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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 12 (De pronomine)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 595 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 595,1quae facit obscenum, assidue postposita». antiqui tamen absque
203a14p595,1203a7book 124228 543 obscenum: .i. mad arthosuch beid
[‘i.e. if it should be as the beginning’] [analysis]
203a14595,1book 124141 antiqui: " (203a16=595,2) inveniuntur: "
II 595,2obseruatione naturali ordine haec protulisse inueniuntur. nulla tamen
203a15q595,2203a8book 12543 (absque) observatione: cen imcabáil cacen/fati ⁊ cen imcabá/il cum nobis do epirt
[‘without evoiding cacophony and without evoiding to say cum nobis’] [analysis]
203a15595,2book 124142 observatione: .- (203a16=594,2) tamen: .-
203a15r595,2203a9book 12543 naturali (ordine): remsuidigud inna remthechtas
[‘the preposition in its antepostion’] [analysis]
203a15s595,2book 123232 haec: .i. pronomina .i. cum nobis ⁊ cum me
II 595,3monosyllaba praepositio anastrophen patitur nisi ea, et fortassis ideo
203a17t595,3book 123232 ea: .i. prepositio cum
203a17u595,3203a10book 12543 (nisi ea) fortassis: (m.l.) .i. combad air nobeth/ cum in fine in supra/dictis ar choib/nius frisnacomac/comlasa
[‘i.e. it would be therefore that cum is in fine in the words aforesaid, on account of its affinity to these conjunctions’] [analysis]
203a17w595,3203a11book 12541 enclitici (vi[ce]): .i. inchomaccomuil foac/comailtig
[‘i.e. of the subjunctive conjunction’] [analysis]
II 595,4enclitici uice fungitur, quia enclitica monosyllaba sunt: que, ue, ne.
203a18x595,4book 12423 monosyllaba: .i. fona
[‘i.e. according to the’] [analysis]
II 595,5nec mirum, supra dicta pronomina unius causa idem pati, cum in
203a19y595,5book 12543 supradicta (pronomina): .i. mecum tecum secum vobiscum
203a19z595,5book 12543 unius (causa): .i. nobiscum
II 595,6aliis quoque quibusdam structuris haec eadem sola communes habent
203a20aa595,6book 12211 structuris: immognamib
[‘constructions’] [analysis]
203a20bb595,6203a14, 15book 123232 haec (eadem): .i. verba asbeir sís haec eadem .i. dligeda inchoit/chennsa
[‘i.e. the verbs which he mentions below, or haec eadem, i.e. the laws of the community’] [analysis]
II 595,7quasdam proprietates. interest et refert genetiuo solent adiungi omnium
203a21595,7book 124111 *proprietates: " (ibid.) quasdam: "
203a21cc595,7203a16book 12541 interest (et refert): it hé inso inna briathra atá coitchennas tra/ itar indi brethir/ so in immognom
[‘these are the verbs. There is a community then between these two verbs in construction’] [analysis]
II 595,8casualium absque supra dictis quinque pronominibus, pro quorum
203a22dd595,8book 12423 casualium: partium
203a22ee595,8book 12543 absque: ni fognat friangenitnesidi
[‘they are not construed with their genitives’] [analysis]
203a23ff595,8book 12543 quinque: ego tu sui nos vos
203a23595,8book 124121 quinque: .., (ibid.) pronominibus: .., (ibid.) quorum: ..,
II 595,9genetiuis ablatiuos ponimus possessiuorum, ut interest et refert mea, tua,
203a23595,9book 124144 ablativos: " (203a24=595,9) mea: " (ibid.) tua: " (203a24=595,10) sua: "
203a24gg595,9book 123116 mea: ablativus
II 595,10sua, nostra, uestra. cuia quoque infiniti possessiuum cum supra
203a25hh595,10book 12541 infiniti: .i. quis
II 595,11dictis uerbis pro genetiuo primitiui ponitur (Cicero pro Vareno: «ea
203a26ii595,11book 12541 genitivo (primitivi): cuius
203a26kk595,11book 12541 primitivi: quis
II 595,12caedes si potissimum crimini datur, detur ei, cuia interfuit,
203a28ll595,12203a18book 12211 3115 cuia: isaídi ablativus .i. darorbai 543.i. isái in cin quasi cuius vel ablativus pro genitivo ut supradicti.
[‘it is his, or an ablative, i.e. it has come to him, i.e. his is the crime quasi etc.’] [analysis]
II 595,13non ei, cuia nihil interfuit»), cuius gentile non solum cuias, sed
203a29mm595,13203a19book 12541 gentile: isa immchomairsnech/ ceniuilsidi indí/ as quis
[‘it is the gentile interrogative of quis’] [analysis]
II 595,14etiam cuiatis proferebant communi genere. Plautus in Poenulo:
203a30nn595,14book 123111 cuiatis: nominativus
203a30oo595,14book 124221 proferebant: auctores
II 595,15«quid sit, cuiatis, unde sit, ne parseris :: /
203a31pp595,15book 123111 312 cuiatis: nominativus singularis
[‘i.e. of the passer, i.e. is it of the genus of the passer?’] [analysis]
203a31qq595,15203a20book 12211 *passeris: .i. inpaseir .i. indechenéul paseir
II 595,16quid est? cuiates estis? aut quo ex oppido?».
II 595,17pte quoque ea sola in eodem ablatiuo assumere solent: meapte, tuapte,
203a33rr595,17book 123232 ea (sola): pronomina possessiva
203a33ss595,17book 124227 ablativo: feminino
II 595,18suapte, nostrapte, uestrapte.
II 595,19sed si quem forte tangit, quod in fine sit cum praepositio, in
203a34595,19book 124141 sed: .- (203a37=595,20) sciat: .-
203a35595,19book 124141 si: " (ibid.) tangit: .-
203a35tt595,19book 12421 cum: as cum
[‘that is cum’] [analysis]
II 595,20compositione autem plus dicatur ualere ea pars, quae in fine sit, sciat, quod
203a36uu595,20203a22book 12543 ea (pars): (m.l.) isdí conétet ind rann/ bís hitosuch
[‘the part of speech that is at the beginning is in subjection to it’] [analysis]
203a37ww595,20203a23book 12541 sciat: cesued insin asgnáth
[‘though that is usual’] [analysis]
II 595,21coniunctiones et praepositiones et aduerbia uim nominum uel pronominum
203a38xx595,21book 12541 vim: inrandatid
[‘as respects parts (of speech)’] [analysis]
II 595,22ante se positorum in compositione non mutant, ut uterque, quisque,
II 595,23quicumque, qualiscumque, totidem, idem, tantundem, cuius genetiuus
203a40yy595,23203a25book 1225 541 totidem: (m.l.) tot ⁊ demum dlúthe/ chomsuidigtheo tuicc .i. nind
[‘from tot and demum: closeness of composition has put the i into it’] [analysis]
203a40595,23book 124121 tantundem: " (ibid.) cuius: "
II 595,24solus ex obliquis in usu inuenitur, tantidem (Terentius in adelphis:
203a41zz595,24203a26book 12211 tantidem: inna oenaméite
[‘of the same size’] [analysis]
II 595,25«tantidem emptam»),
203a41595,25book 124121 tantidem: " (203a42=595,26) quod: "
II 595,26quod quamuis uideatur pro eiusdem poni, tamen significat quantitatem,
203a42ab595,26203a27book 12211 543 (pro) eiusdem: (m.l.) tarhessi eiusdem ⁊ ni bí/ sem són immurgu calléic
[‘in place of eiusdem, and yet, however, that is not’] [analysis]
203a43595,26book 124121 quantitatem: " (203a43=595,27) quae: "
II 595,27quae in pronomine esse minime potest, quod substantiam solum, ut saepe
203a43595,27book 124121 pronomine: : (203b1=595,27) quod: :
203a43ac595,27book 12212 minime: non
203a m.i.m.l.ad203abook 1259 (m.i.m.l.) aithas patric ⁊ brig- ar máel/ brigtae namba olcc ammenma frimm/ arinscribund roscribad indulso
[‘... of Patrick and Brigit on Mael Brigte, that he may not be angry with me for the writing that has been written this time’]
203-4 m.i.ae203book 1259 (m.i.) Domfarcai fidbaidae fál. fomchain lóid luin lúad nad cél. huas mo lebrán indlínech. fomchain trírech innaṅén .., Fommchain cói menn medair mass. hiṁbrot glass de dindgnaib doss. debrath nomchoimmdiu cóima. cáinscríbaimm foróida r<oss>.
[‘A hedge of trees surrounds me: a blackbird’s lay sings to me—praise which I will not hide— above my booklet the lined one the trilling of the birds sings to me. In a gray mantle the cuckoo’s beautiful chant sings to me from the tops of bushes: may the Lord be kind to me! I write well under the greenwood’] [analysis]
203a m.i.af203abook 1259 (m.i.) maraith sercc céin mardda aithne a máelecán
[‘Love remains as long as property (lit. deposit, ,opes’ Nigra) remains, O Maellecan’] [analysis]
203b1 m.s.abook 1259 (m.s.) criste benedic
203b1b595,27book 123221 quod: a pronomen
203b1c595,27203b1book 12543 substantiam (solam): asberr eiusdem ⁊ cach pronomen dano chene is folud persine inchosig
[‘the pronoun eiusdem and every pronoun besides, it is the substance of a person that it signifies’] [analysis]
II 595,28diximus, significat. est igitur nomen, quomodo et simplex eius, tantus
II 595,29tanta tantum. usus quoque hoc confirmat. tantidem dixit emptam,
203b3d595,29book 124221 dixit: terrentius


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]