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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 8 (De uerbo)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 403 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 403,1idem in IIII:
146b5f403,1book 852 idem: (m.l.) virgilius
II 403,2«labitur infelix Dido».
II 403,3similiter lauo lauas et lauo lauis, sed lauis magis pro umectas
146b6g403,3146b2book 8211 lavo (lavas): .i. dofonuch
[‘i.e. I wash (away)’] [analysis]
146b6h403,3146b3book 8211 lavo (lavis): .i. folcaimm
[‘i.e. I wash’] [analysis]
146b7i403,3book 825 331 umectas: .i. umecto
II 403,4dicitur. Virgilius in X:
146b7k403,4book 852 virgilius: (m.l.) virgilius
II 403,5«uisceribus super incumbens lauit inproba taeter /
146b8403,5book 813 visceribus super inc,umbens lavit improba téter ,
II 403,6ora cruor».
II 403,7sunt tamen alia, quae cum coniugatione mutant significationem, ut mando,
146b10l403,7book 8212 [sig]nificationem: intellectum {= K 60v13 f .i. add. K.}
146b10m403,7146b4book 8211 23 mando (.. mandas): .i. imtrénigim {cf. K 60v13 g mitto}
[‘i.e. I assure’] [analysis]
II 403,8ἐντέλλομαι, mandas, mando, μασῶμαι, mandis; fundo, θεμελιῶ,
146b10n403,8book 852 ενθελλολμαι: (m.l.) greca
146b11o403,8146b5book 8211 23 mando (.. mandis): .i. ithim {cf. K 60v14 h .i. edo}
[‘i.e. I eat’] [analysis]
146b11p403,8book 8212 23 fundo (.. fundas): fundamentum pono {= K 60v14 i .i. add. K.}
II 403,9fundas, fundo, ἐκχέω, fundis; obsero, περιβάλλω τὸν μοχλόν, obseras,
146b12q403,9146b6book 8211 23 fundo (.. fundis): dodálim {= K 60v14 k .i. dudálim}
[‘I pour out’] [analysis]
146b13r403,9146b7book 8211 23 [ob]ser (.. obseras): fescrigim
[‘I grow towards evening (fescor)’] [analysis]
146b14s403,9146b8book 8211 23 [ob]ser (.. obseris): clandaim {cf. K 60v15 m .i. asindiut clandaim}
[‘I plant’] [analysis]
II 403,10obsero, περισπείρω, obseris; appello, προσαγορεύω, appellas, appello,
146b14t403,10146b9book 8211 23 appello (.. appellas): adgládur {cf. K 60v16 o alloquor}
[‘I address’] [analysis]
146b15u403,10146b10book 8211 23 appello (.. appellis): inárbenim {cf. K 60v16 p eiicio}
[‘I drive out’] [analysis]
II 403,11προσωθῶ, appellis; uolo, πέτομαι, uolas, uolo, βούλομαι, uis;
146b16w403,11146b11book 8211 23 volo (.. volas): follúur
[‘I fly’] [analysis]
146b16x403,11146b12book 8211 23 volo (.. vis): adcobraim
[‘I wish’] [analysis]
146b17y403,11146b13book 8211 23 consternor (consternaris): fobothaim {= 60v17 q .i. add. K.}
[‘I am frightened’] [analysis]
II 403,12consternor, πτύρομαι, consternaris, consternor, καταστρώννυμαι, consterneris.
146b18z403,12146b14book 8211 consternor (consterneris): fommálagar {= 60v17 r}
[‘I am cast down’] [analysis]
146b18aa403,12156book 8211 +consternor: foalgim
II 403,13nam lego legas et lego legis et dico dicas et dico dicis etiam in
146b19bb403,13146b15book 8543 nam: .i. Ar atá dechor naimsire hi suidib lacumscugud/ coibedne non sic predicta {cf. K 60v18 s (m.l.) non dico haec non enim so/lum coniugationem./ ⁊ intellectum/ motant verum/ etiam tempora.,}
[‘i.e. for there is a difference of time in them along with the shifting of the conjugation’] [analysis]
II 403,14prima persona habent differentias temporum: nam lēgo lēgas et dīco
146b21403,14book 84142 habent: (ibid.) nam:
II 403,15dīcis producunt paenultimas, lĕgo lĕgis et dĭco dĭcas corripiunt.
II 403,16sunt alia, quae una uoce et una coniugatione diuersas tamen habent
II 403,17significationes, ut torreo tam uro quam uerto uel uoluo significat.
146b25cc403,17book 8212 significationes: intellectus {= K 60v21 t .i. intellectús}
II 403,18Virgilius in IIII georgicon:
146b26dd403,18book 852 *virgilius: (m.l.) virgilii/ georgicon .III.
II 403,19«iam rapidus torrens sitientis Sirius Indos».
II 403,20Lucanus in VII:
II 403,21«ingentes fato torrente ruinas».
146b28403, 858?[?] (m.l.) .. (ingentes .. di[ligo] sine erroribus)


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 15 February 2025]