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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 14 (De praepositione)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. III, p. 31 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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III 31,1Graecarum accipiuntur, ut dictum est, praepositionum, ut supra caelum,
III 31,2ὑπὲρ τὸν οὐρανόν, infra terram, ὑπὸ τὴν γῆν, ideo non penitus
215a331,2book 144111 non: " (215a4=31,2) irrationabiliter: "
III 31,3irrationabiliter ab artium scriptoribus Latinarum inter praepositiones
III 31,4quoque sunt receptae.
III 31,5inueniuntur tamen in aliis etiam partibus praepositiuae, non tamen
215a6c31,5215a1book 14543 inveniuntur: (m.l.) .i. alaaili diib hí/ remthechtas ut/ prepositiones alaaili dano/ it coitchenra eter/ remthechtas et/ tiarmoracht ut/ hic..
[‘i.e. some of them in anteposition, as praepositives, others then are common both in anteposition and in postposition, as hic’] [analysis]
III 31,6semper nec omnes ad eandem speciem pertinentes, ut ne aduerbium
III 31,7dehortandi et hic pronomen praepositiuum, quod tamen licet etiam
III 31,8postponere, ut hic homo et homo hic nulla ordinis confusione tam a
215a10d31,8215a2book 14543 nulla: .i. ni fail chumscugud ṅhuirdd and huare is dilmain ṅdo chechtar ṅhái
[‘i.e. there is no change of order there, because either is permissible to it’] [analysis]
III 31,9poetis quam a sine metro scribentibus bene dicitur. iure igitur sola haec
215a11e31,9215a3book 14211 (bene) dicitur: cáineperr
[‘it is well said’] [analysis]
III 31,10pars, id est praepositio, a loco, quem proprium possidet, nomen accepit.
215a1231,10book 144121 loco: " (ibid.) quem: "
215a12f31,10215a4book 14543 proprium: .i. arremṡuidigud do rannaib
[‘i.e. their being placed before parts of speech’] [analysis]
III 31,11saepe et uerbis desunt praepositiones, ut Virgilius in I:
215a1331,11book 144143 desunt: .- (215a15=31,13) et: .-
215a13g31,11215a5book 14543 desunt: .i. ní biat remsuidigthi friu huaraib
[‘i.e. sometimes there are no prepositions with them’] [analysis]
215a14h31,11book 1452 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
III 31,12«una eurusque notusque ruunt»,
III 31,13pro eruunt, et praepositionibus uerba, ut idem in III:
215a15i31,13215a6book 14543 prepositionibus: biit remsuidigthi huaraib cenbriathra leo
[‘there are sometimes prepositions without verbs by them’] [analysis]
III 31,14«o mihi sola mei super Astyanactis imago»,
215a16k31,14book 1452 [o mihi] sola etc.: (m.l.) virgilius
III 31,15super pro superes.
III 31,16compositae praepositiones cum aliis partibus in illarum potestatem
215a17l31,16book 1453 +compositae .. etc.: (m.l.) .T. retro (cf. 214a1=28,15 c)
215a17m31,16book 143232 illarum: .i. partium
III 31,17concedunt, ut incuruus, adoro, abhinc, proinde; nam in absque magis
215a18n31,17215a7book 14211 concedunt: foscochet
[‘they remove’] [analysis]
215a19o31,17215a8book 144228 nam: is airi nithabur són
[‘therefore I do not give this’] [analysis]
215a1931,17book 144141 magis: " (215a20=31,18) quam: "
III 31,18additio est que syllabae, ut diximus, quam coniunctio. uerba, quia
215a2031,18book 144141 verba: .- (ibid.) quia: .- (215a21=31,19) significant: .-
215a20p31,18215a9book 14541 verba: (m.l.) .i. nert nainmnich/thae pronominis hicetni per/sin brethre ⁊ nert na/inmnedo anmmae/ hitertpersin brethre ⁊ n/ert togarthado hí/persin tánáisi brethre
[‘i.e. the force of naming a pronoun (is) in the first person of a verb, and the force of a nominative of a noun in the third person of a verb, and the force of a vocative in the second person of a verb’] [analysis]
III 31,19nominatiuum semper significant uel uocatiuum, ideo in compositione semper
III 31,20habent praepositiones, quomodo et nominatiui nominum et uocatiui.
215a2231,20book 144143 habent: " (ibid.) quomodo: "
III 31,21est quando praepositio loco coniunctionis, ut dictum est, accipitur
III 31,22tam apud Graecos quam apud nos, ut propter te, hoc est tui causa;
215a25q31,22215a10book 14541 propter: .i. aicsenogud comacomuil do buith híremsuidigud
[‘i.e. giving the reason why a conjunction is in a preposition’] [analysis]
III 31,23tunc enim loco causalis coniunctionis accipitur, quando διά Graecam
215a26r31,23book 144221 accipitur: .i. propter
215a27s31,23book 14423 [grae]cam: prepositionem
215a27t31,23book 144221 significat: propter
III 31,24significat. Virgilius in IIII Aeneidos:
215a27u31,24book 1452 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
III 31,25«te propter Libycae gentes Nomadumque tyranni /
215a27w31,25book 14111[?] 572 té: aenea
III 31,26odere»;
III 31,27quando uero παρά significat, praepositionis uim sine dubio defendit. idem
215a30x31,27book 1452 idem poeta: (m.l.) virgilius
III 31,28poeta in VIIII:
III 31,29«siue Padi ripis Athesim seu propter amoenum».


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 11 March 2025]