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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 12 (De pronomine)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 577 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 577,1

liber duodecimus de pronomine

II 577,2pronomen est pars orationis, quae pro nomine proprio uniuscuiusque
197a7f577,2197a1book 12543 541 pro (nomine proprio): engracogud anme dílis .i. is diles/ anainmsin/ aḟolaid .i. ro/bofolad diles / doacaldmach
[‘a taking the place of a proper noun, i.e. that name is the peculiar property of its substance, i.e. either a proper substance or an appellative’] [analysis]
II 577,3accipitur personasque finitas recipit.
II 577,4pronomini accidunt sex: species, persona, genus, numerus, figura,
II 577,5casus.
II 577,6species pronominum bipertita est; alia enim sunt primitiua, alia
II 577,7deriuatiua. primitiua: ego, mei, tu, tui, sui; deriuatiua: meus, tuus,
197a12577,7book 12111[?]
197a13g577,7book 12421 meus (tuus suus): exemplum tantummodo
II 577,8suus. et primae quidem personae primitiuum est ego et reliqui casus
197a13h577,8197a2book 12541 53 et primae .. etc.: (m.l.) ISairi asbertar atacétnidi incham/thuisil ore ni ón/dí as ego ata .mei./ ⁊ reliqua Aliter is airi asbertar ata cétnidi inchamthuisil ore atá cétnidi inna pronomina huataat .i. ego ⁊ tu.. ⁊ sic dicitur in nomine mad cétnide anainmm it cétnidi athuisil. si dirivatum. nomen. casus eius dirivati erunt.,
[‘Therefore the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because it is not from ego that mei is. Aliter, for this reason the oblique cases are said to be primitive, because the pronouns ego and tu, from which they come are primitive, and thus it is said in nomine, if the noun be primitive its cases are primitive’] [analysis]
197a14i577,8book 12423 primitivum: pronomen
197a14577,8book 124143 primitivum: " (ibid.) et (reliqui): " (197a15=577,9) vero: "
II 577,9sequentes; secundae tu et eius obliqui; tertiae uero ille, ipse, iste,
197a15577,9book 124122 tu: : (ibid.) eius: :
197a15k577,9book 12423 obliqui: casus
II 577,10hic, is, sui, quod nominatiuo caret, quomodo ἑαυτοῦ apud Graecos.
197a15577,10book 124121 sui: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
197a16577,10book 124143 caret: ; (ibid.) quomodo: ;
197a16l577,10197a3book 12221 αιτων: grec indí as sui
[‘the Greek of sui’] [analysis]
II 577,11et ea quidem octo pronomina sunt primitiua uel simplicia. deriuatiua
197a16577,11book 124111 4123 ea: " (ibid.) .VIII.: " (197a17=577,11) pronomina: " (ibid.) primitiva: "
197a17m577,11197a4book 12541 simplicia: .i. nítaet chomsuidigud friu in nominativo nisi in paucis
[‘i.e. except in a few instances, there is no composition with them in the nominative’] [analysis]
II 577,12sunt septem: meus, tuus, suus, noster, uester, nostras, uestras.
II 577,13in his igitur quindecim pronominibus nulla fit controuersia, quin
197a18n577,13book 12423 *.XV.: pronominibus
II 577,14omnes fateantur, ea esse pronomina. quaeritur tamen, cur prima quidem
197a19577,14book 124121 quaeritur: : (197a22=577,16) quod: :
197a19577,14book 12111[?] cúr
II 577,15persona et secunda singula habeant pronomina, tertiam uero sex diuersae
197a20o577,15197a5book 12211 singula: óindi
[‘single’] [analysis]
197a20577,15book 124111 singula: " (197a21=577,15) pronomina: "
197a21p577,15book 12423 tertiam: personam
197a21577,15book 124111 sex: . (ibid.) diversae: . (197a21=577,16) vo[ces]: .
II 577,16indicent uoces? ad quod respondendum, quod prima quidem et secunda
197a21q577,16book 1242211[?] indicant: cur
197a21577,16book 124142 indicant: ..- (197a27=577,20) enim: ..-
197a22r577,16book 123226[?] (ad) quod: .i. ius
197a22577,16book 124142 respondendum: .- (ibid.) quod: .-
II 577,17persona ideo non egent diuersis uocibus, quia semper praesentes inter se
197a23577,17book 124142 egent: : (ibid.) quia: :
II 577,18sunt et demonstratiuae, tertia uero persona modo demonstratiua est, ut
II 577,19hic, iste, modo relatiua, ut is, ipse, modo praesens iuxta, ut iste,
197a26s577,19197a6book 12211 541 relativa: .i. atarcadach .i. diarobae aisdís riam
[‘i.e. anaphoric, i.e. of which there has been a speaking before’] [analysis]
197a26t577,19book 12211 (presens) iuxta: inchomocus
[‘near by’] [analysis]
197a26u577,19book 12211 iste: intísiu
[‘this’] [analysis]
II 577,20modo absens uel longe posita, ut ille. si enim super omnes alias partes
197a27w577,20197a9book 12211 ille: intíthall
[‘that’] [analysis]
197a27577,20book 124141 enim: .- (197a30=577,22) profertur: .-
197a27x577,20book 12211 super: .i. sech
[‘i.e. above’] [analysis]
197a27y577,20197a11book 12541 super omnes: (m.l.) Super omnes .i. huare/ ata cinniud persíne hi/ pronomen ⁊ ata mrecht/rad forsinpersin ísin./ bavisse cenotectad/ ilgotha fri inchosc/ in mrechtraid sin./ huare is moo slui/ndes pronomen persin quam/ aliae partes. air/ is fris arícht . air/ cia sluindid briathar/ persin ní fris arícht/ frislond persine act/ is frislond gnimo/ persine principaliter/ arícht. cenud slui/ndi persin consequen/ter.,
[‘i.e. since there is a definition of person in the pronoun, and there is variety in that person, it were right that it should possess many sounds to express that variety, because the pronoun, more than the other parts of speech, signifies person: for this it was invented. For though a verb signifies person, it was not invented to signify person, but to signify a person’s action, principaliter, although it signifies person consequenter’] [analysis]
II 577,21orationis finit personas pronomen, rectissime tertiarum quoque personarum
197a28z577,21197a12book 12211 (si ..) finit: manud chinni
[‘if it determines’] [analysis]
197a29aa577,21197a13book 12541 [re]ctissime: isdíriuch andechor deg cinte persana
[‘right is their difference because they define persons’] [analysis]
197a29577,21book 124123 [re]ctissime: " (197a29=577,22) differentia: "
II 577,22differentia distincte profertur, quae plurimas habet diuersitates. unde non
197a30bb577,22book 123221 quae: .i. tertia persona
197a30577,22book 124111 4142 plurimas: ... (ibid.) diversitates: ... (ibid.) unde: ...
197a30cc577,22197a14book 12541 diversitates: hi gothaib ⁊ indliucht
[‘in words and meaning’] [analysis]


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]