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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 3 (De comparatione, de superlativo, de diminutivo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 87 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 87,1«nam strenuiori deterior si praedicat /
II 87,2suas pugnas, de illius † illae fiunt sordidae».
II 87,3et puto, hanc esse rationem, quod oportet comparatiuum una syllaba
40b1387,3book 34143 4141 puto: :-: (40b27=87,11) vel: :-: {= E 27v2-10 (symb. sec. om. E)}
40b13e87,3book 34228 rationem: non habere comparativa {= E 27v2}
II 87,4uincere genetiuum positiui, nisi sint anomala, ut teneri tenerior, docti doctior.
40b1587,4book 353 anomala: (m.l.) .. (cf. 41a16=88,15)
40b15f87,440b1book 3211 543 anomala: neph-riagoldai
[‘irregular’] [analysis]
40b16g87,440b2book 3543 [te]neri: is riagolda són
[‘this is regular’] [analysis]
II 87,5si ergo haec, quae ante us uocalem habent, assumant genetiuo or,
II 87,6necesse est inter duas uocales positam i transire in uim consonantis, quod in
40b1887,6book 34121 transire: .- (40b19=87,6) quod: .-
II 87,7Latinis dictionibus semper fere patitur, cum inter duas uocales inuenitur
40b2087,7book 34111 vocales: : (40b21=87,8) servantes: : {= E 27v6-7}
II 87,8uim suam seruantes. hoc autem [ideo] dixi, quod u post q uel [post] g
40b21h87,840b3book 3543 vim (suam): a ṅgutass
[‘their vocalism’] [analysis]
40b21i87,8book 33232 hoc: servare vim vocalium {= E 27v7 .i. add. E}
40b2287,8book 34111 u: .- (40b22=87,9) posita: .-
II 87,9posita saepe ante i hoc non facit, quippe amittens uim suam, ut nequior,
40b22k87,940b4book 33232 hoc: tairmt/echtas for .i.
[‘the passage to i’] [analysis]
40b23l87,9book 3423 543 amittens: .u. {= E 27v8 .i. add. E}
40b24m87,9book 325 nequior: .i. nequam {= E 27v8}
40b24n87,940b5book 3211 nequior: andgidiu.
[‘more wicked’] [analysis]
II 87,10pinguior, quod nisi fiat, contingit, si in consonantem transeat i, pares
40b24o87,10book 3543 (nequior) pinguior: ni hed sin ⁊ it riagoldai sidi
[‘it is not that (the transition of i to a consonant) and (yet) these are regular’] [analysis]
II 87,11esse syllabas genetiuo positiui cum nominatiuo comparatiui uel hiatum
40b26p87,1140b7book 3543 possitivi: noch ní cóir son acht corop máa i n-óen-ṡillaib in comparit iss ed as chóir
[‘yet this is not right - only that the comparative be greater by one syllable, this is what it is right’] [analysis]
II 87,12intolerabilem fieri tribus uocalibus per tres syllabas continue positis nulla
II 87,13consonante media, si dicamus piior, arduior. quod ne fiat, non sunt usi
40b30q87,1340b8book 33223 quod: ménogud inna teora ṅguttae immalle.
[‘the hiatus of the three vowels together’] [analysis]
40b3087,13book 34123 sunt: ., (ibid.) usi: ., (40b31=87,14) plerique: ., {= E 27v12 (symb. tert. om. E)}
40b30r87,1340b9book 3211 (non sunt) usi: ní·arrbartatar bith
[‘they have never used’] [analysis]
II 87,14eorum comparatiuis. plerique assumunt igitur magis aduerbium et usum
II 87,15comparatiui complent, ut magis pius hic quam ille; uetustissimi
40b33s87,15book 34221 complent: auctores {= E 27v12 .i. add. E}
40b33t87,1540b10book 3211 magis (pius): goiriu
[‘more pious’] [analysis]
II 87,16tamen comparatiuis etiam huiuscemodi sunt [est quando] usi. Cato [dixit]:
40b35u87,1640b11book 3211 *est: ata
[‘it is’] [analysis]
40b3587,16book 34141 *sunt: " (ibid.) quando: " (ibid.) usi: "
40b35w87,1640b12book 3211 *(sunt: ) quando (usi): in tan ara·ru-batar bith
[‘when they used’] [analysis]
II 87,17«quod iter longius arduiusque erat a curia». idem ad
40b36x87,1740b13book 3543 *arduiusque: co·n-eperr arduius
[‘so that arduius is said’] [analysis]
II 87,18populum de triumpho: «asperrimo atque arduissimo aditu».
40b37y87,1840b14book 3541 arduissimo: is foluss dún tra as riagoldu leo-som nad·ṁbíet cid int ṡuperlati huare nad·ṁbiat na compariti.,
[‘it is clear to us that it is more regular with them (arduus etc.) that there will not be even the superlatives, because the comparatives do not exist’] [analysis]
40b38z87,18book 3566[?] pacubius: proprium
II 87,19Pacuuius in Medo:
II 87,20«mulier egregiissima /
40b39aa87,2040b15book 3543 25 egregiisisima: do thaidbse ṡuperlait huandí as egregius egregior
[‘to show a superlative from egregius, egregior’] [analysis]
II 87,21forma».
II 87,22Iuuenalis in IIII:


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 23 October 2024]