83 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.
MS | Gloss | Keil, GL | Thes. | Priscian | Type(s) | Lemma: gloss |
4b17 | t | II 8,15 | | book 1 | 3233 | (huius) nomen: .i. x |
4b35 | ll | II 9,6 | | book 1 | 3233 | nomen (hoc): .i. vocales {cf. E 5v21 .i. vocalium} |
5a21 | s | II 9,23 | | book 1 | 3233 | (hoc) nomen: .i. muttae |
7b32 | hh | II 15,2 | | book 1 | 3233 | nomen (hoc): vau. |
7b36 | qq | II 15,4 | | book 1 | 3233 | (id ..) nomen: vau {= E 8r7 .i. add. E} |
11a4 | a | II 22,13 | | book 1 | 3233 | (haec) eadem: .e. {= E 10r6 .i. add. E} |
11a14 | d | II 22,19 | | book 1 | 3233 | (supradicto) tempore: preterito {= E 10r11 .i. add. E} |
11a32 | k | II 23,5 | | book 1 | 3233 | vim (suam): vim semivocalis |
11b11 | f | II 23,16 | | book 1 | 3233 | (haec) semivocalis: .m. {= E 10r27} |
13a4 | b | II 26,13 | | book 1 | 3233 | hanc: motationis ultimae sillabae nominativi vel genitivi in .í. |
13b18 | m | II 27,20 | | book 1 | 3233 | eadem: .u. {= E 11v12 .i. add. E} |
16a4 | f | II 33,6 | | book 1 | 3233 | ([haec..]) duplex: .i. ψ {= E 13r3 ψ. p<s<i} |
22b31 | ff | II 47,20 | | book 2 | 3233 | (haec .. ipsa) consonans: .i. d {= E 17r19} |
24b2 | a | II 50,17 | | book 2 | 3233 | +(eiusdem ..) syllabae: secundae |
26a13 | p | II 53,29 | | book 2 | 3233 | (haec) diffinitio: .i. predicta {= E 18v27} |
26a16 | u | II 54,1 | | book 2 | 3233 | hoc: .i. nomine orationis {= E 18v29} |
28b10 | l | II 58,12 | | book 2 | 3233 | agnomen (hoc): .i. ciceronis |
30a8 | i | II 61,1 | 30a5 | book 2 | 3233 | hanc (vim): .i. ainmnigud oen-folaid húa il-anmmanaib [‘i.e. the naming of one substance by many names’] [analysis] |
30b27 | cc | II 62,17 | | book 2 | 3233 541 | hac (forma): .i. in des [‘i.e. (the form ending) in ‘-des’’] [analysis] |
31b27 | uu | II 65,17 | | book 2 | 3233 | (hac ..) forma: .i. in des {= E 22r5} [‘i.e. (the form ending) in ‘-des’’] [analysis] |
32b20 | l | II 68,6 | | book 2 | 3233 | (eiusdem) generis: .i. iadis. vel generis feminini {cf. E 22v6 .i. feminini} |
32b29 | ff | II 68,11 | | book 2 | 3233 | eiusdem: .i. patronomicorum in as ⁊ in is {cf. E 22v11 in is vel in as} |
33a30 | ee | II 69,12 | | book 2 | 3233 | (ex) eadem (forma): possesiva [‘i.e. possessiva’] |
35b30 | ab | II 76,9 | | book 2 | 3233 | huiuscemodi: .i. possesivorum {= E 24v4} |
37a19 | k | II 78,25 | | book 2 | 3233 | (eiusdem) diclinationis: .i. secundae |
37b2 | a | II 79,15 | | book 2 | 3233 4222 | formam: .i. possesivorum {= E 25v6 .i. om. E} |
40a11 | k | II 85,19 | 40a8 | book 3 | 3233 | tali (comparatione): .i. o derscugud don comparit di hilib a cheneiuil fessin [‘i.e. the surpassing by the comparative of many of its own kind’] [analysis] |
42a26 | n | II 91,25 | | book 3 | 3233 | supradictam: in us. disinentium {= E 28v11} |
42b20 | g | II 93,12 | | book 3 | 3233 | omnia (.. haec): demminutiva comparativa |
46a22 | s | II 104,3 | | book 3 | 3233 | (eiusdem) terminati[onis]: in .us {= E 31r11} |
46b35" | m | II 106,1 | | book 3 | 3233 | significa[tione]: dimminutivi nominis |
50b39 | ll | II 119,14 | | book 4 | 3233 | (supradictis) casibus: genitivo si .II. sín .III. dativo {= E 34v2 dativo si III. declinationis (sic E)} |
52b4 | b | II 122,20 | | book 4 | 3233 | (supradictae) formae: in do {= E 35r25} |
55b24 | l | II 130,6 | | book 4 | 3233 | ([eundem]) accentum: circunflexum {= E 37r26} |
59a22 | y | II 137,11 | | book 4 | 3233 | [huius]cemodi (formae): in dus {= E 39r31} |
64a15 | o | II 150,6 | | book 5 | 3233 | extremitatis: in ar {= E 42v21 .i. add. E} |
74a31 | f | II 179,7 | 74a2 | book 5 | 211 3233 | (a) semplici[bus (suis)]: hórangabalaib diutib [‘from simple participles’] [analysis] |
74a33 | g | II 179,7 | | book 5 | 3233 | [(sui)] temporis: preteriti {cf. E 50v17 preteriti perfecti} |
77a30 | l | II 186,8 | | book 5 | 3233 | (in hac) specie: .i. neutri |
91b8 | d | II 199,14 | | book 6 | 3233 | (eiusdem) terminationis: .i. in .a. |
94b12 | d | II 213,2 | | book 6 | 3233 | (idem) genus: .i. femininum |
103a12 | f | II 242,16 | | book 6 | 3233 | eodem: feminino |
110a42 | h | II 269,2 | | book 6 | 3233 | (hoc) genus: .i. masculinum |
110b5 | c | II 269,6 | | book 6 | 3233 | hanc (declinationem): secundam |
117a18 | f | II 293,12 | | book 7 | 3233 | eodem: feminino |
140b14 | e | II 378,10 | | book 8 | 3233 | (ex eadem) forma: in .o. disinentium |
140b29 | m | II 378,22 | | book 8 | 3233 | (eandem) terminationem: in .r. |
148a35 | x | II 408,4 | | book 8 | 3233 | (eorum) temporum: .i. presentis ⁊ imperfecti |
162b22 | l | II 453,6 | | book 9 | 3233 | (haec) verba: in eo disinentia |
163a23 | f | II 454,17 | | book 9 | 3233 | (eiusdem) coniugationis: .IIIae |
164b14 | b | II 458,28 | | book 9 | 3233 | hoc (.. tempus): preteritum |
166b35 | b | II 465,7 | | book 9 | 3233 | eiusmodi: .i. habentia peneultimam vocalem |
168b41 | l | II 471,13 | | book 9 | 3233 | (hoc solum) verbum: dó |
183b37 | h | II 532,21 | | book 10 | 3233 | ([supradic]tae) terminationis: ro |
186b3 | a | II 542,22 | | book 10 | 3233 | (in hac) coniuga[tione]: .IIII.a |
188b33 | o | II 551,9 | | book 11 | 3233 | (hoc) nomen: .i. participium |
190b32 | o | II 556,20 | | book 11 | 3233 | (hoc) verbum: .i. fotuo |
191a8 | k | II 557,13 | | book 11 | 3233 | supradicti (temporis): imperfecti |
192a17" | c | II 560,14 | | book 11 | 3233 | eiusdem (temporis): preteriti |
193b17 | s | II 565,5 | | book 11 | 3233 | predicto (nomine): qui |
194a41 | k | II 567,12 | | book 11 | 3233 | huiuscemodi (verbis): deponentibus |
195b28 | m | II 571,14 | | book 11 | 3233 | (per) idem (tempus): .i. preteritum |
196a6 | d | II 572,4 | | book 11 | 3233 | (per idem) tempus: preteritum |
196a14 | f | II 572,10 | | book 11 | 3233 | (eiusdem) temporis: preteriti |
196a25 | g | II 572,20 | | book 11 | 3233 | eiusdem (formae): in scor |
197b30 | dd | II 579,14 | | book 12 | 3233 | eiusdem (personae): primae |
200a11 | c | II 585,30 | | book 12 | 3233 | (in ea) persona: .i. tertia |
201a22 | n | II 589,5 | | book 12 | 3233 | utriusque (numeri): pluralis ⁊ singularis |
201b2 | a | II 589,27 | | book 12 | 3233 | eandem (consonantem): .i. d |
203a11 | l | II 594,24 | | book 12 | 3233 | (his ..) verbis: .i. sequentibus |
204a31 | p | III 1,9 | | book 13 | 3233 | (in eo) casu: vocativo |
204a35 | s | III 1,13 | | book 13 | 3233 | hic (.. casus): vocativus |
204b35 | cc | III 3,5 | | book 13 | 3233 | supradictam (causam): causam diffirentiae |
205a26 | l | III 4,11 | | book 13 | 3233 | eiusdem (numeri): singularis |
205b36 | m | III 5,22 | | book 13 | 3233 | ([eandem ..]) consonantem: .i. s |
206a17 | h | III 6,19 | | book 13 | 3233 | (ab) eadem (.. litera): .i. h |
207b41 | ee | III 12,11 | | book 13 | 3233 | huiuscemodi (adverbia): .i. vocandi .i. o. ⁊ heus. |
208a5 | c | III 12,19 | | book 13 | 3233 | supradictis (vebis): .i. substantivis vel vocativis |
208a27 | q | III 13,8 | | book 13 | 3233 | (ipsa haec) verba: .i. substantiva ⁊ vocativa |
208a38 | w | III 13,18 | | book 13 | 3233 | (hunc) casum: vocativum |
210a37 | o | III 19,9 | | book 13 | 3233 | (hoc) pronomen: sui |
218b4 | b | III 40,14 | | book 14 | 3233 | ea (.. prepositio): .i. apud |
239a27 | k | III 112,8 | | book 17 | 3233 | ([hunc]) modum: .prepositionis ⁊ antepositionis |