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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 12 (De pronomine)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 584 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 584,1eo deriuatur, possessiuum est omnis tertiae personae, ut suus illius,
II 584,2istius, ipsius, huius, eius. illud quoque sciendum, quod sui non solum
II 584,3ἑαυτοῦ uel ἑοῦ, sed etiam αὐτοῦ uel οὗ significat, id est non
199a38e584,3book 12221 εαυτου: .i. sui
199a38584,3book 124143 εαυτου: .. (199a42=584,6) cum: ..
II 584,4solum tunc refertur ad tertiam personam, quando ipsa in se agit per
199a39584,4book 124143 refertur: .. (199a42=584,6) sed: ..
199a39f584,4199a2book 12543 ipsa: .i. aggním féisne immeḟolṅgai cesad fuiri
[‘i.e. its own action causes passion on it’] [analysis]
II 584,5reciprocationem, id est κατ᾽ ἀντανακλασμόν uel αὐτοπάθειαν, ut ille sui
199a41h584,5book 12221 αιτοπαθειαν: reversionem
II 584,6miseretur uel sibi prodest uel se custodit, sed etiam cum ipsa agit et
199a42i584,6book 123232 ipsa: .i. persona tertia
199a42k584,6199a3book 124226 agit: .i. for nach naile
[‘i.e. on some other’] [analysis]
II 584,7sic alia in ipsam, id est cum retransitiue dicitur, ut Terentius in
199a42l584,7199a5book 12543 sic: (m.d.) .i. Gniid sem for nach/ naile hinunn 7/ gniid side conim/molṅgai side cesad/ fuiri sidi .-
[‘i.e. it acts on some other, and this (other) acts so as to cause passion on it’] [analysis]
199a42m584,7book 124226 ipsam: .i. intesi
[‘i.e. into it’] [analysis]
199a m.i.n193book 1259 (m.i.) ní mmall
[‘it is not slow’] [analysis]
199b1a584,7book 124221 *retransit: .i. actio
199b1b584,7199b1book 12543 dicitur: .i. gnim doneuch forrochongart. cesad doneuch forrorcongrad. gním iarum dondí dodechuid cesad dondí cosatuidches.
[‘i.e. action to him who has ordered: passion to him that has been ordered: action, then, to him who has come: passion to him who has been come to’] [analysis]
II 584,8Andria:
II 584,9«orare iussit † era, si se ames, ut ad se uenias».
199b2c584,9book 12566[?] era: .i. proprium mulieris
II 584,10

de personis

II 584,11personae pronominum sunt tres, prima, secunda, tertia. prima est,
199b4584,11book 124143 prima (est): : (199b6=584,13) [(sermone) lo]quitur: :
199b4d584,11199b2book 1252 prima (est): .i. hérchoiliud cetnae persine
[‘i.e. a definition of the first person’] [analysis]
II 584,12cum ipsa, quae loquitur, de se pronuntiat; secunda, cum de ea, ad quam
199b4584,12book 124143 pronunti[at]: " (199b5=584,12) cum: " (199b6=584,13) cum: " (ibid.) quae: "
199b5e584,12book 1252 secunda: diffinitio
199b5f584,12book 123232 ea: secunda
199b5g584,12book 123222 quam: secundam
II 584,13directo sermone loquitur; tertia, cum de ea, quae nec loquitur nec ad se
199b6h584,13book 124221 (sermone) loquitur: prima
199b6i584,13book 1252 tertia: diffinitio
199b6k584,13book 123232 ea: .i. tertia
II 584,14directum accipit sermonem. nam si dicamus, prima est, quae loquitur,
199b7l584,14book 124221 accipit: .i. tertia
199b7m584,14199b3book 124228 nam: .i. is airi ité inna fír érchóilte inso do biur. nam reliqua
[‘i.e. therefore these are the true definitions that I give, nam etc.’] [analysis]
199b7n584,14199b4book 12543 si: (subs.) .i. mad he herchoiliud cétne persine insin .i. conibbé .dese. and.
[‘i.e. if that be the definition of the first person, i.e. that de se be not there’] [analysis]
II 584,15potest nihil de se loqui, sed de secunda uel tertia, et fit dubitatio;
199b8o584,15199b5book 12541 nihil: (m.s.) nil de se loqui .i. conicsom hisuidiu nad/ labrathar dese sech nach persin. indṡainriuth.-
[‘i.e. it is able here not to speak de se rather than any person especially’] [analysis]
199b8p584,15199b6book 12543 loqui: (m.l.) .i. ní labrathar/ difeisne amal/ sodain.
[‘i.e. it speaks not of itself in that case’] [analysis]
199b9q584,15book 124226 dubitatio: .i. in diffinitione
199b9r584,15199b7book 12543 similiter: .i. maní bé directo sermone and is inderb iarum in prima nodlabrathar / tertia
[‘i.e. if directo sermone be not there, it is uncertain then whether prima says it or tertia’] [analysis]
II 584,16similiter de secunda si dicamus, ad quam loquitur, potest intellegi et ad
199b10584,16book 124142 potest: .- (199b10=584,17) nam: .-
II 584,17primam et ad tertiam: nam locutio ipsa pertinet non solum ad secundam,
199b10s584,17book 12543 locutio: .i. ad quam loquitur
II 584,18sed etiam ad primam et ad tertiam; de tertia quoque si dicamus, de qua
199b11t584,18199b8book 12543 sed: .i. is coitchen doib huili
[‘i.e. it is common to them all’] [analysis]
II 584,19loquitur, commune inuenitur trium personarum: nam et de prima et de
199b12u584,19199b9book 12543 loquitur: .i. mad ed nammá no bed isind herchóiliud
[‘i.e. if that alone were in the definition’] [analysis]
199b12584,19book 124142 commune: " (199b13=584,19) nam: "
199b13w584,19199b10book 12543 (de) prima: .i. cetna persan di féisin
[‘i.e. the first person of itself’] [analysis]
II 584,20secunda et de tertia loquitur. melius igitur Apollonius, quem nos,
II 584,21quantum potuimus, sequi destinauimus, praepositis personarum
199b15x584,21199b11book 12543 3116 prepossitis (..difinitionibus): .i. huanaib herchoiltib tóisechaib
[‘i.e. (made use) of the first definitions’] [analysis]
II 584,22definitionibus est usus.
II 584,23enucleatim tamen in singulari numero prima dicitur persona: nam in
199b16584,23book 124142 singulari: .- (199b17=584,23) nam: .-
II 584,24plurali conceptionem facit aliarum personarum, hoc est secundarum uel
II 584,25tertiarum; secundarum quidem, quando ad ipsas praesentes loquitur, ut
199b18584,25book 124122 secundarum: " (199b19=584,25) ipsas: "


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 13 September 2024]