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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 11 (De participio)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 549 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 549,1uel nomen uerbale uel modum uerbi casualem. unde uidentur nostri
188a3549,1book 114111 4142 modum: .., (ibid.) casua[lem]: .., (188a4=549,1) unde: ..,
188a4a549,1book 11541 nostri: .i. latini
188a4b549,1book 114224 543 ascivisse: .i. participia .i. ataruirmiset lagerind
[‘i.e. participles, i.e. they have reckoned them with the gerund’] [analysis]
II 549,2asciuisse inter uerba gerundia uel participialia, cum uideantur ea diuersos
188a4549,2book 114122 gerundia: " (188a5=549,2) ea: "
188a5c549,2book 113232 ea: .. vel participalia
II 549,3assumere casus. ideo autem participium separatim non tradebant partem
188a5d549,3188a2book 11541 assumere: .i. ataat tuisil indib cadésin
[‘i.e. there are cases in them themselves’] [analysis]
188a6e549,3188a3book 1134 543 separatim: .i. fri nomen ⁊ verbum acht ba inna nelluch atarímtis
[‘i.e. from the noun and the verb: but it was together with them that they used to reckon them’] [analysis]
188a6f549,3book 114221 tradebant: (subs.) .i. stoici
II 549,4orationis, quod nulla alia pars orationis semper in deriuatione est nullam
188a7g549,4book 114228 (nulla) alia (pars): nisi participium
188a7549,4book 114142 semper: (188a9=549,5) enim:
188a8549,4book 114123 nullam: " (188a8=549,5) habens: "
188a8h549,4188a4book 11543 nullam: (m.s.) .i. Ní conétada dírṡuidigud rainn saindilis/ no bed indíruidigud semper nisi participium. / niconḟil nach rainn nád techtad / cetnidetaid nisi participium. reliqua
[‘i.e. derivation did not obtain (any) peculiar part (of speech), to be always in derivation, except the participle, etc. Or there is no part of speech that has not a primitive-origin, except the participle’] [analysis]
II 549,5propriam positionem habens, nisi participium; ceterae enim partes primo
II 549,6in positione inuentae sunt, ad quam etiam deriuatiua aptantur.
188a9i549,6188a5book 11211 (in) positione: hi cétnidetid
[‘in primitive-origin’] [analysis]
188a9549,6book 114121 positione: .- (ibid.) quam: .-
188a9k549,6188a6book 11541 ad (quam): .i. doécastar imbí hinun/ folud bís ind/ib ⁊ acetnide mad inun is/ oinrann dano.
[‘i.e. it shall be seen whether the substance that is in them and their primitive is the same. If it be the same it is one part (of speech) indeed.’] [analysis]
188a10549,6book 114142 aptantur: ., (188a10=549,7) enim: .,
II 549,7omnis enim pars orationis quocumque modo deriuatiua uel in eadem
188a10l549,7188a7book 11543 quocun[que]: (m.s.) mad hinunn anetargnae/ inchetnidi ⁊ indirṡuidigthi bid hi/nunn randatu doib dano/ iarum .i. mad hinunn herchoi/liud ⁊ accidentia doib.
[‘If the notion of the primitive and that of the derivative be the same, they will also have the same particularity afterwards, i.e. if they have the same definition and accidents’] [analysis]
188a11m549,7188a8book 11541 ([quocun]que modo) dirivata: .i. im tri dígbail fa thormach indírṡuidigud ceille suin
[‘i.e. whether the derivation of sense or sound be through diminution or increase’] [analysis]
188a11549,7book 114141 4143 vel: " (188a12=549,8) accipitur: " (188a13=549,9) vel: "
188a11549,7book 114144 in .. etc.: # (188a15=549,11) ut: #
II 549,8notione siue definitione primitiui sui accipitur et eandem habet ei
188a11n549,8book 11541 *notitionem: (subs.) .i. hicomdeilb randatad
[‘i.e. into conformity of particularity’] [analysis]
188a11o549,8188a10book 11541 difinitione: .i. erchoiliud nominis reliqua
[‘i.e. definition of the noun etc.’] [analysis]
188a12p549,8book 11541 eandem: .i. is inonn fodil insce .i. verbum vel nomen reliqua
[‘i.e. it is the same division of speech’] [analysis]
II 549,9diuisionem et eadem accidentia, uel in aliud, quod iam ante erat suppositum in
188a13q549,9book 11423 in (aliud): (m.l.) .i. specimen
188a13549,9book 114142 aliud: :" (188a14=549,10) unde: :"
188a13r549,9book 11541 aliud: .i. adverbium
188a13s549,9188a12book 11541 59 quod: (m.s.) airc manip hinunn/ etargnae don dírui/digthiu frisacétnide/ fedir amal ṡodin andí/ruidigthe dochum nacha rainne aile. ut bene ⁊ male.,
[‘Difficulty! Unless the notion of the derivative be not the same as the primitive, the derivative in that case carried to some other part (of speech) as bene and male’] [analysis]
188a13t549,9188a13book 11541 ante: .i. dochum cétnidetad frisin cosmil issed tete andíruidigthe/ ut bene do/chum indí/ as fere/ .i. inná/ folud/ naic/ne/ta/ reliqua
[‘i.e. the primitive origin to which (it is) like, it is to this that the derivative goes as bene to fere, i.e. in its natural substance etc. ’] [analysis]
II 549,10propria naturali positione, unde etiam deriuatiuum propter similitudinem
188a14549,10book 114141 unde: .- (ibid.) dirivativum: .- (188a15=549,11) ei: .- (ibid.) addebatur: .-
188a14549,10book 114111 etiam: : (ibid.) dirivativum: :
188a14u549,10188a14book 11541 (propter) similitudinem: .i. is airi dofórmágar
[‘i.e. it is therefore that it is increased’] [analysis]
188a14w549,10188a15book 11543 similitudinem: (subs.) .i. arachosmili fris/a cétnide/ dianaccomoltar
[‘i.e. for its likeness to the primitive with which it is connected’] [analysis]
II 549,11eius, quod iam erat ante ex se ortum, ei addebatur, ut pater nomen et
188a15x549,11book 113232 eius: .i. primitivi
188a15549,11book 114121 4123 eius: " (ibid.) quod: " (ibid.) erat: " (ibid.) ortum: "
188a15y549,11188a16book 1134 541 ante: .i. resiu adrochomolta frisandíruidigthe
[‘i.e. before it was connected with the derivative’] [analysis]
188a15z549,11book 113222 ortum: (subs.) .i. primitivum
II 549,12paternus nomen, similiter rex et regalis, taurus et taurinus
II 549,13nomina: quidquid enim accidit primitiuo, accidit etiam deriuatiuo. ferueo
II 549,14uerbum et feruesco uerbum, similiter facio et facesso, uideo et uiso
II 549,15uerba sunt ab eodem in idem. sed etiam bene, male deriuata
188a19aa549,15book 113232 eodem: .i. nomine vel verbo
188a19bb549,15book 113232 idem: .i. nomen vel verbum iterum
188a19549,15book 114141 sed: : (188a21=549,16) nata: :
188a19cc549,15188a17book 11543 bene (et male): .i. arandédenach són infechtso
[‘i.e. on account of their final this time’] [analysis]
II 549,16aduerbia a nominibus ab alio ad aliud ad similitudinem nata sunt ante in
188a20dd549,16book 113232 (ab) alio: .i. á nomine
188a20ee549,16book 113232 (ad) aliud: .i. adverbium
188a20ff549,16188a18book 11211 similitu[dinem]: .i. dochosmailius innaṅdobriathar cét/nide inna/naicniud/ feisin
[‘i.e. to the likeness of the primitive adverbs in their own nature’] [analysis]
188a20549,16book 114112 similitu[dinem]: " (188a21=549,17) inventorum: "
II 549,17propria positione inuentorum, ut paene, nempe, fere; haec enim a se
188a21gg549,17book 11423 inventorum: adverbiorum
188a22549,17book 114122 nempe: ¨/ (ibid.) fere: ¨/ (188a22=549,18) his: ¨/
188a22hh549,17188a19book 11541 fere: .i. ataat in da fere .i. fere cétnide .i. é amess limm ⁊ fere diruidigthe .i. inchomocus
[‘i.e. there are the two feres i.e. a primary fere i.e. this is my judgment, and a derivative fere i.e. near by’] [analysis]
188a22ii549,17188a20book 11211 (a) se: .i. uadib fesin
[‘i.e. from themselves’] [analysis]
II 549,18orta sunt: quidquid enim accidit his, accidit etiam illis et, quod suum est
188a23kk549,18book 113232 illis: .i. bene ⁊ male
188a23ll549,18188a21book 11211 suum: .i. sainred
[‘i.e. peculiarty’] [analysis]
II 549,19aduerbiorum, per omnia uerba percurrunt. quantum ergo ad hoc, id est
188a24mm549,19book 114221 [percur]runt: .i. bene ⁊ male
188a24549,19book 114141 quantum: " (ibid.) hoc: " (188a25=549,20) videntur: ''
188a24549,19book 114122 hoc: : (188a24=549,20) quod: :
II 549,20quod in primitiuis et in sua positione non inueniuntur participia, uidentur
II 549,21stoici bene fecisse. sed rursus prohibet ea esse nomina temporum
188a25nn549,21188a22book 11541 stoici: .i. nephdenom rainne di foleith/ acht a aram la/ ainm
[‘i.e. the not making a separate part of speech of it, but counting it with the noun’] [analysis]
188a26oo549,21book 113232 ea: (subs.) .i. participia
II 549,22diuersorum assumptio, quae fit in propriis transfigurationibus ad similitudinem
188a26549,22book 114121 assumptio: ., (188a27=549,22) quae: .,
188a27pp549,22book 114228 *quae: .i. est
188a27qq549,22188a23book 114226 541 propriis: .i. in participiis techtite proprias transfigurationes verborum hí cach aiccidit absce personis ⁊ modis ⁊ nothech/tath dano in aim/sir indsainriud/ quia est in participio. pre/sens ⁊ preteritum et futurum
[‘i.e. in participles, which have the proper changes of verbs in every accident, except persons and moods, and which have it also in time especially, because there is in the participle a present and a preterite and a future’] [analysis]
II 549,23uerborum. sed si quis dicat, quod nomina quoque multa inueniuntur
II 549,24tempus significantia, respondebimus, quod hoc interest inter participia et
188a29549,24book 114122 hoc: : (188a30=549,25) quod: :
II 549,25nomina temporalia, quod nomina illa nihil aliud significant nisi ipsum
188a30rr549,25188a24book 11211 temporalia: .i. sluindite aimser
[‘i.e. which signify time’] [analysis]
188a30549,25book 114122 temporalia: " (ibid.) illa: "
188a31ss549,25188a25book 11543 ipsum (tempus): .i. cen ḟoilsigud diversitatis temporis
[‘i.e. without manifesting diversity of time’] [analysis]
II 549,26tempus per se, ut annus, mensis, dies, meridies, hodiernus,
188a31tt549,26188a26book 11543 per (se): .i. tresin naimsir feissin .i. amal bid ind aimsir feisin
[‘i.e. through the time itself, i.e. as if it were the time itself’] [analysis]
II 549,27hesternus, crastinus, nec in propriis sunt transfigurationibus, participia uero
188a32uu549,27188a27book 11541 propriis: .i. ut participia .i. ar is aiccidit doranngabáil/ aimser ní aiccidit immurgu/ donaib anmanib/so reliqua
[‘i.e. as participles, i.e. for time is an accident to the participle, but it is not an accident to these nouns, etc.’] [analysis]
188a32ww549,27book 11541 propriis: (m.l.) .i. divi/dendo
II 549,28actionem uel passionem aliquam in diuerso fieri tempore demonstrant, non
188a34xx549,28book 11543 diverso: .i. in tribus temporibus


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]