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Priscian, Ars grammatica: book 1 (De uoce, de littera)

Text of Priscian from Hertz ed., Grammatici Latini, vol. II, p. 11 (not a transcription from the St Gall manuscript).

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II 11,1apud antiquissimos Graecorum non plus sedecim erant literae, quibus
5b2211,1book 14122 grecorum: : (5b23=11,2) illis: :
5b2211,1book 14121 XVI.: " (5b23=11,1) [qui]bus: " (5b23=11,2) acceptis: "
5b22t11,1book 1541 XVI.: .i. α.βγδεικλμνοπρστυ. postea enim hae duae vocales inventae sunt .i. est η ⁊ ω ⁊ hae tres duplices ζξψ ⁊ hae tres aspiratae .i. θφχ ..-
II 11,2ab illis acceptis Latini antiquitatem seruauerunt perpetuam. nam si
5b2311,2book 14111 antiquitatem: ., (5b24=11,2) perpetuam: .,
5b2411,2book 14142 servaverunt: .- (ibid.) nam: .-
5b24u11,25b5book 1543 perpetuam: .i. suthain dano la laitnori ani-sin
[‘i.e. that then is perpetual with the Latins’] [analysis]
5b2411,2book 14141 nam: " (5b25=11,3) non: " (5b26=11,4) invenimus: "
II 11,3uerissime uelimus inspicere eas [hoc est sedecim], non plus duas additas in
5b2511,3book 153 duas: (m.l.) ,,,- (cf. 6a33=12,5)
5b25w11,3book 1541 duas: .i. k ⁊ x {cf. K 4v33 c, E 6v1 f ⁊ x}
II 11,4Latino inueniemus sermone:
II 11,5Ϝ Aeolicum digamma, quod apud antiquissimos Latinorum eandem uim
5b27x11,5book 152 Ϝ: (m.d.) Ϝ
5b27y11,55b6book 1541 Ϝ: .i. quasi dixisset nírbu liter ade connaue
[‘i.e. as if he had said it was not a letter till lately’] [analysis]
5b27z11,55b7book 1543 541 Ϝ: (m.l.) vel carachtar digaim quod non bonum
[‘or the character digamma, quod, etc.’] [analysis]
5b27aa11,5book 1313 digamma: neutur híc digamma
[‘digamma is here neuter’]
5b27bb11,55b8book 1211 35 quod: ol
[‘because’] [analysis]
5b2711,5book 14141 quod: : (5b29=11,6) habuit: :
II 11,6quam apud Aeolis habuit. eum autem prope sonum, quem nunc habet,
5b29cc11,6book 14221 habuit: f
5b29dd11,65b9book 1543 prope: emith in fogur n-ísin
[‘such as that sound’] [analysis]
5b30ee11,6book 14221 habet: f {= E 6v3 text. princ.}
II 11,7significabat p cum aspiratione, sicut etiam apud ueteres Graecos pro φ π
5b31ff11,7book 14228 etiam: erat
5b3111,7book 14142 etiam: " (ibid.) π: " (5b31=11,8) ├: " (5b32=11,8) unde: "
II 11,8et, unde nunc quoque in Graecis nominibus antiquam scripturam
5b31gg11,8book 1221 ├: .i. dasis {= E 6v4 .i. dasian}
5b32hh11,8book 1215 (antiquam) scripturam: .i. ut apud veteres fuit
II 11,9seruamus pro φ p et h ponentes, ut Orpheus, Phaethon. postea uero in
5b34ii11,9book 1566[?] [or]pheus: proprium {= E 6v6}
5b34kk11,95b11book 1543 postea: .i. la nue-litridi
[‘i.e. with recent writers’] [analysis]
II 11,10Latinis uerbis placuit pro p et h f scribi, ut fama, filius, facio,
5b3511,10book 14141 4142 placuit: " (ibid.) f: " (ibid.) scribi: " (5b36=11,11) autem: "
II 11,11loco autem digamma u pro consonante, quod cognatione soni uidebatur
5b36ll11,11book 14228 digammae: .i. placuit .u. scríbi {cf. L 11v15 n .scilicet. placuit scribi}
6a1a11,116a1book 1543 pro (consonante): .i. in tan ṁbís ar chonsain
[‘i.e. when it is for a consonant’] [analysis]
6a111,11book 14141 quod: .- (ibid.) vide[batur]: .-
6a1b11,116a2book 1211 soni: foguir
[‘of the sound’] [analysis]
II 11,12affinis esse digamma ea litera. quare cum f loco mutae ponatur [id est p
6a2c11,126a3book 1543 affinis: comocus a fogur díb línaib
[‘the sound of them both is akin’] [analysis]
6a2d11,12book 13114 digammae: dativus {cf. E 6v8 dativus casus}
6a3e11,12book 152 cum f loco mutae ponatur: (m.l.) I
6a311,12book 14141 4142 quare: " (6a4=11,13) miror: " (6a5=11,13) possuisse: " (ibid.) scriptores: " (6a5=11,14) enim: " (6a7=11,15) sed: " {cf. E 6v8-9 quare " > miror " }
II 11,13et h siue φ], miror hanc inter semiuocales posuisse artium scriptores:
6a4f11,136a4book 1211 miror: admachdur-sa .i. is machdad limm
[‘I marvel i.e. I wonder’] [analysis]
II 11,14nihil enim aliud habet haec litera semiuocalis nisi nominis prolationem, quae
II 11,15a uocali incipit. sed hoc potestatem mutare literae non debuit: si enim
6a8g11,156a5book 1543 potestatem: ni cumscaichthi cumachtae n-airi ce do·inscana-sí ó guthaigthi
[‘the power (of the letter) is not to be changed from it, although it begins with a vowel’] [analysis]
6a9h11,15book 152 Sí enim: (m.l.) II
II 11,16esset semiuocalis, necessario terminalis nominum inueniretur, quod minime
6a911,16book 14123 esset: " (ibid.) semivocalis: "
6a9i11,16book 134 necessario: adverbium
6a10k11,166a6book 1543 [termi]nalis: for·ceinnfitis anmmann inte
[‘nouns would be ended in it’] [analysis]
6a10l11,166a7book 1541 minime: acht a aimm féisin
[‘save its own name’] [analysis]
II 11,17reperies, nec ante l uel r in eadem syllaba poni posset, qui locus
6a11m11,17book 152 Nec: (m.l.) III
6a11n11,17book 14228 Nec: sí semivocalis esset {cf. L 11v20 p si est semivocalis Ϝ.}
6a12o11,176a8book 13226[?] (qui) locus: buith re lechdachaib {cf. L 11v20 q precedere liquidas}
[‘being before liquids’] [analysis]
II 11,18mutarum est dum taxat, nec communem ante easdem posita faceret syllabam.
6a13p11,18book 152 Nec: (m.l.) IIII
6a13q11,18book 14228 communem: sí esset semivocalis
6a13r11,18book 13232 easdem: liquidas literas
6a14s11,18book 1543 faceret: ut facit
II 11,19postremo Graeci, quibus in omnia doctrinae auctoribus utimur, φ, cuius
6a14t11,19book 152 Postremo: (m.l.) V
6a14u11,19book 134 Postremo: adverbium
6a1411,19book 14141 Postremo: ., (ibid.) greci: ., (6a19=11,21) confirmant: .,
II 11,20locum apud nos f obtinet, quod ostenditur in his maxime dictionibus, quas
II 11,21a Graecis sumpsimus, hoc est fama, fuga, fur, mutam esse
6a18w11,216a9book 1541 53 sumpsimus: (m.l.) níbbu machdath betis grecdi ⁊ nothath foraib linni ⁊ dano it latindi amal ṡodain ut dixit prius. in latinis verbis placuit .f usque facio ,.
[‘it were no wonder that they were Greek and...; and yet they are Latin in that case, ut dixit, etc. [transl. Hofman: it were no wonder that they were Greek since we call them loan-words; and yet they are Latin in that case, as he said before: ‘In Latin words it seemed proper (.. to write) ,f’’ until ,facio’ (do)]’] [analysis]
II 11,22confirmant. sciendum tamen, quod hic quoque error a quibusdam antiquis
6a20x11,226a10book 1543 error: .i. arám f la leth-guthaigthi
[‘i.e. to count f with the semivowels’] [analysis]
II 11,23Graecorum grammaticis inuasit Latinos, qui φ et θ et χ semiuocales putabant,
6a21y11,236a11book 1541 invassit: .i. tre intṡamail inna sen-grec comroircnech
[‘i.e. through imitation of the erroneous ancient Greeks’] [analysis]
6a21z11,23book 1221 χ: chí {= E 6v20}
II 11,24nulla alia causa, nisi quod spiritus in eis abundet, inducti. quod si esset
6a22aa11,246a13book 1543 336[?] nulla: .á n-amtar duidchi-sidi ó nach ochun aili
[‘when they were not led from any other cause’] [analysis]
6a2211,24book 14141 nulla: ., (6a23=11,24) inducti: .,
6a23bb11,246a12book 1211 spiritus: tinphed
[‘aspiration’] [analysis]
6a24cc11,246a14book 1211 3231 quod: aní-sin
[‘that’] [analysis]
II 11,25uerum, debuit c quoque uel t addita aspiratione semiuocalis esse, quod
II 11,26omni caret ratione: spiritus enim potestatem literae non mutat, unde nec
6a2611,26book 14142 caret: , (ibid.) ratione: ,
6a26dd11,266a15book 1211 spiritus: a tinphed
[‘its (lit. her) aspiration’] [analysis]
II 11,27uocales addita aspiratione aliae fiunt et aliae ea dempta. hoc tamen scire
6a2811,27book 14143 *aspiratione: " (ibid.) demp[ta]: "
6a28ee11,276a16book 1211 aliae (fiunt): saini
[‘different’] [analysis]
6a28ff11,276a16abook 1211 (et) aliae: saini
[‘different’] [analysis]
6a29gg11,27book 134 tamen: .i. quamvis muttam dico


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Conspectus siglorum


St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 (a. 851)
Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, BPL 67 (a. 838)
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Aug. perg. CXXXII (s. IXb)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Latin 10290 (s. IXc–d)
Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Cod. A 138 sup. (s. IX)
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 229 (C.1.8) (s. XI)


[ ]
the enclosed part is in the preceding or following line in the MS
the gloss is not in the hand of the usual glossator A (in all MSS)
the gloss explains a corrupt lemma and/or sentence


id est/ed-ón
= spiritus asper
< >
part of the gloss is illegible [note: < > sometimes also enclose later additions in the MS; these are being revised and distinguished with ( )]
[ ]
letters which should be deleted
letters marked as deleted (but legible) in the MS
Rijcklof Hofman, Pádraic Moran, Bernhard Bauer, St Gall Priscian Glosses, version 2.1 (2023) <> [accessed 15 February 2025]