919 matching Old Irish forms found. (Click on a column heading to sort by that column.)
MS | Gloss | Thes. | Word form | Headword | Word class | Sub-class | Morph. | Meaning | Voice | Relative? |
2a1 | a | 2a1 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
2a1 | a | 2a1 | flaithemnachtæ | flaithemnacht [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | princedom | | |
2a2 | b | 2a2 | fis | fis [DIL] | noun | m, u and n, o | gen.sg. | the act of finding out or ascertaining | | |
2a2 | b | 2a2 | ecni | ecna(e) [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | wisdom | | |
2a13 | l | 2a7 | libuir | lebor [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | book | | |
2a13 | l | 2a7 | denmo | dénum [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of making, creating | | |
2a13 | l | 2a7 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
2b31 | a | 2b3 | n-immognama | imḟognam [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. construction | | |
3a11 | m | 3a3 | ṅintliuchta | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
3a13 | q | 3a4 | ṅ-i(n)tliucta | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
3a21 | cc | 3a8 | n-intliuchta | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
3b4 | d | 3b1 | comtherchomraicthi | comtherchomraicthe [DIL] | adjective | | gen.sg.masc. | collected, composed | | |
3b4 | d | 3b1 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
3b4 | d | 3b1 | gotho | guth [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | word | | |
3b10 | n | 3b5 | fuit | fot [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | length | | |
3b16 | y | 3b10 | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | a word, a name | | |
3b23 | ll | 3b15 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
3b26 | pp | 3b17 | chumachtai | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | power, strength | | |
3b26 | pp | 3b17 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
3b26 | pp | 3b17 | fogair | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
3b26 | pp | 3b17 | inchoisc | inchosc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | act of denoting, signifying | | |
3b26 | pp | 3b17 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
3b27 | rr | 3b18 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
3b27 | rr | 3b18 | tóraind | tórand [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | sign, figure | | |
3b32 | zz | 3b25 | aisṅdisen | aisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | pronunciation, act of telling, explaining | | |
3b32 | zz | 3b25 | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
3b33 | ab | | ṡuin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | word, name | | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
3b34 | ae | 3b28 | scríbind | scríbend [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | act of writing | | |
4a16 | k | 4a8 | cechtar | cechtar [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable | | gen.sg. | each of two | | |
4b1 | a | 4b1 | geniten | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
4b7 | g | 4b4 | ainmmnichthe | ainmmnigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of naming | | |
4b9 | k | 4b7 | n-anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
4b15 | r | 4b9 | airic | airec [DIL] | noun | o (gender uncertain) | gen.sg. | act of finding, invention, acquiring, obtaining | | |
4b35 | kk | 4b14 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
5a16 | p | 5a4 | ṅ-gotho | guth [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | voice | | |
5a19 | q | 5a5 | naich | nach [DIL] | adjective, indefinite pronominal | | gen.sg.masc. | some, any | | |
5a19 | q | 5a5 | baill | ball [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | member | | |
5a27 | z | 5a8 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
5a27 | z | 5a8 | tesa | tess [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | heat, warmth | | |
5b27 | z | 5b7 | digaim | digaimm [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | digamma | | |
6a1 | b | 6a2 | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | ḟogair | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | comḟogair | comḟogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | consonance | | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | óen | oín [DIL] | number | adjective | gen.sg.masc. | one | | |
6b6 | d | 6b2 | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
6b10 | k | 6b5 | nihelsa | nihelas [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | nullity | | |
6b23 | bb | 6b19 | fuit | fot [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | length | | |
6b30 | qq | 6b25 | litre | liter [DIL] | noun | f | gen.sg. | letter of the alphabet | | |
7a3 | c | 7a3 | ṡillabe | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
7a4 | e | 7a4 | araile | aile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | substantival araile: another | | |
7a9 | g | 7a5 | cumachti | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | power | | |
7a20 | r | 7a8 | cumachti | cumachtae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | power | | |
7a36 | ee | 7a14 | sillabe | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
7b16 | q | 7b9 | accomoil | accomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | act of joining | | |
7b23 | z | 7b13 | garait | garait [DIL] | noun | i | gen.sg. | short metrical quantity (i.e. syllable) | | |
7b33 | ii | 7b17 | ṅ-digaim | digaimm [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | digamma | | |
7b34 | mm | 7b18 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
7b34 | mm | 7b18 | digaim | digaimm [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | digamma | | |
8a25 | aa | 8a7 | consone | conson [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | consonant | | |
8a34 | ll | 8a13 | metir | metar [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | metre (in verse) | | |
9a8 | p | 9a6 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
9a8 | p | 9a6 | sulbaire | sulbaire [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | eloquence | | |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | ḟoguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
9a13" | z | 9a8 | máir | mór (már) [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.masc. | great, ample | | |
9a16" | bb | 9a10 | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
9a24 | ll | 9a13 | tinfeth | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
9a27 | pp | 9a16 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a29 | qq | 9a17 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
9a29 | qq | 9a17 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a30 | ss | 9a19 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
9a30 | ss | 9a19 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | consine | conson [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | consonant | | |
9a32 | zz | 9a21 | tinfith | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9b9 | u | 9b9 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
9b9 | u | 9b9 | choibnis | coibnius [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | relationship | | |
9b31 | xx | 9b18 | thinfid | tinfed [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. aspiration | | |
9b32 | ab | 9b20 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
9b32 | ab | 9b20 | ḟormúichdetad | formúichdetu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | gen.sg. | stifling, suffocation (of a sound) | | |
10a9 | m | | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
10a18 | w | 10a10 | araili | aile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | substantival alaile: other | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | choibedna | coibedan [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. conjugation | | |
11a7 | b | 11a1 | cobedna | coibedan [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. conjugation | | |
11b2 | b | 11b2 | lechtha | legad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | becoming liquid, liquidation | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | cosmilse | cosmailius [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | likeness, similarity, resemblance | | |
11b26 | s | 11b4 | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
12a14 | q | 12a3“ | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
12a14 | q | 12a3“ | deoguir | dé-ḟogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | diphthong | | |
12a16 | u | | feda | fid [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | tree | | |
12b35 | t | | sillabe | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
14a15 | m | 14a6 | digamm | digaimm [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | digamma | | |
14a27 | u | 14a9 | sillabe | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
15b8 | g | 15b4 | comaccomuil | comaccomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. conjunction | | |
16a10 | o | 16a7 | arabda | arabdae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | Arabian, Arabic | | |
16a30 | ff | 16a14 | feidligthe | feidligud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | remaining, persisting | | |
16b16 | i | 16b5 | tairmthechtae | tairmthecht [DIL] | noun | f, ā and m, u | gen.sg. | passage, traversing | | |
16b24 | n | 16b7 | mute | mút [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | mute | | |
17b32 | ee | 17b13 | ṅ-etha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
18a20 | p | 18a4 | chomsuidigthi | comṡuidigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | compound | | |
18b3 | a | 18b1 | na | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
18b3 | a | 18b1 | cetnae | cétnae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | first (with following noun) | | |
18b3 | a | 18b1 | rainne | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part | | |
18b4 | b | 18b2 | deoguir | dé-ḟogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | diphthong | | |
18b4 | b | 18b2 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
20b6 | d | 20b3 | syllabe | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
21a23 | m | 21a3 | deoguir | dé-ḟogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | diphthong | | |
21b17 | n | 21b7 | sillabe | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
22b25 | aa | 22b10 | liac | lía [DIL] | noun | m, (n)k | gen.sg. | stone | | |
23a10 | e | 23a2 | ṁbindius | binnius [DIL] | | | gen.sg. | euphony | | |
23a11 | g | 23a3 | bindiusa | bindius [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | euphony | | |
23b27" | q | 23b5 | abbgitir | abgitir [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | the letters of the alphabet | | |
24a36'' | mm | | abbgitir | abgitir [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | the letters of the alphabet | | |
24b7 | d | 24b2 | lin | lín 2 [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | (fishing-) net | | |
25a4 | d | | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
25b9 | c | 25b1 | metair | metar [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | metre (in verse) | | |
25b15 | f | 25b2 | innsce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
25b15 | f | 25b2 | óge | óg 1 [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.fem. | whole, entire, complete | | |
25b15 | f | 25b2 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
25b22 | o | 25b7 | chétbutho | cétbaid [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | meaning | | |
25b22 | o | 25b7 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
25b22 | o | 25b7 | huilæ | uile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | all, every, the whole | | |
25b22 | o | 25b7 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | ellaig | ellach [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | combination, composition | | |
25b28 | u | 25b13 | raine | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part | | |
25b28 | x | 25b14 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
25b31 | bb | 25b15 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
26a11 | o | 26a9 | inntṡliuchto | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
26b4 | e | 26b3 | articuil | articol [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. article | | |
26b20 | s | 26b6 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
26b20 | s | 26b6 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
26b20 | s | 26b6 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
26b24 | x | 26b7 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
26b25 | aa | 26b9 | cacha | cach 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | gen.sg.fem. | every | | |
26b25 | aa | 26b9 | rainne | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part (of speech) | | |
26b27 | cc | 26b11 | anmma | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
26b27 | cc | 26b11 | dilis | díles [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | belonging, own, proper, appropriate | | |
26b27 | cc | 26b11 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, signification | | |
26b28 | ff | 26b12 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | quality, real value; manner, kind, nature | | |
26b32 | nn | 26b15 | gnima | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
26b32 | nn | 26b15 | cesta | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | passion | | |
27a9 | i | 27a4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
27a9 | i | 27a4 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27a9 | i | 27a4 | hí | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article and subst followed by siu, sin, thall | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | n-anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27a10 | l | 27a6 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
27a26 | ii | 27a16 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27a26 | ii | 27a16 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
27b33 | y | 27b9 | folaith | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
27b34 | bb | 27b10 | tiugdae | tiugaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | gross, thick, dense | | |
27b34 | bb | 27b10 | tanaide | tanaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | subtle, abstract | | |
27b38 | gg | 27b13 | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | word, name | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | ḟebtad | febtu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | gen.sg. | substance, essence | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | dilse | dílse [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | propriety | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | doacaldmaiche | doac(c)aldmaiche [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | gramm. appellative, common | | |
28a2 | a | 28a1 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
28a12 | p | 28a5 | ceníuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
28a12 | p | 28a5 | inchoisc | inchosc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | act of denoting, signifying | | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | cairddine | cairdine [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | friendship, amity; pact, alliance | | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
28a17 | aa | 28a9 | oentath | oentu [DIL] | noun | m, t and f, t | gen.sg. | unity, oneness | | |
28a36 | qq | 28a16 | cach | cach 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | gen.sg.neut. | every | | |
28a36 | qq | 28a16 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
28a37 | ss | 28a19 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
28a37 | ss | 28a19 | choibnis | coibnius [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | relationship | | |
28a38 | ww | 28a21 | gnímo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | fact, deed | | |
28b4 | g | 28b3 | etargnai | etargne [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | the faculty of understanding or cognition | | |
28b7 | i | 28b4 | inchoisc | inchosc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | act of denoting, signifying | | |
28b7 | i | 28b4 | ceníuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
28b19 | bb | 28b15 | menmman | menma [DIL] | noun | m, n | gen.sg. | the thinking faculty, the understanding | | |
28b27 | ff | 28b18 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | quality, real value; manner, kind, nature | | |
28b29 | hh | 28b19 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
28b29 | hh | 28b19 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
28b29 | hh | 28b19 | chéthnai [leg. chetnai] | cétnae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | same (with preceding noun) | | |
28b29 | ii | 28b20 | duini | duine [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o and i | gen.sg. | person, man(kind) | | |
28b36 | oo | 28b24 | hile | il [DIL] | adjective | u | gen.sg.fem. | many | | |
29a7 | d | 29a4 | chathrach | cathair [DIL] | noun | f, k | gen.sg. | city | | |
29a7 | d | 29a4 | fir | fer [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | a man | | |
29a16 | l | 29a7 | deae | dia, día 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | God | | |
29b33 | oo | 29b15 | atoíbthe | attoíbed [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of adhering, adherence | | |
29b35 | rr | 29b18 | atoíbthe | attoíbed [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of adhering, adherence | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | aili | aile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | stressed attributive adjective | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
30a2 | e | 30a2 | anmma | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
30a8 | i | 30a5 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
30a17 | cc | 30a12 | legind | léigend [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | reading | | |
30a19 | gg | 30a14 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
30a19 | gg | 30a14 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | quality, real value; manner, kind, nature | | |
30b12 | r | 30b4 | cheille | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | sense, meaning | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | cétnaidi | cétnaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | primary, primitive | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
30b26 | bb | 30b5 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | n-inchoisc | inchosc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | act of denoting, signifying | | |
30b29 | ff | 30b8 | cenéiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
30b32 | ll | 30b11 | cornil | cornil | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Cornelius | | |
30b32 | ll | 30b11 | marcill | marcill | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Marcellus | | |
30b33 | oo | 30b14 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
30b33 | oo | 30b14 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.masc. | with article | | |
30b36 | xx | 30b16 | anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
30b36 | xx | 30b16 | aitherrechtaigthi | aitherrechtaigthe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o & adjective | gen.sg.neut. | patronymic | | |
31a2 | d | 31a3 | atreibthig | aittrebthach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | gen.sg. | possessive (pronoun) | | |
31a31 | oo | 31a12 | máthar | máthair [DIL] | noun | f, r | gen.sg. | mother | | |
31a36 | uu | 31a15 | máthar | máthair [DIL] | noun | f, r | gen.sg. | mother | | |
31b11 | y | 31b8 | sóere | soíre [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | freedom, liberty | | |
31b18 | hh | 31b12 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
31b18 | hh | 31b12 | cenéiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
31b18 | hh | 31b12 | diill | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
31b24 | pp | 31b15 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
31b24 | pp | 31b15 | cheniuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
32b19 | i | 32b3 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
32b19 | i | 32b3 | cheníuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
32b28 | cc | 32b7 | ilair | ilar [DIL] | noun | n, o, later m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. plural number | | |
32b28 | cc | 32b7 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | gen.sg.neut. | after a noun | | |
32b29 | gg | 32b9 | inchoisc | inchosc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | act of denoting, signifying | | |
32b29 | gg | 32b9 | cenéuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
32b33 | ww | 32b15 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
32b33 | ww | 32b15 | chétnidi | cétnaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | primary, primitive | | |
33a16 | k | | ceneuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
33a25 | u | 33a13 | latin | latin | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Latinus | | |
33a27 | z | 33a17 | dirrudigthi | díṡruthigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | as subst: gramm. derivative | | |
33a39 | uu | 33a28 | litredachte | litredacht [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | literature | | |
33a39 | uu | 33a28 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
33a40 | ww | 33a29 | aristotil | aristotil | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Aristotle | | |
33a40 | xx | 33a30 | socráit | socráit | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Socrates | | |
33b1 | a | 33b1 | aitrebthaig | aittrebthach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | gen.sg. | possessive (pronoun) | | |
33b32 | w | 33b6 | fedo | fid [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | tree | | |
33b36 | dd | 33b11 | báis | bás [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | death | | |
33b36 | dd | 33b11 | neimnich | neimnech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | poisonous, venomous | | |
35a38 | ae | 35a11 | frecoir | frecor [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | with céill (see cíall): putting one’s mind to = cultivating, attending to, worshipping | | |
35a38 | ae | 35a11 | cruithnechtae | cruithnecht [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | wheat | | |
35b10 | w | 35b7 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
35b10 | w | 35b7 | ṡrotho | sruth [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | stream, river | | |
35b10 | y | 35b8 | aniendai | aniendae | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | belonging to Anio | | |
35b21 | yy | 35b12 | fedo | fid [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | tree | | |
37b31 | dd | | gona | guin [DIL] | noun | m, i | gen.sg. | the act of wounding or slaying by wounding | | |
37b31 | dd | | éisc | íasc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | fish | | |
38a18 | i | 38a2 | ailidetad | ailidetu [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | alternation, change | | |
38a18 | i | 38a2 | dechuir | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | difference | | |
38a25 | o | 38a7 | chomarle | comairle [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | counsel, admonition, advice | | |
38a38 | bb | | latin | latin | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Latinus | | |
38b1 | a | | sillabae | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
39a5 | c | 39a1 | posit | posit [DIL] | noun | gender unknown, i-stem | gen.sg. | gramm. positive, of positive degree | | |
39a5 | c | 39a1 | ainmmdi | ainmmde [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | gramm. nominal | | |
39a6 | f | 39a4 | posit | posit [DIL] | noun | gender unknown, i-stem | gen.sg. | gramm. positive, of positive degree | | |
39a6 | f | 39a4 | ainmdi | ainmmde [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | gramm. nominal | | |
39a19 | x | 39a20 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
39a19 | x | 39a20 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
39a20 | y | 39a21 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
39a20 | y | 39a21 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
39a21 | bb | 39a24 | iffirnn | ifern [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | hell | | |
39a27 | gg | 39a29 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
39a27 | gg | 39a29 | dobreithre | dobríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | adverb | | |
39a33 | ll | 39a32 | (u)ilcc | olc [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg. | evil, bad, wrong | | |
39a33 | ll | 39a32 | maith | maith [DIL] | adjective | i | gen.sg. | good | | |
39b40 | cc | 39b16 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
40a7 | f | 40a4 | soíre | soíre [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | nobility (of race, character etc.) | | |
40a7 | f | 40a4 | ceneiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
40a9 | h | 40a6 | cheneiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
40a m.s. | i | 40a7 | chenéuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
40a11 | k | 40a8 | cheneiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
40a13 | n | 40a11 | chenéuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
40a21 | x | 40a17 | cheniuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
40a22 | y | 40a18 | cheneiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | kindred, race, tribe, nation | | |
40b39 | aa | 40b15 | ṡuperlait | superlait [DIL] | noun | gender unknown, i-stem | gen.sg. | gramm. superlative | | |
41a17 | h | | tormaig | tormach [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | increase, addition | | |
41a23 | o | 41a7 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
41a23 | o | 41a7 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
41a24 | p | 41a8 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
41b12 | d | 41b3 | ceineuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
41b34 | o | 41b7 | n-uird | ord [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | order, sequence | | |
41b34 | o | 41b7 | uirdd | ord [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | order, sequence | | |
41b36 | r | 41b10 | n-uirdd | ord [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | order, sequence | | |
41b36 | s | 41b11 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | quality, real value; manner, kind, nature | | |
41b40 | w | 41b12 | iffirnn | ifern [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | hell | | |
42a5 | d | 42a2 | n-uirdd | ord [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | order, sequence | | |
42a10 | i | 42a4 | condeilgg | coindelg [DIL] | noun | n (?), o | gen.sg. | comparison, gramm. comparative degree | | |
44b40 | f | 44a3 | déṡillabche | déṡillabche [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | disyllabism | | |
45a37 | x | 45a14 | posit | posit [DIL] | noun | gender unknown, i-stem | gen.sg. | gramm. positive, of positive degree | | |
45b1 | b | 45b1 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, essence | | |
45b1 | b | 45b1 | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | word, name | | |
45b1 | b | 45b1 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
45b1 | b | 45b1 | dúildetad | dúildetu [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | essence, quality, proper nature | | |
45b1 | b | 45b1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
45b3 | e | 45b3 | sulbairichthe | sulbairigud | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of being fluent (in speech), act of being eloquent | | |
45b5 | l | 45b5 | apelaigthe | aipélugud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of flattering; adulation | | |
45b6 | o | 45b7 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
45b6 | p | 45b8 | antonain | antonán | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | little Antonius | | |
45b7 | q | 45b10 | paträcáin | patracán | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | little Patrick | | |
45b14 | kk | 45b19 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
45b14 | kk | 45b19 | tairmmorcinn | tairmḟorcend [DIL] | noun | n and m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. ending, termination | | |
46b37'' | h | 46b5 | n-etha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
47a10 | c | 47a3 | glunae | glún [DIL] | noun | n, s | gen.sg. | knee | | |
47b12 | g | 47b5 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
47b12 | g | 47b5 | óir | ór [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gold | | |
47b20 | l | 47b7 | sáil | sál 3 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | the sea, ocean | | |
49a23 | t | 49a10 | fróich | fráech [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | heather | | |
49b40 | kk | 49b18 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with noun | | |
49b40 | kk | 49b18 | chomae | coim [DIL] | noun | f | gen.sg. | waist | | |
50a5 | e | 50a3 | doacaldmacha | doac(c)aldmaiche [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | gramm. appellativity | | |
50b26 | dd | 50b17 | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
50b26 | dd | 50b17 | tanisi | tánaise [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | second, next | | |
51b26'' | f | 51b6 | n hetha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
51b35'' | k | 51b9 | formtha | forbbaid [DIL] | noun | f | gen.sg. | covering | | |
53a20" | ll | 53a13 | noiden | noídiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | infant | | |
53a21" | nn | | tened | teine [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | fire | | |
53b1 | a | 53b1 | iffirnn | ifern [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | hell | | |
55b24 | m | 55b5 | dechoir | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | distinction, difference | | |
55b28 | p | 55b6 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
55b28 | p | 55b6 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
56a29 | k | 56a1 | athar | athair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | father | | |
56a30 | m | 56a2 | bráthar | bráthair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | brother | | |
56a30 | m | 56a2 | athar | athair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | father | | |
57b12" | f | 57b3 | na | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
57b12" | f | 57b3 | cathrach | cathair [DIL] | noun | f, k | gen.sg. | city | | |
59a5 | b | 59a1 | foguir | fogur [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
59a19 | s | 59a10 | cobednae | coibedan [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. conjugation | | |
59a19 | s | 59a10 | tánise | tánaise [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | second, next | | |
59a30 | ee | 59a13 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
59a30 | ee | 59a13 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg. | with article | | |
59b6 | b | 59b1 | neich | nech [DIL] | pronoun, indefinite | m | gen.sg. | in positive sentence: anyone, one | | |
59b7 | d | 59b3 | innriccso | indracus [DIL] | noun | m, u and o | gen.sg. | worthiness, honor, integrity, innocence | | |
59b14 | k | | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
59b23 | t | 59b15 | lui | lú [DIL] | adjective | | gen.sg. | something small, thing of small value | | |
59b30" | z | 59b16 | menmmann | menma [DIL] | noun | m, n | gen.sg. | the mind | | |
60a32 | s | 60a4 | hetho | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
60b18 | aa | 60b17 | ailidetad | ailidetu [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | alternation, change | | |
61a6 | b | 61a2 | cenéuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
61a14 | f | 61a4 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
61a14 | f | 61a4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
61a14 | f | 61a4 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
61a14 | f | 61a4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
61a16 | h | 61a5 | ṅ-articuil | articol [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. article | | |
61a35 | bb | 61a18 | cenéuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
61a37 | ff | 61a19 | athar | athair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | father | | |
61a37 | gg | 61a20 | athar | athair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | father | | |
61a37 | hh | 61a21 | máthar | máthair [DIL] | noun | f, r | gen.sg. | mother | | |
61a37 | ii | 61a22 | máthar | máthair [DIL] | noun | f, r | gen.sg. | mother | | |
61a38 | kk | 61a24 | ceníuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
61a38 | kk | 61a24 | aicneti | aicnetae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | natural (i.e. not artificial) | | |
61b7 | m | 61b3 | toraid | torad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | fruit | | |
61b15 | dd | 61b13 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
61b32 | nn | 61b15 | lubae | luib [DIL] | noun | f | gen.sg. | plant | | |
62a40 | dd | 62a3 | ceníuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
62a40 | dd | 62a3 | tairmmorcinn | tairmḟorcend [DIL] | noun | n and m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. ending, termination | | |
62b28 | p | 62b5 | fémein | femen [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | the female gender | | |
62b40 | x | 62b10 | buana | búain [DIL] | noun | f | gen.sg. | act of cutting, breaking | | |
63a27 | x | 63a12 | lín | lín 2 [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | net | | |
63b16 | i | 63b5 | digbala | dígbál [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | act of taking away | | |
63b16 | i | 63b5 | áis | áes [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | age, years (of person etc.) | | |
63b16 | i | 63b5 | bainscáil | banscál [DIL] | noun | n, o and f, ā | gen.sg. | female, woman | | |
63b17 | l | 63b7 | sercaidechtae | sercaidecht [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | amatoriness | | |
64a20 | w | 64a9 | netha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
64b35 | x | 64b9 | chocda | cocad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | war, conflict | | |
64b35 | x | 64b9 | afracdai | afracdae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | African | | |
64b35 | x | 64b9 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
65a17 | f | 65a4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
65a17 | f | 65a4 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
65a26 | i | 65a6 | ṡotho | suth [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | fruit | | |
65b27 | n | 65b4 | toimse | tomus [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | measure, quantity, amount | | |
66a27 | ii | 66a19 | taigæ | tech [DIL] | noun | n, s | gen.sg. | house, dwelling, temple | | |
66a27 | ii | 66a19 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
66a31 | nn | 66a21 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
66a40 | xx | 66a29 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
66a40 | xx | 66a29 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | meaning | | |
66b10 | l | 66b9 | hodid | úathad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. singular | | |
66b18 | t | | deirbbæ | derb [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.fem. | sure, certain, fixed, determined | | |
66b18 | t | | aimsire | aimser [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | time | | |
66b19 | u | 66b16 | aimsire | aimser [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | time | | |
66b19 | u | 66b16 | indeirbbae | inderb [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.fem. | uncertain | | |
66b20 | x | 66b17 | togle | togal [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | destruction | | |
66b20 | x | 66b17 | troi | troí [DIL] | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Troy | | |
66b22 | aa | 66b18 | inderbbae | inderb [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.fem. | uncertain | | |
66b22 | aa | 66b18 | aimsire | aimser [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | time | | |
66b27 | gg | 66b21 | lathi | lae [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | day | | |
66b33 | ll | 66b24 | cruithnechta | cruithnecht [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | wheat | | |
67a38'' | k | 67a5 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
67a38'' | k | 67a5 | grece | gréc 2 [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | a Greek word | | |
67a17" | m | 67a7 | múir | múr [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | wall, rampart | | |
67b5 | d | 67b4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
67b5 | d | 67b4 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
67b5 | d | 67b4 | bráthar | bráthair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | brother | | |
67b40 | cc | 67b20 | netha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
68a7 | b | 68a1 | láme | lám [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | hand | | |
68b31 | o | 68b9 | imtha | immad [DIL] | noun | f and m | gen.sg. | the act of contending | | |
68b32 | q | 68b10 | féiuir | fér 2 [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | grass | | |
68b35 | u | 68b13 | lámae | lám [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | hand | | |
69a7 | g | 69a5 | aicnid | aicned [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | nature, inherent quality, essence | | |
69a31 | kk | 69a24 | noe | náu [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | ship, boat | | |
69b17" | h | 69b3 | etha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
69b40 | bb | 69b9 | rangabálae | ranngabál [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. participle | | |
70a m.s. | a | | martain | martan | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Martinus | | |
70a3 | c | 70a1 | n-etha | ith [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | grain, corn | | |
70a40'' | bb | | feda | fid [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | tree | | |
70a31 | nn | 70a17, 18 | athar | athair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | father | | |
70b15 | p | 70b6 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
70b15 | p | 70b6 | réta | rét 2 [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | gen.sg. | star | | |
71a2 | a | | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
71a6 | c | 71a2 | hilair | ilar [DIL] | noun | n, o, later m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. plural number | | |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
71a19 | q | 71a8 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
71b21 | r | 71b10 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
71b30 | z | 71b14 | áirme | áram [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | number | | |
71b32 | bb | | filed | fili [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | poet | | |
72a14 | f | 72a4 | femin | femen [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | the female gender | | |
72a14 | f | 72a4 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
72a15 | i | | neutuir | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
73a15 | s | 73a12 | renda | rind [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | star, constellation | | |
73a15 | t | 73a13 | ṁbuithe | both [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | being, existing | | |
73b26 | l | 73a7 | nach | nach [DIL] | adjective, indefinite pronominal | | gen.sg.neut. | in affirmative sentences: any, every, each | | |
73b26 | l | 73a7 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
74b35 | k | 74b7 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | fixed phrase indala n- | | |
74b35 | k | 74b7 | rainne | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part | | |
74b42 | m | 74b8 | comsuidigthi | comṡuidigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | compound | | |
75a32 | p | 131 | ceniuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
75a32 | q | 131 | ceneuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
76b26 | i | 76b4 | cétnæ | cétnae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | first (with following noun) | | |
76b26 | i | 76b4 | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
76b39 | o | 76b7 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
76b39 | o | 76b7 | dulo | dúil 1 [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | thing | | |
76b41 | p | 76b8 | dúlo | dúil 1 [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | thing | | |
76b41 | p | 76b8 | dúlo | dúil 1 [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | thing | | |
77a32 | n | 133 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
77a32 | n | 133 | chesta | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
77a42 | q | 77a9 | athar | athair [DIL] | noun | m, r | gen.sg. | father | | |
77b6 | e | 77b2 | tiil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
78b32 | i | | foxlada | fochslaid [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | gramm. ablative case | | |
78b32 | i | | eperta | epert [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | saying, speech, statement, word | | |
88,24 | h | | rangabala | ranngabál [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. participle | | |
90a9 | a | 90a1 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
90a9 | a | 90a1 | ṡáirsi | saírse [DIL] | noun | m or n, i̯o | gen.sg. | art, craftsmanship, workmanship | | |
90b11 | d | 90b1 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
90b14 | e | 90b2 | hilair | ilar [DIL] | noun | n, o, later m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. plural number | | |
90b14 | e | 90b2 | huathaid | úathad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. singular | | |
91a9 | c | 91a1 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
91a9 | c | 91a1 | geniten | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
91a9 | c | 91a1 | in | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
91a9 | c | 91a1 | tobarthado | tobarthaid [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | gramm. dative case | | |
91a29 | h | 91a2 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
91a29 | h | 91a2 | geniten | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
91b22 | n | 91b4 | cetni | cétnae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | first (with following noun) | | |
91b22 | n | 91b4 | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
92a25 | m | 92a2 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
92a25 | m | 92a2 | ainmnedo | ainmmnid [DIL] | noun | m, i | gen.sg. | gramm. nominative case | | |
93a24 | h | 93a2 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
93a24 | h | 93a2 | eiúin | én [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | bird | | |
93a35 | p | 93a4 | gaithe | gaíth [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | wind | | |
93b8 | b | 93b1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
93b8 | b | 93b1 | accobair | accobur [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | desire, wish | | |
93b8 | c | 93b2 | femin | femen [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | the female gender | | |
94a29 | l | | mora | muir [DIL] | noun | n, i | gen.sg. | sea | | |
95a9 | a | 95a1 | chrocainn | croicenn [DIL] | noun | o | gen.sg. | skin | | |
95a9 | a | 95a1 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
95a27 | i | | alta | alt [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | joint, articulation | | |
95b8 | c | 95b2 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
95b8 | c | 95b2 | pain | pan | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Pan | | |
95b8 | c | 95b2 | chondai | condae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | dog-like, wolf-like | | |
95b17 | i | 95b3 | uathaid | úathad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. singular | | |
96a31 | n | 96a4 | thríuin | trén [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg. | substantivized: strong man, hero | | |
96a31 | n | 96a4 | alaili | aile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | substantival alaile: some, a certain | | |
99a18 | h | 99a3 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
99a18 | h | 99a3 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
99a18 | h | 99a3 | cene | cían [DIL] | noun | f, ā; adjective | gen.sg. | period of time, long time | | |
99b18 | k | 99b2 | geniten | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
99b18 | k | 99b2 | cruthaigtheo | cruthugud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of creating, forming, shaping | | |
99b18 | k | 99b2 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
100a28 | r | 100a6 | ingine | ingen [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | daughter | | |
100a33 | w | | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
100a33 | w | | tanisi | tánaise [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | second, next | | |
100b22 | f | 100b2 | lube | luib [DIL] | noun | f | gen.sg. | plant | | |
101a34 | p | | fersa | fers [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | verse | | |
101b26 | k | 101b1 | ṅ dé | dia, día 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | God | | |
101b42 | r | | toimse | tomus [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | measure, quantity, amount | | |
103a27 | m | 103a3 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
103a27 | m | 103a3 | ḟuirsiri | fuirsire [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o | gen.sg. | buffoon | | |
103b2 | b | | con | cu [DIL] | noun | m, n | gen.sg. | dog | | |
104b14 | c | 104b1 | tres | tress [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.masc. | third | | |
104b14 | c | 104b1 | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
104b23 | f | 104b3 | ṅ airm | arm [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | armour, weapon | | |
104b33 | h | 104b5 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
104b33 | h | 104b5 | cathrach | cathair [DIL] | noun | f, k | gen.sg. | city | | |
106b4 | f | | indarpi | indarpe [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | act of expelling, driving out | | |
106b25 | x | 106b12 | ceill | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | mind, thought | | |
107a3 | b | | tanaisi | tánaise [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | second, next | | |
107a3 | b | | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | nime | nem [DIL] | noun | n, s | gen.sg. | heaven | | |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
107b5 | b | 107b1 | tanisi | tánaise [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | second, next | | |
111b19 | k | | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
111b19 | k | | tanaisi | tánaise [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | second, next | | |
111b39 | t | 111b5 | cridi | cride [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | heart | | |
112a m.s. | a | 112 | fairggae | fairge [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | open sea | | |
112a m.s. | a | 112 | mora | muir [DIL] | noun | n, i | gen.sg. | sea | | |
112a m.s. | a | 112 | minn | menn [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | clear, visible | | |
112a18 | f | 112a1 | andracht | andracht [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | dark, horrible, repulsive | | |
112a18 | f | 112a1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
112a18 | f | 112a1 | neime | neim [DIL] | noun | f and n | gen.sg.neut. | poison | | |
112a23 | h | 112a2 | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
113b13 | d | 113b3 | cruthaigtheo | cruthugud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of creating, forming, shaping | | |
113b13 | d | 113b3 | geniten | genitiu [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. genitive case | | |
114a m.s. | a | 114a | ferguso | fergus | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Fergus | | |
114b31 | h | 114b4 | nathrach | nathir [DIL] | noun | f, k | gen.sg. | snake, serpent | | |
120a38 | l | 120a3 | in | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
120a38 | l | 120a3 | tobarthado | tobarthaid [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | gramm. dative case | | |
121a6 | a | | feda | fid [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | tree | | |
122b41" | o | 122a2 | fíno | fín [DIL] | noun | n, u | gen.sg. | wine | | |
123b13 | a | 123b1 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
124b34 | f | 124b5 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
124b34 | f | 124b5 | cathrach | cathair [DIL] | noun | f, k | gen.sg. | city | | |
127a28 | h | 127a1 | loithe | loth [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | mud, mire, quagmire, marsh | | |
128a31 | f | 128a2 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
130b19 | g | 130b1 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
132b1 | a | 132b1 | noe | náu [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | ship, boat | | |
136a27 | c | 136a1 | ferso | fers [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | verse | | |
136a27 | d | 136a2 | ḟerso | fers [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | verse | | |
136a27 | d | 136a2 | dédenaich | dédenach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.masc. | last, final | | |
136a27 | d | 136a2 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
137b29 | cc | 137b9 | ṅ-eperta | epert [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | saying, speech, statement, word | | |
138a14 | h | 138a5 | folid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
138a14 | h | 138a5 | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
138a28 | q | 138a7 | forois | forus [DIL] | noun | n, o and u | gen.sg. | general principle, recapitulation | | |
138a33 | t | 138a9 | analoige | analach [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | analogy | | |
138a42 | ff | | testimin | testimin [DIL] | noun | m and f | gen.sg. | text, scriptural quotation, passage | | |
140a31 | h | 140a5 | chésto | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
140b30 | n | 140b4 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
140b30 | n | 140b4 | cesto | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | passion | | |
142b32 | q | 142b1 | chesta | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
142b32 | q | 142b1 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
142b38 | t | 142b2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
142b38 | t | 142b2 | i | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
143a12 | e | 143a3 | césta | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
144b5 | e | 144b1 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
144b5 | e | 144b1 | chesto | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
145b42 | l | 145b4 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | chesto | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
146a9 | a | 146a1 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
146b19 | bb | 146b15 | n-aimsire | aimser [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | tense, time | | |
146b19 | bb | 146b15 | coibedne | coibedan [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. conjugation | | |
147a12 | a | 147a1 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
147b18 | f | 147b3 | neich | nech [DIL] | pronoun, indefinite | m | gen.sg. | in positive sentence: something | | |
147b35 | m | 147b6 | sechmadachti | sechmadachte [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | past, preterital, belonging to past time | | |
147b37 | o | 147b7 | sechmadachti | sechmadachte [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | past, preterital, belonging to past time | | |
147b37 | o | 147b7 | todochaidi | todochaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | gramm. future | | |
148a20 | i | 148a6 | maicc | macc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | son | | |
148b21 | i | 148b7 | cach | cach 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | gen.sg. masc./neut. | every | | |
148b21 | i | 148b7 | muid | mod [DIL] | noun | m and n, o | gen.sg. | manner, mode, way, fashion | | |
148b30 | p | 148b9 | articuil | articol [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. article | | |
148b30 | p | 148b9 | articuil | articol [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. article | | |
148b30 | q | | articol [leg. articuil] | articol [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. article | | |
148b32 | y | 148b13 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
148b32 | y | 148b13 | brethre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
148b33 | z | 148b14 | chesta | cesad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice; a passive verb | | |
148b38 | dd | | fersa | fers [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | verse | | |
148b42 | ii | 148b18 | gníma | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
149a4 | b | 149a2 | anma | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
149a28 | h | 149a5 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst or pronom followed by rel clause | | |
149a28 | h | 149a5 | brethre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
149b13 | c | 149b2 | saichdetḣath | saichdetu [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | act of striving after, towards | | |
149b22 | i | 149b4 | chéille | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | sense, meaning | | |
149b22 | i | 149b4 | saichdetath | saichdetu [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | act of striving after, towards | | |
149b41 | q | 149b7 | gnímo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
149b41 | q | 149b7 | coitchin | coitchenn [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.masc. | common, general | | |
151a40 | t | 151a5 | méite | méit [DIL] | noun | f, mixed ā-, ī-, i- | gen.sg. | magnitude, amount, quantity | | |
151a40 | t | 151a5 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
152a26 | i | 152a3 | ceniuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
153a32 | b | | gnimo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
153a34 | c | 153a3 | gnimo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
154a24 | e | 154a1 | thestimin | testimin [DIL] | noun | m and f | gen.sg. | text, scriptural quotation, passage | | |
154a47 | n | 154a4 | gnimo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
154a47 | n | 154a4 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
156b29 | g | 156b4 | dana | dán [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | art | | |
157b9 | d | 157b2 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
157b9 | d | 157b2 | rainne | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part | | |
157b9 | d | 157b2 | dedenchae | dídenach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.fem. | last, final | | |
157b9 | d | 157b2 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
157b9 | d | 157b2 | c(h)omsuidigthi | comṡuidigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | compound | | |
157b35 | q | 157b7 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst or pronom followed by rel clause | | |
157b35 | q | 157b7 | imchomairc | imchomarc [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | question, inquiry, interrogation | | |
158b23 | m | 158b6 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
158b23 | m | 158b6 | brethre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
158b23 | m | 158b6 | coirp | corp [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | body | | |
159a23 | e | 159a3 | rangabálae | ranngabál [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. participle | | |
159b38 | m | 159b5 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
159b38 | m | 159b5 | tanise | tánaise [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | second, next | | |
160b16 | c | 160b1 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
160b16 | c | 160b1 | grece | gréc 2 [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | a Greek word | | |
161b5 | b | 161b3 | ecṅdairc | écndairc [DIL] | adjective | i | gen.sg. | absent, absence | | |
161b42 | y | 161b12 | méite | méit [DIL] | noun | f, mixed ā-, ī-, i- | gen.sg. | size, quantity | | |
163b17 | e | 163b2 | buithe | both [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | being, existing | | |
163b22 | i | 163b5 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
163b22 | i | 163b5 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
163b23 | m | 163b6 | ilair | ilar [DIL] | noun | n, o, later m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. plural number | | |
166a16 | c | 166b2 | gnei | gne [DIL] | noun | n | gen.sg. | kind, species | | |
167a23 | l | 167a5 | gutæ | guttae [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | vowel | | |
167b22 | c | 167b1 | frecndairc | frecndairc [DIL] | adjective | i | gen.sg.neut. | gramm. present (tense) | | |
167b22 | c | 167b1 | ḥind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
168a27 | g | 168a1 | sechmadachti | sechmadachte [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | past, preterital, belonging to past time | | |
168a27 | g | 168a1 | foirbthi | foirbthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | completed, finished, perfect | | |
168a38 | k | 168a3 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
168a38 | k | 168a3 | brethre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
168a38 | k | 168a3 | diuite | dïuit [DIL] | adjective | i | gen.sg.fem. | simple | | |
168b40 | k | 168b1 | cétna | cétnae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | first (with following noun) | | |
168b40 | k | 168b1 | cobedne | coibedan [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. conjugation | | |
169b34 | i | 169b1 | thalman | talam [DIL] | noun | m, n | gen.sg. | earth, ground | | |
169b43 | k | 169b2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
169b43 | k | 169b2 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
173a31 | o | 173a8 | dechuir | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | difference | | |
174a4 | a | 174a1 | rómae | róm [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | Rome | | |
174a4 | a | 174a1 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
178b23'' | b | 178b1 | chésto | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
178b23'' | b | 178b1 | gnima | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
180a9 | b | 180a1 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
180a9 | b | 180a1 | telchubi | tulchube [DIL] | noun | i̯o | gen.sg. | a large vessel for holding wine, vat | | |
180b39 | k | | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg. | with article | | |
180b39 | k | | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
181a36 | m | 181a6 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
181a36 | m | 181a6 | ancridi | ancride [DIL] | noun | n, i̯o | gen.sg. | wrong, injustice, injury, vengeance | | |
181a38 | o | 181a8 | dligid | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | reckoning | | |
181a38 | o | 181a8 | dligid | dliged [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | reckoning | | |
181a38 | p | 176 | rimae | rim [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | the act of counting, enumerating | | |
183b24 | e | 183b3 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | meaning | | |
183b24 | e | 183b3 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
184b26 | f | 184b3 | dénma | dénum [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of doing, making, creating | | |
184b26 | f | 184b3 | bairgine | bairgen [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | bread, loaf | | |
187b12 | g | 187b1 | reto | ret [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | a thing | | |
187b12 | g | 187b1 | chorpdi | corpdae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | corporeal, bodily, physical, actual | | |
187b12 | g | 187b1 | diil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
187b19 | m | 187b2 | díil | díall [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | declension | | |
188a10 | l | 188a7 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
188a10 | l | 188a7 | chetnidi | cétnaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | primary, primitive | | |
188a10 | l | 188a7 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
188a10 | l | 188a7 | dirṡuidigthi | díṡruthigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg. | as subst: gramm. derivative | | |
188a11 | m | 188a8 | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
188a11 | m | 188a8 | ceille | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | sense, meaning | | |
188a11 | n | | randatad | randatu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | gen.sg. | used in Sg. to express the property of belonging to a certain part of speech | | |
188a12 | p | | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
188a13 | s | 188a12 | nacha | nach [DIL] | adjective, indefinite pronominal | | gen.sg.fem. | some, any | | |
188a13 | s | 188a12 | rainne | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part | | |
188a13 | s | 188a12 | aile | aile [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | stressed attributive adjective | | |
188a13 | t | 188a13 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
188a13 | t | 188a13 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
188a13 | t | 188a13 | cétnidetad | cétnaidetu [DIL] | noun | m, t | gen.sg. | primitive-origin | | |
188a25 | nn | 188a22 | rainne | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part | | |
188a34 | yy | 188a28 | gnimo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the active voice; an active verb | | |
188a34 | yy | 188a28 | na | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
188a34 | yy | 188a28 | aimsire | aimser [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | time | | |
188a34 | yy | 188a28 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
188a38 | ae | 188a30 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
188a38 | ae | 188a30 | breithre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
188b5 | d | 188b1 | immognomo | imḟognam [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. construction | | |
188b5 | d | 188b1 | rangabálae | ranngabál [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. participle | | |
188b15 | g | 188b2 | gnímo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
189a29 | m | 189a6 | folid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
189b6 | b | 189b2 | ceille | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | sense, meaning | | |
189b6 | b | 189b2 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
189b6 | b | 189b2 | brethre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
189b6 | b | 189b2 | brethre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
189b35 | l | 189b8 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
190a13 | k | 190a3 | muid | mod [DIL] | noun | m and n, o | gen.sg. | manner, mode, way, fashion | | |
190a13 | k | 190a3 | cech | cach 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | gen.sg. masc./neut. | every | | |
190b34 | p | 190b5 | femin | femen [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | the female gender | | |
191b34 | k | 191b2 | cruthaigtheo | cruthugud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of creating, forming, shaping | | |
191b34 | k | 191b2 | todochaidi | todochaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | gramm. future | | |
191b34 | k | 191b2 | sechmadachti | sechmadachte [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | past, preterital, belonging to past time | | |
193a28 | k | 193a2 | céille | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | sense, meaning | | |
193b15 | n | | ranngabála | ranngabál [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. participle | | |
193b19 | u | 193b4 | suidigthe | suidigthe | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | established, set up, founded | | |
193b19 | u | 193b4 | anmme | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
193b19 | u | 193b4 | brethre | bríathar [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | gramm. verb | | |
194a23 | h | 194a2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
194a23 | h | 194a2 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
194b3 | c | 194b1 | chésto | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
194b3 | c | 194b1 | gnímo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
196b36 | b | 196b2 | chesto | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
196b36 | b | 196b2 | gnimo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
196b42 | h | 196b7 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
196b42 | h | 196b7 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg. | with article | | |
197a7 | f | 197a1 | dílis | díles [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | belonging, own, proper, appropriate | | |
197a7 | f | 197a1 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
197a7 | f | 197a1 | anme | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
197a16 | l | 197a3 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
197a27 | y | 197a11 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
197a27 | y | 197a11 | gnimo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
197a27 | y | 197a11 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
197a27 | y | 197a11 | persíne | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
197a27 | y | 197a11 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and dem pron in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
197a27 | y | 197a11 | mrechtraid | mrechtrad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | variety | | |
197a38 | qq | 197a20 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. + í 1 | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
197a38 | qq | 197a20 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.masc. | with article | | |
197b31 | ee | 197b10 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
197b31 | ee | 197b10 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
197b31 | ee | 197b10 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
197b31 | ee | 197b10 | ainmnigthe | ainmmnigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of naming | | |
197b38 | ll | 197b15 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
197b38 | ll | 197b15 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
198a6 | g | 198a4 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
198a6 | g | 198a4 | forgnúso | forgnúis [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | gramm. form | | |
198a9 | m | 198a7 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
198a13 | p | 198a9 | n-anmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
198a16 | s | 198a10 | n-aisdísen | aisndís [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | pronunciation, act of telling, explaining | | |
198a30 | cc | 198a12 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
198a30 | cc | 198a12 | aitrebthado | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | gen.sg. | possessor | | |
198a30 | dd | 198a13 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
198a30 | dd | 198a13 | aitrebtha/do | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | gen.sg. | possessor | | |
198a31 | ee | 198a14 | cacha | cách 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | gen.sg.fem. | every | | |
198a31 | ee | 198a14 | áir/me | áirem [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | number, numeral | | |
198a35 | kk | 198a17 | aitrebthado | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | gen.sg. | possessor | | |
198a38 | qq | 198a19 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
198a38 | qq | 198a19 | atraib | atrab [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | possession | | |
198a40 | uu | 198a21 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.masc. | with article | | |
198b1 | a | 198b1 | atraib | atrab [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | possession | | |
198b4 | d | 198b3 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
198b4 | d | 198b3 | ildatad | ildatu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | gen.sg. | plurality | | |
198b4 | d | 198b3 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
198b4 | d | 198b3 | atraib | atrab [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | possession | | |
198b10 | f | 198b4 | n-intliuchta | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
198b26 | t | 198b8 | engraicichthe | engracugud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | taking the place | | |
199b4 | d | 199b2 | cetnae | cétnae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | first (with following noun) | | |
199b4 | d | 199b2 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
199b7 | n | 199b4 | cétne | cétnae [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | first (with following noun) | | |
199b7 | n | 199b4 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
199b31 | bb | 199b13 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
199b31 | bb | 199b13 | sochuide | sochuide [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | multitude | | |
200a5 | b | 200a2 | anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
200a22 | f | | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
200a22 | f | | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
200a23 | h | 200a6 | suin | son 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
200a23 | h | 200a6 | gotho | guth [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | voice | | |
200a24 | l | 200a9 | anmma | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
200a24 | l | 200a9 | remthárcidi | remtháircide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | previously adduced, previously brought forward | | |
200a24 | l | 200a9 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
200a28 | n | 200a11 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
200a28 | n | 200a11 | attaircedo | atárcud [DIL] | noun | m | gen.sg. | repetition, anaphora | | |
200b13 | i | 200b3 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
200b13 | i | 200b3 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
200b13 | i | 200b3 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | with indecl deictic pron (h)í | | |
200b13 | i | 200b3 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
200b16 | k | 200b4 | cach | cách 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | gen.sg.neut. | every | | |
200b16 | k | 200b4 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
200b18 | l | 200b5 | cach | cach 2 [DIL] | adjective, pronominal (preceding noun) | | gen.sg.neut. | every | | |
200b18 | l | 200b5 | ḟolaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
200b23 | p | 200b8 | suin | són 1 [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | sound | | |
200b31 | t | 200b9 | aitrebthado | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | gen.sg. | possessor | | |
200b33 | u | 200b10 | anmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
200b33 | u | 200b10 | dílis | díles [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | belonging, own, proper, appropriate | | |
200b33 | u | 200b10 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
200b33 | u | 200b10 | aitrebthado | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | gen.sg. | inhabitant | | |
200b36 | w | 200b11 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.masc. | with article | | |
200b36 | w | 200b11 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
200b37 | z | 200b12 | atraib | atrab [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | possession | | |
201a2 | e | 201a1 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
201a2 | e | 201a1 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | quality, real value; manner, kind, nature | | |
201a2 | e | 201a1 | doacaldmaiche | doac(c)aldmaiche [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | gramm. appellative, common | | |
201a3 | g | 201a2 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
201a3 | g | 201a2 | aitrebthaig | aittrebthach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | gen.sg. | possessive (pronoun) | | |
201a3 | g | 201a2 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
201a3 | g | 201a2 | chétnidi | cétnaide [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | primary, primitive | | |
201a36 | cc | 201a10 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
201a36 | cc | 201a10 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
201b7 | c | 201b1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
201b7 | c | 201b1 | ainmnedo | ainmmnid [DIL] | noun | m, i | gen.sg. | gramm. nominative case | | |
201b21 | o | 201b5 | hilair | ilar [DIL] | noun | n, o, later m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. plural number | | |
201b21 | o | 201b5 | neutair | neutur [DIL] | noun | n, o (m, o?) | gen.sg. | the neuter gender, a neuter word | | |
201b26 | w | 201b9 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
201b26 | w | 201b9 | ḟorcinn | forcenn [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | end, final limit | | |
202a13 | l | 202a4 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
202a14 | m | 202a5 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
202a14 | m | 202a5 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
202b16 | e | 202b3 | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
202b16 | e | 202b3 | chomsuidigthi | comṡuidigthe [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.masc. | compound | | |
202b28 | l | 202b5 | tarmorcin | tairmḟorcend [DIL] | noun | n and m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. ending, termination | | |
203a3 | f | 203a2 | forgnúsa | forgnúis [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | gramm. form | | |
203a17 | w | 203a11 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
203a17 | w | 203a11 | chomaccomuil | comaccomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. conjunction | | |
203a17 | w | 203a11 | foac/comailtig | foaccomailtech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | subjunctive | | |
203a28 | ll | 203a18 | di | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | gen.sg. | | | |
203a29 | mm | 203a19 | ceniuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
203a29 | mm | 203a19 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
203a29 | mm | 203a19 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
203a31 | pp | | in | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
203a40 | yy | 203a25 | chomsuidigtheo | comṡuidigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | composition | | |
203a41 | zz | 203a26 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
203a41 | zz | 203a26 | méite | méit [DIL] | noun | f, mixed ā-, ī-, i- | gen.sg. | size, quantity | | |
203a m.i.m.l. | ad | 203a | patric | pátric | noun, proper | | gen.sg. | Patrick | | |
203a m.i.m.l. | ad | 203a | brig- | brigit [DIL] | noun, proper | f, i | gen.sg. | Brigit | | |
203-4 m.i. | ae | 203 | luin | lon [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | blackbird | | |
203-4 m.i. | ae | 203 | cói | cói [DIL] | noun | f, k | gen.sg. | cuckoo | | |
203-4 m.i. | ae | 203 | róida | rúd [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | wood, forest | | |
203b1 | c | 203b1 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
203b7 | g | 203b4 | randatad | randatu [DIL] | noun | m, dent. | gen.sg. | used in Sg. to express the property of belonging to a certain part of speech | | |
203b7 | g | 203b4 | folid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
203b7 | g | 203b4 | persine | persan [DIL] | noun | f, n | gen.sg. | gramm. person | | |
203b7 | g | 203b4 | méte | méit [DIL] | noun | f, mixed ā-, ī-, i- | gen.sg. | size, quantity | | |
204a11 | c | 204a1 | aittrebthado | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | gen.sg. | possessor | | |
204a15 | g | 204a2 | aittrebthado | aitrebthaid [DIL] | noun | [m] i | gen.sg. | possessor | | |
204a30 | o | 204a7 | anmmæ | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | name | | |
204a30 | o | 204a7 | dílis | díles [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg.neut. | belonging, own, proper, appropriate | | |
206b35 | m | 206b2 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
206b35 | m | 206b2 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
206b42 | o | | femin | femen [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | the female gender | | |
207a2 | b | 207a1 | foxlada | fochslaid [DIL] | noun | f, i | gen.sg. | gramm. ablative case | | |
207a2 | b | 207a1 | femin | femen [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | the female gender | | |
207b24 | m | 207b9 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj in genitive, qualifying preceding noun | | |
207b24 | m | 207b9 | eperta | epert [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | word | | |
207b24 | m | 207b9 | grecda | grécde [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.fem. | Greek | | |
207b24 | m | 207b9 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
207b24 | m | 207b9 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
207b24 | m | 207b9 | etarcerta | etercert [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | interpreting, an interpretation | | |
207b24 | m | 207b9 | sidi | side [DIL] | pronoun, anaphoric | enclitic | gen.sg.fem. | after a noun proceeded by possessive pronoun | | |
208a18 | k | 208a6 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
208a18 | k | 208a6 | anmmae | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
208a33 | u | 208a10 | óin | oín [DIL] | number | adjective | gen.sg.masc. | one | | |
208a33 | u | 208a10 | tuisil | tuisel [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. case | | |
208a33 | u | 208a10 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
208b34 | aa | 208b14 | chésta | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | gramm. the passive voice | | |
209a42 | m | 209a7 | chintig | cinntech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg. | definite, fixed | | |
209a42 | n | 209a8 | aitrebthaig | aittrebthach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | gen.sg. | possessive (pronoun) | | |
209b1 | a | 209b1 | chintig | cinntech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg. | definite, fixed | | |
209b1 | b | 209b2 | aitrebthaig | aittrebthach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | gen.sg. | possessive (pronoun) | | |
209b2 | e | 209b4 | chintig | cinntech [DIL] | adjective | o, ā | gen.sg. | definite, fixed | | |
209b2 | f | 209b5 | aitrebthaig | aittrebthach [DIL] | adjective | o, ā and noun | gen.sg. | possessive (pronoun) | | |
209b13 | u | 209b11 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
209b13 | u | 209b11 | ainmnedo | ainmmnid [DIL] | noun | m, i | gen.sg. | gramm. nominative case | | |
209b13 | u | 209b11 | sulbaire | sulbaire [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | eloquence | | |
209b23 | oo | 209b24 | hirise | iress [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | faith, religion | | |
209b23 | oo | 209b24 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
209b24 | tt | 209b28 | gnímo | gním [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | action, acting | | |
209b24 | tt | 209b28 | c(h)esta | césad [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | passion | | |
209b24 | tt | 209b28 | ainmneda | ainmmnid [DIL] | noun | m, i | gen.sg. | gramm. nominative case | | |
209b24 | tt | 209b28 | in | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
209b24 | tt | 209b28 | dedi | déde [DIL] | adjective | i̯o, i̯ā | gen.sg.neut. | double, consisting of two things, pair | | |
209b26 | ww | 209b30 | intṡliuchta | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
209b27 | yy | 209b31 | atraib | atrab [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | possession | | |
209b28 | ab | 209b32 | céille | cíall [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | sense, meaning | | |
209b28 | ab | 209b32 | atraib | atrab [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | possession | | |
209b28 | ab | 209b32 | intṡliucht [leg. intṡliuchto] | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
210a11 | g | 210a5 | intliuchta | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
210b5 | c | 210b1 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
210b5 | c | 210b1 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
210b17 | e | 210b2 | intṡliuchta | int(ṡ)liucht [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | meaning, signification | | |
210b28 | k | 210b4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | followed by indecl accented deictic pron (h)í | | |
210b28 | k | 210b4 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
211a30 | r | 211a8 | ḟoilsigthe | foillsigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of manifesting; demonstrating | | |
211a30 | r | 211a8 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst alone | | |
211a32 | t | 211a9 | folaid | folad [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | substance, material | | |
211a34 | u | 211a10 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. + í 1 | with deictic pronoun (h)í | | |
211a34 | u | 211a10 | í | í 1 [DIL] | pronoun, indeclinable, accented, deictic | | gen.sg.neut. | with article | | |
211a38 | dd | | ceneiuil | cenél [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | gramm. gender | | |
211a40 | ff | 211a17 | áirme | áirem [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | number, numeral | | |
211b13 | f | 211b4 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
211b13 | f | 211b4 | anmme | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
211b13 | f | 211b4 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst or pronom followed by rel clause | | |
211b13 | f | 211b4 | inne | inne [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | quality, real value; manner, kind, nature | | |
211b14 | h | 211b6 | anmme | ainm [DIL] | noun | n, n | gen.sg. | gramm. noun | | |
211b14 | h | 211b6 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive | | |
211b21 | p | 211b8 | ilair | ilar [DIL] | noun | n, o, later m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. plural number | | |
212a27 | t | 212a6 | insce | insce [DIL] | noun | f, i̯ā | gen.sg. | speech, a saying | | |
212a33 | y | 212a10 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
212a33 | y | 212a10 | remṡuidigtheo | remṡuidigud [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | preposition | | |
212a34 | z | 212a11 | ṅdénma | dénum [DIL] | noun | m, u | gen.sg. | act of making, creating | | |
212a36 | cc | 212a13 | dechuir | dechor [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | difference | | |
212b3 | c | 212b1 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst and adj, dem pron, adv | | |
212b3 | c | 212b1 | sillabæ | sillab [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | syllable | | |
212b8 | h | 212b6 | ind | a 8 [DIL] | article | n | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
212b8 | h | 212b6 | acomuil | accomol [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | act of joining; combination | | |
212b10 | k | 212b8 | duini | duine [DIL] | noun | m, i̯o and i | gen.sg. | person, man(kind) | | |
212b32 | q | 212b12 | fortórmaich | fortórmach [DIL] | noun | n, o | gen.sg. | augmentation; addition | | |
212b33 | u | 212b14 | airticuil | articol [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. article | | |
213a30 | y | 213a10 | inna | in 2 [DIL] | article | fem | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
213a30 | y | 213a10 | rainne | rann [DIL] | noun | f, ā | gen.sg. | part (of speech) | | |
213b5 | b | 213b1 | ind | in 1 [DIL] | article | m | gen.sg. | with subst in genitive, qualifying prec def noun | | |
213b5 | b | 213b1 | aiccind | aiccent [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. accent | | |
213b13 | h | 213b3 | n-aiccind | aiccent [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | gramm. accent | | |
214a m.s. | b | 215 | ?dim | dim [DIL] | noun | unknown declension | gen.sg. | something, anything | | |
214b5 | b | 214b1 | luic | loc [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | place | | |
215a10 | d | 215a2 | ṅ-huirdd | ord [DIL] | noun | m, o | gen.sg. | order, sequence | | |
215a20 | p | 215a9 | <