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35 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
12b30rII 26,712b7book 1541 55 pari: (m.d.) cosmail leiss cacha orr im cara fá aescare. reliqua
[‘alike to him whichever he may slay, whether friend or foe’] [analysis]
13a33xII 27,7book 155 571 iacentem: fossad
[‘stationed’] [analysis]
13b21pII 27,2313b2book 1211 571 55 fur: bruthach vel verius ignis reliqua icidorus dicit .
[‘furious, or etc.’] [analysis]
27a5fII 55,1627a2book 255 541 53 redditiva: .i. érrethcha airindí as·renat frecrae dond immchomurc .i. Do·fúasailcet a n-immchomarc imme·chomarcar tri quis ⁊ qualis ⁊ quantus .-
[‘i.e. redditives, because they render an answer to the question, that is, they resolve the question which is asked by quis and qualis and quantus’] [analysis]
27b38hhII 57,127b15book 252 55 dicitur: (m.d.) .i. ethemlagas do·n-adbat híc ond sun grecdu as .noma .i. nomen húad
[‘i.e. the etymology he sets forth here from the Greek word nóma, i.e. nomen (comes) from it’] [analysis]
27b38iiII 57,127b14book 2211 55 nomen: .i. tindnacul
[‘i.e. a bestowing’] [analysis]
36a12wII 76,2336a6book 2211 55 humanus: húrde
[‘earthy’] [analysis]
36b28tII 78,4book 2212 55 +mancus: .i. manu captus. {= E 25r11 (B'')}
37a7aII 78,1837a1book 2211 55 lucina: taitnem
[‘splendor’] [analysis]
50a33yII 118,650a11book 455?[?] 211 tribunal: (m.l.) sochuide trebunṡuide rígṡuide
[‘a multitude or a tribunal or a throne’] [analysis]
50a37ggII 118,850a18book 455 211 stabulum: tairissem
[‘stability’] [analysis]
53a14qII 124,253a11book 4211 55 periectiva: .i. tórmachtai .i. do·fórmgat isin dírruidiguth reliqua
[‘i.e. increased i.e. they increase in the derivation etc.’] [analysis]
67a37''iII 160,4book 555 212 bipinnis: (m.l.) pinum enim antiqui acutum dicebant
70a14tII 168,1570a8book 5211 55 24 forceps: tenchor .i. formum capiens unde est formosus.,
[‘forceps, i.e. taking warmth ‘Formosus’ (beautiful) comes from it’] [analysis]
70a29eeII 169,13book 5212 55 limus: ligans humus
72b4bII 175,172b1book 5541 55 individua: ni fodlatar fri slond nilḟolod
[‘they are not divided so as to signify many substances’] [analysis]
99a15gII 229,8book 655 diespiter: .i. dei pater
99b4cII 230,15book 655 cadaver: .i. cadens vermis
101a16dII 236,10book 625 55 arbor: altum robur
102a38rII 240,8book 655 215 sospes: .i. sosum petens
102b6dII 241,1book 655 ?[?] +indiges: (m.s.) indo indago
102b26lII 241,18102b4book 6211 55 212 apes: .i. neph chostae .i. a. sine
[‘i.e. footless, i.e. a- (in a-pes) ‘without’’] [analysis]
106b28bbII 256,11106b15book 655?[?] 541?[?] fastis: .i. ut fit lebor airissen
[‘i.e. […] book of chronicles’] [analysis]
106b28ccII 256,11106b16book 6211 55?[?] nefastis: .i. duaibsib. ⁊ combad uad roainmnigthe quando fastus .i. liber
[‘i.e. unlucky, and it would have been named from it quando etc.’] [analysis]
117a16dII 293,11book 7215 55 libertabus: (m.l.) liberta. mu/lier libera/ ab iugo ser/vitutis
121b42gII 309,16book 755 572 floralia: .i. a nomine deae dirivata .i. flora (subs.) ut augustinus dicit in libro de civitate dei/ deam floram reliqua.-
125a37nII 322,11book 7221 55 541 +[cy]nyps: cynos. graece. hircus. latine.
126b24aII 326,13book 725 55 calcar: a calce
130b1bII 341,19book 7212 55 amentis: (a-:) .i. sine
133b39hII 355,14book 7214 55 +(hí) quinquatres: (m.i.) quinquatria loca minervalia/ vel quinque potatorum atria.
159b2aII 441,24book 8215 55 lacerna: (m.l.) icidorus/ lacernae di/ctae quasi am/putatis ca/pitibus fimbri/arum a lace/ro. {= K 66v51 n lacero: lac<e<ro reliqua K}
159b2bII 441,24book 825 55 purpura: .i. a puritate dicta reliqua {= K 66v52 o .i., rl- om. K.}
187a36yII 546,7book 1025 55 exultat: (m.l.) exulto nunc/ ab ex ⁊ salto
188b4cII 550,10book 1125 55 mactus: .i. magis auctus
224a28fIII 57,13book 1425 212 55 +se[curus]: .i. sine cura
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 8 December 2024]