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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 8 (De uerbo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 409 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 409,1enim bonum est legere, ut si dicam bona est lectio. itaque omnis
II 409,2modus finitus potest per hunc interpretari, ut si dicam lego, quid indicaui?
148b21i409,2148b7book 8543 [fini]tus: .i. is tríit astoascther intṡliucht cachmuid
[‘i.e. through it is expressed the meaning of every mood’] [analysis]
148b21-3 409,2book 8111[?] sí .. té
II 409,3legere me; lege, quid imperaui? legere te; utinam legerem, quid
II 409,4optaui? legere; cum legam, uenio, quid iunxi? prius legere post uenire.
II 409,5gerundia quoque uel participialia, cum participiorum uel nominum
148b24k409,5book 8423 gerundia: .i. verba
148b24409,5book 84141 gerundia: ..- (148b28=409,8) funguntur: ..-
148b25l409,5book 8423 participialia: verba
II 409,6uideantur habere casus obliquos nec tempora significent, quod alienum
148b26409,6book 84121 habere: " (148b27=409,6) quod: "
148b26m409,6148b8book 8541 habere: delb trituisel foraib it trituisilhirec reliqua quod melius
[‘i.e. a paradigm of three cases upon them: or it is three cases simply, quod melius’] [analysis]
II 409,7est a uerbo: legendi, legendo, legendum, lectum, lectu, infiniti uice
148b28n409,7book 8423 infinitivi: .i. verbi
148b28409,7book 84121 infinitivi: " (148b28=409,8) quod: "
II 409,8tamen funguntur, quod solet apud Graecos articulis coniungi. itaque pro
148b29409,8book 84141 itaque: ... (148b30=409,9) utimur: ...
II 409,9infinito, qui coniungitur genetiuo casui articuli apud Graecos, nos utimur
148b29o409,9book 8423 (pro) infinito: modo
148b30p409,9148b9book 8541 221 genitivo: (m.l.) .i. dogenitin ar/ticuil adcomal/tar ingerind/ in .di. ardoella/tar articuil/ leosom is genitiu/ articuil iarum/ του. masu .το/ file iar/nach/úl.-
[‘i.e. to the genitive of the article is joined the gerund in -di, for with them articles are declined. Now toû is the genitive of the article, if it is tò that it is behind it.’] [analysis]
148b30q409,9book 8221 casui: .i. ut est huius apud nos genitivus articol του dano apud graecos
[‘i.e. as with us huius is the genitive of the article, so with the Greeks is toû’] [analysis]
II 409,10in di terminatione, quae similis est genetiuo nominis, legendi, τοῦ
148b31r409,10148b11book 84222 in (di): .i. uan gerind in dí
[‘i.e. from the gerund in -di’] [analysis]
148b31409,10book 84121 terminatione: " (ibid.) quae: "
148b32s409,10book 825 331 legendi: .i. legendus legendi
148b32t409,10book 8221 του: .i. huius
II 409,11ἀναγνωστέου καὶ τοῦ ἀναγινώσκειν καὶ τοῦ ἀναγινώσκεσθαι. pro eo
148b32u409,11148b12book 8221 543 αναγνωτεου: .i. teora greca inso dondí as legendi
[‘i.e. these are three Greek words for legendi’] [analysis]
148b32w409,11book 8221 3113 αναγνωτεου: .i. genitivus nominis
148b32x409,11book 8221 και: 7
148b32y409,11148b13book 8221 335[?] του (αναγι[νωσκειν]): .i. agrec anísiu intan aramberar ciall/ brethre gní/ma/ ass.
[‘i.e. this is its Greek when the meaning of an active verb is expressed by it’] [analysis]
148b33z409,11148b14book 8221 335[?] του αναγινωσκεσθαι: .i. agrec anísiu/ intan aram/berar ciall ches/ta ass. ut paulo post dicet.
[‘i.e. its Greek is this when the meaning of a passive verb is expressed by it, as he will say soon’] [analysis]
148b33aa409,11book 83232 *eo: .i. infinito
II 409,12autem, qui datiuo articuli adiungitur, infinito apud Graecos antecedente ἐν
148b33409,12book 84141 autem: .- (148b35=409,13) utimur: .-
148b33409,12book 84111 *qui: : (148b34=409,12) infinitus: :
148b34bb409,12book 8221 εν: in {= K 61v16 g}
II 409,13praepositione, nos in do utimur terminatione, quae similis est datiuo uel
148b35409,13book 8111[?] nós
148b35409,13book 84144 utimur: ..., (148b41=409,20) legendo: ...,
148b35409,13book 84121 terminatione: : (ibid.) quae: :
148b35409,13book 84142 similis: .- (148b36=409,14) nisi: .-
II 409,14ablatiuo nominis (nisi quod uerbum hoc existimantes quidam etiam
II 409,15corripiunt o finalem eius. Iuuenalis in I:
II 409,16«plurimus hic aeger moritur uigilandŏ, sed illum /
148b38409,16book 813 plurimus hic eger mori,tur vigi,lando sed, illum ..
148b38cc409,16book 813 (vigi)lando sed: .i. dactylus .i. correpta
148b38dd409,16book 813 illum: .i. dered fersa
[‘i.e. the end of a verse’] [analysis]
II 409,17languorem peperit cibus inperfectus».
149b42409,17book 84121 participiis: " (ibid.) quae: "
150a m.s.abook 859 (m.s.) vinniane fave
II 409,18Alphius Auitus in II excellentium:
148b40ee409,18book 8423 excellentium: .i. artium
II 409,19«spatiandŏ paulatim trahit»;
148b40409,19book 813 spatian,do pau,latim tr,ahit
148b40ff409,19book 813 (spatian,)do: .i. correpta
II 409,20est enim dimetrum iambicum), ut legendo ἀναγνωστέῳ καὶ ἐν τῷ
148b41gg409,20148b16book 8221 ανα[γνοστεω]: .i. grec con articol cave/ ⁊ remsuidigud
[‘i.e. a Greek word with an article and a preposition’] [analysis]
148b42hh409,20book 8221 313 [ανα] γνοστεω: ciall nominis
[‘meaning of a noun’] [analysis]
148b42409,20book 853 και .. etc.: (m.d.) $- (cf. 149b39=412,15)
II 409,21ἀναγινώσκειν καὶ ἐν τῷ ἀναγινώσκεσθαι. pro eo quoque, qui
148b42ii409,21148b18book 8221 335[?] αναγινοσκειν: .i. ciall gníma
[‘i.e. meaning of action’] [analysis]
148b43kk409,21book 8221 335[?] αντινωσκαισθαι: cesad
[‘passion’] [analysis]
148b43ll409,21book 83232 eo: .i. infinito {= K 61v21 l .i. add. K.}


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 24 January 2025]