. in appellativis .II.
28a10nII 57,928a4book 2543 (duae) principales: (m.l.) .i. ataat chétnaidi ⁊ dirudigthi hi ndilsi ataat dano i ndoacaldmaichi .
[‘i.e. there are primitives and derivatives in propriety: there are also in appelllativity’] [analysis]
28a19ccII 57,1628a10book 2543 invicem: (m.l.) .i. Da·gnítis dano int ṡabindai aní-sin immenetor .i. no·suidigtis nomina romanorum ante nominibus suís .,
[‘i.e. the Sabines also used to do this in turn, i.e. they used to put names of the Romans before their own names’] [analysis]
28a32mmII 58,228a14book 2543 unde: .i. huare nád·fail prenomen fria ndechraiged
[‘i.e. because there is no praenomen for it to differ from’] [analysis]
28a35nnII 58,428a15book 24228 543 nullus: .i. cith .m. namma scríbthar and huare nád·deligedar fri prenomen cosmail do .-
[‘i.e. even if m only is written there: because it does not distinguish from (another) praenomen like it’] [analysis]
28a36qqII 58,428a16book 2543 uniuscuiusque: .i. nomen saindíles cach oen-ḟolaid
[‘i.e. a peculiar nomen of every single substance’] [analysis]
28b3dII 58,828b1book 2543 333 invicem: .i. cach ae do ṡuidigud ar alailiu.
[‘i.e. that each of them is put for another’] [analysis]
28b4eII 58,828b2book 2211 543 (aliis) personis: .i. hi personaib sainib
[‘i.e. in different persons’] [analysis]
28b4fII 58,979book 2543 aliis: .i. saini persin hi suidiu.
[‘i.e. different persons here’]
28b7iII 58,1028b4book 2543 loco (cognominum): .i. do luc inna n-anmman inchoisc ceníuil
[‘i.e. in place of the nouns which signify family’] [analysis]
28b16tII 58,1628b9book 2543 animal: .i. do cach anmmandu
[‘i.e. to every animal’] [analysis]
28b17uII 58,1628b10book 2543 corpus: do cach corp
[‘to every body’] [analysis]
28b17wII 58,1628b11book 2543 virtus: do cach neurt
[‘for every strength’] [analysis]
28b17xII 58,1728b12book 2543 specialis: .i. ar ṡain-chenélchi
[‘i.e. for special generality’] [analysis]
28b18yII 58,1728b13book 2543 albus (niger): ar inni a ndéde-so {cf. L 24r19 g, h albus qualitas niger qualitas}
[‘for quality, these two’] [analysis]
28b19zII 58,1828b14book 2543 magnus (brevis): ar méit a ndede-so {cf. L 24r20 i, k magnus quantitas brevis quantitas}
[‘for quantity, these two’] [analysis]
28b25ddII 58,21book 2543 appellativis: .i. trenaib
[‘i.e. (to) substantives’] [analysis]
29a1aII 59,229a1book 2211 543 fortuitu: int tecmaiṅgthech .i. tecmaiṅg amin
[‘i.e. accidentally, i.e. it happens thus’] [analysis]
29a4bII 59,429a2book 2543 intelligi: .i. in·coisgedar anmman doaccaldmacha tre anmman dílsi
[‘i.e. appellative nouns (can) be signified by proper names’] [analysis]
29a5cII 59,529a3book 2543 poetam: (m.l.) Asa·gnintar as ṅduine ⁊ as fili in tan as·mberar virgilius assa·gnintar assin doacaldmaiche. tre dilsi.,
[‘when ‘Vergil’ is said, it is understood that he is a human being and a poet: therefrom is appellativity understood through propriety’] [analysis]
29a22pII 59,1629a11book 2543 (ut) magnus: .i. asin magnus do·gníthaer a ndede-sin .i. diles ⁊ doacaldmach
[‘i.e. out of the magnus this pair is formed, i.e. the proper and the appellative’] [analysis]
29a22qII 59,16book 2543 (ut) magnus: .i. proprium hic {= E 20v7 .i. om. E}
29a23rII 59,16book 2543 (et) magnus: .i. appellativum híc {= E 20v7 .i. om. E}
29a28tII 59,20book 2543 *species: .i. file {= E 20v10}
[‘i.e. which are’] [analysis]
29b18oII 60,1129b6book 2543 huiuscemodi: .i. amal ataat adiecta cona n-il-mrechtrud i nddoacaldmaichi ataat dano i ndílsi.
[‘i.e. as there are adjectives with their many varieties [lit. variety] in appellativity so there are in propriety’] [analysis]
29b25yII 60,16book 2543 pru[dens]: .i. qualitas {= E 20v26}
29b26zII 60,17book 2543 magnanimus: .i. Quantitas {= E 20v26 .i. om. E}
29b30ddII 60,2029b11book 2543 336[?] dicendo: .i. lase as·ṁbiur
[‘i.e. when I say’] [analysis]
29b30eeII 60,2029b12book 2543 patrem: file athir leiss
[‘that he has a father’] [analysis]
29b31ffII 60,2129b13book 2543 dominum: .i. file chóimmdith leiss
[‘i.e. that he has a lord’] [analysis]
29b34qqII 60,2329b17book 2543 aliquid (contrarium): .i. ce nod·fil chotarsnataith etarru.
[‘i.e. although there is opposition between them.’] [analysis]
29b35ssII 60,24book 2543 ipso: .i. bís leiss ut dies
[‘i.e. which it has, ut dies’] [analysis]
30a1aII 60,24book 2543 significat: .i. ut faciunt predicta
30a1bII 60,2430a1book 2543 illud: .i. aní hua·n-ainmnichfide
[‘i.e. that from which it would be named’] [analysis]
30a2dII 60,25book 24221 543 accipit: .i. dies ⁊ reliqua {cf. E 20v32 dies sine nocte &sinistra sine dextra}
30a3fII 60,2630a3book 2543 quamvís: .i. ci at·bela indala n-ái ni·epil alaill
[‘i.e. though one of the two perish the other does not perish’] [analysis]
30a4hII 60,26book 2543 221 quod: prior ratio non ita est .i. filius ⁊ servus {= E 20v33 7: vel E}
30a12oII 61,4book 2543 25 athiniensis: .i. ab athenae
30a12pII 61,4book 2543 25 romanus: á roma
30a20iiII 61,1030a16book 2543 redditiva: .i. hérredcha aliud nomen illis
[‘i.e. ‘redditives’ is another name for them ’] [analysis]
30b5kII 61,2730b3book 2543 tintinabulum: .i. tinntin. a fogur dia·forcomnacair tintinabulum
[‘i.e. tinn-tin, the sound from which tintinabulum is formed’] [analysis]
30b12rII 62,530b4book 2211 543 absolutum: húatuasailcthae hua anmmaim ailiu do thórmuch friss do aestóasc a cheille.
[‘i.e. absolved, from the addition of another noun to it to express its meaning’] [analysis]
30b26bbII 62,1630b5book 2543 significat: (m.d.) .i. ciall genitivi nominis cétnaidi co n-acomol fris indí as filius nepos issi fil isind aitherrechtaigthu ..
[‘i.e. the meaning of the genitive of the primitive noun with the addition to it of filius or nepos, this is what is (found) in the patronymic’] [analysis]
30b29ffII 62,1830b8book 2543 [cognomini]bus: .i. ainmm n-inchoisc cenéiuil iss ed file la laitnóri tar hési n-aitherrechtaichthe la grecu
[‘i.e. a name signifying kindred, this is with the Latins in place of the patronymics with the Greeks’] [analysis]
30b33nnII 62,2130b13book 2543 minores: .i. ata óa
[‘i.e. who are younger’] [analysis]
30b34rrII 62,22book 2543 iemitari: .i. etiam in latinis propriis patronomica faciunt. {cf. E 21v5 etiam in latinis}
31a1bII 63,1book 2543 emilianus: .i. quia prius nomen possesivum fuit {= E 21v6 possivum (sic) nomen E}
31a2dII 63,231a3book 2211 543 [octo]vianus (cesar): .i. in caesar octavienda .i. octaviani filius fuit caesar ⁊ non est filius octaviae a deilb atreibthig ar·berar a n-aitherrechtaigthe ⁊ pro patronomico híc est {cf. E 21v7 octaviae filius}
[‘i.e. the Octavian Caesar i.e. Caesar was son of Octavianus, etc. From the possessive form the patronymic is derived, and it is here for the patronymic’] [analysis]
31a3eII 63,2book 2543 3114 formae: .i. {dativus} in des {= E 21v7}
[‘i.e. { a dative case,} in ‘-des’’] [analysis]
31a4fII 63,331a5book 2543 211 denominativa: .i. de rét ailiu ro·ainmnichthe .i. deainmmnichdecha .i. ab aliis nominibus ⁊ non a nominibus patrum {cf. E 21v7 .i. dirivativa aliis nominibus non a nominibus propriis}
[‘i.e. from another thing they have been named, i.e. denominatives etc.’] [analysis]
31a8pII 63,5book 2543 timarchides: .i. patronomicum {= E 21v11}
31a9qII 63,6book 2543 et (in omnibus): .i. in nominibus appellativorum formís propria inveniuntur {= E 21v12 in nominibus om. E}
31a9rII 63,631a7book 2543 et: (m.l.) bíit anmmann dílsi hi cach ṅdeilb ⁊ hi cach tarmorcenn i·mbiat anmmann doacaldmacha.
[‘there are proper nouns into every type and into every termination into which there are appellative nouns’] [analysis]
31a10sII 63,7book 2543 3113 formae: .i. nomina propria ⁊ appellativa in una forma {cf. E 21v12 propria &appellativa}
31a13yII 63,9book 2543 heraclides: .i. heracli filius {= E 21v14}
31a25kkII 63,17book 2543 [ili]ades: .i. romulus
31a27mmII 64,1book 23115 543 coroni[dam]: .i. accusativus {.i.} esculapium {= E 21v20}
31a31ooII 64,331a12book 2543 maternis: .i. hu athraib a máthar
[‘i.e. from their mother’s fathers’] [analysis]
31a33ppII 64,4book 2543 572 [na]tae: .i. maiae {filius} {= E 21v22}
31a36uuII 64,831a15book 2543 inachides: (m.l.) .i. athair a máthar inachus
[‘i.e. Inachus was his mother’s father’] [analysis]
31b4fII 64,11book 2543 aeneadae: a rege
31b4iII 64,1131b6book 2543 romani: .i. romándi huili
[‘i.e. Romans all ’] [analysis]
31b14ccII 65,731b10book 2211 543 phetontides: .i. in fetontide .i. frater fetontis .i. aitherrechtaigthe masculindae o brathir {= E 21v31 .i. in petontide frater poetontis}
[‘i.e. the Phetontid, i.e. the brother of Pheton, i.e. a masculine patronymic from (the name of) a brother.’] [analysis]
31b18hhII 65,1131b12book 2543 59 licentia: (m.l.) .i. issí poetica licentia and tormach inna á. tantum ⁊ ní·fil imchloud cenéiuil na diill and ut erratici putant .i. mael- cua-
[‘i.e. this is the poetic license there, the adding of the a only, and there is no change of gender or declension in it, as the blunderers, i.e. Mael... and Cua... suppose’] [analysis]
31b23nnII 65,14book 2423 543 duabus: .i. formis in .on ⁊ ios. {= E 22r3 .i. formis om. E}
31b32zzII 65,20book 2543 23 [pe]liades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b32adII 65,20book 2543 23 aeneades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b32agII 66,1book 2543 23 moe[netiades]: patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b36akII 66,231b22book 2543 quasi: (subs.) .i. Amal bid cognomen do aeneus ⁊ nírbu cognomen challéic acht da·rigni amin síc peleus reliqua
[‘i.e. As though Aeneus were cognomen to it (Aenieides), and yet it was not cognomen, but (the poet) made it thus: so (is) Peleus etc.’] [analysis]
32a2cII 66,4book 2543 aenide: .i. {ab} aenides {-ae} {= E 22r9}
32a6hII 66,7book 23112 543 [hip]potes: ου {= E 22r11}
32a6iII 66,7book 2543 hippotades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r11 .i. om. E}
32a6kII 66,8book 23112 543 butes: ου {= E 22r12}
32a7lII 66,8book 23112 543 [coroy]nites: .i. ου
32a9mII 66,1032a1book 2543 quasi: (m.l.) .i. amal no·bed noch ní·fail ar is i n-oen-sillaib for·beir a n-aitherrechtaigthe sech a cognomen n-ísin manubed i ndib-sem sillabaib immurgu for·beir sech aní as anchises ..,
[‘i.e. as if it were, yet it is not, for by one syllable the patronymic increases beyond that cognomen, if it existed. By two syllables, however it increases beyond Anchises’] [analysis]
32a10nII 66,1032a2book 2543 lertios: .i. riagol-son immurgu
[‘i.e. this, however, is a rule’] [analysis]
32a19tII 66,1532a3book 2543 pelides: .i. do·soither os in ides. co·ndéni peleídes iarum pelídes iar suidiu.
[‘i.e. -ôs is changed into -ides so that it makes Peleides afterwards, and after this Pelides’] [analysis]
32a30ggII 67,7book 2572 543 deucalides: .i. deocalion {= E 22r24, cf. K 15v17 c deucalon deucalionos.-}
32a37nnII 67,12book 2543 diptongum: .i. ei
32b15eII 68,2book 2543 (per) sinarisin: .i. tre accomul .e.i. i ndeogur
[‘i.e. by the combination of e and i in a diphthong’] [analysis]
32b17fII 68,3book 2543 peleis: .i. femininum
32b24qII 68,7book 2543 principale: .i. a cognomen {cf. E 22v8 a om. E}
[‘the name’] [analysis]
32b25tII 68,8book 2543 acri[sione]: .i. patronomicum {= E 22v9}
32b27bbII 68,1032b6book 2211 543 colonis: (m.d.) .i. hunaib aitrebthidib acrisiondaib a mmuntar-sidi ad·ro-threbsi lee it he con rótgatar in cathraig.
[‘i.e. by the Acrisionian inhabitants: her folk whom she (Danae) had (lit. possessed) with her, it is they that built the city (of Ardea)’] [analysis]
32b28ccII 68,1132b7book 2543 3116 [acr]sione: .i. uand aitherrechtaigthiu atá a n-aitrebthach .i. acrisioneus is hé a ḟoxlaid ilair-sidi fil sunt.
[‘i.e. from the patronymic (Acrisione) comes the possessive, i.e. Acrisioneus: it is its ablative plural which is here.’] [analysis]
32b33wwII 68,1532b15book 2211 543 principalis: .i. in chétnidi hua·mbí a n-aitrebthach
[‘i.e. of the primitive from which is the possessive’] [analysis]
33a1aII 68,1933a1book 2543 posesione: .i. aní atreba leiss
[‘i.e. that which he possesses’] [analysis]
33a13hII 69,133a3book 2543 25 [cae]sareus: .i. airindí atreba aesorcuin
[‘i.e. because he possesses destruction’] [analysis]
33a15iII 69,333a4book 2543 martius: .i. airindí atreba leiss adrad martis.
[‘i.e. because he possesses the worship of Mars’] [analysis]
33a16lII 69,333a6book 2211 543 sacrarium: .i. sanctáir. arindí atreba rétu nóiba and.
[‘i.e. sanctuary: because it possesses holy things therein.’] [analysis]
33a16mII 69,433a7book 2211 543 armarium: .i. scrín airindí atreba arma and.
[‘i.e. an armoury [a shrine], because it possesses arms therein.’] [analysis]
33a17oII 69,486book 2543 donarium: airindí atreba máini indi.
33a22rII 69,733a11book 2211 543 romanus (ager): .i. a tir romanach arindí atrebat romáin and
[‘i.e. the Roman territory, because Romans dwell there’] [analysis]
33a23tII 69,833a12book 24228 543 propria (et gentilia et possesiva): .i. con·ecat a trede-sin.
[‘i.e. they can be these three things’] [analysis]
33a25wII 69,933a14book 2543 latinus (ager): airindí atrebat laitnóri and
[‘i.e. because Latins dwell there’] [analysis]
33a26xII 69,1033a15book 2543 (tantummodo) propria: .i. ar chuit tairmorcenn ⁊ non possesiva reliqua
[‘i.e. as regards terminations, and they are not possessives, etc.’] [analysis]
33a29ddII 69,12book 2543 octavianus: .i. octaviani filius
33a30ffII 69,1233a19abook 2543 (ex) eadem (forma): ar·bertar as n-oén-tarmoirciunn .i. aitrebthacha ⁊ agnomina
[‘they are expressed by the same termination, i.e. possessives and agnomina’] [analysis]
33a31ggII 69,1333a20book 2543 africanus: .i. arindí atreba afraicc ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. because he possesses Africa etc.’] [analysis]
33a32hhII 69,1333a21book 2543 persicus: .i. airindí atreba persiam ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. because he possesses Persia etc.’] [analysis]
33a34nnII 69,1433a23book 2423 543 [princi]palium: .i. primitivorum hua·ndirrudigeddar
[‘i.e. of the primitives from which they are derived’] [analysis]
33a37ooII 69,1633a24book 2543 cardiacus: .i. arindí atreba cardiam
[‘i.e. because he has cardiaca’] [analysis]
33a38qqII 69,1633a25book 2211 543 (a) professionibus: .i. hua ḟóisitnib inna ṅdáne fris·gniat ⁊ at·aimet
[‘i.e. from professions of the arts which they practise and profess’] [analysis]
33a38rrII 69,1633a26, 27book 2543 211 mechanicus: .i. arindí atreba in dán-sin. ind ḟiss as·berar michaníce .i. sechta.
[‘i.e. because he possesses that art, of the science called méchanicé i.e. simulation’] [analysis]
33a39uuII 69,1633a28book 2543 grammaticus: .i. airindí atreba in dán inna litredachte
[‘i.e. because he possesses the art of literature’] [analysis]
33a40wwII 69,1733a29book 2543 aristotelicus: .i. arindí atreba bésu aristotil
[‘i.e. because he possesses the character of Aristotle’] [analysis]
33a40xxII 69,1733a30book 2543 socraticus: airindí atreba besu socráit
[‘i.e. because he possesses the character of Socrates’] [analysis]
33a41yyII 69,1733a31book 2543 rethoricus: .i. airindi atreba sulbairi
[‘i.e. because he possesses eloquence’] [analysis]
33b7gII 69,2333b2book 2543 561 [prin]cipali: .i. ón bunud .i. libya
[‘i.e. from the origin i.e. Libya’] [analysis]
33b14lII 69,27book 23232 543 haec: .i. nomina possesiva {cf. E 23r8 possessiva}
33b15mII 70,1book 23232 543 haec: possesiva {= E 23r8 .i. add. E}
33b25sII 70,733b4book 2543 mulionicus: airindí atreba múlu
[‘because he possesses mules’] [analysis]
33b37eeII 70,1833b12book 2543 [marmo]reus: indí atreba marmair
[‘because it possesses marble’] [analysis]
34a1dII 70,2234a2book 2543 541 eous: .i. arindí atreba airther quia fit eos .i. oriens
[‘i.e. because he possesses the east, quia etc. ’] [analysis]
34a22xII 71,12book 24228 543 ideo: .i. faciunt motationem in .e. ⁊ non in í. quia non producta
34a26aaII 71,15book 2543 auctores: romani {= E 23v3 .i. add. E}
34a30iiII 71,18book 212 543 dia: producta
34a30llII 72,2book 212 543 sperchiusque: producta
34a33nnII 72,4book 212 543 chium: producta
34a33ooII 72,534a5book 2543 nam: .i. ní cumma limm ⁊ a n-aitrebthach quia productum
[‘i.e. I do not deem it identical with the possessive, because it lengthens (the i) Hofman: ‘I do not consider it identical with the possessive, because it is long.’’] [analysis]
34a35ppII 72,6book 212 543 chios: híc correpta
34a38qqII 72,9book 212 543 licie: producta
34b32xII 73,16book 2543 58 achi[leae]: (m.l.) correpta .i. O
34b32zII 73,16book 2543 212 +fastus: .i. superbus
35a7bII 74,13book 2543 audii: correpta
35a9cII 74,15book 2543 sin: producta
35a11dII 74,16book 2543 audivi: producta
35a27yII 75,335a2book 2543 ab officiis: (m.l.) .i. atrebat ní tria timdirecht amal atreba in fochrach a ḟocraicc.,
[‘i.e. they possess somewhat through their service, as the mercenary has his pay’] [analysis]
35a37adII 75,935a10book 2214 543 palmarium: .i. aní atreba búaid molad
[‘i.e. that which has victory or praise’] [analysis]
35a42ahII 75,1235a13book 2215 543 armamentarium: .i. loc i mbiat arma arindí con·ṅgaib arma
[‘i.e. a place wherein are arms, because it contains arms’] [analysis]
35b5gII 75,17book 2543 pompeianus: .i. mug atreba poimp leiss
[‘i.e. a servant whom Pompey possesses’] [analysis]
35b5hII 75,17book 2543 25 53 caesarianus: .i. servus caesare ut paulo post dicet
35b7kII 75,1835b5book 2543 romanus: airindí atreba romam
[‘because he inhabits Rome’] [analysis]
35b7lII 75,18book 2543 hispanus: hispaniam
35b7mII 75,18book 2543 561 campa[nus]: campaniam provinciam
35b9uII 75,1935b6book 2211 543 rubre[nus]: dercaide quia fit rubra
[‘reddish’] [analysis]
35b30acII 76,935b13book 2543 541 formae: .i. do·gníter anmannn dilsi diib amal do·gniṫer dindhí as romanus cinid airi do·berr desimrecht acht ar atrebthach n-and
[‘i.e. proper names are formed from the (possessives), as is formed from Romanus, although not for this is (the example) Romanus given, but for the possessive therein’] [analysis]
36b22lII 78,136b1book 2543 ultra (duas silla[bas]): .i. mad desillabach níbbá in anus regaid int diruidigud
[‘i.e. if (the noun) be disyllabic, the derivation will not end in -anus’] [analysis]
37a34ccII 79,1037a8book 24228 543 nam: .i. ní exceptaid linn són sed regula
[‘i.e. we do not deem this an exception but a rule’] [analysis]
37b40"qII 80,11book 2543 nam: .i. ideo producunt {.i. penultimam add. E} {= E 25v17}
37b28bbII 80,1737b19book 2211 543 neutrum a neutro: (m.d.) .i. fá innád·fail nechtar de hu alaliu
[‘i.e. or whether it is not that one of them is from the other’] [analysis]
38a10fII 80,24book 2543 regula: .i. í ante .nus. {cf. E 225v27 .i. semper habent ante nus}
38a11gII 80,2538a1book 2543 ideo et: .i. cesu. in .er theit. is .i ante nus and uare as nomen animalis
[‘i.e. though it is in -er that it ends, it is i before -us there, because it is the name of an animal’] [analysis]
38a26rII 81,1038a8book 2543 diversas: .i. atá dechor n-etarru dib línaib
[‘i.e. there is a difference between them both’] [analysis]
38b3cII 81,21book 2543 consonantem: manip .n. {cf. E 26r12 non .N.}
[‘unless it be n’] [analysis]
38b25xII 82,11book 2543 53 ligus: nomina enim tertiae declinationis in anus debent facere dirivativa ut ante dixit {= E 26r23 facere - dixit] sua dirivativa ire E}
39a10gII 83,439a5book 3543 [ul]terior: exemplum inso ar a rangabalda as·ru-bart
[‘this is an example for the participial which he has mentioned’] [analysis]
39a10kII 83,4book 3543 (qui) ultra (est): cen magis friss
[‘without magis added to it’] [analysis]
39a14pII 83,739a13book 3543 carentibus (ca*su (s)): .i. neph-dilledchaib
[‘i.e. indeclinables’] [analysis]
39a21aaII 83,1139a23book 3211 543 (sive) vivis: nó dé bithbí it é vivi. in dóini bí
[‘or ever-living gods, or they are the vivi, the living human beings’] [analysis]
39a24ddII 83,1339a26book 3543 [ad]verbiorum: .i. inna ṅdobriathar asa·n-airberar cumaṅg ainmmde ⁊ hua·ṅgainetar comparaiti
[‘i.e. of the adverbs from which a nominal force is drawn, and from which comparatives are born’] [analysis]
39a26eeII 83,1439a27book 3421 543 cum (magis): Com magis lasin posit n-ísin
[‘with magis along with this positive’] [analysis]
39a26ffII 83,15book 3543 positi[vum]: as posit
[‘which is a positive’] [analysis]
39a27ggII 83,1539a29book 3543 significant: (m.l.) .i. Sens magis ⁊ posit leiss iss ed bís isin comparait hisin inna dobreithre .,
[‘i.e. the sense of magis and with it the positive, that is what exists in that comparative of the adverb’] [analysis]
39a35nnII 83,20book 3543 incrementa: ut magnus maior maximus
39a36ooII 83,20book 3543 [dem]minutiones: ut parvus minor minimus {= E 26v16}
39a37qqII 83,21book 3543 substantia: hominis vel alicuius rei
39b26kII 84,2239b7book 3543 participia: (m.d.) .i. it anmmann hi suidiu inna ranngabala
[‘i.e. here the participles are nouns’] [analysis]
39b32nII 85,339b10book 3543 et (pene haec): .i. ata ní archiunn
[‘i.e. there is something ahead’] [analysis]
39b32qII 85,4book 3543 citer: nomen {= E 27r5}
39b39yII 85,10book 33223 543 (ex) quo: nomine
40a7fII 85,1740a4book 3211 543 honoris (causa): fo bíth soíre ceneiuil inna grec
[‘because of the nobility of the race of the Greeks’] [analysis]
40a9hII 85,1840a6book 3543 sui (generis): ní·derscaigi in comparit di hilib a cheneiuil feissin.
[‘the comparative does not surpass many of its own kind’] [analysis]
40a12mII 86,140a10book 3543 comparatio: in ddaerscugud-són
[‘that is, the surpassing’] [analysis]
40a13nII 86,140a11book 3543 [su]perlativo possumus uti: (m.l.) Atá linn chaenae ní asa·n-arbaram daerscugud di neuch di hilib a chenéuil feissin .i. a superlait.
[‘we have besides something whereby we can express the surpassing by one of many of its own race, i.e. its superlative’] [analysis]
40a21xII 86,640a17book 3543 comparationem: (m.l.) ní·derscaigi dind huiliu cheneul is di hilib immurgu a cheniuil feissin di·roscai calléic
[‘it does not surpass the whole race: it is, however, many of its own kind that it surpasses for all that’] [analysis]
40a26ddII 86,9book 3543 omnes: plures {= E 27r21}
40a27eeII 86,1040a19book 3543 (ad) omnes (sceleratos): iss ed a plús insin
[‘(ad omnes) that is the plus (the ad plures)’] [analysis]
40b15fII 87,440b1book 3211 543 anomala: neph-riagoldai
[‘irregular’] [analysis]
40b16gII 87,440b2book 3543 [te]neri: is riagolda són
[‘this is regular’] [analysis]
40b21hII 87,840b3book 3543 vim (suam): a ṅgutass
[‘their vocalism’] [analysis]
40b23lII 87,9book 3423 543 amittens: .u. {= E 27v8 .i. add. E}
40b24oII 87,10book 3543 (nequior) pinguior: ni hed sin ⁊ it riagoldai sidi
[‘it is not that (the transition of i to a consonant) and (yet) these are regular’] [analysis]
40b26pII 87,1140b7book 3543 possitivi: noch ní cóir son acht corop máa i n-óen-ṡillaib in comparit iss ed as chóir
[‘yet this is not right - only that the comparative be greater by one syllable, this is what it is right’] [analysis]
40b36xII 87,1740b13book 3543 *arduiusque: co·n-eperr arduius
[‘so that arduius is said’] [analysis]
40b39aaII 87,2040b15book 3543 25 egregiisisima: do thaidbse ṡuperlait huandí as egregius egregior
[‘to show a superlative from egregius, egregior’] [analysis]
41a17hII 88,15book 3543 supra (dictam regulam): .i. riagol tormaig .or. forsin genitin ut docti doctior.
[‘i.e. the law of adding -or to the genitive, as docti, doctior’] [analysis]
41a24pII 89,441a8book 3543 nisi: acht comparit neutair nammá i n-óthud
[‘but only the neuter comparative in the singular’] [analysis]
41b12cII 89,23book 3543 3232 *suam: dia posit
[‘from its positive’] [analysis]
41b12dII 89,2341b3book 3543 fixum: huare as tuidmide in posit cen ḟodail ceineuil is airi ní·techta nisi unum genus
[‘since the positive is fixed without partition of gender (senex), therefore it (the comparative) has only one gender’] [analysis]
41b27hII 90,1141b4book 3543 sepe: .i. posit ainmde do denom di sepe ut extra reliqua
[‘i.e. that a nominal positive should be made of saepe as of extra etc.’] [analysis]
41b32mII 90,17book 3543 comparativus: prior
41b32nII 90,17book 3543 superla[tivus]: primus
41b34oII 90,1841b7book 3543 differentiam: (m.l.) .i. dechor n-uird i n-árim fil indib ⁊ it anmmann uirdd fo ṡodain
[‘i.e. (it is) distinction of order in number that is in them and accordingly they are nouns of order’] [analysis]
42a2bII 91,642a1book 3543 multos: di·róscai di hilib
[‘it surpasses many’] [analysis]
42a5dII 91,942a2book 3543 prior: tóisechu noch is nomen n-uirdd híc ⁊ con·delgthar calléic
[‘‘prior’, yet it is here a noun of order, and nevertheless it is compared’] [analysis]
42a35pII 92,742a6book 3543 possitus: cena chondelg fri nech
[‘without comparing him to anyone’] [analysis]
42a39sII 92,1142a7book 3543 572 tristior: venus .i. nírbu lán-ḟalid {cf. E 28v17 .i. venus .i. minus laeta}
[‘i.e. she was not full-glad’] [analysis]
42a40uII 92,1242a8book 3543 par[te]: nírbu lán-brón
[‘she was not full-sad’] [analysis]
42b1aII 92,1442b1book 3543 comparatur: di·róscaither
[‘it is distinguished’] [analysis]
42b7cII 92,1742b2book 3543 comparatur: di·rósci di superlait
[‘it surpasses (the) superlative’] [analysis]
42b9dII 92,1842b3book 3543 [com]parativus: di·rósci comparit di comparit
[‘a comparative surpasses a comparative’] [analysis]
42b10eII 93,1book 3543 fortiore: hectore
42b12fII 93,742b4book 3543 impro[bior]: .i. is messa ind amprome quam ind anfele. reliqua inante
[‘i.e. improbity is worse than impudence’] [analysis]
42b26iII 93,1642b5book 3543 diversae (sig[nificationis]): .i. is sain intliucht bís hi cechtar n-aí ut est híc .i. sensus iustitiae in uno sensus felicitatis in alio
[‘i.e. different is the meaning that is in each of these two, ut etc.’] [analysis]
42b27kII 93,17book 3543 4221 idem: (m.d.) .i. comparativi eiusdem intellectus., {= E 28v32}
42b31mII 93,2042b7book 3543 firmiorem: .i. do·berr fri tam ⁊ quam
[‘i.e. it (firmiorem) is put with tam and quam’] [analysis]
42b41qII 94,842b11book 3543 com[paratur]: di·róscaither
[‘it is distinguished’] [analysis]
42b42rII 94,842b12book 3543 fortior: de sé insin
[‘this (is an example) de se’] [analysis]
43a1aII 94,843a1book 3543 iustior: .i. ar bá firianu aeneas
[‘i.e. for Aeneas was juster’] [analysis]
43a1bII 94,9book 3543 fortior: de alio {= E 29r7 .i. add. E}
43a12eII 94,1643a3book 3543 [pro]latum: cena chondelg ⁊ a derscugud di neuch acht do·furcabar tríit feisin
[‘without its being compared and without its surpassing any (other), but it is brought forward through itself’] [analysis]
43a20hII 94,2143a6book 3543 336[?] dictarum: .i. in tan ad·cóidemmar di comparit
[‘i.e. when we have spoken of the comparative’] [analysis]
43b5aII 95,12book 3543 maturus: hodie {= E 29r27 .i. add. E}
43b14cII 96,1book 3543 adverbio: nuper
44a13gII 97,1644a4book 334 543 [com]parative: in comparitit .i. comparit húad
[‘comparatively, i.e. a comparative from it’] [analysis]
44a20mII 98,1book 3543 +εσχατος: superlativus híc {cf. E 29v24 positivus hic}
44a20nII 98,1book 3543 εσχατοτατος: comparit {cf. E 29v24 conparativus hic}
[‘a comparative’] [analysis]
44b38eII 100,244a2book 3543 [ex]cedunt: it lia déṡillabchi
[‘they are more than disyllabism’] [analysis]
44b41gII 100,444b4book 33232 543 eo: numero sillabarum .i. nó it lia desillabchi
[‘i.e. or they are more than disyllabism’] [analysis]
45a2bII 100,5book 3423 543 assumentia: positi for genitne
[‘positives over genitives’] [analysis]
45a25kII 101,5book 3543 compa[rativa]: dimminutiva
45a27oII 101,645a10book 3543 omnimodo: ó cach mud ó·mbí condelg
[‘in every mode in which is comparison’] [analysis]
45a32qII 101,945a11book 3213 543 [ab]soluta: (m.l.) cen chondelg n-indib .i. nibba cena daerscugud di neuch son.,
[‘without comparison in them, i.e. it will not be without its surpassing some (other)’] [analysis]
45a37yII 101,1445a15book 3211 543 parvo (maior): in bec máo .i. is bec as mao oldáu-sa .i. is bec in derscugud
[‘a little greater i.e. she is a little greater than I, i.e. the distinction is small’] [analysis]
45a39zII 101,1545a16book 3543 ex (sese): cena condelgg frinna aill
[‘without their being compared to any other thing’] [analysis]
45b6mII 101,2245b6book 3543 maxime: sainreth do maccaib apélogud
[‘particular to boys is caressing’] [analysis]
45b11tII 102,3book 3543 formas: terminationes {= E 30v15 .i. add. E}
45b11wII 102,445b14book 3543 homun[culus]: cach ṅdígabthach huálailiu
[‘each diminutive from another (homunculus from homunci, homullulus from homullus)’] [analysis]
46a9eII 103,846a3book 3543 aliam: .i. sain póc ⁊ pócnat reliqua
[‘i.e. different is a kiss and a kissy’] [analysis]
46a15kII 103,1546a7book 3543 venter: .i. ní venterculus do·gní
[‘i.e. it does not make venterculus’] [analysis]
46a33wII 104,1246a15book 3543 a masculino: cenid·ḟil comparit masculinus femininus leiss
[‘although it has not a masculine or feminine comparative’] [analysis]
46b9dII 105,1146b2book 3211 543 sororcula: siurnat
[‘little sister’] [analysis]
47a30pII 107,16book 3423 543 unum: nomen vetus
48a3bII 109,1948a1book 3543 primitiva: positi na digabthach
[‘the positives of the diminutives’] [analysis]
48a17hII 110,5book 34221 543 habent: dimminutiva
48a22lII 110,1048a6book 3211 543 (iterum) deminutiva: dígabthacha hualailib
[‘diminutives from others’] [analysis]
48a29oII 110,15book 3543 (eandem) formam: emnad .l.
[‘the doubling of l’] [analysis]
48b1aII 110,24book 34221 543 habeant: primitiva {= E 32v15}
49a15"iII 112,1949a5book 3543 excipitur: ní antoniolus do·gní
[‘it does not make Antoniolus’] [analysis]
49a37ggII 113,1849a16book 3543 puellula: digabthach hualailiu
[‘(one) diminutive from another’] [analysis]
49b30zII 115,849b12book 3543 3116 rotunda (forma): cruind sciath
[‘a round shield’] [analysis]
50a2bII 117,250a1book 4543 voce: ónd anmimm ó·diruidichther
[‘from the name from which it is derived’] [analysis]
50a4cII 117,250a2book 4543 [ali]qua: (m.s.) ní·techta sain intṡliucht and feissin hua·n-ainmmnigthae ut patronomica ⁊ posesiva reliqua
[‘it has no special sense in itself from which it should be named, as patronymics etc. (have)’] [analysis]
50a5dII 117,3book 4543 species: patronomica ⁊ posesiva {= E 33v27 &reliqua add. E}
50a5eII 117,350a3book 4543 species: (m.l.) .i. huare nád·n-étada diṅgrae saingnuste dia inni amal adid·chotatsat gnusi doacaldmacha olchenae. patronomica possesiva reliqua. aní ba choitchen doaib-sem huili iarum iṡ nomen diles do-som.,
[‘i.e. because it has not a special appellation from its meaning as (the) other appellative species have,–patronymics, possessives, etc.–What was common to them all (denominatiui) then, is a proper name for this (the denominatiuum)’] [analysis]
50a10gII 117,750a5book 4543 denominativa: .i. is nomen cenelach do cachae denominativum
[‘i.e. ‘denominative’ is a generic name for each of them’] [analysis]
50a13kII 117,9book 4543 timarcides: denominativum in forma patronomicorum ⁊ reliqua síc {cf. E 34r1 forma patronomicorum}
50a13lII 117,10book 4543 emilianus: possesivorum {= E 34r1}
50a14mII 117,10book 4543 nobilior: comparativorum {cf. E 34r1 in forma conparativorum}
50a14nII 117,10book 4543 maximus: superlativorum {= E 34r1}
50a14oII 117,10book 4543 +catulus: diminutivorum {= E 34r1}
50a15pII 117,1150a6book 4211 543 significationem: .i. huare nád·forcmat in n-inni saindilis inna ṅdelb
[‘i.e. since they do not preserve the special meaning of the forms’] [analysis]
50b8lII 118,17book 4543 us (puram): absque consonantibus ante se
50b12pII 118,20book 436 543 participiis: .i. in eadem forma participiis
50b12qII 118,20book 4543 quando: .i. quando nomina quartae declinationis ⁊ quando participia secundae declinationis
51a4gII 119,2751a4book 4543 ignominia: ar·fóim comsuidigud la diruidigud
[‘it takes composition (sc. with in) along with derivation (sc. of -gnominia from nomen)’] [analysis]
51a8hII 119,2751a5book 4543 inveniuntur: ní .a. ara·fóimat acht is monia
[‘it is not a that they assume, but it is -monia’] [analysis]
51a25mII 120,3book 4543 .I.: primo
52a17''nII 121,17book 4313 543 comedo: in eadem forma cum verbo {= E 35r6 in om. E}
52a20zzII 122,1452a19book 4543 [primi]tivo: don chétni persin as bunad do
[‘to the first person, which is its origin’] [analysis]
52a21abII 122,14book 4543 ipsa (positio verbi): prima persona {= E 35r21 .i. add. E}
52b9cII 122,23book 4543 libet: non secunda persona {= E 35r27 .i. add. E}
52b25"oII 123,852b7book 4543 specu: húad
[‘(derived) from it (specus)’] [analysis]
53a2aII 123,1853a1book 4543 sillabarum: inna guthaigthe co consonaib
[‘of the vowels together with (the) consonants’] [analysis]
54a22ccII 126,16book 425 543 +tubicen: quasi tuba canens {cf. E 36r26 a tuba &cano}
54a32hhII 126,2354a14book 425 543 *biugae: bina iuga dí guttai ḟodlaidi dirótha ind ⁊ ní deogur {= E 36r32 bina &iuga}
[‘two separate vowels have been converted into it, and it is not a diphthong’] [analysis]
54b4eII 127,1054b3book 4543 cum: .i. is and bíid .a. indib .re .ster in tan nád·ṁbí conson etir peneuilt ⁊ uilt isind anmmaimm chétnidiu .-
[‘i.e. then is a in them before -ster when there is no consonant between penult and ultima in the primitive noun’] [analysis]
54b10hII 127,1554b6book 4543 3232 haec: con·ecat beta ṅdéainmmnigthecha haec inna-hí tiagta hí ster is ó anmanaib dogrés bíit-sidi
[‘they may be denominatives, or haec, those that end in -ster they are always from nouns’] [analysis]
55a7"hII 128,17book 4543 asperitas: non aspertas {= K 25r30 c, E 36v34 .i. add. K}
55a10"iII 128,18book 4543 salubritas: non salubertas quia fit salubris {= E 37r1 .i. add. E .i. (quia) E.}
55b25nII 130,7book 4566[?] 543 +leenas: nomen loci et circumflexus accentus in ultima
55b28pII 130,855b6book 4543 leonis: indí as leonis leena femininum
[‘of the word ‘leonis’ (of the lion): ‘leena’ is its feminine’] [analysis]
56b2dII 131,1756b1book 4543 sive (non): nó in-na·bet o nach ainmmdiu etir acht it cétnidi reliqua
[‘or whether they are not from any nominal form at all, but are primitives’] [analysis]
56b38''iII 131,2256b4book 4543 [ser]vavit: .i. airdíxa .i. and ut predicta
[‘i.e. the i is long in it, as the aforesaid’] [analysis]
56b12"pII 131,2756b10book 4211 543 dirivatum: as ṅdirruidigthe a n-ainmm-sin
[‘that that noun is derived’] [analysis]
56b18"tII 132,456b13book 4543 cetera: cenmathá inna-hí as·rubart
[‘besides those that he has mentioned’] [analysis]
57a31iII 133,757a4book 4543 neutra: .i. do·soithaer ind i immechtrach .in .a.
[‘i.e. the outer i is turned into a’] [analysis]
57a33pII 133,8book 413 543 (ve,)laria, (raptos): dactylus {cf. E 38r21-2 & pegi,na &pue,ros in,de ad ve,laria, raptos}
57b7"dII 133,2457b1book 4543 (in) tis: acht is iar n-arsidib robbátar .in tis non síc hodie
[‘but it is according to the ancients that they were (i.e. ended) in -tis, non etc.’] [analysis]
57b12"fII 134,157b3book 4211 543 laurentis: laurentide .i. aitribthid na cathrach as·berr laurentium laurens immurgu bís hodie
[‘a Laurentian i.e. an inhabitant of the city called Laurentium; however it is now Laurens’] [analysis]
57b16"mII 134,357b6book 4211 543 (qui) nominativi: ind ainmmnidi hísin
[‘those nominatives’] [analysis]
57b27"sII 134,9book 413 543 +cerite: dactylus {cf. E 38v7 correptam}
57b40"zII 134,1557b8book 4211 543 compes: comascnaidid. ba compes ba riagoldae do buith ní ed immurgu acht is compos fil
[‘competitor (competens): it would be regular that there should be compes: it is not so, however, but it is compos that there is.’] [analysis]
58a12''hII 135,3book 425 543 acus: .i. {putamus} quia de verbis sunt haec {= E 38v18 putamus add. E}
58a32"lII 135,13book 4543 dissinit: ut nuntio {= E 38v25 .i. add. E}
58b19hII 136,858b4book 4211 543 menstruus: místae mensis non mensuus facit {= E 39r6 .i. add. E místae om. E}
[‘monthly: ‘mensis’ (month) does not form ‘*mensuus’’] [analysis]
58b21iII 136,10book 4331 543 aequo: verbum
58b25lII 136,1358b5book 4543 euphoniae: ní·bbad bind nach cruth ailiu
[‘otherwise it would not be euphonious’] [analysis]
58b38"nII 136,23book 4543 ultimae: ut tumeo reliqua {cf. E 39r17 .i. timeo}
58b39"pII 136,2358b7book 4543 4226 reliquam: cenmithá in consoin .i. arabí dint ṡillaib/ iar sind..../ nchonsain
[‘except the consonant i.e. which remains over of that syllable after the consonant ???’] [analysis]
59a5bII 137,159a1book 4543 alterni[tatis (causa)]: fri mí-fogur .i. do ailigud foguir fri alaile .i. corob bind in fogur .-
[‘(contrary) to cacophony, i.e. to differentiate (one) sound from another, i.e. so that the sound be harmonious’] [analysis]
59a14kII 137,659a4book 4543 manunine: .i. da .n. i ndá .t.
[‘i.e. two n’s into two t’s’] [analysis]
59a14lII 137,7book 4543 vitis: n. pro .t. {= E 39r27 .i. add. E}
59a16nII 137,8book 4543 meridies: r pro d
59a17pII 137,859a7book 4543 sed: arecar frithriagol do
[‘a counter-rule to it is found’] [analysis]
59a17qII 137,959a8book 43232 543 hoc: ius ní dogrés do·gníther
[‘ius, it is not always acted on’] [analysis]
57a22zII 137,12book 4543 nomen: pandus
59a24bbII 137,1359a11book 4543 in se: is follus inna n-inni-som inne inna n-anmmann húataat
[‘manifest in their meaning is the meaning of the nouns form which they are (derived)’] [analysis]
59a30eeII 137,1659a13book 4543 211 [vi]tabundus: ní fír immgabail is cosmail indí imm·aimmgaib
[‘it is not a true avoidance: it is a likeness of one who avoids’] [analysis]
59a41llII 137,2359a17book 4543 542 alternitatis ([causa]): .i. co·nroib ailidetu ⁊ dechor etir in dí ṡillaib ar it cosmaili
[‘i.e. so that there may be alternation and difference between the two syllables, for they are alike’] [analysis]
59b2aII 137,25book 4543 (tertia) forma: .i. quia in idus ⁊ in bundus dixit prius {= E 39v8}
59b7dII 138,159b3book 4543 quod: in chiall fil indib is ciall innriccso
[‘the meaning that is in them is a meaning of worthiness’] [analysis]
59b8eII 138,159b4book 4543 laudandus: is huisse a molath
[‘it is just to praise him’] [analysis]
59b9fII 138,259b5book 4543 amandus: húise a ṡerc
[‘it is just to love him’] [analysis]
59b12gII 138,3book 4543 legendus: is huise a legend
[‘it is just to read him’] [analysis]
59b12hII 138,359b7book 4543 loquendus: is uise aisṅdís de
[‘it is just to speak of him’] [analysis]
59b19nII 138,8book 4543 partes: vocales absque consonantibus {= E 39v17}
59b20oII 138,859b10book 4543 syllabas: i n-ógai
[‘(the syllable) in (its) totality’] [analysis]
59b20pII 138,859b11book 4543 purae: cen chonnsona
[‘without consonants’] [analysis]
59b21qII 138,959b12book 4543 anniculo: non annulus dirruidigthe anniculus digabthach immurgu anulus {cf. E 39v18 .i. non annulus.}
[‘not annulus: anniculus is the derivative: anulus, however, the diminutive’] [analysis]
59b38"eeII 138,2059b18book 4543 211 aliquem: is lán di neuch thórṅther tresin n-aimmnigud-sin
[‘it is full of whatever is denoted by that appellation’] [analysis]
60a2aII 138,23book 4543 par[tem]: vocalem tantum in vocalem cum consonante ultimo
60a14cII 139,2book 458 543 sunt: (m.l.) et secundae sunt scilicet declinationis
60b30''gII 140,560b6book 4543 tus: .i. ni stus ara·ḟoimát amal inna rem-eperthi {cf. M 4ra16 e ni stus}
[‘i.e. it is not -stus that they assume, like the aforesaid (but only -tus)’] [analysis]
60b33''iII 140,660b7book 4543 omnia: ótha stus {cf. E 40r21 unam (sic) .stus}
[‘from -stus onwards’] [analysis]
61a16hII 141,1061a5book 5211 543 articulare (pronomen): .i. a pronomen n-articoldae .i. a pronomen gaibes engracus ṅ-articuil {cf. E 40v10 .i. a pronomen articoldae}
[‘i.e. the articular pronoun, i.e. the pronoun that takes the place of an article’] [analysis]
61a19iII 141,1261a6book 5543 [se]paratum: (m.l.) .i. articol etarscartha fri suidib.,
[‘i.e. an article distinct from them’] [analysis]
61a24qII 141,1661a9book 5543 nulla: .i. is inderb im mascul fá femen ní·coméicnigedar na dliged insin vel uno genere vel diverso genere ,, {cf. E 40v15 ratione uno genere vel diverso}
[‘i.e. it is uncertain whether it be a masculine or a feminine: there is not any rule that obliges that’] [analysis]
61a29zII 141,1861a14book 5543 genere: con·mescatar da cenél indib
[‘two genders are mixed in them’] [analysis]
61a35bbII 142,161a18book 5543 [na]tura: (m.l.) Fodail cenéuil i n-ini-sin ⁊ ní·bí hi guth
[‘that (is) distinction of gender in meaning, and it is not in sound’] [analysis]
61a36eeII 142,2book 5212 543 voce: .i. sono non pater patra
61a38kkII 142,361a24book 5543 alia: (m.l.) ní·fil dechor ceníuil aicneti indib ar ni·tat masculina ná feminina secundum naturam.
[‘there is no difference of natural gender in them since they are not masculine or feminine according to nature’] [analysis]
61a39mmII 142,3book 5543 lucifer: grian
[‘sun’] [analysis]
61a39nnII 142,4book 5543 lucifera: aescae
[‘moon’] [analysis]
61a40ooII 142,4book 5543 frugifer: ager {add. E 40v22 in textu princ.}
61a40ppII 142,4book 5543 frugifera: terra {add. E 40v22 in textu princ.}
61b7mII 142,1061b3book 5543 differentiae: (m.l.) .i. do dechor etir anmmann inna crann ⁊ anmmann a toraid in-na crann-sin,
[‘i.e. to make a difference between the names of the trees and the names of the fruit of those trees’] [analysis]
61b8oII 142,10book 5543 pirum: fructus {cf. E 40v28 nomen fructus}
61b8qII 142,11book 5543 málum: fructus {cf. E 40v29 abal}
61b12tII 142,1461a7book 5543 58 arbos: do glúais a n-arbos
[‘arbos is by way of gloss’] [analysis]
61b13xII 142,1561b8book 5543 arbuta: do chrunn fessin
61b14zII 142,1561b9book 5543 myrta: don chrunn
[‘of the tree’] [analysis]
61b14bbII 142,1561b11book 5543 pruna: don chrunn
[‘of the tree’] [analysis]
61b15ddII 142,1661b13book 5543 572 buxum: .i. don chrunn fésin is nomen buxum hisin ni don torud ⁊ is ainsid neutair
[‘i.e. buxum is here the name of the tree itself, not of the fruit, and it is an accusative neuter’] [analysis]
61b24mmII 142,2361b14book 5211 543 gligerium (mea): mo gligernat-sa .i. mo ben-sa .i. nomina mulierum
[‘my Glycerium (sweetling), i.e. my wife’] [analysis]
61b40qqII 143,6book 5543 ka[tilina]: apud latinos
61b40uuII 143,7book 5543 κατιλι[νας]: apud grecos {= E 41r14}
62a2dII 143,10book 5543 ποιητης: apud grecos {= E 41r16}
62a4eII 143,11book 5543 poeta: .i. apud latinos
62a33yII 144,14book 5543 +capti: híc
62a40ddII 144,2262a3book 5543 53 panthera: (m.l.) .i. inderbus ceníuil ⁊ tairmmorcinn ar biid panther ⁊ panthera ut postea dicet
[‘i.e. uncertainty of gender and termination, for there is panther and panthera, as he will say afterwards’] [analysis]
62a42eeII 144,2462a4book 53232 543 hoc: .i. in coimmchlóud són .i. cach-la céin it masculina in cein n-aili it feminina
[‘i.e. the mutation, i.e. at one time they are masculine, at another time they are feminine’] [analysis]
62b17eII 145,13book 5543 a genitivis: duo genitivi in compositione {= E 41v13, cf. M 4va16 d .i. duobus genitivis}
63a3bII 146,863a1book 5543 αντροπος: .i. coitchen decheneli sin apud grecos
[‘i.e. those are common bigeneric with the Greeks’] [analysis]
63a11kII 146,14book 5543 straba: a femininum {cf. M 4va33 m femininum}
[‘its feminine’] [analysis]
63a34zII 147,15book 5543 (extremae) syllabae: .i. um {= E 42r12}
63a40ddII 147,2163a13book 5543 oppidum: a ṅdind suthul á nomen
[‘the town the name of which is Suthul’] [analysis]
63a41eeII 147,2163a14book 5541 543 figurate: .i. filid do·gníat a n-accomol in chrut-sin ⁊ ni·midedar cenel n-indib a n-accomol-sin.,
[‘i.e. poets make the combination in that manner; but that combination does not decide the gender in them’] [analysis]
63a42ggII 147,2263a17book 5543 dicere: (m.i.) Amal nád·ṅdéni neutur dindí as tiberis cia do·berthar flumen friss síc ní·deni neutur dindí as suthul ci ad·comaltar oppidum friss.,
[‘as it does not make a neuter of ‘Tiberis’, that ‘flumen’ (river) is put with it, so it does not make a neuter of ‘Suthul’, that ‘oppidum’ (town) is conjoined to it’] [analysis]
63b6cII 148,7book 5543 35 celsus: as nomen vici
[‘that is the name of a town’] [analysis]
63b12gII 148,1163b3book 5543 declinabilem: i tairmoircniu ailiu
[‘into other terminal sounds’] [analysis]
63b37xII 149,863b15book 5543 ren: .i. is cummae bíte dib línaib
[‘i.e. it is in the same way that they both are’] [analysis]
64a32eeII 150,20book 5543 composita: it masculina dano
[‘they are masculine then’] [analysis]
64a33kkII 151,164a14book 551 543 (terrae ..) foetus: na sothe .i. ní do·ḟuisim terra
[‘the products i.e. what terra brings forth’] [analysis]
64b1aII 151,1564b2book 5543 morbo: .i. ⁊ is neutur i ssuidiu
[‘i.e. and it is neuter here’] [analysis]
64b19lII 152,11book 535 543 tamen: .i. pauper la ṡuide do ḟemun
[‘i.e. with him pauper is as a feminine’] [analysis]
64b20mII 152,1364b6book 5211 543 degener: dochenéiuil communia sunt
[‘of low birth: they (degener and uber) are common’] [analysis]
64b28sII 152,19book 5543 terminatione: in er ⁊ in .is
65a13eII 154,365a3book 5543 tartessum: a ainmm hi tosuch gaddir iarum
[‘(Tartessus was) its name at first, Gaddir afterwards’] [analysis]
65a23gII 154,10117book 5543 alterius: acht femininum tantum
[‘but feminine only’] [analysis]
65a32pII 154,1765a9book 5543 563 siler: luib ⁊ ní crann
[‘a plant and not a tree’] [analysis]
65a33qII 154,17book 5543 563 rubus: dris reliqua
[‘thorn etc.’] [analysis]
65a35sII 154,1965a11book 5543 preterea: cenmithá aranecatar coitchena in or dano
[‘besides that common nouns in or also are found’] [analysis]
65b7fII 155,5book 5566[?] 543 pediatia: mulier
65b34rII 156,365b8book 5543 termina[tionem]: mani·cumsciget tairmorcenn ni·cumsciget cenel
[‘if they do not change the ending, they do not change the gender’] [analysis]
65b36tII 156,465b9book 5543 *commotationem: con·osciget chenel ma chon·oschiget tairmorcien
[‘they change the gender if they change the termination’] [analysis]
66a2dII 156,1166a2book 5543 rerum: inna dule for·dingrat
[‘of the elements which they express’] [analysis]
66a9lII 156,16book 5543 calistone: milite
66a9mII 156,1766a8book 5543 211 miles: banmíl
[‘a female soldier’] [analysis]
66a17xII 157,166a15book 5543 211 hospes: banogi
[‘a female guest’] [analysis]
66a31ooII 157,1566a22book 5543 *sunt: do·gní neutur di teretes á accomol fri taela
[‘its connexion with tela makes a neuter of teretes’] [analysis]
66a34wwII 157,1966a28book 5543 sospes: (m.l.) Do·gní neutur dindi as sospes a accomol frisan-í as depositum
[‘its connexion with depositum makes a neuter of sospes’] [analysis]
66b10lII 158,1266b9book 5543 quam: insinderb dogres i n-arim hodid a ndies hore is and sluindid aimsir n-indeirb
[‘in the singular number dies is always uncertain, because therein it signifies an uncertain time’] [analysis]
66b14mII 158,1566b10book 5543 541 masculinum: air is aimser derb do·foirnde inna hilur is airi is masculinda air in tain as·bir dies is derb a lín lathe diand·apir
[‘since it is a certain time that it signifies in its plural, therefore it is masculine, for when you say dies the number of days of which you so speak is certain’] [analysis]
66b18tII 158,18book 5543 (pro) certo (tempore): do slund aimsire deirbbae
[‘(the feminine) to express certain time’] [analysis]
66b19uII 158,1866b16book 5543 4228 et (pro incerto): ar·ecar a mascul do slund aimsire indeirbbae
[‘the masculine is found to express uncertain time’] [analysis]
66b20xII 158,2066b17book 5572 543 venit: panthus dixit contra aeneam tanicc aimser derb togle troi desmrecht insin ar aimsir deirb in feminino
[‘Panthous said to Aeneas: ‘The certain hour of Troy’s destruction has come’: that is an example for certain time in the feminine’] [analysis]
66b22aaII 158,2466b18book 5543 dies: (m.d.) desmrecht inso ar mascul do slund aimsire inderbbae air nis·sluindi dies hic aimsir deirb
[‘this is an example for the expression of uncertain time by the masculine, for here dies does not express a certain time’] [analysis]
66b24bbII 159,2book 5543 statius: exemplum pro masculino ⁊ incertum tempus {cf. E 45r3 masculinum pro incerto}
66b25eeII 159,466b20book 5543 diem: desmrecht n-aill ar inderbus hí mascul
[‘another example of (lit. for) uncertainty in the masculine’] [analysis]
66b27ggII 159,666b21book 5543 4221 tempus: medonlathi
[‘middle of the day’] [analysis]
67a4aII 159,2067a1book 5211 543 hostem: in bannámit
[‘the female foes’] [analysis]
67a19"pII 160,667a9book 534 543 magis: fon cheill toissech
[‘according to the first sense’] [analysis]
67a22"uII 160,1067a12book 5543 58 424 *excipitur: (subs.) do·formagar briathar híc iterum fo bíth as n-athchian in briathar remeperthe is excipitur. as maith tuass ni excipiuntur ..,
[‘a verb (excipitur) is added here again, because the verb aforesaid is very remote. Or it is excipitur that is right above, not excipiuntur’] [analysis]
67a37"bbII 160,1767a17book 54228 543 ut: .i. amal as·berar haec amnis reliqua ⁊ it masculinni immurgu linni
[‘i.e. as haec amnis etc. is said, and yet with us they are masculine’] [analysis]
67b20lII 161,15book 5543 eandem: .i. file apud grecos
[‘i.e. which are with the Greeks’] [analysis]
67b39zII 162,3book 558 543 221 pylus: .i. os (m.l.) ¹
68a13dII 162,1168a3book 54228 543 nilotis (acus): nibu machdad bed coitchenn reliqua
[‘it were no wonder that it should be common’] [analysis]
68a34iII 163,11book 5543 pus: .i. correpta .u.
68b10dII 164,168b3book 5211 543 [(supra) syl]labam: .i. húa sillaib .i. móa óen-sillaib .i. níbi oen-ṡillab amal inna-hí riam acht it deṡillabcha reliqua
[‘i.e. over a syllable, i.e. more than one syllable: there is not one syllable like those before, but they are disyllabic etc.’] [analysis]
68b24iII 164,1268b8book 5543 supra (sillabam): móa oldaas óen-ṡillab
[‘more than one syllable’] [analysis]
69a7gII 165,1369a5book 5211 543 *clasendix: .i. aesc .i. combad ar gair aicnid ad·rímed in suidiguth
[‘i.e. a shell-fish, i.e. so he would reckon the position for shortness of nature’] [analysis]
69a10kII 165,14book 5543 feminina: quae peneultimam longam
69a20ddII 166,169a20book 5543 quamvis: olṡodain bá ṡainred do ḟémiun
[‘which should be peculiar to the feminine’] [analysis]
69a30iiII 166,10book 5543 53 +(adiectiva) sunt: .i. communia sunt trium generum ut post dicet
69a38ooII 166,16book 5543 scribendum: combad coniux
[‘so that it should be conjux’] [analysis]
69b28"oII 167,1569b5book 5211 543 princeps: .i. banairchinnech
[‘i.e. female principal’] [analysis]
69b34xII 167,19book 5543 313 *municeps: haec
69b37zII 168,2book 53232 543 eorum: nominum .i. princeps ⁊ municeps ⁊ parens
69b39aaII 168,3book 5543 313 principia (municipia): .i. quia principium ⁊ municipium fiunt
69b40bbII 168,369b9book 5336[?] 543 parentia: a ndo·fuismet .i. ilar rangabá-lae ⁊ ní nomen
[‘when they bring forth i.e. the plural of a participle, and it is not a noun’] [analysis]
70b42eeII 171,1570b13book 5543 in (dubiís generibus): (subs.) airmm i n-aisṅdethat de dubiis generibus
[‘the place in which they treat of doubtful genders’] [analysis]
71a17pII 172,1071a7book 5543 (a) generali (verbo): uand anmmaim chenelach as verbum
[‘from the general noun that is verbum’] [analysis]
71a19sII 172,11book 5543 (alii ..) dicunt: verum dicunt
71a25zII 172,1471a11book 5543 illud: sechi ed .i. amal rongabsat intúisil olchenae hituiter
[‘whatever it may be, i.e. such as the other cases in which there is declension’] [analysis]
71a25aaII 172,1571a12book 5543 ipsa (res): .i. amal rongab int ainmnid/ asatuiter
[‘i.e. as such as the nominative from which there is declension’] [analysis]
71a31ffII 172,1871a17book 5543 maiore: (m.l.) .i. huare is/ lia aní dia/neperr casus/ and
[‘i.e. since more numerous is that to which the name casus is given’] [analysis]
71a37iiII 172,22book 5543 omnes: sicut ex nominativo omnes casus progrediuntur
71a38kkII 172,2271a19book 5543 in (ipsum): .i. in oena focerddar ⁊ dofuasailgther cach áram
[‘i.e. every number is cast and resolved into units’] [analysis]
71b2bII 172,26book 5543 nomina: .i. numeri ut .unus. duo. III. reliqua {cf. E 48v13 ut unus duo tres}
71b3cII 173,171b1book 5211 543 ultra: altarach .i. frie anall
[‘on the other side i.e. on the far side of it’] [analysis]
71b3dII 173,171b2book 5211 543 citraque: centarach .i. frie deṡiu
[‘on this side i.e. on the near side of it’] [analysis]
71b5eII 173,2book 5423 543 pluralium: nominum ut homines {cf. E 48v15 hominum (sic)}
71b6gII 173,3book 5543 singulis: .i. certis
71b6hII 173,371b3book 5543 541 numeris: .i. ar isleo feissin insuidigud hitaat ar ní rochinn/set ónach uathuth/ etir ut nomina pluralia tech/taite huathath..,
[‘i.e. for the position in which they are is their own; for they have not descended from any singular at all, as do plural nouns that have a singular number’] [analysis]
71b12iII 173,571b4book 5543 autem: ar aicciditib dóib
[‘as variable properties to them’] [analysis]
71b18mII 173,871b6book 5543 demonstret: .i. dofoirṅde dobriathar árim fochosmailius dofóirṅdet nomina numeri
[‘i.e. the adverb denotes a number even as the nouns of number denote (it)’] [analysis]
71b19oII 173,971b7book 5543 [(ad) significa]tionem: .i. fochosmailius nondafailsigetar nomina numeri
[‘i.e. even as nouns of number manifest it’] [analysis]
71b22uII 173,11book 5543 singula[ris]: ut semel singulatim
71b23wII 173,12book 5543 pluralis: ut pluraliter
71b23xII 173,1271b12book 5543 similiter: .i. issí indobriather chétna ad/chomaltar fris/na briathra hua/thati ⁊ hilddai.,
[‘i.e. it is the same adverb that is joined to the singular and plural verbs’] [analysis]
71b36ffII 173,19book 5543 declinantur: is accidit doṡuidib numerus
[‘to these number is an accident’] [analysis]
72a4cII 173,2572a1book 5543 vox: .i. combad choitchen etir uathad ⁊ ilar doneuch dofoirṅde persain deirb
[‘i.e. so that it should be common, both in singular and plural, to what siginifes a determinate person’] [analysis]
72a6dII 173,2572a2book 5543 ηλητον: coitchena so etir diárim in oenṡun .i. innabriathra grecdi se.
[‘these (are) common between the two numbers in one word, i.e. these Greek words’] [analysis]
72a14fII 174,472a4book 5543 eandem (vocem): .i. hinunn litred do uathath femin ⁊ do hilur neutair in anmmanaib fodalet chenel
[‘i.e. the same combination-of-letters for the feminine singular and for the neuter plural in nouns that distinguish gender’] [analysis]
72a21qII 174,8book 5543 in (es): fodeud sin
[‘this (is) at the end’] [analysis]
72b30kII 175,14book 5543 partes: regiones
72b38oII 175,1972b5book 5543 idem: .i. issed a folad cétna beos toḟóirṅdet
[‘i.e. it is the same substance which they still signify’] [analysis]
73a2bII 176,2book 5543 (ad) mensuram: in aridis {= K 32v16 b .i. add. K}
73a2cII 176,2book 5543 (ad) pensum: in liquidis {= K 32v16 c .i. add. K}
73a15tII 176,1073a13book 5211 543 usu: .i. tre gnais aṁbuithe in hilur
[‘i.e. through the custom of their being in the plural’] [analysis]
73a21uII 176,1373a14book 5543 comprehensiva: .i. contetarthet hilar inna ninni
[‘i.e. they comprise plurality in their signification’] [analysis]
73a31ggII 176,18book 5543 313 561 mecena: singularis vel civitas
73a41mmII 177,1073a16book 5211 543 [(dictionis in) quan]titate: .i. issinméit ṁbis indepert .i. immar fa bec
[‘i.e. in the extent to which the vocable is: i.e. whether it be great or small’] [analysis]
73b4aII 177,1373b1book 5543 59 separatim: gnáe far figuir insin far leth farleth .i. tresṅgné
[‘that is a subdivision of ‘figura’ apart; apart, that is by reason of the subdivision’] [analysis]
73b9cII 177,1673b2book 5543 dictionibus .. in[telligendis]: .i. ciaetirscar/tar inna eperta/ bíte is inchomsuidigthiu/ adcuirethar/ do hógi ⁊ sluin/dit ní iarna/netarscarad.,
[‘i.e. though the words that are in the compound are separated they return to integrity, and signify somewhat after their separation’] [analysis]
73b11eII 177,1773b3book 5543 rem: oinḟolad sluindite iarcomsuidigud .i. afolad foṡuidigther fondṡun .
[‘they express one substance after composition that is, the substance put under the word’] [analysis]
73b26kII 177,2573b6book 5211 543 nihil (dico): niepur ní sin .i. nidliged
[‘I say nothing therein, i.e. it is not right’] [analysis]
73b26lII 178,173a7book 5543 per sé: do ṡlund nachḟolaid triit feissin
[‘to express by itself any substance’] [analysis]
73b35mII 178,673a8book 5543 decomposita: .i. bit dechomsuidigthi asbertar mad hed insin asberthar díib
[‘i.e. they will be called decomposita, if that be said of them’] [analysis]
74a25dII 179,374a1book 5211 543 efficio: amal in compositis
[‘as in compounds’] [analysis]
74a35iII 179,8book 5543 [con]tactus: non contigtus facit {cf. E 50v18 contictus debuit facere}
74a36kII 179,974a3book 5543 conlatus: contulitus dogni
[‘it does not make contulitus’] [analysis]
74a41lII 179,1374a4book 5543 (senatus)decretum: rangábal
[‘a participle’] [analysis]
74a41mII 179,1374a5book 5543 (plebi)scitum: rangábal
[‘a participle’] [analysis]
74b2aII 179,1474b1book 5543 211 causidicus: (m.s.) .i. cause adverbi um .i. indaicsendaid
[‘i.e. causally’] [analysis]
74b21eII 180,974b3book 5543 duas .. etc.: (m.d.) atuasulcud/ adi indi rainn/ iṅgnaidi.
[‘their resolution into two intelligible parts’] [analysis]
74b26fII 180,1274b4book 5543 (ex) semplici (et decomposito): .i. cach hae díib son
[‘i.e. each of them’] [analysis]
74b33iII 180,1574b6book 5543 333 [com]paginem: arambé indalarann cen diall
[‘that one of the two parts be undeclined’] [analysis]
74b42mII 180,2074b8book 5543 compagine: .i. ní etar scarad comsuidigthi file and huare is foen aicciund adfiadar
[‘i.e. it is not a separation of a compound which is here, since it is pronounced under a single accent’] [analysis]
75a11gII 181,475a1book 5543 ratione: níchendliged anephdiall ódibrannaib
[‘not without reason is their absence of declension in the two parts’] [analysis]
75a12hII 181,5131book 5543 *alteram: ingenitin coitchen trechinélai
[‘the common trigeneric genitive’] [analysis]
75a13iII 181,5131book 5543 alteram: adiall ó chechtar indarann
[‘its declension in each of the two parts’] [analysis]
75a26nII 181,13131book 5543 alterutro: .i. ní alteroutro asbeir. issechtar rolaa adilledchi ní immédon
[‘it is not ‘altero utro’ (in one of the two ) that he says: it is outside that he has put its declinability, not in the middle’] [analysis]
75a27oII 181,14131book 5543 masculinum: .i. alteruter cesu chomsuidigthe ódib nógaib file hisuidiu
[‘‘alteruter’ (one of two), although it is a compound of two integral that is here’] [analysis]
75a32qII 181,17131book 5543 etiam: biid dano comaitecht ceneuil dochenéul in aiccendaib
[‘so there is agreeing of gender to gender in accents’] [analysis]
75a34rII 181,18book 5543 femininum: .i. utraque
75a36tII 181,20131book 5543 35 que: aní as que
[‘that which is que’] [analysis]
75b4bII 182,175a2book 534 543 tamen: .i. ciasid ruburt frit tuas alter utra pro altera utra robói camaiph dano/ laarsaidi altera utra ⁊ alterum/ utrum .i. comsuidigud odib nogaib is/indḟemun ⁊ neutur amal rond/gab isinmascul .,
[‘i.e. though I have said to you above, alter utra for altera utra, the ancients, however, had altera utra and alterum utrum, i.e. composition of two integrals in the feminine and neuter as is in the masculine’] [analysis]
75b5cII 182,275b3book 5543 alterius utrius: .i. daeltais dano fo a dánog innagenitin
[‘i.e. they used to decline it then according to its two integrals in its genitive’] [analysis]
75b6dII 182,275b4book 5543 plerus: robói són dano leo
[‘this, then, they had’] [analysis]
75b29nII 182,20book 535 543 que: ani as que
[‘that which is que’] [analysis]
75b38pII 183,5book 5543 senatusconsultum: (senatus:) .i. genitivus (consultum:) nominativus {= E 51v30 .i. om. E}
75b40rII 183,675b11book 5543 iurisperitus: comsuidigud frigenitne insin
[‘that is composition with genitives’] [analysis]
75b40sII 183,6book 5543 prefectusurbis: (prefectus:) nominativus
75b41tII 183,675b12book 5543 prefectusurbi: fritobarthaid
[‘with a dative’] [analysis]
76a1aII 183,776a1book 5543 agricola: fri áinsid
[‘with an accusative’] [analysis]
76a2bII 183,7book 5543 caelicola: contra acusativum
76a2cII 183,876a2book 5543 211 macte: fri togarthaith .i. a már thórmachtai
[‘with a vocative, i.e. O greatly increased!’] [analysis]
76a32mII 184,6book 5543 4229 et (aptota): .i. cid .i. inter
[‘i.e. what i.e. between’] [analysis]
76b11cII 184,1976b2book 5543 (hi) quatuor: ardesimrecht dobeirsem in daarticul híc biit dano fris huile samlaid ⁊ reliqua sic
[‘i.e. for an example he gives the two articles here: they are then with it all like this, and the others in the same way’] [analysis]
76b24hII 185,176b3book 5543 habere: .i. do oen forggnuis
[‘i.e. to one form’] [analysis]
76b29lII 185,476b5book 5543 labor: is hinunn intṡliucht sluindite diblinaib ⁊ reliqua síc
[‘identical is the meaning which both express etc. sic.’] [analysis]
77a5bII 185,1677a1book 5211 543 generale: tuistenach eo quod fere omnes casus generat
[‘generative, because it generates almost all the cases’] [analysis]
77a9cII 185,18book 5543 (eum) casum: .i. genitivum
77a19gII 185,2577a4book 5543 (in) causa (.. facio): .i. dandiut combe hicóis
[‘i.e. I bring him down so that he may be in cause’] [analysis]
77a31mII 186,877a6book 5543 3228[?] neutram: .i. ithé sidi nadtechtat innairdegnúsigud cechtar de
[‘i.e. these are they that do not possess either sign-aspect’] [analysis]
77a42qII 186,1677a9book 5543 naturale: .i. macc indead aathar
[‘i.e. a son after his father’] [analysis]
78b34kII 190,14book 5543 uno: .i. ablativo
88,3aII 190,21book 5543 transitione: .i. non ad unam personam ablativus ⁊ nominativus alterius per sonae/ pertinent
88,24hII 191,9book 5543 221 *ναντιτου: .i. exemplum confail infinitivus and argenitin rangabala
[‘i.e. an example so that an infinitive is therein for the genitive of a participle’] [analysis]
90a9aII 194,690a1book 6543 51 audacis (incepti): .i. denom indṡáirsi
[‘i.e. the making of the art (ars)’] [analysis]
90a9bII 194,690a2book 6543 51 difficillima: contalla obbad fair itir
[‘it does not admit of refusal at all’] [analysis]
90a18dII 194,1490a3book 6543 approbata: .i. anderbad hua desimrechtaib auctoritatis
[‘i.e. to certify them by examples of authority’] [analysis]
90a22gII 194,1790a4book 6211 543 [(non) omni]no (certis): .i. nihuile asderb
[‘i.e. not all is certain’] [analysis]
90a32mII 195,890a5book 6543 (quamvis) audacissime: cesudánatu dom
[‘though it is boldness in me’] [analysis]
90a35oII 195,1090a7book 6543 emendandum: .i. ishe se incomdíthnad .i. ol as cocarti
[‘i.e. this is the consolation, i.e. because it is to be corrected’] [analysis]
90b14eII 196,290b2book 6543 idem: .i. diambed didiu neutur far cétnu diull ropad far nóeṅdeilb nobbiad a ainmid huathaid ⁊ hilair
[‘i.e. if, then, there were a neuter according to the first declension its nom. sing. and pl. would be according to the same paradigm’] [analysis]
91a28gII 198,8book 6543 3113 pro familiae: .i. pro genitivo hodie
91b13fII 199,18book 63116 543 [sce]mate: pro ablativo hodie
91b19iII 200,9book 63115 543 deiadima: .i. pro accusativo hodie
91b22nII 200,1291b4book 63115 543 glaucomam: .i. áinsid dano cetni diil laarsidi
[‘i.e. the accusative, then, of the first declension with the ancients’] [analysis]
91b33pII 201,991b5book 6543 mille: is nephdilledach són dano
[‘this then is indeclinable’] [analysis]
91b40rII 201,14book 6543 ut si: analogia
91b43sII 201,16book 6543 [sermo]nis: .i. non habent neutra secundum rationem suam
92a16hII 202,12book 6543 nostri: .i. latini
92a25mII 202,1992a2book 6543 [mo]rem: .i. airdiden indainmnedo téte in .a.
[‘i.e. the production of the nominative which ends in a’] [analysis]
92a26nII 202,2192a3book 613 543 tege,a: (-a:) .i. airdíxa .a. and fo chosmailius grec
[‘i.e. a (is) long in it, after the fashion of the Greeks’] [analysis]
92a27rII 203,1book 613 543 neme,a: (-a:) .i. hic producta
92b3cII 204,192b2book 6543 frequentior: .i. is coimddigiu neutur and in othud
[‘i.e. the neuter is more frequent in it in the singular’] [analysis]
93b8cII 208,1293b2book 6543 541 feminini: .i. is diall femin file fair .i. motato .o. in .i. in genitivo
[‘i.e. it is the feminine declension which is on it, i.e. o being changed into i in the genitive’] [analysis]
93b13eII 208,1893b3book 6543 excipitur: ní .o. in .i. dogníson
[‘this does not make o into i’] [analysis]
93b36mII 209,17book 6543 addita (nis): 7 erit latina regula
94a11dII 210,16book 6543 in (um): secundae declinationis
94b10cII 213,1book 6543 lactes: .i. quamvis fit lactes non plurale lactis
95a22eII 215,495a3book 6211 543 nihil: .i. nephní
[‘i.e. nothing’] [analysis]
95a23gII 215,4137book 625 543 intollerabilius: (in-:) ardíltud ata .in.
[‘for negation the in- is’] [analysis]
95a30kII 215,10book 6212 543 hilo: .i. ullo {= E 59v15}
95b17iII 216,1395b3book 6221 543 arabus: .i. ainmnid uathaid latindae ua genitin grecdi
[‘i.e. a Latin nominative singular from a Greek genitive’] [analysis]
96a10eII 218,14book 6313 543 panthera: .i. de accusativo graeco
96a m.s.fII 218,18book 6543 cassida: .i. pro nominativo {= E 60r22 accusativus add. E}
96a19kII 219,4book 6313 543 abaci: .i. a nominativo abacus
96b7bII 220,13book 6543 λαοκοον: .i. correpta
97b2aII 224,197b1book 6543 (secundum) analogiam: iar ṅ diul tanisiu
[‘according to the second declension’] [analysis]
98a19bII 226,898a1book 6543 inveniuntur: .i. comṡuidigthe odib nógaib in feminino ⁊ neutro ut est in masculino
[‘i.e. compounded of two integrals in the fem. and neut., as it is in the masc.’] [analysis]
98a20cII 226,998a2book 6543 utraque: .i. andiall foadanóg
[‘i.e. the declension according to its two integrals’] [analysis]
99a2bII 228,20book 6543 excipitur: .i. ni er in .ris
[‘i.e. it is not er into ris’] [analysis]
99a12eII 229,799a2book 6215 543 ancipitis: .i. is cumtubart ced dogní angenitiu
[‘i.e. it is doubtful what their genitive makes’] [analysis]
99a21kII 229,14book 63111 543 iovis: nominativus
99a28mII 229,21book 6543 utriusque: .i. masculini ⁊ feminini
99a30pII 230,1book 6543 alacris: .i. anchises
99b10fII 230,19book 63111 543 novembris: nominativus
99b11gII 230,20book 6543 síc: habebant duos nominativos in masculino
99b14hII 230,22book 63111 543 campistris: .i. nominativus masculinus
100a9dII 232,9book 6543 quantum (ad vocem): .i. non etiam ad sensum
100a20pII 233,2100a5book 6543 cancer: .i. doúrfuisin
[‘i.e. to cancer’] [analysis]
100a33wII 233,14book 6543 servius: .i. issed asbeir servius isdiil tanisi
[‘i.e. this says Servius: it is of the second declension’] [analysis]
100a45bbII 234,2100a11book 6543 usus: .i. condergéni hiber dindí as hiberus
[‘i.e. so that he has made Hiber from Hiberus’] [analysis]
100b36iII 235,11book 6543 542 peneultimam: .i. brevem in genitivo quod brevis in verbo
101a4bII 235,23book 6543 12 decoremque: .i. correpta
101a40rII 237,6book 6543 duabus: .i. productionis ⁊ neutrorum
101b4aII 237,9book 642222[?] 543 rationes: verbi ⁊ generis
101b12cII 237,17book 6543 primitivis: .i. a corpore ⁊ puero ⁊ decore
101b14dII 237,18book 6423 543 cetera: masculina ⁊ feminina
101b14fII 237,19book 6543 ador: (m.d.) .i. modo producens/ modo corripiens vel in/declinabile
101b18gII 237,22book 6543 excipitur: .i. non acepta .is. facit genitivum
101b41qII 239,1book 6543 excipiuntur: non ablata .s. addita .tis/ faciunt genitivum
102b29nII 241,20book 6543 (in) genitivo: apis
103a1aII 242,6103a1book 6543 (de) cithara: .i. dú inasṅdét de cithara inna ṡáirsiu isand adfét sin
[‘i.e. where he speaks of the cithara in his work, there he declares that’] [analysis]
103a20lII 242,22103a2book 6543 211 541 53 semplex: .i. quies .i. cumsantach .i. commune trium generum ⁊ is airdixa .es hisuidiu ut inante ostendet
[‘quies, i.e. restful, i.e. common of three genders, and in it the es is long, ut etc.’] [analysis]
103a29nII 243,5book 6543 (eiusdem) terminationis: es producta
103b9eII 244,1book 6543 (eiusdem) terminationis: .i. es
103b39mII 245,6book 6221 543 πουδετα (et ποιδην): duplices accusativi
104a15gII 246,6book 6313 543 *aetae: .i. aetes aetae ⁊ aetis
104a26mII 246,15book 6543 drancis: non drancae
104a31oII 247,3book 6543 orenti: pro orentis
104a33qII 247,6book 6543 achili: pro achilis
104b1aII 247,16book 63114 543 timarcididi: .i. dativus
104b5bII 247,20book 63116 543 *callide: .i. ablativus calles
104b30gII 248,19104b4book 6543 *is: connách ase ditia dobuith uandí as dis.
[‘so that it is not possible for ditia to be from dis’] [analysis]
104b39kII 249,8104b6book 6543 glis: ní glitis dogní
[‘it is not glitis that it makes’] [analysis]
105b3cII 251,8105b3book 6543 (huius) exsanguis: ní exanguinis dogní
[‘it does not make exsanguinis’] [analysis]
105b37uII 253,2book 6543 nepos: non addita .ris. facit
106a13fII 253,19book 6543 nominativo: bos
106a27oII 254,10106a5book 6211 34 543 vero: (m.d.) ⁊ vero .i. indḟír foṡin
[‘i.e. truly according to that’] [analysis]
106b3cII 255,7106b2book 6543 *proferre: .i. n. dochor diib
[‘i.e. in putting n from them’] [analysis]
106b4dII 255,8book 6543 mino: .i. pro minon
106b4fII 255,8book 6543 *dicunt: .i. cosmailius indarpi
[‘i.e. a resemblance to expelling’] [analysis]
106b10nII 255,13106b5book 6541 543 *quomodo: .i. analogia .i. amal contorád .υ in .ο. hisuidiu
[‘i.e. by analogy, i.e. as it has been converted into o here’] [analysis]
106b29ddII 256,12106b17book 6543 quartae: .i. biid for deib ṅdíllib quando fastus .i. liber
[‘i.e. it is of two declensions, quando etc.’] [analysis]
106b30eeII 256,13106b18book 6211 543 fastibus: lebraib
[‘books’] [analysis]
106b34ggII 256,16106b20book 6543 313 fastorum: exemplum ara airiuc far diull tanaisiu
[‘an example for its being found of the second declension’] [analysis]
106b38kkII 256,20106b21book 6543 212 fastus: .i. is fastús bis in aliis libris ni fastos .i. libros.
[‘i.e. it is fastús, that is in other books, it is not fastos’] [analysis]
107a12fII 257,10107a5book 6543 mobile: fodáli cenél hodie
[‘it distinguishes gender today’] [analysis]
108a17fII 261,15book 6543 genere: masculinum quando vitium significat femininum quando fructum
108a25mII 261,20book 635 543 *quomodo: sic vultus in corpore
108a42sII 262,13108a4book 6211 543 acus ab acutu: (subs.) acutus .i. {{58}} áithae a quo est acus
[‘i.e. sharpness’] [analysis]
108b4bII 262,15book 6543 univoca: exercitus ⁊ saltus reliqua
108b17eII 263,4book 6543 hoc: .i. quando significat vas
108b41nII 263,20108b4book 6543 inveniuntur: per sinagopam prolata ⁊ it ranngabaladano inchruth hísin
[‘lengthened by syncope, and thus then they are participles’] [analysis]
108b42oII 263,20108b5book 6543 potus: ranngabál
[‘a participle’] [analysis]
109a2aII 263,22143book 6543 53 lassus (pro lassatus): (m.s.) quamvís dicit postea quod nomen est magis
109a20kII 264,14book 6543 35 quam[vis]: ciasidbiursa vetus
[‘though I say uetus’] [analysis]
109a37oII 265,8109a4book 6543 similis: .i. inchruth donelltar mús is samlaid doellatar monosyllabae
[‘i.e. as mus is declined so monosyllables are declined’] [analysis]
111a4cII 271,6111a2book 6543 hic (et haec et hoc): inderbus
[‘uncertainty (as to gender)’] [analysis]
111a5dII 271,8book 6543 semplicis (sui): cutis
111a7fII 271,9book 6543 (terminatione) motata: is in us
111a15iII 271,14book 6543 quomodo: communia in .is. facientia neutra in .e. quia pares nominativos genitivís servant {cf. K 45r8 e .i. cummnia (sic) in is quae faciunt neutra in .e}
111a26mII 272,6book 6543 42291[?] (et apud) graecos: 7 apud nos .i. in nominativo
111a26nII 272,6111a3book 6543 221 terminationis: .i. mad hinonn tarmorcenn ṅdóib lagrecu ⁊ lalaitnóri .i. iscummae/ leis didiu .y. ⁊ .u. reliqua
[‘i.e. if their termination be the same with Greeks and with Latins. i.e. it is the same to him then, y and n, etc.’] [analysis]
111a37rII 272,14book 6543 in ος: .i. secundum regulam
111a40tII 272,15book 6543 221 [in]tigra: panthoos ⁊ reliqua
111b2bII 273,1111b1 book 6543 13 alcinous: ut .panthous. ⁊ it sillaba fodlidi is follus són asind/ ḟers.
[‘as Panthous. And they are separate syllables: this is manifest from the verse’] [analysis]
112b8bII 277,1112b1book 6543 *qui (graeci): it hésidi greic
[‘they are Greek’] [analysis]
112b40kII 278,9112b3book 64228 543 nec mirum: .i. x. dofoxul ⁊ .g. do ḟorcomet ingenitin diatechtat briathra in .go. aracúl
[‘i.e. that x should be removed and g kept (conservare) in the genitive if they have verbs in -go behind them’] [analysis]
113a31lII 279,13book 6543 nix: non nigis.
113a37nII 279,15113a3book 6211 543 suppellex: fointreb non suppellicis facit
[‘utensils […]’] [analysis]
113a39pII 279,18book 6543 senex: non senicis
113a42qII 280,3book 642210[?] 543 nox: excipitur quia non nocis facit
113a43rII 280,3113a4book 6543 *apud (graecos): 7 is cosmailius grec amal sodin ní exceptio
[‘and thus it is similarity of the Greeks, not an exception’] [analysis]
113b13dII 280,14113b3book 634 543 solum: .i. isindib nammá atá andliged cruthaigtheo genitensa
[‘i.e. it is in them only is this norm of forming a genitive’] [analysis]
114a12hII 282,15book 63111 543 concordis: nominativus
114a14lII 282,18book 63111 543 discordis: nominativus .
114a40sII 283,18114a5book 7543 nec (non etiam): .i. efficiunt sech ammascul lasaní forcentar olitrib/ sidi.
[‘i.e. they make beyond the masculine when they end in its letters’] [analysis]
114b33iII 285,6book 7543 terrai: pro terrae
114b36lII 285,11book 7543 *anasai: pro anasae
115a15fII 286,4book 7543 geta: .i. as
115a16hII 286,5book 7543 poeta: .i. es
115a18iII 286,9book 7543 221 sarmata: .i. pro as
115b40wII 289,10115b1abook 7543 capita: baed báriagoldae
[‘it were this that would be regular’] [analysis]
116a29kII 291,1book 7543 *post (vocalem): .i. arachai. [analysis]
116a33mII 291,5book 7543 orphi: pro orphei
116a40nII 291,9book 7543 +.I.: primo
116b4aII 291,14146book 713 543 (cal)pe: correpta híc
117a1aII 292,25book 7543 ausonidum: pro ausonidarum
117a10cII 293,7book 7543 divisum: .i. masculinum. ⁊ femininum
117a18eII 293,12117a2book 7211 543 filiis: .i. do naib ingenaib
[‘i.e. to the daughters’] [analysis]
117a19gII 293,14117a3book 7211 543 filiis: donaibingenaib
[‘to the daughters’] [analysis]
117a38kII 294,11117a5book 7543 quanquam: ar bá in .is. ba téchte tobarthid dothecht a nominibus/ fóite genitin . in .rum.
[‘for it would be in -is, it would be legal, that the dative ought to end, (which comes) from nouns that make (lit. send off) genitive (plural) in -rum’] [analysis]
118a38rII 297,5118a2book 7211 543 aticum: foriaguil natacdai
[‘according to the Attic rule’] [analysis]
118b11eII 297,19book 73114 543 orphi: dativus graecus
119a21fII 299,8book 73115 543 ilionea: accusativus graecus
120a7cII 302,13book 7543 perfecti (vo[cativi]): .i. mercurie reliqua
120a8dII 302,13book 7543 his: .i. mercuri reliqua
120a8eII 302,13120a1book 7543 abscissio: .i. maniptis tóbaidi intogarthidi tiagdde in .í ropad ante/peneuilt noacuit/igfide indib/ huare as/ timmor/tae pene/uilt/./,
[‘i.e. unless the vocatives which end in i were apocopated, the antepenult in them would be pronounced-with-the-acut-accent, since the penult is short’] [analysis]
120a17hII 303,3book 7543 4226 (in) aliis: .i. pro consonante
120a37kII 303,17book 74228 543 (per duas) i: ut superaret suum dativum
120a38lII 303,17120a3book 7543 [(genitivus) dati]vi: .i. genitiu intobarthado as alii
[‘i.e. the genitive belonging to the dative alii’] [analysis]
120a41mII 303,20book 7543 4228 credo: asned fodera emnad .i. in dativo
[‘that it is this that causes doubling of i in the dative’] [analysis]
120b7cII 303,27120b2book 7543 deberet: .i. combad laigiu inoénṡillaib quam genitivus
[‘i.e. that it should be less by one syllable than the genitive’] [analysis]
120b28sII 304,25120b7book 7543 ante: .i. in óin ṡyllaib ataat aṅdíis
[‘i.e. in one syllable they both are’] [analysis]
120b29tII 305,1120b8book 74228 543 confirmat: .i. í do buith ar chonsain in his vocativis
[‘i.e. that in these vocatives ī is for a consonant’] [analysis]
121b11cII 308,8121b1book 7543 sociumque: .i. noch ám fodáli cenél a .us. in .a/ in .um.
[‘i.e. but still it (socius) distinguishes gender, from -us into -a, into -um’] [analysis]
122b30''dII 311,22book 7543 ([in uns]) utraque: .i. brevem ⁊ longuam
122b41"nII 313,13book 7543 caesar: .i. latinum
122b41"oII 313,13122a2book 7543 215 nectar: .i. grec céit grinne fíno
[‘i.e. Greek: the first dropping of wine’] [analysis]
122b42"qII 313,14book 7543 calcar: latinum
122b42"rII 313,13book 7543 bostar: .i. barbarum
123b17cII 315,21book 7543 +*plures: .i. in es
123b19dII 315,24book 7543 +pluris: in is
123b35hII 316,19book 7543 calistone: mulier
123b40mII 317,1book 7543 (haec) ospes (curia): .i. conid femen
[‘i.e. so that it (hospes) is a feminine’] [analysis]
125a19cII 321,19book 7543 53 (in) utroque (genere): .i. masculino ⁊ feminino .i. inderbus and ut demonstravit/ in genere .-
[‘i.e. uncertainty herein, ut etc.’] [analysis]
125a30iII 322,3125a6book 7543 ut .. etc.: (m.l.) .i. Amal naṅdéni mascul/ dindí as auxili/um cebeith ge/nitor áar/rad . síc. ni/deni dind/hí as/ ops.-
[‘i.e. as it does not make a masculine of auxilium, although genitor is its approximation, so it does not make it of ops’] [analysis]
126a18dII 325,1book 7543 nominativum: carnis
126a26eII 325,7126a2book 7543 35 sicut: analach són
[‘this (is) an analogy’] [analysis]
126b39eII 326,24book 7543 lac: timmorte iar naicniud in nominativo. productum positio/ in genitivo.-
[‘short by nature in the nominative, long in the genitive’] [analysis]
127b13hII 329,23127b3book 7543 nascitur: .i. issed immeḟolṅgai aḟorbairt aréna/ dotholuas/cad ⁊ doleici/ud for/aib .,
[‘i.e. it is this that causes it to grow, to loosen its roots and to give them free course (?)’] [analysis]
127b14iII 330,1book 7543 313 ut: .i. issed asberat lii dano. is hinon ⁊ siligo.
[‘i.e. this is what others say then: it is the same as siligo’] [analysis]
129a23pII 337,6129a1book 7543 convertitur: (m.l.) .i. is ecen foxlid/ in í ⁊ in .e. ua/nd ainsid téte/ in em ⁊ in .im./ ní ecen immurgu ain/sid in .im. ⁊ in em/ oacach/ foxlid tete/ in .í ⁊ in e..
[‘i.e. necessary is an ablative in ī and in e from the accusative which ends in em and in im. Unnecessary, however, is an accusative in im and in em from every ablative that ends in ī and in e’] [analysis]
129b17bII 338,15book 7543 34 mox: .i. atberam archiunn
[‘i.e. we shall say it afterwards (lit. ahead)’] [analysis]
130b1aII 341,19book 7543 amentis: pro amens
130b17fII 342,18book 7313 543 ospes: femininum
130b19gII 342,20130b1book 7313 312 543 ospi[ta]: .i. hilar neutair
[‘i.e. a neuter plural’] [analysis]
130b27kII 343,4130b2book 713 543 heroi[co (.. metro)]: .i. dofóichred traig ṅécmailt/ and. sospiti/ .i. amphi/macrus .-
[‘i.e. it would introduce an unwonted foot there; sōpǐtī being an amphimacer’] [analysis]
131b7aII 347,5book 7543 313 prior: neutrum
135b28eII 362,20135b1book 734 543 sic: .i. ainmnid dano fri ainsid híc
[‘i.e. a nominative then with an accusative here’] [analysis]
137b13eII 369,10137b2book 8543 nomina: .i. cesu meinciu aranecar verbum do epirt donaib huilib rannaib arecar dano cid so indhuathad/ nomen do epirt/ doib. ut virgilius .-
[‘i.e. although it is oftener found that all the parts of speech are called verbum, yet even this is found rarely that they are called nomen’] [analysis]
137b14iII 369,11book 8212 543 nomina: .i. partes
137b14mII 369,13book 8212 543 verbum: .i. partem
137b14nII 369,13book 8212 543 (de) verbo: de parte
137b15oII 369,15book 8212 543 verba: partes
137b20sII 369,19137b4book 8543 naturae (necesitate): .i. ní airicc aicned
[‘i.e. a thing which nature finds’] [analysis]
137b20tII 369,19137b5book 8543 furtunae (casu): fadidmed aicned acht dondecmaiṅg/ anisiu
[‘nature would have suffered it, save that this so happens’] [analysis]
137b29ccII 370,7137b9book 851 543 bonus: .i. is fuath ṅ eperta int inbodugud don menmmain
[‘i.e. it is a figure of speech, the wedding of the mind’] [analysis]
137b37hhII 370,16137b10book 8543 penitet: .i. gním ind aithirge cesad afodaitiu.
[‘i.e. the repentance (is) action, its endurance (is) passion’] [analysis]
138a5cII 370,23138a1book 8543 (in) se: .i. sluintir persan tresin brethir cenibé ainmnid
[‘i.e. person is expressed by the verb, though there be no nominative’] [analysis]
138a12gII 371,2138a4book 8543 prohibet: .i. huare ata tertpersin immechomarcatar treo is airi nítechtat togarthid
[‘i.e. because it is third persons which are interrogated by them, therefore they have not a vocative’] [analysis]
138a26nII 371,13138a6book 8543 fecit: is indí asrubart tostriculae
[‘in that he (Cicero) has said tonstriculae’] [analysis]
138a33tII 371,19138a9book 8543 *faciant: .i. cechonístis nombetis archuit analoige
[‘i.e. though they might be as regards analogy (analogically)’] [analysis]
138a42ffII 372,5book 8543 cum: (subs.) .i. iartestimin
[‘i.e. the end of the period’] [analysis]
138b4bII 372,8book 8543 (cum) nobis: .i. étig sin
[‘i.e. ugly, that’] [analysis]
138b5cII 372,8book 8543 nobiscum: .i. alind son
[‘i.e. beautiful, that’] [analysis]
138b5dII 372,10138b4book 8543 unus: .i. dagní sechip óinmod díib
[‘i.e. some one mode of them makes it’] [analysis]
138b10hII 372,13138b6book 8211 543 fatis: .i. dothoicdib
[‘i.e. to fates’] [analysis]
137b10iII 372,13book 8543 *fassis: .i. forsan putaretur pro vasis
138b17kII 372,18book 8543 333 verbum: imperativum
138b40oII 373,6138b8book 8543 3232 [omni]bus: .i. ní ecen anisiu do grés isnaib sonaib himbí cosmailius .i. anerthuasacht acumscugud
[‘i.e. this is not always necessary in the words wherein there is similarity, i.e. that they should be silent (taceri) or that they should be changed’] [analysis]
139a32kII 374,5139a6book 8543 absoluta: (m.l.) .i. hua gním 7/ hua chesad
[‘i.e. from action and from passion’] [analysis]
139b2aII 374,15139b1book 8543 3227[?] fit: .i. his indí forsanairisedar ingním
[‘i.e. in him on whom the action rests’] [analysis]
139b32pII 375,18139b4book 83232 543 *haec: .i. innahí huaṅgai/nedar cesad
[‘i.e. those from which a passive is formed’] [analysis]
140a5bII 376,11140a2book 8543 fateri: .i. fosisetar in gním gnither foraib
[‘i.e. (they are able) to confess the deed that is done upon them’] [analysis]
140a31hII 377,10140a5book 8543 *loco: is ciall chésto fil indib
[‘it is (the) sense of a passive which is in them’] [analysis]
140b10bII 378,6140b1book 8543 *(quando) inveniuntur: ataat ám in-chrut sin quando reliqua
[‘they are indeed in that way […]’] [analysis]
140b12cII 378,8140b2book 835 543 unde: .i. huare ṁbís curritur
[‘i.e. since there is usually curritur’] [analysis]
140b30nII 378,23140b4book 8543 unam (.. significationem): .i. ciall gníma cesto
[‘i.e. meaning of action or of passion’] [analysis]
141a19"rII 380,8book 8543 augura[bantur]: .i. deponens cum sensu activi
141b10bII 382,9book 8543 reor (.. etc.): communia esse ostendit reliqua
142a43iII 387,18book 8543 stipulor (a te): pro interrogo te
142a44lII 387,18book 8543 dicimus: .i. analogiam hic ostendit
142a45mII 387,19book 8543 activum: .i. in .o
142b32qII 389,13142b1book 8543 pasivam (vim): .i. ciall chesta indib ⁊ im/mognam gníma
[‘i.e. passive sense in them and active construction’] [analysis]
143a4aII 390,3book 8543 +sum: híc sine coniunctione casus
143a44sII 391,21143a6book 8543 videantur: .i. is hinonn persan gnís ⁊ fodaim
[‘i.e. it is the same person that acts and suffers’] [analysis]
143b6gII 392,1book 8543 truncatur: quod offendit totum corpus {= K 59r28 o quod: quia K.}
144a15dII 394,6144a1book 8543 (per se) pati: .i. huadib féissna so?n non ab alio
[‘i.e. from themselves, not from another’] [analysis]
144b5eII 395,25144b1book 8543 idem: .i. is hinunn chiall indib illitred gníma ⁊ chesto
[‘i.e. the meaning in them is the same in-the-series-of-letters (expressing) active and passive (as mereo, mereor) ’] [analysis]
145a2aII 397,7book 8543 sordeo: neutrale
145a29lII 398,14145a4book 8211 51 543 pedetemptim ([desolvitur]): .i. isáilgen doneprinn tractairecht forsa liquitur insin
[‘i.e. ‘gently it flows’; that (pedetemptim dissolvitur) is a commentary on liquitur’] [analysis]
145b39kII 400,19145b3book 8543 verbum: arecar anainm induitius ⁊ ní airecar in briathar acht hi comsuidigud {cf. K 60r35 cc (m.l.) invenimus/ nomen in sim/plicitate/ verbum autem non/nisi in compos/sitione}
[‘the noun is found uncompounded (lit. in simplicity), but the verb is found only in composition’] [analysis]
146a34eII 402,16book 8543 simplicibus: .i. fís fit
146b2aII 402,26book 8543 (cum) genere: .i. motant genus
146b19bbII 403,13146b15book 8543 nam: .i. Ar atá dechor naimsire hi suidib lacumscugud/ coibedne non sic predicta {cf. K 60v18 s (m.l.) non dico haec non enim so/lum coniugationem./ ⁊ intellectum/ motant verum/ etiam tempora.,}
[‘i.e. for there is a difference of time in them along with the shifting of the conjugation’] [analysis]
146b34ffII 404,8146b16book 8211 543 sapio: .i. trebaraigim ⁊ sapio asagni/naim {cf. K 60v27 u (m.l.) .i. trebraigim/ sapio itar/gninim}
[‘i.e. I am wise, and sapio I know’] [analysis]
147a31oII 405,14147a5book 8543 (singulis) vocibus: .i. óin guth fri cechtar de
[‘i.e. a single word for each of them’] [analysis]
147b8bII 405,27book 8543 multo (ante): .i. preteritum plusquamperfectum
147b8cII 406,1book 8543 (nuper) sint: preteritum perfectum
147b8dII 406,1book 8543 coeperunt: .i. imperfectum
147b35mII 406,20147b6book 8543 [grae]cos: (m.l.) .i. arécar/ forṅgar/thaid sech/madachti/ lagré/cu.,
[‘i.e. an imperative of the past is found with the Greeks’] [analysis]
147b37oII 406,22147b7book 8211 543 aperta (sit): .i. bad aersoilcthe .i. guth sechmadachti ⁊ todochaidi immurgu
[‘i.e. let it be opened, i.e. a word of the preterite and yet of the future’] [analysis]
148a3bII 406,27148a2book 8211 543 amatus (sit): .i. bad carthi
[‘i.e. let him be loved’] [analysis]
148a5dII 407,2148a3book 8543 construc[tio]: .i. issed acumdach leiss acco/mol indarann oc slund imperativi .-
[‘i.e. this is the construction in his opinion, junction of the two parts in expressing the imperative’] [analysis]
148a19gII 407,13148a4book 8543 precari: (m.l.) .i. ind/ réta/ adgúsi/ optait/ ní bíat/ cedach/t
[‘i.e. the things which the optative desires, they are not however’] [analysis]
148a20iII 407,14148a6book 8543 ut si: .i. forcomnacair buith amaicc som híróim affamenad som didiu no légad amacc innheret sin/ (m.d.) imbói .et. ro/bu anfiss do/som inrolég/ fanacc. dég/ rombu écṅ/daircc do 7/ afamenad/ raḟesed in/roleg ..-
[‘i.e. his son happened to be in Rome. He desired then that his son should read during that time that he was (there); but he (the father) knew not whether he (the son) had read or not, because he was absent from him; and he (the father) wished that he should know it, whether he (the son) had read.’] [analysis]
148a42ffII 408,9158book 8543 ostendo: .i. robá óc legund
[‘i.e. ‘that I was reading’’] [analysis]
148b4aII 408,14book 8543 (ante) quinquagenta (annos): .i. issed a multo insin
[‘i.e. that is the multo’] [analysis]
148b5bII 408,15book 8543 (ante) horam: .i. issed a paulo
[‘i.e. this is the paulo’] [analysis]
148b7cII 408,17148b3book 8211 543 *inceptum: .i. intinscanta ní dechuid do/chom for/cinn a/nintinscann .-
[‘i.e. begun: the beginning has not gone to the end’] [analysis]
148b21iII 409,2148b7book 8543 [fini]tus: .i. is tríit astoascther intṡliucht cachmuid
[‘i.e. through it is expressed the meaning of every mood’] [analysis]
148b32uII 409,11148b12book 8221 543 αναγνωτεου: .i. teora greca inso dondí as legendi
[‘i.e. these are three Greek words for legendi’] [analysis]
149a4bII 410,5149a2book 8543 terminantia: .i. do denom anma díib insin
[‘i.e. that is to make a noun of them’] [analysis]
149a26gII 410,21149a4book 8543 intelligendi: .i. fri áinsid fogní inbriathar asberr intelligo. reliqua
[‘i.e. with an accusative the verb intelligo is construed, etc.’] [analysis]
149a28hII 410,23149a5book 8543 rarus: .i. ara forcmatis intuisel sainredach innabrethre huambiat.
[‘i.e. that they should preserve the special case of the verb from which they are’] [analysis]
149b27mII 412,8149b6book 8543 actione: .i. is cummae adcither nech ⁊ adcí. {cf. K 62r11 a (m.d.) similiter enim videt/ quis visione/ ⁊ videtur..,}
[‘i.e. it is equally that one is seen or (lit. and) sees’] [analysis]
149b41qII 412,16149b7book 8543 enim: (m.l.) atá dano linni/ insin .i. dede/ doairbert/ ageriind/ gnímo/ et coitchin {cf. K 62r18 c ius .i. arberamni dano dede agerint gnimo ⁊ coitchinne}
[‘that then we have, i.e. to express two things by the gerund of an active and a common (verb)’] [analysis]
150a24kII 413,20book 8543 4222 simplices: .i. neutrorum vel deponentium
150a30mII 413,25150a1book 8543 curritur: .i. is follus gním et persona hí .curritur/ iartormuch/ pronominis amal as/ follus hí/ curro.
[‘i.e. manifest in curritur is action and person after adding a pronoun, as is manifest in curro’] [analysis]
150a34oII 413,27book 8543 infinitum: .i. impersonale
150b15aII 414,11150b1book 8543 cum: (m.d.) Samlaid som hic tra/ presentis temporis fri/ ponc bis etir da/ṡon nand mmáa/ sin abríg. sic pre/sens inter preteritum et/ futurum.,
[‘here then he likens the present time to a point which is between two sounds–that it is of no more account than that. So is the present between the past and the future’] [analysis]
150b24iII 414,19150b2book 8543 similem: .i. torand hifrecṅdairc indib cadesin ⁊ folud tairismech
[‘i.e. a signification in the present in them themselves and a constant meaning’] [analysis]
150b26mII 414,21book 8543 alia: .i. cen mitha sum et vocativa
[‘i.e. besides sum and vocativa’] [analysis]
150b31oII 414,25150b5book 8543 puncto: .i. ní maa sin abríg
[‘i.e. it is of no more account than that’] [analysis]
150b33pII 414,26150b6book 8543 *intercesione: ní bí ní etarro
[‘nothing is between them’] [analysis]
151a22hII 415,27book 8543 221 infinitum (tempus): .i. multo ante
[‘i.e. much earlier’]
151a24iII 415,28book 8543 adiacens (tempus): .i. preteritum perfectum
151a24kII 415,28151a3book 8543 221 τουδεπαδαι: .i. isí indaimser écríchdae asṁbiur ḟrit {= K 62v26 f issí ind amser éccríchtha asbiur friutt}
[‘i.e. this is the indefinite tense which I mention to you’] [analysis]
151a26lII 416,2151a4book 8543 multo (ante): .i. ciall preteriti plusquamperfecti ansom/ hisuidiu.,
[‘i.e. the sense of a preteritum plusquam perfectum is there in this’] [analysis]
151a40tII 416,17151a5book 8543 336[?] explanandae: .i. do thaidbse inna méite nammá
[‘i.e. to display the quantity only’] [analysis]
151b5eII 416,21151b5book 8543 presens: atá etarro immédon
[‘it is between them amidst’] [analysis]
151b13fII 417,1151b6book 8543 infinitatem: .i. écrichdai an díis
[‘i.e. indefinite are the two of them’] [analysis]
151b26hII 417,10book 8543 aliis: absque subiunctivo
151b29kII 417,12151b7book 8543 idque: .i. isfollus dún file choibnius etir sechmadachte ⁊ todochaide ex participiis
[‘i.e. it is manifest to us from the participles that there is an affinity between the past and the future’] [analysis]
152a1aII 417,19152a1book 8543 sed: .i. aris eter sechmadachte ⁊ todochaide atá
[‘i.e. for it is between the past and the future: it is’] [analysis]
152a15dII 418,1book 8543 supradicta (tempora): .i. presens reliqua
153a1aII 420,17153a1book 8543 impersonalia: .i. impersonali nad biat huabrethir ut poenitet pudet reliqua {= K 63v10 h (m.l.) .i. om. K; impersonalia K; ó brethir K rl- om. K}
[‘i.e. impersonals which are not from a verb, as poenitet etc. ’] [analysis]
153a34cII 422,1153a3book 8543 substantiam: slond gnimo hirec dogní inndidit {cf. K 63v29 l (m.l.) slond gníma hir/rec in<i<ndidit}
[‘(it is the) signification of the action simply which the indicative does’] [analysis]
153b16dII 422,23153b3book 8543 sicut: .i. cid arinfrecṅdairc bís resechmadachtu anisiu in fecht so
[‘i.e. this is now even for the present which is before the past’] [analysis]
153b22gII 422,28153b5book 8543 nisi: .i. robu frecṅdairc riam
[‘i.e. it has been present formerly’] [analysis]
153b23hII 423,1153b6book 8543 autem: .i. conid airi rolaad fodead {cf. K 63v49 p (m.l.) ideo post ea/ ponitur.,}
[‘i.e. so therefore it has been put at the end’] [analysis]
153b46pII 423,19153b9book 8543 qui (agit): .i. istoisigiu ingním fornech
[‘i.e. the action on any one is earlier’] [analysis]
154a35kII 425,4book 8543 legas: .i. suasimus
154a41mII 425,9book 84228 543 quare: .i. dicitur vel quintus
154b11cII 425,25154a2book 8543 [indu]bitalia (nomina): .i. nifil chumtubairt ata nanmman sidi
[‘i.e. there is no doubt that these are nouns’] [analysis]
156a30hII 432,8book 8543 335[?] *nutritur: pro nutrit
156a38iII 432,15book 8543 voces: .i. in .tur. exeunt
156a47lII 432,23book 8221 543 οικο.νομο: .i. verbum a nomine vel is nomen ⁊ verbum
156a50nII 432,25156a3book 8543 331 consul: ondí as consulo ⁊ reliqua síc
[‘from consulo etc.’] [analysis]
156b38iII 434,11156b6book 8543 ex (ipso actu): .i. doberr ainm ṅdoib dingnim gníte {= K 65v17 f (m.l.) dobber ainm do/ib dengním gníte}
[‘i.e. a name is given to them from the deed which they do’] [analysis]
157a6cII 435,4book 8543 simplex: .i. pello . as.
157b9cII 436,19book 8543 (in ipsa) iunctura: .i. in principio
157b9dII 436,19157b2book 8543 sequentis (verbi): .i. inna rainne dedenchae in/chomsuidigthi {= K 66r3 c (m.d.) in principio [.i.] in/ rainne diden/cha in comsuidigthi.}
[‘i.e. of the final part of the compound’] [analysis]
157b10eII 436,19book 8543 (post) eam: .i. post primam syllabam sequentis verbi {= K 66r4 d}
157b12fII 437,2book 8543 principalem (lyteram): consonantem vel vocalem
157b13gII 437,2157b3book 8543 quancumque: .i. indliter huatinscana inchetna persan isuadi dano intinscanat inna aimsir olchenae
[‘i.e. the letter in which the first person (of the present) begins, is also that in which the other tenses begin’] [analysis]
157b34nII 437,20book 8543 intigro: .i. tanti
157b39sII 437,26157b9book 8543 541 modos: .i. niforcmat óin chomsuidigud treanuili aimsera ut efringo efractus
[‘i.e. they do not keep one compound through all their tenses, ut etc.’] [analysis]
157b40uII 437,27book 8543 *cum: .i. issed andliged dogres manifoired causa euphoniae {cf. K 66r23 i (m.d.) nisi eufonia/ causa al<i<is a/liquando fecisset/ commotari.,}
[‘i.e. this is always the rule unless the causa euphoniae should operate’] [analysis]
158b2aII 439,10158b1book 8543 extremam (partem): .i. agens dedenach didiu an agens dondí as sub ut subigens
[‘i.e. agens: agens, then, is the last to sub, as subigens’] [analysis]
158b3bII 439,11book 8543 intigram: .i. actus ut subactus
158b14eII 439,22158b3book 8543 *idque: .i. demnigid appollonius rongab andedese forbriathraib ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. Apollonius affirms that these two are on verbs’] [analysis]
158b15fII 439,23book 8543 immo[bilem]: .i. compositionem immobilem/ in aliis {cf. K 66v9 a in alíis verbís}
158b16gII 439,24158b4book 8543 separatim: .i. comsuidigud fricach naimsir
[‘i.e. composition with every tense’] [analysis]
158b17hII 439,24book 84226 543 *componit: .i. in aliis verbis ut sunt haec {cf. K 66v9 b componi alia verba}
158b31oII 440,8158b7book 8211 543 proprium: .i. ni leo an óinur
[‘i.e. it does not belong to them alone’] [analysis]
159a23eII 441,7159a3book 8543 habent: (m.l.) .i. is airi ni taét comsuidigud/ fri rangabáil huare as/ coibnesta dobrethir/ ar is lour comsuidigud fri/suidi airbid comsuidigud/ etarscartha/ comsuidigud ran/gabálae/,
[‘i.e. this is why composition does not occur with a participle, because it is akin to a verb: for composition with this is sufficient, for composition of a participle will be separated composition’] [analysis]
159a27gII 441,11book 8543 (ius)iurandum: .i. participium
159a27hII 441,11book 8543 (iuris)consultus: .i. participium
159a28iII 441,11book 8543 [(iuris)]peritus: .i. participium
159a28kII 441,11book 8543 (senatus)decretum: .i. participium
159b32lII 442,25book 8543 pleraeque: .i. sex
159b40nII 442,28book 8423 543 singulae: .i. coniugationes .i. ord gutte fil fo/raib {cf. K 67r20 e coniugationes}
[‘i.e. conjugations i.e. (it is) the order of the vowels (a e i) which is in them’] [analysis]
160b16cII 445,20160b1book 8543 52 hoc: .i. tintúd inna grece insin
[‘i.e. that is the translation of the Greek’] [analysis]
160b20hII 445,23160b2book 8543 221 nam: .i. confil linni hisind óin ṡechmadachtu afile leosom indib sechmadachtib
[‘i.e. so that we have in the one preterite what they have in two preterites’] [analysis]
161a23bII 447,23161a1book 8543 541 omni: .i. ni do cach brethir tecming persona ut impersonalia ⁊ infinita ⁊ gerundia
[‘i.e. not to every verb does a person happen, as impersonals and infinitives and gerunds’] [analysis]
161a31eII 448,5book 8543 species (quaedam): .i. adverbia numeri
161a43lII 448,14book 8543 3232 illam: (subs.) .i. secundam personam {= K 67v48 m}
161b18gII 448,31book 8543 541 nolit: .i. de semetipso dicit .i. quisque
161b25iII 449,9161b4book 8543 dividitur: (m.l.) .i. issain intí/ forcongair/ ⁊ intí forsa/ forcongarar
[‘i.e. different is he that orders and he that is ordered’] [analysis]
161b30lII 449,14book 8543 (ad) nosmetipsos: .i. ut infelix dido reliqua
161b34rII 449,18161b8book 8543 coniungens: .i. noch ni ed ón bis hiforgariu
[‘i.e. but it is not this that is in a command’] [analysis]
161b36sII 449,20161b9book 8543 ad: .i. ni arddu feisin/ quam achocéle
[‘i.e. he himself is not higher than his comrade’] [analysis]
161b40wII 449,24book 8333 543 memora: .i. abamin fornaidminte ar ni reid a forgare isindea
[‘i.e. would that you would call to mind: for in the case of a god it is not easy to command him ’] [analysis]
161b42yII 449,28161b12book 8543 socios: (m.l.) .i. ni méite/ bid machdad/ forgare forru/ huare ṁbis/ forgare/ fordeib reliqua
[‘i.e. not so very wonderful would be command to them since there is command to gods, etc.’] [analysis]
162a7bII 450,8162a2book 84228 543 ut: .i. dicuntur .i. ad tertiam haec verba graeca asbeir sís
[‘i.e. these Greek verbs which he mentions below belong to the third’] [analysis]
162a9cII 450,9book 8543 (ad) homines: sed ad deos
162a11dII 450,11162a3book 8543 [po]etarum: .i. intan labratar indḟilid apersin innaṅdea dogniat primam ⁊ secundam in illis
[‘i.e. when the poets speak in the person of the gods they make a first and a second in them’] [analysis]
162b1aII 452,8162b1book 9543 ille: .i. is óin huatinscanat ni óin/ hifoircniter.
[‘i.e. it is with the same (letter) they begin, not the same wherein they are ended’] [analysis]
162b2bII 452,9162b2book 9543 59 quibus: .i. ba immaircide cenobed indi incum/scugud bís hi/cechtar dali/no ar iscob/nesta friu/ diblí/naib.
[‘i.e. it was fitting that in it (the termination of participles) should be the change (lit. movement) which is in each of the two, for it is akin to them both’] [analysis]
163a30gII 454,25book 9543 more (poetico): .i. ei in i longam
163b5bII 455,13163b1book 9543 [(per) conci]sionem: ní volitis
[‘it is not volitis’] [analysis]
163b20gII 456,3book 9543 compositum: .i. nolo
163b23mII 456,6163b6book 9543 omnium: (m.l.) is immair/cide cerubé/ subiunctivus/ pro imperativo quia est/ cosmilius/ etarru hicét/ni persin ilair/ ⁊ hitertpersin/ hiter othad ⁊ ilar/ hicach coibedin.
[‘it is meet that there should be the subjunctive for the imperative, because there is a likeness between them in the first person plural and in the third person, both singular and plural, in every conjugation’] [analysis]
163b31oII 456,13163b8book 9543 volim: robói do insin
[‘that it (volo) had’] [analysis]
163b41rII 456,23163b10book 93232 543 huic (apponitur): .i. doberr dondligudso ifrithcheist .i. cur non fuit dechor inter primas personas
[‘i.e. (the question) is put to this law in opposition, i.e. why was there no difference between the first persons’] [analysis]
163b42sII 456,24book 9543 esset: .i. inter edo ⁊ édo
164a1aII 457,1164a1book 9211 543 (non) dico: .i. niedamét
[‘i.e. not only’] [analysis]
164a3bII 457,2book 9543 prima (persona): edo
164b28eII 459,16book 9543 aliis: absque in io disinentibus
164b32fII 459,19164b2book 9543 desyllabis: isnaib hí himbí conson ren .o.
[‘in those (verbs) in which there is a consonant before o (in the pres. indic. act.)’] [analysis]
165a15"dII 460,11book 9543 vocalem: a vel u.
165b15bII 461,27165b1book 9543 abstinens: .i. arciabeid .b hísuidib non in una syllaba atá .b. ⁊ s.
[‘i.e. for although b be (as it is) in them, b and s are not in one syllable’] [analysis]
165b16dII 461,28165b2book 9543 separatim: .i. is syllab foleith in-remṡuidigud
[‘i.e. the preposition is a syllable apart’] [analysis]
166a34hII 463,27166a5book 9543 eo: .i. inchonson ante .o. reliqua isind ḟrecṅdairc issí bís/ in preterito
[‘i.e. the consonant before o etc. in the present, is that which is in the preterite’] [analysis]
167a13hII 465,22167a4book 9543 nec (mirum): .i. cid armad machdad anísin ol atá lee dano an iṅgnad so
[‘i.e. why should that (the change of u to s) be wondered at since it has this marvel (the ending in u-i)?’] [analysis]
167b22cII 467,5167b1book 93232 543 his: .i. forcomat consoin indfrec- ndairc ante .i. in preterito
[‘i.e. they keep the consonant of the present before i in the preterite’] [analysis]
167b25dII 467,9book 9543 alia: servantia consonantes reliqua
168a27gII 468,18168a1book 9543 est: .i. issed asdoirbem de verbo airli sechmadachti foirbthi
[‘i.e. this is the most difficult (part) of the verb, the treatment (?) of the perfect preterite’] [analysis]
168b8bII 469,11book 9543 eundem: in ui divisas
168b21eII 470,7book 9543 ut: analogia
168b33gII 471,1book 9543 excipiuntur: .i. non .vi. super secun-dam personam abiecta .s. ⁊ non in .ui divisas reliqua faciunt preteritum
169a27hII 472,20book 9543 micui: .i. ui. in .tum
170a38kII 477,25book 9543 premonstratam: .i. quia minuunt sillabas in preterito
170b5aII 478,10book 9543 summosses: pro summovisses
171b26fII 483,11171b2book 9543 huiuscemodi: .i. ní gnád gerind in tum reliqua
[‘i.e. not usual is the gerund in -tum, etc.’] [analysis]
171b32kII 483,18book 9543 prandeo: non prandui ⁊ non pranditum facit sed pran/sum
172a13cII 485,1172a2book 9543 53 active: .i. is indranngabail adrodar- car an déde sin .i. gním ⁊ césad quia fuit iuror apud antiquos ut/ inante dicit/ in participio
[‘i.e. it is in the participle (iuratus) that these two things, i.e. active and passive, can be seen, because with the ancients there was iuror, as he, Priscian, says below in dealing with the participle ’] [analysis]
173a17gII 489,10book 9543 421 (neque) subsidiis: ar solui hoc exemplum
[‘this example is for solui’] [analysis]
173a38qII 490,17book 9543 predictam: .i. ui in tum
173b32gII 492,17173b3book 9543 censum: ní censtum
[‘it is not censtum’] [analysis]
173b38iII 492,22book 9543 debet (fieri): 7 non fit
173b38kII 492,22book 9543 ut: analogia
173b39lII 492,23book 9543 scripsi: analogia don sorptum
[‘by analogy of sorptum’] [analysis]
173b40mII 492,24173b6book 9543 *neutrum: .i. ni airecar nectar de
[‘i.e. neither of the two is found’] [analysis]
174a30hII 495,12book 10543 ut: analogia
174b24iII 497,9book 10543 prolicuit: .i. fiunt ambo
175a19dII 498,20175a1book 1034 543 similiter: fri fodio conacomsuidigthib
[‘to fodio with its compounds’] [analysis]
175a27eII 498,27book 10543 intigrum: .i. e
175b19aII 500,19book 10331 543 pario: coniugationis
176b28gII 505,20book 10543 simplicis: .i. ruitus
176b30iII 505,22book 10543 adiutum: .i. vi. in .tum. in hís dano
[‘i.e. ui in tum in these also’] [analysis]
176b39kII 506,4book 10543 quomodo: analogia
177a12cII 506,18177a1book 10543 psedulus: .i. arní si fil in his
[‘i.e. for it (b) is not in these’] [analysis]
177b9aII 508,7book 10543 secundas: plurales et singulares
177b9bII 508,7book 10543 tertias: .i. plurales
177b14cII 508,12book 10543 in (positione): .i. in prima persona indicativi
178a17dII 510,15178a1book 1025 543 *ascio: .i. composita ondí as .scio
[‘i.e. compounds from scio’] [analysis]
178a32eII 511,12book 10543 agnoturum: .i. riagol arside
[‘i.e. a rule of the ancients’] [analysis]
178a32fII 511,13book 10543 utrunque: .i. iardligud arside ⁊ iar/sindligud dano/ fil hindiu.
[‘i.e. according to a rule of the ancients and also according to the rule which exists today’] [analysis]
178b23''bII 512,17178b1book 10543 iuro: .i. ciall chésto ⁊ gnima and
[‘i.e. the meaning of the passive and the active in it’] [analysis]
178b17"fII 512,19178b2book 10211 543 obsoleverunt: .i. roseircset .i. nisfil/ hodie
[‘i.e. they have become obsolete, i.e. they are not today’] [analysis]
179a36lII 515,22179a6book 10543 suscepit: .i. ar ata sechmadachte nail and ideo preteritum est aní as cudit
[‘i.e. because there is another preterite there, therefore cudit is preterite’] [analysis]
179b26fII 517,12179b1book 10543 sit: ar nab laigiu inaimserad preter- itum quam presens
[‘that in marking temporality the preterite may not be less than the present’] [analysis]
179b32hII 517,20179b2book 10543 caetera: .i. cenmitha innahí thech- taite .u. .i. ante .n.
[‘i.e. except those that have u or i before n (e.g. tundo, findo)’] [analysis]
179b40lII 518,4book 10543 13 contuderit: corripitur .tu.
180a15cII 519,1book 10543 utroque: aliquando duplicant aliquan- do non duplicant
180b38iII 522,13180b2book 10543 *intel[ligatur]: .i. co asagnoither/ nand sechmadachte .i./ huare as tim- morte
[‘i.e. the Greek of … i.e. I bear’] [analysis]
181a18eII 523,15181a2book 10543 ex[cipiuntur]: ni in gi fóidit asech-madachte
[‘it is not in -gi that they end (lit. send off) their preterite’] [analysis]
181a32lII 524,5181a5book 10543 *cum .. etc.: (m.l.) .i. issamlid ata/daimet cia/ chrechtnig/thi nathir/ mani ep/le de
[‘i.e. thus they recognise them if a snake wounds him, if he dies not of it’] [analysis]
181a38rII 524,14181a10book 10211 543 repunxi: .i. adrothoirndius non repugi
[‘i.e. I have pricked again’] [analysis]
181b1aII 524,16book 10543 presentis: .i. positionis
181b28gII 525,22book 1025 543 perrictum: perringo
181b29hII 525,22book 1025 543 [abi]ctum: abico
181b29iII 525,22book 1025 543 defrictum: defrico
181b29kII 525,22book 1025 543 impictum: impingo á pingo .i. pictum compositum
181b34lII 526,4book 10543 predictam (regulam): xi. in ctum
182a7bII 526,19182a1book 10543 simplex: (m.d.) .i. nibí cello celleo
[‘i.e. cello or celleo does not exist’] [analysis]
182b35bII 529,7182b1book 10543 cum: .i. is immaircide fo ṡodin
[‘i.e. it is fitting according to this’] [analysis]
182b35cII 529,7book 10543 quomodo: analogia
183a10eII 529,24183a2book 10543 [re]livi: (m.l.) arnifil ní/ fris am bed/ andechor is/ airi is relevi/ dogní
[‘since there is nothing with which the difference may be (i.e. from which it should be distinguished), therefore it makes relevi.’] [analysis]
183a10gII 529,25book 1034 543 tamen: .i. licet livi
184a27iII 534,9book 10543 supradictis: satus ratus
185a9cII 537,16book 10543 absolutam: neutralem
185b18eII 539,12book 10543 212 quod: .i. idem significant .i. voco
186a22nII 541,15book 10543 campso: frequentativum
186a31oII 542,6186a2book 10543 solius: donaib teoraib personaib uathataib
[‘in the three persons singular’] [analysis]
186a32pII 542,6book 10543 tertia: aiunt
186a34rII 542,8book 104221 543 corripitur: .i. peneultima .i. quia non sequitur consonans
186b21fII 543,10book 10543 disinentia: .i. for .IIII.
[‘i.e. belonging to the fourth (conjugation, eo, queo)’] [analysis]
186b21hII 543,10book 10543 aliarum: .i. ⁊
187a22hII 545,14187a1book 103232 543 alterius: .i. .i. acht asringba désyllábchi mathechtaid/ .í re tus bid/ airdixa
[‘i.e. of the third (conjugation), i.e. provided it exceeds disyllabism, if it has i before -tus it will be long’] [analysis]
187a23kII 545,15187a2book 10543 sint: arbid timmarti amal ṡodain
[‘for in that case it will be short’] [analysis]
187b8eII 547,2book 10543 331 (ab) eo: .i. verbo eo
187b12hII 547,5book 10543 diffirentiae: .i. inter nomen ⁊ participium
187b20oII 547,14187b4book 10543 usu: (subs.) .i. issed an dliged ní**/ sin forthét .úsus
[‘i.e. it is that law which use supports’] [analysis]
187b28tII 548,5187b6book 11543 333 *separaverunt: .i. condergensat rainn foleith di
[‘i.e. so that they made of it a serparate part’] [analysis]
188a4bII 549,1book 114224 543 ascivisse: .i. participia .i. ataruirmiset lagerind
[‘i.e. participles, i.e. they have reckoned them with the gerund’] [analysis]
188a6eII 549,3188a3book 1134 543 separatim: .i. fri nomen ⁊ verbum acht ba inna nelluch atarímtis
[‘i.e. from the noun and the verb: but it was together with them that they used to reckon them’] [analysis]
188a8hII 549,4188a4book 11543 nullam: (m.s.) .i. Ní conétada dírṡuidigud rainn saindilis/ no bed indíruidigud semper nisi participium. / niconḟil nach rainn nád techtad / cetnidetaid nisi participium. reliqua
[‘i.e. derivation did not obtain (any) peculiar part (of speech), to be always in derivation, except the participle, etc. Or there is no part of speech that has not a primitive-origin, except the participle’] [analysis]
188a10lII 549,7188a7book 11543 quocun[que]: (m.s.) mad hinunn anetargnae/ inchetnidi ⁊ indirṡuidigthi bid hi/nunn randatu doib dano/ iarum .i. mad hinunn herchoi/liud ⁊ accidentia doib.
[‘If the notion of the primitive and that of the derivative be the same, they will also have the same particularity afterwards, i.e. if they have the same definition and accidents’] [analysis]
188a14wII 549,10188a15book 11543 similitudinem: (subs.) .i. arachosmili fris/a cétnide/ dianaccomoltar
[‘i.e. for its likeness to the primitive with which it is connected’] [analysis]
188a19ccII 549,15188a17book 11543 bene (et male): .i. arandédenach són infechtso
[‘i.e. on account of their final this time’] [analysis]
188a31ssII 549,25188a25book 11543 ipsum (tempus): .i. cen ḟoilsigud diversitatis temporis
[‘i.e. without manifesting diversity of time’] [analysis]
188a31ttII 549,26188a26book 11543 per (se): .i. tresin naimsir feissin .i. amal bid ind aimsir feisin
[‘i.e. through the time itself, i.e. as if it were the time itself’] [analysis]
188a34xxII 549,28book 11543 diverso: .i. in tribus temporibus
188a34yyII 550,1188a28book 11543 tem[pus]: .i. ní slond naaimsire/ acht is slond in/gnimo gni/ther/ indi
[‘i.e. it is not signification of the time but it is signification of the active voice, that is made in it’] [analysis]
188a35zzII 550,1188a29book 11543 [tem]pus: .i. amal inna anman asrubartmar .i. annus reliqua
[‘i.e. like the nouns which we have mentioned’] [analysis]
188a36acII 550,2book 11212 543 significationes: genera
188a38aeII 550,4188a30book 11543 quocunque: .i. ní forcmi tuisel inna breithre huambí
[‘i.e. it does not preserve the case of the verb from which it comes’] [analysis]
188b5dII 550,12188b1book 11211 543 videntur: .i. o luc immognomo ar is hiluc rangabálae/ atá exosus .i./ ar is ruidles/ dorangabáil/ immognom fri/ ainsid.-
[‘i.e. from the place of construction; for exosus stands in the place of a participle, for construction with an accusative is a peculiarity of the participle’] [analysis]
188b17hII 550,22188b3book 113232 543 ea: .i. nomina .i. condat anman som dano briathardi
[‘i.e. so that they are verbal nouns’] [analysis]
188b32nII 551,8188b5book 1151 543 medium: .i. rann foleith .i. techtid cosmilius fricechtar de
[‘i.e. a seperate part, i.e. it possesses a resemblance to each of the two’] [analysis]
188b33pII 551,10188b6book 11543 confirmatio[nem]: .i. condeimnichther indi cosmilius/ indarann
[‘i.e. the resemblance of the two parts is confirmed in it’] [analysis]
189a37nII 552,25189a7book 11211 543 intransiti[vum]: .i. nephthairmthech/tid .i. cen tairm/thecht opersin/ dialaili.
[‘i.e. a non-transgressor, i.e. without passing over from one person to another’] [analysis]
189a38oII 552,25189a8book 11541 543 in: .i. attráchtad .i. cen tairmthecht ipersin naili.
[‘i.e. a re-commentary, i.e. without passing into another person’] [analysis]
189a40rII 552,27189a10book 11543 (obliqui) casus: ní tat ainmnidi
[‘they are not nominatives’] [analysis]
189b1aII 553,1189b1book 1135 543 quia: .i. {aicsenogud} quia fri brethir sís
[‘i.e. causality quia goes with the verb below’] [analysis]
189b22fII 553,20189b4book 11543 geminentur: .i. mat anmann adiechta emnatar and is écen comacomol hisuidib
[‘i.e. if nouns adjective be doubled there a conjunction is necessary in (i.e. between) them’] [analysis]
189b25gII 553,24189b5book 11543 verba: .i. dibrethir dirangabáil immalle
[‘i.e. two verbs or two participles together’] [analysis]
189b35lII 554,3189b8book 11543 [(unam ..) sub]stantiam: folad ṅ óin persine
[‘the substance of one person’] [analysis]
189b37oII 554,5189b9book 11211 543 communem: donab huilib doinib
[‘to all human beings’] [analysis]
189b39pII 554,7book 11543 ante: .i. is toisigiu afolad quam accidentia
[‘i.e. the substance is prior to the accidents’] [analysis]
190a6fII 554,15book 11543 continent: .i. arberr ciall inna nule mod eissib
[‘i.e. the meaning of all the moods is elicited from them’] [analysis]
190a13kII 554,21190a3book 11543 accipiuntur: arberr ciall cech muid ainfinit
[‘the meaning of every mood is elicited from the infinitive’] [analysis]
190b16bII 556,6190b1book 11543 nec: .i. cit coitchenna anmman ṅ adiechta
[‘i.e. (it is no wonder) though they are common, like nouns adjective’] [analysis]
190b26kII 556,15190b4book 11543 trium: .i. atrobair cach cenel
[‘i.e. every gender can say it (of itself, scil. amo, moneo, etc.)’] [analysis]
190b28mII 556,17book 11543 contra: .i. aptum verbum femininis masculinis adiungere
190b34pII 556,21190b5book 11543 vituperationis: (m.d.) .i. briathar femin/ son infechtso/ do accomol do an/manaib mascuilindaib
[‘i.e. this is now the conjunction of a feminine verb with masculine nouns’] [analysis]
190b41qII 557,3book 11543 similitudinem: (m.d.) .i. amal rondgab/sat inoptit
[‘i.e. as they are in the optative’] [analysis]
191a6hII 557,11191a2book 11543 devellimur: .i. docuirethar cétna persan/ sin persana/ aili chucae
[‘i.e. a first person here takes other persons to it’] [analysis]
191a17oII 557,21book 11543 perfectorum: ar issamlaid ataat inna ranngabala amal no/bed .e. re/ .bam. in pre/terito imper/fecto.,
[‘for it is thus that the participles are, as if there were e before -bam in the preterite imperfect’] [analysis]
191b24hII 559,8book 11543 ortum: .i. in .ortum bis do ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. whether it is ortum that it has etc.’] [analysis]
191b34kII 559,23191b2book 11543 anomalis: .i. cruthaigtheo na ranngabal todochaidi ⁊ sechmadachti ⁊ sopino ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. (the rules) of the formation of the participles of the future and preterite from the supine etc.’] [analysis]
192a28eII 560,26192a1book 11543 novi: .i. ní airberar frecṅdairc asuidiu immurgu
[‘i.e. a present, however, is not derived from this (meminens)’] [analysis]
192b20hII 562,9192b4book 11313 543 ocior: .i. comparativus .i. amal bid ón/ posit/ asberr/ ocus
[‘i.e. a comparative, i.e. as if it were from the positive ocus’] [analysis]
192b21iII 562,9book 11543 licet: cenodfil posit grecda do
[‘though there is a Greek positive to it’] [analysis]
192b34nII 562,21book 11221 543 59 οοπλισεις: nomen και: 7 οοπλιστης: participium ⁊ sic in reliquis masued/ amin
[‘if it be so’] [analysis]
193b3bII 564,21book 11543 osculari: .i. presens ⁊ preteritum imperfectum
193b4cII 564,21book 11543 osculans: presens ⁊ preteritum imperfectum
193b12gII 564,29book 11543 verbo: amavit
193b13hII 564,29book 11543 (nomine) infinito: qui
193b15lII 565,2book 11543 verbum: .i. amavit
193b15mII 565,2book 11543 (infinito) nomini: .i. qui
193b25hhII 565,13book 11423 543 (in or) disinentia: verba pasiva
193b25kkII 565,13book 11543 (in o) termi[nantia]: activa
193b26mmII 565,13193b6book 11543 presentis .. etc.: (m.l.) frisgair/ intestemin/se doṅdib/ dligedib/ remeperthib.
[‘this text answers to the two laws aforesaid’] [analysis]
193b35rrII 565,22193b9book 11543 [iun]cturae (ratione): .i. accomol innaṁbriathar ⁊ innaranngabál
[‘i.e. the junction of the verbs and of the participles’] [analysis]
194a23hII 566,25194a2book 11543 possidet: gním indí as fio
[‘the active of fio’] [analysis]
194b29gII 568,20194b2book 11543 transeunt: .i. it anman amal sodain
[‘i.e. they are nouns in that case’] [analysis]
194b30hII 568,21book 11543 nocens: participium ⁊ nomen
194b30iII 568,21book 11543 innocens: nomen
194b31kII 568,22book 11543 sapiens: participium ⁊ nomen
194b31lII 568,22book 11543 insipiens: nomen
195a29gII 569,28book 11543 [(in) par]ticipio: conic bes nomen
[‘it may be a noun’] [analysis]
195b7cII 570,21195b2book 11543 sectus: ni secitus dogní
[‘it is not secitus that it makes’] [analysis]
195b26lII 571,13195b4book 114228 543 quamvis: .i. nithechta indranngabál ara/chuitsidi.
[‘i.e. the participle has it (i) not as far as that goes’] [analysis]
196b39eII 574,8196b5book 11543 activis: .i. arṁbertis arrangabáil ḟrecndairc
[‘i.e. that they used to express it by a present participle’] [analysis]
197a7fII 577,2197a1book 12543 541 pro (nomine proprio): engracogud anme dílis .i. is diles/ anainmsin/ aḟolaid .i. ro/bofolad diles / doacaldmach
[‘a taking the place of a proper noun, i.e. that name is the peculiar property of its substance, i.e. either a proper substance or an appellative’] [analysis]
197a32hhII 578,2197a17book 1251 543 (profundae) multitudinis: .i. na ilchialla as ind óinrainn
[‘i.e. the many meanings out of the same part (of speech)’] [analysis]
197a33kkII 578,3book 12543 pluralis: infinitus
197a39ssII 578,7book 12543 tertiae: .i. sui
197b7hII 578,14197b4book 12543 (in) genere: .i. acht is ifoilsigud frecṅdairc asagnintar in ego ⁊ tu. tri atarcud immurgu as/agnin/tar hi sui.
[‘i.e. but it is in present demonstration that it is recognised in ego and tu: through anaphora, however, it is recognised in sui’] [analysis]
197b15oII 578,21197b8book 12543 59 eius: frecndairc. ám
[‘present indeed’] [analysis]
197b15pII 578,21book 12543 3223 qui: .i. prima
197b16qII 578,22book 12543 loquitur: secunda
197b33ffII 579,17book 12543 cognitionem (secundam): .i. iar netargnu riam
[‘i.e. after cognition beforehand’] [analysis]
197b34ggII 579,17197b12book 12543 is: .i. intí diarobe briathar linn riam
[‘i.e. he of whom we have spoken before’] [analysis]
197b34hhII 579,18197b13book 12543 hic: foilsigud hi frecndairc
[‘demonstration in presence’] [analysis]
197b38llII 579,20197b15book 12543 [redi]gat: .i. atairbert hí forathmet innapersine immeroraid riam
[‘i.e. bringing again into recollection of the person that he has spoken of before’] [analysis]
197b39mmII 579,22197b16book 12543 is: .i. intí adrubartmar.
[‘i.e. he whom we have mentioned’] [analysis]
197b40nnII 579,23197b17book 12543 per (se): .i. cenacomol naich aili do airdianaccomaltar pronomen naill do conétet som iarum do ṡuidiu..
[‘i.e. without joining any other to it, for if another pronoun be joined to it, it (sc. ipse) is in subjection to it’] [analysis]
197b41ooII 579,23197b18book 12543 [recor]dationem: .i. diambí foraithmet riam
[‘i.e. of which there is mention before’] [analysis]
198a13pII 580,5198a9book 12543 solus: .i. cen engracugud nanmae
[‘i.e. without taking the place of a noun’] [analysis]
198a20tII 580,12198a11book 12543 ipse: .i. connach ainm samlaid
[‘i.e. so that thus it is not a noun’] [analysis]
198a23uII 580,16book 12543 (a) prima (persona): ego
198a26xII 580,18book 12543 (a) secunda: tu
198a28zII 580,20book 12543 (a) tertia (.. persona): .i. sui
198a29aaII 580,20book 12423 543 unum: pronomen .i. suus
198a30bbII 580,22book 12543 [di]rivativum: suus
198a30ccII 580,22198a12book 12543 intrinsecus: arrainn indaitrebthado
[‘on the part of the possessor’] [analysis]
198a30ddII 580,24198a13book 12543 (ex qua) parte: .i. ondrainn inmedonich hísin indaitrebtha/do
[‘i.e. from that internal part of the possessor’] [analysis]
198a31eeII 580,23198a14book 12543 genitivum (primitivum): .i. iso ṡuidi dosom anisin airis coitchen ade cacha áir/me
[‘i.e. that is from this part to him (the possessor), for this is common to each number’] [analysis]
198a32ffII 580,24198a15book 12211 543 suus (illius): .i. ai .i. filius
[‘i.e. his’] [analysis]
198a32ggII 580,24198a16book 12211 543 suus (illorum): .i. inna nai .i. filius.
[‘i.e. of theirs (or their)’] [analysis]
198a35kkII 580,26198a17book 12543 intrinsecus: .i. arrainn aitrebthado
[‘i.e. on the part of the possessor’] [analysis]
198a37mmII 581,1198a18book 12543 confundunt: .i. úare asrobair mulier meus filius ⁊ asrobair vir mea filia
[‘i.e. because a wife can say meus filius and a husband can say mea filia as to possessor’] [analysis]
198a37ooII 581,1book 12543 primitiva: (subs.) .i. ego. tu sui.
198a38qqII 581,1198a19book 12543 extrinsecus: arrainn indatraib atrebthar and .i. fria cocenél fogéna
[‘on the part of the possession which is possessed there, i.e. it will be construed with its cogender’] [analysis]
198a38ssII 581,2198a20book 12543 generibus: (m.d.) .i. fobith inna/cenel innanan/man frisa/nacomlatar in immognom.
[‘i.e. because of the genders of the nouns to which they are joined in construction’] [analysis]
198a40uuII 581,3198a21book 12543 intrinsecus: .i. arrainn indí atreba
[‘i.e. on the part of him who possesses’] [analysis]
198b1aII 581,6198b1book 12543 extrinsecus: .i. alleith atraib
[‘i.e. on the part of possession’] [analysis]
198b3cII 581,7198b2book 12543 mobilium: .i. fodalet chenel fochosmailius anman nadiecht.
[‘i.e. they distinguish gender like nouns adjective’] [analysis]
198b4dII 581,8198b3book 12543 numero: (m.d.) .i. nied iarma/ḟoichsom híc. cid/ arṅdid huathuislib/ ildaib disruthai/gedar. acht isciall/ indildatad ind/ atraib file ind/dib cid arna ai/recht pronomen nait/rebthach dia/ ṡlund in othuth.-
[‘i.e. it is not this that he asks here: why are they derived from plural cases? but it is the sense of plurality of possession that is in them, why was not a possessive pronoun invented to express it in the singular?’] [analysis]
198b10gII 581,14book 12543 primitiva: ego tu
198b23oII 581,25book 12543 221 (nihil ..) aliud: sed pronomina
198b25rII 581,27198b7book 12543 et: .i. arberat pronomen asanartocol son ám
[‘i.e. they make a pronoun out of their article indeed’] [analysis]
198b30xII 582,5198b9book 12543 221 ο ├εαμαος δουλος: .i. aitrebthach con artucol/ fil híc.
[‘i.e. a possessive with an article there is here’] [analysis]
198b32zII 582,6book 12543 primitivorum: ego tu ille
198b34bbII 582,9book 12543 423 meus: filius
198b34ccII 582,9book 12543 423 tuus: filius
198b37ffII 582,11book 12543 meus (es amicus): secunda
198b38ggII 582,12book 12543 tuus (filius sum): prima
198b42hhII 582,15198b11book 12543 secundam: .i. intan aspersan tanaise atrebthar and.
[‘i.e. when it is the second person that is possessed there’] [analysis]
199a39fII 584,4199a2book 12543 ipsa: .i. aggním féisne immeḟolṅgai cesad fuiri
[‘i.e. its own action causes passion on it’] [analysis]
199a42lII 584,7199a5book 12543 sic: (m.d.) .i. Gniid sem for nach/ naile hinunn 7/ gniid side conim/molṅgai side cesad/ fuiri sidi .-
[‘i.e. it acts on some other, and this (other) acts so as to cause passion on it’] [analysis]
199b1bII 584,7199b1book 12543 dicitur: .i. gnim doneuch forrochongart. cesad doneuch forrorcongrad. gním iarum dondí dodechuid cesad dondí cosatuidches.
[‘i.e. action to him who has ordered: passion to him that has been ordered: action, then, to him who has come: passion to him who has been come to’] [analysis]
199b7nII 584,14199b4book 12543 si: (subs.) .i. mad he herchoiliud cétne persine insin .i. conibbé .dese. and.
[‘i.e. if that be the definition of the first person, i.e. that de se be not there’] [analysis]
199b8pII 584,15199b6book 12543 loqui: (m.l.) .i. ní labrathar/ difeisne amal/ sodain.
[‘i.e. it speaks not of itself in that case’] [analysis]
199b9rII 584,15199b7book 12543 similiter: .i. maní bé directo sermone and is inderb iarum in prima nodlabrathar / tertia
[‘i.e. if directo sermone be not there, it is uncertain then whether prima says it or tertia’] [analysis]
199b10sII 584,17book 12543 locutio: .i. ad quam loquitur
199b11tII 584,18199b8book 12543 sed: .i. is coitchen doib huili
[‘i.e. it is common to them all’] [analysis]
199b12uII 584,19199b9book 12543 loquitur: .i. mad ed nammá no bed isind herchóiliud
[‘i.e. if that alone were in the definition’] [analysis]
199b13wII 584,19199b10book 12543 (de) prima: .i. cetna persan di féisin
[‘i.e. the first person of itself’] [analysis]
199b15xII 584,21199b11book 12543 3116 prepossitis (..difinitionibus): .i. huanaib herchoiltib tóisechaib
[‘i.e. (made use) of the first definitions’] [analysis]
200a19eII 586,7200a3book 12543 alia: .i. cenmithá nostras ⁊ vestras/ ⁊ ego ⁊ tu ⁊ sui.
[‘i.e. except nostras and uestrasand ego and tu and sui’] [analysis]
200a24iII 586,11200a7book 12543 priore (cognitione): .i. ond anmmaimm forsambí sliucht.
[‘i.e. by the noun which it follows’] [analysis]
200a24lII 586,11200a9book 12543 cognitionis: .i. ind anmma remthár/cidi riam
[‘i.e. of the noun previously brought forward’] [analysis]
200a28mII 586,14book 12543 respondemus: issed inso afrecre .i. quod reliqua
[‘this is the answer to it, i.e. quod etc.’] [analysis]
200a28nII 586,15200a11book 12543 non: .i. ni hed amét as coitchen arac-cuis ind/attair/cedo
[‘i.e. not only is it common because of the anaphora’] [analysis]
200a29qII 586,16200a13book 12543 terminationis: .i. cosmaili tuisil .sui. frituisliu ego ⁊ tu. ité tra/ indi accuis insin/ arṅdid coitchen/ trechenelae/ .sui.
[‘i.e. the cases of sui are like the cases of ego and tu: those then are the two causes why sui is common trigeneric’] [analysis]
200a32tII 586,19200a14book 12543 terminantes: .i. cosmaili angenitne atri/ur. ⁊ ato/barthidi/ in .i. ⁊ reliqua
[‘i.e. the genitives of the three are alike, and their datives in i, etc.’] [analysis]
200a35yII 586,21200a15book 12543 plerisque: cenmithá inna hisiu
[‘besides these’] [analysis]
200b13iII 587,10200b3book 12543 infimatis: .i. dothaidbsin indí as infimatis rombói apud veteres/ tarési indí as in/fimas. file hodie
[‘i.e. to show that infimatis was (used) by the ancients instead of infimas which is (in use) to day’] [analysis]
200b22oII 587,20book 12543 quos: .i. is etarru biid immacaldaim
[‘i.e. it is between them is conversation’] [analysis]
200b31tII 588,3200b9book 12543 intrinsecus: alleith aitrebthado
[‘on the part of the possessor’] [analysis]
200b36wII 588,7200b11book 12543 intrinsecus: alleith indí atreba
[‘on the part of him that possesses’] [analysis]
200b37zII 588,8200b12book 12543 extrinsecus: alleith atraib
[‘on the part of possession’] [analysis]
200b39ccII 588,10200b13book 12543 infinitae: (m.l.) .i. infinitae .i. is ecrichthe/ anatrab ⁊ ní/ fintar cid at/trebthar and conduc/thar nomen fris.
[‘i.e. the possession is indefinite, and what is possessed there is not discovered until a name is put to it’] [analysis]
200b41ddII 588,11200b14book 12543 211 thelamonius: .i. possesivum .i. telamónde .i. telamonis filius
[‘i.e. a possession, i.e. Telamonian, i.e. Telamon’s son’] [analysis]
201a3gII 588,14201a2book 12543 genitivum: (m.l.) tresingenitin/ inchétnidi rel/tair int intṡli/ucht ind aitrebthaig .-
[‘through the genitive of the primitive the meaning of the possessive is manifested’] [analysis]
201a8iII 588,19201a3book 12543 52 (non) commune: ishe se sís andechor
[‘this below is their difference’] [analysis]
201a20lII 589,3book 12543 singularem: .i. is nectar de bis and
[‘i.e. it is one of the two that is there’] [analysis]
201a20mII 589,4book 12543 possitio[nes]: personae
201a26pII 589,11201a5book 12543 omnia: (m.l.) .i. nígnáth chomsuidigud/ inainmnidib prono/men acht inna/ trí dombeir som
[‘i.e. composition in the nominatives of pronouns is unusual save the three which he gives’] [analysis]
201a31xII 589,15book 12543 iterum: .i. in feminino ⁊ neutro
201a36ccII 589,22201a10book 1234 543 tamen: .i. cid comsuidigthe idem indneutair consuidigther camaiph iterum
[‘i.e. though the idem of the neuter is compounded, yet it is compounded again’] [analysis]
201a38eeII 589,23book 12543 nominativus: idem
201b5bII 589,29book 12543 syllabam: .i. dam
201b9dII 590,2book 12543 omnium: ei . eae . ea
201b18kII 590,15201b4book 12543 absque (dativo): .i. ní comsuidigud fri tobarthid
[‘i.e. it is not composition with the dative’] [analysis]
201b21oII 590,17201b5book 12543 3232 hic (solus): .i. indainmnid hilair neutair ishe aóenur arecar hi .c.
[‘i.e. the nominative plural neuter, this alone is found (ending) in c’] [analysis]
201b25sII 590,21201b6book 12543 [singu]larem: .i. is fornóin ṅ deilb biit semper
[‘i.e. it is according to one paradigm they are always (declined)’] [analysis]
201b28ddII 590,24201b14book 12543 autem: .i. is follus isnaib dobriathraib so ata comsuidigthi quia servant aspirationem
[‘i.e. in these adverbs (ad-huc, ab-hinc) it is clear that they are compounds, because they keep the aspiration’] [analysis]
202a1bII 591,13book 12421 543 o tite ..etc.: versus ennianus
202a6fII 591,19202a2book 12543 absque (genitivo): ar nitórmagar frisuidi
[‘for it is not added to this’] [analysis]
202a10kII 591,22book 12543 *(trium) pronominum: .i. ego ⁊ tú ⁊ sui.
202a13lII 591,25202a4book 12543 discretionis (cau[sa]): .i. do dechrugud persine frialaili
[‘i.e. to distinguish (one) person from another’] [analysis]
202a15nII 592,1202b6book 12543 egomet: .i. ní nach aile
[‘i.e. it is no other’] [analysis]
202a15oII 592,2202b7book 12543 ego: .i. asmmé moínur aridrochell. ar mad ego nammá asberad bes nobed nachaile leis oc inndairchellad amal ṡodain.
[‘i.e. that it is I alone who have taken it away: for if he had said ego only, perchance another might have been with him at the taking away in that case’] [analysis]
202b15dII 593,19202b2book 12543 separatis: .i. nitechtat sensiarna netarscarad
[‘i.e. they have no meaning after their separation’] [analysis]
202b16eII 593,20202b3book 12543 *quod: (m.d.) .i. cid druailnide /ṁbes chechtar ind/arann isinchomsuidigthiu/ adcuireddar dolá/ni fritaidbech in/chomsuidigthi sin. inna for/tórmach ucut/ immurgu ní inchoi/sget sidi ní/ iarna/ ṁbrith/ onaib ra/nn/ai/b/ frisṁbiat
[‘i.e. though each of the two parts in the compound be corrupt, they return to completeness at the breaking up of that compound. Yon increments, however, they do not signify anything after being taken from the parts of speech with which they are’] [analysis]
202b40rII 594,13book 12543 verbum: .i. vide eccum vel vide eccos reliqua
203a1bII 594,16book 12543 prepositio: .i. cum
203a2eII 594,17book 12543 trium (persona[rum]): .i. ego. tu. sui
203a3fII 594,17203a2book 12543 571?[?] componuntur: .i. air it comsuidigthi aliter is comḟuirmud forgnúsa tantum ⁊ ni comsuidigud
[‘i.e. for they are compounds. Aliter it is a collocation of form only, and not compostion’] [analysis]
203a5gII 594,20203a3book 123232 543 utrunque: (m.l.) .i. cum me ⁊ mecum/ .i. no bíth leo cum/ in principio ⁊ in fine
[‘i.e. they used to have cum (both) at the beginning and at the end’] [analysis]
203a8iII 594,22book 12543 reliquarum: .i. secundae ⁊ tertiae
203a11mII 594,25book 12543 (cum) me: sed mecum
203a12nII 594,26203a6book 12336[?] 543 adiungendum: (m.l.) arna derṅmis/ cum nobis air dian/ denmis cum me. do/genmis dano cum nobis
[‘that we might not make cum nobis: for if we made cum me, we should then make cum nobis’] [analysis]
203a13oII 594,27book 12543 prepositi[one]: .i. cum
203a14pII 595,1203a7book 124228 543 obscenum: .i. mad arthosuch beid
[‘i.e. if it should be as the beginning’] [analysis]
203a15qII 595,2203a8book 12543 (absque) observatione: cen imcabáil cacen/fati ⁊ cen imcabá/il cum nobis do epirt
[‘without evoiding cacophony and without evoiding to say cum nobis’] [analysis]
203a15rII 595,2203a9book 12543 naturali (ordine): remsuidigud inna remthechtas
[‘the preposition in its antepostion’] [analysis]
203a17uII 595,3203a10book 12543 (nisi ea) fortassis: (m.l.) .i. combad air nobeth/ cum in fine in supra/dictis ar choib/nius frisnacomac/comlasa
[‘i.e. it would be therefore that cum is in fine in the words aforesaid, on account of its affinity to these conjunctions’] [analysis]
203a19yII 595,5book 12543 supradicta (pronomina): .i. mecum tecum secum vobiscum
203a19zII 595,5book 12543 unius (causa): .i. nobiscum
203a22eeII 595,8book 12543 absque: ni fognat friangenitnesidi
[‘they are not construed with their genitives’] [analysis]
203a23ffII 595,8book 12543 quinque: ego tu sui nos vos
203a36uuII 595,20203a22book 12543 ea (pars): (m.l.) isdí conétet ind rann/ bís hitosuch
[‘the part of speech that is at the beginning is in subjection to it’] [analysis]
203a42abII 595,26203a27book 12211 543 (pro) eiusdem: (m.l.) tarhessi eiusdem ⁊ ni bí/ sem són immurgu calléic
[‘in place of eiusdem, and yet, however, that is not’] [analysis]
203b1cII 595,27203b1book 12543 substantiam (solam): asberr eiusdem ⁊ cach pronomen dano chene is folud persine inchosig
[‘the pronoun eiusdem and every pronoun besides, it is the substance of a person that it signifies’] [analysis]
203b6eII 596,3203b2book 12543 non: ni bad pronomen airi
[‘it would not therefore be a pronoun’] [analysis]
203b7gII 596,4203b4book 12211 543 ex (eadem specie): .i. ónd oén ranndato són .i. ond óengné randatad ⁊ folid air is folud persine doḟoirde eiusdem intamail méte immurgu doḟoirnde tantundem.
[‘i.e. from the same particularity, i.e. from the same kind of paricularity and substance, for it is the substance of a person that eiusdem denotes: (it is the) similitude of quantity, however that tantundem denotes’] [analysis]
203b11kII 596,7203b5book 12543 *omnia: (m.l.) pronomen hifoir/ciunn indib ro/bu samlid dano/ robói modi [eius] huius/ hitosuch ⁊ reliqua
[‘a pronoun at the end in them. It was thus then that modi huius was in the beginning etc.’] [analysis]
203b11lII 596,7201book 12543 *(cum) pronominibus: (m.l.) .i. pronomen indib fo/deud
[‘i.e. a pronoun in them at the end’]
203b12nII 596,8203b6book 12543 qualitatem: .i. it anman asṁbiur diib nitat pronomina
[‘i.e. it is nouns which I call them, not pronouns’] [analysis]
203b18pII 596,13203b8book 12543 58?[?] *quos .. etc.: (m.s.) aliter quos .. exige ... in compositione .i. conrop samlid beit in compositione amal rom/batar hicomaisṅdís quos .i. casus exigebat
[‘... so that thus they may be in composition as they were in apposition’] [analysis]
203b24sII 596,20203b9book 12543 hisdem: .i. condib innon in fogor hitar hothad ⁊ hilar air is hé infogur cétna filter and
[‘i.e. so that the sound be the same in both singular and plural, for it is the same sound that is inflected there’] [analysis]
203b36wII 597,1203b11book 12543 numerorum: doḟoirdet áraim
[‘which signify number’] [analysis]
204a13dII 597,16book 12543 312 meus: singularis
204a13eII 597,16book 12543 312 mei: pluralis
204a16hII 597,19204a3book 12211 543 suus (illius): ái .i. filius
[‘his’] [analysis]
204a16iII 597,19204a14book 12211 543 suus (illorum): (m.d.) inna ái .i. filius reliqua
[‘of theirs (or their)’] [analysis]
204a30oIII 1,9204a7book 13543 loco: .i. gaibit engraic anmmae dílis is/intui/siulsin
[‘i.e. they take the place of a proper name in that case’] [analysis]
204b4gIII 2,3204b3book 13543 vocativum: .i. nostrás dano
[‘i.e. nostrás also (is the vocative)’] [analysis]
204b32aaIII 3,2book 13543 (in) is: ut mis. tis
[‘as mis. below’] [analysis]
204b36eeIII 3,5book 13543 genitivus: .i. sis
[‘i.e. below’] [analysis]
205a4dIII 3,15book 13543 ουρανουεν: ut in his inveniuntur
205a11gIII 3,21book 13543 primis: .i. ut ego ⁊ tu reliqua
205a12hIII 3,21book 13543 possessivorum: meus tuus reliqua
205a16kIII 4,3205a3book 13543 principalibus: dodechur accidentium verborum ⁊ nominum quae pronomini/ accidunt
[‘to distinguish the accidents of verbs etc.’] [analysis]
205b6bIII 4,29book 13543 3232 [alteri]us: .i. hic
205b8cIII 4,31205b1book 13543 pro (sui): inetarrogo són ám
[‘in choosing between indeed’] [analysis]
206a7dIII 6,11book 13543 nominativum: alter
206a8eIII 6,12book 13543 reliqui: .i. absque genitivo ⁊ dativo
206a15gIII 6,17book 13543 (literam) principalem: .i. i
206a21nIII 6,22book 13543 principium: .i. .h
206a21oIII 6,22book 13543 fi[nem]: .i. c
206a22pIII 6,23book 13543 (mediam) vocalem: .i. .i
206a22qIII 6,23book 13543 mota[vit]: in o.
206a29rIII 7,1book 13543 ideo: .i. issed se an dliged
[‘i.e. this is the rule’] [analysis]
206a30sIII 7,2206a3book 13543 alius: air cheso in .us. conosna són ní in .um. dogní aneutur
[‘for although this ends in -us it does not make its neuter in -um’] [analysis]
206b14dIII 8,1206b1book 13543 alis: .i. robói do ainmnid ⁊ do genitin apud vetustissimos
[‘i.e. it stood for a nominative and for a genitive with the anients’] [analysis]
206b22hIII 8,8book 13543 3113 alii: pro alius
206b31kIII 8,17book 133113 543 alius: .i. genitivus hodie
206b42oIII 9,8book 13543 (a) qui: dofoxlaid femin
[‘as a feminine ablative’] [analysis]
207a2bIII 9,11207a1book 13543 (pro) quacum: .i. tarháesi foxlada femin
[‘i.e. in place of a feminine ablative’] [analysis]
207a2cIII 9,12book 13543 quicum: pro qua
207a11pIII 9,23207a6book 13543 generalem: .i. ind aiccend bias forsindainmnid isé bias forsnaib camthuislib .i. circunflexus
[‘i.e. the accent which will be on the nominative is that which will be on the oblique cases, viz. a circumflex’] [analysis]
207a12rIII 9,24207a7book 13543 accuntur: intan ṁbíte an óinur
[‘when they are alone’] [analysis]
207a13sIII 9,24207a8book 13543 [(in) lectio]ne: .i. armad hisuidiu isgraif bís foraib som
[‘i.e. for if it be in this (in lectione) the grave is upon them’] [analysis]
207a25ffIII 10,12book 13543 singularem: .ius
207a27iiIII 10,14book 13543 ut: analach
[‘analogy’] [analysis]
207a30kkIII 10,17book 13543 hibus: pro his
207b7cIII 11,12207b2book 13543 nunquam: .i. ní bad samlaid son (m. l.) mad ónche/tnidiu no/bed ar nobi/ad frifemen/ ⁊ neutar amal/ sodin/ .-
[‘i.e. this would not be thus if it (mi) were from the primitive, for then it would be (used) with the feminine and neuter’] [analysis]
207b14fIII 11,19207b3book 13211 543 nam: .i. air cio ainmnid dixnigidir .i. masu pronomen .i. ní/ ḟil
[‘i.e. for from what nominative is it? i.e. if it is a pronoun. i.e. there is not it (it is not)’] [analysis]
207b20kIII 11,25207b7book 13543 deinde: (m.l.) .i. accuis aile/ con-nach arti/col .o. lalaitnóri
[‘i.e. another cause so that o is not an article with the Latins.’] [analysis]
207b24mIII 11,28207b9book 13543 qui quoque: (m.l.) qui quoque reliqua .i. vide/tur .qui. habere. ar/ticuli. subiunctivi. significationem. interpretatione/ .i. ostiy .i. indí as/ .ostiy. reliqua .i. o inni/ aetarcerta sidi/ .i. issi ind etar/ceirt in son grecde./ .i. oinni inna e/perta grecda do/adbadar as/ chomsuidigthe isingreíc/ ostiy. diuit/ immurgu qui lin/ni.-
[‘qui, i.e. ὂστις seems to have a subjunctive article by its sense of interpretation, i.e. of ὂστις etc., that is, from the sense of its interpretation, i.e. this is the interpretation, the Greek word. From the sense of the Greek vocable ὂστις is shown to be a compound in the Greek. With us, however, qui is simple (uncompounded).’] [analysis]
207b26oIII 11,29book 13543 simplex: .i. qui .i. non síc ostiy sed compositum
207b30qIII 12,2book 13543 221 ευτυχης: compositum
207b31rIII 12,3book 13543 221 αγιος: compositum
207b31sIII 12,3book 13543 221 ευσηβης: compositum
207b32uIII 12,3207b11book 13543 significationem: cit comsuidigthi lagrecu ní ecen dunni beta comsuidigthi linn
[‘although they are compounds with the Greeks it is unnecessary for us that they should be compounds with us’] [analysis]
207b34xIII 12,6book 13543 221 μεμολυμηνος: son diuit insin
[‘this is a simple (uncompounded) word’] [analysis]
207b38bbIII 12,8book 13543 vocativum: .i. adverbium. vocandi
207b38ccIII 12,8book 13543 heus: adverbium. vocandi
208a8dIII 12,21book 13543 +non: interrogatio .i. quod supradixit
208a24nIII 13,6book 13543 iure: .i. conid tertpersan nominativus nominis
[‘i.e. so that the nominative of the noun is the third person’] [analysis]
208a25oIII 13,7book 13543 solis: .i. is doib anoinur adcomaltal/ intan incosaig/ primam ⁊ secundam
[‘i.e. to them alone it is joined when it signifies the first and second’] [analysis]
208a31sIII 13,12book 13543 +omnia: nomina vel pronomina vel participia
208a42yIII 13,20208a11book 13543 inveniuntur: (subs.) .i. is coitchen doṡuidib buith hicacha/ persanaib ni cummae ⁊ vocativus
[‘i.e. to them it is common to be in all persons, not the same as the vocative’] [analysis]
208b5cIII 13,24208b2book 13543 casibus: .i. is hinon tuisel/ pronominis ⁊ nominis/ is indaccomol
[‘i.e. the case of the pronoun and of the noun is the same in junction’] [analysis]
208b23kIII 14,7208b5book 13543 absoluta: (m.d.) Absoluta .i. hua/tuasailcthecha/ huaṡaingnúis/ ar intan asṁb/ir so .ego dico tu/ dicis ní sluin/di so hisuidiu na/ṅd eper nach aile/ it chóimthecht./ INtain immurgu asṁbir/ siu .ego ipse egomet/ is saingnuis duit/ so thóinur hisuidiu/ indepert ⁊ ní ercho/ndla nach persan/ aile frit.-
[‘absolved from a special form, for when you say ego dico or tu dicis, you do not signify herein that no other says it in your company. When, however, you say ego ipse or egomet the saying is a special form to you alone in this, and no other person converses (?) with you.’] [analysis]
208b29rIII 14,12208b9book 13543 cum (alio): .i. hicoitchenas
[‘i.e. in community’] [analysis]
208b30uIII 14,13208b11book 13543 212 significantiam: .i. is hinon óin significantia ⁊ discretio
[‘i.e. quite the same are significantia and descretio’] [analysis]
208b30wIII 14,13208b12book 134226 543 discretionem: fri cenelchi persan
[‘from the generality of persons’] [analysis]
208b32yIII 14,14208b13book 134228 543 (nec) non: .i. solet ostendere significantiam vel discretionem .i. ego an as tórmachte ipse met fris
[‘i.e. ego usually shows significantia or discretio when ipse or met is added to it’] [analysis]
209a9dIII 15,8209a3book 13543 potest: .i. ní rubai anisin in nominativo
[‘i.e. that cannot be in the nominative’] [analysis]
209b10nIII 16,20book 1334 543 ideo: .i. causa dubitationis
209b11qIII 16,21209b10book 13543 aliud pronomen: (m.l.extr.) Aliud pronomen .i. is allail/ pronomen aní sin fri sui./ .i. an .is. hísin.
[‘i.e. that, to wit, that is another pronoun from sui, to wit that is’] [analysis]
209b11rIII 16,21209b10book 13543 quod .. etc.: (m.l.extr.) quod prop/terea puto .i. issed domui/nursa ol prescien issed/ dorigéni pronomen ṅatár/cadach di .is. anisin/ uare is o pronomen atárca/dach atá la graecu.-
[‘quod p. p., i.e. this is what I think, says Priscian, this is what made an anaphoric pronoun of is,because it is (derived) from an anaphoric pronoun (ἴ) which the Greeks have’]
209b16aaIII 17,1book 13543 in (se): (subs.) .i. issed ar reciprocum insin
[‘i.e. that is the reciprocum’] [analysis]
209b16bbIII 17,2book 13543 aliam: .i. issed transitivum
[‘i.e. this is transitivum’] [analysis]
209b20ddIII 17,5book 13543 (in) se: .i. reciprocum sin
[‘i.e. that is reciprocum’] [analysis]
209b20ffIII 17,6209b18book 13543 iniurius: .i. a ancride feisin immeḟolṅgai cesad do
[‘i.e. (it is) his own wrong which causes suffering to him’] [analysis]
209b27yyIII 17,13209b31book 13543 [possessi]oni: .i. doṡlund atraib trisinṅgenitin són
[‘i.e. that is to express possession by the genitive’] [analysis]
209b28abIII 17,14209b32book 13543 [pos]sessiones: .i. slund céille atraib acht is dolínad intṡliuchto verbi
[‘i.e. an expression of the meaning of possession, but it is to perfect the sense of the verb’] [analysis]
209b42ahIII 17,26book 13543 (per se) positus: innaaicniud feisin
[‘in its own nature’] [analysis]
210a24mIII 18,18210a8book 13543 principalem: .i. hitossuch recachthuisiul
[‘i.e. at the beginning, before every case’] [analysis]
210a40qIII 19,11210a10book 13543 vim: .i. asagnintar int ainmnid/ in verbo
[‘i.e. the nominative is understood in the verb’] [analysis]
210b18fIII 20,2book 13543 dirivativa: .i. pronomina possessiva
210b21"gIII 20,6book 13543 peneul[timam]: .i. li.
211a11eIII 20,29211a1book 13543 hoc: .i. issí a inne insin
[‘i.e. that is its quality’] [analysis]
211a16hIII 21,4211a3book 13543 autem: .i. issed ám anécóir putare/ reliqua
[‘i.e. this indeed is the wrongness to think etc.’] [analysis]
211a22kIII 21,8211a4book 13543 suppellectilis: .i. ní suppellectis dogní
[‘i.e. it is not suppellectis that it (suppellex) makes’] [analysis]
211a22lIII 21,8book 13543 ospita: non ospa
211a23mIII 21,8211a5book 13543 [gra]cilis: .i. ni coitchen
[‘i.e. it is not common’] [analysis]
211a23nIII 21,9book 13543 ipsum: non ipsud
211a25oIII 21,12book 13543 (ut) hic: analogia
211a37zIII 21,22211a14book 13543 diversa (ostendentes): .i. acosmiligmmer/ dúli ecsamli../ .i. dochenelaib/ ⁊ áirmib ecsam/lib ar is écsamil/ acenél cetne fil is/indí as mare 7/ as nilus..
[‘i.e. when we compare different things, i.e. to different genders and numbers, for different is the same gender which is in mare and Nilus ’] [analysis]
211a38ccIII 21,23211a15book 13543 talem: issed se an nomen foilsigthech
[‘i.e. this is the demonstrative noun’] [analysis]
211a38ddIII 21,23book 13543 nilum: .i. ecsamlus ceneiuil anisiu
[‘i.e. diversity of gender this’] [analysis]
211a40ffIII 21,24211a17book 13543 tanti: ecsamlus áirme híc
[‘diversity of number here’] [analysis]
211a42ggIII 21,25book 13543 +plurali: .i. tanti
211b18mIII 22,10book 13543 talis: relativum híc
211b22qIII 22,14211b9book 13211 543 et (tertiae): .i. ⁊ it tertpersin
[‘i.e. and they are third persons’] [analysis]
211b28tIII 22,19213book 134221 543 naturaliter: .i. aris secunda persona adgládathar indaicnetid
[‘for it is the second person which it addresses naturally’] [analysis]
211b34yIII 22,25book 13423 543 finitarum: personarum .i. primae ⁊ secundae
212a5dIII 23,3book 13543 unam: .i. secundam
212a20mIII 24,7212a2book 14543 3114 preposu[isse]: .i. in urdd dorannaib/ nephdilledchaib/ .i. domin/rannaib
[‘i.e. in order, to the indeclinable parts (of speech), i.e. to the lesser parts (of speech)’] [analysis]
212a26sIII 24,11212a5book 14543 (cum) eis: .i. in compositione ⁊ ní bí friu hí/ comasṅdéis
[‘i.e. in composition, and it is not with them in apposition’] [analysis]
212a31wIII 24,15212a8book 14211 543 prepostere: indremdédenach .i. fo deod
[‘preposterously, i.e. finally’] [analysis]
212a34zIII 24,18212a11book 14543 omnes: .i. etar fileda ⁊ áis ṅdénma sairse chenae
[‘i.e. both poets and other artists’] [analysis]
212a35bbIII 24,18book 14543 (ordinem) motant: combiat fodeod
[‘so that they are at the end’] [analysis]
212a37ggIII 24,20212a15book 14543 communes: (m.i.) .i. hitar remṡa/mugud ⁊ foacomol
[‘i.e. both anteposition and subjunction’] [analysis]
212b3dIII 24,23212b2book 1435 543 (sed) hoc: .i. cenodchosmailigetar hicumscugud aiccend
[‘i.e. though they are alike in changing accents’] [analysis]
212b7fIII 25,2212b4book 14543 [sepa]ratae: .i. hicomasṅdéis
[‘i.e. in apposition’] [analysis]
212b8gIII 25,3212b5book 14543 uno: .i. dipersin inóingním
[‘i.e. two persons in one action’] [analysis]
212b10iIII 25,4212b7book 144228 543 vel: .i. nec coniungunt prepositiones amal adindchomlat coniunctiones
[‘i.e. nor do prepositions join as conjunctions join it’] [analysis]
212b10kIII 25,4212b8book 14543 substantia: .i. oín ḟolud duini dogní andedesin
[‘i.e. a man’s single substance does these two things (writing and reading)’] [analysis]
212b31pIII 25,21212b11book 14543 35 de: (m.d.) .i. fortórmach/ .de. apud graecos in fine/ ⁊ comacomol ai/ri cia beith in fine
[‘i.e. δὲ is an addition with the Greeks at the end, and it is not therefore a conjunction though it be at the end’] [analysis]
212b32sIII 25,22212b13book 14543 coniunctio: acht is fortórmach
[‘but it is an addition’] [analysis]
213a7fIII 26,7213a3book 14543 interpretatio: .i. inson fritaindle lagrecu
[‘i.e. the word which corresponds to them with the Greeks’] [analysis]
213a23kIII 26,25book 1434 543 exadversum: .i. adverbium
213a24lIII 26,27book 14543 *κατα: .i. prepositione
213a25mIII 26,27book 14543 *μετα: adverbio
213a26nIII 26,28book 1436 543 secundum (ea): prepositio
213a27pIII 27,2213a6book 14211 34 543 [secun]dum: .i. intanisiu .i. adverbium
[‘i.e. secondly’] [analysis]
213a27qIII 27,2213a7book 14543 36 [secun]dum: (m.l.) isaremsuidigud dobertar/ indadesmerecht ⁊ ita/remsuidigthib indí greic amal/ ṡodain
[‘or it is for a preposition (secundum) that the two examples are given, and for prepositions are the two Greek (words), in that case’] [analysis]
213a28sIII 27,4book 14543 accentum: .i. quando solae sunt
213a34ggIII 27,8213a14book 14211 543 [pre]postere: fodéid hicomasṅdís
[‘at the end in apposition’] [analysis]
213b13hIII 27,23213b3book 14543 [(vim)] suam: .i. nert an aiccind
[‘i.e. the force of their accent’] [analysis]
213b32lIII 28,8213b5book 14543 suam: .i. ní remsuidigud acht adverbium
[‘i.e. it is not a preposition but an adverb’] [analysis]
214a8eIII 28,21book 14543 apud (nos): .i. file linni
[‘i.e. which we have’] [analysis]
214a10gIII 28,22214a2book 14543 [memo]riae: .i. intan ṁbís foraithmet hí .super.
[‘i.e. when there is recollection in super’] [analysis]
214a30oIII 29,9214a3book 14543 [grae]corum: .i. dondḟorcomét file lasuidib in prepositionibus
[‘i.e. to the observance which these (the Greeks) have in prepositions’] [analysis]
214a35sIII 29,13214a5book 14543 sunt .. etc.: (m.d.) .i. nítabair des/imrechta híc/ arna hí nád/ techtat tinfed/ acht arna hí nod/techtat
[‘i.e. he does not give examples here for those that have not aspiration, but for those that have it’] [analysis]
214a40xIII 29,18book 14543 *dictum (est pre): .i. predictum est
214b8cIII 29,27book 1434 543 vix: adverbium
215a6cIII 31,5215a1book 14543 inveniuntur: (m.l.) .i. alaaili diib hí/ remthechtas ut/ prepositiones alaaili dano/ it coitchenra eter/ remthechtas et/ tiarmoracht ut/ hic..
[‘i.e. some of them in anteposition, as praepositives, others then are common both in anteposition and in postposition, as hic’] [analysis]
215a10dIII 31,8215a2book 14543 nulla: .i. ni fail chumscugud ṅhuirdd and huare is dilmain ṅdo chechtar ṅhái
[‘i.e. there is no change of order there, because either is permissible to it’] [analysis]
215a12fIII 31,10215a4book 14543 proprium: .i. arremṡuidigud do rannaib
[‘i.e. their being placed before parts of speech’] [analysis]
215a13gIII 31,11215a5book 14543 desunt: .i. ní biat remsuidigthi friu huaraib
[‘i.e. sometimes there are no prepositions with them’] [analysis]
215a15iIII 31,13215a6book 14543 prepositionibus: biit remsuidigthi huaraib cenbriathra leo
[‘there are sometimes prepositions without verbs by them’] [analysis]
215b16gIII 32,26215b2book 14543 [sepa]ratae: hicomasṅdís
[‘in apposition’] [analysis]
215b21iIII 33,1215b3book 14543 *(per) defectionem: (m.l.) .i. remsuidigud/ aoinur cen/ brethir
[‘i.e. a preposition alone without a verb’] [analysis]
215b40zIII 33,26215b6book 14543 sicut: aiccend inuilt dano hisuidiu apud graecos
[‘in this, then, the Greeks have the accent on the ultima’] [analysis]
215b42bbIII 34,1215b7book 14543 distinatum: .i. aiccend saindiles inna remsuidigthe
[‘i.e. the peculiar accent of the prepositions’] [analysis]
216a12eIII 34,15216a1book 14543 mane: .i. anmman dorónta dedobriathraib
[‘i.e. nouns which have been made of adverbs’] [analysis]
216b6eIII 35,19216b3book 14543 significantiae (causa): do immdogod forggnuso
[‘to enhance significance (?)’] [analysis]
216b10kIII 35,24216b4book 14543 [si]milem: .i. locdatu indib huilib
[‘i.e. locality in them all’] [analysis]
216b22pIII 36,6book 1436 543 pridie: .i. prepositio híc
217a30qIII 37,15217a8book 14211 543 (ad) haec (mala): .i. inna olcsa amal nibed .ad and
[‘i.e. these evils, as if ad were not there’] [analysis]
217b32tIII 38,29217b9book 14543 561 cisalpina (gallia): (m.l.) cisalpina .i. com/ṡuidigthe .i. in gal/lia cenalpan/de. cenalpai/ ṅ etarru.
[‘cis-alpina, i.e. a compound, the cisalpine Gaul, without the Alps between them (and it)’] [analysis]
217b32uIII 38,29217b10book 14543 cis [renum]: .i. comasṅdís
[‘i.e. apposition’] [analysis]
217b33wIII 38,29217b11book 14543 561 [cis] renum: .i. cenrian ṅ etrom
[‘i.e. without the Rhine between me (and it)’] [analysis]
217b35ccIII 39,1217b15book 14543 ultra: .i. amal bid ed insin asbertha
[‘i.e. as if it were this that was said’] [analysis]
217b35ddIII 39,1217b16book 14211 543 cis (naturae leges): .i. echtarecht .i. docoid tar recht ṅaicnid/ hinnun
[‘i.e. outside the law, i.e. he has transgressed a law of nature to there’] [analysis]
217b38eeIII 39,4217b17book 14543 trans (padum): comasṅdéis
[‘apposition’] [analysis]
218a8cIII 39,13book 14543 eandem: .i. fri cum
[‘i.e. with cum’] [analysis]
218a13iIII 39,17218a6book 1434 543 tamen: .i. ciasidruburt nandgnáth .cum. hicomsuidigud acht/ is con/ bis tara/hési.
[‘i.e. though I have said that cum is not usual in composition, but con is in place of it’] [analysis]
218a34rIII 40,5book 14543 (quando) preponitur: .i. quando prepositio
219a9dIII 41,25219a1book 14543 solum: níbí hi comsuidigud
[‘(erga) is not in composition’] [analysis]
220a1bIII 44,14book 14543 intra: adverbium loco prepositionis
220a2cIII 44,14book 14543 absque: .i. prepositio loco adverbii
220a3dIII 44,15book 14543 in: prepositio loco adverbii
220a3eIII 44,16book 14543 sub: prepositio loco adverbii
220a12fIII 44,24220a1book 14211 543 pridie: pdkalde .i. adverbium loco prepositionis
[‘the day before the calends’]
220a22kIII 45,5book 14543 (per) transitionem: opersin dialaili
[‘from (one) person to another’] [analysis]
220a23lIII 45,6book 14543 *gravantur: .i. graif foraib
[‘i.e. the grave accent on them’] [analysis]
220a25oIII 45,7220a5book 14543 generalem: .i. iar riagoil chenelaig aiccend indobriathraib amal as ṅdliged aicend indóbriathraib olchene
[‘i.e. according to the general rule of accents on adverbs as is the law of accents on other adverbs’] [analysis]
220a27qIII 45,9220a6book 14543 211 et (ultra): .i. supponitur híc ultra .i. indoll
[‘i.e. is put below this beyond i.e. beyond’] [analysis]
220a28rIII 45,9221book 14543 ultra: .i. preponitur híc ultra
220a29sIII 45,10220a7book 14543 sine: nícumcat sidi beta ṅdobriathra
[‘these cannot be adverbs’] [analysis]
220a35zIII 45,17220a9book 14543 (in) quibus: (m.d.) ní déni dobriathar/ tairmthech/tas persan nin/dib ciadcomal/tar doib
[‘an adverb does not cause transition of persons in them, though it be added to them’] [analysis]
220a38aaIII 45,19220a10book 14543 sine (dubio): atá tairmthechtas persan híc .i. is sain indí asridrubart ⁊ indí frisanérbrath
[‘here there is a transition of persons, i.e. different are the person who has said it and the person to whom it has been said’] [analysis]
220b2cIII 45,24220b2book 144226 543 adiungi: hicomasṅdís
[‘in apposition’] [analysis]
220b4dIII 45,26book 14421 543 super: censorinus dicit
220b5fIII 45,27book 14543 36 super: .i. prepositio
220b8gIII 46,3220b3book 14543 postere: .i. casu super foṡodin
[‘i.e. ‘casu super’ accordingly’] [analysis]
220b29wIII 47,4220b6book 14543 mirum: .i. cumscugud aiccind uirdd dogní dechor randatath
[‘i.e. change of accent or order which makes a distinction of part of speech’] [analysis]
220b30xIII 47,5book 14543 quamvis: .i. in eadem forma/ fiunt
220b40ddIII 47,12220b11book 14543 similiter: .i. dogniat huili atréde sin
[‘i.e. they all do these three things’] [analysis]
221a1bIII 47,15book 14543 consonantibus: partibus incipientibus a consonantibus
221b10gIII 48,26221b6book 14543 pars: .i. ní comacomol hisuidiu
[‘i.e. it is not a conjunction there’] [analysis]
221b34lIII 49,21221b9book 14543 loco: arecar dano sensus in. hí pró.
[‘so the meaning of in is found in pro’] [analysis]
222a14gIII 50,23222a3book 14543 copolativa: .i. ciall chomthinóil and
[‘i.e. the sense of collection therein’] [analysis]
222a17lIII 50,25222a6book 14543 compositione: armad hí comsuidigud is con bís and innalucsom hi suidiu
[‘for if cum be in composition it is con that is in its place herein’] [analysis]
222b22kIII 54,20book 14543 quando (preponitur): .i. quando prepositio
222b29sIII 54,27222b7book 14543 (suam) vim: annert bís icomaccomol
[‘the force that is in a conjunction’] [analysis]
222b30uIII 52,28book 14543 significationem: nert comaccomail
[‘(the) force of a conjunction’] [analysis]
227b10eIII 71,21book 15212 543 +deterit: deterius erit
227b19kIII 72,12book 15543 +qui: .i. quomodo
227b21lIII 72,16book 15543 +qui: .i. unde
228a25hIII 74,21book 15543 212 +vel: .i. pro valde
230b4dIII 82,11book 15212 543 +dudum: .i. pro nunc
230b34tIII 83,24book 15543 +peregre (sum): .i. in loco
230b34uIII 83,24book 15543 +peregre (abeo): .i. de loco
230b34wIII 83,24book 15543 +(peregre) advenio: .i. ad locum
230b35xIII 83,25book 15543 +(peregre) transeo: .i. per locum
231b9gIII 86,7book 15212 543 +si: .i. utinam
234b14gIII 97,9book 16543 212 +si (qua): .i. certe
234b15iIII 97,10book 16543 212 +si: .i. certe
235b11"hIII 100,20book 16543 571 +ergo: .i. confirmativa
235b14"iIII 101,1book 16543 571 +quin: .i. confirmativa vel collectiva
235b27rIII 101,18book 16543 +pyr├ri*.n.: pro ne
235b33wIII 102,4book 16543 +[neci]ne: .i. pro certe
236a6bIII 102,19book 16543 +substantia: .i. persona
236b2cIII 104,10book 16543 +quianam: .i. completiva est
238a23eIII 108,15book 17543 *auctores: .auctores literarum syllabae
238a32gIII 108,22book 17543 [intelligibi]lium: .quomodo literae perficiunt syllabam. sic et dictiones orationem perficiunt.-
238a38hIII 109,4book 17543 accidentium: .illis omnibus similiter
238a39kIII 109,5book 17543 bis: .haec est similitudo
239a4cIII 111,15book 17543 yle[mentis]: .dictionibus
239a28mIII 112,9book 17543 vera: .haec simul duo fieri. reliqua ambulare ⁊ movere
239a33oIII 112,14book 17212 543 ylementum: .litera
240a10dIII 115,13book 17543 53 intentionis: pro valde quia intentivum est valde. Adverbium decurre.-
241a13bIII 118,14book 17543 absolute: absque discretione
241a33fIII 119,5book 17543 andria: .indicat enim alios aliud facere.-
242b25fIII 124,5book 17543 (in loco) sumitur: .solus
242b25gIII 124,6book 17543 assumitur: cum alio
243a10bIII 125,6book 17543 potest: (m.l.) quomodo enim apud graecos ostiy quod interpretatur qui/ loco .oy articuli subiunctivi/ accipitur. sic apud nos qui loco oy/ fit. hoc quando relativum est nomini interrogativo/ quis .-
243a12cIII 125,8book 17543 (in) dividendis: quia in illis non potest loco .oy. accipi .-
243a35fIII 126,6book 17543 oriens: .volare ab oriente
243a35hIII 126,7book 17543 occi[dens]: volare ab occidente
243b9bIII 126,20book 17543 *quoniam: .similitudo hic. Nam in predictis differentia.
244a14cIII 128,18book 17543 +antecedentia: .i. qualis ⁊ quantus quot
244a15eIII 128,19book 17543 +fuit: .i. non dicit talis
244a16fIII 129,1book 17543 +relativa: .i. qualis quantus quot
244a39nIII 129,21book 17543 proprietates: .nomina propria
244a41oIII 130,1book 17543 per se: .Absque pronomine ⁊ nomine ⁊ verbo substantivo vel vocativo.-
244b5bIII 130,9book 17543 specialem: id est nominativum proprium.-
244b20gIII 130,23book 17543 diversae: .vocativa ⁊ substantiva.
244b21hIII 130,23book 17543 constructionibus: .tam in nomina quam in pronomina
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 27 July 2024]