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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 2 (De syllaba, de dictione, de oratione, de nomine, etc.)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 68 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 68,1notandum tamen, quod, si masculina i longam habuerint ante des per
II 68,2synaeresin, apud nos in eis diuisas tamen faciunt feminina, ut Pelides
32b15e68,2book 2543 (per) sinarisin: .i. tre accomul .e.i. i ndeogur
[‘i.e. by the combination of e and i in a diphthong’] [analysis]
32b1568,2book 24141 latinos: " (ibid.) eis: " (32b1=68,2) divisas: " (ibid.) faciunt: " (ibid.) feminina: "
II 68,3pro Peleides Peleïs, Thesides pro Theseides Theseïs: sic ergo
32b17f68,3book 2543 peleis: .i. femininum
II 68,4Aenides pro Aeneides Aeneïs.
32b18g68,4book 2541 ae[neis]: .i. femininum ⁊ non auctoritate síc sed regula {cf. E 22v5 .i. femininum}
II 68,5in ne autem desinentia, quae sunt Iadis linguae, patronymica eiusdem
32b19h68,5book 2423 desinentia: .i. patronomica feminina
32b19i68,532b3book 2561 iadis: .i. in cheníuil-sin
[‘i.e. of that nation’] [analysis]
32b20k68,532b2book 2541 patronomica: (m.l.) Ní hu aitherrechtaigthib masculindaib bíit inna aitherrechtaigthi in ne. acht is ó cognominibus
[‘Not from masculine patronymics are the (feminine) patronymics in -ne, but from cognomina’] [analysis]
II 68,6generis i longam habent paenultimam, si principale non habuerit eandem i
32b20 l68,6book 23233 (eiusdem) generis: .i. iadis. vel generis feminini {cf. E 22v6 .i. feminini}
32b21m68,632b4book 2541 principa[le]: .i. a cognomen ho·mbí
[‘i.e. the cognomen from which it comes’] [analysis]
II 68,7uocalem, ut Adrestos Adrestīne, Nereus Nerīne. si autem principale
32b22n68,7book 24229 vocalem: .i. ut
32b23o68,7book 2566[?] [ad]restos: .i. cognomen {= E 22v7 .i. om. E}
32b23p68,7book 2566[?] nereos: cognomen
32b2368,7book 211 neríne
32b24q68,7book 2543 principale: .i. a cognomen {cf. E 22v8 a om. E}
[‘the name’] [analysis]
II 68,8habuerit i, o producta ante ne inuenitur, ut Acrisios Acrisiōne, ex quo
32b2468,8book 24123 habuerit: " (ibid.) i: "
32b2468,8book 24111 o: .- (ibid.) produc[ta]: .-
32b25r68,8book 24226 ante (ne): .i. in peneultima
32b25s68,8book 2566[?] acrisios: .i. cognomen {= E 22v9 .i. om. E}
32b25t68,8book 2543 acri[sione]: .i. patronomicum {= E 22v9}
32b2668,8book 24121 [acri]sione: : (ibid.) quo: :
II 68,9possessiuum posuit Virgilius:
32b26u68,9book 252 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
II 68,10«Acrisioneis Danae fundasse colonis»,
32b2768,10book 24111 [acri]sioneis: " (ibid.) colonis: "
32b27w68,10book 2571 [acri]sioneis (dane): (m.s.) virgilianus acrisioneis dane patronomicum est non male estimant acrisioneis colonis cum sola in eum venisse constat
32b27x68,1032b5book 258 59 dane: (m.l.) .i. dava as maith li alaailiu and ní·fitemmar can do·berr
[‘i.e. (it is) daua that some like here; we know not whence it is brought’] [analysis]
32b27y68,10book 2572 dane: .i. dicitur
32b27z68,10book 2566[?] dane: .i. mulieris nomen {= K 15v33 i .i. nomen mulieris; cf. E 22v9 .i. femininum proprium}
32b27aa68,10book 2572 fundasse: .i. Ardeam {cf. E 22v10 turni. quam urbem .i. ardeam}
32b27bb68,1032b6book 2211 543 colonis: (m.d.) .i. hunaib aitrebthidib acrisiondaib a mmuntar-sidi ad·ro-threbsi lee it he con rótgatar in cathraig.
[‘i.e. by the Acrisionian inhabitants: her folk whom she (Danae) had (lit. possessed) with her, it is they that built the city (of Ardea)’] [analysis]
II 68,11ab Acrisione, id est Danae. et sciendum, quod inueniuntur multa eiusdem
32b28cc68,1132b7book 2543 3116 [acr]sione: .i. uand aitherrechtaigthiu atá a n-aitrebthach .i. acrisioneus is hé a ḟoxlaid ilair-sidi fil sunt.
[‘i.e. from the patronymic (Acrisione) comes the possessive, i.e. Acrisioneus: it is its ablative plural which is here.’] [analysis]
32b2868,11book 24111 [acri]sione: .- (ibid.) dane: .-
32b28dd68,1132b8book 2566[?] dane: .i. a propir son
[‘i.e. that is her proper name’] [analysis]
32b2968,11book 24143 [inve]niuntur: .- (ibid.) eiusdem: .- (32b31=68,13) alia: .-
32b29ee68,11book 2423 multa: .i. nomina
32b29ff68,11book 23233 eiusdem: .i. patronomicorum in as ⁊ in is {cf. E 22v11 in is vel in as}
II 68,12formae gentilia, ut Haemonis, Thessalis, Colchis, Argolis, Cyclas,
32b29gg68,1232b9book 2214 gentilia: .i. anmann inchoisc cenéuil
[‘i.e. names signifying race’] [analysis]
32b30hh68,12book 24226 561 themonis: .i. themonia {= K 15v34 k}
32b30ii68,12book 24226 561 thesalis: .i. thesalia {= K 15v34 l}
32b30kk68,12book 24226 561 calchis: .i. colchia {= K 15v24 m cholchis .i. cholchia}
[‘i.e. Colchian’] [analysis]
32b30ll68,1232b10book 2211 calchis: .i. in colchelda {cf. K 15v34 n in cholchedde}
[‘i.e. the Colchian’]
32b30mm68,12book 2561 calchis: (m.l.) calchis. civitas in yboea insula
32b30nn68,1232b11book 2561 211 argo[lis]: .i. argi .i. in grecda {cf. K 15v34 o .i. in grecde}
[‘i.e. the Greek’] [analysis]
32b31oo68,1232b12book 2211 ciclasias: .i. in ciclasta {= K 15v34 p}
[‘i.e. the Cyclasian’] [analysis]
II 68,13Ias, Troas, alia uero propria, ut Bacchis, Doris, Pythias.
32b31pp68,1332b13book 2211 troias: .i. in troianda
[‘i.e. the Trojan’] [analysis]
32b31qq68,1332b14book 2541 propria: .i. propiri dílsi ani-síu di aitherechtaigthib .i. con·ecat beta propiri ⁊ beta n-aitherrechtaigthi.,
[‘i.e. this is strictly proper names from patronymics: they can be proper and be patronymics’] [analysis]
32b32rr68,13book 2566[?] bachis: proprium
32b32ss68,13book 2566[?] doris: proprium
32b32tt68,13book 2566[?] pithias: proprium
32b32uu68,13book 2561 +pithias: urbis
II 68,14

de possessiuis

II 68,15possessiuum est, quod cum genetiuo principalis significat aliquid ex
32b3368,15book 24121 possesivum: " (ibid.) quod: "
32b33ww68,1532b15book 2211 543 principalis: .i. in chétnidi hua·mbí a n-aitrebthach
[‘i.e. of the primitive from which is the possessive’] [analysis]
II 68,16his quae possidentur, ut «Euandrius ensis» pro Euandri ensis et
32b34xx68,16book 23232 his: .i. rebus {= E 22v13}
32b35yy68,16book 2221 euandrius: ευ bonus ανηρ. vir ανδρος. viri.
II 68,17«regius / honos» pro regis honor. hoc autem interest inter possessiua et
32b3768,17book 24141 interest: ., (32b38=68,18) quod: ., (33a2=68,19) et (quod): ., (33a4=68,21) et (quod): ., (33a9=68,23) et (quod): ., {= E 22v14-9 (symb. sec. om. E)}
II 68,18patronymica, quod patronymica filios uel nepotes significant, possessiua autem
32b38zz68,18book 252 quod ..: (m.l.) I {= E 22v15}
32b3968,18book 24143 significant: .- (33a1=68,19) [so]lum: .- (ibid.) sed: .-
II 68,19non solum filios, sed omnia, quae possunt esse in possessione; et quod
33a1a68,1933a1book 2543 posesione: .i. aní atreba leiss
[‘i.e. that which he possesses’] [analysis]
33a2b68,19book 252 et quod ..: (m.l.) II {= E 22v16}
II 68,20patronymica a propriis tantummodo deriuantur, possessiua autem etiam ab
33a368,20book 24143 dirivantur: " (ibid.) possesiva: "
II 68,21appellatiuis; et quod patronymica a masculino descendunt plerumque
33a4c68,21book 252 et quod ..: (m.l.) III {= E 22v17}
33a568,21book 24143 discendunt: : (33a6=68,22) autem: :
33a568,21book 24143 genere: " (33a6=68,22) feminino: "
II 68,22genere, rarissime autem a feminino nec proprie, quando a matribus fiunt, ut
II 68,23supra ostendimus, possessiua autem ab omnibus nascuntur generibus; et
33a7d68,23book 253 supra: .i. quando abusive dixit {= E 22v19 .i. om. E}
33a9e68,23book 252 et quod ..: IIII {= E 22v19}
II 68,24quod patronymica ad homines pertinent uel ad deos, possessiua uero ad
33a1068,24book 24143 pertinent: " (33a11=68,24) autem: "


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]