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129 matches found. Point to any link below for more information.

MSGlossKeil, GLThes.PriscianType(s)Lemma: gloss
1b22hII 2,17Praefatio4221 3226[?] compulerunt: .i. hí {cf. E 3v4 qui illi}
2a6eII 2,28Praefatio3223 quorum: .i. animorum
3a6iII 5,3book 13221 quam: vel diffinitionem
3b27qqII 6,24book 13221 quae: .i. nota
4b7fII 8,8book 13221 quas: .i. vocales ⁊ semivocales ⁊ mutas
4b14pII 8,13book 13223 quae: .i. litera x
4b26ccII 8,21book 13222 quarum: literarum
4b31hhII 9,2book 13221 quam: potestatem
5a7cII 9,12book 13223 qua: litera
5a22wII 9,245a6book 13223 qui: .i. hit hé dod·mainetar insin indí qui reliqua
[‘i.e. it is they who think that, those who, etc.’] [analysis]
6a12oII 11,176a8book 13226[?] (qui) locus: buith re lechdachaib {cf. L 11v20 q precedere liquidas}
[‘being before liquids’] [analysis]
7b16qII 14,137b9book 13223 quod: .i. a n-dliged n-ísin neph-accomoil inna teora liter i-noen-sillaib
[‘i.e. that law of not joining the three letters in one syllable’] [analysis]
7b31eeII 15,17b16book 1423 3227[?] omnibus: .i. potestatibus vel virtutibus ro·thecht digaimm
[‘i.e. […] which digamma had’] [analysis]
7b36ssII 15,57b20book 13226[?] caesar: do inchosc vau
[‘to denote vau’] [analysis]
9a20"ffII 19,1book 13223 quod: ut minimum sonet
9b9uII 19,179b9book 13226[?] (ex) quo: hua dligud in choibnis
[‘from the principle of the affinity’] [analysis]
11a7bII 22,1511a1book 13227[?] 543 quod: aní-sin cumscugud .e. in .u. is cosmail són dano ⁊ in tan fo·ndaim .i. a cumscugud in .u. hi sechmadachtu tertchoibedna ⁊ quartae cobedna.
[‘this, the change of e to u, alike is this also and when i suffers its change into u in the preterite of the third and fourth conjugations’] [analysis]
11a22gII 22,24book 13226[?] quo: iure geminationis .f {= E 10r15 .f om. E}
11b2bII 23,1011b2book 13226[?] quod: .i. ius . dliged lechtha .n. post .m
[‘i.e. law . the law of the liquidation of n after m’] [analysis]
12a9kII 24,15book 13223 qua: diptongo
13a14hII 26,19book 13226[?] quo: .i. iurae conversationis .o. in e
13a33yII 27,8book 13222 quae: nomina predicta
14a10eII 28,14book 13226[?] quod: dliged nihelsa dano
[‘rule of nullity then’] [analysis]
14b30mmII 30,14book 13226[?] quod: ius
15b15xII 32,10book 13221 quibus: .i. nominibus {= E 12v20}
16a30ffII 33,2216a14book 13226[?] 543 quo: .i. iure feidligthe disi i n-ógi ⁊ .s. inna tiarmoracht
[‘i.e. by the principle of its remaining in (its) integrity with an s following it’] [analysis]
16a34nnII 33,25book 13226[?] cuius: .s. {= E 13r18 .i. add. E}
17a21iII 35,14book 13221 quo: .f. {= E 13v22 .i. add. E}
19b18oII 41,11book 13221 quae: id est genitivi
26b2bII 54,15book 23226[?] quo: .i. iure {= E 19r8 .i. om. E}
26b33qqII 55,1026b16book 23226[?] quare: .i. huare do·foirṅdet gním
[‘i.e. because they signify action’] [analysis]
26b33rrII 55,10book 23226[?] +quare: 7 passionem
26b35ttII 55,11book 23221 quibus: .i. casibus
28a12qII 57,11book 23223 qua: .i. specie
30a24mmII 61,13book 23226[?] quo: .i. iure {= E 21r11}
30b28eeII 62,18book 23221 3222 qua: .i. forma in des. {= E 21v1}
[‘i.e. the form in ‘-des’’]
32a3eII 66,6book 23222 quorum: .i. cognominum
32a38ppII 67,12book 23221 qua: .i. diptongo
33b3bII 69,21book 23223 quam: .i. sillabam
34b30rII 73,14book 23223 quos: ionas {= E 23v23}
35b3dII 75,16book 23221 quibus: formis
36b26pII 78,336b2book 23117[?] 3227[?] maris: .i. más. masculus húad
[‘i.e. mas: masculus (is derived) from it’] [analysis]
39a12nII 83,639a11book 3541 3227[?] ad (personas): .i. do persanaib beodaib it hé-sidi con·ṅdelggaddar do persanaib
[‘i.e. to living persons: it is they who are compared to (other) persons’] [analysis]
39a37ppII 83,21book 33221 quibus: accidentibus {cf. E 26v17 accidentibus vel incrementis}
39b39yII 85,10book 33223 543 (ex) quo: nomine
40b30qII 87,1340b8book 33223 quod: ménogud inna teora ṅguttae immalle.
[‘the hiatus of the three vowels together’] [analysis]
44b9aII 99,544a1book 33226[?] quo: iure .i. e. airdíxa hi peneuilt
[‘[…] i.e. long e in (the) penult’] [analysis]
46b22qII 106,646b9book 33226[?] quod: aní-sin
[‘(and ..) this’] [analysis]
54a36nnII 127,154a16book 43223 quod: ind infinit .in .e. ón. bréthir in .o.
[‘the infinitive in e from the verb in o’] [analysis]
57a14cII 132,24book 43221 quorum: .i. nominum vel verborum
59a10fII 137,3book 44224 3221 evitare: alternam .d. {= E 39r24}
61a11cII 141,8book 53221 sunt: communia ⁊ neutra
61a24pII 141,1661a8book 53223 quae: .i. it é
[‘i.e. it is they’] [analysis]
63b24oII 148,20book 53223 quorum: nominum
65b31qII 156,165b7book 53223 indeclinabilia: a triur
[‘the three of them’] [analysis]
66a5gII 156,13book 53223 ipsa: .i. bete neuturaldi
[‘i.e. to be neutrals’] [analysis]
66b16oII 158,16book 53223 plerunque: ind aimser inderb hisin
[‘that uncertain time’] [analysis]
67a18"nII 160,5book 53223 quod (ipsum): .i. nomen
69b36yII 168,1book 53221 3232 quae: princeps ⁊ municeps ⁊ parens {= E 47r29}
71b31aaII 173,1671b15book 53226[?] quod: .i. accomol fri huathad ⁊ hilar
[‘i.e. junction with the singular and the plural’] [analysis]
74b31hII 180,1474b5book 53226[?] quod: .i. an diall oechtar indarann
[‘i.e. the declension in each of the two parts (of the compound)’] [analysis]
75a10fII 181,3book 5423 3221 (quod ..) ipsum: nomen {= E 51r20 .i. add. E}
76b4bII 184,1476b1book 53226[?] quod: .i. atréde sin doairbirt as ind ainmnid
[‘i.e. that those three (nom., acc. and voc.) should be derived from the nominative’] [analysis]
77a31mII 186,877a6book 5543 3228[?] neutram: .i. ithé sidi nadtechtat innairdegnúsigud cechtar de
[‘i.e. these are they that do not possess either sign-aspect’] [analysis]
78b32iII 190,13book 53226[?] (in) quo: eperta foxlada do
[‘in calling it an ablative’] [analysis]
93b15fII 208,19book 63223 qui: .i. nominativus as carnis
[‘i.e. a nominative that is carnis’] [analysis]
95a17bII 214,20book 63221 +quod: .i. nihil {= E 59v8}
99b27lII 231,7book 63221 (quod) dirivativum: .i. puerilis
107b10dII 259,6book 63226[?] quod: .i. ius
108a16eII 261,15book 63223 (ex) quo: exemplo
111a7gII 271,9book 63226[?] quod: declinationem simplicis servare ⁊ motare terminationem
115a38nII 287,8115a2book 73226[?] (ex) quo: .i. huare as timmortae in vocativo bís fordeib nominativi
[‘i.e. because it is short in the vocative which is in the form of the nominative’] [analysis]
118a2bII 296,1book 73221 cuius: genitivi
119b28fII 301,15119b1book 73226[?] quod: .i. atecht in .é
[‘i.e. their ending in ē’] [analysis]
120a10gII 302,15120a2book 73226[?] quod: .i. combad antepeneuilt noacuitigthe indib. nam reliqua
[‘i.e. that the antepenult in them should be pronounced-with-the-acute-accent, for etc.’] [analysis]
139b2aII 374,15139b1book 8543 3227[?] fit: .i. his indí forsanairisedar ingním
[‘i.e. in him on whom the action rests’] [analysis]
139b31oII 375,17book 83221 quae: .i. transgresio ad animal rationabile
143b44wII 393,13book 83223 quorum: verborum
147a12bII 405,1book 83221 quod: .i. tempus
148a21mII 407,15book 83223 (propter) quos: .i. arlegend leo
[‘i.e. for reading with them’] [analysis]
151a18cII 415,24book 83226[?] (in) quo: .i. iure
158b30nII 440,7book 83223 quae: .i. omnia predicta
167a4cII 465,15167a3book 93226[?] quod: forbart sechafrecndairc
[‘increase beyond the present’] [analysis]
168a38kII 469,1168a3book 93226[?] quod: .i. indagné forsin ṡechma- dachtu inna brethre diuite
[‘i.e. the two forms of (lit. on) the preterite of the simple verb’] [analysis]
170b28iII 479,19book 93221 unde: .i. á ferveo
182a22eII 527,13182a2book 103221 (ex) quo: ondí as excello
[‘from excello’] [analysis]
184a41qII 534,23184a2book 10211 322 accersivit: dorrochuirestar.
[‘he has invited’] [analysis]
185b14cII 539,9book 103226[?] *quem: .i. sonum vel intellectum
188a15zII 549,11book 113222 ortum: (subs.) .i. primitivum
189b30iII 553,28189b7book 113223 quae: acenelchi
[‘its generality’] [analysis]
191b16fII 558,28book 113226[?] quo: exemplo
193b19uII 565,6193b4book 113226[?] quo: .i. iure predicto suidigthe anmme ⁊ brethre tarahési si reliqua
[‘i.e. from the aforesaid rule of setting a noun and a verb in place of it, etc.’] [analysis]
194a27iII 567,1book 113221 quod: participium presentis temporis
196a34"hII 572,27book 113221 quae: .i. verba quartae
197a22rII 577,16book 123226[?] (ad) quod: .i. ius
197a30bbII 577,22book 123221 quae: .i. tertia persona
197b12nII 578,19197b7book 123226[?] unde: .i. dinaib fodlaib rem/eperthib
[‘i.e. from the divisions aforesaid’] [analysis]
197b15pII 578,21book 12543 3223 qui: .i. prima
198a9nII 580,1198a8book 123223 quod: .i. anaithḟoilsigud sin
[‘i.e. that is their re-demonstration’] [analysis]
198b21mII 581,24book 123221 quam: declinationem nominum
199b5gII 584,12book 123222 quam: secundam
200a29oII 586,15book 123223 quod: .i. intatarcud hisin
[‘i.e. that anaphora’] [analysis]
200b22nII 587,19book 123223 quibus: viris ⁊ feminis
201a32aaII 589,16book 123223 quae: i litera
202b39qII 594,12book 1258 3221 quem: (m.l.) . (m.d.) vel quos/ .i. accusativos
203b1bII 595,27book 123221 quod: a pronomen
204a27lIII 1,6book 133221 dirigitur: secundam
207a17tIII 10,3207a9book 133226[?] quod: .i. beta nóin syllabcha
[‘i.e. that they shall be monosyllabic’] [analysis]
207a22eeIII 10,10book 133226[?] quod: .i. ius
207b7bIII 11,12207b1book 133226[?] quod (quibusdam): .i. asṅgenitiu tobarthid
[‘i.e. that it is a genitive or a dative’] [analysis]
207b8dIII 11,13book 133221 cuius: .i. mí
208a22lIII 13,4206book 133221 de (quo): .i. intí dianeprem .is.
[‘i.e. he of whom we say’] [analysis]
209b12sIII 16,21book 133221 [rela]tivum: .i. is
209b23ppIII 17,9209b25book 133221 333 (qui ..) sciret: iséside rodfinnad
[‘it is he that used to know it’] [analysis]
211b31wIII 22,23211b12book 133225[?] quod: .i. aní .i. alius
[‘i.e. that i.e. alius’] [analysis]
212a23oIII 24,9book 143223 quae: .i. pars
212a36eeIII 24,19book 143226[?] quod: (m.i.) ius com/motatio/nis accentus
212b8hIII 25,3212b6book 143226[?] quod: .i. ius ind accomuil
[‘i.e. the rule of the conjunction’] [analysis]
213a31ccIII 27,6book 143226[?] quod: .i. ius .i. aicend in fine
[‘i.e. rule, i.e. the accent on the end’] [analysis]
216b5dIII 35,19216b2book 143226[?] quod: .i. abuitsem hicomsuidigud ante adverbium
[‘i.e. that it should be in composition before an adverb’] [analysis]
217a34rIII 37,18book 143223 prepositio: ob
218a28qIII 40,1book 143221 quorum: adverbiorum
220a19gIII 45,3book 143223 quorum (omnium): .i. omnium sonorum
222b42eeIII 53,8book 143222 quod: .i. tenus
233a34fIII 93,3book 163116 3221 +quibus: .i. cum quibus partibus
239a24iIII 112,7book 173223 quae: ... vel omnia predicta
241a29dIII 119,1book 173223 (in) quo: discernere
244b13dIII 130,17book 173223 quae: .vocativa
247b1bIII 139,28book 173221 +quibus: .i. articulis
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 15 February 2025]