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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 1 (De uoce, de littera)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 34 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 34,1iudicio possit reddere, sed etiam hoc, quod geminari s aliqua consonante
16a3534,1book 14143 possit: .- (ibid.) sed: .-
16a36pp34,1book 13116 hoc: .i. ablativus {= E 13r18 .i. om. E}
16a3634,1book 14141 quod: ., (16b1=34,2) minime: ., (ibid.) potest: .,
16a m.i.qqbook 159 (m.i.) Ox .I.
II 34,2antecedente minime potest: geminari autem uidetur post consonantem, si x
16b1a34,2book 1212 minime: non {= E 13r19 .i. add. E}
16b1b34,2book 1543 geminari: si scribas .s. post x {= E 13r19}
16b234,2book 14123 x: " (16b2=34,3) antecedente: "
II 34,3antecedente, quae loco cs fungitur, ipsa consequatur, ut exsequiae
16b3c34,3book 13232 ipsa: .s. aile {cf. E 13r20 .s.}
[‘another s’] [analysis]
16b3d34,316b2book 1211 35 333 *consequatur: ma do·coisgedar {= L 17v17 c ma du·coscedar cf. E 13r20 .s. sí}
[‘if it follows’] [analysis]
16b4e34,3book 1212 +exsequor: .i. excito negotio
II 34,4exsequor. quod si liceret, licebat etiam post bs uel ps, quas loco ψ
II 34,5duplicis accipimus, addere s, ut diceremus obssessus, abssectus, quod
II 34,6minime licet: numquam enim nec s nec alia consonans geminari potest,
16b734,6book 14111 nunquam: " (16b8=34,6) nec: " (ibid.) potest: "
II 34,7ut diximus, alia antecedente consonante.
II 34,8nunc de mutis dicamus. b transit in c, ut occurro, succurro;
II 34,9in f: officio, sufficio, suffio; in g: suggero; in m: summitto,
II 34,10globus glomus; in p: suppono; in r: surripio, arripio; in s:
16b13f34,1016b3book 1313 211 glomus: sed tertiae declinationis ⁊ neutrum .i. comtherchomrac {cf. E 13r25 comtherchomrac (m.d.) tertie declinationis glomus .ris. haloiu aur.ruinn}
[‘but <’glomus’> is of the third declension and neuter i.e. a collection’] [analysis]
II 34,11iubeo iussi. nam suscipio, sustuli a susum uel sursum aduerbio
16b15g34,1167book 14228 nam: ideo non dico .b. in .s. híc nam reliqua
16b15h34,1116b4book 1543 sustuli: dobriathar ata chomsuidigthe frisna hí-siu
[‘adverbs which are compounded with these (words)’] [analysis]
16b1534,11book 14111 a: " (ibid.) ad[verbio]: "
II 34,12composita sunt, unde subtinnio et subcumbo non mutauerunt b in s.
16b16i34,1216b5book 1541 subtinneo: is follus nach .b. in .s. in predictis ar ni loc tairmthechtae di. in .s. sequente .c. vel t. unde subtinneo reliqua non transit in his similiter
[‘it is obvious that b (does) not (change) into s in the aforesaid (examples), for it is not an occasion for it to pass into s when c or t follows, unde etc.’] [analysis]
II 34,13suspicor quoque et suspicio a susum uel sursum componuntur,
16b18k34,13book 125 53 sussum: et ab aspicio ut dicet {post add. E}{= E 13v1}
II 34,14sed abiciunt unam s, quia non potest duplicari consonans alia subsequente
16b19l34,14book 14222 unam: .i. in da ṅ-s. .i. is. adverbii vel verbi {cf. E 13v1 .i. s. adverbii non verbi}
[‘i.e. (one) of the two s’s, i.e. s of the adverb or of the verb’] [analysis]
16b1934,14book 14143 potest: " (16b21=34,15) quomodo: "
II 34,15consonante, quomodo nec antecedente, nisi sit muta ante liquidam, ut
II 34,16supplex, suffragor, sufflo, effluo, effringo, quomodo et apud
16b23m34,16book 125 *([suf]flo) efflo: ex ⁊ flo {cf. E 13v3 .ex.}
II 34,17Graecos συγγνώμη, φθέγγμα.
16b24n34,1716b7book 14228 [gre]cos: .i. emnad mute re lechdaig híc
[‘i.e. doubling of a mute before a liquid here’] [analysis]
II 34,18c transit in u consonantem: quiesco quieui, pasco paui, ascisco
16b26o34,1816b8book 1211 ascisco: do·cuiriur {cf. E 13v4 .i. voco}
[‘I summon’] [analysis]
II 34,19asciui; in x: dico dixi, duco duxi, noceo noxa noxius; in s: parco
II 34,20parsi et peperci dicitur; in g antecedente n: quadringenta,
16b29p34,20book 125 53 quadringenta: .i. quattuor ⁊ centum ut in sillabis dicet {= E 13v6 dicet] ostendet E}
16b30r34,20book 125 quingenta: quinque ⁊ centum {= E 13v6}
II 34,21quingenta, septingenta, ango quoque pro ancho. et notandum, quod
16b29q34,21book 125 septingenta: septem ⁊ centum {= E 13v6}
16b30s34,2116b9book 1211 ango: cumcigim
[‘I constrict’] [analysis]
16b3134,21book 14141 quod: .- (16b32=34,22) inveniuntur: .-
II 34,22ante hanc solam mutam finalem inueniuntur longae uocales, ut hōc,
16b31t34,22book 13232 hanc: .c. {= E 13v7 .i. add. E}
II 34,23hāc, sīc, hīc aduerbium; nam ante t, si qua inueniantur, per
16b33u34,23book 13232 qua: .i. ylementa vocalium {= E 13v8}
II 34,24concisionem hoc euenit, ut audīt, munīt, fumāt pro audiuit, muniuit,
II 34,25fumauit. nec non post s posita transit aliquando in t uel assumit eam,
16b36w34,25book 14221 transit: .c. {= E 13v10 .i. add. E}
16b3734,25book 14122 t: " (ibid.) eam: "
II 34,26ut irascor iratus, nanciscor nactus, paciscor pactus, nascor natus.
16b38x34,26book 1543 iratus: c in t
16b38y34,26book 1212 nanciscor: (subs.) invenio
16b38z34,26book 1543 nactus: assumpsit .t. {cf. E 13v11 .i. assumit .t.}


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 13 September 2024]