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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 5 (De generibus, de numeris, de figuris, de casu)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 156 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 156,1generis, quae sunt indeclinabilia. Graeca uero tam in as quam in alias
65b31q156,165b7book 53223 indeclinabilia: a triur
[‘the three of them’] [analysis]
65b32156,1book 553 greca: (m.l.) F" (cf. 67b22=161,17)
II 156,2quascumque syllabas terminantia eadem seruant apud nos genera, quae
65b33156,2book 54121 gene[ra]: " (65b34=156,2) quae: "
II 156,3habent apud Graecos, si eandem seruant terminationem etiam apud
65b34156,3book 54142 si: /. (65b36=156,4) enim: /.
65b34156,3book 54143 servant: :- (65b43=156,10) es: :-
65b34r156,365b8book 5543 termina[tionem]: mani·cumsciget tairmorcenn ni·cumsciget cenel
[‘if they do not change the ending, they do not change the gender’] [analysis]
II 156,4Latinos, quam habent apud illos. in multis enim uidemus commutatione
65b35s156,4book 53232 illos: grecos
65b36t156,465b9book 5543 *commotationem: con·osciget chenel ma chon·oschiget tairmorcien
[‘they change the gender if they change the termination’] [analysis]
II 156,5terminationis genera quoque esse conuersa, ut ὁ κρατήρ haec cratera, ὁ
65b37u156,5book 5221 ο (κρατηρ): hic
65b38w156,565b10book 5211 cratera: airedech
[‘vessel’] [analysis]
II 156,6χάρτης haec charta, ὁ κηρός haec cera, ὁ ἀμφορεύς haec amphora, ὁ
II 156,7πάνθηρ haec panthera. Horatius in II epistularum:
65b40x156,7book 5214 563 panthera: nomen bestiae .i. genus quadripedis ut cicero ostendit
II 156,8«diuersum confusa genus panthera camelo /
II 156,9siue elephas albus uulgi conuerterit ora».
II 156,10in es correptam [si sint apud Graecos] communia uel mobilia, quae
65b43y156,1065b11book 54228 53 (in) es: (subs.) .i. communia sunt. iss ed saiges sís reliqua
[‘i.e. they are among the common nouns: this is what it goes with below’] [analysis]
65b43z156,10book 5423 (in es) correptam: disinentia
II 156,11illi τριγενῆ uocant. hoc autem etiam ex ipsa rerum significatione potest
66a1a156,11book 53232 illi: greci
66a1b156,11book 5423 *trigena: .i. soni vel generis
66a1c156,1166a1book 5211 *trigena: .i. treceneli {cf. E 44r28 .i. trium generum}
[‘i.e. belonging to three genders’] [analysis]
66a2d156,1166a2book 5543 rerum: inna dule for·dingrat
[‘of the elements which they express’] [analysis]
66a2e156,11book 53232 potest: communia esse vel mobilia
II 156,12cognosci in omnibus appellatiuis, utrum possint necne femininorum
66a3156,12book 54143 pos[sint]: .- (66a4=156,13) adiectiva: .- (ibid.) vel: .-
66a4156,12book 54143 [pos]sint: " (ibid.) necne: "
66a4f156,1266a3book 5211 necne: fanacc
[‘or not’] [analysis]
II 156,13quoque esse adiectiua uel etiam neutrorum. quod si ipsa exigat significatio,
66a5g156,13book 53223 ipsa: .i. bete neuturaldi
[‘i.e. to be neutrals’] [analysis]
II 156,14in es desinentia communia sunt, ut hebĕs tam de mare quam de
66a6h156,1466a5book 5211 hebes: .i. mall baéth
[‘i.e. slow or stupid’] [analysis]
66a7i156,1466a6book 5211 *(de) mare: emid di fiur
[‘(as much of a woman) so much of a man’] [analysis]
II 156,15femina dicitur (significat enim tardus et tarda), milĕs quoque hic et
66a7k156,1566a7book 5211 tardus: .i. mall doe
[‘i.e. slow or dull’] [analysis]
II 156,16haec milĕs. Ouidius in II metamorphoseon de Callistone loquens:
66a9l156,16book 5543 calistone: milite
II 156,17«miles erat Phoebes, nec Maenalon attigit ulla /
66a9m156,1766a8book 5543 211 miles: banmíl
[‘a female soldier’] [analysis]
66a9156,17book 54112 miles: " (66a10=156,17) phoebes: "
66a10n156,17book 5566[?] phoebes: nomen mulieris
II 156,18gratior hac Triuiae: sed nulla potentia longa est».
66a11o156,1866a9book 5572 triviae: diame {= E 44v2}
II 156,19similiter praepĕs, qui et quae in altum uolat, terĕs quoque
66a12p156,1966a10book 54228 similiter: coitchen són dano
[‘this, then, is common’] [analysis]
66a12q156,1966a11book 5211 prepes: dian {cf. E 44v3 .i. velox}
[‘swift’] [analysis]
66a12r156,1966a12book 5211 teres: cruind
[‘round’] [analysis]
II 156,20rotundus et rotunda, comĕs a comitando, quod tam ad mares quam ad
66a13s156,20book 5541 rotunda: (m.l.) et rotundum
66a13t156,2066a13book 5211 comes: coimthechtid
[‘a companion’] [analysis]
II 156,21feminas pertinet, et omnia similiter utrique generi conuenientia: diuĕs,
66a15u156,21book 5423 omnia: predicta nomina
II 156,22superstĕs, quadrupĕs, inquiĕs, sospĕs etiam et hospĕs. Lucanus in V:
66a16w156,2266a14book 5211 inquies: ecmailt
[‘unquiet’] [analysis]
66a16156,22book 54122 sospes: .- (66a17=156,22) hospes: .- (66a18=157,2) haec: .-


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 15 February 2025]