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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 6 (De nominatiuo et genetiuo casu)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 248 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 248,1Socrate? an quidem non dubium est, quin ab Alcibiade?».
II 248,2Trogus Pompeius in libro VI: «inde Scepsim petit, quo se
II 248,3Midias interfecta socru contulerat. is a Derculide petito
II 248,4colloquio». M(arcus) Velleius Paterculus libro I: «nec minus clarus
II 248,5ea tempestate fuit Miltiadis filius Cimon». Plinius in II
II 248,6naturalis historiae: «ab Euclide», in III: «Thucydide, Calliphane»,
104b14c248,6104b1book 63116 313 tucidide etc.: .i. foxlidi tresdiil [543] inso sís a nominibus tiagdde in .es.
[‘i.e. these below are ablatives of the third declension, from nouns that end in -es’] [analysis]
II 248,7in IIII: «Philistide, Anticlide, Philonide», in V: Sotade, in VI:
II 248,8«Simonide minore», in VII: «Agatharchide, Apollonide, Duride,
104b15248,8book 64111 simonide: " (ibid.) minore: "
104b15d248,8104b2book 6541 58 minore: .i. toglenamon són
[‘i.e. this (is) an addition’] [analysis]
II 248,9Heraclide Pontico, Asclepiade», in XI: Heracleote, in XII:
II 248,10Mneside, in XV: Commiade, in XXXVII: Euripide. possunt tamen ea, si
II 248,11producte proferantur, datiui esse Graeci pro ablatiuis, quomodo Virgilius:
104b21e248,11book 652 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
II 248,12«uno comitatus Achatē».
II 248,13Iuuenalis:
II 248,14«Penelopē melius, leuius torquetis Arachnē».
104b23f248,14104b3book 6214 563 spicum: ainmm ṅ airm
[‘name of a weapon’] [analysis]
II 248,15in is desinentia longam cuiuscumque sint generis Latina ablata s,
104b24248,15book 64111 is: " (104b25=248,15) longuam: "
II 248,16addita tis faciunt genetiuum, ut haec līs litis, hic et haec dīs ditis
104b27248,16book 64121 dis: .- (104b28=248,17) unde: .-
II 248,17(unde hi et hae dites et haec ditia, cuius nominatiuum singularem in
104b28248,17book 64121 ditia: : (ibid.) cuius: :
II 248,18usu non inueni. debet tamen secundum analogiam hoc dite esse. nam
II 248,19in is finiri neutrum non potest. Lucanus in VIIII:
104b30g248,19104b4book 6543 *is: connách ase ditia dobuith uandí as dis.
[‘so that it is not possible for ditia to be from dis’] [analysis]


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 8 September 2024]