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MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
50a2aII 117,2book 4423 denominativum: nomen
50a2II 117,2book 44143 denominativum: ,, (50a5=117,3) igitur: ,,
50a2bII 117,250a1book 4543 voce: ónd anmimm ó·diruidichther
[‘from the name from which it is derived’] [analysis]
50a4cII 117,250a2book 4543 [ali]qua: (m.s.) ní·techta sain intṡliucht and feissin hua·n-ainmmnigthae ut patronomica ⁊ posesiva reliqua
[‘it has no special sense in itself from which it should be named, as patronymics etc. (have)’] [analysis]
50a5dII 117,3book 4543 species: patronomica ⁊ posesiva {= E 33v27 &reliqua add. E}
50a5eII 117,350a3book 4543 species: (m.l.) .i. huare nád·n-étada diṅgrae saingnuste dia inni amal adid·chotatsat gnusi doacaldmacha olchenae. patronomica possesiva reliqua. aní ba choitchen doaib-sem huili iarum iṡ nomen diles do-som.,
[‘i.e. because it has not a special appellation from its meaning as (the) other appellative species have,–patronymics, possessives, etc.–What was common to them all (denominatiui) then, is a proper name for this (the denominatiuum)’] [analysis]
50a5II 117,3book 44111 4142 generalem: " (50a6=117,4) [nomina]tionem: " (50a7=117,4) nam: "
50a7fII 117,450a4book 44228 nam: is airi as·biur frit is coitchenn
[‘therefore I tell you it is common’] [analysis]
50a10II 117,6book 44142 maxima: ., (50a11=117,7) unde: ., {= E 33v29}
50a10gII 117,750a5book 4543 denominativa: .i. is nomen cenelach do cachae denominativum
[‘i.e. ‘denominative’ is a generic name for each of them’] [analysis]
50a11hII 117,8book 43232 illorum: patronomicorum possesivorum {= E 33v31 (A vel B)}
50a11iII 117,8book 43232 quaedam: denominativa {= E 33v31}
50a13kII 117,9book 4543 timarcides: denominativum in forma patronomicorum ⁊ reliqua síc {cf. E 34r1 forma patronomicorum}
50a13lII 117,10book 4543 emilianus: possesivorum {= E 34r1}
50a14mII 117,10book 4543 nobilior: comparativorum {cf. E 34r1 in forma conparativorum}
50a14nII 117,10book 4543 maximus: superlativorum {= E 34r1}
50a14oII 117,10book 4543 +catulus: diminutivorum {= E 34r1}
50a15pII 117,1150a6book 4211 543 significationem: .i. huare nád·forcmat in n-inni saindilis inna ṅdelb
[‘i.e. since they do not preserve the special meaning of the forms’] [analysis]
50a18qII 117,14book 453 formas plurimas: (m.l.) "F retro (cf. 29b5"=60,3 b)
50a21rII 117,1650a7book 4541 denominativa: .i. inna-hí nád·tutet isna gnúsi remeperthai
[‘i.e. those that do not fall into the species aforesaid’] [analysis]
50a30sII 118,350a8book 425 313 [a fru]ge: huandí as frux fruges
[‘from frux or fruges’] [analysis]
50a30II 118,3book 44121 frugi: .- (ibid.) nihili: (ibid.) quae: .-
50a30tII 118,350a9book 425 313 nihili: huandí as nihilum
[‘from nihilum’] [analysis]
50a30uII 118,3104book 4423 541 obliqui: (m.d.) .i. casús iuncti cum aliis omnibus casibus
50a32wII 118,4book 453 +docebimus: (m.l.) =| inante (cf. 92b18=204,18 n)
50a33xII 118,650a10book 4211 cervix: bráge
[‘a neck’] [analysis]
50a33yII 118,650a11book 455?[?] 211 tribunal: (m.l.) sochuide trebunṡuide rígṡuide
[‘a multitude or a tribunal or a throne’] [analysis]
50a34zII 118,650a12book 4211 pugil: cuanene
[‘handful’] [analysis]
50a35aaII 118,7book 4331 presulo: verbum
50a35bbII 118,750a13book 4213 nequis: ní nech
[‘not anyone’] [analysis]
50a35ccII 118,750a14book 4211 542 nequam: écmacht arindí nád·cumaiṅg maith do denom
[‘powerless, because he cannot do good’] [analysis]
50a36ddII 118,850a15book 4211 olivetum: olachaill
[‘olive-wood’] [analysis]
50a36eeII 118,850a16book 4211 rosetum: rosachaill
[‘rose-plantation’] [analysis]
50a37ffII 118,850a17book 4211 [ten]torium: pupall
[‘tent’] [analysis]
50a37ggII 118,850a18book 455 211 stabulum: tairissem
[‘stability’] [analysis]
50a38hhII 118,950a19book 4211 541 lacunar: druimmchlae .i. donaib clúasaib bíte isin druimmchlae ind ainmmnigud-sin
[‘ceiling, i.e. for the hollows which are in the ceiling (is) this denomination’] [analysis]
50a38iiII 118,9book 4212 lacunar: (m.l.) lacunaria pendentia luminaria
50a38kkII 118,950a20book 4211 calx: (subs.) sal lue
[‘heel or kick’] [analysis]
50a38llII 118,950a21book 4211 calcar: cinteir
[‘spur’] [analysis]
50a38mmII 118,1050a22book 4211 cae*sar (s): esartaid
[‘destroyer’] [analysis]
50a39nnII 118,1050a23book 4211 equester: marcach {cf. E 34r15 marcoc}
[‘horseman’] [analysis]
50a39ooII 118,1050a24book 4211 macer: cóil {cf. E 34r15 cul}
[‘slender’] [analysis]
50a40ppII 118,1050a25book 4211 senator: senátoir
[‘senator’] [analysis]
50a42qqII 118,1250a26book 4211 primas: airech thóisechaire
[‘prince or leader’] [analysis]
50a42rrII 118,1250a27book 4211 optimas: aire sainṡamail
[‘principal or conspicuous’] [analysis]
50 m.i.ssII 118,12book 459 (m.i.) feria cai hodie (script. ogamica) [analysis]
50b2aII 118,1350b1book 4211 pedes: traigthech
[‘pedestrian’] [analysis]
50b2bII 118,1350b2book 4211 eques: óinechaid
[‘rider’] [analysis]
50b3cII 118,1450b3book 4211 teges: dítiu
[‘covering’] [analysis]
50b3dII 118,14book 4212 +teges: cooperies
50b3eII 118,14book 4?[?] acus: ?
50b4fII 118,1450b4book 4211 sepes: félmae
[‘fence’] [analysis]
50b4gII 118,1550b5book 4211 strues: sreth
[‘that which is laid out/strewn’] [analysis]
50b4hII 118,1550b6book 4211 strages: ár
[‘slaughter’] [analysis]
50b7iII 118,1750b7book 4211 lepos: sulbaire
[‘cheerfulness’] [analysis]
50b7kII 118,17book 4212 lepos: urbanitas vel eligantia ut cicero dicit {= E 34r20 ut .. dicit om. E}
50b8lII 118,17book 4543 us (puram): absque consonantibus ante se
50b9mII 118,18book 4563 asse: XII. unciae {= E 34r21}
50b11nII 118,1950b8book 4211 vito: imm·imgabaim
[‘I evade’] [analysis]
50b11oII 118,1950b9book 4211 212 vitabun[dus]: teichthech .i. similis vitanti
[‘inclined to flight, i.e. similar to ‘vitans’ (avoiding)’] [analysis]
50b12pII 118,20book 436 543 participiis: .i. in eadem forma participiis
50b12qII 118,20book 4543 quando: .i. quando nomina quartae declinationis ⁊ quando participia secundae declinationis
50b16rII 118,2350b10book 4211 audax: létenach
[‘daring’] [analysis]
50b17sII 118,2350b11book 4211 picenum: bíde {cf. E 34r25 pix pec}
[‘pitchy’] [analysis]
50b17tII 118,2350b12book 4211 picens: bíde
[‘pitchy’] [analysis]
50b17uII 118,23book 4561 59 tiburtum: civitas .i. masued {cf. E 34r25 nomen civitatis}
[‘if it is so’] [analysis]
50b17wII 118,24book 4566[?] tiburs: habitator {= E 34r25}
50b19xII 118,25book 44228 vel l: .i. habent .l. ante .a. similiter .n. ⁊ r ante a beos {= E 34r26 beos om. E}
[‘i.e. they have an ‘l’ before the ‘a’, and similarly an ‘n’ and also an ‘r’ before the ‘a’’] [analysis]
50b20yII 119,150b15book 4211 acrimonia: lainne
[‘eagerness’] [analysis]
50b20zII 119,1book 425 cautela: cautus {= E 34r27}
50b21aaII 119,250b16book 4211 armatura: armthatu
[‘armour’] [analysis]
50b24bbII 119,4book 4212 +colliga: .i. socius {= E 34r29 (C)}
50b24II 119,5book 44141 igitur: ,,, (50b32=119,9) assumunt: ,,, {cf. K 23v14-7 igitur : (23v16=119,7) vero : (23v16=119,8) et : > assumunt : }
50b25II 119,5book 44144 (in) us: .., (50b32=119,10) ut: ..,
50b25ccII 119,5book 4423 disinentia: nomina
50b26ddII 119,650b17book 4541 nisi: (m.d.) .i. ní .tia. ara·ḟóimat-sidi oca cruthugud ó anmmanaib diil tanisi acht is .a. tantum super genitivum nominum secundae declinationis .. {cf. E 34r30 non tia sed .a assumunt}
[‘i.e. it is not -tia that these assume in their formation from nouns of the second declension, but it is etc.’] [analysis]
50b27II 119,6book 44121 *nomina: " (ibid.) quae: "
50b27eeII 119,650b18book 4211 34 *et: cid
[‘even’] [analysis]
50b27II 119,7book 44144 alia: ..- (50b36''=119,11) laetus: ..-
50b29II 119,8book 44141 quae: " (50b30=119,8) habent: "
50b29II 119,8book 44144 (in) is: ,-,- (50b39"=119,12) segnis: ,-,-
50b29ffII 119,8book 4423 dissinentia: nomina {= E 34r32}
50b30ggII 119,850b19book 4433[?] habent: .i. medón-testemin són
[‘i.e. this is the middle of the period’] [analysis]
50b31hhII 119,950b20book 4433[?] (quae) secundae: iar-testemin
[‘the conclusion of the period’] [analysis]
50b31iiII 119,9book 43114 genitivo: dativus
50b35''kkII 119,1150b21book 4211 +pudicitia: (m.l.) .i. féle
[‘i.e. modesty’] [analysis]
50b39llII 119,14book 43233 (supradictis) casibus: genitivo si .II. sín .III. dativo {= E 34v2 dativo si III. declinationis (sic E)}
50b41II 119,14book 44123 i: " (50b42=119,14) correpta: "
51a3''aII 119,15book 4212 +ignavus: .i. ignotus
51a8''bII 119,1651a1book 4211 +violentia: écen
[‘violence’] [analysis]
51a23''cII 119,18book 44228 similiter: assumunt .a. {= E 34v5}
51a38''dII 119,20book 453 +hispanus: (m.l.) retro in possesivis :O (cf. 38a38=81,17-18 aa)
51a8"eII 119,2151a2book 4211 572 teucrus: troiánde
[‘Trojan’] [analysis]
51a11"fII 119,2151a3book 4211 572 teucria: trói {cf. E 34v7 .i. troia.}
[‘Troy’] [analysis]
51a4gII 119,2751a4book 4543 ignominia: ar·fóim comsuidigud la diruidigud
[‘it takes composition (sc. with in) along with derivation (sc. of -gnominia from nomen)’] [analysis]
51a8hII 119,2751a5book 4543 inveniuntur: ní .a. ara·fóimat acht is monia
[‘it is not a that they assume, but it is -monia’] [analysis]
51a20iII 120,251a6book 4211 parsimonia: inmaisnige reliqua
[‘frugality, etc.’] [analysis]
51a22kII 120,251a7book 4211 qu*erimonia (a): airégem
[‘complaint’] [analysis]
51a23lII 120,3book 4563 +acrimonia: .i. nomen holoris
51a25mII 120,3book 4543 .I.: primo
51a38nII 120,751a8book 4211 cautus: faitech
[‘cautious’] [analysis]
51a40II 120,7book 411 cautéla
51a41oII 120,7book 4212 +tutus: .i. securus
51a10pII 120,951a9book 4211 cliens: cocéle
[‘client’] [analysis]
51a11qII 120,951a10book 4211 clientela: cocélsine
[‘companionship’] [analysis]
51a12rII 120,9book 4333 nota: imperativus
51b3aII 120,1251b1book 4211 candela: taitnem
[‘shine’] [analysis]
51b6II 120,15book 44141 vero: " (51b9=120,17) habent: "
51b9bII 120,1751b2book 434 omnimodo: etir aicned ⁊ suidigud
[‘both by nature and position’] [analysis]
51b10cII 120,1851b3book 4211 officina: cerddchae
[‘a workshop’] [analysis]
51b22''dII 120,1951b4book 4211 cocina: cucann {cf. E 34v24 .i. cochin}
[‘kitchen’] [analysis]
51b23''eII 120,1951b5book 4211 colina: cucann cuilae
[‘kitchen or storeroom’] [analysis]
51b26''fII 120,2051b6book 4214 563 far: cenele nh-etha
[‘a kind of grain’] [analysis]
51b27''gII 120,2051b7book 4211 farina: men
[‘flour’] [analysis]
51b33''hII 120,2051b8book 4211 lanterna: cleth
[‘concealment’] [analysis]
51b34''iII 120,21book 4566[?] +mutina: nomen civitatis
51b35''kII 120,2151b9book 4563 sagana: lenn brat formtha
[‘a mantle or cloak of the covering’] [analysis]
51b12"II 120,23book 44141 participiis: " (51b13"=120,23) similem: " (51b13"=120,24) habent: " (ibid.) formam: "
51b16"lII 121,1book 425 +usura: utor
51b16"mII 121,1book 425 +na[tura]: nascor natus sum
51b25"nII 121,5book 4212 +collega: socius {= E 34v32 (B)}
51b26"oII 121,5book 4212 +perfuga: fugitivus
51b27"pII 121,6book 4212 +[as]secla: minister {= E 34r32(B)}
51b31"qII 121,8book 425 utile: utor
51b31"rII 121,8book 4423 pleraque: neutra
51b33"sII 121,951b10book 43232 (cum) illis: lasna anmmann. in .is
[‘with the nouns in ‘-is’’] [analysis]
51b36"tII 121,1051b11book 4541 indeclinabi[lia]: ar·bertar immurgu a tuisil esib etir huathad ⁊ hilar
[‘their cases, however, are expressed by them, both in the singular and in the plural’] [analysis]
51b38"uII 121,11book 43232 quidam: auctores
51b39"wII 121,11105book 4211 +frugi: parcus
51b42"xII 121,1351b12book 4211 mancipi: (subs.) .i. doer
[‘i.e. serf’] [analysis]
51b42"yII 121,1351b13book 4541 mancipi: .i. Ad·comlatar-sidi fri cach tuisel ⁊ ní·dentar cach tuisel díib ., {cf. E 35r4 omnibus casibus serviunt quando sunt monobtota &generibus}
[‘i.e. these are joined to every case, and every case is not made of them’] [analysis]
52a1aII 121,1352a1book 4211 cordi: cridech
[‘cordial’] [analysis]
52a2II 121,15book 44111 communia: " (52a3=121,15) pauca: "
52a3bII 121,16book 4313 563 (a) cicere: cicer nomen holeris {= E 35r5}
52a4''cII 121,16book 4566[?] cicero: proprium {= E 35r5}
52a6''dII 121,1652a2book 4211 catus: fissith {cf. K 24r6 a ingeniosus}
[‘learned man’] [analysis]
52a7''eII 121,16book 4566[?] cato: proprium {= E 35r5}
52a9''fII 121,1652a3book 4566[?] 211 capito: proprium cennmar {= E 35r6 cenmar A cenma<u<r corr. B}
[‘a proper name, or greatheaded’] [analysis]
52a10''gII 121,1652a4book 4211 (a) labe: huá ṡail
[‘from dirt’] [analysis]
52a11''hII 121,17book 458 212 labeo: (m.l.) vel labio cicero maculosus {cf. E 35r5 proprium <ionis<}
52a12''iII 121,17book 4331 latendo: lateo {= E 35r6}
52a13''kII 121,17book 4313 latro: hic ⁊ haec {= E 35r6}
52a15''lII 121,1752a5book 4211 214 leno: slithid banbachlach (m.l.) icidorus Leno conciliator ⁊ conciliatrix stupri .- {ic- .. stupri: = E 35r6 ic- G cic- E; cf. K 24r7 b conc<i<liator stupri}
[‘procuress or female servant’] [analysis]
52a15''mII 121,17book 4214 +leno: nutritor meritricum
52a17''nII 121,17book 4313 543 comedo: in eadem forma cum verbo {= E 35r6 in om. E}
52a17''oII 121,17book 4212 +comedo: gluto
52a18''pII 121,18book 4331 212 +palpando: palpo lenio protracto
52a19''qII 121,18book 4563 +palpo: nomen animalis
52a20''rII 121,18book 4331 epulando: epulor {= E 35r7}
52a21''sII 121,1852a6book 4211 epulo: fledaichthith
[‘gormandizer’] [analysis]
52a25''tII 121,1952a7book 4211 epulones: fledaichthidi
[‘gormandizers’] [analysis]
52a21"uII 121,25book 4331 obolitus: oboleo {= E 35r11}
52a21"wII 121,25book 4212 +abolitus: .i. deletus {= E 35r11 (C) .i. om. E}
52a23"xII 121,2552a8book 4211 abolitio: forbbart
[‘increase’] [analysis]
52a24"yII 122,1book 4331 auctus: augeo {= E 35r12}
52a36"zII 122,2book 4331 haustus: haurio {= E 35r12}
52a39"aaII 122,2book 4331 internectus: interneco {= E 35r12}
52a41"bbII 122,352a9book 4211 internecio: óg dílgend
[‘complete extinction’] [analysis]
52a11ccII 122,5book 451 virago: fergnia
[‘male-worker’] [analysis]
52a11ddII 122,5book 4212 +virago: .i. fortissima femina
52a12eeII 122,5book 425 compago: .i. con ⁊ pango
52a14ffII 122,6book 4214 +sarthago: .i. quoquinaria patella
52a16ggII 122,6book 4215 +uligo: .i. humor de montibus fluens
52a17hhII 122,6book 4215 rubigo: (m.l.) Rubigo est vitium rodens ferrum vel segetes quasi rodigo motata una litera haec ⁊ erudo ab erudendo ..-
52a18iiII 122,652a11book 4211 ferrugo: dubchorcur
[‘dark purple’] [analysis]
52a18kkII 122,6book 4215 ferrugo: (m.l.) Ferrugo est popurae sub imagine quae fit in hispania ut ferrugine clarus hibera dicta aliter ferrugo quod omnis popura prima tamen tinctura eiusmodi coloris ex[s]tat .,
52a18llII 122,6book 4214 563 +ferrugo: .i. tinctura in colores ferri
52a19mmII 122,652a12book 4211 erugo: meirc
[‘rust’] [analysis]
52a21nnII 122,752a13book 4211 margo: hirud
[‘margin’] [analysis]
52a21ooII 122,7book 4212 +margo: extremitas
52a23ppII 122,752a14book 4211 ligo: bacc {cf. E 35r16 bach vel percig}
[‘grub-hoe’] [analysis]
52a23qqII 122,7book 4212 +ligo: vel fosorium.
52a23rrII 122,7book 4215 +ligo: (m.l.) ligones quasi levones quod terram levant
52a27ssII 122,852a15book 44228 nec mirum: cid timmartae péneuilt
[‘that the penult should be short’] [analysis]
52a12ttII 122,11book 4421 tu: .i. sillaba {= E 35r18}
52a14uuII 122,1252a16book 4211 acredo: lainne
[‘eagerness’] [analysis]
52a m.d.wwII 122,1252a17book 4211 dulcedo: .i. somailse
[‘i.e. sweetness’] [analysis]
52a m.d.xxII 122,1252a18book 4211 intercapedo: etargabál
[‘interception’] [analysis]
52a m.d.II 122,13book 44121 formidas: .- (52a16=122,14) quod: .- {= E 35r20}
52a19yyII 122,14book 4215 verbale: dirivatum a verbo
52a20zzII 122,1452a19book 4543 [primi]tivo: don chétni persin as bunad do
[‘to the first person, which is its origin’] [analysis]
52a21abII 122,14book 4543 ipsa (positio verbi): prima persona {= E 35r21 .i. add. E}
52b m.s.aII 122,14106book 459 (m.s.) daman ṡianach
[‘sound-making daman’] [analysis]
52b4bII 122,20book 43233 (supradictae) formae: in do {= E 35r25}
52b9cII 122,23book 4543 libet: non secunda persona {= E 35r27 .i. add. E}
52b9dII 122,2352b1book 4541 propter: (m.d.) .i. húare is hi condeilb frisin brethir atá ⁊ ni·fil comthód and ó nach cruthath ó brethir.,
[‘i.e. because it is in conformity with the verb and there is no mutation therein in any manner ? from the verb’] [analysis]
52b39''eII 123,3book 4423 participia[libus]: nominibus
52b17"fII 123,452b2book 4211 (a) testa: hua cheinn
[‘from covering’] [analysis]
52b18"gII 123,5book 4215 testudo: bestia tardigrada cum longo collo. reliqua in alio .loco. {= E 35r34 .i. bestia tardegrada cum longo collo ventreque lapideo. item significat camaram templi &mul<ti<tudinem scutorum (A; ti add. A'')}
52b18"hII 123,5book 44228 nec: quam tudo {= E 35v1 .i. add. E}
52b22"iII 123,752b3book 458 211 *irudo (h): vel erudo .i. emblema airchellad {= K 24r34 nó airchellad om. K}
[‘[…] or a taking away’] [analysis]
52b22"kII 123,7book 4212 +*irudo: (m.s.) irudo forsan idem et erudius idem ardea vel irudo disciplinatus
52b23"lII 123,752b4book 4211 arundo: curchas
[‘reed’] [analysis]
52b23"mII 123,752b5book 4211 haerundo: fannall
[‘swallow’] [analysis]
52b25"nII 123,852b6book 4211 [spe]cus: huam
[‘cave’] [analysis]
52b25"oII 123,852b7book 4543 specu: húad
[‘(derived) from it (specus)’] [analysis]
52b26"pII 123,852b8book 4211 [tes]ta: ceinn
[‘covering’] [analysis]
52b27"II 123,9book 44142 interest: " (52b29"=123,10) ideoque: "
52b29"qII 123,10book 4212 significationem: intellectum {= E 35v4 .i. add. E}
52b34"II 123,13book 44111 productam: " (52b35"=123,13) peneultimam: " {= E 35v5-6}
52b35"II 123,13book 44143 habent: .- (52b39"=123,15) ea: .-
52b38"rII 123,1452b9book 4211 +vectigal: cís rigdae
[‘the royal tax’] [analysis]
52b38"sII 123,15book 4572 lupercus: pan
52b38"tII 123,15book 4572 58 +lupercus: vel sacerdos pani (m.l.) ox
52b38"uII 123,15book 4572 lupercal: locus in quo adorabatur .pan. {= E 35v7 adoratur E; (pán) pastorum deus add. E, cf. K 24r39 h lupercus appellatur locus ubi pan deus colitur}
52b40"wII 123,15book 4423 [cor]reptam: peneultimam {cf. E 35v7 123,15 sin .i. habuerint .i. penultimam}
52b40"xII 123,1552b10book 4211 torus: lige {cf. E 35v8 lectus multorum una dormientium.}
[‘couch’] [analysis]
53a2aII 123,1853a1book 4543 sillabarum: inna guthaigthe co consonaib
[‘of the vowels together with (the) consonants’] [analysis]
53a3bII 123,19book 4212 +pugil: panachratiarius
53a6cII 123,22book 4571 nequam: caper dicit. nequam non est malum sed inutilem significat {= E 35v11 nequam, est om. E}
53a9dII 123,2553a2book 4211 olevetum: olachaill
[‘olive-wood’] [analysis]
53a9eII 123,2553a3book 4211 vinetum: fíntan
[‘vineyard’] [analysis]
53a10fII 123,25book 425 coriletum: corillus
53a10gII 123,2553a4book 425 211 rosetum: rosa rostan
[‘ ‘rosa’ (rose), = rose-plantation’] [analysis]
53a10hII 123,2553a5book 425 211 dumetum: duma dristenach
[‘ ‘*duma’ (thorn-bush), = thicket’] [analysis]
53a10iII 123,2653a6book 425 211 quercetum: quercus daurauth
[‘an oak-wood’] [analysis]
53a10kII 123,2653a7book 4211 563 escu[letum]: escalchaill .i. fid arddmár {cf. E 35v14 .oscaill.}
[‘a wood of Italian oak, i.e. a very tall tree’] [analysis]
53a11lII 123,26book 425 [escu]letum: esculus
53a11mII 123,2653a8book 425 211 mirtetum: mirtus mirtchaill
[‘a myrtle-wood’] [analysis]
53a13II 124,1book 411 é
53a13nII 124,1book 43116 mirteta: ablativus
53a13oII 124,253a9book 4211 321 quae (sunt): it hé-sidi
[‘it is they’] [analysis]
53a13pII 124,253a10book 4541 contenentia: .i. arindí con·gaibet hilar dind indliucht in·choisget .i. olivetum. ubi fiunt olivae multiplices ⁊ ní samlaid són donaib-hí sís archiunn ut augorium reliqua..,
[‘i.e. Because they contain a plural from the meaning which they signify, (as) olivetum ubi etc.; and not so is it with those ahead below, as augurium etc.’] [analysis]
53a14II 124,2book 44111 [compre]hensiva: " (ibid.) periectiva: "
53a14qII 124,253a11book 4211 55 periectiva: .i. tórmachtai .i. do·fórmgat isin dírruidiguth reliqua
[‘i.e. increased i.e. they increase in the derivation etc.’] [analysis]
53a14rII 124,2107book 4221 +periectiva: is grec indí as comprehensiva
[‘it is a Greek word comprehensiva’]
53a15''sII 124,2book 44228 i: habet in peneultima
53a15''tII 124,2book 425 augurium: augur
53a16''uII 124,3book 425 solarium: solum
53a18''wII 124,3book 425 solacium: solor {= E 35v16}
53a25''xII 124,4book 425 palladium: pallas {= E 35v17}
53a26''yII 124,4book 425 officium: ob ⁊ facio {= E 35v17}
53a27''zII 124,4book 425 conubium: nubo {= E 35v17 .i. add. E}
53a29''aaII 124,5book 425 exilium: exulo
53a30''bbII 124,5book 425 consilium: consulo
53a31''ccII 124,5book 425 indicium: indico
53a32''ddII 124,5book 425 meritorium: mereor {= E 35v18}
53a32''eeII 124,5book 4215 +meritorium: locus tabernae ubi adulteria committuntur
53a33''ffII 124,553a12book 425 211 municipium: municipo fích ut icidorus dicit {cf. E 35v18 .municipio}
[‘(as if from a verb) municipo, or village as Isidorus says’] [analysis]
53a33''ggII 124,5book 4214 +municipium: .i. oppidum sine muro
53a34''hhII 124,6book 425 presidium: presideo {= E 35v18}
53a35''iiII 124,6book 425 212 domicilium: domus nidum avis {cf. E 35v18 nith avis}
53a19"kkII 124,10book 4572 +cuna: dea
53a20"llII 124,1053a13book 4211 58 +cunabulum: .i. cliab noiden (m.l.) o
[‘i.e. an infant’s cradle’] [analysis]
53a21"mmII 124,10book 4572 vesta: bandea
[‘the goddess’] [analysis]
53a21"nnII 124,10book 4572 +vesta: tened
[‘of fire’] [analysis]
53a23"ooII 124,11book 4563 +vestibulum: arcus in introitu templi
53a25"ppII 124,1153a16book 4211 turibulum: tuslestar
[‘censer’] [analysis]
53a29"qqII 124,12book 4214 +conciliabulum: .i. locus concilii
53a33"rrII 124,1253a17book 4211 pabulum: geltboth
[‘a grazing-hut’] [analysis]
53a33"ssII 124,12book 4214 ?[?] +pabulum: papula pascua
53a34"ttII 124,1253a18book 4211 prosto: cuiligim
[‘I commit incest’] [analysis]
53a35"uuII 124,1253a19book 4211 58 prostibulum: étradach cuilech (m.l.) ox
[‘lustful or incestuous’] [analysis]
53a35"wwII 124,12book 4214 +prostibulum: locus meretricum
53a38"xxII 124,1353a20book 4211 patibulum: icidorus riag gabul.
[‘gibbet or forkshaped gallows’] [analysis]
53a16II 124,14book 44143 habeat: .- (53a20=124,15) sin: .-
53a38yyII 124,19book 452 excipitur: (m.l.) exceptio
53b1aII 124,2153b1book 4572 par[cas]: bándáe iffirnn eo quod minime parcant reliqua {cf. E 35v29 .i. iffe<r<nn}
[‘goddesses of hell’] [analysis]
53b3bII 124,2453b2book 4211 statura: delb
[‘shape’] [analysis]
53b3cII 125,1book 453 +staturus .. etc.: (m.d.) in verbo ||"
53b9dII 125,653b3book 4211 diverticulum: diall {= E 35v33}
[‘a turning aside (= declension)’] [analysis]
53b9eII 125,6book 4212 verris: verro .i. est traho
53b10fII 125,653b4book 4211 verriculum: tóxal
[‘act of drawing’] [analysis]
53b15II 125,9book 44142 [spe]culum: " (53b16=125,10) similiter: "
53b16gII 125,11book 4212 +ferculum: vasculum aut discum
53b16hII 125,11book 4215 +ferculum: (m.d.) g- ⁊ ferculum lectulum quod portari potest .,
53b27''iII 125,15book 4212 +moneo: doceo
53b29''kII 125,15book 4212 +monimentum: .i. documentum
53b32"lII 125,20book 4212 +munimentum: .i. firmamentum
53b34"mII 125,20book 4212 +fulcimentum: .i. sustentaculum
53b40"nII 125,21book 4212 +patrimonium: donum vel census
53b40"oII 125,21book 4212 +patrimonium: (m.d.) patrimonium .i. hominum defensator
53b42"pII 125,2253b5book 4211 matrimonium: máthrathatu
[‘motherhood’] [analysis]
53b42"qII 125,22book 4212 +matrimonium: .i. coniugium civium
53b20rII 125,23book 4423 +alia: denominativa
53b30sII 125,25book 4214 +stagnum: .i. genus metalli {cf. E 36r .a stando dictum. locus qui non effluit vel genus matalli.}
53b31tII 125,2553b6book 4211 +vadum: áth
[‘ford’] [analysis]
53b41uII 126,153b7book 4211 solor: do·donaimm
[‘I console’] [analysis]
54a1aII 126,154a1book 4211 foro: tris·gataim
[‘I pierce’] [analysis]
54a1bII 126,154a2book 4211 foramen: dorochol
[‘hole’] [analysis]
54a2cII 126,2book 4212 222 +oblectamen: dilectamentum
54a3dII 126,254a3book 4211 irrito: do·dúrgimm
[‘I incite’] [analysis]
54a3eII 126,2book 4212 +irrito: .i. pravo
54a3fII 126,2book 4212 +irrito: (m.l.) ad nihilum deduco
54a3gII 126,354a4book 4211 irritamen: tudrach
[‘act of exciting’] [analysis]
54a8hII 126,554a5book 4313 specie: huandí as species {cf. E 36r17 .i. á species.}
[‘from species’] [analysis]
54a9iII 126,654a6book 4211 [spe]cimen: immcaisiu
[‘act of looking around’] [analysis]
54a10kII 126,754a7book 4211 nuo: cumachtagimm
[‘I am powerful’] [analysis]
54a11lII 126,7book 452 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius {= E 36r20}
54a12mII 126,9book 4572 meo: .i. audetis miscere caelum ⁊ terram {= E 36r20}
54a12nII 126,9book 4572 numine: .i. neptunus dicit {= E 36r21}
54a13oII 126,9book 4572 3112 venti: vocativus {= E 36r21 .i. add. E}
54a13pII 126,1054a8book 4211 luo: do·fonuch as·lenaimm
[‘I wash, or I pollute’] [analysis]
54a13qII 126,10book 4571 luo: (m.l.) virgilianus dicit. luetis id est poenís purgabitis
54a13rII 126,10book 4212 +luo: (m.l.) luo purgo {= E 36r21 (B)}
54a13sII 126,1054a8abook 4211 541 lumen: (m.d.) lumen glanad per contrarium sensum {= E 36r21 glanad om. E}
[‘lumen purification, per etc.’] [analysis]
54a16tII 126,11book 4212 +munio: .i. firmo
54a16uII 126,12book 4212 +molior: conor ⁊ meditor cum arte {cf. E 36r23 conor (B)}
54a17wII 126,1254a9book 4211 molimen: tóchrechad
[‘contrivance’] [analysis]
54a18II 126,13book 44142 [diriva]tiva: " (54a20=126,14) tamen: "
54a18xII 126,13book 4331 pectendo: pecto {= E 36r24 pecto .o. in .en}
54a18yII 126,1354a10book 4211 pecten: slige reliqua
[‘a weaver’s slay (?)’] [analysis]
54a19zII 126,1354a11book 4211 572 a filo: (m.l.) húand ṡnáthiu .i. filum .i. snáthe no·bíth himm chenn na sacardd ocind edpairt. {cf. E 36r24 filum. notenn}
[‘from the thread, i.e. a thread that used to be round the head of the priests at the sacrifice’] [analysis]
54a19aaII 126,1454a12book 4211 flamen: sacart {cf. E 36r24 sacer<d<}
[‘priest’] [analysis]
54a19bbII 126,14book 4572 +flamen: iovis
54a22ccII 126,16book 425 543 +tubicen: quasi tuba canens {cf. E 36r26 a tuba &cano}
54a23II 126,16book 411 tibícen
54a24ddII 126,17book 453 excipitur: (m.l.) exceptio
54a24eeII 126,1754a13book 4211 sinarisis: accomol {cf. E 36r27 .i. conglutinatio.}
[‘combination’] [analysis]
54a25II 126,18book 44142 debuit: " (ibid.) quia: " {= E 36r28}
54a28ffII 126,20book 4541 sic .. etc.: (m.d.) dirivationem in .en. simulat quanquam peneultima in tubicen {corripitur} {= E 36r30 corripitur recte add. E}
54a30ggII 126,21book 44228 solum: .i. solet .i. geminari
54a32hhII 126,2354a14book 425 543 *biugae: bina iuga dí guttai ḟodlaidi dirótha ind ⁊ ní deogur {= E 36r32 bina &iuga}
[‘two separate vowels have been converted into it, and it is not a diphthong’] [analysis]
54a32iiII 126,2354a15book 4211 bigae: dériad
[‘two-horsed chariot’] [analysis]
54a33kkII 126,23book 425 biuni: bis ⁊ uni {= E 36r33}
54a33llII 126,24book 4423 lon[gua]: vocalis {= E 36r33 .i. add. E}
54a35mmII 127,1book 4331 +ammittier: .i. infinitivus antiqus
54a36II 127,1book 44121 fire: " (ibid.) quod: " {cf. E 36v1 quod " fire}
54a36nnII 127,154a16book 43223 quod: ind infinit .in .e. ón. bréthir in .o.
[‘the infinitive in e from the verb in o’] [analysis]
54a37ooII 127,3book 452 at .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius {= E 36v1}
54a37ppII 127,354a17book 4333 211 suffire: fo·timmthiris
[‘that you should fumigate (lit. subminister)’] [analysis]
54a37qqII 127,354a18book 4211 timo: ó tím .i. flore
[‘with thyme, i.e. with a flower’] [analysis]
54a41rrII 127,7book 4212 +lacunar: .i. celum templi
54a41ssII 127,7book 4214 +lupanar: domus meritricum {= K 25r5 a, E 36v3 (B)}
54a42ttII 127,754a19book 4211 laquear: druimmchlí (subs.) cuitech
[‘ceiling, or pit’] [analysis]
54b2aII 127,954b1book 4211 571 equester: marcachde .i. idem ⁊ eques síc pedes ⁊ pedester ut alde- dicit {cf. E 36v5 idem &eques. síc &pes}
[‘belonging to a horse-man, i.e. <’equester’ (belonging to a horseman) is> the same as ‘eques’ (horseman). Similarly ‘pedes’ (footsoldier) and ‘pedester’ (pedestrian; plur. foot-soldier) , as Alde- says’] [analysis]
54b2bII 127,954b2book 4211 pedester: traichthechdae
[‘pedestrian’] [analysis]
54b3cII 127,9book 4563 apium: nomen holeris reliqua in alio
54b3dII 127,10book 4313 apiaster: compositum secundum alios erraticos
54b4eII 127,1054b3book 4543 cum: .i. is and bíid .a. indib .re .ster in tan nád·ṁbí conson etir peneuilt ⁊ uilt isind anmmaimm chétnidiu .-
[‘i.e. then is a in them before -ster when there is no consonant between penult and ultima in the primitive noun’] [analysis]
54b4II 127,11book 44111 primae: " (54b5=127,11) [posi]tionis: " {= E 36v6 primae " }
54b5II 127,11book 44112 vocales: " (ibid.) pene[ultimae]: " {cf. E 36v7 penultimae " > ultimae " }
54b8II 127,14book 44122 parasi[taster]: " (54b9=127,14) antoniaster: " (ibid.) catulaster: " (54b10=127,15) haec: " {= E 36v9, om. E sup. haec}
54b9fII 127,1454b4book 44226 omnia: preter demminutiva ⁊ inna-hí riam anúas
[‘except the diminutives and those above before (apiaster, oleaster)’] [analysis]
54b10gII 127,1554b5book 4211 paluster: góithlachde
[‘marshy’] [analysis]
54b10hII 127,1554b6book 4543 3232 haec: con·ecat beta ṅdéainmmnigthecha haec inna-hí tiagta hí ster is ó anmanaib dogrés bíit-sidi
[‘they may be denominatives, or haec, those that end in -ster they are always from nouns’] [analysis]
54b11II 127,16book 44142 verbalia: ..- (54b16=127,20) fieri: ..-
54b13II 127,18book 44111 obscenoque: : (54b14=127,18) iunguine: :
54b24''iII 127,21book 4214 +ador: .i. genus farris
54b24''kII 127,21book 4313 +ador: indeclinabile
54b42''lII 127,2454b7book 4211 331 furo: bruthnaigim (subs.) tertie coniugationis
[‘I am furious. to the third conjugation’] [analysis]
54b17"mII 127,24book 4331 59 furens: as coimtig
[‘that is usual’] [analysis]
54b17"II 127,24book 44111 nominibus: " (54b18"=127,25) participiis: " (ibid.) disinenti[bus]: " {cf. E 36v18 participiis .-}
54b20"nII 127,2654b9book 4211 senator: senatóir
[‘senator’] [analysis]
54b21"oII 127,2654b10book 4211 [dic]tator: dictatóir
[‘dictator’] [analysis]
54b21pII 127,2654b11book 4211 tonsor: berrthaid
[‘barber’] [analysis]
54b34"qII 128,4book 4212 58 +sincerus: .i. simplex (m.l.) $ {= E 36v23 (B)}
55a1-2II 128,7book 411 lîber lîbertas
55a10''aII 128,10108book 4211?[?] rapax: lapái
55a13''bII 128,11book 4212 +procax: verbosus vel audax
55a19''cII 128,11book 4212 +affinis: .i. assimilis
[‘i.e. which is similis’] [analysis]
55a28''dII 128,12book 4542 excipiuntur: .i. quia non genitivo {non} dativo assumunt .tas {= E 36v31 .i. quia om. E}
55a34''eII 128,14book 4212 +puber: aetate florens
55a36''fII 128,14book 4212 +uber: .i. habundans {= E 36v34 (B)}
55a40''gII 128,1555a2book 43232 hoc: tórmach tás for ainmmnid
[‘the addition of -tas to a nominative’] [analysis]
55a7"hII 128,17book 4543 asperitas: non aspertas {= K 25r30 c, E 36v34 .i. add. K}
55a8"II 128,17book 44141 saluber: " (55a9"=128,18) facit: "
55a9"II 128,18book 44142 facit: : (55a10"=128,18) ideoque: :
55a10"iII 128,18book 4543 salubritas: non salubertas quia fit salubris {= E 37r1 .i. add. E .i. (quia) E.}
55a15"kII 128,20book 4542 excipiuntur: quia motant .or. in nes {= E 37r3 nes] es E}
55a24"lII 128,25book 4566[?] +capenas: .i. habitator civitatis
55a24"mII 128,25book 4566[?] +arpinas: habitator
55a24"nII 128,25book 4566[?] +raben[nas]: habitator {= E 37r6 (B)}
55a25"oII 128,25book 4566[?] +crotonias: habitator
55a25"pII 128,25book 4566[?] +pontias: habitator
55a26"qII 128,25book 4566[?] +larinas: habitator
55a36"II 129,5book 44121 eorum: " (ibid.) quae: " (ibid.) is: "
55a41"rII 129,755a3book 43232 eius: .i. iuris as·rubart anúas
[‘i.e. of the rule that he has mentioned above’] [analysis]
55b4aII 129,10book 4421 lucus: exempla {= E 37r14 .i. add. E}
55b8bII 129,13book 44228 communiter: dedicaverunt {= E 37r17}
55b11cII 129,15109book 4421 [ru]tulus: húcusque exempla
55b11dII 129,15book 4566[?] ardeas: civis {= E 37r18}
55b13eII 129,18book 4566[?] +ferentinas: nomen civis
55b14fII 129,1855b1book 44221 dubium: .i. a ndliged quod diximus ⁊ as·beram dano
[‘i.e. the law which we have said and will say moreover’] [analysis]
55b14II 129,18book 44141 quod: ..- (55b20=130,3) debeant: ..- {= K 25v1-3, E 37r20-24}
55b14II 129,18book 44141 cum: : (55b15=129,19) servamus: :
55b14II 129,19book 44111 peneultimam: " (55b15=129,19) circumflexam: "
55b18gII 130,255b2book 43232 idque: aiccend i n-uilt
[‘an accent on the ultima’] [analysis]
55b20hII 130,3book 43232 haec: nomina predicta {= E 37r24}
55b20iII 130,355b3book 43232 idem: a n-ed nonóen aiccent in uilt indib
[‘the identical accent on the ultima in them’] [analysis]
55b21II 130,4book 44141 cum: " (55b23=130,5) invenitur: " {= K 25v4-5, E 37r24-5}
55b21II 130,4book 44123 ti: /. (ibid.) subtracta: /. {= E 37r24}
55b21II 130,4book 44111 4121 peneultima: ., (ibid.) vocalis: ., (ibid.) quae: ., {= E 37r25, symb. tert. om. E}
55b23kII 130,555b4book 44226 concisione: iar foxul .tí.
[‘after taking away -ti’] [analysis]
55b24lII 130,6book 43233 ([eundem]) accentum: circunflexum {= E 37r26}
55b24mII 130,655b5book 434 542 tamen: ar ní ar accuis dechoir aní as·rubartmmar cose
[‘for not for sake of distinction is that which we have said hitherto’] [analysis]
55b25nII 130,7book 4566[?] 543 +leenas: nomen loci et circumflexus accentus in ultima
55b26II 130,7book 44141 ne: ,, (55b28=130,8) putentur: ,, {= E 37r28-9}
55b27oII 130,8book 4313 menae: mena nominativus
55b28pII 130,855b6book 4543 leonis: indí as leonis leena femininum
[‘of the word ‘leonis’ (of the lion): ‘leena’ is its feminine’] [analysis]
55b30qII 130,955b7book 4211 eques: óenechaid
[‘rider’] [analysis]
55b30rII 130,1055b8book 4211 teges: dítiu
[‘covering’] [analysis]
55b31sII 130,1055b9book 4211 merges: muirbran {cf. E 37r30 corvus marinus}
[‘cormorant’] [analysis]
55b33tII 130,1255b10book 4211 strues: sreth
[‘that which is strewn, laid out’] [analysis]
55b35uII 130,13book 425 illuo: .i. in
55b34wII 130,1355b11book 4211 illues: háellned
[‘pollution’] [analysis]
55b35II 130,14book 44143 denominati[va]: " (55b37=130,15) alia: " {= K 25v11-2 denominativa " > enim " }
55b38xII 130,1655b12book 4211 25 curialis: dalta .i. curia {cf. E 37v1 .i. curia. .i. dadal.}
[‘belonging to court, i.e. ‘curia’ (court)’] [analysis]
55b38yII 130,16book 425 fide[lis]: fidus {= E 37v1 .i. add. E}
55b39zII 130,16book 425 virilis: vir {cf. E 37v1 .i. viro}
56a1aII 130,18book 425 agrestis: ager {= E 37v3}
56a2bII 130,19book 425 salubris: salus {= E 37v3}
56a2cII 130,19book 4541 samnis: pro samnitis apud veteres {cf. E 37v4 apud. veteres .samnitis.}
56a2dII 130,19book 4566[?] 541 samnis: (m.s.) samnís a nomine civitatis .i. est samnis 7 correpta fit nomen samnitis ⁊ samnís ab illo per sinacopam {cf. E 37v4 (m.l.) .i. samnis .i. correpta .i. civitas possessivum civitatis. samnítis. &per sinacopam samnîs. sed &samnitis fit ad civitatem}
56a3eII 130,19book 4541 [in]signis: (m.l.) icidorus Segnis qui sine igne est hoc est ingenio cariens reliqua {cf. E 37v4 (m.l.) ingenio. sine ⁊ ignis. .i. segnis .i. qui sine igne. est. ut. isidorus dicit.}
56a3fII 130,20book 4423 +disinentia: denominativa
56a7gII 130,23book 4214 +mensale: .i. instrumentum mense
56a8hII 130,23book 4423 extremam: literam
56a8II 130,23book 44111 extremam: " (56a9=130,23) i: " {= E 37v7}
56a12iII 131,1book 4215 221 theathrum: (m.l.) theathrum .i. spectaculorum cavea cavea ubi spectacula mira videntur θη*ος enim grece visio latine.
56a29kII 131,1356a1book 4211 patrus: bráthir athar {cf. K 25v27 a, E 37v18 (B) frater patris}
[‘father’s brother’] [analysis]
56a30lII 131,13book 4215 patruelis: (m.d.) icidorus {dicit} patruéles quorum patres germani sunt, {= E 37v18}
56a30mII 131,1356a2book 4211 patruelis: macc bráthar athar {cf. K 25v27 b filius eius E 37v18 (C vel B) filius patrui vel filia}
[‘son of father’s brother’] [analysis]
56b1aII 131,16book 44228 nec (non): habent
56b1bII 131,17book 43232 eís: nominibus in .ílis {= E 37v21 .i. add. E}
56b1cII 131,17book 43232 52 eís: (m.d.) in ilis
56b2dII 131,1756b1book 4543 sive (non): nó in-na·bet o nach ainmmdiu etir acht it cétnidi reliqua
[‘or whether they are not from any nominal form at all, but are primitives’] [analysis]
56b2eII 131,18book 44228 sed: .i. habent .i. longuam {= E 37v22 .i. habent longam}
56b14''fII 131,1956b2book 4211 212 scurra: daiscuir parasitus {cf. E 37v23 .i. parasitus}
[‘buffoon’] [analysis]
56b32''gII 131,21book 4212 +parilis: .i. equalis
56b36''hII 131,2256b3book 4541 [fac]tum: tre nothath
[‘by loan’] [analysis]
56b38''iII 131,2256b4book 4543 [ser]vavit: .i. airdíxa .i. and ut predicta
[‘i.e. the i is long in it, as the aforesaid’] [analysis]
56b8"kII 131,2556b5book 4211 futio: baithaigim
[‘I am a fool’] [analysis]
56b9"lII 131,2556b6book 4211 effutio: adbolbaithigim
[‘I am a great fool’] [analysis]
56b9"mII 131,2556b7book 4563 215 effutilis: .i. nomen do lestur chorthón bís oc edpartaib do deib
[‘i.e. a name for a round-bottomed vessel which is (used) at offerings to gods’] [analysis]
56b10"nII 131,2656b8book 4541 25 53 altus: (m.d.) .is hinunn a n-altus ⁊ a n-halitus is ondí as alo ataat a ṅdiis. ut postea dicet
[‘the altus is the same as the alitus, the pair of them come from alo, as he will say afterwards’] [analysis]
56b12"oII 131,2756b9book 436 211 (a) pare: ó .pár
[‘from ‘par’ (equal)’] [analysis]
56b12"II 131,27book 44121 4142 pare: ,, (ibid.) quod: ,, (56b13"=131,27) comparo: ,, (56b14"=132,1) enim: ,,
56b12"pII 131,2756b10book 4211 543 dirivatum: as ṅdirruidigthe a n-ainmm-sin
[‘that that noun is derived’] [analysis]
56b12"II 131,27book 44143 paro: : (56b13"=131,27) unde: : {= E 37v31}
56b15"qII 132,156b11book 4211 [(possunt) com]parari: cosmailigeddar
[‘(can) be compared’] [analysis]
56b15"II 132,1book 44123 verbalium: /. (56b15"=132,2) regulam: /. (ibid.) serva[vit]: /. (56b16"=132,2) parilis: /.
56b15"rII 132,256b12book 4541 regulam: timmartae and amal inna briathardi riam
[‘(the i) is short in it, as the verbals before (had it)’] [analysis]
56b17"sII 132,3book 44228 revi[rescere]: dicimus {= E 37v33 .i. add. E}
56b18"tII 132,456b13book 4543 cetera: cenmathá inna-hí as·rubart
[‘besides those that he has mentioned’] [analysis]
56b18"uII 132,4book 4423 cetera: .i. verbalia
56b32II 132,13book 44122 secundae: .- (ibid.) tertiae: .- (56b33=132,13) quartae: .- (57a3=132,16) coniugationibus: .-
56b37II 132,14book 44122 i: " (ibid.) eam: " {cf. E 38r5 eam .i. i.}
57a5aII 132,18book 4423 +quaedam: denominativa
57a13bII 132,24book 4423 +disinentia: .i. denominativa
57a14cII 132,24book 43221 quorum: .i. nominum vel verborum
57a15II 132,25book 44144 consonante: ,,, (57a25=133,3) appollinis: ,,, (57a26=133,4) militis: ,,,
57a17dII 132,26book 4212 positione: .i. prima persona {= E 38r15 .i.] a E}
57a29eII 133,6book 4212 +peculium: facultas servi
57a29fII 133,657a1book 4211 peculiaris: sainredach
[‘peculiar’] [analysis]
57a29gII 133,657a2book 4211 mo[lo]: melim
[‘I grind’] [analysis]
57a30hII 133,657a3book 4211 molaris: bróinidae
[‘belonging to a millstone’] [analysis]
57a31iII 133,757a4book 4543 neutra: .i. do·soithaer ind i immechtrach .in .a.
[‘i.e. the outer i is turned into a’] [analysis]
57a32kII 133,757a5book 4211 velare: dítiu
[‘shelter’] [analysis]
57a32lII 133,7book 4566[?] iuvenalis: proprium
57a32mII 133,7book 44228 iuvenalis: dicit
57a32nII 133,8book 44212[?] et pegma .. etc.: exemplum
57a32oII 133,8book 421[?] +pegma: massa ferri {cf. E 38r21 massa ferri ⁊ substantia vel genus machinae (C?)}
57a33pII 133,8book 413 543 (ve,)laria, (raptos): dactylus {cf. E 38r21-2 & pegi,na &pue,ros in,de ad ve,laria, raptos}
57a34qII 133,9book 4423 +disinentia: denominativa
57a38rII 133,1157a6book 4211 curta: cuirt borc {cf. E 38r24 .i. coirth}
[‘a court or town’] [analysis]
57a38sII 133,1157a7book 4211 curtensis: borggdae cuirtaide impdibthe ut in boetio
[‘belonging to a town, belonging to a court, or, as in Boetius, truncated’] [analysis]
57a39tII 133,11book 4561 +sardinia: insola {= E 38r24 (C)}
57a40uII 133,12book 4561 catena: civitas
57a40wII 133,12book 458 571 catena: vel catina ut in horosio legitur {cf. E in textu princ. catina catinensis vel catena catinensis}
[‘[…] or a chain’] [analysis]
57a40xII 133,12110book 4211 *catena: (subs.) slabrad
57a40yII 133,1257a9book 4211 *catinensis: slabrattae reliqua
[‘belonging to a chain’] [analysis]
57a41zII 133,1357a10book 4211 castrum: dún
[‘fort’] [analysis]
57a42aaII 133,1357a11book 4211 castrensis: dúnattae
[‘belonging to a fort’] [analysis]
57a42bbII 133,1357a12book 4211 forum: dálṡuidae
[‘judgement-seat’] [analysis]
57a42ccII 133,1357a13book 4211 forensis: dáldde {cf. E 38r27 dadalti}
[‘belonging to court’] [analysis]
57a42ddII 133,1357a14book 4211 572 ilium: trói {cf. E 38r27 troia}
[‘Troy’] [analysis]
57a42eeII 133,1357a15book 4211 iliensis: troiánda
[‘Trojan’] [analysis]
57b3''aII 133,14book 4561 utica: civitas {= E 38r27}
57b5''bII 133,14book 4561 cremona: civitas {= E 38r27}
57b7''cII 133,14book 4561 ostia: civitas {= E 38r 28}
57b7"dII 133,2457b1book 4543 (in) tis: acht is iar n-arsidib robbátar .in tis non síc hodie
[‘but it is according to the ancients that they were (i.e. ended) in -tis, non etc.’] [analysis]
57b8"II 133,24book 44141 sed: : (54b9"=133,24) prolata: :
57b8"eII 133,24book 434 antique: adverbium {= E 38v1}
57b10"II 133,25book 44142 longuam: ,, (57b20"=134,5) tamen: ,,
57b12"fII 134,157b3book 4211 543 laurentis: laurentide .i. aitribthid na cathrach as·berr laurentium laurens immurgu bís hodie
[‘a Laurentian i.e. an inhabitant of the city called Laurentium; however it is now Laurens’] [analysis]
57b12"gII 134,157b2book 4211 laurens: laurentide {= E 38v2}
[‘a Laurentian’] [analysis]
57b13"hII 134,157b4book 4211 561 tiburtis: tiburtide tiburtum nomen civitatis {cf. E 38v3 tiburtum nomen civitatis vel tibur}
[‘a Tirbutine. The name of the city is ‘Tiburtum’’] [analysis]
57b14"iII 134,257b5book 4211 572 quiritis: sabíṅdae .i. gaide {cf. E 38v3 quiris .civitas .i. hasta}
[‘Sabine i.e. having a spear (quiris=curis)’] [analysis]
57b14"kII 134,2book 4212 +quiritis: sabinus
57b14"II 134,2book 44142 quiritis: " (57b15"=134,2) c“ris: " (57b16"=134,3) qui: " (ibid.) nominativi: "
57b15"lII 134,2book 4566[?] +ceris: dea
57b16"mII 134,357b6book 4211 543 (qui) nominativi: ind ainmmnidi hísin
[‘those nominatives’] [analysis]
57b17"nII 134,3book 452 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius {= E 38v4}
57b18"oII 134,4book 4561 cerite: nomen oppidi apud sabinos {= E 38v4 .i. add. E}
57b19"pII 134,4book 4572 minonis: adiiciunt {se} in auxilium aeneae contra turnum {= E 38v5 m.l. se add. E}
57b20"qII 134,5book 4423 habens: ceritis
57b25"rII 134,8book 434 similiter: correptam {= E 38v6}
57b27"sII 134,9book 413 543 +cerite: dactylus {cf. E 38v7 correptam}
57b30"II 134,11book 44141 nisi: .- (57b32"=134,11) protulerunt: .-
57b30"II 134,11book 44121 cerite: : (ibid.) quod: :
57b31"II 134,11book 44123 e: " (57b32"=134,11) conversa: "
57b32"tII 134,11book 44228 protulerunt: quiritis auctores virgilius ⁊ horatius {cf. E 38v8 .i. virgilius .i. quiritis}
57b33"uII 134,12book 44228 livius: dicit
57b34"wII 134,12book 4423 XLI: anno {add. E 38v9 in textu princ.}
57b34"xII 134,12book 4561 lanuvini: nomen gentis {= E 38v9}
57b39"yII 134,14110book 4211 lepos: sulbair
[‘cheerfulness’] [analysis]
57b40"zII 134,1557b8book 4211 543 compes: comascnaidid. ba compes ba riagoldae do buith ní ed immurgu acht is compos fil
[‘competitor (competens): it would be regular that there should be compes: it is not so, however, but it is compos that there is.’] [analysis]
57b40"II 134,15book 44144 compes: (e:) " (57b41"=134,15) e: "
58a8aII 135,2book 425 nuntius: a nuntio verbo {= E 38b16}
58a9bII 135,2book 425 patricius: a patre {= E 38v16}
58a9cII 135,2book 4423 divisas: .i. sillabas {= E 38v16}
58a9dII 135,2book 425 ardu[us]: ardeo {= E 38v17}
58a10eII 135,3book 425 orbus: orbo {cf. E 38v17 ut. ab orbo}
58a10fII 135,3book 4212 +orbus: exul
58a10gII 135,3book 4215 +orbus: (m.l.) orbus qui filios perdit
58a12''hII 135,3book 425 543 acus: .i. {putamus} quia de verbis sunt haec {= E 38v18 putamus add. E}
58a19''iII 135,5book 4212 +libidus: invidiosus vel venenosus (m.l.) livens invidens
58a40''kII 135,8book 425 mestus: metuo
58a19"II 135,10book 44143 servant: ,-,- (58a27"=135,12) sed: ,-,-
58a21"II 135,11book 44112 4121 [primi]tivorum: " (58a22"=135,11) consonantes: " (58a23"=135,11) quibus: "
58a25"II 135,11book 44144 [ulti]mae: ,., (58a36"=135,13) [ser]vus: ,.,
58a25"II 135,12book 44144 pene[ultimae: |: (58a16=135,15) nuntio: |:
58a32"lII 135,13book 4543 dissinit: ut nuntio {= E 38v25 .i. add. E}
58a13mII 135,14book 458 +virga: in alia virgula
58a18II 135,15book 44142 scio: ,,, (58a29=135,19) unde: ,,,
58a19nII 135,16book 44228 epuleius: dicit {= E 38v28}
58a21oII 135,16book 4566[?] pacu[bius]: proprium {= E 38v28}
58a22pII 135,16book 4566[?] teucro: nomen artis {= E 38v29}
58a31qII 135,1958a1book 4542 [ex]ceptis: ar is .cius. do·ḟormagar isnaib hísiu. ní .ius.
[‘for it is -cius that is added in these, not -ius’] [analysis]
58a33II 135,19book 44141 illa: " (58a33=135,20) assu[munt]: " (58b1=135,21) cius: " {= K 26v3-4, E 38v31-2 assumunt ./ > cius ./}
58b8aII 135,2558b1book 44228 tamen: ci asid·rubart a mbuith a nominibus secundae declinationis ⁊ tertiae
[‘although I have said that they are from nouns of the second and third declension’] [analysis]
58b10bII 136,258b2book 4211 gallinacius: cercdae {cf. E 39r1 ċerċed}
[‘belonging to a hen’] [analysis]
58b11cII 136,258b3book 4211 membranacius: sreibnaide {cf. E 39r1 pargamina}
[‘membranaceous’] [analysis]
58b12dII 136,3book 4561 [char]tina: civitas {= E 39r1}
58b12eII 136,4book 4423 divisas: sillabas {= E 39r2}
58b14fII 136,5book 4423 terminatorum: nominum
58b15gII 136,5book 44222 extremarum: primitivorum {= E 39r3}
58b19hII 136,858b4book 4211 543 menstruus: místae mensis non mensuus facit {= E 39r6 .i. add. E místae om. E}
[‘monthly: ‘mensis’ (month) does not form ‘*mensuus’’] [analysis]
58b21iII 136,10book 4331 543 aequo: verbum
58b25kII 136,13book 43114 euphoniae: dativus {= E 39r10}
58b25lII 136,1358b5book 4543 euphoniae: ní·bbad bind nach cruth ailiu
[‘otherwise it would not be euphonious’] [analysis]
58b27II 136,14book 44111 verbis: " (58b28=136,15) habentibus: " {= E 39r10-1}
58b28II 136,15book 44143 4112 *motatione: ., (ibid.) et: ., (58b29=136,15) vocalis: ., (ibid.) eiusque: ., {= E 39r11-2 excepto et}
58b32"mII 136,1958b6book 4211 bobulcus: bóchaill
[‘a cowherd’] [analysis]
58b38"nII 136,23book 4543 ultimae: ut tumeo reliqua {cf. E 39r17 .i. timeo}
58b39"oII 136,23book 44222 syllabae (vocales): primitivi {= E 39r17}
58b39"pII 136,2358b7book 4543 4226 reliquam: cenmithá in consoin .i. arabí dint ṡillaib/ iar sind..../ nchonsain
[‘except the consonant i.e. which remains over of that syllable after the consonant ???’] [analysis]
59a3aII 136,26book 4212 +scalidus: sordidus
59a5II 136,27book 44141 excipitur: " (5917=137,1) unum: "
59a5bII 137,159a1book 4543 alterni[tatis (causa)]: fri mí-fogur .i. do ailigud foguir fri alaile .i. corob bind in fogur .-
[‘(contrary) to cacophony, i.e. to differentiate (one) sound from another, i.e. so that the sound be harmonious’] [analysis]
59a8cII 137,2book 4423 *alternam: sillaba
59a8II 137,2book 44111 *alternam: " (ibid.) d: "
59a9dII 137,259a2book 458 336[?] *continua: vel continuans .i. a com·oicsider
[‘[…] i.e. when it brings together with ’] [analysis]
59a10eII 137,3book 44228 nos: solemus {= E 39r24}
59a10fII 137,3book 44224 3221 evitare: alternam .d. {= E 39r24}
59a10gII 137,4book 4572 +χαρυβδιδος: periculosus ⁊ vertiginosus locus in mari
59a11hII 137,4book 44224 [quam]vis: emnad d and
[‘the doubling of d therein’] [analysis]
59a12iII 137,5book 43232 illos: grecos {= E 39r25 .i. add. E}
59a14kII 137,659a4book 4543 manunine: .i. da .n. i ndá .t.
[‘i.e. two n’s into two t’s’] [analysis]
59a14lII 137,7book 4543 vitis: n. pro .t. {= E 39r27 .i. add. E}
59a15mII 137,759a5book 44228 34 tamen: ci asid·biur a buith huandí as vitis.
[‘though I say that it is from uitis’] [analysis]
59a16nII 137,8book 4543 meridies: r pro d
59a16oII 137,859a6book 44228 medidies: cesu medius dies as chomsuidigthe and
[‘though this is medius dies that is compounded therein’] [analysis]
59a17pII 137,859a7book 4543 sed: arecar frithriagol do
[‘a counter-rule to it is found’] [analysis]
59a17qII 137,959a8book 43232 543 hoc: ius ní dogrés do·gníther
[‘ius, it is not always acted on’] [analysis]
59a19rII 137,1059a9book 4211 35 ni*si (s): acht óen limm
[‘save one thing in my opinion’] [analysis]
59a19sII 137,1059a10book 4541 quod: .i. sainreth do briathraib cobednae tánise emnad .d. in nominibus bíte huadib
[‘i.e. peculiar to verbs of the second conjugation is the doubling of d in the nouns that are (derived) from them’] [analysis]
59a19II 137,10book 44141 *quod: " (59a21=137,11) habuit: "
59a19tII 137,10book 44228 *quod: (m.l.) vel quod sunt haec reliqua
59a20uII 137,11book 4423 unum: verbum {= E 39r30}
59a21wII 137,11book 4423 tertiae: coniugationis {add. E 39r30 in textu princ.}
59a21xII 137,11book 4334 *habuit: .i. habuerunt
59a22yII 137,11book 43233 [huius]cemodi (formae): in dus {= E 39r31}
57a22zII 137,12book 4543 nomen: pandus
59a22aaII 137,12book 43232 haec: nomina
59a24bbII 137,1359a11book 4543 in se: is follus inna n-inni-som inne inna n-anmmann húataat
[‘manifest in their meaning is the meaning of the nouns form which they are (derived)’] [analysis]
59a28ccII 137,16book 452 bundus: secunda forma {= E 39r34}
59a29ddII 137,1659a12book 4211 vi[tabundus]: immgabthach
[‘avoiding’] [analysis]
59a30eeII 137,1659a13book 4543 211 [vi]tabundus: ní fír immgabail is cosmail indí imm·aimmgaib
[‘it is not a true avoidance: it is a likeness of one who avoids’] [analysis]
59a32ffII 137,1859a14book 4211 moribundus: bathach reliqua
[‘dying, etc.’] [analysis]
59a37ggII 137,2059a15book 4211 causor: ar·coimddim
[‘I excuse myself’] [analysis]
59a37hhII 137,20book 4212 +causor: reus iudicor (m.i.) causando querelas deponendo
59a39iiII 137,21book 4423 aliis: coniugationibus
59a39kkII 137,2259a16book 4211 ludi[bundus]: cluichech
[‘playful’] [analysis]
59a41llII 137,2359a17book 4543 542 alternitatis ([causa]): .i. co·nroib ailidetu ⁊ dechor etir in dí ṡillaib ar it cosmaili
[‘i.e. so that there may be alternation and difference between the two syllables, for they are alike’] [analysis]
59b2II 137,25book 44141 tertia: " (59b=137,26) habet: "
59b2aII 137,25book 4543 (tertia) forma: .i. quia in idus ⁊ in bundus dixit prius {= E 39v8}
59b5II 137,26book 44111 participiorum: " (59b6=137,26) passivorum: " {= E 39v9}
59b6bII 137,2659b1book 4211 333 significat: do·foirṅde inrucus neich
[‘it signifies the worth of some one’] [analysis]
59b7cII 138,159b2book 4211 eo: indí reliqua
[‘that’] [analysis]
59b7dII 138,159b3book 4543 quod: in chiall fil indib is ciall innriccso
[‘the meaning that is in them is a meaning of worthiness’] [analysis]
59b8eII 138,159b4book 4543 laudandus: is huisse a molath
[‘it is just to praise him’] [analysis]
59b9fII 138,259b5book 4543 amandus: húise a ṡerc
[‘it is just to love him’] [analysis]
59b12gII 138,3book 4543 legendus: is huise a legend
[‘it is just to read him’] [analysis]
59b12hII 138,359b7book 4543 loquendus: is uise aisṅdís de
[‘it is just to speak of him’] [analysis]
59b13iII 138,5book 452 +in lus: (m.d.) lus
59b14kII 138,5book 4541 similes: ar chuit suin tantum
[‘as regards sound only’] [analysis]
59b16lII 138,659b8abook 4211 anni[culus]: bliadnide
[‘one year old’] [analysis]
59b17II 138,7book 44144 pateo: " (59b20=138,8) syllabas: "
59b19mII 138,759b9book 4211 [extre]mas (partes syllabarum): rann di sillaib
[‘a part of a syllable’] [analysis]
59b19nII 138,8book 4543 partes: vocales absque consonantibus {= E 39v17}
59b20oII 138,859b10book 4543 syllabas: i n-ógai
[‘(the syllable) in (its) totality’] [analysis]
59b20pII 138,859b11book 4543 purae: cen chonnsona
[‘without consonants’] [analysis]
59b21qII 138,959b12book 4543 anniculo: non annulus dirruidigthe anniculus digabthach immurgu anulus {cf. E 39v18 .i. non annulus.}
[‘not annulus: anniculus is the derivative: anulus, however, the diminutive’] [analysis]
59b22rII 138,959b13book 425 211 *(annulus) deminutivum: dígabthach óndí as ánus cuáirt .i. brefe. anulus bréfean. {cf. E 39v18 .i. a nomine a<n<nus}
[‘a diminutive from anus (a circle) i.e. a hole, anulus a small hole’] [analysis]
59b23sII 138,1059b14book 4211 novacula: núide [..líti]
[‘rather new’] [analysis]
59b23tII 138,1059b15book 4211 novacula: lui
[‘ of small value’] [analysis]
59b23uII 138,10book 4215 563 +novacula: (m.d.) Novacula ferrum subtile quadrangulum unde pelles pargomenatici scindunt {cf. E 39v19 ferrum subtile (C)}
59b24wII 138,11book 452 +in rus: (m.d.) rus
59b36''xII 138,15book 452 +in sus: (m.d.) sus
59b29"yII 138,17book 425 usus: utor {= E 39v25}
59b30"zII 138,1759b16book 4541 versus: (m.d.) is neph-chorpde in tan as do·gnim menmmann reliqua ut in alio
[‘it is incorporeal when it is (refers to) an act of the mind etc.’] [analysis]
59b30"II 138,17book 44121 versus: " (ibid.) quod: " {= E 39v25}
59b31"II 138,18book 44121 corporalem: " (59b32"=138,18) quae: "
59b31"aaII 138,18book 4541 quoque: in tan as versus fers
[‘when it is uersus, a verse’] [analysis]
59b33"bbII 138,18book 436 ([in]) literis: quando scribitur {in} literis {= E 39v26 in add. E}
59b35"ccII 138,19book 425 336[?] +lassus: lassor
59b36"ddII 138,19book 4336[?] fessus: fatiscor {= E 39v27 .i. add. E}
59b38"eeII 138,2059b18book 4543 211 aliquem: is lán di neuch thórṅther tresin n-aimmnigud-sin
[‘it is full of whatever is denoted by that appellation’] [analysis]
59b39"II 138,20book 44121 eius: .- (ibid.) quod: .- {= E 39v28}
60a2II 138,23book 44141 motant: " (60a5=138,24) (in) o: "
60a2aII 138,23book 4543 par[tem]: vocalem tantum in vocalem cum consonante ultimo
60a12bII 139,1book 4423 (in) tus: disinentia {= E 39v35 .i. add. E}
60a14cII 139,2book 458 543 sunt: (m.l.) et secundae sunt scilicet declinationis
60a15dII 139,2book 425 tumultus: tumultuor
60a17eII 139,3book 44228 vel: sunt
60a17fII 139,3book 425 togatus: toga {= E 40r2 .i. add. E}
60a17gII 139,3book 425 lorica[tus]: lorica {= E 40r3 .i. add. E}
60a18hII 139,4book 425 *latus: lato vel fero {= E 40r3}
60a18iII 139,4book 425 mutus: mutuo {= E 40r3 .i. add. E}
60a21kII 139,6book 4563 25 trabe[atus]: de nomine vestis trabea {= E 40r5}
60a22lII 139,6book 4423 secundae: nominibus
60a23mII 139,6book 44228 a: habent {= E 40r6}
60a24nII 139,7book 44228 plautus: dicit
60a26oII 139,1060a1book 4211 manulatus: lámostae
[‘having a sleeve’] [analysis]
60a26II 139,10book 44141 quod: : (60a28=139,11) dirivatur: :
60a32pII 139,14book 425 avitus: avuus {E 40r10}
60a32qII 139,1460a2book 4211 avitus: .i. sen athardae
[‘i.e. belonging to a grandfather’] [analysis]
60a32rII 139,1460a3book 4211 25 maritus: céle más {cf. E 40r10 .i. mas}
[‘a husband, ‘mas’ (male)’] [analysis]
60a32sII 139,1460a4book 4211 572 cerritus: cruithnechtdae á cerere .i. ceres .i. bandea hetho
[‘relating to wheat: from Ceres, the goddess of corn’] [analysis]
60a37tII 139,1760a5book 4211 cornutus: bennach
[‘horned’] [analysis]
60a38uII 139,1760a6book 4211 [ve]rutus: berach birdae
[‘pointed or sharp’] [analysis]
60a38wII 139,1760a7book 4211 25 astutus: tuachil ab astu {cf. M 4ra8 a astu E 40r13 astu in textu princ.}
[‘cunning, from ‘astus’ (dexterity, cunning)’] [analysis]
60a38xII 139,1860a8book 4211 25 versutus: impáidach .i. versus {cf. M 4ra8 b versus}
[‘converted (turned)’] [analysis]
60a40yII 139,1960a9book 4211 25 53 amictus: attóitae a verbo quod est mico ut postea dicet reliqua {cf. E 40r14 a mico}
[‘resplendent, from the verb mico, as he says afterwards’] [analysis]
60a40zII 139,19book 425 571 +amictus: (m.l.) vel amicior invenitur in libro de civitate dei
60a40aaII 139,20book 425 sanctus: sancio* (r) {= E 40r15}
60a40bbII 139,20book 425 acceptus: accipio {= E 40r15}
60a41ccII 139,20book 425 23 +aptus: (m.l.) apiscor unde adepiscor
60a41ddII 139,21book 425 laxus: laxo {= E 40r15}
60a42eeII 139,21book 425 luxus: luxurio {= E 40r15}
60b4aII 140,2book 44224 antecedentibus: stus {cf. E 40r17 in stus sic E}
60b5bII 140,260b1book 4211 honestus: sochrud
[‘dignified’] [analysis]
60b9''cII 140,360b2book 4211 modestus: mesraigthe
[‘moderate’] [analysis]
60b15''dII 140,460b3book 4211 angustus: tachtae
[‘choked’] [analysis]
60b17''eII 140,460b4book 4211 augustus: mathmarcde
[‘augural’] [analysis]
60b19''II 140,4book 44121 venus: " (60b21''=140,4) ius: " (60b23''=140,5) onus: " (60b25''=140,5) quae: " {= M 4ra15-6}
60b20''fII 140,460b5book 4211 venustus: sochrud
[‘dignified’] [analysis]
60b30''gII 140,560b6book 4543 tus: .i. ni stus ara·ḟoimát amal inna rem-eperthi {cf. M 4ra16 e ni stus}
[‘i.e. it is not -stus that they assume, like the aforesaid (but only -tus)’] [analysis]
60b33''hII 140,6book 4423 omnia: predicta {= E 40r21 .i. add. E}
60b33''iII 140,660b7book 4543 omnia: ótha stus {cf. E 40r21 unam (sic) .stus}
[‘from -stus onwards’] [analysis]
60b36''kII 140,6book 44227 primitiva: sua {= E 40r21}
60b37''lII 140,660b8book 4542 absque (maestus): .i. ar is comlín són hi lín sillab fria bunad
[‘i.e. for this (maestus) is equal in number of syllables to its origin (maeror)’] [analysis]
60b15"mII 140,860b9book 4211 emax: críthid
[‘buyer’] [analysis]
60b20"nII 140,960b10book 4211 pellicio: do·túrgimm
[‘I provoke’] [analysis]
60b21"oII 140,960b11book 4211 pellax: tudrachtaid
[‘exciter’] [analysis]
60b21"pII 140,9book 4212 +pellax: (m.l.) callidus
60b21"qII 140,9book 4212 +pellax: (m.l.) pellax .i. fallax astutus
60b22"rII 140,960b12book 4211 sagio: do·aurchanaim
[‘I foretell’] [analysis]
60b23"sII 140,1060b13book 4211 sagax: taircetlid
[‘prophet’] [analysis]
60b23"tII 140,10book 4212 +sagax: (m.l.) sagax .i. argutus ingeniosus
60b30"uII 140,1160b14abook 4211 latex: clithith
[‘hiding’] [analysis]
60b30"wII 140,11book 4212 +latex: (m.d.) fons
[‘a well’]
60b32"xII 140,1260b15abook 4211 vertex: impúth
[‘conversion’] [analysis]
60b32"yII 140,12book 4212 +vertex: (m.d.) capitis pars
[‘a part of the head’]
60b40"zII 140,1360b16book 4211 lego: réchtaigim
[‘I legislate’] [analysis]
60b18aaII 140,1760b17book 4211 4226 [alter]nitatis: ailidetad fri anach
[‘of alternation to its legitimate (form)’] [analysis]
60b19bbII 140,1760b18book 4211 concidit: do·áerbai
[‘it cut off’] [analysis]
60b23ccII 140,1960b19book 4211 velox: díddith dián
[‘coverer (velans) or rapid (velox)’] [analysis]
60b26ddII 140,2160b20book 4211 coniunx: acomoltae
[‘joined’] [analysis]
60b26eeII 140,2160b21book 4211 arx: dún {= E 40r32}
[‘fortress’] [analysis]
60b34ffII 140,24book 4212 214 +[mu]nicipium: (m.l.) municipium oppidum vel modica civitas sine muro
60b34ggII 140,24book 4212 +municeps: princeps
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 22 October 2024]