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116 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
1a17hII 1,71a3Praefatio211 34 tanto: in méit-so
[‘so much’] [analysis]
3b20ddII 6,19book 134 tripertito: .i. adverbium
3b23llII 6,213b15book 1543 34 [preter]ea: cenmitha fo·dailter ind rann insce
[‘besides that the part of speech is divided’] [analysis]
4a15hII 7,15book 134 Preterea: .i. absque X.
4b3eII 8,6book 14228 34 nec (aliter): .i. nisi indeclinabilia
4b8hII 8,9book 134 541 una: .i. la diall
[‘i.e. with declension’] [analysis]
5b11fII 10,85b2book 1211 34 tam: .i. emith
[‘i.e. not only … but also’] [analysis]
5b11gII 10,95b2abook 1211 34 quam: emith
[‘i.e. not only … but also’] [analysis]
6a9iII 11,16book 134 necessario: adverbium
6a14uII 11,19book 134 Postremo: adverbium
6a29ggII 11,27book 134 tamen: .i. quamvis muttam dico
6b5bII 12,96b1book 1211 34 nec (in sono): emith i fogur
[‘not only in sound’] [analysis]
6b5cII 12,96b1abook 1211 34 nec (in potestate): emith
[‘but also’] [analysis]
6b11nII 12,13book 134 simi[liter]: fri .q.
[‘as q’] [analysis]
7a19pII 13,197a7book 1211 34 quamvis: adas
[‘although’] [analysis]
7a22tII 13,227a9book 1211 34 tantum: in méit-se
[‘so much’] [analysis]
7a31xII 13,277a12book 1211 34 (quidem) modo: cach-la cein
[‘sometimes (.. sometimes)’] [analysis]
8a2cII 15,68a2book 1211 34 adeo: in már
[‘so much’] [analysis]
8a4gII 15,88a3book 1211 34 modo: cach-la céin
[‘sometimes’] [analysis]
9a5gII 18,119a4book 1211 34 etiam: cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
9a33abII 19,89a22book 134 543 tamen: cia for·comam-ni riagoil sen-grec hi scríbunt in da caractar isnaib consonaib ucut ro·ċruthaigsemmar camaiph immurgu oen-cháractar .f. tar hesi .p. co tinfeth. i n-epertaib latinndaib.,
[‘though we preserve the rule of the ancient Greeks in writing the two characters in these consonants, we have, however, formed one character - f instead of p with aspiration - in Latin words’] [analysis]
9b6pII 19,159b6book 1211 34 (non) aliter: níntain
[‘not otherwise’] [analysis]
9b16eeII 19,2062book 1211 34 quasi (consonanti): amal bith do chonsain amal as di
10b7kII 21,1410b2book 1211 34 motari: cach-la céin
[‘sometimes (.. sometimes)’] [analysis]
13a17lII 26,2213a4book 1211 34 hoc: hille
[‘hither’] [analysis]
13a36zII 27,9book 134 (e) contrario: contra predictam rationem
14a17nII 29,314a7book 134 [e]contra: .i. fri tairmthecht hi consain
[‘i.e. (contrary) to the passage into a consonant’] [analysis]
16a4eII 33,516a2abook 1211 34 quoque: cid {= E 13r3 .i. cid}
[‘also’] [analysis]
16a7mII 33,7book 134 alias: .i. adverbium {= E 13r4}
19b15nII 41,9book 134 542 vero: quia nomina greca predicta
20b13kII 43,520b6book 134 contra: .i. fri múit ⁊ lechdaig inna diad
[‘i.e. (contra) to a mute and a liquid after it’] [analysis]
21b13fII 45,821b3book 2211 34 quoque: .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
21b20sII 45,1221b10book 234 preterea: (m.l.) .i. Cenmithá inna-hí as·rubart .i. oblitus reliqua
[‘i.e. besides those (words) which he has (already) mentioned, i.e. oblitus etc.’] [analysis]
22a31mmII 46,15book 234 similiter: .i. ut in .f.
22b35iiII 47,2222b12book 234 543 rationabilius: .i. is dligthigiu a cumscugud quam a feidligud
[‘i.e. more in accordance with rule is its mutation than its permanence’] [analysis]
25a12hII 51,23book 234 tamen: .i. etiam incertus
25b27tII 53,1625b12book 234 quodammodo: .i. ualailiu mud fri sillaba nád·tóirṅdet ḟolad ..
[‘i.e. in another way (quodammodo) to syllables that signify no substance’] [analysis]
27a15pII 55,2227a10 book 2211 34 et (nomina): cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
27b31xII 56,2727b8book 2211 34 modo (preposita): .i. cach-la céin
[‘i.e. at one time’] [analysis]
38b1aII 81,20book 2541 34 abusive: .i. ar huatigud sillabae
[‘i.e. for fewering a syllable’] [analysis]
40a8gII 85,1740a5book 3211 34 quam: oldaas
[‘than’] [analysis]
41b24gII 90,9book 334 similiter: ut predicta
42b30lII 93,1942b6book 3211 34 tam: in meit-se {= E 29r1 in metro}
[‘so much’] [analysis]
44a13gII 97,1644a4book 334 543 [com]parative: in comparitit .i. comparit húad
[‘comparatively, i.e. a comparative from it’] [analysis]
48a36"qII 110,17book 334 *antique: adverbium {= E 32v11}
50b27eeII 119,650b18book 4211 34 *et: cid
[‘even’] [analysis]
51b9bII 120,1751b2book 434 omnimodo: etir aicned ⁊ suidigud
[‘both by nature and position’] [analysis]
55b24mII 130,655b5book 434 542 tamen: ar ní ar accuis dechoir aní as·rubartmmar cose
[‘for not for sake of distinction is that which we have said hitherto’] [analysis]
57b8"eII 133,24book 434 antique: adverbium {= E 38v1}
57b25"rII 134,8book 434 similiter: correptam {= E 38v6}
59a15mII 137,759a5book 44228 34 tamen: ci asid·biur a buith huandí as vitis.
[‘though I say that it is from uitis’] [analysis]
62a36bbII 144,17book 534 [fe]minine: adverbium {= E 41r34}
66b17pII 158,17book 534 plerunque: 7 non semper
67a19"pII 160,667a9book 534 543 magis: fon cheill toissech
[‘according to the first sense’] [analysis]
69a16tII 165,1869a15book 5211 34 etiam: cid
[‘also’] [analysis]
71a26bbII 172,1571a13book 5542 34 unde: .i. huare nád tuiter essib hituisliu aili
[‘i.e. since there is no falling from them into other cases’] [analysis]
75b4bII 182,175a2book 534 543 tamen: .i. ciasid ruburt frit tuas alter utra pro altera utra robói camaiph dano/ laarsaidi altera utra ⁊ alterum/ utrum .i. comsuidigud odib nogaib is/indḟemun ⁊ neutur amal rond/gab isinmascul .,
[‘i.e. though I have said to you above, alter utra for altera utra, the ancients, however, had altera utra and alterum utrum, i.e. composition of two integrals in the feminine and neuter as is in the masculine’] [analysis]
75b18eII 182,14book 534 plerum: .i. adverbium
75b20fII 182,1475b5book 534 542 ergo: .i. olní comacomol .que iṅge mad etarscartha ⁊ ol issinunn sluin dess/ plerus ⁊ plerusque . reliqua
[‘i.e. because que is not a conjunction unless it be separated, and because plerus and plerusque signify the same, etc.’] [analysis]
77a14dII 185,2277a2book 534 pariter: fri aitrebthacha
[‘with possessives’] [analysis]
78b30hII 190,1178b2book 534 4228 tamen: .i. cesu chen remsuidigud do
[‘i.e. although it is without a preposition to it’] [analysis]
91a42rII 199,7book 634 4228 tamen: .i. cesu pater familias asruburt
[‘i.e. although it is pater familias that I have said’] [analysis]
106a19iII 254,1book 634 constantinopoli: adverbium
106a27oII 254,10106a5book 6211 34 543 vero: (m.d.) ⁊ vero .i. indḟír foṡin
[‘i.e. truly according to that’] [analysis]
106b10lII 255,13book 634 [at]tice: adverbium
113b13dII 280,14113b3book 634 543 solum: .i. isindib nammá atá andliged cruthaigtheo genitensa
[‘i.e. it is in them only is this norm of forming a genitive’] [analysis]
114a30nII 283,10114a3book 737 211 34 quam: cefiu. vel quam maxime .i. adverbium.
[‘how? vel etc.’] [analysis]
115a26kII 286,24115a1book 734 211 etiam (sí): .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
115b15hII 288,1book 734 communiter: .i. in communi(?) rerum
120b23oII 304,20book 734 [bisyl]labe: .i. adverbium
122b1iII 312,6122a1book 7211 34 *et (graeca): .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
129b17bII 338,15book 7543 34 mox: .i. atberam archiunn
[‘i.e. we shall say it afterwards (lit. ahead)’] [analysis]
129b24dII 339,1150book 734 similiter: .i. in í
135b28eII 362,20135b1book 734 543 sic: .i. ainmnid dano fri ainsid híc
[‘i.e. a nominative then with an accusative here’] [analysis]
139b30nII 375,17book 834 *necesse: .i. adverbium
143b42uII 393,10book 8423 34 [(ex)] contrario: .i.iure contra predicta verba
145a32oII 398,15book 834 542 tamen: quia a prima coniugatione dirivantur predicta
148a41eeII 408,9book 834 similiter: .i. frisa quomodo nudiustertius
[‘i.e. (similiter) to quomodo nudiustertius’] [analysis]
151a34rII 416,12book 8111[?] 34 híc: .i. in exemplo isto
157b40tII 437,27157b10book 834 separatim: .i. etarscartar connabi óin chomsuidigud {cf. K 66r23 h .i. etarscarad conabí oenchomsuidigud}
[‘i.e. they are separated, so that there is not one compound’] [analysis]
175a19dII 498,20175a1book 1034 543 similiter: fri fodio conacomsuidigthib
[‘to fodio with its compounds’] [analysis]
183a10gII 529,25book 1034 543 tamen: .i. licet livi
186a33qII 542,7book 1034 similiter: frisincetni persin
[‘to the first person’] [analysis]
188a6eII 549,3188a3book 1134 543 separatim: .i. fri nomen ⁊ verbum acht ba inna nelluch atarímtis
[‘i.e. from the noun and the verb: but it was together with them that they used to reckon them’] [analysis]
188a15yII 549,11188a16book 1134 541 ante: .i. resiu adrochomolta frisandíruidigthe
[‘i.e. before it was connected with the derivative’] [analysis]
190a12iII 554,20190a2book 1134 similiter: fri rangabáil
[‘to the participle’] [analysis]
191b42mII 559,29book 1134 *rarissimo: adverbium
193b26ooII 565,14193b7book 1134 tamen: .i. cenodfil anerchre
[‘i.e. though they (the present participle from verbs in or and the past participle from verbs in o) are wanting’] [analysis]
201a36ccII 589,22201a10book 1234 543 tamen: .i. cid comsuidigthe idem indneutair consuidigther camaiph iterum
[‘i.e. though the idem of the neuter is compounded, yet it is compounded again’] [analysis]
201b7cII 590,1201b1book 1234 itaque: .i. deg indainmnedo hó chomsuidigud
[‘i.e. because of the nominative by composition’] [analysis]
203a8kII 594,22book 1234 similiter: fri nobiscum
[‘to nobiscum’] [analysis]
203b7fII 596,4203b3book 1234 211 omnimodo: (m.l.) onach múd/ etir són / ó cach mud/ .i. ni ó cach múd/ is airiti..
[‘in any way at all, or in every way, i.e. not in every way is it to be accepted’] [analysis]
204b30xIII 3,1204b9book 1334 211 dorice: indoracdid insin
[‘that is in the Doric fashion’] [analysis]
205a7eIII 3,17205a1book 1334 unde: .i. huare rombói lagrecu angnáe ut ante dixit
[‘i.e. because the Greeks had the form, as he said before’] [analysis]
209b1dIII 16,13209b3abook 1334 accipiantur: (m.s.) vel si accipiantur tamen nominativos habeant/ .i. camaiph thechtait ainmnidi
[‘i.e. however, they have nominatives’] [analysis]
209b10nIII 16,20book 1334 543 ideo: .i. causa dubitationis
211b15iIII 22,8211b7book 1334 541 tamen: .i. ciaso ḟolud frecṅdairc sluindes a pronomen fil isin chomsuidigthiu tuas .i. huius .i. huiusmodi
[‘i.e. although it is a present substance that signifies the pronoun which is in the compound above, i.e. huius, i.e. huiusmodi’] [analysis]
213a23kIII 26,25book 1434 543 exadversum: .i. adverbium
213a27pIII 27,2213a6book 14211 34 543 [secun]dum: .i. intanisiu .i. adverbium
[‘i.e. secondly’] [analysis]
214b8cIII 29,27book 1434 543 vix: adverbium
214b9eIII 29,28book 1434 similiter: fri .ex
[‘to ex’] [analysis]
214b12hIII 29,31book 1434 contra: fri con
[‘to con’] [analysis]
216a36mIII 35,11book 1434 syllab*ice (a): adverbium
216b22qIII 36,6book 14313 34 adversus: nomen vel adverbium
216b25uIII 36,8book 1434 [(á) do]mo: .i. adverbium
216b25wIII 36,9book 1434 domum (eo): adverbium
217b23oIII 38,19217b6book 14211 34 post: .i. iartain .i. adverbium
[‘i.e. afterwards’] [analysis]
217b33xIII 38,29book 1434 tamen: .i. cesu locdatu asaicned and
[‘i.e. though locality is its natural meaning’] [analysis]
218a13iIII 39,17218a6book 1434 543 tamen: .i. ciasidruburt nandgnáth .cum. hicomsuidigud acht/ is con/ bis tara/hési.
[‘i.e. though I have said that cum is not usual in composition, but con is in place of it’] [analysis]
219a36iIII 42,24book 1434 221 αμαεταξυ: adverbium
220a32xIII 45,14book 1434 intransitive: adverbium
220b41eeIII 47,13220b12book 1434 211 *et (in appositione): .i. cid
[‘i.e. also’] [analysis]
222a32nIII 51,8222a8book 1434 211 etiam (se): cid do ṡe
[‘even to se’] [analysis]
222b1bIII 51,20222b1abook 1434 211 (est) quando: .i. alailitain
[‘i.e. at some time’] [analysis]
222b30wIII 52,29book 1434 syllabice: adverbium
223b30nIII 56,3book 1434 +super: .i. adverbium
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 19 January 2025]