217 matching Old Irish forms found. (Click on a column heading to sort by that column.)
MS | Gloss | Thes. | Word form | Headword | Word class | Sub-class | Morph. | Meaning | Voice | Relative? |
1a10 | e | 1a1 | libardaib | lebarda [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | bookish | | |
2a27 | y | 2a10 | hí | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | dat.pl.neut. | with article | | |
2b8 | g | 2b1 | déainmmnichdechaib | dé-ainmnigthech [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.pl. | denominative | | |
3a18 | x | 3a7 | rétaib | rét [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | a thing | | |
3b4 | d | 3b1 | litrib | liter [DIL] | noun | f | dat.pl. | letter of the alphabet | | |
3b10 | m | 3b4 | lenomnaib | lenaman [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | act of adhering, cleaving; following, remaining | | |
3b27 | ss | 3b19 | flescaib | flesc [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | stroke, line | | |
3b34 | ad | 3b27 | chárachtraib | cárachtar [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.pl. | letter (of alphabet), character | | |
4a1 | b | 4a2 | laitnorib | Laitneóir [DIL] | noun | m, i | dat.pl. | Latinist | | |
4a16 | l | 4a9 | sui/dib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep la | | |
4b1 | a | 4b1 | fograib | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | sound | | |
5a31 | cc | 5a10 | lechdagaib | lechdach [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | gramm. liquid | | |
6a12 | o | 6a8 | lechdachaib | lechdach [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | gramm. liquid | | |
6a29 | hh | 6a17 | timmthastaib | timthastae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | compressed | | |
6a29 | hh | 6a17 | cumcaib | cumung [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl.masc. | constriced, closed | | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | laitindib | laitind(a)e [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.neut. | Latin | | |
6b19 | z | 6b17 | n-anmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
9a20" | gg | 9a11 | gutaib | guttae [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | dat.pl. | vowel | | |
9a29 | qq | 9a17 | consonaib | conson [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | consonant | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | n-epertaib | epert [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | saying, speech, statement, word | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | latinṇ̇daib | laitind(a)e [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.fem. | Latin | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | snaib | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | consonaib | conson [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | consonant | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | ucut | ucut [DIL] | adjective, demonstrative | | dat.pl.fem. | yonder, yon | | |
9a33 | ab | 9a22 | i | i 2 [DIL] | preposition, with dat and acc; nasalizing | | dat.pl. | Location: place where (abstract and concrete): in | | |
10a9 | o | 10a7 | snaib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
10a9 | o | 10a7 | tredib | tréide [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | dat.pl. | three things, triad | | |
10a16 | t | 10a9 | hí | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | dat.pl. | with article | | |
17b2 | b | 17b1 | litrib | liter [DIL] | noun | f | dat.pl. | letter of the alphabet | | |
17b27 | y | 17b11 | n-epertib | epert [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | word | | |
17b27 | y | 17b11 | grecdib | grécde [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.fem. | Greek | | |
19b11 | d | 19b1 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep i 2 | | |
21b26 | bb | 21b13 | belaib | bél [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | lip; in plural usually mouth | | |
27a23 | ee | 27a14 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep la | | |
28a5 | d | 28a3 | n-dúlib | dúil 1 [DIL] | noun | f, i | dat.pl. | element | | |
28a5 | d | 28a3 | sonaib | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | word, name | | |
28a16 | y | 28a8 | chathraraib | cathrar [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | citizen | | |
28a21 | ff | 28a12 | litrib | liter [DIL] | noun | f | dat.pl. | letter of the alphabet | | |
28a37 | tt | 28a20 | maccaib | macc [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | son | | |
28a37 | tt | 28a20 | auib | aue [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o | dat.pl. | grandson | | |
28b4 | e | 28b2 | personaib | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | gramm. person | | |
28b4 | e | 28b2 | sainib | sain [DIL] | adjective | i | dat.pl.fem. | different, distinct, separate | | |
28b25 | dd | | trenaib | trén [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl. | gramm. substantive | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | naib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. | with prep and substantive | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | anmmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | noun | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | adiectaib | adiacht [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl.neut. | with ainm: adjective | | |
29b6" | c | 29b2 | gnuisib | gnúis [DIL] | noun | f, i | dat.pl. | aspect, kind, form, species | | |
29b6" | c | 29b2 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl.fem. | many | | |
30a8 | i | 30a5 | anmmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | name | | |
30a18 | ee | 30a13 | immchomairsnechaib | imchomairsnech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl. | an interrogative | | |
31a31 | oo | 31a12 | athraib | athair [DIL] | noun | m, r | dat.pl. | father | | |
31b3 | d | 31b2 | grecaib | gréc [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | Greek | | |
32a37 | oo | 32a9 | snaib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and Latin subst | | |
32b20 | k | 32b2 | aitherrechtaigthib | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | dat.pl. | patronymic | | |
32b20 | k | 32b2 | masculindaib | masculinda [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.neut. | gramm. masculine | | |
32b27 | bb | 32b6 | naib | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | dat.pl. + ó 1 | with prep and substantive and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
32b27 | bb | 32b6 | aitrebthidib | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | dat.pl. | inhabitant | | |
32b27 | bb | 32b6 | acrisiondaib | acrisiondae | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | belonging to Acrision, Acrisionian | | |
32b31 | qq | 32b14 | aitherechtaigthib | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | dat.pl. | patronymic | | |
33a21 | q | 33a10 | romanaib | rómán [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | Roman | | |
33a38 | qq | 33a25 | ḟóisitnib | foísitiu | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | confession, avowal, profession | | |
33b33 | z | 33b8 | naib | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | dat.pl. + ó 1 | with prep and substantive and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
33b33 | z | 33b8 | cosaib | cos [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | foot, leg (of human beings and animals) | | |
33b33 | z | 33b8 | hilignidib | ilignide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.fem. | ilignian | | |
34b20 | n | 34b2 | grecaib | gréc [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | Greek | | |
37a32 | y | 37a6 | anmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | name | | |
39a12 | n | 39a11 | persanaib | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | gramm. person | | |
39a12 | n | 39a11 | beodaib | béodae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.fem. | living, alive | | |
39a12 | n | 39a11 | persanaib | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | gramm. person | | |
39a13 | o | 39a12 | rétaib | rét [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | a thing | | |
39a13 | o | 39a12 | marbdaib | marbdae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | inanimate, lifeless | | |
39a14 | p | 39a13 | dilledchaib | dílledach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl.masc. | gramm. declinable | | |
39a21 | bb | 39a24 | déib | dia, día 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | God | | |
39a31 | ii | 39a31 | naib | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | dat.pl. + ó 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
39a31 | ii | 39a31 | teṅcmaiṅgthechaib | tecmaingthech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl. | accidental | | |
39b35 | u | 39b14 | déib | dia, día 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | God | | |
40a9 | h | 40a6 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl. | many | | |
40a m.s. | i | 40a7 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl. | many | | |
40a11 | k | 40a8 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl. | many | | |
40a13 | n | 40a11 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl. | many | | |
40a21 | x | 40a17 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl. | many | | |
40a22 | y | 40a18 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl. | many | | |
42a2 | b | 42a1 | di | de 1 [DIL] | preposition, with dat; leniting | | dat.pl. | origin, basis, source | | |
42a2 | b | 42a1 | hilib | il [DIL] | adjective | u | dat.pl. | many | | |
43a19 | g | 43a5 | tharmmorcnib | tairmḟorcend [DIL] | noun | n and m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. ending, termination | | |
43a19 | g | 43a5 | ainmmdib | ainmmde [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | gramm. nominal | | |
43a19 | g | 43a5 | briathardaib | bríathardae [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl.masc. | gramm. verbal | | |
43a19 | g | 43a5 | dobriathardaib | dobríathardae [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl.masc. | gramm. adverbial | | |
43a19 | g | 43a5 | cach | cach 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | dat.pl.masc. | every | | |
44a12 | f | 44a3 | rechttáircidib | rechtáircid | noun | m, i | dat.pl. | legislator | | |
45b6 | m | 45b6 | maccaib | macc [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | son | | |
48a22 | l | 48a6 | alailib | aile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.neut. | substantival alaile: other | | |
50a38 | hh | 50a19 | clúasaib [leg. cúassaib] | cúas [DIL] | noun | m, u (?) | dat.pl. | hollow | | |
50b26 | dd | 50b17 | anmmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
53a2 | a | 53a1 | consonaib | conson [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | consonant | | |
54b10 | h | 54b6 | anmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
56b9" | m | 56b7 | deib | dia, día 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | God | | |
56b9" | m | 56b7 | edpartaib | edpart [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | offering; act of offering, sacrifice | | |
57b7" | d | 57b1 | n-arsidib | arsaid [DIL] | adjective | i | dat.pl. | old, ancient | | |
58a31 | q | 58a1 | snaib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep | | |
58a31 | q | 58a1 | hí | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | dat.pl.neut. | with article and followed by siu, sin, thall | | |
58a31 | q | 58a1 | siu | so 1 [DIL] | adjective, demonstrative pronominal | this, these | dat.pl.neut. | adjectival (enclitic): this, these | | |
59a19 | s | 59a10 | briathraib | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | gramm. verb | | |
61a2 | a | 61a1 | dirruidigthib | díṡruthigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.fem. | as adj: derived | | |
61a2 | a | 61a1 | delbaib | delb [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | form, figure, appearance, shape | | |
63b32 | r | 63b10 | neuturáldaib | neuturáldae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | neutral, having neutral gender | | |
66a30 | ll | 66a20 | snaib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
66a30 | ll | 66a20 | anmannaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
69b30" | r | 69b7 | tróiandib | troíandae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | Trojan, belonging to Troja | | |
71a33 | hh | 71a18 | litrib | liter [DIL] | noun | f | dat.pl. | letter of the alphabet | | |
71a33 | hh | 71a18 | litrib | liter [DIL] | noun | f | dat.pl. | letter of the alphabet | | |
71b12 | i | 71b4 | aicciditib | aiccidit [DIL] | noun | f, i | dat.pl. | gramm. accident | | |
71b21 | r | 71b10 | n-anmmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
71b36 | ff | | ṡuidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep do 1 | | |
72a14 | f | 72a4 | n-anmmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
74a31 | f | 74a2 | rangabalaib | ranngabálda [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.neut. | participial | | |
74a31 | f | 74a2 | diutib | dïuit [DIL] | adjective | i | dat.pl.neut. | simple | | |
75a32 | q | 131 | n-aiccendaib | aiccent [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. accent | | |
90a18 | d | 90a3 | desimrechtaib | desimrecht [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | example, exemplar, pattern | | |
90b39 | w | 90b8 | naib | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | dat.pl. + ó 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
90b39 | w | 90b8 | oct | ocht [DIL] | number | adjective | dat.pl.masc. | eight | | |
90b39 | w | 90b8 | sa | so 1 [DIL] | adjective, demonstrative pronominal | this, these | dat.pl.masc. | adjectival (enclitic): that, those | | |
92b7 | e | | aignib | aigen [DIL] | noun | m | dat.pl. | cooking-vessel, pan | | |
106a41 | w | | graecaib | grec [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | Greek | | |
106b28 | cc | 106b16 | duaibsib | dúabais [DIL] | adjective | | dat.pl.masc. | sad, unlucky, inauspicious, ill-omened, dire, hateful; rude, churlish; sorrowful, melancholy | | |
106b30 | ee | 106b18 | lebraib | lebor [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | book | | |
108a36 | p | 108a3 | snaib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
108a36 | p | 108a3 | anmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
111a3 | a | 111a1 | inmedónchaib | inmedónach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl. | internal, inner, inward | | |
112b25 | g | 112b2 | foircnedchaib | foircnedach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl.fem. | ending, terminating | | |
114a40 | s | 114a5 | litrib | liter [DIL] | noun | f | dat.pl. | letter of the alphabet | | |
114a40 | s | 114a5 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | dat.pl.fem. | after a noun | | |
117a18 | e | 117a2 | ingenaib | ingen [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | a daughter, girl | | |
117a19 | g | 117a3 | ingenaib | ingen [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | a daughter, girl | | |
137b13 | e | 137b2 | huilib | uile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.fem. | all, every, the whole | | |
137b13 | e | 137b2 | rannaib | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | part (of speech) | | |
138b10 | h | 138b6 | thoicdib | tocad [DIL] | noun | [m] o | dat.pl. | fate, fortune | | |
138b40 | o | 138b8 | snaib | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
138b40 | o | 138b8 | sonaib | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | word, name | | |
139a10 | a | 139a1 | chiallaib | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | sense, meaning | | |
146b19 | bb | 146b15 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl.neut. | with prep i 2 | | |
150a37 | p | 150a2 | hí | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | dat.pl.masc. | with article | | |
156b29 | g | 156b4 | danaib | dán [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | art | | |
156b38 | k | 156b7 | hí | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | dat.pl.masc. | with article | | |
158b14 | e | 158b3 | briathraib | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | gramm. verb | | |
161b5 | b | 161b3 | huilib | uile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | all, every, the whole | | |
161b42 | y | 161b12 | deib | dia, día 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | God | | |
164b32 | f | 164b2 | hí | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | dat.pl.neut. | with article | | |
164b32 | f | 164b2 | snaib | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
165b15 | b | 165b1 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl.neut. | with prep i 2 | | |
175a19 | d | 175a1 | comsuidigthib | comṡuidigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | compound | | |
180b3 | c | 180b1 | eisib | *eisse [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | consumed | | |
180b3 | c | 180b1 | loiscdib | loiscthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | burnt | | |
181a13 | d | 181a1 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl.neut. | with prep for 1 | | |
186a31 | o | 186a2 | personaib | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | gramm. person | | |
186a31 | o | 186a2 | uathataib | úathad [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.pl. | gramm. singular | | |
186a31 | o | 186a2 | teoraib | trí [DIL] | number | adjective | dat.pl.fem. | three | | |
188a32 | uu | 188a27 | anmanib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
189b22 | f | 189b4 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep i 2 | | |
189b37 | o | 189b9 | huilib | uile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | all, every, the whole | | |
189b37 | o | 189b9 | doinib | duine [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o and i | dat.pl. | person, man(kind) | | |
190b34 | p | 190b5 | anmanaib | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | dat.pl. | gramm. noun | | |
190b34 | p | 190b5 | mascuilindaib | masculinda [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.neut. | gramm. masculine | | |
193b28 | qq | 193b8 | ballib | ball [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | Of inanimate objects part, portion, piece; article, object | | |
197a30 | cc | 197a14 | gothaib | guth [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | word | | |
197b8 | i | 197b5 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep i 2 | | |
197b12 | n | 197b7 | fodlaib | fodail [DIL] | noun | f, i | dat.pl. | distinction | | |
197b12 | n | 197b7 | remeperthib | remeperthae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.fem. | aforesaid, above-mentioned | | |
198b4 | d | 198b3 | thuislib | tuisel [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. case | | |
198b4 | d | 198b3 | ildaib | ildae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | plural | | |
199b11 | t | 199b8 | huili | uile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | all, every, the whole | | |
199b15 | x | 199b11 | herchoiltib | érchoiliud [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | definition, determination, decision, resolve | | |
199b15 | x | 199b11 | tóisechaib | toísech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl.masc. | first | | |
201a26 | p | 201a5 | n-ainmnidib | ainmmnid [DIL] | noun | m, i | dat.pl. | gramm. nominative case | | |
201b12 | f | 201b2 | cenelaib | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.pl. | In general sense of kind, sort, type | | |
201b28 | dd | 201b14 | snaib | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
201b28 | dd | 201b14 | dobriathraib | dobríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | adverb | | |
202a14 | m | 202a5 | chomsuidigthib | comṡuidigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | compound | | |
202b16 | e | 202b3 | naib | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | dat.pl. + ó 1 | with prep and substantive | | |
202b16 | e | 202b3 | rannaib | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | part (of speech) | | |
203a20 | aa | | immognamib | imḟognam [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | gramm. construction | | |
203-4 m.i. | ae | 203 | dindgnaib | dindgna [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o | dat.pl. | top, summit | | |
207a11 | p | 207a6 | thuislib | tuisel [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. case | | |
208a33 | u | 208a10 | persanaib | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | gramm. person | | |
208a33 | u | 208a10 | écsamlib | écsamail [DIL] | adjective | i | dat.pl.fem. | dissimilar, different, distinct | | |
208a42 | y | 208a11 | ṡuidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep do 1 | | |
208a42 | y | 208a11 | cacha | cach 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | dat.pl.fem. | every | | |
208a42 | y | 208a11 | persanaib | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | dat.pl. | gramm. person | | |
208b25 | n | 208b8 | alailib | aile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | substantival alaile: other | | |
209a8 | b | 209a1 | thuislib | tuisel [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. case | | |
209a9 | c | 209a2 | thuislib | tuisel [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. case | | |
209b24 | tt | 209b28 | thuislib | tuisel [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. case | | |
209b25 | uu | 209b29 | snaib | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | dat.pl. + i 2 | with prep and substantive | | |
209b25 | uu | 209b29 | desimrectaib | desimrecht [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | example, exemplar, pattern | | |
209b25 | uu | 209b29 | thuislib | tuisel [DIL] | noun | m, o | dat.pl. | gramm. case | | |
211a37 | z | 211a14 | chenelaib | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | dat.pl. | gramm. gender | | |
211a37 | z | 211a14 | áirmib | airem [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | number, numeral | | |
211a37 | z | 211a14 | ecsamlib | écsamail [DIL] | adjective | i | dat.pl.fem. | dissimilar, different, distinct | | |
212a20 | m | 212a2 | rannaib | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | part | | |
212a20 | m | 212a2 | dilledchaib | dílledach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | dat.pl.fem. | gramm. declinable | | |
212a20 | m | 212a2 | rannaib | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | part | | |
212a36 | cc | 212a13 | huilib | uile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | all, every, the whole | | |
212a36 | cc | 212a13 | remṡuidigthib | remṡuidigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | preposition | | |
213a7 | e | 213a2 | remsuidigthib | remṡuidigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | preposition | | |
213a27 | q | 213a7 | remsuidigthib | remṡuidigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | preposition | | |
214a30 | o | 214a3 | suidib | suide 1 [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | stressed | dat.pl. | with prep la | | |
215a12 | f | 215a4 | rannaib | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | part (of speech) | | |
215a13 | g | 215a5 | huaraib | úar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | time, occasion | | |
215a15 | i | 215a6 | huaraib | úar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | time, occasion | | |
216a12 | e | 216a1 | dobriathraib | dobríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | adverb | | |
216b10 | k | 216b4 | huilib | uile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | all, every, the whole | | |
217a23 | k | 217a4 | na | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | dat.pl. + oc | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
217a23 | k | 217a4 | fothaircthib | fothrucud [DIL] | noun | m, u | dat.pl. | a bathing-place, a bath | | |
217a23 | k | 217a4 | (p)alnacdib | palnacde [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl. | belonging to Pallacinus, Pallacine | | |
220a25 | o | 220a5 | n-dobriathraib | dobríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | adverb | | |
220a25 | o | 220a5 | n-dóbriathraib | dobríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | dat.pl. | adverb | | |
221a8 | d | 221a1 | com(ḟ)ogrichthib | comḟograigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | dat.pl.masc. | consonantal | | |