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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 8 (De uerbo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 407 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 407,1clausus sit uel esto κεκλείσθω. quod autem uim praeteriti habet
II 407,2huiuscemodi constructio, ostendunt subiunctiua praeteriti perfecti, quae similiter
148a5d407,2148a3book 8543 construc[tio]: .i. issed acumdach leiss acco/mol indarann oc slund imperativi .-
[‘i.e. this is the construction in his opinion, junction of the two parts in expressing the imperative’] [analysis]
148a6e407,2book 8423 subiunctativa: .i. verba
II 407,3proferuntur in passiua declinatione, ut amatus sim sis sit. ergo si
II 407,4amatus sit in subiunctiuo praeteriti est temporis, bene etiam in imperatiuo
II 407,5praeteriti temporis potest accipi, quippe cum etiam in praesenti tempore
II 407,6imperatiui tertia persona similis est in omni coniugatione tertiae personae
II 407,7subiunctiui, ut amet, doceat, legat, ametur, doceatur, legatur; et in
II 407,8passiuis quidem uel similibus hoc possumus dicere, in actiuis uero uel
148a14407,8book 84143 [pos]sumus: -. (148a14=407,9) nullo: -.
II 407,9neutris nullo modo, nisi participia praeteriti habeant.
II 407,10optatiuus autem, quamuis ipse quoque uideatur ad futurum pertinere
148a15407,10book 84141 autem: .- (148a17=407,12) etiam: .-
148a15407,10book 84141 quamvis: " (148a16=407,10) videatur: "
II 407,11(ea enim optamus, quae uolumus nobis uel in praesens uel in futurum
148a16407,11book 84121 ea: : (ibid.) quae: :
148a17407,11book 812 nobís
II 407,12dari), tamen habet etiam praeteritum tempus, quia euenit saepe de
148a17f407,12book 84228 *etiam: .i. habet
II 407,13absentibus et ignotis rebus precari, ut facta esse ante nobis poterint in notitiam
148a18407,13book 812 ignotís
148a19g407,13148a4book 8543 precari: (m.l.) .i. ind/ réta/ adgúsi/ optait/ ní bíat/ cedach/t
[‘i.e. the things which the optative desires, they are not however’] [analysis]
148a19407,13book 84123 facta: " (ibid.) esse: "
148a19h407,13148a5book 8211 facta (esse ante): amal farcuimsitis {= K 61r33 k .i. add. K.}
[‘as though they had happened’] [analysis]
II 407,14uenire, ut si, filio meo Romae in praesenti degente, optans dicam
148a20i407,14148a6book 8543 ut si: .i. forcomnacair buith amaicc som híróim affamenad som didiu no légad amacc innheret sin/ (m.d.) imbói .et. ro/bu anfiss do/som inrolég/ fanacc. dég/ rombu écṅ/daircc do 7/ afamenad/ raḟesed in/roleg ..-
[‘i.e. his son happened to be in Rome. He desired then that his son should read during that time that he was (there); but he (the father) knew not whether he (the son) had read or not, because he was absent from him; and he (the father) wished that he should know it, whether he (the son) had read.’] [analysis]
148a20k407,14148a7book 8211 431[?] degente: (subs.) .i. anarambeir biuth
[‘i.e. while he lives (there)’] [analysis]
II 407,15utinam Romae filius meus legisset auctores, propter quos nunc ibi moratur;
148a21l407,15book 83114 auctores: .i. apud
148a21m407,15book 83223 (propter) quos: .i. arlegend leo
[‘i.e. for reading with them’] [analysis]
II 407,16utinam profectus esset Romam ante triginta dies. possumus tamen hoc
II 407,17uti modo etiam ostendentes, quae optamus non euenisse, ut Virgilius in
148a23n407,17book 83232 (hoc ..) modo: .i. optativo
148a24o407,17148a9book 8541 evenisse: .i. ní rabatar cidecht ar ní ail aicsu forsani nothechti
[‘i.e. they were not, however, for it is not proper to wish for what you have’] [analysis]
II 407,18I Aeneidos:
II 407,19«atque utinam rex ipse noto conpulsus eodem /
148a24p407,19book 8572 +atque: dido dixit
148a25407,19book 813 eodem .
II 407,20adforet Aeneas»,
II 407,21et: «utinam, Gn(aei) Pompei, cum Gaio Caesare societatem aut
II 407,22numquam coisses aut numquam diremisses». in hoc autem modo
148a27q407,22book 8212 58 +coisses: vel coniunxisses
148a27r407,22book 8212 dis[civisses]: (m.d.) cicero/ discio . nolo {= K 61r39 p .i. nolo}
148a28s407,22book 83232 (in hoc ..) modo: .i. optativo
II 407,23dumtaxat et infinito tempora coniuncta habent Latini praesens cum
148a28t407,23book 84229 infinito: .i. in
II 407,24praeterito imperfecto et praeteritum perfectum cum plusquamperfecto ad


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 22 October 2024]