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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
3b29uuII 6,253b21book 1211 23 [yle]menta: .i. cumachtai
[‘i.e. powers’] [analysis]
3b29wwII 6,253b22book 1211 23 literas: carachtra
[‘characters’] [analysis]
9a6lII 18,11book 123 +blena: (m.s.) blennos vocamus tetros ⁊ bleones putidi hirci ⁊ reliqua
11a19eII 22,2211a3book 1211 572 23 pedo: braigim nam displosa sona quantum vesíca pepedi .. ⁊ fit pedo nomen animalis ut .isidorus dicit.
[‘I fart; ‘for as loud as the noise of a bursting bladder was the crack when my figwood buttock split’. And ‘pedo’ (one who has broad feet, a splay-foot) is the name of an animal, as Isidore says, etc.’] [analysis]
12a4fII 24,11book 1221 561 23 θαλασσα: mare interpretatur. bithalassa ubi maria conveniunt .. gen- dicit {cf. L 15r16 e .i. mare}
14a32zII 29,1314a11book 1211 23 paulum: bec {= E 12r4 .i. becc}
[‘small’] [analysis]
14a32aaII 29,1314a12book 1211 23 pauxillum: becán
[‘a small quantity’] [analysis]
22a34ssII 46,17book 2215 23?[?] oggannio: (m.l.) gannio gulosus gluto v- citius manducans ..
22b8lII 46,26book 223 arrogo: (m.l.) baeda arrogans superbus durus abrogans superbus
22b8mII 46,26book 223 arrogo: (m.s.) grecolatinus INter abrogantem ⁊ arrogantem arrogat aliquid sibi etiam si non meruit abrogat qui alii aufert vel qui legem tollit ..
25b35iiII 53,2025b18book 2211 23 ara: altóir {cf. E 18v21 .i. altor}
[‘altar’] [analysis]
26a1bII 53,2226a2book 2211 23 eadem: .i. hára .i. muccḟoil
[‘i.e. ‘hara’ (sty), i.e. pig-sty’] [analysis]
30a17aaII 61,730a10book 223 [quan]tus: .i. isid méit
[‘i.e. it is how much ’] [analysis]
30a17bbII 61,8book 223 quot: .i. lín reliqua
[‘i.e. number etc.’] [analysis]
31b31xxII 65,20book 2566[?] 23 pelias: .i. nomen viri {= E 22r6 .i. om. E}
31b32zzII 65,20book 2543 23 [pe]liades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b32abII 65,20book 2566[?] 23 aeneas: proprium {cf. E 22r7 nomen viri}
31b32adII 65,20book 2543 23 aeneades: .i. patronomicum {= E 22r7}
31b32aeII 65,20book 2566[?] 23 moenetios: proprium {cf. E 22r7 nomen viri}
31b32agII 66,1book 2543 23 moe[netiades]: patronomicum {= E 22r7}
34a6mII 70,25book 223 572 dioné: (m.l.) gen- dione. venus. dionaeus. veneri dioniae filiae .id est dianae. {cf. K 16r30 g (m.d.) gen- dione .i. venus. virgilianus dioniae filiae id est dianae}
35b19qqII 76,1book 223 diurnus: (m.s.) Beda Diurnus unius diei. Diuturnus vero per plura tempora.. {= K 17r5 c}
38a25oII 81,1038a7book 2215 23 veternus: .i. ar brici chomarle cid óac in duine
[‘i.e. for versatility of counsel, though the person be young’] [analysis]
38a26qII 81,10book 2214 23 veteranus: .i. decrepitus senex {= E 26r3 senex om. E}
39b17cII 84,1539b2book 3211 23 potior: .i. cumachtaigim quando verbum cumachtach quando possitivum
[‘i.e. (it means) I make myself master, when it is a verb, and powerful when (it is an adjective in the) positive’] [analysis]
47a21"hII 107,647a7book 3211 23 recula: .i. rétan regula immurgu quasi rectula
[‘i.e. little thing. But ‘regula’ (stick) as if ‘rectula’ (small straight line)’] [analysis]
47b39yII 109,1647b11book 3211 23 agellus: tirthat
[‘a small piece of land’] [analysis]
48a18iII 110,548a4book 3211 23 mala: glaine
[‘jaw’] [analysis]
60a41ccII 139,20book 425 23 +aptus: (m.l.) apiscor unde adepiscor
65b29oII 155,2265b5book 5211 23 vas: techt
[‘messenger’] [analysis]
65b30pII 155,2365b6book 5211 23 neutrum (vasis): .i. vás. lestur
[‘i.e. from ‘vas’, vessel’] [analysis]
97b41nII 225,1597b2book 6211 23 liber: sóer
[‘free’] [analysis]
97b42oII 225,1697b3book 6211 23 ingenuum: insoer
[‘the free’] [analysis]
100a40yII 233,19book 6561 23 hiber: .i. nomen gentis
100a40zII 233,19book 6561 23 hiberus: fluvius
102a17gII 239,13book 6572 23 παλλας (παλ[λαντος]): .i. filius euandri
102a18hII 239,13book 6572 23 [παλ]λας (παλλαδος): minerva
111b24oII 274,1book 6212 23 pignoris: filii
111b25pII 274,1book 6212 23 pigneris: rei
113b29iII 281,13113b6book 6211 23 frons (frondis): barr
[‘flower-head’] [analysis]
113b31kII 281,13113b7book 6211 23 frons (frontis): étan
[‘front’] [analysis]
113b32lII 281,14113b8book 6211 23 lens (lendis animal): sned
[‘a nit’] [analysis]
113b32mII 281,14145book 6211 23 lens (lentis legumen): cenele? ? [analysis]
124a18cII 317,26book 7561 23 (hic) dís: .i. nomen orco
124a19dII 317,26124a2book 7211 23 (haec) dis: sommae
[‘rich’] [analysis]
124b8aII 319,8124b1book 7211 23 infans: .i. nóidiu
[‘i.e. infant’] [analysis]
124b9bII 319,9124b2book 7211 23 infans: aisṅdedid
[‘a non-speaker (?)’] [analysis]
145a13dII 397,22145a1book 8211 23 lento: .i. álgenaigim fillim {cf. K 59v50 cc .i. fillim algenigim}
[‘i.e. I sooth or I bend’] [analysis]
145a13eII 397,22145a2book 8211 23 lenteo: .i. atóibim
[‘i.e. I adhere to’] [analysis]
146b10mII 403,7146b4book 8211 23 mando (.. mandas): .i. imtrénigim {cf. K 60v13 g mitto}
[‘i.e. I assure’] [analysis]
146b11oII 403,8146b5book 8211 23 mando (.. mandis): .i. ithim {cf. K 60v14 h .i. edo}
[‘i.e. I eat’] [analysis]
146b11pII 403,8book 8212 23 fundo (.. fundas): fundamentum pono {= K 60v14 i .i. add. K.}
146b12qII 403,9146b6book 8211 23 fundo (.. fundis): dodálim {= K 60v14 k .i. dudálim}
[‘I pour out’] [analysis]
146b13rII 403,9146b7book 8211 23 [ob]ser (.. obseras): fescrigim
[‘I grow towards evening (fescor)’] [analysis]
146b14sII 403,9146b8book 8211 23 [ob]ser (.. obseris): clandaim {cf. K 60v15 m .i. asindiut clandaim}
[‘I plant’] [analysis]
146b14tII 403,10146b9book 8211 23 appello (.. appellas): adgládur {cf. K 60v16 o alloquor}
[‘I address’] [analysis]
146b15uII 403,10146b10book 8211 23 appello (.. appellis): inárbenim {cf. K 60v16 p eiicio}
[‘I drive out’] [analysis]
146b16wII 403,11146b11book 8211 23 volo (.. volas): follúur
[‘I fly’] [analysis]
146b16xII 403,11146b12book 8211 23 volo (.. vis): adcobraim
[‘I wish’] [analysis]
146b17yII 403,11146b13book 8211 23 consternor (consternaris): fobothaim {= 60v17 q .i. add. K.}
[‘I am frightened’] [analysis]
182b41dII 529,11182b2book 10211 23 cerno: (m.i.) .i. cerno dofuismim
[‘i.e. I bear’] [analysis]
188b18iII 550,23188b4book 11211 23 amans: sercid
[‘a lover’] [analysis]
218b11dIII 40,19218b1book 14211 23 antea: iar miciniar
[‘previously’] [analysis]
221b1bIII 48,19221b2book 1423 211 enervus: nervus .i. colmméne/ enervus .i. énairt
[‘little sinew’] [analysis]
222a8dIII 50,15222a1book 14211 23 predi[co]: .i. remiepur
[‘i.e. I say beforehand’] [analysis]
224a5aIII 56,17book 14212 23 +divido: (m.s.) divido .i. unum ab altero separo
224a5bIII 56,17book 14212 23 +diduco: (m.s.) diduco autem amicum abeuntem persequor
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 22 October 2024]