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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 12 (De pronomine)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 578 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 578,1irrationabiliter tertias uerborum personas infinitas Apollonius dicit, cum
197a31dd578,1197a15, 16book 12541 tertias: .i. fobith nád cinnet tertpersin brethre persain acht is gnim persine sluindite (m.l.) dindí file mrech/trad forsindrem/eperthu ⁊ nad fil for tertpersa<i>n verborum
[‘i.e. because third persons of a verb do not define person, but it is the action of person which they signify, from the fact that there is variety on the aforesaid and there is not on the third person of verbs’] [analysis]
197a31578,1book 124122 tertias: : (197a34=578,3) eis: :
197a32578,1book 124143 cum: " (197a33=578,2) et: "
II 578,2nulla in eis certa finiatur persona et profundae multitudinis sint capaces,
197a32ee578,2book 123232 eis: .i. tertiis verborum personis
197a32ff578,2book 12212 profundae: infinitae
197a32gg578,2book 12212 +profundae: magnae .i. plurimae
197a32578,2book 124142 profundae: ..- (197a33=578,3) nisi: ..-
197a32hh578,2197a17book 1251 543 (profundae) multitudinis: .i. na ilchialla as ind óinrainn
[‘i.e. the many meanings out of the same part (of speech)’] [analysis]
II 578,3quomodo et pluralis numerus nominum, nisi adiungas eis uel nomen uel
197a32ii578,3book 124228 quomodo: .i. est
197a33kk578,3book 12543 pluralis: infinitus
197a34ll578,3book 123232 eis: .i. verbis tertiae
197a34578,3book 124122 nomen: : (197a34=578,4) pronomen: : (197a35=578,4) eis: :
II 578,4pronomen, cum prima et secunda persona eis non egeat. si enim dicam
197a35mm578,4book 124222 persona: verborum
197a35nn578,4book 123232 +eis: nominibus vel pronominibus
197a25578,4book 124142 egeat: .- (ibid.) enim: .-
II 578,5scribo uel scribis, in ipsa uoce definiui etiam personam scribentis et
197a36578,5book 124144 [scri]bo: " (ibid.) scribis: " (ibid.) voce: "
197a36oo578,5book 12211 difinivi: ro cinnius
[‘I defined’] [analysis]
II 578,6ostendi; sin dicam scribit, incertum quis, donec addam uel nomen uel
197a38pp578,6197a19book 12211 4228 quis: ce hé roscríb
[‘who it is that has written’] [analysis]
197a38qq578,6197a20book 124222 nomen: isindí scríbas
[‘it is of him that writes’] [analysis]
II 578,7pronomen. et primae quidem personae pronomen et secundae et tertiae
197a38rr578,7book 124222 pronomen: .i. tertiae personae
197a38578,7book 124141 et (primae): " (197a39=578,8) habent: "
197a39ss578,7book 12543 tertiae: .i. sui
II 578,8cum non discernunt genera, inaequalem habent etiam casuum
197a39tt578,8197a21book 12211 (non) discernunt (genera): nifodlat chenél
[‘they do not distinguish gender’] [analysis]
II 578,9declinationem tam in singulari quam in plurali numero, ut ego mei uel mis
II 578,10mihi me a me, nos nostrum uel nostri nobis nos a nobis;
197b2578,10book 12111[?] á (me)
II 578,11similiter secunda; nam tertia, quae est sui sibi se a se non solum
197b3a578,11book 124228 similiter: .i. habet inaequalem declinationem
197b3b578,11book 12423 secunda: .i. persona
197b3578,11book 124142 secunda: " (ibid.) nam: "
II 578,12genera, sed etiam numeros confundit; nec mirum: nam cum relatiua sit,
197b5c578,12197b1book 124228 nec mirum: cia beith incummasc andsom
[‘that there be the confusion therein’] [analysis]
197b5578,12book 124141 4142 mirum: ..- (ibid.) nam: ..- (197b6=578,13) possumus: ..-
197b5d578,12book 124221 sit: .i. pronomen tertiae .i. sui
II 578,13ex antecedente cognitione possumus ad quod genus uel numerum refertur
197b6e578,13197b2book 12541 cognitione: .i. tresanainm nengracigedar
[‘i.e. through the noun that it takes the place of’] [analysis]
197b6578,13book 124143 ad (quod): " (ibid.) vel: "
197b6f578,13197b3book 12211 ad (quod genus vel numerum): .i. cid chenél nó cesí aram
[‘i.e. what is the gender or what the number’] [analysis]
197b6g578,13book 124227 numerum: .i. quem
II 578,14scire, quod facit in genere primae et secundae personae ipsa demonstratio
197b7578,14book 124121 scire: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
197b7h578,14197b4book 12543 (in) genere: .i. acht is ifoilsigud frecṅdairc asagnintar in ego ⁊ tu. tri atarcud immurgu as/agnin/tar hi sui.
[‘i.e. but it is in present demonstration that it is recognised in ego and tu: through anaphora, however, it is recognised in sui’] [analysis]
197b8i578,14197b5book 12541 [de]monstratio: derbaid cenél dano isuidib aní remitatét
[‘what precedes them, then, certifies the gender in them’] [analysis]
II 578,15et praesentia utriusque. illa uero, quae distinguunt genera, certam habent
II 578,16et aequalem per utrumque numerum declinationis et casuum regulam, ut
II 578,17ille, iste, ipse et reliqua nouem.
197b10k578,17book 12423 reliqua (no[vem]): .i. pronomina
197b11l578,17197b6book 12211 541 (reliqua) [no]vem: (m.s.) reliqua novem .i. anoi frisinatri/ .i. ité innanoi didiu. septem dirivativa./ et .is. ⁊ .hic.
[‘i.e. the remaining nine, nine in addition to the three (ille, iste, ipse): these then, are the nine, seven derivatives and is and hic’] [analysis]
II 578,18sunt autem eorum alia demonstratiua, alia relatiua, alia et
197b11m578,18book 123232 eorum: pronominum
II 578,19demonstratiua et relatiua, unde notabiles et certae fiunt personae. et primae quidem
197b12n578,19197b7book 123226[?] unde: .i. dinaib fodlaib rem/eperthib
[‘i.e. from the divisions aforesaid’] [analysis]
197b13578,19book 124122 primae: .- (197b13=578,20) secundae: .- (197b14=578,20) utraque: .-
II 578,20et secundae personae pronomina sunt semper demonstratiua (utraque
II 578,21enim, ut dictum est, praesens ostenditur persona, et eius, qui loquitur,
197b15o578,21197b8book 12543 59 eius: frecndairc. ám
[‘present indeed’] [analysis]
197b15p578,21book 12543 3223 qui: .i. prima
II 578,22et illius, ad quem loquitur), tertiae uero alia sunt demonstratiua, ut hic,
197b16q578,22book 12543 loquitur: secunda
197b16r578,22book 12423 *aliae: voces
II 578,23iste, alia relatiua, ut is, sui, alia modo demonstratiua modo relatiua,
II 578,24ut ille, ipse. ille demonstratiuum Terentius in eunucho:
II 578,25«uiden tu illum, Thais?».
197b19s578,25book 123112 tais: vocativus
II 578,26relatiuum Virgilius in VII:
II 578,27«sic Iuppiter ille monebat».
197b20t578,27book 1252 sic .. etc.: (m.l.) virgilius


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 10 September 2024]